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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
t:: o-zccri daily jcu.::al; rcrnxAiiD, -:.:u7.:day ::vz:jino, octo: TODAY'S MARKETS DRIED APPLES GO UP If PRICE Shortage of Supplies Through- out. Country , Causes a .' ' . Spirited Advance. BEANS STIFFEN AND . V. MAKE A SMALL RISE 'Japanese , Are :' Buying . yiour More ! Freely Further Drop In Hop v Market pressed;; Meat Not ; So . Firm. . r ..'. ...; l FTot Street, Oct. St. Tb principal featoree of tba Portland wholesale market today arai Pried apple mnch higher. . ' Xean prlcca etlffea and rise. V. ' ' I'Milcd banana do aot Belt , ' ". Vlawa of apple holder ar high, ' iiapaaee arc anrnif riour. Wbeit and floar both firm at rlaa. ' New laoMina ar rather green. Ilwacar araaberrlaa Is flus shape. Salmon receipt ar r Preened meata not a firm. .. Kxxs and chlckana ar firm. v V Farther drop la bop market. " f ' Arapr martst t much muddled. : ' . . Demand for fancy potato eontlanc. - Onloa ar doll bat firm. . . Dried Apple Ar Maofc Hlf bar. ' O account of th abort- crop of apple tbnmcbont tit United State aod tb Indif ferent anppllea a year ago, the aa arret on tb dried article I very firm and prlcea ar from . lo to IVi poand higher la tbk) eity. A year ago dried apple eon Id b freely parcbaaad at . Ibl tlm aroaad tSidff 8 poand. wbli today lb beet price that tba earn fralt can Jie - purcbaaed' at I 8a poand, and from that tba ealuea nil Bp to 9c a poand. Evan at the tiuotatlona apple ar not aa freely offered aa might be aupooaed. California dryers are r faring apple to tba local trade aroand TVin , f . o. b. porta there, which would make tba coat prlr bar to tba Jobbers la tba neighborhood of 8c a potud; tble wluwnt Including eartagu aad other charge. Aa tba California dried apple - la not to be compared with tba atorke freui r thai etate, titer I belief among tba trad Mr tliat present value are about tb lowest that will rub) dor lag tb 100 aeaaon. - - Other Dried Fraits Ala Tlghr. . Apple do not bar a atonopolr of tb od- Taaee In tb dried fralt market tb present aeaaon. Tbla rear there . waa a great ahortage In tba anppllea at aprieota hi California and tot that reeanar-alon .anna will roar nboot lVic per pound higher tpaa year ago. riaaaa wr also, very srarc, tb I , being - mar especially tree lb tb larger else."- AU prune ar about la higher today. than at tbla period a yea ago. Fear ahow a very great abortag thai aeaaon . aad th freah fruit rnled oonalderably higher than a year ago. Tb dried fralt I aot being offered very freely and price ar 1 nominal a yet. It la ' belle red. however.' tbat tbey will open about 1H btgher than lat aeaaon. reacbee likewise bowed a abort aopply during tb Htan of 1003 and prlcea om th. dried fruit ar about le higher than thoaa tbat rnled ' prerloua year. Bom amaU adranca waa likewise abowa la fig price. v Ba FrioM Stiffen and Kbe. T data tba bean market baa abowa nothing ' but, sever, deellnea la prlcca thla aeaaon. Tb '.section waa eonelderably Increaaad orer pr ' vloaa one aad jobber and broker loot. their bead aad i. bgaa . offarlnaT atoaka at -aajneb . ewe. figure. . at praaent .H . aeiiai that the .Berlin bar baaa a - trifle ton eerer -and , today' market la ' firm all the way tbrangb. .Beyeua. Lbnaa aad biexlcaa red ahow aa ad Taac tcday. .; - '.. . r - ,, - , , apaaaaa Ar Baylag Itrnr. , . ' ' Jtpaneee eader for floor ar again (a erldenc Ten at tb adrance of 16c quoted ha Tba Jonmal yaaturday. Tba internal trouble m Roaala. bar been a ' help to: tba entire market. Wheat la alee firm on thla account and today' Tain ar atroag. No Chang ainca th advance , f yaatarday. - MUbitnffa ar firm but un changed. . . . -, - DreeMd Meat Ar Vot S rirai. Draaaad meat price ar not no firmly held today and aom dealer are aakmg Me lea for dreeeed real tbaa yaatarday on account of tba better auppllea. Hog ar coming mar- freely and, although thai la n glut In tb market, ' th product do aot aw off quit aa well aa -formerly . - . , - - Egg aad ultry Una. Kgga and poultry ahow a very firm ton today. . lUctlpta of cblekene are a trifle more liberal, bat there at a call for everything that come at present quoted figure. Turkey ar rather .ararre aad demand la 'good. Tb beat ton . rem me la dressed Mock. Small aprlaga and fancy hen form th beat Inquiry in tb chicken market. Receipt of egg Jnat about equal tb 1 demand at printed prlcea. . ; Cwaoa OraaWrrie la lia Shapa. ' ' - Pjotne very ebolr eranberrlea ware waived let yesterday afternoon from Ilwaco, atocka , being of aa good quality aa tb beat received - from Jersey a year ago. Tba arrivals gold well at 111 a barrel. . All crAberry prioaa are bahf firmer. ; Tba. market la filled with chilled banana aad trade an tbla account la email. . . Moat of th lemona now la tba market ar rather green. On account of th demand price 'are atlff. . . .... Tb following prlcea are being paid along Trent (tract by tb retail trad for choice quality In round lota. Producera' price ar an epec Jfled: ' Srala. Hour aad Teed. ," , WHEAT New elob. T3c Red Uoaalaa, SSci blueetcm, T5t7: valley, T2(j73e. . BABLKT eed, 21.nitU.uUi rolled. I23.M , 02.1 00; brewing, 22.&0J23.00. CORK Whole. S37.W: cracked, 128.00 par . -ton. .-. 1 . BTB 158 par ewt. , OATS Producer' prica Wo. 1 Whit. 12. 54 C.OO: gray, 2S.0O. rLOlia New. eastera Oregon patent. $.! ' atralgtita. export. 83.e0tj.14o; va. .ley,. 83 1 Brakam. 14a, 80 i rye, AOs, 88.00; : bales, 82. tB. J MILiU)! I'f ro Dra, . aw loot tmiv dllng. 28.00; chnrta, country, 20.001 city,; 1 00: crop. 18.00. 1 ' H A I Producer' price Timothy, Willamette ;.lly,. fancy, 11.00018.00; ordinary, 7.000 '00; ee.tera Orgen. 14.00018.00; mlaxl, a.80t.00; clover, 80 00010001 grain, 8.800 8.00; cheat. 88.00C8.60. ' ir-.- '' Butter, Xgg and feulrry, i BCTTER 'lty creamery, S082te: uUl.h fancy, a7MO80a; ordinary, Vi alora, 14 ;JITc. ' . EOGS No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, 030e; cold elor.r and eaatern. S6tl27c. ; CHBKHaV New Pull cream, twin. 14018He , Tonne America. ltOlfiMci Cheddar, - 14e. . tiAMR Jackrabblta, 1 P don. PODWHY Fancy hern, 12V : rneater, aid. HU10 per lb; fryer, 1JV4 .per lb; broiler. lie pet lb; duck, 14t lie JOURNAL'S DAILY : TIPS TO SHIPPERS d4440 f "x . "8bm ahlppra of pear cannot ,. Underatand why they do not r- 4 vclv hlch a prlc for their 4 product pa . thlr next doof neighbor.' Both hav the Mm 4 rartety of fruit and quality la 4 xaetiy th aam. Th fault In' moat caaa lie in th packing;. It has bean found that a lnrg ' number or ahlppara do not pack their fruit . In proper ahap. ' Soma of th box received do not walgh within 1 pminda of what th legal welrht I and ft coyra the return reeelvwd for ; ' thla clana of fruit do not aattafy. ah Tour dealer wilt slra jrou th full ' reaaon. ' ; , . . .ahV ' i i THURSDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET - Dec .8114. May. .tlH )( Chicago ..... . New York..... Milwaukee .... Puluth ' Minneapolis Liverpool 8t. Loula Kanaaa City... Ban Frsnclaco. .884 11 d .84VHB .88UB t.itlt . 1 41 March. par lb; geeaa.' Be bar lb torkeya. lc per lb; dressed. Sue par lb; aquab. 2.5013.00, par do. , Eopa, Waal aad 814a. ' HOPS 1005 Oregoa, cbnlc; ItOISc; Washington, 10Ue 1808 crop, SHtOM tor choice. WOOL 1808 (lip, valley, aoara to medians, t4MtC23tt; fine. , Seil aaatara Orsgoa, lV22c. -0- IOH AIR Nominal, 80081c. ' SHKEPHK1NS H be ring, lSgSOe -ear abort wool, a&o0c each; medium wool, 80O70 aeh long wool. TVttgijOO arh. TAlXOtvi-Prime, peg lb. SUO! No. 8 aad (reaae, xi32He. CH1TTIM BABK SHR3 per m. ' HIDES Dry. No. 1. IS Iba and p. 18HO I7H per lb; dry kip. No. 1, S to IB Iba. 14c; dry calf. No. 1, under S Iba. 18c i altd kloss, terra, aound, 80 lb aad over. 10 lc; aowe, OVkUOHe: atega and boll, aound. OOTel kip, M to SO lb. Be; aalf. aonud. nnder 18 Iba. lie. green, anaaltrd. la leaa; . cull, le per lb t boreehlde. aalted, each, (l.ZnAl.TBt dry, erb. 1.0001.60: colt bldee, 2O50c; goet kln. commaav each, 1042 10a Angora, each. SftcQ rrnlta and VaawtoUa. POTATOES Beet Oregon, 8&c aacfc; car lots, 3t70e aarkt ordinary, 0OT8; awtota, 100 aack, f2.lotti.28 rt. ONIONS New Oregon yellow Daavera, 1J9 OlJlo; tor loto. (lOOi-Oftl garUe. 8 101 per lb, " rBKSH rKCtTS Apple. Oregon. 81.00O1 80; fancy, 81 .78; araBapplaa, 81.00; orangee, new aaveL - is JO: 1st V.fenH.s. 84.TBOS.2S: be. nan, 6e lb; lemona, cl.olc, - 3.A0iS.TB box isncy. M9.n nax; lime. Mexican, 91.ZS per iu. floeapplea, 4.00 do; pearb. fancy, 1.0J ) .2&; grapaa. Oragnn. 80t7oe; Concords 5s, 18u 0. 80c basket; CaUfornla. TBettklA: pear. 81.25ttl.60 per box;' Winter Nellie, f.SB pw box; pamaBTanataa, 1.28 per box; tangerines, 1.75. VMBTARLKaV-Tnrnlpa, new. 1.00 per aaek: carrota. (1.00 par aack; - beete, ' 1.00a 1.18 par aack; Oregon radian. 2ft per doa; calvoar. (aregon.. 81.00 lit 1.25 per ewt: green pepper. Be per lb: local tamatoe. 8040c; paranlpa, 1.00I.SB; atrlng bean. dOSet caallflower, T6rO1.00 doa; rhubarb. . per Ihj borwredlah. 10c per lb; artichoke. 40O 80c per doa: hothouse lettuce. l.Sfil.TS per box; green corn, 7.V par sack: cueumbera, T3e per aack; celery.' loraL 60l7Be per doa: eng- flant, 1.60 per crate; pnmpklna. lHe; aqnub, 14c: cranrierrle. Cape Cod. 0.80; Jereey, 11.00 per blri: Coo bay and Tillamook. 88.50. ' DRIED FRUITS Apple, eraporsted. 808 rib; aprlcote, lie per lb: aarka. He per le;' peacbea, lOejilla per' th; pranee, 80 ta 40. Stte; fee drop. on each alxteentb amaller lae: fhr, 'California Mark, 4oo per lb; California white, 6c per lb: dates, golden, ec per lb; tarda. 1 J8 per 15-lb box. " -' Oraoarlea.' Vnta. Kte. SlTOAIt flack basis Ctihe, ' 0.80; powdered. no; rruit graauiateo, go.oo; ary granulated. 66: Couf. A. 85.30: beet rrannlated. 8.1.88: extra C. 88.08: aoldfn C. 84.86: D fellow. 4.86; bbU, 10c; H bbl. SSe; hoxea. 80 advance on aack basis, Vma 30e per ewt for Cash, , 15 day; maple 14016c per lb. ' , HOSKY s per crate. , COFFKB Package brands, JIB.TH. . SALT Conrae Half ground. 100a. per ton. table, dairy. 60a, 811.00; 100a. (10.T6: Im ported Liverpool. 80s, 17.00; 100a. 16.80; t24e. 18.00: extra Sn. bbla. , , noa. (4iMAS50: bulk. 820 Iba,. (4.0008.00; aacka. SOa. ar08a. '.. - . - SALT Coarae Half ground. 100. per ton, ff.OO; go, per ton. (7.80; Liverpool, lump roekt 18.80 per ton; 80-lb rock. 7.00; lona, 878. - , Abov ' prlcaa apply to Bale of leaa tba car lota. Car lot at special prtoee eubjact to (3RA1N BAOS Calcutta, tije. RltB tmnerlal J . n. n 1'. 1. ! If e . 4tJHc: Mw Orkma head, Tc; AJax, 4c; creoic. nc. BEANS Small whit. 8.TK; large vrblto, 8.00; pink. 2.75; bayou, 4-60; Llmaa, 8.00; Mexican red. KUa. ' KITS . Pes nut", Jnmnna, He par Tb; virnnia, 7H per in: roien. nc; cocoannta, 88B0Oc per do; walnnta, I6I18H per lb: plea nut. loaglSHe per lb; hickory note. 10c per lb; chestnut, eastera. IBJlde per lb Braill aula. 14c per Jb: fllberta. MOtne per lb: fancy pecan. lSHQlOKei almonds. ISO 17 par lb. Palate. Ceal 011a, Zte. ' ROPE Tbt Manila, 14c; tandard. JlUel ilaal. 104e; hale brand alaal. 84. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatr.1 Cases, jot per gal; water white, Iran bbm, 15c par gall wooden, '18e per gall headlight. 170-deg., raiea, t2He per gal. OASOLIKB Sdrg. eaava, S4H par gal; Iron I'M. 18c per gt- , BENf INB dS-deg, aaae, tSe per gal; Iro bbm. ISUje per.saL TURPBNTINB la caeaa. Sea par gal; wooden Nils. p.e per gat, WHITB LEAD Ton lots, Te Pr lb 800-lb lot. 8c per lb; lea lots, 8U.C per lb. , WIRR NAILS Prevent bee at IX. 70. ' LIN8EET OIL Par raw, la 8-bM lota, 84c; 1-hhl let, BSe; eaeee. 00e per sal; genuine kettle boiled, eases, 82c per gal; 6-bbl lot. 6e; l-bhl lot, 87 per gal: (ronnd eake. car lots. 20.00 par ton; leaa tbaa car Iota. 80.00 par ton. Meata, Ttea and rrerisloa. . FRESH MEATS Front street Beet steer. B08c per Ibl block, '-714 per lb; park, era, 7C'7H JPC : nulla. 406c per lb; oow. 6MC8c per lb; veal, extra. 7 He per lb; ordl. nary. Be par lb; poor, Be per lb; mutton, fancy, T07HC per lb. HAMsTbACON, ETr. Portland neck (lorsl) ha me, 10 to 14 lb, lee per lb; 14 to Id Iba, 1840 per lb: breakfaat bacon. IBQlOe per lb; plrnle. Se per lb; regular short clear, an amoked, 11 par lb; a rooked, lie per lb) clear backa, nunmoked. 10e per lb: amoked, 114 Per lb; Union butt. 10 to IS Iba, an. amoked. Se per lb: amoked. Be per lb; dear bellies, anamaked, lie per lb; amoked, lit par lb; bonlder, Ve per lb. . LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a 1I tw lb; Ba, lle per lb; 10-lb Una, 11(4 Pr lb; ateam rndrd, 10s, 10 par lb; Be, I0t ANNED SALMON Columbia rleer. l ib talla, fl.SO; S-lb talla, 62.75; fancy 1-fb Oat. (1.80; Vt-lb fancy Bate. 1.15; fancy l ib ovala. 2.T8: Alaska Ulla. Dink. 86C00ei red. (1.60: nominal 2. tall. 2.00. rlSM Kock cod, ?e per Tbt sonnder. se per lb; halibut, 7ttc per lb; crab. 1.60 per dna; mm-Jk L , 1 a-- ... . ,k. almou, ailveraldea, Se per lb;, bloebacka,' o per in; aerring, oe per id; soiea, ae per in; shrimp. 10c oer lb: perch. Be per lb: black cod. fe per lb; allver imelt, T par lb; lobsters, 16c; freak mackerel. S par lb; Crawfish. SB pre , doa. - " OYSTERS SboalwaUr hay, pcT (!. 1x8; per aack, 8.78. CLAMS Uard-ebeU, fa bos, 1.00,'' raan llama, 2.00 per boa. - T00PAH hmmid STOCKS. Saa Francisco. Oct. 2a. Thnonah atocka. of Sclal close, morning aeaaloai , Bid, I ' ' - - - Bra. Montana (2.27 Columbia Mt... .14 Midway l.S2HUnmbo .73 MrNamera .... .81 Jumbo Kx .MB Belmont ...... 1.87Vs!Black Butte 14 North Star .48 mirer rica...... 0T .8.1 .08 .13 .SO .23 .07 .OS .16 .88 .14 .21 .80 as Rescue .08 . tioldcn Anchor.. ((old Mountain., .lo Kar O'Brien.. Jim Butler .... .88 Nevada ........ .12 Red Top .60 Ton. Kxteaalon.. (.76 Ooldfl.ld , .66 Randatorm .43 Sandstorm Kx... .OS Adama ,04 Mohawk ....... :.14 Dill tut Kendall ....... .23 Ohio Tonopah. O. Bull Dlamondfleld .... lone Star Home ......... lash. Boy Eclipse National. Bank. . Denver. ftold Bar ! St, Ire ........ SriW KILL AT' 00X90. V Condon, Or., Oct, 3a The Gilliam County Milling company' new Sotiring-mlll, la near In oomnletlon. It la a handsome new four- story structure, equipped with tba. latest nornyx Marmoa BMrninery ana nee a capacity of 350 barrels of Boor per day. It la owned by a enmnanx eomnoaad principally of Port bind people. i n mm- i os areai nenenv r t mooa ana the anrroandlng ennntry, a It le lh main factor In maintaining th prlc of wheat. There M aoma doubt aa to whether tat year' crop wllr be mfBclent to kp th mill going, hut next year w txpeet eaeugh aad to- apera. 1 . . ? '' " '' Starting tatoa. " '' . 4 .New Tnrh, Oct. t. Sterling rates? - Demaad, 488J15B4(8.W: SO day. 4M1. 164483.33. , ' " "- Nw Tarh Silver, Hew rrh, Ott. S. SUrar, 824 a. ' RUSSIA! IIEI'JS IS the mm After the Opanlnj of th Wheat Market Lortga Took Profit . but Bought Later. ; NEARLY THREE CENTS - J RISE IN THE MAY December Adds Ons and Thres Quarters to 'Its Price and July Is , Up Ons and Fivs Elf hthaEport . trs Buy Corn and Oats.' THTJRSDAT'S WHBAT MARKET. Ckaw Cloa Oaln ' Close Tbur. Wed. Tbur. Tear Ago Dec..... $ .neu $ .87 A ( J0i (1.1T4 Mar -Bill .82 A JM.Z 1.122 "ly M MA .01 ...... Chic go, Oct. SB. Logan V Bryaa aay: la the wheat market, around tb opening, a great many of tb est. Id lonr took their profit, and aa December wbeat i aot get lower thaa 88c. moat of tb local bulla took back tbear line. Tb oatalde bar In orders were aaeatlr of May option; tbat I the reason th nread Is widening. Receipt today ware large aa compared with a year ago, bat trader at present aeam to pay tittle attention to local news. The Baaalta altaatloa la th mala factor at preaeat. . . - ... Ixparsara 'Ar Beat Bayer. Cora and earn ar practically nnder th nam Influence. Exporter ar tba beat buyera, and aa long aa the export baalneae continue na at present, and it look aa tbongh it would last a great while, tb market will be good. Provision war dull and aeglactod. Packer aold ribs today and there waa a good outside demand for eaeh lard. Official quotation by Ovarback, Stan Cook company: .WHEAT. , Open. Pee. ...,.( AU May...., .8& ' Blxh. Low. ( . ,$ .w . CORN. M .81 .4714 ...4H -4 .8ll . oats. July).. .85 Oct JI2 .824B .47UB .49 A '.SOHJJ aoJ M 9 Old Dec. .47 MS..... ' A Jul.... f pct.,... ...mi. Dec...... JO May-.... . .S2U SO .80 .82 Jniy..M S1 Jit 1 MBSS PORK. 18.00 ' 1AM: i T.05 ' S.80 -8 HO S.P3 - ' ' T.ST . 6 no . S.7S Oct...... 18 08 18.08 12.42 18.00 12.85 Jan 13.41 , LARD. T.07 1 T.07 6.80 , ' 8.80 S.0 . : B.N0 : IM 8.03 ?tt Dec...... 7.02 6.77 6.75 Jan May..... Oct...... S.83 SHORT RIBS., 7 BO . . T OO 7 .87 8 50 ' .B0 8.46 S.70 S.70 8.86 Jan May..... FRIMART OA-ATJf KOTIaTIaTT. Chicago, Oct, .SB. Primary recelpm: "' V . Today Tear Age Wheat ......1.245.000 a5.flno Corn i 78.000 ' 187.900 SblDBMntai ' ' Wheat KUI.OOO 804.000 Corn 326.000 378.000 Clearances: .Wheat. 18,000 bnsbela; corn, 80.000 bushel; oats, 186,000 buabela; fkmr, 3o wv sins, CEICASO SRATJT tAB tOTS. Chicago, Oct. 38. Oram car lot:' r Car Ord Eat. Wbeat 83 83 - 71 Corn 100 . 28 . 8fi Oat , 28 83 818 CHICAGO CASK WHEAT. Chicago. Oct. 3d. Cash wheat: ' '" Bid. Ask. o. s red............ ... .wife s .bo No. S red '. 88 ,fu No. bard .87 ;. .88 Vt no. a asm. ........ .new' jri hard MM Not 1 north era.. No. 3 Dor there.. No. s spring.... jt . .80 .80 .88 .88 urxmrooL aRAnr karxxt. Llvenmol. Ort. SS. Cloa: Wbeat. December. Tb 'd. 'id higher; March. Ta lld. Id higher. Corn December. 6s 8d, i lower; January, 4a SKd, H lower; March, to Sd. unchanged. MARKET IS CENTS DOWN 15 Receipts Are More Liberal but Tone It Not Weak- Rise of a : , Quarter in iCambs Today. Portland L'aiea Stoekrarda. Oct. 38. Live stock recalpta; t . ' fJoaa Cattle Sheen Today .........4x0 ... . .., Week gO Y t3 8S ' 64 Prevloaa week 3H8 ... 108 Month sco j 248 SS 3M Although oamana t aot wscs, u aog market ta 16e kiwer todar oa account of th larger arrivals. Beat cattle ar firm, but SH I th too. Sheen voir firm with aa advaace ef ' 26 on lamb. Official prtcee ror llveatorkt Hoa-Rt eastern Oregon. 18.00: blocker and China fata, 0606.60; atuekere aad feedera. pe.ou. . : , Cattle Beat aatrl Oragon eteer. 8 50: lieht and medium eteera. 82.004l2.2S: llsrht cows, 2.2Stt2.60; teckara aad feeder, 3.2S( 3.80; bulls, 81.60. Rieen wetuera. X4He: auxee aneep, c; (freight ewaa, 4aie; Iambs, 44 5c. Calve Good veal. 160 to 300 oootula. BxTSHC: rough heavy, SttaHe. KASTTRaT HOPS IQWMU . Chicago, 1 Oct. 3V-Llvtoek receipt: - Horn Cattle Sheen Cblcsgo .....33.000 10.0110 36.000 Kansas city ii.issi n.iaw Omaha 6.000 8.600 T.OOO lines opened Be lower with 4,nno len ever. Receipt a year ago were sx.nm. Price: Mlied. 84.80M6JI0: good. 8S.10tt5J0: rouxb. 4.nfi?4.65: llxht. 4.8oj8.20. t sttie oteaoy. . , . Sheep Steady. COTTON TWENTY-FOUR TO TWENTY-SIX POINTS OFF K Tor. Oct. 2d. Cotton future closed 31 to M points lower. Of fir I quotation by Over beck, Starr 4 Cook enMav : . - . , Open. Blrh. Irw. doe. January M...lVt8 ioh7 1044 lonrrteit February .........,.1""4 I'm tin jikiwot March .......... ....1074 Kmd 10)13 10HPt?l April lo5 inwt ions lixwull Msy loao IOW1 1070 1075t7 September ......... .1047 1047 KM7 1047t4 October 10-13 13 li16 101Til November 1H5 104A jtizo 10Ht'JO December ........1064 1064 1033 10X1 tjlM Lhwrpeel Cwttoa aTlghav. .-' Liverpool. Oct. . Oottoa f star closed S to 11 point high. , VZW T01X COnil KAJtXXT. v Hew York,. Oct 88. Coffee future closed 10 to IB points higher. " ' Cloa. . S .6H I .iH; . .86 OfSelal quotation: Bid, Aak. - Bid. Ask. Jannary ...Bd.78 (A aofjnly ..... ..7.28 7.80 Pebrwsry . mi ;, Aoauat ..... T..m March S.OO M September ,. 7. to T.46 April ...... 8.86 T.(IOrtnber 8.58 on Mey ....... 7.10 T. Nil November . 8 56 S.80 load ...... f.SOlDMtmber .. 880 S.SB Chsr:. to Various Fruit Crc? Hr-prn-t'.li for Charp Advance in Optnlrj Vtluss cf Drlrd Product in Pacific Ccitt Market. fJElV YORK STOCKS LOSE TODAY General Decline Is Marie inthe Market on Account of For-' ; eign Situation. MOST OF. THE LOSSES - ARE QUITE SEVERE Drop In Prices ' Oceyrs After an ' Early Advance Smelter Gains a Trifle After a Big Rise Metropol itan a Weak Feature. . ,, Anaconda . Atchhna Sugar ., Smelter, pfd ... Car A Foandry Brooklyn ....... Baltimore' ....... Colorado Faal .. St. Paul Ckaaapeak Canadian ....... Pacific Mall Erie Atk tm na LOS8KS. -aiKaty ... Hi Missouri 3 I Norfolk pVcIA '11 3 IN. r. Central..... ,. . Ontario Wtotara. Penney ivania ..... People'a Uaa ..... 1 Pressed Steel Car. S. V., 3d pfd Tennesee Oaal.... U. S. Steel........ do prferrd...e Reading HenublTe Steel ... Illinois Central! I 'Southern PsclBc... Loulevllle . Matenfwilltan .. 1 ll'nlon Pacific...... .. ih wabaan. pio Mexican , Central m i . ' ADVANCES. .. 41 Pressed 8tl. fd. nmiw ........ V. D. W ..... Great Wester ., Wisconsin Cent., 4 Hep. Steel, pfd.... .. Bock Island p. H do preferred..... Wall Street. New York, Oct, SS The wheat market affected the atock market today and price are mostly down, aom of than ina tlonaL The opening waa generally arm and om spirited ad ranees ware abowa. Bawlter waa tb leader and after several point gala early lost It later and closed but 4 point up. la tba meanwhile the preferred lost 3 points. Other tbaa tba aaual big move In G. A N. W. the galua were narrow. Official quotation by Overback, Starr Cooke company: - DE8CEIPTI0N. 1 Anaconda Mining Co.... Amal. Copper Oo Atchison, com. do preferred ,, Am. Car A Foundry, e. do preferred.......... Am. Sugar, com. Am. Smelt., com. do preferred ., Baltimore A Ohio, eoav do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific, com. . C. A O. W com , Chi.. MU. A Sf. P C. A N. W- earn 21 1MV 22414 Chicago Terminal By ... . i nesapeaae unw. ... Colo. Fuel A Iron, com Com. Southern, com.... do aeeond preferred do first nreferred... Delaware A Hudson.... 240t v. m w - com. ...... 31 oo preierrea Erie, cam., do aeeond preferred.. do fleet preferred... IlUnoU ntrl.,.. Loulavlll Ajiashvlll. Met. St. By Manhattan By. Meilcan Central Br. . . 484 724 im 152U 1224 l51i15H 120 J 121 1 165 163 Minn., St. P. A Ste. M. Missouri racirie. ...... M. K. A T com...... do nreferred......... New fork Central. ...... Nortbern Pacuic. ....... Am. Lecomotrve. do preferred Norfolk A Western, com North American N. Y.. One. A Waetern. 6A4 Peanaylvanla By........ P. O. L. A 0. Oo Pressed Steel Car, com,. do preferred Pacific Mall 8. S. Ce... 145i 104 82 hoiH Beading, com . do eecood preferred... do first Dreferred.... 1274 2 20 J Ben. Iron A SteaL com. do preferred .......... Bock Island, com...... do Dreferred 72 W S0 iiii Southern By., com...... do preferred ....... ... Southern Pacific... do Dreferred.......... St. L. A S. F, 3d pfd. St. L. A 8. W.. earn.... de preferred Tex A Pacific Tenneeaee Coal A Iroa.. 7H 884 874 Union Pacific, com do prefetred. ......... 1X2T4. 864 68 TJ. 8. Runner, com....... do preferred.... 110 874 104 ij U. S. Steel Co.. com.... do Dreferred Wheel. A Lake Brie. e. 17 4 do aeeond preferred... S4 Wisconsin Central, com. do nreferred. . . W. U. Telegraph....... Wabaab. com. .......... do oreferred. ... Met. Becurltte Money closed S per rant. Amalgamatea vopper company, xlvldend 1U per cent otal sales for day. 865.100 share. AST VA Ah CISCO LOCAL STOCKS. San tranclaeaw Oct. 26. Official cloae. a bia aeaalon; D TO. Aak. 40 18 84 78 84 14 164 Contra Costa Water.............. Spring Valley Water Mutual Electric 8. P. Oaa A Bleetrle. Giant Powder Hewaltaa Commercial, llonokea Sugar 18A 16 84 ", no Hutchinson Sugar. MsksweU Sugar am Sugar............. Paanhaa Sugar. ................... Alaska Packers' eon 108 Id S4Vfc WV4 nceenle ntesmsnii Pacific States Te California Wine.... Pacific Coast Borax 163 V, caiuornia rrun vaaoerr . bostov oorrzB stocks. I Boston, Oct. O fdcial cloae: Bid. ' Bid. .$ 80.60 . 112.00 Aentnr . -t on . 38.60 . 46.00 Old Dominion Osceola . . . m Atlantic ..... Albmes ..... Parrot ...... Phoenix ..... 28.78 I.82U Bingham . . . . Cel. A Aria... 81.00 114.004 680.00 74.12H 83.00 14.00 ., s.r I 38 60 66.60 14.60 -10.28 66.60 Qulacy ... . 106.00 r . 8.00 . 138.00 . 8.25 Calumet Copper Rang. Centennial ... Kbaanoa ..... Tamarack ... Trlnty ...... I'nlted Victoria ..... Winona Wolverine ... I'tah '?. B. Mining. Paly West ... Kim r 83 50 .J , iO.50 125.00 46.82-A 83.50 S6.60 . flrsnhy ...... Mobswk ..... Mlchlgaa .... Mass ...,,.. Koyai North Butt. . comstock immia stocks. San Pranrlece, Oct. 3d. OfScial eleee. big aeaalon: Bid. I - Bid. .12 .40 -.28 .68 Its .14 Bultlna I .88 Potosl Belcher , .2X n. CaL-Va.... 1I Inton Ccn ..... Tellow Jacket.. Opktr 6 75 bfe-iloaa 1.60 Andre ......... .38 Savage .68 Ksrbeoner lisle ri or cross. IBcerploa ....... VOltlAirS BAKX STATTlflirr. ClearingB BaUacea 1737,80188 ........... iM.puajii 0BICA00 IOC At STOCKS. Chicago, " Oct. 98 Local ttockai Bid. I Biscuit k. ........ MUlrarhea ....... BM. Oil LilllD RODS nvnn IUIJ VVflfiam J. Burns, Chief Secret Service Agent, v Unearths Cigantio Conspiracy. ' PROMINENT AND WEALTHY i CITIZENS' ARE INVOLVED Police Officials snd Customs House Officers Accused , of Standing ta With Ring of Smugglers Com ' posed of InfluentLsl Men. . - (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Seattle, Waab., Oct t(. Senaationa sreater than ever dreamed in connection with the Oregon land frauda ara being developed in Washington, United But tea, Btat and x-tat tfflclals, lumbertnen and men of wealth, according; to the evidence already gathered by a corps of 76 gecret aervlce agenta, working Waah lngton, ara stillty ot land frauds, both In timber and bomeatead, whtla police officials and cuatoro officers will be charged With standing in with A ring of muggier whereby the government waa defrauded of thousand upon thousand of dollars in dutlea. William J. Bum, tha man In charge of th evidence In th Oragon land frauds. la in aupervtaion of th work her .under th peraonal direction of Prealdent Roosevelt, with whom -ha la in frequent telegraphlo communication. Yesterday Bum called upon. Mayor Balllnger and explained In outline what ie k.u. a... mnA oeiimrl for his men v.,'S) w.., ' - , wnrir tmmnnltv from arreat. no mat- ttar at what time of day or Bight or in what poaKlon tnay mignt om iounu aw fh Seattle poll officers. Each was furnished-, with a card which will free hint If ha should be so unfortunate aa to fall into the clutches of any munici pal authority. . Without making sny mistake, a aUt. .. . h. enadii that tha land frauds her will exceed those of Oregon and involve mora prominent men, several of whom are well known throughout tha nation. : v .... ii.t ..,ln,t vhnm amue-rllng evidence Is obtained are names of mer known in every city on the Pacific coast and many eastward. This traffic It can be stated has extended not only to opium but aiao to merchandise im ported from foreign countries.- Men whose names are known an being in the i.. . . . . r. ninolnallv raaldentn of Seattle, Tacoma and Olympi with a few In eastera waaningion. -, j FOUR PERSONS KILLED AND NINE HURT IN WRECK 'V.';.' - ' Two Rock Island Trains Collide Hsad-On Near Falr- field, Iowa. 1 - asnal Snarlal Servtee.1 rstrfleld. la.. Oct. 2. Eat and weat bound Rock ,J aland trains collided near here thla morning ana zour peraons were klllad and Injured. Th dead: Canfleld.- Murray, Iowa; ' Engineer Wilkee. Dnvpnport; Detective Griffith, Luraa. Iowa: onav.unldentlfled man. - Three of trr-trtjured ere thought to be hurt Internally and It is reared two ot them will die. A mlsunderatsndlng of orders by the engineer and crew of one of the trains Is said to be respDnslbis ror the catas trophe. Both train were running at a high rate of speed . and when they sighted eaeh other were so cloae to-. gether that the crew or one engine aia not have time to Jump and the engineer killed. Physicians were hurried to the scene snd the Injured removed here. LEBANON SOCIAL CLUB MEMBERS INDICTED (Specul Dlspstch te The Joeraal.) Albany, Or Oct. It. Luke Jennings and O. B. Hansard, two Lebanon aoclal club member, were indicted by the grand Jury today, charged with violat ing thg local prohibition law. Both were arrested, arraigned and placed un der bonds for trial. , The grand Jury adjourned. , ... Tom Oee, a Chinaman, pleaded guilty to pointing a gun at a hotel man in Hariisburg and will be sentenced Mon day. - . CUNLIFFE PLEADS GUILTY TO LARCENY (Journal Special. Service.) Pittsburg, Pa., Oct 18. Edward George Cunllffe, who abeconded 'With 1101.000 of Adams Expreas company money, pleaded guilty this morning to the charge of larceny and will probably be sentenced Saturday. Tha robbery was committed October t, Cunllffe tak ing the package of carrency while act ing as clerk at a aalary of 5t a month. STEAMER AND CREW OF SEVENTEEN MEN LOST (Journal Special Service,) 1 'Cleveland, Ohio, Oct i It. Steamer aent out to aearch. for thev Steamer Kali yuga and her crew of '17 men, report this morning having made a complete tour of Lake Huron and found no algns of the.miaalng ahlp.- Bhe ha a undoubt edly been lost in the storm, with all hands.' , SCALDED TO DEATH . BY CALDRON OF SOUP (Journal Special Service.'! Oasis, Utah, Oct. IS. -TWo young sons of W. L. Puller.' s contractor at Spring vtlle. Utah, were Braided to death In the commissary car of a construction train on the Salt Lake route. The engine backdd into a car, upaettlng a big cal dron of soup on the rang. . i u .8 ' CoagTwexauus Ziongworth si Stem (Journal SpecUl Bervica.) k Cincinnati. Oct. ' I. Congressman Longworth returned today, bvt refueed to dlacuaa Ms ' rumorad engagement to Alice Rooeeyelt . ,l iii ihrw Tout an. Kw York. Oct. . Curb cloaei Bid. ' Can 10, Paper If! IM'OMI' II. WilOllli.U If Ycn.Scn't .' ., , ..' . , , v .,,....,; . ...... -. (liquid) , .; , Will ljelp your dyspepsia, Just read the fpUowing--. .. : ' . , . ' ' 4t Dubois Street, Newburgh, N.Y Msy t, 190$. When I know anything is worthy of r commend tiotx 1 eonaidsr it mf duty to let my friends know it. I was vsry sick with dyspepsia. In two weeks I lost to pounds. , A friend told ma about Chase's Dyspepsia Cure. I procured a botU and used it according to direction, and after taking three ' bottles I waa completely cured. . It is eertainly magical in efect. . I would not 4 without it in tba house, aa it will cure any slight disordss of the stomach. . I recommend it freely and heartily to all who are troubled with, dyspepsia or hssrt bunv Yours aa ever, ...; a j , - CHAKVEB B.'8HAW. S . Don't you think it's worth trying? " 1 ' ' - : ' Are you 'willing to be helped and cured? - Then go tt any druggist and get a bottle of ' ' - '. ' ' '.''" '.'. ' I',-', Chase's Dyspepsia Curb - Take it according to directions for three days, and if it , doesn't benefit . you go to the druggist and, get your money back without question or argument. . , i SOc. end $1 .00 JPcr littb ? - ' THE CHASE F.IFC CO;, N2VDUHGH, N. Y.5, l ' FOR SALE BY WOODARD. CLARKE 4 .CO. v t eases, cancer, paralyala, tumor, rheumatiam and nil dlnordera of th stomach, liver and kidney. He has had great aucceaa in curing con sumption when the victim Is not too much run down by the dleeaah, and will atop hemorrhagea In an Incredibly ahort time. H brew hi own medicines from Chines root a. herb. - buda, barks . and vwgetabl tea, all of which ar entirely harmlena, and whose medicinal propertlea are unknown to American doctors. He uaca In hi practice over 100 dif ferent Oriental remedies. Hundreds of tesUmonlals front grateful p tlents, .. DR. WINQ LEE - 11 aToan: romsTat mum. :j) ' vomnvurs, omscKnr. ; sAeeeaaae4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeesee)s)S) rOISOVXO atX In' tha Srst. second r third stafs ar narlSed and nude cleea lav blood, tisane and bona promptlr and permanently. Car guaranteed. ' riLXS aUTS EECTAL VLCIKS are painlessly cured to stay cured wltbont sowery .. ; Vs Interference with orcapatioa. . Onv puslUre ana- s ' v ' ' te In every eaaa. . - ' OOKOKKKOXA AST) OLXZT eulckly and permanently ' eared wlthont atrtHnr, aad eonipllcatlonB atteudaat or following. ' STKICI'USIO XX hT, A poaltlve. permanent rare by our safe, painless method, with at the knife or to slightest taeoavenlene ar loan mt ttasa.. : CONSULTATION and EXAMINATION FREE J-rTra,SSi Ofloa Honrs: S A. . te S f. X.I Suadars, 18 te U Only. St Louis Medical and Surgical Dispenscry . ? Cor. Second sad Yemblll Streets, Portland, or. , " OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO . w . Members Chicago Board of Trade. OBAZW, nOTISIOHS, COTTO. STOCKS ABTD SOaTSB. , "' "r . 101 Third Street, McKay Building. Portland. Or. .... ., , ', ' W BO 'A TBZ0TX,T OOatatXaSIOaf BTJsTTJTBHL Continuous Marketa by Private Wire. ; Quick Service. REFERENCES Idd 41 ' Til ton. banker, and United States National Bank of Portland. - - FUNERAL NOTICES. MORTON In thla city, October . 1805. William - Morton, fimi, "5." 7 from Taylor ntreet church, Friday, 1:30 p. m. 'Friends respectfully in vited to attend. ALL-DAY SERVICES . HELD BY W. C. T. U. .'..' (Joxraal Special ServVra.) Los Angeles, Oct. St, The W. C T. TJ. convention .held sll-day evangellatlo aervlces In Trinity Methodist, churcji. conducted by Ulas Ellxa W, Oreenwood of. New York. The "T" oonferenc held an all-day Be anion, led by W lee Cora C Seberet of New York. In a diacusalon aa to th advisability of Inserting prohibition In the pledge the conference agreed that more oaa be done y persuasion than by rule. The flnrt meeting- of the Loyal Temperance Legion was held this after noon and reception will be given this evening to the visiting white ribbon era. The convention opena tomorrow morning. ' rnt always the wan who alts up .':at ' In c::""-ji wo wt.".'s t intM Fc:I fc L. DR.VING LEE ! the Great Chinese Doctor J L O CM TDiS POtt TL JtMD r-... SINCE iSSO . v : "'' Re Is called great because he cures all r ' diaeaaaes without reaorting to the knife. Call and have a fp examination. H wlU tell you th exact nature of your trouble. He treats eucceaarully every form ot fe mala enmnlalnt nil Diivate and blood die. )) Do You Want to Be Cured? OUR PATIENTS HAVE NO RELAPSES WOSSIID m, Hav ro VaBJCOCKLI. htdrocbuit Under enr asethod we cor wlthont awgarr. ' TTTAL DZCIOT, eomraonlf called lost ssanhood. le a anre sln of vital decs? aad weakness. Mas lee te weak - . . nesa now. Don't let fa Is modesty rata vest . . health. Cose te na at -a . and h ejalckly - cored. STPHILIS la snlcklr and afclyrnred with a t boron ansa kme,M I. aihw Hiethnits. Na BBlneesI nolsnsMl aaed. BOWaTora, xonrxsTs oa. - (Established HIS.) WKHAX aUTD VTOOX BSOstBN. - Boeas 4, Oroaad Floor, oimn or ooKxxBoa. VERKi IS SURE r ma aBTJaWBsasssw A : : f 5S www a a b ItSJ , Teres . f l-m . Ccr;: in c;- '... r- 8 . Intel borough .,..311 IM.c-asf Int. Mario. ..... I'H Or Gold Iwuweae CoBpaf, tiki .,, Boxwood ........ 13.i "ift A Ce lo64 Can U I Subway .. AASSSMvOvvvvvvv