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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
I.' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. TIIUIDAY EVENING. OCTOS If 1 eO f tHM at thai - ' af Portland. Onva, for IxanepertaUea Uwk tha Hill M Bsouad ,' Postage Cur 'slagl copies: Far j. or J J MS papa. 1 : Ukli BageB. , as sb p,ea, cents. Faltarlsl Ree-axa Mala 2S8 umcs.. ............... ... fobxiob advebtiaieo BiPBWEOTArrvX - - VrrelanS-BeoJaeila Special Adrrrrt.tng A.rrner. 1M Naasss street, Hew York, Xrtbsns BuUd '.. . tfriesse, ,. - , t . ' .: v ,' ; ':'- nawixRios itm.Y 's '.v v -:'.'Jl; ' Terras by "' ''".. Tha Beny Jenra.l. with Raster. I rar...J b Dallr Journal. 1 rnar J .' 5 Dellr looms 1. with Ssedsr. A months. J J The rsly Jonruel, months J." '. Daily Journal, wltk Sundsr, Bsoathe. 1S . Th nail Journal. awitha ? TThi rallr Journal, with Sundsr. i nv-ntn.. .an , The Dslls, par mtt, delivered. Bonder to-, 'Haded ............. ..... . The Dellr, par week, delivered. Seeder ex- , eepted .. TaraW ky Ban. s ' ' The Deflr Pearnat with Susdsr. t Tsar...!"! . Ths Dally Journal I year... 5 JS Tk Dally IcnnHl, wltk Snadnr. A Beasts. J J-J Tha rallT laarnal. wttk Unml.r. I aMataa. I. T1m rxllr JiwniaL aMMitba , Tha rall Jnaraal. vltk na4a. I amtk.. TTia Hall JmL t mnalh..- Tha Mnnlav Jflaraal. 1 rar. .............. J Taa tartar IoaaaL awmttia 1-M Tfca laaal-WaaUr JaaraaL .' tk 8ait.WaaktT Jaarnal, to It rarM aak ,1aaa. UIaatnt4. fall BMrfcat port. I rmr 41 BalttiBa anonM k aiaaa kr aVafta. noatal aeo. apraa aroara a ad mall aaMiaata ara caaptakla to t aad a arat aoataaa ataapa. ...... . fXSJOUBIAI. f. O. Box HI. Portland Orrroa. wnu tk jovmmiL iut si roxnro. Tk Voaraal eaB aa foasd aa aaW at tk fnnowlBf plam: BOIUB. IDA BO H. SaDar a Cftl W. K. k Intrra. CHICAOA Paatefflea Main aoBaaari ITS Daar VrNTEB. COroiLiDO J. BU. SUtaaatk aa Cartla atr1a. KANRAg rtTT "of Wrwa amapaar. '.. WtWNEAPOLIS kt. J. KaraaaaKk. M Boatk TMM atrvet. WW TORK rtTT Wrwrtaao'a. TTb amiara. ' OMAHA Minara) flotrl nnra ataad: Mraaatk Statlnarrr cntnnaar. ISna Ttmsai atrart. ALT LAKH CITT Katirna Rntrl arwa ataa4) Bamiw Braa., 4S Wct Hawing atrart. atmtk. KT. loci" Ptitllp Rwor. lt Lacoat atraati ' Jt T. n.- an out atm. -IN rKANOSOO W. K. Antta. Patof FnM . awa ataad aM inn Markvt atnwtt VI4- "l'k Braa..-I Bftttmt atraat anal Halnt , . 'rraarla txJl: Pnatar Orrar. 9trrf batlaV las; N. Wkratla. aamakl ara ataad. aor ' r Martrt and Xnrarf atraata. BATTL1 Kalnlr Grand iwwa at and; W. ta fchaaka. Botrl rVttl nnra ataad. . BPOKANI, WASHINGTON Joba W. Orakaa o. TACOMA. 'WAHHTItOTOIt Ontrat Raws eaav ' . fawr: Ratal Tam am stand. TTfTnUIA. URITISR mrXMBIA Ttctorta V Pima FhtWn aManaar. 1 WEATHER REPORT. Tna nnrtbanvt dtatnrbaara la now rantral mm Mtaaraou aad tha low acaaaara am ratrdar nrrr tha knrar Mlaalaalppl rail la bow paaalnc t ara off tha eaarvw raaat. Thr two dlatarh. aaraa nar raoard lUrht rani la Mlnaaanta and apnrr Mk-hlcan. ararr ralna la tha aoath At lantic atatra and Iraarr amonalai hi tha Ohio aallrr and mktdlr Atlantic atatra. Tna bra Tint rainfall waa S.M Inrhrn. at Charlraton. Koath rarallna. Tha baromatcr Is blah m Xmr Knrland atatra and a high arraaora arra ft maatdrraMa niarnitad la rantral arar wratara ' waahlnrtoa, whlrh baa rausad mock raokrr "rra'brr hi tha North Parlfle atatra with, fn alona; too northern California coaat aad to th Wlllaaartt vallrr and anood coantrr. ,. The aatward avnraarat of tbla- blab nraasar arra i will raoar fair wratbrr In thia dlatrlrt dnrtna tha nrit dar or two, wltfc tromtj morahtia aad . fin-wanT arrrmoona. - - . . Weddlna Cards. W.. (1:- "silt A Co.. Waah. t rnaron ewia.. eor. renrth and waahlnrfrm sta. BIRTHS. ' BakroaWA Octoher ; ia. to .Mr, and Mm, r rnannai naaecawa, ETerett atrert, a : eon. CO KnOX Octoher 1, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Rrarr CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. AKDKRHON Albertna Anderann. Twrntjfirst iw r-f.TTsTTfTo arreera. oipntnena. . i DEATHS. hrrMRB October . William H. MeOnre. v . a sard 3 rear, at Ootid ftamarttan hospital; ranee, trpbold frrer. Burial at Nellfh, Ne-eeaska.-- DI XTAN Ia Ban rraaclsm. October 21, 1006, John W. Pnncan. a(rd 20 reara. OVCRFfOLTZER At her home In TliardTllle, October 24. Mra..Kellle rrrwlmr Orerboltaer. ared 21 rears. : ; CXM1K In thm eltr. October 24. 1B0S. j,niea , rranna, iz-rear-ei)i ana or Mr. aad Mrs. - j. w. lona. zu Kimncaworth renna. , Fnneral annonnceaaent later iyjjJOHUnoif In this ettr. October . at t4B rniymrn, avoiia eoonaon, area is rears. BITMTinr OZXZTZBT. Bk trarea 10. Fanllr hrta 170 to 1,000. The onlr reaietery In Port U ad which per petnatlr maintains and cares for iota. Tat full Information apnlr to W. B. Mackeaale. Wor- wmvw vii r. , Tf. aa. issn, preeioeau J. P. Plnlar A hoa. funeral dlractora aad rmniam, nnrr inira ana sisaison srreeta. .. Ofaca of ponntr aoroner. Telepbana Mala . : ImnntiuT. MeEntee A Ollhaocb. ndertakera ana emnaimera; monera in oeerr detail, ereoth . ssa rise, nam 4JO. ladr (aslatast. - ' Pnnaral wreatna and ent Dowera aperlaltr at Boss Cltr Greenboose. Twenty aeooad and , aaat Momeoa. oppoait aeaaaierr. . The Edward Belmaa Cndertaklng eomnenr, faaaral direct ora and ambslmers. 220 Third wu raona svi. . Clirka Broa. for flowers. ISO Morrison atraat. FUNERAL NOTICES. ...n. . , , i . vrvwri , xsisi. ar xne , , famllr tldenre on Grand arenne. north. Elale n oian. earn jo rears, a montna and . rilM. WrimwkAm Maul . ln. - -. -' mfHiuiaiiTi .rn I W , epHftfuUr Inrited to attend the fnneral ., serrlce, which will he held at Pinler'a chapel . ' rrtusj, ucHwr xi. laterment lione rlr eemetrrT. ' OK RAT In this eltr. Octoher 24. IMS. Joseph ... jwmTM. rnrwis snn aruuaint. , a sees are reepeetfnllr Inrlted to attend the - - . " " " win i ft neia . I rne cathedral, corner Fifteenth sod r.i. rr.i. - it fday. October 2T. laterment Mount Calrarr reroetrry. MtHtTOrS Prlenrta and sttialntatices ara re enretmils Inrlted to attend the funeral sere. ices or William Morton, which wtllVee-heM at .. iw iijuim m. r.. ennrra at-::a p. m. , teojorrow. Octoher ST. Interment . Lena Plr REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ' T. A. Todd", trnstea, to R. Alexander et al.. lot a. block 44, 1'nlrtraltr Park. ' and ether propertr .... $ (no ja. nsniio iv atii m. ocnierTer, enta '. M and A, block 1. Willamette adill- tlon to Kart Portland - 10 11. block" 1 Rcserentr -Parti 150 JtsifornMlnthrtr Inrestaient corutianr to - - W llllam M. Ladd, Iota I dad 2, block 100, city . 'II tl. Black to I- A. Browna. lota B and , . hlnrk 210. Holladar's addition to East Portland - 10 , grllwund liandjA lnrnrorement .company to . II II. Jonea. lot A. block 1M. Coach 'e aeNlltlon , 2.200 I. M. Chaptn and fcnahand to L. MrKeana. lota 4H. 01. A2. 07. Arlrt. Park 220 ; r. h. Rmltk and wlfa to W. C. PraaHa. ,' lota I. 2. t and r). hloc 2, and other 4 propertr. Bt. iobna .'........-"' X I'lirtatlaa and wife to 1. Wslton. lot ' 'T. blcaw 20. East Portland ........... 2.100 1 M. i. Mct'Hir and wife In M. IJ-jdear, hts I snd A block 14. Hia-hlsnd ..... aVritritr Nartaa-e A -Traat eomnaar to 1. , s lleeefeaM. snd -lfe. A acrra sect loss P." A. rownshha 1 aonth. rstyre eaat.. 1130 r. 0. Faallh aad wire ra e., rrrrm, i"i a kua m Hasrl horse s First addl. tlon !....! 1,100 f. M. Breoka to W . M. Bmoha. nmllrlilrw t i. mrercai i no leT'ice'i . ' j prrtnca.c t section A lonnshlp Isxirtn. , - i aaa t nasi ......................... jUtii WmE MmB jM$!MMb REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. tv b. i w MM to A. Kuhn. lota and t. blork lh, Aherlorka addition. 1,000 u. V. A actv ana eiio . ... and wife, parcel land. belnnln( aotitk . i.M. e x9 fMM north 1N feet east Via feet bt IA Balch'a addlllou. 2.000 U. W. yira ard wife, eaat H lvU. T and . hlock 11. I'll f ford 83C K. gam-ke obaaa. treat ee. to Ceatral Lnra- w lAi. s and 4. hlock 2. .aad'rirer fc.ta and lu. IW. Johns... . 1 W. M. Heeeramw to W. C. Prancls, hrta and A blork A . iohna ........... 1,000 C. K. Kmltb and wifn to W. C. rranria, aU that itnriloa of Albany and John . , streets abuttltif b8 2 and 4v block a; rlrar lots 7, a ana ................. C. B. Kmllb and nrfa to W. C. aucU. lota 1, A T and h. black A nd othrf property. At. 'Juhna - , ' A. Bartrla, adtulnlstratiix, to L. Q. Cot. ., tel. lota 1 ami A block 162, Oaruthera'J addltloa i 1.TS0 A. i. Mofilt and wife-to P. Grates, lot,: 1, block 30. West Portland , I 0. W. t bauibrrUla and wife to T. P. , Ronie, west m-thrast K son threat ' la section al, lownsoip l norio, rsoaa 4 esst TOO 231 P. Vrblrifrl. tmstee. to C. Anderson. Kit SO, eaat 73 feet lot 20. A. Maria rara . . M. L. Hollirook and wife to A. rkias. lots T aad A block 12. Bt. Johns rars eddltlna AM Bub Laud compaur ta the public, atrip of land tHi feel wine extentuns irom Wall ta Waatanna, atreeta , . Lowenrart to H. Mrlater, part lot 1, block 1.17, Coora's adilltlou . Mriater to Enterprise Brawlnr com-psiir.'ouu-t lot A block 137, Conch's ad- 400 dlltoa COO '. A. Oraa and wife ta Title Uaarantra A Traat rampaor. Ma T aa4 H. bkjrk si. Canitbcra' addltioo .............. H. Marlar to K. A. farln. aortk W) fnt wrat litu fart lot iW. Uflroaa William B. Btrrtr and arlta to E.. A. Keartuf. Int 3, Melruaa laet Burrl at al. to 0. OTrland. andlrldrd Intnvat Ml I to (, block 22.. Ptula aular addltloa So. 1 100 ere I. Dobaon and wlfa to L. J. Ootdamltb, aontk :t3 14 frrt lot 3, blork lO, rltf.. . W. Hurt at al. to T. A. Darla aatate. lot t, blork S. BbrTktek'a addition.... , Cola aad hoabaud to B. T. Hnlnla. parrel land ockUibIiik waat Una f ourth atraot U (ret aoulh. and W.S (rat B. T. Mnlada and wlfa to at. UlmiprUarb. parrel land beglnnmc aama j,iv M. Caanmana and hnanand to J. Boryb. Iota . 7 and .blork 1, aor lb ratriawn 1.200 . IJadaar and wlfa to H. B. Oraathawo. lota 1 and S. blork 14, Hlahlaad ...j. 800 A..B. Brrk to I. B. C. Lo-kwood. Iota S and A block 60. Eaat Portland 1 Portland Traat rnmpanr to i. H. Waah, : lota 1. X. xu. block OH. Tremont Plarr. . t0 A. Hrft and hnaband to A. W. Lambrrt. . aoathweat cornrr of northwrat H aonin--raat U aectloa 13, townsbto.l north, run 1 raat 2.850 Parlfle Coaat Aba tract Oaaranty A Traat - roointn to M. at. nrott, ota a ana , blork 1. Mutrhard Trhct I , B. Rllrr and wife to, W. Yraka, . lota 23 and 24. blork B. Willamette.. , 206 11 f. Omtoporat and wife to A. Hendrlck- aoa and hnanand, I.4T arrra. aav xu arroa arrtlona 1, 2. 11 and 12. town atala 1 aoath. ranee t eaat 1.000 Title Oaaraatae A Trnat romaany to A. Htock. lot 1, Mora 11, neat rieamoni. P. A. Beard and wife to A. J. Hilar. Jr., lot . blork 1. North Iranhoa addition. 100 . M. Iiord at al. to M. P. Barahaasb, lot 12. block 18, Lloroln Park........ 200 D. W. Bntler aad wlfa to at. U. Rjnear-, . ana. kta IH. IB. 20 aad 21. Mora. M. ortb Villa '.. 1.000 Laraoa to A. Walker, oarrel land aae-' tlon . township 1 aootli, ranae 2 east. 2B0 I. Moriaa and wife ts H. W. ncott, , lota I and 4. blork 1. Mnlrbard Tract. , 1 . W. Knlcht to J. W. Tar lor. aortk 2 acres o( lot 04. 12S Cat roar luaatanea and abstracts to I aatata from tha Title Gears a tee A Traat pear. 240 Waahlngtoa street, corner Beeaad. Brings Eastern Money . to Oregon. Northiyestern rJutual or jatwAwxzi, wa t : . ) Loaned ewM.tOO.O ef Ita policy -holders' money lb Pacific Northwest In 1004. Use total o( $ t trees ted to urefoai ana w asninfion. - i T. Lockwood & Son ; , , ' OZmAL AvlRI,' ' ' ; OobootA Bldf, PortUutA, Or. ' 4 INTEREST Savings Bank OF : , The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Pyi 4 per cent on CertificAtea of Deposit PAyi 3 per cent interest on CUU17 psuAncea 01 oeponi accounts, abject to cneck. , Banking hours.. .....9a.m. to 4 p.m. SAturdAvs ....... 9 a. m. to 1 d. m. Saturday evenings 5 to 8 o'clock DIRECTORS:';' W. M. Ladd. J. Thorburn Ross. T. T. Burkhsrt Frank M. WArren. . , George H. Hill. . 240 Washington Street .Corner Second. PORTLAND. OREGON. NOTICE. NOTICE TO PRE" ENT CLA 1MB Notice ta here. by flrea that C. A. Rhitrte ef Arlliirton. Ore nn. has transferred to the nndrrnlined all of hla property, aa trnafee. for the benefit of all of hla credltora pro rata, accordln to the emounx -or -laeir reepeciira Claims. All per sona hsrlnc clalma aaalnst said r. A. Mhnrts are hereby notified to present the same to the nnd-ralcard at bis office a the OreKoa i Hsrlnas bank. No. M2I Morrlnoa street. In tha Hty of Portland. Oregon, duly serlfied. Within ores Bsonwn rroxn rne nste neeeof. - r-, . . WALTER II, MOORE. Trustee, Portland. Oregon. Octoher 12. 1HO0. MEETING NOTICES. . WEBPOOT CAMP. Ko. an Woodmen of the World Meets erary'Trldar alcbt at W. n- W h.ll -snd Waahli.ftoa atreeta, Brfreabmenta will be arrred. All rtsMna nrlh- - - . " M. T. WOtiDWARn. C. ( A. t. B AJ BV .JThl rdlt treet. utn-n wpinmiaj Ll-i ?s'ir ANP F0UNp- LT Moadar. ajnid fined laity a watch, rnl tlabx M. E. .. onM chain hraoelet attache.1 1 reward, t'nona Main 4223. - ilea taenia 1 Tentn at. , RT'-Whll female bnll terrier, tall and ears cropped; return to aw norrierar st.i reward, rOtVO Cockar apaulal 1'aosa Eaat SOba. NOTIOm. , 1 NOTICE OP PINAL ACCOUNT la the Matter of the Kstatc of slatntiaa jnnita, DaceaseA Kotice la hereby aires that the nailer. elant-d. as arfmlnlatrator of the estate of - . ' . , . j . . k a sisiniiua -iiioiia, m . w. mm iiien ia xne rxmnry court ef Multnomah connty,' state of Urea-on. nia nnsi acnwai ee suniinistrator and that Monday, the thirteenth day of No rcaiher. lwtXS, at 0;30 a. m., at the oourt ' room of said court, baa been Bred by eaid court aa the dar (or heerltur objections tv said Ooal account ana toe wiiiemeut tbereof. Any person hsrlnc any objection to said re port ts kerebr notlnrdvto present same oa or before , thm tlw art (or aald hearing. I II. TARPI.KY. AdmlnUtrstor' ef tha Estate ( Mathilda Jnblts, lieceased. : Ihited Portland. Oreaon,, October 11, 1008. Data of Orel pabllcatlon, October 12, InoS. Hate of last publication. November 0. lutio. NOTICE Ttl PRESENT CLAIM Notice Is here by airea tbst Shurte A Weir company of Ar llneton, OrejniD. baa traasferred to tha ander slmied all of Its propertr as trustee, for the urnrflt of all of Its creditors pro rata, accord. Inr to the amonnt of their reepectlYe rial rue. All persons haelnc claims acaluat said cor. pora tlon ara hereby notified to prearnt tha aame to the nnderslfoed at hia office In the On-ena Rsrlrurs bank. No. 221 Morrison street. In the city ef Portland. Orenun. dalr eertfled. wltkia three months from the dsta bereof. , WALTER II. MOOUK. Trustee. Portland. Opecon. Octoher 12. 1K0B. HELP WANTED MALE. 8ECUBB A QOOD POSITION. We aaslst competent office men. bookkeepers. efenoarapitera, caahiera, coiiectora, hill clerks, general clerical, technical commercial men. luatneaa Men'a Clesrlnf Honae, 110 Second. SALKHMBN wanted; cash advanced weekly; aood territory open; outfit free; some are wak ing 1100 to $1.V) per month. Why not root Address Waabinftoa lNureery Co.. Toppentah, Waafaiiujton. MEN and bora wanted to earn $0 dar. after a montna' inatrnction. position '.vnaraoteea; epectel tuition half price, few daya onlr. t'oyne Broa. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York. Cincinnati. 0., Rt. Louis, Mo. Praa caUlogtM. STRICTLY hirh Rrada typewriter as Iceman for road territory; aalarr. commission and expenses; atale references and experience Hniith l'remirr Typewriter Co. WANTED Yonnjf man to learn profession; money mane wntie leerniua;. ' Apply s Htrarna hWf., :& to 0:W a. mH :30 ta 0:30 p. m. j,, . WANTED Clerk a aad wlndow-driaaew to atndr show-card wrltlne at I. M. J. A. nl(bt achool; parsoosl inatractloa. Apply (or par. tlculara. WANTED Man to take contract hanltoa Inmber . from the lYaU to the cltr ty the tnonsami. c. R. Black, boa Lpabur at. v t'nona slaw S27A WANTED A man to take contract to clear 20 acres at city limits; stump-pniier on groana. Apply 804 Oxford at. Take Woodlawn ear. WANTED Solicitors. (4 to SO per dar; aalarr or commission, can or write nr. . -Aayior A Co., room A Labbe hldg.. Portland. DRENH aooda and allk aaleamen, thoroufhlr ei- perlenced. Appir'at euperinianaent a oiriee, Oltla, Wort man A Klnf. . SO BOLTCfTTEBB Winted. Appl-nt Westers Cooperate Co.. room 200 Btearna bldcu,.HlxtB and MotrsMSi ata. WANTED Good second hand upright boiler. 2 to korsrpower. AOtlreaa "uoisrr," ina JonrnaL WE reoulre at once a rood collector with wheeL fort la na ureait Association, an atonawn oiug. WANTED Mrst-rlnBa saleames In Portland and eosatry; hla wagea. aue . McKay buig. POl'B good aoUdtora wanted (or the tea and coriee iraae. noya lea u,, ezs Morrxaon ex. COAL minara wanted. Call at Big Pout Em ployment Agency. In North second at. WANTED 2 bench Mods. Oregon rianlnx MlUe. Ntneteentir ana vangna ata. , WANTED 'rpentcra,t i A. JohBson, 860 -f- I x . w eiarer nx. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTEDBtenofrapbrr owning trpewrltar, ta j i -. w.... . hM. n .a a. ...i. weekly wagea wanted. P. O. Bog 141. TBC8TW0BTHY. energetic women to traeal and organise ror viaet romps ny. uu or addreaa room 23. Lewis bldg. BANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. AUH Waahlng- ton at-, ear. Berentn. pstairn. rnone auin 200A Fsmsla help wanted. WANTED Woman for cooking and nooaework. Take Monfarnia car, get oil et grarei pii ana ask (or W. B. Dougherty. WANTED Competent girl (or general kooss- work; a null Ismliy. ui eaat iota, corner YambllL . WANTED Asa latent lady pastry cook. Inquire after lo a. m.. xn intra ex. YOL'NO girl wanted for light boueework, no children, renin ax. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand (or competent bookkeepers ami etenogrephere ta greater man tne anppiy. rrom Angnat 1. 1004, to Angnst 1. 1006, wa placed 20T la good positions; had calls (or mora than BOO: ear graduates are ALL employed; wa will aaalat yon to a position when competent; enroll now; dar or night. ' Rehnke-Walkef Business College, Sixth and Morrison sta. WANTED At once, a bright, envrgetle, pra- arntabw maa or woman, a gooa uuarr. ia take np aa attractles proposition. t Inquire 783 Chamber of Commerce. S a. at. - WANTED Part lee for conaerratlra tnrestmtnt. email capital;, opening lor positions. e-t Sherlock bldg. , WANTEIh Men or women to canTaaa; no ex. nertence required. Hoora 24, ox tor a Bouse, 222 Market. WANTED Immediately, S men ar women to do eaneaaalog. Call up Eaat 37: gooa proposition. BELP wanted and supplied, mala or female. B. O. DRAM, zuovt waaDingtoa st visy sen. 2B SALEflMEN and aalealadlea wanted.. Apply Manager, III -mira at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper who baa few spare hours a day wishes small art or nook ta keep or accounts of any kind to audit; ref erences. Addreaa P 4H, Journal. . MIDDLE-AOKO man. married, good - hahlta. wants llgnx lnsioe worst iraii a1 irmmrr Address W. E. Coy, I W Buaaell at. .Port' land Oregon. . WANTE1 Br young man, position SB raahler In reetanranr or assiatsnt tjooaaeeper in store. Address (J. P. Stafford, room ai Ooodnough . " POSITION wanted by ronng man aa bookkeeper or clerk; can gira goon rererencee aa io char acter and ability. Addreaa O I. Journal. WANTED ".Indent wanta place to work night and morning fur , hoara. AUdresa : u OA rare Journal PAINTER waata work: am a etrnoger here; must bsre work. Auureaa Anton (Hiion, AT ' lets. Orrgr. . SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE SITr AT10NS WANTED Capable family cook or ooeroing-nuuee i u. nmrrni, i u., wiumn, nurses, arrond girls, bousrkeeprr with llttla girl. Xm f amhlll. Phone Main A413. WANTED Posit Ion by atenographer with 4 reara experience; rapiti and arrarata; Ullsxtr operator. Aanrees r Ol, journal. One of Your Intimate friends may want to buy aotnethlng which yoa want to sell, yet It may rennlre a "want ad to bring the transaction ahmit. The neat time yon want lo bur or sell Borne. thing try a llttla Journal "want" -sd. j . ... . v." - - SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Situation aa housekeeper: accoetomod ta farm) eererencee tiimasuani. aire, aua all sua. U realism. Oregon. WANTED Idr wanta to do bones work or tlm hour, l iu at oa nssx nuiaanin sx. iron to S e clock. ..''' YOl'Ntl lady, expert stenographer, of bustneaa ability, deairee poaiitun., Aaareoa u M, Journal. " , ... YOCNO ladr (ond 0( aewlna; desires position fa that line ot worn. Aoureee u an, journal. WOMAN wanta work bp the dar, waah tag and houeecleaulng. A aureus u as, jonrnat. MB. I.. M. M'KINZIB wanta new lag bp tha day or piece, oo r.asi isnm at. - DAY work wanted. ' Phon West 2000. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted to aril nursery stock; new aad complete outfit rarnlsbsd free; cash weekly. Capital City Muraarr . company, Salem. Oregon. .., AGENTS WANTED Commission and salary. 2Wto First at. Mew lor a uutnitinf ia - WANTED TO RENT. WB want desirable booses and Tata, aU porta of tha cltr; bare high class eitonta walling; rents collected, property cared for. THE CONTINENTAL. WMPANY. " 242 Stark St. - Phono Mate 107A TWO ladlea want 2 housekeeping noma, fur nished or uulurnisnea; quiet place, not iua near car Una. Addreaa P 40. Journal WANTED To rent farm, IB or 20 acres. Seer citr; nooss and nam. m. u. si organ, ,v Milwankla at. WANTED Housekeeping rooma hi prlratd fam- Ur. tin at wrj Miseonri ere. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0PPICE. 0B MEN. tS N. Second at. Pbeoa Mala 1SSA f APANESE-CHINEHR BMPLOYMENT.OFP1CB. Henry Tahnra. SOT Erarstt at, . Ifaone ra- rifle 640. ..,- PACIFIC Coaat Em p. Co. Sellable employment agenta. lib N. aa at. t'nona nam ooiu. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contra. tore; help free to employers, lis storruoa. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO. 211 Morrison at.; anppiiaa men for aU klixta or work. . BIG FOl'R EM P. AGENCY Help supplied free. 18 N. Second at. Phone Mala llo. NATIONAL' Employment and Labor "Agency, SI? fine at. i-aona Alain saue. r , THE POBTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO, 203 Morrison at. Phone raeirie xsv. WANTED REAL ESTATE. PERSONS baring property for Bale or rant will please call on or aaareas x ompoen m McMillan. 37S Plf tb at., Portland. Phona rarifie km. I HAYB buyers wetting to bear of email home In or near rortiana, sny aireeoon; ii yon are ready to sen addreaa r a. care journal. LIRT. Tear hronertr - with XL Onr . mottot xjntrn Bales, enort protna. ' noysi aeai aaiaxe company, isr la rirst at., room B OR A room modern noose. wtb 18 ra Inn tee" ride or Journal office; moat oa n nargain. P 4T. ears ot Journal. IP eon haes nronertr ta aell. Ilet It wltk at. j. lietser, zziih morruron sx.ff room e, t paona fraciitc oea. WANTED 10 to 20-acro Impmred farm near Portland for B2.ono cash. Thorns son. 140 First at., room 9. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS EE the Lewis Bad Clark (air at home; Bend 400 la atampa tor naaoeonia pnoto doos. nearly 200 ebotea o( Axis, THxSH inches. Weatrrn View. Book Co.. Portland. Bos 204. PAINTTNO. anrartne and whitewashing treea. baaamenta. barns, dorks, etc. largest gasoline spraying outfit oa tha coast. M. O. Morgaa a Co. bto Miiwsukis sc. rnons s-ssx eon. OBCHE8TRA. S Bleces. wants sngagaments , eeenlngs, Sandaya; music (or all occasions rery Da, an Lacrtua sr.. ifi. main sow. RinRtsr essh nrlre nald for bottles and rank of erery description, rortiana jiottw nuppiy tjo 1 nortD Eigntsentn. rnonn mam u, WANT to rent or buy one billiard and one pool tahle complete; most oe m iirni-ctasa ronoitlon. r an. csrs ins rfooraai. WANTED flentle drlrlng spring,- (or Its keeping; 42, Journal. (or lady till references. 0 WANTED To buy or lease a building tot close In. McPOeraon, unman notei, r irax ana Aiver, BOOKS bougtat. sold aad exchsaged at the Old Boon store, scot zamniu ex., P. J. BYDEB. printer. Beoond and Waaklngtsa sin. raoae aaain noon. -. WANTED A good workhorse to board. Phona Kaat 4(04. WHO IS M. O. M0BOAN A CO. t FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT in. nmir av eniwrwa "... " ww.,u..,v, anumni.IT luruMmi, wiih wwwr www... conTcnience; nil eaxeiue roomie, win. mn gas or electric lights, porcelain be the;- rates ooc, loe ana i; special raise oy ins wees or BHwIiia. , THE BEM.EVITB. 212V4 Ponrtb St. Neatly furnlsbed moms for- gentlemen; an ootaine rooma; electric lights, porcelain hatha; ratea. 60c. 76c, 1: eery low ratea bp week or month. Hood TOl. " HOTEL. PALMER. . Centrally mealed at tba corner ( Alder and pars ata.; ateam neat, not ana roia water, free porcelain hatha; rooma BOc, 7Be and 1; special weekly rates. TUB HAM ANN. 1SB N. 18th.. cor. Hort Newly fnrnlahrd rooma, 11.00 up; sonrenient location, 15 mlnntea' walk to (air grounds; Moniaoa ear at union depot direct to house, raoae MTV. ONE Isree front room, anltahle for 2 gentle men: nlso other rooma ror iw ana sin per month: fnrnsre heat, electric light, bath ami phone. IAS Ekrrenth at., near slorrleon. KINO'S BBIORTS Desirable neighbor heod, . near St. Helena Ball; nicely (oral ah ad room (or one or two, with private family: perma nent preferred. Too Main ex. RRAPTirL'LLY furnished rooms m brick boll I tng; bath, electric light and plmne: $2 per ; week and np. ins new Beimonr iwsy, rirsx ax. - . 25014 THIBTEENTH ST. PTlTSte honae. ep. gantiy riirnisnea rront nenrooms; ateo aine and srmxll rear room; flrst-clasa, new, tea- amiable. - LI N DELL HOTEL, 4th snd Market: new man , hgemeBt: fnrnlehed new throughout; no dark rwnna; comfortabla home. Mra. Ec Mdan. MARQTTAM HOt'SR. 14SH Mb Booms en salts or single; nossrieeping rooms; gas sioran. bath, alec trie ugnts; xtsbsisbis aonciteo. PCRNIHHED rooms, single or en en He, $2 per . month and np. Hotel Pah-mount, Twenty- . alxtb and upatiar sua magna ata. - NICB fnmlahed rooma for rent In nrlrate (am lly on eaat side, within 10 minutes', walk fa poa tort ice. l j 4 urana are. inr TAVf.OB. newlr fnrnlshed roorns: furnace. aaa. bath; no objections to light nouaegeep- Ing. rnons Mam 14X7. run , r. i i. -p 7 i u , ii, win, , ..... i" . and cold water, furnace heat, reasonable. J4J norxn jwmiy-.iiira ei. TUB ALPRR, 41M Aider Nicely furnished . rooms, rery eonrenieot. asy, wees or motiiuj ratea reaeonahis. b. . WW W . . , BI,r.OAl. llil llllBiwim I'luwa, miwmiww P,ir.i , hot and cold water; rates reaaonable. Ii II rxortn atita ex. CHEAPEST and beat toeetes rooms tn Portland, ft week aad np- 0 lima a. First and Alder ata Tba Henderson, 2M4 Alder Elegantly (nrnlabed reoaia (or Beruasant and tiansleat reomers. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT PBONT parlor (or geatlemaa of refinement whs wishes rue at soar tea tea tar at ell, bet Ererett at, THE GRAND Newly furnished room bp tba week ar month. 2s2li Grand e. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING POM BENT Fumlaned housekeeping routes ta beet brick block on esai sioe; gas rsagea. bath, etc.; no transients j pricoa saoqaraxa. LogaB til., ll xnien Alder. Puons Bast 4024. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooma, best pert of nrlrate house. Clean una iignt; porce lain belli, sink, phone, pantry, closet end rent: lit blocks to car. SO Kaat Pour taenia at.. North. " DON'T (all to see war housekeeping suttee; feat reasonaoie; warning oisian, ireueirvw, rooine. The ButUnd. BlOVk First at. 111 PEB month. 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, l ..rf him- ' lUH Kaat I'rilrtV.ntntll! tsks fcnnnyslde-Mount Tabor car. THE MITCHELL, riandere and Seeentb Rooma, fcouaefceeploc and tranatenti snranisnt; nrtcsa reasonable. ' , NICELY fnrnlshed , housekeeping, and alngle rooms; bath, gas ana paone; reaaonsDia.: 4a) Clap St. ' v - . . THE GLADSTONE 01214 Barter St., furnlsbed rooma; aooer new management; prions ree aoaable. BOOM8 to let to lad lee; housekeeping prlTr- legea. a. per wees, u 44, csrs Ol journal. BOOMS fnrntaned for honaekeeplnc, anltabl for 2 famines, luiuvfc Kcimoni at. ROOMS AND BOARD. PI RST-CLA BS toama and board (or permanest people, e22.BO and zo per saoata; taoie ooara it per week. Astir kooaa. 7U and Madlaoa ata. Tel. Mala A231. BOOMS wltk board (or permanent tsaanta. reasonable: rirst-clsas noma sooklns. 2J1 Sixth st. . BOOM snd. board ar table board ahme; centrally aueaiea. I none main ouue or a, care journal. 220 FOB room and board, ana or two; refer ence, as eaat nrntn St., n. FOR RENT FLATS. MODEBN B room flat, attic aad'haaemant. East Tweaty-foorth at., at. Hawthorns sad Mao laon. - . MODERN It-room flat. mr. Dixon aad Benton. Phone Union 5M4. Inquire 424 Larrabee. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. DB8IBABI.E second floor, 20x50; hot and cold water: will rent part or whole. 12 ptfta st. FOB KeT Drskroom aad Beery thing fur nished. B. 8. Jackson A Co., 240 Stark St. OFFICE- ROOMS Good nough bldg. Apply eierator. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALS. FOB boat remits on FCBNTTUBB," - Whether to buy or aell, ring ap Mala BOSS. POBTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, , . , 811 rtrst at. NICELY furnlsbed t-room hoses, eompmta, wltb piano; rent :0; 4 rooms apstalrs caa os rented (or (47.60 per month; price B00; (160 eaah, bnlanrar an year. O AS. JonraaL rl RNmiRB of a o-raom house for sale, hour ror rent; mnet Bell at once; owner gomg eeax. B. B. Clinton, second house waat uf .Plrland atatloa. Mt. Scott car lino. FOB BENT 4 lower rooma: bath, gas: furnl- , tnra for snle, a bargain; rant lit. Ihqulra 207 Kugens at. DOI BLB bones, flats, 10 rooms, rent only S7t), lease; parties going fwsy. Call at S02 Jt- (eraoA. v . COTTAGB (or rent, carpet for aale. Call bet. io and 12 mornings nt inn rioiiaciay are. FOR RENT HOUSES. 0WNEBB AND AGENTS will find It to tkanr advantage to llat their vacant houses aad , (lata wltb out Pros Beu'ul department. Our vacant house directory baa become a recog- ' Blaed Inatltutloa la Portland, bnadred of tenanta being -warkly placed la eultabla ausrtem. We make no charge whatever and. owner should take adeaauge of xhla Bar rlre by calling at our rental or pertinent aad filling la aa "Information Blank." If . Ton have a meant boose. Dbone the aar. tlculara and lea re tba reet to as. Wa woa't allow It to remain long Idle. , U. K. EDWARDS, H0U8EFTJRNISHEB. Pre Rental Department. 186 to 101 First St. nil RENT Esst aMa nronertr : B-roora mod era flat, close ta; Aroom bouas suitable for 2 families: urge Business mom, centrally lo cated, rnons Eaat 020.. t a, sex Mornaoa ax. FOR BENT Houaes and Sets, all parts of the city. Rental department THI CONTINENTAL COMPANY. . 24S Stark St. 1 STTJABT atatloa. Mount Scott car 4 meg rooma, oatbulldinga, modern; parties without children; furniture (or sals, . CaU the BeUe- ' aa. Fourth and Salmon. NEW A room nonsa and quarter block, Hancock Una S.BBX weniy-eixiu mim, , v. Lombard, Bid Chamber of Oommarsa. . S-ROOM modern noose oa eaat aide la good lo cation. 1 18 per month, it art ma a. inompaai A Powers, 3 Chamber ot tommerrs. . 14, 220 TWO, S aad S rooma. modern, nice location, -p. ixeunei eno mi. , n.e mn . " " tieth. Pbons Dr. Darling. MODERN 11-room honae, rery central, all moms leading off hall; reasons!) is. w agencra rrioa. fa mars. MODERN mors honse. eery central. able, watefleio rrira. m mars. TOR RENT FARMS. W t -ri rvn,x s. aw as Is. axwhsst 'axtatfai end axsnlAt. afl ( I Vm Bra r jnnuuaiw, gas s n we - aa good bonw. tarn, ft m lly errbard; 1 nil M. Hrip. S30 North NlnetMfttlt or wa . . oa rouriu ririA. smb. 1Y.R BifT-H arrM land with 6-rmmr hoa. VrD. In.ulr C. HeMnMO, 1088 UolfftU t. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS, FOB BBNT 100x100 northeast eomer of Thn-d snd Madtaoa ata. (or preeent occupancy H. err stable! or otherwioe. Apply to Batata s( D. P. Them peon. No. T Plrat at. BUSINESS CHANCES. BI.ACKSMITH-SHOP doing good bnalnees past 12 yrara, (nil supply of tools, quantity of Iron aad coal dwelling-house, bearing (rait trees, chicken-bouse, 2 passenger-boa ta, car aerrlcs rsch dar. 9 minutes' walk to esrb place; all (or -$iw0 If taken Boon. Apply to . V, Bna.. Blileefleld. WsshlnetOSU IF yon want a (arm. etry or au horns a propertr, a good bnalnees of any kiwi, or hare anr kmd. of pnonerty to aell or ei change, rail on or address Northwest Land Co., 209 Morrl- . son at., room 211. rnone Mam nets. CANDY STORB, WELL IWATED WITH HY ING BOOM, caa be bad at low rent br a desirable party; lnra t loo on seat sine oppo site the Alhlna srboolhoess. . Partlcalsrs. sail office. BIT oommemei biocb. WANTED Party to nnrrhses nndlrMed one half lnrereat tn S.oi scree v. .MX wn,, in. 5 rasing lands In Harney end Malbenr conn ties, regon: near (Men French rsncb. Inquire ene thlnek. ettv. . WE have for Bale (arms, city property, rooming. hntisee, hotels, restBtiranta and other iMiaineet ' rhancea; headquarters (c St. Johns property; we esn please yon. Dubois A Sherwood, 200 Morrison. Boom s.- roit SAl.R OR BENT Mr Sock o( thorough bred Plymouth Bock pigeons, also noma com mon ones with or Atthont' buildings, rrert a a aaa. kt.. UUmaa botol, first aad Aldr ata. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB 8ALB Oa account of alekaaaB. ales, cleaa. money. making beslnees aa eeex aioe; aaiea (nam fit to3i per dsn price fl.400, ot will toeoleai a agoato wasted. O BO, las Junrnst, FOB SAI.B Suburban grocery Btockv fixtures. 1 of 4 llrbig rooms; good. Place (or I deUcsteesen: plac (or mat. Call 110 Grand ! are., near Aioer. FOB BAI.B Pins 11ns of millinery snd ladle.' furnishing goods tn lire town or l.ouot ex. cellont opportunity; bo eu at petition. j( 43, cars JonrneL FOB SALB P fsrm close to lbs eilr. 2.0C) 4 lodging nouses, fi.w ana up; 4 restaurants. t2M and up. No. 27V Taylog st. II. H. Hlg ir. agent. ..-',.. - WANTED Br experienced maa wltb plant? of help, to take charge of lodging house, per centage or aalarr- Addreaa U -42, Journal. FOR SALE Small bustneaa chances requiring iron au xo eseu capital Business Mens Clearing House. 110 Second nt. . I HAVE small sawmill proposition; needs lltllg . . ii.. h ui vuw wwunif w uiresjugata, addreaa O 47. Journal. ' FOR SALE Beetanrant and lunch counter com. Dtnea; vary cheap. B. Cook, prop., inde pendence, Oregon. - FURNISHED rooming-house of 40 rooma In ina aeart ot city; pries 1.2W. Call 44 sixth St., aorta. . RESTAURANT (urnlturs for sals. W. H. Lattia. Hotel Falrmouat, Twenty -sixth and t'pabar ata. . CK1AR STORB foe $129 and good grocery for fouo. , or Invoice. Home Lanw Co., 14BM ruse. st... . t FOR SALE Brick botsL 6S rooms, good tars, splaadld leeaa; ta Portland. Y 4A J FINB opportunity la rstabtlahad bsMsssat aeed aeip aad capital. A dorses U S4. ears joarnal. INYEST1GATE For a smaU assonnt ot as pi ts t, larga retarna, auo etcaay mag. BAYB 2600 to Invest In bakery snd coffee- aouae. rt. w. lisia ato nurnsias St. . WANTED A small merchandise bualneea for cash; no agenta. Box tl Bl, Journal, THE Standard Honae (or aula; reasonable; 20 rooma. mi y norta nutn at. FOR - SAI.nV-Furnltar repair buslnsss. - , She Becoaa st. , WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Jt'HT a moment, plesse; let as flgurs oa what raa ha oone with a gooa wneni rarm. rn will take 40 arrra and we will crop ens half earb rear. Tba exnenas will he as follows: To Blowing 220 seres I 8'J0.00 Ts harrowing 220 acres A times...... 128.00 T drilling 220 acree. , 04.00 To aeed wheat.. , . , To beading 320 seres 220.00 To threshing , 4HOM0 To 2.600 sacks at OH csata To hauling to warehouse....... 170.00 S1.870.M Be Xm .ma 9ft" baebrla per acre at 80 centi..... M.000.0 To balanrs... ...$2.1.b0 To met of 640 acres of Improved wneet iunu at 115 per sere, se.OOO. Thas ta rouna num bers It will tsks fire years to par for tha farm and at the snd of ths flvs rears your "tand wlU be worth B80 per sere. Instead of , $I.V the purchaee price. We caa sell yoa this f kind ot una from giu to s'jv per acre, rourtn enan, naunco one nan toe i"v wm- pear untie, paid for. Codij iaad sea oa, ut T" NORTHWEST LAND CO. ' ,, ' " SOB Morrison at., room 211. ACBBTBA0TB1 : ,. , O0B SPECIALTY IS A0BI TBACTSI , ratLatasA streebx, wstos to sac aar. TERMS 410 PEB ACBB CAST! ' 110 PEB ACBB FEB MONTH. " Toa go to tbess acres oa tba as mo ear, Ry the aama Be far tha lot maa para. Tba : maa la .your aslgbbor. but bs la re. strict ed la malmity of (aataras that axak a tree an bur baa some. . A. C CBTBCHILL 00 I 3. v' 110 Second St, SPECIAL BABGAIN AS FOB 1. Tracts 2 front foot. SIS (sat deep; caa ; bars aa maay (mat (ret aa yoa waat from 60 (eet np; all la cultivation, nil level and alghtly, S minutes to good 10-rooia school. S grades, near stores, poatof flee, church sad car station at Lenta; S-esnt fare to sny psrt ef Portlsnd. ThU Is 1-2 pries: terms 1( wanted. O. B. Addlton. Lenta, Oragoa. owner. Take Mt. Scott car, S esnta. NEARLY S acres. Bit miles (rem renter of eltr. all Ib cult Ivs tlon; good boose. Urge barn, rhlrkea-konaea. lota of fruit, good water, a finest road In Oregon, 1 mile rrom electric line; pries $2,400: Terr assy terms. . If you are from "Missouri" 1 wtU show yes; if from any other at at, will asU yon it yon as It. T SO, csrs Journal. A BABGAIN 12-room bouse, well bnilt and plumbed; grounds OOxlMl: commands (Ins view of city snd harbor l cast mora than $11,000; fan bs had If takes-now for $0,800; $2,raM ah, balanrs can run for S rears st 6 per rent. Don't par $15,000 for your swell koine - when tbla caa be bad so cheap. Peery, 20$ Busse'l at. - FOR RENT OB BALE 41 H -acre (arm, knows aa Marqnam homestead; 11 miles from post office, under cultivation, plentr aprlng water, DUO assorted fruit trees, llrtng-honas, herns, etc.; an Ideal picturesque home .for scenery ; this tract can be laid aut for beautiful homes. Call 211H Second at. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BABGAIN flight Heat, ' healthleat and wltb conrenlencea afforded: . cheapest home altea In Portland; oldtimer Cannot -altera xo miss rnmntia penems. Dew comers can Snd rev sqnsl to chances now open. T.'J. Fording. Phone Main 45X3. KT SIDE HOMES Three 7 -room snd one S -room honae on B. Third and Multnomah ata. new, beantlfnlly flushed; fine location: convenient to 2 earlinea; eaay terms. Parish A Gonrlsy, owners, 240 Multnomsh at - LOT S, block 4, Bnnnysld add.,. $000. . Lot 11. block 41. Piedmont add.. .T2S. Lot 18, block 17, Alhlna add., 1090. Lot 12, block 4. Alhlna lid. add., I MO. ALPINE CO., 1B2 Plrat at. - FOR SALE Good Income-bearing propertr. ained st 82.000: will take 2 lota for nsrt ' par men t if located aonth of Skldmora to UnlOnrrave, ana siienriiy "re. ej. . Oelser. 22Hi Morrison at. FOR SAI.B 0 (In annny Iota, anld whole or separate: blgb grounds and healthy location 1 : atirronndlnga good; between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth. Kaat laywr, reason a Die, Ap ply 21 IH Second St. tw ,m want e chess snburbsn boms of 7 rooma. nuKlern bouse, larga barn, 4 larga lota, ahaile treea and plenty of fruit, cash or terme. call and see owner snd mnks sa offer. toO Broad ' at., Montavuia. . FOB SALE A fin r bancs (or a ronng msrrlel tn walk atralglit Into n gnod and rlean lionie: verr low price: at W0 Northrop St.. 0 rooms with new (urnlturs; everything ia full I $12 rent. ' I HAYB S acres very fins soil: new boose-, coat gliflO to build; S scree tn cultivation, balance very sesy to dear; right on O. w. P. electrle line; 10c car fare: price $1,200; ana glr terms. T on, care sonrnsi. - - FOR SALE TBx10n-foot lot on Esst Seventeenth and Couch; will sell (or $1.2A0 if sold Is next - fw days: faces esst; well worth 21.400: will all pert of lot If desired, Addreaa K 42, ears JonrnaL t ' FOR SALS Modem rehnrber. cMtage, rlose . sffleasa lewsna ArsaXt ananiaal asaf IMrllUss. ansa fUBjr UtTW, Saiisg ri".sia.'w, sn.ueesaes - 0. W. P. TowasltS Co.. 124 Flrat at. . ' ACRES. mile from O. W. Peleetrle line; no gravel snn wn.j w I w" . ' terms. Addreaa C Bl. care Journal. TotheMan Wbo la going ta bny a snlf mt clothes there Is nothing In todays Jonrnal of snch personal Importance ss ths "clothing" sds. JOUiaiAL "Want Atf' Rates -' , . , UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION - i Five Cents per Line ; ; '" No ad taken (or less thas lSe per day. Hfren nor da. as s rule, rnnetltiit s line, but each line Is charged regardless of ths number of words. . WliXLY BATE T Insertions (lnolndiag erne Baa day lasua) $0 CISTS par lias par MONTHLY BATE (lasludlng all uaAnp laausBl $1.00 per lias sar meats. A4)VAATISEMEBTS mast be to I Jeamsl kssuM of toe by IS s'oleok- weak daya kr ,10 e'alook Saturday evening (ar the Sunday lasae, to eseurs slaaalSoatlsa. Dlsplap rales given upon appUsatloa at , . ths ados. .. v THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES ' ABTMTIAEMXBTS. ' W!" rscelved at regular matn-off Ire tales. Following Is a 1 let of authorised scents: .h. ill ... . i - . " ,i vur euTsTxiee- fsuoal fuc PObllcatloa In tba next ' , : bobth tat.- ' :'' . A- Prseton. druggist.' Twenty third and Tburmaa atreeta. . Nob Illll Pharmacy, AM Ollssa street, corner Twenty-first. A. W. Allen, pharmacist, Sixteenth ami Marshall atreeta. McCommon'a Pharmacy, Nineteenth and Washington, streets. ,'-... .,.: I SOUTH tat.' - ' ' ,r"re A Orx, druggists. Front aad Ginba streets. . Cwttel Drug fcompany. First and Grant Streets. Psblaa Byerley. druggist. 400 Jeferaoo street, corner Tenth. - - " Bertman'a Pnarmacr, corner Slxtfc .and Harrison atreeta. PHimmer Drug company. 900 Third at reet. earner Madlaoa. . , cast rsi. W. A Lots, druggist, corner Grand avenue aad Eaat Burns Me street. Nichols A Thorn peon. 128 Itaseell atraat, Corner Alblna avenue. Jancke Drug company, corner Hawthorne aad Grand avenues. . W. C. Cable.- druggist, corner Holladay avenue and La rr a ore street, atar ateel bridge. , R. A. Wilson, 1U Grand avenue, sear Beat Morrison. . B. W. Bsll, - S3S Eaat Bsveath street, corner Stephens. , : BIOBLABD. : ' P. "J. Clark, druggist,! 1003 North tnlos avenue. I ' iTWsTTBrox. :-. J. E. Worth, pharmacist. BOS Belmont street. v . . . ' BBOOKLYH. Brnoklva Pharmacp company, Powell aad Milwaukla atreeta. . - .. ABLET A, 0KZO0V. -Arista rkarmacr. Mora ami Foatct Blrcet.. ULLWOOD. Hemetork's Pharmacy. B4S CmstlUa ave sue, .coraerEast Thirteenth atreet. .. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SPLENDID home, corner, easy walking dls- tsncs, snta s nesninni a-ronm modern Donee, coat $4,200 ts build, for $4,000: $1,000 cash, bslasos eaay. P. Fuebs, 140 First, SNAP Snburbsn 8 seres, near city limits jwooasiora car) ; s-room noose, nam. orcnarn; cheap, eaay terms. . Hums I-and Co., 140 Va First SL - Pbons Pacific AOS. A MODEBN 7 -room boose oa Thlrtr-eeeond and Division, onlr S2.2on: caa give vary rear terms; bouss bus been built T month a. Ad dress B Bd. csrs JournsL A 2 "TORT brick building. 100x100, on Esvt side; will par S pee cent net on $.10,000; pries $20,000; caa givs tsraw. Address B 64. csrs JoarssL , .. NEW modern 4 -room cottage, eaav jMrmenta. ir.bA sl . ... . . . mo 1 block Want. And ask for Smith Pbon Tr-iT-,- t Ksl ' IV UIVU AVVxl. ' ' 'A SNAP. ' A splendid kerne, on posits Piedmont, for 21 50j terms; oa Woodlawa car.. Apply, 8B$ FOB .SALE A2.TA0: new Aroom bonse. atrictly moaera. tins loesrion, ror. s.aat Tttirtieta anil Main: $300 dowa, $30 per awntb. Pbon Dr. Darling. LOOK at tbla: S seres, no better sofl tn Ore gon, loc fare, nearly all clear, email fa ones, only $800; eery easy terms. T 80. Journal. , FOB I BALE st a bargain, modern T-room boss sa Esst Taylor, close la; terms to salt ' purchaser. Apply P 42. care JonrnaL WAONEB A PETTY, 202 Oommerelsl blk.. have some of ths bast buys in ths cltr. nee them before buying sad bs convinced. SELLWOOD Iota, $8 Sows aad $8 a from $78 to tBXb SeUwooA Town thl ewnalte Co. Pbons Esst 4704. FOB SAI.B 11-rnom bonse st Monta villa; win aell cheap If taken at ones.- Iwinlrs owner, SVI Aider. FOB SALE On of ths finest t-room nouses ta Irving! on; eaay terms. Inqulra owner. Pbons Esst 2818. . FOB SALB room boos. 240 Third St., cheap. FOR SALE FARMS. 40 ACHES. 23 ta cuttlvstlnu, of which seres ' Is beever asm land; good orcbara. gooa new Aroom houee with pantry, gnod well, gnod barn snd other buildings; email stream living water through place; 4 cowa. calf, team, wagon aad harness, 1 spring wagon, 2 plows, 1 sprlng lootli barrow. 1 bayrake, 1 new bed room suite aad other things; S miles north of Hearer foe. 10 miles (mm rlty: time caa bs had. or place ran be divided: $4,000. ESPEY-CHANE BBALTY CO. Room 1 Hamilton bldg., on Third St., between Washington and Alder. - $300 DOWN and $100 per year for B rears Will OUJ W ' -wrM? , .. ' - . ...... enly 4 miles from the town of White Hslmon; this baa a gentle western aad southern slope. :., commanding a magnificent view of Mount . x Hood snd Colnmbie river: very rich, deep soil, sublrrlgstes and bt easily cleared: It Ilea in onr beet apple belt and la one of the cAoicest ; Iota: will make a beentirnl home: this offer Is good for 30 daya enly. While Salmon Lan.l Co,. -White Salmon, Washington, DO YOU want a (arm- (or tba coat ; of Improve ment! Here M one. 200 acrea, 2 miles front ' end of O. W. P. electric line. 100 seres la fine state of cultivation, "l-room bousa. large . barn and many other outbulldlngei ateam frnlt dryer, coat $2.IK)0: 42 seres ronng orchard, hearing; an new fences; on good road; prlc $A0 per acre. B 40. JonrnaL IrsVACBB (arm. 1 mllee eaat of Portland on IPO-at IX Bl lerin.,- . Hleatlnn ,wl KprJemt,r li acres"n Powel.V Valley rSTd mils south ot reservoir; short ,11 tanee rrom 2 ear llnee. 17 acrra good, level llrHTaSnln. Motor addltloa. W. B. Fcch helmer, 227 Falling bldg. . . . ' FABM LANDS. New railroad line and big beet sngar factory to be bnllt In Payette valley. Idaho, next veer. Now la the time ta bur fruit snd fsrm lands; end schools, caurrhea and social sdvsntages. KnM Csrrter, 200 Fifth. Main 8228. STATE; - . . The State oi , . . - .., .. amount of baa (or Urn selection: price until (urthet notice $0.00 pef acre. For par. "ctilara addreaa Oswald West, . State Land Agent, Salem, Oregon. tat) ACBES of (Irat-rlaaa land 21 miles from Portland, 10 acres rleer, 30 scree slsalied and burned; fine running wafer, lU-atory log honae: thla Is nne of ths very beat buys In Hi i northwest: prbr $10 pee acra. B 47. Journal. $10 000 FABM of 400 acres. 220 cultivated, balance pasture; SO acres clover; bona, two barns; won Id sell In lota of 40 acrra. Ad dress E. Bell. Ronta- 1, Klckreal, Oregon, or 400 Eaat Twelfth St., Portland. SS.TB0 BUYS a $4,800 farm of ISA scree. -room beuae, barn, good Water, IH miles from warehouse, 11$ miles to school; $1,000 cash, he la nee t years' time. P. J, Mlhossy, j Tskoa. Waak. i - , . . TOB SALE 0 acres good land; aay clrared ; , IS ml lee fmja Vancouver; $400. . O. A. Was ter, Orrkards, Waah. VARIETY rf Impmred (arm., fine Jil year, near r or t laud. Ls Coaipu, BOA Aliakr bid. , i