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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
"IS - Onr"!C!I DAILY J .... I -. a a . COffiD 11IIEDS IS getti;,c our . Former Dull Leader Ditpotet of Big , Elocjc. oT Old Hope v ;. ;' at Low Price.' -n NINE AND A HALF TO A V ; J THREE QUARTERS PAID ; Cheese If Firm a Half Cent Higher ..)' Rica Market Shows No Change foir.. Several Weeks Slight Advance . 7' .. in Wheat Value's. v1;. ,' ' i " ' Front Street, Oct. $0. Tb4 principal bttm . af the Fortune wholesale atrkM. today are: ' '.. Knti Mils 104 bops. ' ' V. hilm akMlua ll high. ' ' ' Ctitm merkst half at aa. . ..'.', Peer atarket to tuinai. i Oranges are very eearee.' I Chickens higher) eapply emelL ; - Erf srs firm but anchaaged. ' " Slight advenes ia wheat, merktt, Ftotar situation ranataa good.--'. , ,. Car aortas arara tbaa sver. Coaeord grapee are. lower today. , , ' ,' ' Oa the vary beet of authority TbeJpornal .la able to aanoanoa today that sessser Bull Leader KnM to disposing a his urge holdings " a 1804 hope. During the paat dey ar a the former hep king aeld practically WO balee at choice 1804 u pacific meet dealera. Frleea paid raage aetweoa "i aad 8 rente a poaad eed the barera war aat ever-anxloaa to parr : haaa at tbaaa figures. Scene tiaa ata " Tba . , ." Journal waa Informed that Kreba waa trying 4e dlspeaa at hie holdings of sM hope aad that fact' was published. Bespits tba eon tradletloa by tb termor -hug of tba ho ring Tba Journal aaday eaafbaaa tba tnforaw tfcm. What thla aaaaaa ta tba bo eiarkrt aiar ba Ja4cc4 br tba fact that Canrad Kraba haa baaa tba atoat atabbora koldar at.boaa darlnc tba paat aaaaea aad aa hla adrloa Buy frow " ara la tba' atata a Oroo. Callforala aad - WaahlBfftoa held their product area after the auirhat bad touched S3 eaata a poaad. It to ,-aaw aaaouaead that Kreba baa taraed ta baar ' tag the market and waa at auta with hie too ' ator srawar (rlaada, B. I. Saaltb, aad flaeaa A Soaa t Taeema. At tba aw an at there- ara 'alce a saaabar at aalaa at bapa reported but they are (ruerallr at prloaa a traetioa tower - fnjia thoaa prarloaalx quoted. Aa waa aald 'br The Joarnal reetrrdaT, thara aeeaia to be , ' aa ralld reaeoa for theaa lower prteea aa Oregoa ' hope ara tha ebotcaat la the world aad aa a ' baeU pf New York ralare hope ebeefld ba aeU 'law la Port la ad fat at least lfl eeata a peand - aet ta tha (rowar. las teed of thto tka vert tap of the awrkat tor cbotea hope ta thia terrV . tarr to 1H eeata aad aaost of tba aatoa ara ,aasr that nare. ; -f-. . ,, -'- f. ' Chun afarket b Slcbar. . . .' Thara to a atlffer trail ac la tha cheeaa Bur- ket todar aa aeeaaat ef tba aauiller raealpta. , -. The batte aterkat to fair ta firm with priree .. BBrhaacad. Co an try eeore to coaalnf la a trifle . . laeter aat there to a foa daaaad lar tha prortort troai tha aoath. - Ecra ara quoted tlrai bat raealpta aad da aMad are about equal at praaeat ealaea. . Okiokea Xarket la Rihar. Tha eblrkea atackat aaowa aaaaldeiabl derrsaaa la the arrlrate froaa those of tha prarloaa 'week aad the ton of the market le better, with pricea practically i cent kliber. "'Hi 1t drnund at tba ' aeoeneat to tot aprlnaa at avail alas aad for faacr hena. - Theaa brlo top Tahiea. . Larfa aprtaa (lad A call bat the etrrntta In tola Una 1a aot aa proaoaaead as la the thara. Oeeaa Mad a aood rail aroned ' eeata a poaad . bat ducka ara firm at 14 ' and 1 eeata a poaad. TnrkeA ara praett rally eat of aurkat bat there to aa. aadtlaa Kastera Oaaataabl i SeU Mifk. ' , Tba first Ohio chrstaata of tba aaaaea to arrive la tba Fortlaad aurkat eaata la yester day afteroooa by express. Aa tha erprese rata aaMmated to tally T eeata prteee qpoted aa tha atreet were hla, tba Orst arrlTato aaUlaf as eeoxe a powau. Pear ara quoted sry flna, with prloaa : aroaaa i.e par oo lor the Best, Orantee ara aaarea bat aosoe aarsla ara aa. . pec ted atata oa the ineoauae; ateaoer trosj tha aoath. .They win eell aroaaa SS-M par bos. - - ' Oar Skertaa Weraa Tbaa Ivor. - ' Tba car abortaaa to rsspaoslble for tba ... present 1 security la tha pots to awrkat. A few ordera - for fancy atocka ara- be Lag re- eel red rraa Arnoaa aat traoapartatloa caaaot . be aeeared aa aeeoaat-ef tba lack of ears. . a Locally tha BMrket Is flna far thto raeaoa. Oalooa ears' flrai with prtaea tha aaaie. .J.; B1M aaWaaea ta Wheat afarket. 1 ! .- Oa aeeaaat of tha better toae aad hlaher .. pricea la Ureraool fasterdar attaraaoa the local wheat stsrkst ahewad aa adraaea lata ' la tha day ef 1 cent per poaad bat weakneea 'la Karepe today aeat tba price -off about H rest. Mlllera coaipUla that pricea are " already toe blah eoaalderlas; tha price of flooa, aad aay that either tha price of tha latter Will bars to ba adeaaeed or tba Tatae of tha . forawr eat dowa. Oau aad aelUetafta ara fir bat aacbaased.. ' , . aloe Adraaoea Ara Old. It was teat aaost three weeks aaw that tha .k'aiea awket ahawed heavy advaarea, these ba r bl tta rleat aooted la nssralna pabllca. tloa today. - Dee lev ara all at aea la retard ta tha eata . altaatloa aad ara aawtuiaf to adrtse their rua rosaera w hath or ta boy ar aat. No eaaof la . velaea today. . Tba to Uo wind auotatlona ara paid along Froat " atreet by tha retail trade for choice quality "' ta round lota. Predaeara' prloaa .ara aa a peel '. fled: Orals, flea aad Teed. . " WTfUAT Now dab. Tar: Sad Saaalaa, Wei ! Maeateta. Me: valley, TttlTV. BARItT feed, ill Mi MO: raned, ta.M ' 08 00; brewing, i23.60dias.00. ; COHN Whole, SlrT.OOc era eked. Jjaoe par KTt n M per ewt ' ' ' " OATS Prodacera' arleo No. t Wklte, SSS.N 024.00: gray. 2f 00. r LOUR New. eestera Oregoa pt refits, pt-SOl . atfalgbta. eS bOOS M: export,; ral Jay. W ik grahaaa. Ha. M-aO; rye. 0a, s.aoi balee, $2 T8. MILLSTUryS Bra a, ,11.09 per seat told " dllnga, 1 2ft. 00: aborts, eoaatry, S10.00 elty, " 1 001 crop. 118.00. H A I Producers' price Tlawthy, Wlllaaiette . valley, fsoey, SU.00)1A00 ordinary, 7.00a) 00; eaatern ' Oregon, U.00eie.0Ot ajliad, M eOtta.OO; rtover, a.O0aio.O0; grslB, A.aOl ' .O0( chest. aa.O0Oa.eO. ' ; - Batter, Bgga aad Fool try. - Stimth City sreamery, - beat llt! aaenad grade, 0e:- oatslde -fancy, tTMQaOcj ordinary, 27 H: alora, ldtJITe. 1 SUOa No. 1 trash Ore tea, easdled. SBKCetst - aald etnrsee aad eaatern. 702e. CHBES New rail rrssm. twia.illH14ei . Tonne aw erica. t4HQ1e; eheddar, 14a, v OAlf B -Jackrabbiaa, St par doe. '. POLLTBT Chickens, lie par lb: faary bene, llQ13t,a per lb; roosters, old. Vi10e ' Per lh fry era. ll1He per lb; brollere, 121 11H per lb; docks, ltOlfte par lb; goeea. as per lb; tarkeya, l(lc per lb: dreeeed, ITe per lbi eooaba, SiWeAM per doe. FRIDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT JARKET e , X ' . , , , . e . Dae, ' Mar Chicago' ...,..$ ,gtV $ ..78 Kanaaa City... ,lt -' ..... . Minneapolis... .81 H ..... Mllwaukaa i ,IHB ' ,17 HB Puluth ,HH . ..... Liverpool,...., i 1014,1 aSt0d Bt toula...,., .IIHA. Haw Tork.., .jb ..... Ban franclsco, l.lH, 1.41 H r ' March. d 4 r'f, A A A d 4 S MARKET JOURNAL'S DAILY ' ' TIPS TO SHIPPERS Hlghar raealpta during tha paat taw daya bar bean a won "Jarful help to tba poultry mar kat and not alaoa haa tha ton Improved but an Advance of H cant la yaoordad in pricea today.. 1 Unlaaw , ahlpmanta bacoma too heavy durinf tba naxt taw laya theaa prloaa can now ba main, tain ad. Fat hena ara Bought tha moat. . ' Xapa. Wast Bad KUea. Oreaoa. eholea. Washington, Uci M04 arop, tH6e for caoice. WOOL 190 clip, valley, aoaree to aaedlaas. MH2ac a.., M027e eaauern Oregoa, Uatie. fiOHAia NoaslaaL aOfJlle. SilEEPSKIKS heeriag. lSfySOa eecht short fool. XOeOe each; medlua wool, WiJIfta aaoh( nag wool, TOcdtl-OO esoaw ALLOW Prliaev saw lb. SUahaet Msv B asA CHI mil bABK 1V,3 par ft. H1DI8-Dry. No. 1. 14 lbs sad op, 1SH ITHa pee lb; dry kip. No. 1. S to IB lbs. lie; dry este. No. 1, aader S lbs. lao; salted hides. eieera. aoauM. OB ids aad over. IOwllc; steers. " luviii etago sua halls- eeasA. BelTet kin. M te M lha. Be; calf, aooad. audor 16 lbs. tie. green, aaealtrd. la tosa; calU, le per lb lees horeehldea. Baited, each, l.tni.Tt; dry, each, ll.OoaiJOt aolt bides. 2esoue: Boat skins, lees; each. common, each, 104)lfic; Aagora, aach. S6el Fraita sad Veaweaelaa. POTATOES Beat Oregoa. Bee aaek; oar lota. 0a70c aaek: ordlaary, aulSe; eweeta, 1.80 sack. f2.16tsi.lS arato. ONIONS New Oregoa yellow Dsavera. 1 M OlJl aat lota, sLoOH1.0s garlic, Styioi !racSH FBUITS AvPlea, Oregoa. l,OSl.eO: fancy , fl.TB; crabapplee. 11.60: orangee. new navel. UM; lata V'alenclaa, S4.Tftql3.2S; ba aaaaa. 6c lb liainni, chossa, oS.60qtB.TS bra; fancy, fa. 00 bra: Unee, Mealcaa, S1.3S par 100; rlSR't 40 9t dos; peacbea, taacy, l.on(l.SB; ordinary T60a; frapee. Oregoa, 60uTSc: Caneorda. fu iiw; las sne K.k. California. Iktillll: aesra. gl.lStilJO Bar bra; WlBtar NelUa. 11. 26 per 'box; poeae granateiK tl.TB per boa; Ungerlaea, SI TS. VKOETABLES Taralpa, aew, tl.OO par aaek; earrala. 11.00 par aaek; beets, ll.OOqt l.SS per Back; Oregon radishes, jse par doe; cabbage. Oregoa, SI. 00 pe? ' awt; frees peppers. Be per lb: local tomatoes, SO40e; parsnips. 1 0001.20; striag beaaa. 4tSa eanllSower-. TV C tl.OO dos; rbabarb, par lb: boreeradlsb, 10c per lb; articbokas. dor 60e per Soa; head lettuce. BOe par dos; greea aoloaa. Per dos' tolnach. Se per lb greea eora, T6e per aaehi pees. Be per to; eacuaabera, TBc par sack I celery, local. BOftlTSe nee dos: eeenlasr. IVM see I Cn napkins, I He; eraeberrlee. Cape Ood. S8J0 par bl; Cons Bay and Tlllaseoek, IT.OO. . vsiau rituiis Apples, era Dora tea. TCfHC per lb; apricots, SttttlSe pee lb; ascks. Ha per lb leea; peacbea. 8012c per lb: oeara. per lb; pre sea. Itallaa, BSp4V4e per lb; Prencb, IHCtHe ner lb; Sga. rillf orals bUck. Seaita per lb; Callforala white. par lb; piums. pi ilea, per ip: aetee. goioen. BC per lb tarda. 1 60 per 15-lb box, . .. Sreeerlaa, . Vats, Zte. -. BHOAB Back basts On he. Bd an. sme'dered. S.M; fruit graanlated, SS.6S; dry grsBUlsted. I9.K; 'Coat. A. 6.S0; beet granulated, SS-46; extra v. fo vo; goiara v. s vo; u yellow, S4-S6I bbls. 10c; H bbls, 2Bc; boies, KOe advance aa each baala, less -16c per awt for cash. IS days; maple, 1416e per lb. HONEY ft per crate. w . ' COPPEE Package brands, SIS. TO SALT Coarse Half grooad, 100a, per too, table, dairy. 80s. SI1.0A: 100a. HOTS; Im ported Liverpool. 60s. flT.OO; loos, $14.60; 4s. 16.00: extra Sae. bbla. Ss. Ba. 10a, f4.60tt6IMt balk. S20 lbs. $4.0008.00: Backs. 60s. HC9c. , SALT Coarse . Half gronod, 100a, per too, rf.OO; (Or. per ton. ST.60; Liverpool, lump rock, 18 GO par ton; 60-lb roek. $7.00; lOOs. 6S.TB. (Ahova prloaa apply to eeles sf less . thaa ear Iota. Car seta at special prtoaa aabjeet ta BBcraaiioaa.1 OKAIN BAOB Calcutta. THa. BICE laioerlal Isosn. No. 1. Set No. . SHc; New Ortoaaa bead. SHe; AJaa, 4fte; Ora- ete. one.- . , BBANB ehnan white. $S.Mt laree white. n il: phik.,$2.S6i bayoa, $S.6S; Uasaa, $640; MexIceB reds. . NUTS Peanuts, . yam boa, tV,e par lb; Vlrelnla, I He par Ibr roasted. Se; earoaaata, Wetgor per dos; walnuts, ISelffity Per lb; pine Mn IS. luvixqf per io; n irm"rj ears, ine per lb; cbestimrs. eaetera. 16 Hoc per lb; Braall auta, 14c per lb: fllberta. 14eT1Ke per Ibt taacy pecans. 18HlHc: almonds. lset7e par lb. Fsiata, Oeal Oua, Zte. BOPS Faro htsnlta, lecl standard. UVk; BlaaL 10c; lisle era ad elaaL COAL OIL Pearl er Astral Cases. MHe per gal; water white, boa bbls. I6e per gal; wnodee. 18a Per gall headllgbt, 170-deg.. asaes, t2He per gaL - 0A80UNR SS-der. caara, 14He per gait tron bbls. 18c per gaL BENZINE s3-deg. ass se. 25c par gal; tna bbls, lHe per gsL TL'BPKNTINE la eaeea, SSa par gsj; wooden bbls.r BBc Be gaL WHITE LEAD Tea tota, ! per Th; 600-lb lots. Be per lb; leea Iota. tt per lb. . WIRB NAILS Preeant baaa at IS.T0. LIN8BEO OIL Pare raw. In B-hbl lots, 64c; MM tot SSa; caeea. SOe per gsl: evanlne kettle bollrd. eassa. 2e per gel; S-bbl Iota. SSe; l-bhl lot, BTe per gsl; ground sake, ear tote. $30.00 per tea: leea tbaa car iota. $30.00 per asa. Heats. Flab aad Frevtalona. FRESH MEATS rreat atreet Beef ateere. 9ft dc per lb; block. Ttta par lb: pack- lb: bulla. 45c per Ibt BH4j8c per lb; veal, extra, T per lb; ordl aary, T par lb; poor, Se per lb; mattoa. taacy, TOTHc per Tb. - HAMS. BACON, rrc Fortlaad Back (local) hams. 10 to 14 tba. 14c per lb; 14 to IS lbs, lJe per lb! breakfast baeoa. 16Q1BC per lb; picnic Be per lb; regular abort leers, as amoked. 11a par tb: smoked. lie per th; clear backs, anomoked. 10e per Ibt eaaoked, lltia Bar lb; Union batte, 10 as IB lbs, aa. amokedv 8e per lb: smoked, Se per lb; dear bellies, aaemoked, ile per lb smoked, lie par lb: ehouldere, Vfe per lb. LORAL LABD Kettle leaf. 10s, 11, per lb; Ss, HT4o per Tb; 60-lb Una. 11 per lb; steam rendered. 10a, 10a per lb; 6a, 10 PCANPfrO SALMON CoUrrabls rtear. 1-Tb tills. 51. SO; $.b telle. SZTB; fancy 1-rb Sat S1.S0; ,-lb fancy Sate, $1.16; fancy 1-lb ovala. 2.T5: Wa tsfta.' plak, BBOOOe; red, $1.60; aomlaal 2a. tall, $2.00. FISH Rack and. Te par Ibt BVnilideta, Be pet lb; halibat, THe per lb; crabs, tl.OO par doe; striped bam, ISHe per lb; eatSsh, Be per lb; aalaaoa, sllversldee, Se per lb; bloebaeke, da per lb; herring, Se per lot. Boles. Se per lb; shrimps, 10s par lb; parch. Be-per Tb; black eod, Te per lb; silver Smelt. Ta par lb; InosteTe, iftc; fresh xoackareL Sa pat lb; arawSeb, 2Sc per doa. OT8TER8 Shoalwatar bay, par gaL SltS; par aaek. $S.T6. CLAN" Hard-etielL per box. $a00 rasar clams, $1-00 par boa. r COTTON TWENTY-TWO TO TWENTY-FOUR POINTS UP New Tork. Oct. SO notion rntnraa etmad Zl to 14 points higher. Official quotations by Over beck, Starr a Cooke eoapenyi OHM Tflaft. t, - - - January ...... ......lmo 10JK) 1010 10'7UM Keonisry ........ ....ina losT vm ioHA64d March 1'IBO 1047 low 1042U4S April 1061 . 10f.2 KiftO lOfto ft May KHS lOf.T 1048 lOMWM Ortoher- po out . aw a7uao November ,..v,..,.. 0 loos a HO 10O2'uO4 December pus 1019 ' SV4 lOHfllg Uianil Oottaa Hurbar. TJvarpool. Oct. SO. Cettsa rutsrea eta td 11 palota klghar. , . . - ,. . . . atww smytag Xopa. Dallas. Or., Oct. SO, ktsnv sslea n bops bars beea reported la tbla vlctnltv dnriee tha r'- -w wr. . wna emsiin insx rally 000 balee have ehaaged baada la that time. K labor , Wolt A Natter have beea the hosvlrat bnyere, paying 12 centa for saost of them. Kreba of Salem baa takea la Quite aa amount; a lea Rlgga of tola city. Tba hope of tbla local ity are of flaa Quality thai season. ' Old Xapa Ara Said. . Forest Grore, Or. Oct. BO Bvb.rt Poster, a bongrnwer llag a tew miles east of tows. rervnuy mira me H,l fear B Crop Ol wbicb amounted ta. as bales, at If eaata peana.. ' .. aaezFrnra ejsArjf sHmtiirTa Chics go, Oct. SO Argentine grata ahtpmeats: . : Today .. leer Ago . stnaU. Wheat ftsa.MWt iiMim Oern ...v.....l.8ux,lR a,22,0U0 il'SDILfflffiCE AFTER LOSS Opening cf Wheat Market le Lower but Cull Leader Duye at the Low Point. FIVE-EIGHTHS MZZ IN THE DECEMBER Trade Believes Armour Was a Seller : Early but His Representative . D ..nies It and Says He Bought Good Lot Trade Slow During Day. . FBIDAX'S WHEAT bUBKET. Close Claaa . Frl. Thar. .4 .snuff $ ... .604 B .Mtt Gain Cloaa Frl. TeerA rear Ago October.. Daeemhar, May .00 .00 .00 .87 HB .W'il .eTS Jalyi........ Mi Chleagd, Oct. SO. Logan a Bryaa aay: Aa Indicated yesterday and ssta ihla aaoratog. tha wheat price displayed a little weaknaea, aa wa thought It would, aad after the apenlng. At tha low point tha ball party were liberal buyers, forefug short oovorlBg, aad Basking a email awt aala for tha day. Oa yasterdaya decline and - thto aeoralng'a aet beck the pit crowd eeeeoed aare that tba Armour people ware tba sellers, bat their repraeeBtattvee aald trfat they have not sold tha wheat, aad hla baying lo oey lends color to the etstesiest and aeeaia la confirm tha impress ton to enaaervatrre rlrclea tnst while ha to aot averse to eeeiag aa oo- eeekmal setback la tba price, ba stands ready to support tna asaraet ae oeteraiiBeaiy ss e.w. Viewing tha market oa all aides, aoadltlona show vorr little It anr chsnse. Tha trade la slow. but nevertheless prtoaa show atabbora ran lata aiw to Broaaara. uora Jasrsec nst. Corn waa aulet. There was a Utile export business, bat It waa ant argent. I o doubted I y tha bad weatbor contributed aomawbet ta tha market'a strong toae, bat It cannot ba denied that tha anderlylng factors ara atrang. Oata. aa la eora. anmethlne to done eeca aay In tha export Ima, bat exporters contlnas to cooiplsla about tha lack of trsnsonrtatlea fscll Itlea to handie tha business alrysdy coatractad for. ' Pretokua bad aa easier tone ail throngh. Tha trade waa slow aad dlaanpolntlng. Newa from tbla market Is ecaree packers apparently Being astainea wna preeant eoMitioaa. OffleUI aootatloaa by Trer( back, Btarr a vaoaa company: WHBAT. ' High. - .'wit COBX. . , Open. "adi, JKIa ..sajj. Low. JDS .2 CeaTeBS. : -87B . e- .W4 Oct ......I Pee...... May..... July Oct...... Old Dee. New Dae. .aa . .an May;.... .44 44i ,.44' . .4414. ' 414 . OATS.. e.eo fa. so a aa A .adt9 .MTb . ' -H -28B Al , ..01 . .81 A .60 . MVk .60 .60 MEM FOBX. . Id. 00 Id 00 Id 00 Id 00 B . . - i.2o id. so a 12.46 12.46 HAS 12.17 A ' LA BO. '.- , ' T.U v T.1S T.ll ' T.U '. .... ;.. , S.82 S.TT . S.TT I ass a.s -" ' s.n SHORT BIBS. ( T.TO T.TB , t.ST ' T.T 1 d. BO S.6S $.48 4T .A S.0OB ' S.T0 T.66 A 66 , July..... Oct...... Dec...... May July..... Oct..."...' Dec...... Jaa 0t.... Dec Jaa Oct.. Jaa.. TantAar eaant Kovntxirr. Chicsra. Oct. SO. Primary recelnta: 1 ooay xear ago Buah. Buah Wheat l.ONO.OOO . t.Ofid.004 Cora Bhmsaa ta Sad, 000 AW,uuu Wheat T4S.O0O , TM.900 Cora SSw.OOO 330.000 Clears scee: . Wheat, basbfla; flour, 20.000 barrels; eora, $8,000 boahele; osts, $1,. 000 : CKICAOO CASH WHEAT. -Chicago, Oat. SO. Cssh wheat: Bl. Aek. No. t red .T $ .88 $ .8M14 No. S rod.... 86 JI7U No. S Sard....... .8414 -OTls No. S bard 82V, J Na. 1 northern 4...,' , .6SV4 .80 No. S northero.................. .8814 . - Na, S aprlng ' , . 7 chtoaso eaani cam lots. Chicago, Oct. SO. Orsta tar lota: , Care Orada Est. Wheat 67 - Ji , TO Cora -IAS Tl 170 Oata -. SOS 8S tt20 Wheat cars today: Mmneepoiie i. xraiuta S88. Year ago: MmaeapoUa 601, Duluth 1W4, Chicago 60.. xjvxbfool eaant icaaxxT. . , Liverpool, Oct. 30. Cloee: Wheat, December, B JOI4JL Hd hnrar; March, 6a lOd. tad lower. Corn December. 4a fcd. 14d higher; January. da 6 Vd, 14d tower; March, da 4d, sn changed. . LIVESTOCK MARKET HAS A FIDR FEELII.G : Situation In Local , Trade Stronger but Prices Remain X " ': Same aa Yesterday. , Is .1 FortUad tTnloa Stockyards. Oct. SOe-Uve- tock receipta: , . , Hga ; Cattht . Sheen Today 200 SS Week ago 467 147 Frevloaa week 418 lot . 818 Month ago . 224 88 1.6X4 As fsr as prices ara torn 01 as d there waa ae change la tha meal liveetork market dur ing the paat 24 hours. The attnatlon,, la firmer la all lines. Tha etronaeet fee tors le cattle, fancy atocka la aoma laetaacae hnngiag a premium. -. OffleUI pricea for livestock: Hoars Beat eastera Oregoa. SS.T84IS.0n: bmrkera and China fats, $S.00tt$.M; stock era aad feeders, $4.60. ' "1 a Cattle Beet eaetera Orssroa stssi a. 88. SB 4 $.60; llfht aad aiedium steers, 82. 00t2.2S; light cows, $2.2rttJ2.60: Btockera aad teeders, $2,264)2.60: bulla, $1.6n. Sheep Wethera, 81t((8Hct mixed sheep, SO, IHc; straight awee, Slatttttei spring lsmbs, 44v4c. ' - - Valves flood veal. ISO ss SOO peuads, S4BHe; raagb heavy, SttlVfce. r ' .s ' lAsnaa aoos stxadt. Chicago, Oct.' SO. Llveatock reeelptg; llocs. Cattle. . Rhsen. Chicago 16.000 : 4.6O0 ' Ki.iasi Kansse City .......... S.ono B.ooti . , 2.000 Omaha 4,600 1 SOO T.O00 Hogs opened ateady with T.T(o MR aver. Receipta a veer age were 12.000. Frleea: nixed, $4 SSflS 65; good, S6.S04l6.SS; roagk. 0a5.1n; light. $$.46. , cattle weak., Sheep Strong. 1 "1 WALL STREET OOSSIF. New Task. Oct. SO. The Wall Street Jon real ears: Ratlmated Americas Locomotive hi rest meats are llauldated. which aa aaeeta ara worth T per cent oa the eemnma. Stecka ara pleatifal m the. Inaa crowd. Talk af Inrroaeed drrtdend Colamet A Heels. iVoduct kw of pig Iron continues below coneamptlve demand. Wane ah smee Sl.lOO.ots) gross la the past veer In paa aenrer traffic. Pnllmaa for 1806 ehnern m. of $02.4TS. The banke rained from the santreasary elnce rrlday I.1.8M.IM), Blactloa seiung u at mi 1 aa Mcviaiiaa. ... C".rJ ::rtb, Ci.H, Leader cf Ltut Y. I.:? t'z'-tt It Ct:."r2 Hit Holding tr.J Hri .:.ti C:poti cf t'TC!c:'x. lOMOTIl a BTgf Rite Shown Each In the New York Stock Market . Former Nearly Four Up. EASIER MONEY GIVES MARKET GOOD BOOST Sugar Closes Day With Advance of Two and is QuarterBig List Se cures Big Rise End of Session 1 . Shows Strong Tone. ADVANCES. Aaaeaada ..Its amalgamated ..... Atchison ft do preferred la North AmeHcaa ...I Pacific Mall Fresw Steel. Car.. ..IV do preferred .....IV Bock Island ...... do aref erred ..... 1 Boosr SaMltor do prel eferred , Soatbera Peel fie ...1 Car a Peoadry..,. MU Louis S. W., do preferred iff do preferrad ..... V Brooklya ..l'Loen motive ....... ..SJ siiuDoro 1 (olorado Feel .....1 St. Paul i C. A N. W 8 Chesapeake ...:...l' Canadlen ..2 l Norfolk IN. T. Central i Oat. a W aet era ...1 klPennaylvanla ,...v. . I Peonies' Gas ...... iResdlng ...1 um. ooauera do Id pfd . Erie ......... do 2d nfd . Hi Republic Steel ....lVi do areferred .....1 .... M. r. M pfd 114 .... Hi southern By. Oreat Westers ... S do preferrad Illinois Ceatral....! t 1 1 mo, i oei IiMtovlBe ;l4lInloa Padfla MstropoUtaa 1 Wabash, pfd Mvxtcsa CeBtrat... CI Wis. Central Katy ft Rubber 1 da preferrad felU. S. Steel Mlaeourl Faclfle ...1V4. do preferred ..... Wall Street, New York, Oct SO. A lower money rate bad a-aUffenlug effect apoa the stock Bxarket today. The ooenlnr wss rood aad almost without exception . the closing was. irons, orooaiya napia Transit ana ABMTtraa Laoomotlve were the leaden of the activity today, there, being Sensational sdrances id both stocks at tha cloaa. Brooklya had a net gala of 8Vs points sod Locomotive 1 14 polnte. Other heavy advanree wars: bugsr. 2K; Colo rado Fuel, 114; Chicago A Northwesters. 8t Caosdlsn Pacirtc, 2H; Mlaaeuri Padfle, Freaeed Steel far, 8a s Fraaciaco second and Car Foundry preferred, 114 each; 1111 no la Central, Freaeed Steel Car preferred. North America a tad Republic Steel. 114 points esch. Official Quota t loos by Ovarbeck. Start , a Cooke company: , DESCBIPTIOK. ABacaBda Ulalng Co.' Hi H8"vT trr Ainai. vopper ui st 14 88 Alrhlaoa. com.......... m ae oramrred..' .... led I 106 Am. Car A Foundry, a. do preferred.......;... Am. Boxer, som. ....... Am. Smelt., com. ...... 41 48 1 10014 102 142 10 127 Villa, ii 121 1121 1UH118 T8-41 114 1T1172 do b referred Baltimore A Ohio, com. Brooklya Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com. .. Chicago A Alton, 00m,. do preferred.. ,. C. 4 U. W.. com. ....... t 14 Sl 171SilWa Ai4 221 Chi.. Mil. a St.. P...... v.-ei . v com.,.,.. Chcea peaks. A Ohio...,. Colo. Fuel A Iran, com Oom. Southora, com. .. da second pre feared.. do first preferred... Delaware a Hodeoa... D. d B. O., com....... do preferred. .,. Erie, om... do second preferred.. do -first preferred... Illinois, Ceatral Leulevlile A Nashville.. Met. St. By..... Manhattaa By Mexican Central Ry.... 67 H e 4 Vk 48V4 21 rB oa 226 227 48 Vs 72 1 40 T2 4J14 sill 814 8141 178lUV,11tt 101,1132 1S1 Minn., St. P. A SIB. M ae prefer red. .....k.. Missouri Padfle M. hi. T, com.. dO prtfelTSsl. f gse a a New York Central.?.. . Nartbara Pacific.. Am. Locomotive....... do preferred. ...... .. Norfolk A Weetera, eon North American N. Y.. Out. A Weetera Pennsylvania Ry....... P. O. L. 0. Co Pressed Steel Car, com do preferred......... Pacific Mall S. B. Co.. Reading, com do art and preferred. , do first areferred... Rep. Iron A Steel, oam. do preferred......... Bock Ieiand. com , do preferred Southern Ry com..... preferred......... Southern Pacific....... D referred , St. L. S. , Sd pfd St. U A S. W., com.. do oref erred . Texas A Pacific... ..... Tennessee Coal A Iron.. Toledo, St. L. W, oow do Dref erred..... Varna Pacific, cam do areferred.......... ba O. HUOOST. UUfSI..... Breferred. . TJ. S. Steel Co., oo nrvrnwo ....... .. V lejuaiai iffninu, evas. do preferred.....,,.. Weetera Ualoa Tel nsoaan. com, ..,.. do preferred. Met. Securities ""United SUUs Rabber, preferred, ex-divide ud A ner eont.- Csll Btoaey closed Sper coat. " Total aalaa tor day. 830,100 ebaree. . . , ' SAN FaAJIOISOO LOCAL STOCia. '' Saa Franclseo. Oct. SO. OffJclsl eleear hiorn- Ibst ssaalont , " . Bid. Ask. 46 40 14 18 S4 TS 86 164 '18 ss : si S4V4 Contra Costa Water 48 Spring Valley Water do wster .............. ei, 1c 1514 Electric 84 (Z Mutual Buectne ..... S. Ft One A Electric Olant Powder Hswsllsa Com morels 1 Honohea Sagsr 1BV4 Hntehinsoa Sogat ............... 16 MskswsU Sugsr SraZ O nomas Sugar,......!...... 83 Paauhaa Sugar 23 Alaeka Packers' go Oceanic Steamship 4 Pacific States Tslrpboae ....108V4 Callforala Wine Padfle Coast Borax J8214 California Italt Caaaera 88 . , Tovoras btjim srocxa t , Ssa Vranelaea, Oct. r Toaopab atocka, of nciat capes, xourning srssuoB BW. Bid. .$ .18 . . .18$ . ,T3 . .20 . .17$ . ,0T , .84 . .04 . 84 . .20 , . 0 ' . .T: . .08 ' Monlsns' ...... Ki.3H Kendall ..... Colnmbla lit., Midway 1.8TV4 MrNamara .... .84- Belmont , 1.40' North Star .... .48 Bearae , ,oT Oold Mnantala., .11 Jim Batter 88 Nevada ; .13A Bed Top 81 Too. F. x tension. $.80 (enMfleld ...... .6T Jumbo ,. Jnmho Kx Black Butta ... Silver I'lek .... Ooldea Anchor., Hey A O'Brien.. Ohio Tonopah.. 0. Ball rnw..., Dlamondtleld ... Ina Star ..... Home .......... Ssndetnrm .40 Sendetorm Kt., .08 .18 .88' .14 .SS Ada .. .04 Bcllpsf Mohawk' At,yjf .11 ft attnnal Baak.. Dearer ......... aixie ...... ,uv i foaiXAVD a ask statxxxtt. Oa rings Balaacae .... $wl1.T141 a ....... 80,B21.w - STew Terk SUvaf, ' Hew tork. Oct. SO. dllver Is listed at 824 rents. - . - Starling As ssa. New Turk. ' Oct. an. at.rltnr rales' he. BROOKLY izrk 128'A 126 120J4 luVi lodVi lSallt 84 26 St 'Ji'S 1ST 187 H 1M ii 1 lao ij 18 I08I4 l2Vhlo8 1031 104Vk M HelLi SSVi SSla 88 83 'A 69 88 68 68 14tt4 1604 140U 1V 204 SUB 2H6V4 208Z 84 884 6414 88 116 117 114 1164 864 88V4 8614 Ml4 VTVfe 88 ST 8814 64 6414 68 64Vk 1484 144Vt 148. 1444 108 Ik 1044 10814 104 14 48 4Us 48 48H B0V4 8Vk 8v4 U 4S 47 464 4.14 122 1284 122V. I22U SB 88 88 88 '26 'as" 264 26 88 14 80 88 81 82 81 81 ft T6I4 T6 TftVa TA 8614 68 88S 88 984; 8Vk BH4 8V14 8S JO 1 88 T014 118 lH)Vklll"V1"- 88 88 88 m 24 S414 24 S4V4 68 80 68 80 86 86 S4 84 88 8NI4 88 87l 88 8814 88 S814 6614 MVi 6814 6V4 18214 1S318 1821k ,LV 14 'si" 'sii, ii" m no 8TI4 $814 ST 8814 104V4 104 104 104 81 81 81 81 8314 S8I4 SS 82 PS' 11V4 21 H Sii4 21 H 41 41 41 4li SI 81 tk 80V4 8144 A8aBBd. 488.eUtJ48e,80j ai da7a, 4c44146s. t::igedv up his lit...: This Is Claim of Henry Austin ! Adams, tha Author Accuser! : of Bigamy. SUFFERED TEMPORARY , ABERRATION OF MIND Write'sj Open Letter Giving HU Side of, Case but Falls to Give Addresa, , at Which He Is Supposed to Be in Hiding. : '-W ,. ',' v' . ; . ' ' ' ' -' - ' (SpsaUl Dispatch ta The Joumatl Seattle. Waah.. Oct 10. Henry Jlua tln Adama, tba wall known author, on der tha name af Vincent Harper, who ia in hiding la Seattle alnce ha anar rtad hU second wtfa In thia atata About a year ago whtla stlU bavins a rlfa In New York whom ba la accused af deserting thraa years ao,-wen ha Had to New Zealand, haa addreaaed an open Utter slating hla aida of tha .easa to tha Dahlia, bat falls to aiva any local addresa. Ha aaya a tragedy broks up hla New tork boras end after repeated efforts to indue bis wife to return he suffered a temporary aberration of tka mind and wandered to New Zealand. - little more than a rear Ago a bishop of the Catholic church , aent htm money to return to the United States, and ha located In Seattle. Ever since leaving New Tork be has been In com munlcatlon with his brother, a Wall atreet banker, and other relatives. One f them, he aaya. Informed him bia wife had aecured a divorce, and believing thia etorv he married In thia etate. aeparax- ig from hla seeond wife- and- Banding her to Victoria, British columDia, witn their child when h learned be was a leramiat. Ha ears: "I are aupportins all tboaa dependent upon me. -1 owe no man anything. I man's contumely. I want al ways to possess sufficient character to make eneralea. No man dare charge me with diahonor to my fact." TWO WIVES AND ONE HUSBAND ASK DIVORCE Sadie E. Blatten has begun a Bulf for dlvorcs from Warren E. Blatten. alleging cruelty. The couple were, married at Vancouver. 1 Waahlngton, May 14, Ilia Kka allasraa that n Ar huaband haa falsalv accused her of Infidelity and that he baa often threatened -bar serious Injury. Mllliw C. -WiHicutt wants a divorce from P. B. Wllllcut. They were mar ried last March, but Mra. Wllllcutt al iases that her husband refuses to sup port her. ' v ' ' .1 : i Charles H. Puller, who has been mar ried 1$ yaara, has begun a suit for a di vorce. Ha alleges that his wife aban doned her home in iioi. - CORVALLiS CLUB MEN FOUND GUILTY BY JURY ' (Snsrlsl Dtsoatch to The lonraaLl rCcTvallla, Or., Oct. 18. -The eae of the State va. Cllne, McMaines and Milne for selling liquor to Kettbr Brown has ended. - The club men were found guilty and will be sentenced Tuesday. Another Jury Is busy on. a caae against the same parties on a charge of Belling liquor to George Heuck, which will go to tha Jury this afternoon. The elub men say they will prove themselves in nocent or any violation ox tna jaw wnen the proper Urns comes. , . bostost oorrax stocxb. Boston, Oct . OtflcUl cloaa: Bid. I BIA Adveatore .$ 8.28 Atlantic ST. 25 OM Dombuaa..! 8I.8TV4 Uacaola . ... lis. 00 ST .80 Alloaea ...... i" Bingham 82.1SV4 CaL A Arts... 11.1.80 Calutnet 8X.'.00 Copper Range T3.S0 Centeoalal ... 81.00. Daly Weat .. 14.00 Elm S.BO Oraaby T 26 Pboenlx l.TS Oolaey 108.00 Shasnoa ...... 8.58 Tamarack .... 128.08 rrlnlty. 8.B0 rnlted ....... ISM Victoria . 8.TS Winona 11.00 Worverlne .... 1SS.00 XTtaa 4T.SA Oreeae TT.8TH Mohawk ..... eo.TB Mlehleaa .... ' 18.80 V. M. Mini eg. S8.62V4 88.00 Maae Boyal North Butta.. oo.ou ooKBToox immra srocxa Saa rrsaelaco, Oct. SO. Official cloaa. lag af lea ' Bid. ; . bia Sara re ,......$ .of Potosl .14 t'nloa Coa...... .61 Tellow Jscket .. .23 Excheoaer TS Ballloa $-88' Belcher .39 Coo. CaL-Va.... 188 Ophlr S.TB (ateooata .. .so liexicaa ....... 1.80 Hale A Iterance 1.20 Ooav Mercar ... i.o Seorptoa ....... .14 ckxoaso iooax. srocxa Chlcaaa, Oct. Lacal stocks sin. Bid. Biscuit SB Quaker Oats .....118 I do preferred ...100 Swift A Co 10T Tool 4T Doath Side By... TS ' do preferred ...Ha Boxhoard ........ 1T4 oo prererrea ... izik Consolidated .... 1044 do preferred Carbon do Breferred TlVi North Side By.. 80 81 West Bide By.. SO US linkway 4SV4 Diamond Match. .141 I BXW T0U CTJBB. Mew York. Oct. Sa Cork close: Bid. Blde-1. Ceneolldated .... 10'4 Intarboroagb ....812 do preferred ... 71 S Oreene. Copper... tT, Tena. Copper,.,. 88 Paper ........... BV4 . do preferred ... SS Greeaa ajold .... a loot 4BV4 sirrrat arraooaaTaviaxT. , Worth Tsktms. Ort. SO. B. J. Smith, a Portland bopdealer, haa secured aa coaelgnawet esversl blocks of hope, agsvegatlag 1,800 balee. nw Toax conn tuMMxx.:''..;' Mew Tork, Oct 20. Coffee futures closed 10 points as. Official quotations: . ' Bid. Ask.l . Bid. Ask. lanaary ...$8 80 $e.8a)!ely ...7... 91 40 $7.46 rebraary .. T 00 T.OA August ..... T.B0 T.8B aMreh .... f M .T.18I September .. T.AS T.SO April ...... T.SO T.SnOetober .... aTO STB Mey T.BO T.eMNovemher .. 8 TO STB June ,. T.SO T. '.4rti Daosmbev 8.80 S.SS rarahra Octree Itarketa. -Havre Oct. 80. Ceffse, snsrhanged. Kara. 14 to H lower. Bio, receipta, alio, receipta, SO, ooo hags; market final pricea 88 higher, 88 hutber. Sea. toe, 44,000 hag awrk sex ai dull aad aaebaagee. t Mew Terk Oaaa Oeffea. New Torh. Oct. SO. Cash aoffaat aio, SHei Be. d Bastes, Sfca. Kb. T Tha monthly meeting of tha Oregon State Academy of Sciences, to be held Saturday night lo tha city ball, will be of unuaual Intereat. Zr. . Wlthycombe of Corvallls will lecture on u8olence and the Farm,' And Pro feasor A. B. Cordley of the same Institution will give an Il lustrated lecture on "Insects and Fungi piaeaaea of Oregon Fruit.- The root urea will be of Intereat to farmers and the members of the grange are invited to at tend. - ( ' a Ten pin bowling baa becorae a i 4. lar diversion In Astoria, . 8n-. ! ' Amaai kavr-r a V'hurpari.e; v j wU aevesT s-na t e f aVaaievaa I 4 bA ea W tas . ft m s wwm. . . emx aaa asi nea a P01TBTI MO. Sim. Jaat aa ardlaary asm. pie of tas away traiheraslWeod la tba last twenty-five rears. I have paid my good awaey la tolling tna reeding public trutbe, the cer talaty of groat gala by Uvestlag ta rertlaad real esuta. - No aaaa mae er wsmsa that win earefnny atody Portland's atatenieee toeatloa will for one Brief moment doubt tbst Portland will eosme the W YOaJC of tha BACITIO, or If thsy wlU examine the smsU area of available level land oa the weat beak of the Willamette river, euatslalss eauv roar aad saa half see- a ox sua. oat win new imi possible to Build a elty of magnltodt that Tea eeuld come Bearer plaelug the : Hotel oa a Box 100-loot lot thaa ye tloae ef land. Vat will knew that It b) lm. raos) tneveon. m Portia ad Tea ewalil Portland of tne rntnra aa only fur aad one half aeettoae ef groaad. Heaee. for years I have atoted tbla fact, now apparent to all earefal abearvera. that Portland would be located OB the table-land BTwKXA TBS aiVXaS. The baadwrltlng af the great Archi tect by formattoa Is apoa tka wall. Header, ones mere evportaalty hi calling yea! Bver rememoer this fact If yea fall to grsap op portunity by the forelock aa It approaches you. yonr chances ara forever gone, for there b) ab solutely ae hair oa tha back ef lta heed. 1 Seeder, this spaee la paid for by me, aot yoaj It ta aa advertisement, not aa enaoonee aieat Sorae people aall advertising by etatlag Shot corner lota, or a house and lot. etc.. etc.. auvsrtialng. Oa the contrary. It la simply n sn aonncenwat. Successful edvertlelag la , to la- aeiioiy pisce in tne bubo, nrer, w, m. XILinrOBWOBTH'S noma; aecondly, bud BrrWTXM THS bJvXBS, aad If yea read tbla article te a finish yea will never target tbst W.- If. Kllllngsworth deals la the earth, aad when you think of Investing auta, ye will bay ' asxwxix txx aivaaa , Totrm oyrcaTiraTTT is mow ' the presest moath, to rnveet la eae ef the beet- propoeltlooe over offered ta the etate St Oref os for large gain, namely: I am terming a poof of One Hundred Shares at stock at the psr vslas ef $080.00 earn. Pur. chasing One Hundred A ores of excellently located had, 1.B00 feet ef atreet ear frontage. It also haa a deep water frontage, and moat as aaaa to ba fully appreciated, for ttala ta a low sstlmata for the excellently located 100 scree, and I tell you, la all aertoasnees, tbla ta bo wildcat pvoposltloa. la tact, KJllingswortb : haa never sold anything bat tba beet aad baa never failed ta making good profits for hla t aamsroua customers daring the twenty-five " Veers "engaged la baying and celling Portland oroi wnyi xseeanse uuixnvuxin hss ever bonxbt aad aoid Portland's best soecslstlve Tbla pool I is bow torming is at Bf. Joans, spaee better atlll, call at my office st T14 Chamber sf -bargains BXTWZXV TKS AUYKA8. WAiBIJX folder. W. M. KILLINGS WORTH strBiraBAM omcx, n cxakbib or oosotamca,' non aaow ata. , INAWEEIC Wa treat sttaoesa fully all prtvate Bar, vaus sad chroalo dlaaaaaa af meai alas blood. Btoroach. boart. liver, kidney and throat troubles. Wa aura STPHIIUS i 4 without mercury) ta stay cured for ever. Wa remove BTRICTTJRK, with out eperatlon er pain. In 1$ daya, . Wa stop drains, night losses and spermatorrhea by a bow method In a week. Wa can restore tha sexual vigor , af any man under IS by meana af local treatment peculiar to ourselves. W Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week The Aaetore of thia Inetitate are all regular graduates, have bad many yaara' experience, nave beea known In rortiana tor is years, nave a reputaiioa to maintain, and will undertake ae easa ' aniens eertala cure can ba a fleeted. Wa mamntes a cure la every aaaa era ' undertake or charge no fee. Conaul tac tion free. Letters confidential, lnatruo- ..... nnntf wn . uvu S ft i . r vs. ...ftftftftefti e.wv BlaTn mrannov. ra the worst cases af pQes H tloa. Cure guaranteed. If you aannet eall at eirice. write for OAoa htrors. $ to I And T ta $, Suadaya and boliaaya, 11 ta 11 DR. W. NORTON-DAVIS & CO. Offiooe la Van Nov Hotel. 12H Third Street, Corner flaa. Portlatv Oa, OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO Members Chicago Board of Trade,. " -- sVaiBT, FsWf IsUOsTS, OOTTOBT, STOCKS ' aJTO BOSTSS. . x 1$1 Third Street, McKay Building. Portland. Or. s ' , . . ' WS 99 A STWOTXT OOBTJaTaaTOaT BVunrasSV Continuous Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Service. RE TERENCES 7-Add 4k Til ton, bankera, aad United States National Bank of Portland, POWaTXJro, SOPSTVJTS SJ OOf (KaUbUahed 111$.) ' T AUTS BTtXTK BMOKMBI Booxa 4. arowad rioor, s oa ooaranmea. MOTHER TO TAKE L Parent of Logan's Victim Comet to Medford . for ; Her Daughter. (Special Dispatch ta The JoaraaL) Medford, Or., Oct 10. DeJay in, se curing requisition papera at Sacramento has prevented tha arrival of Captain Wilson of, tha Oakland police depart ment, to take Henry A. Logan back to the Scene of hla elopement, but a wire this morning Is to tha effect ha will be oa the evening train, and. Mra,- Rosa, mother of Ethel Cook,- will be on the same train. That lady yesterday wired Chief Angle instructing him ta return' Miss Etbalv Bonding him transportation for that purpbae, but en being Informed that he could only obey the orders of the Oakland department, she had tha chief there send telegraphic Inatructlons to turn tha girl over only to her mother, stating aha would' ba here today. , , i When paaalng through tha village af Phoenix, four an Has south of aledford, Ethel was recognised by aa old school mate. Who had seen the account of her disappearance In tha Oakland papers, and who mentioned tha faet of having 8 sea them when at tha poetofBcw. Thav officials telephoned Medford to that et fect, leading to tha capture.. . . , LILLIAN RUSSEL SUES FOR HALF.THE PnOFlTS New York. Oct, 1$ Union Maaaell la In. law. She wants tear Fronts In "Lady Tea ale." The fair Lillian aa tatdy Teaal waa vwry oharwilng. so charming. IwdinA. that aha really thinks she should be wall field for aucn atoning 4U1 Bar chat-sue of epeenn, of expreastoa and af ftanare, as a He clalma ana did. Ae tha bonmj vas orrrwded at every per foraaaac aha fnncluded that the t.ey waa iMtylne; avoii, and He etily . . keif ef the profits, which aha t sore wore large. The Bchuberta, f a - rvs, snrpota to rocetive t t "'r - -'.ra 6R BACK .property a Valuable. tus arvxxs. Space Is Valuable. Better write ma today ar, wr af Com meres BaiidHiB. I have many seed PAXX le one ef theaa. Send far map sad it - w ' ' sJT 4Lss' tw m throe treetmenta, ' wlthoat rnastlsa bleak. Horn tree tax aal tra fc3 d ' Hc:!!i!j c:niTiiiTSQ3it:::cii3 Bortlnnd aad sD oeor the amtbwaat eaa nsstlty te aaa Btast aad Bo, sxsmplsd aaaeeas. V GONORRHOEA May ba attended with the gravest eaeapnee tlons If neglected ar Improperly steam A We have a eperlSe hreatmaai whssh IBM Salable, safely aad p1nlaasly - SYPHILIS 18 aaathsr aeanlred eleeeaev She rs esses at wstcs wbcp rally eeeeieoed aa pea eae Saacrfha. Whoa M ahiws Br skis eta. tfass or by enrae la month or Ibmst Its a.vars are a heady begun- We safely eed lose, eaghly care oa aad Be mineral peaseae are easpJayee, , t .. , VARICOCELE AND ' , HYDROCELE Wa treat' end ears, not he the eM eare'i ftsoeemra. hat be a painless met sad aw ( We Msewtse will enee yea e ' the aurferlec nssoeee.a s , I Defcintv. Leet aa4. I 4r itsns.aa. Beetar-1 -a a-..--e Oaenna, Is a -aaev, , , Asix-aea In tee briefest time It e . , , and wo let ass yea a aafa aad pa carteeHe-e eed exemlnsMoe ' Sw ayer. e a.C aad beea U t-e t "V' - - T it !!, ' Sate. . J v. f rT TWs asAVT --he- AMP aSTJaf- 3TJRB $4SI . V Ccri7 Esy 1J1J 23 Terns Erttj m ear ta.