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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
.I 1 THZ OREGON' DAILY J 3 URN At, PORTLAND. TIILT "5AV- EVENING. OCtO 1CC3. tfilDil VJItLPtAY Portland Young Man Selected by y ; Coach - tanagan to Direct Stanford Play. STUMP STOTT MOVED V- ,- 1 "' -r eat run DneiTiftM ti, i w nil kii f i ww. .w.w Cardinid Rooters Are Green Surprise ., but Majority . Think tha Change ". wm B Beneficial rBoth' Players Vt HaO From Portland. ; tfwHi Bmelat Berrleti . . Stanford University? Oct. . In 11 '. task, of turning out a winning" varalty eleven. Coach Lanagan has Just "" ; on of thm (Moiei tMui na. . annual, not urexrcted,. causes tn coi ' lege to lt up.and take notJc. This chang is In moving of "Stump" Stott. last year's -varsity quarter-back, te the left end of -the line, ea in immg up of the vacancy with Kenny Fenton. the diminutive Quarter, whose generalship and quickness won Jast year's freahmao gam from a superior California eleren. i amtf himself la a'ouarter-back of first- 1 class ability, and the change Is, there . fore, all the mora startling - - -' It la very unusual for a fine rarslty o.uartrto find his ultimate resting place on the scrimmage line, but In the present instance-the experiment is al ' tmnmt nttrtaln to be permanent, and it "will tend tn more ways thsn on to strengthen the cardinal team... It will give Stanford a faster working quarter back. -, a sure drop kicker and a good punter, and will place at the end, one of Stanford's weak spots, a man who, haa In the past played a fine game In that position. .!' i --.'-i.:ti-f i- ' t "Stump"f StotlT who now goes out te left end, cornea from Portland, which has given Stanford several of her great wt football players, notable among these being -Chet Murphy, lightning quarter and erckerjack punter of weveral yeara ago. and Aleck Chalmers, captain of tbla year's eleren, who as right half on the 10I and 1004 'varsltlea haa shown hlnr elf to be a remarkable ground garner. Btott two years ago played quarter on the 107 freahmaa team, probably the strongest 'aggregation of "ponies" Stan lord ever turned out., and Stott waa one of the strongest spokes In It : Laat year he wad substitute quarter on the 'varsity, and when Bansboch was hurt in the. first half of the intercollegiate, vstotf waa tmt la te fill his place. 1 The effect of his style of pis wss .apparent In the first few plays. Ha was .aggreaalv and he, made-his team ag-gresslv.- So well was his work done . that California was beaten, 1S-0. Stott "emerged -from the game . wearing the laurels that for years had been awarded '. -4o Bansbach as the cleverest quarter of "the west. While not fast in handling Jil team. Stott use good 'Judgment and J aura. Infecting hla men with hla own confidence. .In back field work ha la a "atar. Not a punt escapes bl anna even tinder the moat ' trying conditions, and At running them In through a scattered field he is probably the ableat man who fcaa been on tbe Stanford gridiron for "years. Ha has played end before, and .has ao much speed that ha vsuslly downs the catcher ;:of.; a punt in his -tracka.i 4 -. ; '' - - ! Kenny Fenton. who takea Stott'a place t quarter, la - an athlete - by nature. ..Marbles, croquet or golf would seem to ber more appropriate for him than foot ' ball, for he weighs but 114 pounds the littlest man on the Stanford 'varsity but what he lacks In beef ho make up In- head work and physical toughness. Tie. too. learned the game at Portland. Hi work. In last year'a freshman, game 'will be' long remembered. "This year he has . developed ' phenomenally - and baa shown that he trnated absolutely In the handling of the 'varsity. The ' more the trouble, the ' calmer be. He la faster than Stott In getting hla plays ' off. and uses his head well. Ha is a punter of no mean ability, and hla sure ness as a drop kicker wiH mean a cer tain score tf Stanford geta within strik ing distance of the California goat; ' COURSE SELECTED FOR U POINT TO POINT RACE - Master of Hounds John ttta haa Is sued the following notice of the point to - point race; that' will be run by the Hunt club one .. week , from Saturday: . The point to point race on Saturday,' No- vember 4. will start at p. ra. from the northern end of West avenue. The first flag will' be placed at a point about a . mile and a half prtfcttcally due east the aeteond about half a mile south from the . first, the third at, tbe junction of Barr . road - and West ' avenue, finishing on .West avenue. All members have the privilege of atudylng the course for .. -4hemeetvea." . t, -'7",V SPORTING GOSSIP. , Cnususl Interest is attached te the game on. Saturday next between the elevens representing the University of California and the Oregon Agricultural . college. -It la stated that Corvallis hss the strongest team In her history.' and the feeling among tha Oregon rooters Is that California la going to get a sound beating on Saturday. On comparative scores CorvallU ahould defeat Califor nia. Th-strr.g. steady game that O , FLESH BUILDER I; ;,' The . liver of the cod fish produces oil that is a won derful flesh builder. No fat or oil can compare with it ; ia thsrt-respect. To get the beit oiti p( it, it must be , eranisified and made like cream." la Scott's Emul sion it is prepared in the ' best possible, form to pro f fJuce the best possible re . cults. Thirty years have " proven this. ' . CCTT SOirirK,a read sweat. Ksw Yam, '.. ",V ; And Still Scores of . Port- ': land . People Accept ;Them as Facts. The published statement of ' soma stranger, residing In a faraway place, mav be true enough: but It is generally accented as a doubtful rumor. How can it be verified? The testimony which follows Is convincing proof, because It comas from a resident of Portland: ' ' T. W. Shangland. who ta a streetcar eonduetor on the Woodstock streetcar line, residing- at Tit Blaworth atreet. aara: "Some- time last fall I began having considerable trouble and annoy ance from a nun, acning pain in me hack over the kidneys. I think It was caused from the constant ahaklng and Jarring of the oar. I thought at firat It would dlauppear as quickly -as It came. hut this waa not the case.' learning of Doan's Kidney Pills. I procured a boa and took them according to directions. The result waa entirely ' satisfactory. The backache grew leaa and leaa and soon disappeared, and aa far aa I can ...n it k.. mm for rood, for there have been no symptoms or a recurrence. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. n . r 1 1 L . . r D..IT.1 W V Ml. aaenta for tho United States. Remember: the name DOAN'S and take no other. ; A. C. played against PuUman laat week atampa Coach Steckle'a eleven as one of great strength, unusual apeed and con stderabla strategy. The outcome of this game wlU be eagerly awaited. While Multnomah eapecta to defeat Astoria on Saturday by at leaat two touchdowna, tf this Is accomplished Cap tain Jordan's men wiH know that they were playing real football. Aatorta has stronger eleven than laat season, ana those who recall the first game a year ago . know ' what , a tough proposition those Astorlana proved to be. Multno mah expecU to have a fairly strong tnm In the field Saturday and It la quite certain that the local rooters will be able to get a good Una on the men. ? , . .v i .e e K ,. ' ' The Olanta are certainly celebrating in Ban Francisco and several of the players thought that they were playing football inatead of baseball, and booted the ball all over the park. There la nothing Ilka having a real frisky team to represent us sway from home. It shows strangers that Portland la not tha slow community that It haa been repre sented, and also that a real live, tricky, frisky manager can develop a bunch of senseless comedians. If - nothing else. Jf tha Giants keep an winning defeata for few mora days they will be on top Jn the pennant race, providing you stand ' qq your Jtead. .to. read . the. percehtagea. How to Make a Hit Hits may be made In private life aa well aa in base ball. . Young men rarely fall to make a hit unleaa they wear Portland uniforms. Soma consider a stiff punch In tha Jaw desirable kind of a hit.' while others hold contrary opinions. . In society ' a young man should keep on terms of In timacy with hla. money, have an adopted bend when- presented to ladles and walk rther than . pay - streetcar fare,. Girls never make a hit, they 'generally make an impression. There. ara other ways to hit; as we have an engagement at the Japanese auction .we must away this very boar. ... - .,. t. ' ' Sporting Editor Wlll you please state In Tha Journal which. . la the older. "Chet" ' Murphy Or George McMillan? Answer Please ask something easy. To the beet of our knowledge, George McMillan Was bora tha day of the ex curslon, and Murphy It yeara before. Murphy got hla name "Chet" from tha Greek word "chat," . meaning - to , talk. There la nothing biblical about hla name excepting that In early days men bearing hla name were all supposed to be kings.' Hence the , term, "he la 'a prince.' , ' . t - DAVE BARRY WILL f ; v SOON BE MARRIED (Journal gpaetal gervlee.) , San Francisco. Oct. tt. Dave Barry, tha Iriah champion, la soon to take unto himself ' a wife. This . announcement waa made yesterday through ' a Ban Diego newspaper and also by a letter Alex Oreggalns received from Barry. The Irish lad with tha bright eyea and tha' rosy cheeks haa evidently "got In" right down . San Diego way, for It : la said the lady ha Is to marry, Miaa Susie White,' la one of the leading society belles of that town and very wealthy. It la not necessary to state -that the young lady Is a blonde, for Dave always. did fancy, light girls. In his letter Dave aaya the 'marriage will take place next month at the home of Mine White, and that It la very likely he wUl make bis home In Ban Diego.. , . , " . , , A.. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ? a5- ? f f ! :? . CLCBS. m Angeles . Oakland oTif ml "1141 42 .KTS 61 loj !, 411 .tilt n.a rrasrlaee 10l 3 .1 a 12 an .5is 31 83 -4S5 Portland .... 14 .,1 H Seattle 41 M Ui5 101 IWl .471 T,aeama ............ jjl ..........; 301 .430 Ixrt 40J21 Si Xogaa Kit Sard. (Joaraal gpeelal Bervtee.l Oakland. Oct 2. The Tigers hlf Hogan consistently yesterday and tallied a dosen hits and eight' runs. The score: " ' 1 ' R. H. E. Tacoma ....... .1 1 ! 0 6 0 94 i 11 1 Oakland . .j....l ! t f I Batteries Keefe and Hogan: Hogan and McMurray. Umpire Bulllvan. - Vagle Wlaa Aaother. Xxtu Angeles. Oct. . Nagle won an other game' for his team yesterday py good pitching. Shields wss knocked out of the box In tha sixth Inning. Score: ts Angeles . 1 1 1 1 -5' U 4 Seattle . . t 0 1 0 1 1 I i II Batteries Nagle and Eager; Vlckers. Bhlelda and Frary. Umplrs PerriniT College VootkaJl Basalts. . At Kansas City University of Okla homa, I; University Medical college, 9. At Annapolis Nsval academy, . IT; Maryland Agricultural college, e. At Ann Arbor, Michigan University of Michigan, 7; Albion. . The Portland residents of the east side are pulling together and ana In earnest, and therefor will accomplish much. GlUfltS DO m odd stu::v3 In Yesterday's Came With Seals McCredie's Men Think They I Are Playing Football. i EIGHT ERRORS EARNSD ; - ? BY PORTLAND TEAM SchIafl7. AU and Mitchell Kick the , Ball All Over the JPield Eaaick Splita Hia Hand and McLean Geta Cajr and la Driven to the Wooda. - woaro.i qmi httki-p . - San Francisco, Oct. 3. McCredie and hla would-be "Qianta" made an exhlbl tlon of themselves In yesterday's game and consequently'tha Seals walked away with the contest In quick order to the tuna of 1 to 1. Local fans always look forward , to the visit of the Webfoot team In order to aea the latest stunts in baseball, and yesterday no on waa disappointed. Contrary, however, to the usual cuatom the Fortlandera did " not begin cutting up tricks- until the fifth Inning. . In. this chapter. Eddie House holder drove a liner at Esaick that spilt tha blonde pltcher'a hand ' Then tho fun began. Bchlafly booted the ball hither and thither, Mitchell kicked It to and fro and Jakey Ats wabbled It high and low. Larry McLean didn't know how to kick the ball, so he kicked at Umpire Davis and the boyish catcher waa sent to the clubhouse. By this time the Beala were gathering runa In commendable atyle, ao when the flnal amok lifted the Olanta were badly beaten crowd. Calif f aucceeded Eaaick and Buess took McLean's place. and In Justice to the youngsters It may be said that their work waa .of a better a tamp than the older players on the team. . Bchlafly, had four error to his credit, Ats two and Mitchell two. It reported last evening that Mc Credie intended taking hla Giants on a circus trip next season. The score: i PORTLAND.' '. l; -Vv" ' VAB. R. H. PO. X. Ats. as. Van Buren. If. .40 Mitchell, lb. ........ 4 1 Bchlafly. 2b. ......... t 0 McLean, e. .......... I McHale. cf. i e Sweeney, lb., ........ a' 't, McCredie, rf. ........ 1 Kaslck. d. ..........! 0 1 I H , Callft, p. ............ 1 tjuesa, ,c. 1 1 Totals . . ..........11 1 I. 24 It I BAN FRANCISCO. "i. ' ' AB. R, H. PO. A. B. Waldron, cf. 4 .14,1 Mohler, lb. ........... 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 Hlldebrand. If. ...... 4 1 I 0 0 Nealon. lb. , 4 1 t 11 0 Householder, rf. ..... t . I 0 , IrWin. lb. ...t 104 0 Oochnauer, ss. ....... 1 - 0 0 111 Bhea, c ............. . v I 11 1 1 Httt, p. . 4 0 0 0 1 0 Totals. . ..........SO 7 t 17 t SCORE BT INNINGS.. Portland :. J " 1 1 Hlta . . 1010 1 Ban Francisco ,...0 0101010 7 Hits . . ........0 1101011 SUMMARY. Runs Off Esalpk. 2; off Callff, 6. Hlta Off Eaaick, .1; off Callff, 2. Stolen bases Mohler. Nealon I. Householder, Irwin. Two-base hit Behianr. - Macri flce hlta Oochnauer, Mohler, House holder, Irwin. . First bas on , errors Portland. 1: San Francisco. 7. Bas on balls Off Eaaick, 2; oft Callff, 2: off Hltt, 1. Left on bases Portland, 4; San Francisco, S. Struck out By Es irk. bv Callff. 1: bv Hltt. 10. Wild pitch Callff. Time of game On hour and 65 minutea. Umpire Davia. ; FITZGERALD WILL BOX k , LANDERS NEXT MONTH '! ' (Joaraal BpeeUl Bervke.! " San Francisco. Oct. -20- Th ' Colms club ha matched Willie Fltsgerald and Fred Lander ta box 1 rounds at Colma Friday evening, November 10, at US pounds at i o'clock, weighing In at Harry Corbetfa, for 60 per cent of the gross receipts, divided 75 per rent to the winner and 2( per cent to th loser. Eddl Oraney will be the referee. He will also act as the . custodian of the 115 the men have deposited for weight and appearance, v . Harry - Foley waa Landers' representative, while Johnny Reid waa the Fldua Achates for tho eaatern flstlcufflst , aUeUur at Jaaaaion.' , :,- . ioarsat Rpedal Barries.) -. New York, Oct. 2. Jamaica Park race results: . Six furlongs Platoon won, . Grapple second, Dreamer third; time, 1:11 1-1.' Five and a half furlongs Sir Tristan won, Hallow Mass second, Bully Banas tat thV time, 1:08 1-1. Mile and an. eighth, selling Chimney Sweep won, D'Argle second, Jane Holly third; time, 1:411-6. ;-..' Packers' stake, five and a half fur longs Water Oraaa won. Caprice sec ond. Bribery third; time, 1:07 4-6. Mile and a sixteenth Lord 'badge won, Athlone second. King Pepper third; time. 1:47 4-6. V Mile and a sixteenth Bad News won. Zala second. Long Order third; time,' 1:47 4-6.. j- --:', IXIjQinDM to Yeataul Cclsr. "Bad been tins til. with daadraff a Inogtlms. After aalng ose softie of Ualrbealtta I fooad tbe dandruff pine aad aij kalr, which was two-third, grar (I an 40 yeara old) restored te Its aatural anbara color. O. KICHMAN, La Ctosm, wis." HilrkMlth anickly brings baek yvathrol eolot to era kalr. no natter sow kmg It sas bees gray or white. Positively renraves dasdraC, kills the germ aad stop, kalr falllac. Does sot stale akla er lines. Aided by HARPINA BO At and Skin. sealta. It soothes and seals the sralp. stops Itch, la sd prosKrtss gae hair growth. Large so,' bottle.. drasslM.'. lake sot king without sUsa tore PWio Ear Oo. , Frcj Se:p Offer iWUV. id. miow, to any OT voe roiHrwing dromlata asd get a OOe. bottl. Ray's Balrhealth and a 3Ae. eake Hartlna kfedleate Beep, beat fn bate, bath, tmiet, both roe tot.i or eeot hr Pblle Bay gpeelaltles V, Newark, N. J., aasrtse sc said, ea leetipt tt 0c aad tale adv. . j Kaaw, . ........................ yellowing drntxlta sapply Bar's Bslrtsslta sd Baraaa Boag ta taalr shoe self I voosabs. tnvAJtn oo reaiia WsaAlagtOa) St. FORGED Terrible Calamity ThM l!-3 Cefallen a Large etch ing House. !. . wniiam Oruber. Omaha'a largest clothiers, with an established -reputa tion of over 10 yeara ror carrying oniy the highest gradee of men a. boya . and children's clothing, shoes and furnish ings, were forced from their building, which was leased over their heade with out nravlous noiicw, juai i " when their indebtedness for thla Not being able to find another loca tion In Omaha, adequate to dispose of thalr larre stock at thla unfortunate time, they were compelled to move thir otock where they could realise on It n..inkiv to aav their good name, and chose Portland a the best place, freight rates being cheaper than to points In th Tht'r Immense stock of 1 01.000 worth of men's, boys' and children clothing, shoes and furnishings, etc.. haa been moved Into th large storeroom. 171 Third atreet, two door from Yamhill atreet. Portland, Oregon, wher thla magnificent etock will be sold out at re tail for ' :.,'.. ",! '. .,"' ':'-. qq 1 Per Cent Less Then 033 Manufacturers Cost FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY. Sal Beglna, Saturday, ; ., October. IS, at I a. m, ':,.;'.., .a.- '".,"' And Ooses Saturday Night." November 4. Tki. 0 tramenrloua aaerlflc. a w ,n.Marai verv close buyers by th. tnHa. . Ynu cannot aDDreciate what a Teat reduction tnie is unm you se the-goods and prices. . . ( t - ,. . Bont Mis Thl Bar Opportaaitr Of getting the biggeat bargains 15 clothing, furnishings, etc.. ever offered to the people of Portland, aa you may never be able to get a chance Ilk thl again. Below w quote a few prices. tO BHOW wnai irnwnuuu. - are malting, jusi rtm.mum n goods priced In jnia lavtruerawm tn be brought , back arty time during the sale:' ... ' ' '.': A Fine Suit of Men' Clothes, all to ' - match . :-,T,,"".ViT!'f5 Thia suit is positively worth $11.6 or vour money refunded- at any um during th ala. . - Men's Fin Bult ana uvercoaia, in cheviots and ttcoicn piaias wnrth lift.oo or vour money refunded at any time during th aal If you are not aatlsned. ' Men's Splendid Suit and Overcoats, In siwos, .o Poaltively worth $11.00, or your money back. r - ' - Bilk and Satln-Llned Dress Bult and Overcoats, In . plain, onecaa ana striped colorings .............. .17.M They are positively worth $11.00. Men's Extra Fine Dreaa Buita ana Overcoats, in an ine taieai siyios and shades, heavy ellk and aatln llned. equal to the flneat ,40.00 tailor-made to order garments, for $12 Don't fall to ask to see these gar ments. Men'a Flneat Waterproof overcoaie. maker'a guarantee iicxe on every coat; worth $20.00 to $16.00...... $. Don't fall to ae them. ; .. Men'a Fine Dreaa pant ........... .Ose Worth $1.50 or your money refunded. Men' Fin Trousers for Sunday wear, , In worateds and fancy stripe a, at 11.10 Positively worth $5.00. $0.00 and 17.00 or mbnev refutided. - - Boys' Suite and Overcoats ....... -$ worth 4.6. v. 13 . n.ui Hnita avntt Overcoata. worth 15.00. $0.00 and $7.00... .. .$2.40 Thouaanda of Children Suit to choose from. A . J" 1 oaa Rnva1 VtiM Pants. - worth 11.00 ' 160 K-.t aiiitv Reinforced Laun dered Shirts, worth $1.00. ?5 Flne Dress Shirts, worth 11.50. .20c-lfo Men'a Fine Bilk Embroidered . Sua pendera. worth 75o. ...... ........Jo flood Heavv Bocks, worth 26o .Jc -...- a nnn Norktlaa. In all ahadea. worth from 60c to jp.00 14 Men Handkerchief a, worth 260.....S0 Men's and Boys' Caps, worth 260....I60 Mm'm uin. FHonnel Shirts, worth $2.60 . . 7e Man'a itvoralla. Mm! OUlck ..I0 TilHck and Tan Hoae. worth 250.....7 Towels, worth 16c .40 Odd Coata and Odd Vesta at your own price: 3.000 other articles too. numeroua lo mention. . v . ... , ? . . MEN'S FINE UNDERWEAR AT LES8 . THAN nALr 1 no woi w . PRODUCTION. : " ' .' :: ' SMOBS. Men'a Velour Calf; worth fl.60. at. .11.11 Men'a Fine Vicl, Kangaroo and Box. Calf: worth $4.00, at. ... i. ...... 12.41 WA'a rnrdnvin and Kanaaroo Welta worth $4.60. at .$2.11 Men s Finest Welts, in Vlcl and Wil low Calf; regular $5.00 shoes, at $1.2$ Men Patent Leather, all laes; reg ular 11.6 $2.21 a.,,' and Youths' Kangaroo Calf - worth $1.60. at v !. Little Gent' Nobby Sho; worth $2.00, at , . . c s These are all up-to-date goods. "Do not confound this with ao-called clos ing-out sales, tc ,, Thla la a Iegltlmata Sal. We must rals the money necessary to satisfy our creditors' claims. Posi tively no good sold until - Saturday, Oct. 28 at 8 a. m. SALE POSITIVELY CLOSES SATUR DAY NIOHT, NOV. 4, AT 11 P. M. Do Mot B BnsledTsl Store X FOBTXtABTO, OBBOOB. Doora from TamaUl. . Mail orders carefully filled. Railroad far paid on all purchase $26.00 or over. M'KINLAY AIDED IN ' RAISINQ THE BOYCOTT ', . ' , . (Joarsal- Bpeelal Bert-Ice.) : - Santa Rosa. Cal., Oct. It. Congress man McKlnlay received a letter from one of the largest milling concerns on the Pacific coaat, located In Seattle, thanking him for being largely Instru mental in lifting the Chinese boycott on American goods, and ssylng that through hi effort th firm, which I a large exporter, I again doing business with j Chines merchant. When Mo Klnlay was In Hongkong with the Tsft party he waa made the special guest of honor at a banquet given by 12 of th wealthiest Chlneve merchants. - The- merchants told him that they had no complaint with th exclusion law Ss it stands, but wanted to have It fixed ao that Chinese merchants on landing I America could give bond If there was any question aa to their right to enter. McKlnlay offered to arrange an intro duction with Tsft If the merchanrt would sgree to rail off the boycott. Tsft hesrd 'th mrrrhsnts and It la apparent that some order hss been sent out sine, for th boycott "has bean stopped. - . . Pief.nsd stock Canned Croeds. Allan ALcwl Best Brand. j 172 Third Street .iiuiitu i-y ; O'Jil FOflERlt Girt Who Killed Heraelf Decaus of SwBsthsarf Death Choat 'i.-, Coffin Beforehand. ( ' DID NOT WANT BURIAL. -PREFERRING CREMATION Told Undertaker That She Was Ar. ranging for a Friend Who Was E petted to Die and Selected a Plain Pint' Board Caaket. 'V ', (Joaraal Speeld Serviee.) " . . . New York, Oct. : That Mia Anna E. Scott, th girl who killed herself at Atlantlq City Saturday becauae of grlf over her fiance' a sudden death, had with car and deliberation arranged' for her funeral.' even to th point of choosing her coffin, became known - today when a friend of th sulcld called at Aldred's undertaking sbon. Telling John Aldred. Jr., ah expectea a friend to die within two day. Mia Scott dlscuased calmly tha beat method of disposing of her own body, she in. formed the undertaker that h would notify him when needed and aald that her friend a name was Anna Bmltn. "She doe not want to be burled," said Mia Scott "but told me that she pre fers cremation." ' Sha asked how much It would coat to cremate th body, and on being told th terms, aald they were atlsfactory. . i "Now, I'd Ilk to see th coffin." ah said. Aldred led the way to tha rear of tha . shop and - showed ' her several caskets! "A plain on will do." ah said, and: agreed on a pine board coffin, n embellishments, to be uaed. 1 -"I'm going away tomorrow.' aald Mia Scott "and you'll probably hear from me on ' Saturday. The suicide left a message, summoning the undertaker to take charge of thv body -of "Anna Smith" and a not to a friend In which money for the servlcee or th under taker was Inclosed. EAMES SEAT SALE : V STARTS TOMORROW Emma Eamea and her company of ar tists haa luat given a concert In Salt Lake City, at th Tabernacle there, and th hug place was crowded with those who cam to hear and remained to ad mire. There never ha been a concert given In that city of music which gave ao complete and entire satisfaction. Tha Herald expressed It as follow: "Th perfection of th whola evening waa as unexpected aa it waa aatlafaotory. . In a program covering two hour, there was hardly a moment of commonplace muslo certainly there was no Inartistic In stant; and If It wer not for th re straint of colds-type the-whole affair would call for . unlimited enthusiasm. Gngorsa. th baritone, was, like Holl- man. a atunnlng surprise. He, ha . a volo of ' splendid dramatlo quality. rarely sympathetic sweetness, and a moat unusual glfe of emotional Interpre tation. Hollman'a 'cello work la as nearly, perfect as on could wish to hear, and for Eamea! - Never can one forget such a triumph as aha achieved." Thl company come to th Marquam on Monday evening under th direction Of Lot Steers-Wynn Coman, and tha seats ' ar on sals Friday morning at 10 o'clock. .- . , -.,..)'... j DOINGS IN RABBITVILLE f From the Irrigon Irrigator , Special Correspondent ' ' Rabbltvllla. Morrow Countv. Or.. Oct 24. Lisa Butterbottom reports that her 10 hens layed 1 eggs laat .Wen "day. And her hen 1 not hybred either,' jest common, everyday, . ordinary speckled hen. - ' - Sagebrush Charley brung in a Jack- rabbit lost Saturday What tipped . the skales at 7 pound. . He -was a wopper. Sagebrush killed htm with a rock. -The city drug tor haa jest got In an aaslnement -of 6 barrels : of rle, 4 barrels of burbon. 2 barrels of Jtn and 2 barrels of rumm. and they can now fill all perscrlptions promptly. I have sampled all of th barrel and they ar suae fin good. 1 Laat Friday Pap Honeybottom flung a rock at m pup, mist th pup and hit Dan Skumpakey' wooden leg Jest abaft the caf. Dan had all his canvasa spread at the time and wa aallln' under a stiff breese with a heavy list to port carryln' a Jug o' perscrlptions on the starboard beam. Hia timber being shlvvered he foundered and his cargo went overboard a totle lose. Dan brung soot for one 00 for the perscrlptions and 16 cent for the Jug,' but , the . 'squire held that under Mr. Cotton' antldoted lawa of Oregon th tonln" of wooden leg- wasn't no crime, but .under article 4 seetioh $ of the Act of Juris Prudence he'd tax Pap with on 76 cost wlch waa ,pald and ImmeJIt invested In perscrlptions. Then we all spliced the main brae as long a w could stand up. ' I am JeSt In receet of a dispatch from Mr. William E. Curtis, writ from Chl coggo, and if there 1 folks what thtnk Rabbitvill alnt glttln" to tha front this miasll ought to dlsabbuse their minds at onct and forever amen. Mr. Curtl I a grata writer, beln' the correspondent of a little paper called th Record-Herald printed In Chlooggo. In fack Me and -Curtis ranks aa th grtst cor respondence writer on this hemisphear, and of coarse we sorter pull, for on an other, Hk awl big men or to do. Wa alnt Jellua of on another, not a bit for we are too famua and two brany for Ich small things Ilk that Curtis has writ that he would like to swap Jobs with me, me havln' told him in a con vtvvlal period down to Portland abowt my fat sallery and moreover what a nice Graft I'm workln' rlt here' In Rabbit villa. And now h haa 1 eye en my sal lery and 1 eye on my Graft, there beln' no draft In Chlooggo yet but Curtis ho thinks with my big brans I mlt work up a little of It there for him. , Mebbe I could, for I'm aa smooth aa greece. Her I .work It Ilk thl; I git awl of my perscrlptions at the 'city -drug store fjor f cent per, perscrlptlon, and -nobody aiav glia nuiio jit ma nur iv ca-ni each! What a clncbt How It did make Curtlses mouth water when I unfolded It to'hlm? I march up to the bar Ilk a Dook or a Irl and plank down my 10 cent for each perscrlptlon and then when nobody alnt a lookln' 'they sneak ft of it back to mel It' Ilk glttln' dlwtdendrsn bad stocks, or ellppln' cou- pons' - Frequent I git back aa much a on 40 per dayt No. wonder Curtis Is most crasy abowt I. for a graft of 1$ fifty per day -I a darned Jewcy pile of boodle.. And a feller with a strong eon- Only thesst i. .Treacherous weather, thla- Ona ,"'. J ".'!J"nyr know wbn retiring what weight ttm9-lw undsrwear will be required next morn. . t "'-; TlvT , ing. stutgarter Normal Wool, Under- , .' 4 UsifJ" 1 ""r I constructed that on weight 1 ' .;; 1 adaptabl to caus It 1 designed to keep in th heat of th body, whit th manner In. which . ' it I woven 1 auch a to absorb th a . . : perspiration. For the reason Stut garter la th 'sanitary underwear abao- . Iutly th moat comfortable And long '. ' st-wartng. ... - ' -oira SBfBBTi-rrra to fxtb boxv .; IVABS WTM wABMBlTT. ' I ir Pan nt Now Going On -,i r ''- . '- -t V. 1 N EW L0CATI 0Il I45 First Street norm 'wtujam. tbx vaxxs. Proakat, Qalrveyaat, Vayeale,' Vakalst, Treses auahua I 'sjak a seleaa eatk t,tn yea BMre aksorate faets ta rslstlea t set ealy the past, eat the areseat asd tatare ef year life. as i wen ss every baee., su or aalbttloa. ef year Ufa, without asking ye a ee Hea. Thia I win e for yea. aad stare thaa say emer elatrveyast pslsjIH or ae-eslled forraaa-teller la. the. world caa roe yoa. I advlae yea ea Isve, eeortablp, ssnrlage. divorce, healta, bast- aeas.. Iswsalts, speeatetlea asd traseeettoa ef an kinds: teB who ead wsea t marry; set tla kmrs' asamls sad family treasie; lopsie lost treaear asd abeeat trloBos,.- ate. sisva WASHIVeiOM BT. Low eharges.. Pally. Sa days saw,- B a. B. bl. .-.-..- . , PALACE HOTEL Whthr he go by. land or sea, th traveler will And It a delightful trip to San Francisco, where he should top at he world-famed . Pakce Hotel and enjoy It many attrac tive features. Foe fuller information writ t . th Palace, or ee - . ', Jf . O. afBCSaVT at the Portland - Informa tion and Booking Agency, HoUl Portland. ,. tltntlon Hk Curtis' could run It a lot higher. - But Ira roisdoubtful abowt Curtis br-ln' - able to give Rabbltvllla awl whata comln' to her. him not beln' quit up to -th high lltterary plnnlcl wich I have sot." Howsumever, I could pleas th folk what own the little paperji writea ror, ana I may swap with him for a few month Jest to help him and ellevate Chlcoggo'a lltterary horrlson. f ' ,-' - - ''-.;': Sim Dipp. w mean th Hon. Sim DIpp. wa walking around In our midst laat Sunday. Blm ' haa a big km on hi bran now- for bringln' Rabbltvllla to the front eye e,- makln" a bitter out of aagebrush root. He says h mad a waahbller full of It laat month and haa been full on It ever alno. ::, What you been smokln', SlmT Rheumatism Cured - 50,000 DO XX 9 I aii atisBt ssd To Introdoc this weaderml - f s e d y among the .offering readers of this p. oar I have set aald. , 000 Bezea for - Tree iatrlsaUea1 sad every afflicted reader la soar teouilr invited to write for one. I This remnerv.h.a en rod Peformttyof the heads where sll ethwe failed. Is geaeral rhronla healdea It la ahselatelr Articular RbeaiB.tlaiB. safe te tahe and will ' not tiara, the dellret. tlaane of four stora.rh Ilk. ether rheam. tl.a. mmmIIm do. Thla .1 mnl. reawdr - h.. ear Many peraosS who ware ao decrepit aad Mln-e.rkeAvttiat n'r roam aeiuer aieuo bot aed themaelrea, among Niem peraone.. ef years and over. Recently It eared aa ol genriestan wbo nan mif o j -wbota seres doetors - bad called Iscarsble. Addreaa: ' . . J0KW A. BSUTaT. ten SUrla VUg.. Mil 4A U W PGOTw'fa ft Safll" ton for KM - fftMrt . A many temperatures, be- '. ROBINSON CSk odi-i 289 Washington St: ' r ore BBVOATZOVAla. ' 1 K l J 1 1: '4 It 4 pn nw btokx of m boxmbs jrtrgiv aeea College. Teeth .ad Vt'aabtagtoa Bts., Portland. Or., BOW nader eoaatractloa. wUl be epleadldly llgbtad aad will have evary conveB. leoea for the areata motlattoa ar 500 stadeatai ; There will be IS offices ror baetaeee araetlee, t eoalpped with deoartatoot erUpbonee, hading WiaehiBea,' loose-lea t ledgera, card flies asd ae pllaaeea aeeeaaary te the an Sara hnatniaa offle. -We ptaeed 014 cradastas la aaalueaa last year. U U C'JSIKESS COLLEGE For catalog writ to temporary addreeaf Hilt Military Academy A Private aaeV Boarding School tot Bora. Rasaa! Trals inf. Military Dlert. aHfta IUIm. - haa. arattoa. Farest sad iaftlest hsibltVm. of yeaCh ea. eoBragad and developed. - Boy 0t aay age sdadtted at aay tlata. FAXaZt TBBM BOW OFBaT. ' aaaad ror llloatrated catalog. eeatalstBg roH uswsnne. ate. HUi Military Aedmy .. rOBTLAMO. OBBOOltr, The Kiiltnonch ; Business Instltate Special School of Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting, Bookkeeping ind Business Methods, Business Pen manship by th Palmar Method. ',. ' j' OO0JT Of TtTXTXOB. r':'i' Just on third less than Is usually required. Evening or dsy aesslona Call Main 40I for partloulara. " Oregon J : Portland SL Helens Hall A Girls' School of th high est class. 1 Corps of teachers, location.-building, equipment 'the best. , , Send for cstalogue; ' PtU Tena Now Open Hotel Eaton , Oemsr Kterlssa sad uk Btiaets. , aadMsrety faralahed, .Icgantlr egelsn. Brearoof, ve SJlaatas Walh froat heart et ahoppla aad haalaea dlatrtet sll large, alrf, eatalde roaBM, steaaa haa tad. slaetrw llchts, tel.phoae la eaeb aparti.nt, eta targe eteea. hMaging. SaoklBg. writJag. ladUe' reeosrlea parlors, iiiisbi I lived hr smD or talephoae. - . v Private eaarba aMets tjahw asd stusisw. Kmi $I.OO f $S.OO a Hay ., Bpeelal Kates te CeMsrll Has, - atma. bas katov. , v - (rsratsrly 4 Bel . Bedpath, Basks.) Ka. 7064, r.ti by Kn.1L L Coot Oil BortB Fifth street Taeenma, Week-. received the prls stov offered by the Portland stove Work at th Lewie and. Clark xposlUon, , . Saue i 01HES 1 HI-' .-vi: i. '