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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
1 ' i9 . ;f -'r ;V..:-. I-'-; ; V.' V THE a OREGON ' DAILY , JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THIDAY EVENING. ' OCTOBEIitS lSCJ, ' V ' Qsu 1 J if ' (ip btan4 at the poetoffloa ef Pertlead, Oregoe. tar traaepartalkta laroagk tk Mils M Boeaad Cleeo MIM. - Postage far single eopteet For sn 8, 10 ee 1 1 page ptar, I Sent: IB SO BW pages, B - as ee pages, a aeaav .V nixnom. Pdltort.l Rcme.... ....... ............Mela JSe Reslaaae Office... .............. .......Mala tut fowow ADTEmtmv ExrmuxnATm. Vreelaad-Beajamla Special Advertising Agency. ,1M Mesaae atreet. KtwAwki Tribune Buiid- ' ia. Chiosgo. 1 . r; , .. f" ' - v v nmeiraoi : bates. ' ; Tka Dally FearaaL with Sunday, X Iar...iXM The Dally Journal. 1 year 6.00 Tba Ially Journal, with Sunday, months 3 W Tba Dally Journal, S months. 10 Tka Dally JournaL wltk BnixUj. aMatha. 1.S6 Tba Dally Jouranf, I man tba I. SO Tka Pally Joaraal, with Sunday, 1 amnth.. The flail m. UImm ahiMAa la Tka Dally, par week, delivered. Seeday bb- -cepted M - Tana to ataO. 'Tba nsftv Samul with ftn.ri, w 9 nil. . .ST. 06 Tba Dally JearnaL 1 year 00 Tba Dally Journal wltk Rnnday, a moo the. 4.TS Tba Dally Joaraal. 4. montba 8.74 Tba Dally Joarnal. wltk Sunday, t months. 1-M Tka Dally JoaraaL. t moattia La ina uaiiy joaraaL wltk Bn inlay, 1 ma .iw Tka Dally Joarnal. 1 Boarh u.. .M Tba ffnaday Joaraal. 1 yaar .0a Tka Baadar Joa-maL asootba. 1.00 I - -fca laaal-Waakly JoaraaL Tba Reinl.Warkly Jaaraal, to IS pat . aark laaoa, Uloatratad. foil aiarket ra- - part. 1 yaar. tl.W BsatMaaaa IkaU ha to. A. kv Arafta. Boatal antaa, oxpraaa erdara aad a ma II amoaata art , ( acaaptabia la I ad S aaat paatura aUBpa. TEXJOVKVAL. f. O. Bar IJ1. Partland. Omraa. i a VinXB TMX JOTOITAX MAT K nVJtH, Tba Jaaraal -caa ka IMn4 oa aate at tba frtllnwlnf plaraa: ' " BOISB. IDaHO H. Sanat C. W. p. Ka- Intyra. CHICAOO- Paatafflea Wawa eoBpaayi 171 Daar . born Mini DENVKR, COLOBADO J. Black. Mztaaatk aad rnrtla atrcta. ItANKAB PITY Taa !fa Rawa aampany. ,MtK.VKAPOUS U..J. KayaaaoAk. 84) Seatk ' Third arrnrt. MBW TORR CTTT Braatana'a, TTatoa aqnan. - OMAHA Millard flotal nrwa atand; MafaaUl Utitloarrr Mmpaay. Mod. Faraaia atraat. ' 0ALT LAKR CITT Kmyoa Hotel acwa atiad; , Barrow Braa.. 4S Waat Baennd atraat. aontk. ST. tOClS Pblllp Roadar. did Loenat atraati i . . T. J'tt n Ollaa atraat. AN riANCISCO W. K. Ardtmt. Palaca Rntal . aawa. atand .and ions Ifarkat atraat; OoM . aatlth Broa., TV! Mottar atraat aad Saint fraaHa kntal: roatw A Oraar. rarry trnttd la; N. Whtatley. movabla arwa ataad, aor ' . Markat and Km may atraat. "BRATTLB Ralnlar Oraad nawa ataad; W. I. Bhanka. Hotel fWttla nawa ataad. POKANB. WA8HINQT0M Jobs W. Srabaa fla. TAOOkTA. WARHTHOTOlf antral Xawa torn- . Pan.: Hotal Taroma IMnra atand. TrrroRiA. British coLcmbia Tietaru Boak A Btatlonvry cnanpaar. WEATHER REPORT. Tba eraat f tba wntcrn kick nrtaanra am la bow jmitral arer Kanau: It baa canard a nodrat cool wave orar tba autlra nlddla waat and la atfll donlnarlnc the weather la tba -Pacific atakra by ranalnf alowly rlalnf ten peratarea and clear aklea. The middle Mia. ; alaalppl valley atorm baa adtranced to tba lower lake reaioa and thnnder-etorma with beavy ralna haae accurred la the Ohio taller, lower lake reaioa. the VlrnlnUa, .middle Atlantic and New Knar I and atatee. The eaetward Bemnmt of tbeae dlernrbanree will eaaae fair and warmer weather tonirht la tbla dlatrlct, followed flatnrday by in creealun; dondlneaa and abowara near tba coaat with krwer tempera tureo weat of the Taacade nonntalna and ellabHy bHrher tcmperatazaa In MARRIAGE LICENSES. . Pan Ncwmaa, art; Alice Rleaalua;, a t Jlobert A. Handera, M; Dra D. Tycer. 10. :Xl llllai D. Ooaby, ; Mra. Jeaale Fray, 45, Albert A. Yoang-, 27; Gertrnde Jacbaon. 87. , c Frank R. Kerr. 21 1 A ana W. Btuart,. 1H, , Charlea B. Bwanaon, SW: lodla Lynde. IB. ' Alfred Holm. Parker, Waahlnctoa, 40; Aa ' OtaaU W. jealer. 87. ' -,,v, . j. ... Weddra CardaTt wTo. Bnrlfb Oo.. Weak. Inrtoa bld cor. Foartk and Waahlnctoa ata. BIRTHS. - BOW BRH October 16. to Mr. and Mra. B. W. rWwera. BT2 Eaet Klntb atreet, a eon. -rltil ET October 15. to Mr. aad Mra. Wal ; . ler Marqneat, ScTenleenth aad L'pahnr atraeta, '.-m danrhter. .. . CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. KRTTMAX October 18. Rdward Keomaa, ISO Morrla atreet. typhoid ferer. DEATHS. BRNRICKSOK At 4M Oxford at., October BO. 1905. Charlea 1. Henrlckaoa, a red 27 year. MANNING October 17. Mary Tardea Mannlnr. aired 1 yeara, , 687 Sixth atreet; eaaae. eenll . lary broaebitla. t Burial at Monnt Calrarr TBiatayry , n . THAN KM Otcoher 17. Helen J. Thinem. axed . 40 yeara. at Good Bamarltaa hoaplui; cauae. Bill TH October 10. Francea FaanleHmltk. a red v 8M yeara. at Oood Bamarltaa boapital: cauae. nerltonltla. Barlal at TlerardrlUe. Oreirnv I.F'KlSW)ctober Id. IneaT Leckle. ared "3 reara, at Gottrt roomki boaae: cauae. aaa aephyxlatlna (acclden(al),. Barlal. at Lone .. Fir cemetery. , , . r auvEBVirw crniniT, . , Blafle craeea f 10. FamHy fctftTO te 31,000. The only cemetery In- Portmad which pec petaally malntalna end carea for lota. Pgr fnD InfornuttoB apply to W. R. Mackeaale. Wor cetcr black, city. W. M. ladd, preeldent. J. P. Ftnley . A Boa. fnneral dlrectora and anihilmera. corner Third and Madleon etreeta. OfSeeefcounty coroner. Telephone, Mala S Dnnntnf. McBntee A Ollbanrb. undertaken and embalmere: amdera In every detail. Seventh aad Pine. . Mala 480. Lady aaaletaat. The Edward Bolmaa Undertakliuj company, : hnarajdrectora and embalmen. 320 Third Fnneral wreathe end eat tlowera a apedalty . at Roea City Oreenhonaa, Twantyaeeoad and Eaat Morrleoa. oppoette cemetery. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . The Home to eeurtty Sarlnsa A Tmt :, company, north lot 8. block 180. Inuch'e- add . C. R. Andrltacbke to Security Saymre A . Truat. company, lot 7. block 342, Couch'a - add , - C. Kleckeaatela et. aL to 8erurttyKaTinjra Truat company, t 8, block 342. - tvmch'a add..... A. ttoea aad wife to Security Rarlnra A Truat aomimny, lota I. 4.- block 342. iConrb'a add... . Rnherr and wife te Security Ravin aa A Trnat company, jreat V, lota 0, 7, block 201. Ooach a add , 11. Block te Security Savkiaa A Trnat cotnpaay. Iota ft. 8. and eaat 14 lota-fl 7. block 301, Coaeh'a add.....? B. P. Ilea ley to Security Savlnge A Trnat company, weat H lota 3, 8. block 101. Couch'a add..,. F. A mate and wife ta Security Sarlnre . A Treat aompany, weet H of eaat W Iota 3. 8, block 301, Coerii a aild 8. IHndlo and wife te Security Bavinaa A Treat company, eaet H of eaat U lota . 3. 8, block 801, Coocb'a add...;....... B. W. Ollllland at. al. to Security aT. . Inta A Truat company, lota 1, 4, block . Sol. Coucb a add...w....A....4..,j. i German ftarlara A Loaa Society, to Be cor- 11 y Havmaa A Truat company, lata 8, a. block I4H, Ooach a add SflOO R Uatea et. -ei.To aecurtty naTmra A Truat company, lota 7. 8: Borth ISV, feet lot 8. block 318, aad other property, Coack'e add , 0. R. Vaa Wetere and wife to Securrly Savlnfe A Truat company,, iota ft . block 145. (1oach' add O. W. Harebell et. al. to Security Bav. , tnea Truat eaaipenr, lota l,,d. 8, A, exa-k 800. and other property, Couch'a . add 1 w ' O. A, Pveae to" Becarlty Kevin re Trnat , comaaay, kxa a, f, .block 800, Oouck a and ................ B. I- Woodward at. al. to Security Bar- . ! A Tmat company, uadlvidad H - et lota f. S. block . 300, , Couch a ,' J. A. 'Staddard to Becarlty Savkiaa A T net mm ae v. aedlvlded, H kttereel lota .1 . A, aeark . Caaca Add REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS,' Bow an Catholic Archblabop ta Security Natlnra A Truat company, lota I, , , 1, Mark lid. Coack'e add Oreroa Trauafer company ta rWcarlty 8a e. lura a) imai company, aauiTioea .no u tenet block 817. L'oaeh'e add W. M. Lald and wife ta Mecarlty Bav mra Truat company, ana 1, a; aoatk 37W feat lot . block 81a. loach a add. . Cook A Kiernaa T. A H. eompauy ta Becarlty iMTlnre Trnat eompany, aadlrlded M block 817. Covcb'a add... W. K. Smith and wife ta Hecarlty Sarluca Truat company, lota 8, a. o. block 848, loixk'e add . Jaakolla la Becurlty BaTlace Treat cooi Ha ur. lot 9, block 848, t'uneb'a add,. A. Kiernaa and wife to Hecarlty Havlnra A lYoat eommny. block 841. Vooch'a add Oak Lumbar company to M. 1. Bell. bta J. -JU, bluck 14. .Nortbera Hill add S3d M. and B. O Br ten ta U. W. Ward, lot I. block 8W. Allilna 8300 Title MuaraHtee A Trnat company to Vle- tur i. t'kaioa. wt a. BhK'B 8a. Nortn Jrrtnirtoa 171 A. Martin and wire ,ta aeeorlty Hay hire A Truat cowuaar, lota , 7. block latt. tVnjrh'a add 1 Central Ltiaiber eompauy to C, E. Smith. parcel land enjoining jot 34, oiock 8, rrrer lot . Bt. Jolioa....... I , B. Ladd and wife to M.r It. Raakia. parcel land rirer front, Bt. Johae - 1 . H. Raukia and wife ta C. K. Smltb. Da reel bud. Bt. Johne... - 1 Central Lumber company to C. R. Smltb, , . 101a 1. 2. 1, s, mocc s, tu inaum , V. Fowler to L. Kerb tel. tola 11, 18, ; IS. block 8. Mean Park add.... U 8 W. 8. Woodward to W. P. Bwope, weat - : H aortheaat 'A aectna Id, towuablp t aouth, ranee eaat..... 1904 . J.- Mean and wife te H. Geodmaa, lot . 8: aouth S feet lot 1. block 30, Cax- ntbera add T5O0 . B. Rankin and wife to u. 8S. Bmtih, parcel land. 81. Jehna 1 L. O. Clarke at. al. to William MacM ea ter, lot 6. block 80. Coach' o add......... 6900 Flint Scandlnarlan Baptlat church' ta I.." u. iiarce ana) w. r . wooawara, tot 0, . block m. Couch'a add ' 1 K. L. Cata and wife te. J. Bellrer, lot .8, block 11, Uawtborne'e Flret add........ 8300 B. Scott and B. Scott to I. V. Bell. , lota 11. 18. block 5. Lanrel Park . . . " 1 A. H. Smetaer to 4. V. Bell, lota 11. 11, block ft, Unrel Park I F. Grorer ta D. Baurhmea. lot 1, block . ' -88. North Alt.lna Sit Portland. Social Turn Tereln Krankenkaaaa . to a. Kaiwortby, lot 13. brack u, a.ia( a Becoad add. . 2804 Cittaena Bank (Inc. to A. G. Carlaon, lota 1,- 8, Lamaraeat Park - 1 B. Wolfe to J. A. KaUatraaa. aaat H lot J. block B3. Conch'a add ........ 10 Park Land company to A. Tltaa, lot 31, - Diock 71. i nlreralty ran aov awrtcaa Treat Co. A Iaaeetment com-...... pany to Industrial Land company, 78.74 acrea aectloa 81, towaahlp 8 north, ranae. 1 eaat and other property... ... I 1 r. Macrum at aL to P. T. Smith, parcel . land aectloa 0, towaahlp 1 north, ranae 1 eaat v.. J '. B. Strerter and Wife to F. W. Lead-' better, lota 6, . block 815, city 14,004 L. Reader and wife to W. H. H. -Marcaa. loU S. 4, block 8. Peck a add.. 1 . B. Beard aad wife t C. B. Kin, lot 7, block 10, Lincoln Park Annex...... 1.450 Marke to D. Flekrr, lot 18. block 08, Sunnyaide 1.500 Title Guarantee A Trnat company to W. U Mora. a and wife, SO feat lot 7. block 8, Rnckaua'a add 1 . Smltb and bnabend to J. F. Wllaoa at . aL, lot 10, block 35. Albion.. : 8,000 . 8. Garbed and wife to J. E. BoydV - a ton, lota 11, 13, block 8 Alblna Home- atead -. 1 W.-A. Arnutroti( to A. U Armatronf, lot 10, block 0, Iainrelwood Park 100 A. Seed to rl. Bmltneon. lot o. niocB 6, Bmithaoa Ind company addition . . r. Herroa' to R. Hecroav lota 81, 38. block T. Bralnard add C. Prleatly and wife to J. H. Her-, ron and wife, lot 18. block 1. Bralnard 13 .800 .80 C, M. Henderer and wife to J. W. Her ton, lota 10. 20. block T. Bralnard.. 0. Harach and wife to J. B. ' Slaughter- back and wife, aouth no feet lot ,7, pit. ..a, Diruunm sum '....... .... B. H. Lederer and wife to J. J. Maa- 1,809 nlon. went 84 feet of aoatb 70 feet lot 0, block , North Portland I. a. Buck man to U. A. Relnka,' lot 28. Lamarfaut Park No. 8........... Columbia Itra A Marine Inaurance com 1000 450 pear to M. W. Murphy. loU 1. 8. 8. 4. 4. 7. 8, Tract 11 Da Laahmatt at Oatman'a Little Homea Suld. 8 . I n a Dama mw.A .If. m U . liiteke -tntn '. block 60, Buannide OOOV 0. R. Ladd et aL to O, R. A N. com- mm a a ...... elnoe the O. U. -A " N. company railroad 1,400 Oak Park Lead company ' to B. Sloan, - lot 4. block 3. Oak Park add . 1 B. Selllnr and wlr to M. J. B. preatoa. ' . lot S. block 4. Leurelwood Park ' . 104 0. R. Runyoa ta M. A. Ranon, nndl elded U lnteraat luia I. 3. 8. A block 8. Park add . ' 404 J. T. Rbumayra and haaband to A. Her. old. lot 34. block 1M. L'nlaeraity Park. 38 P. IL Maria y te Victor Land company. lot 4. brack t). Hoaedale annex , .1 F. Pnllmaa to K. C. Bulllrant, parcel land betrlnnlnt aoatb Baa Market, aouth 100 feet, went 80 feet, north 100 feet, eaat 80 feet Rawtlwwn. eatata u L 1. Orar. lot 1. block 11. Hawtborne'e Flret add-. 404 Penlnanlar Real Batata company to M. ., Anderaoa. north 135 feet brack 4T, Pen lnanlar add- .v. ........... Mooro Inyeatmant company to W. W. Ty. lee and wife. Iota 1IL IS. block 8. Vef - . noa add ....... ......T:... ; 30 PrmiaaaUr Real Batata company, to TT- ler Inreetment compaDy. lota ' 85. 88, '- 37, block 1, aad other property Penlu- aaiar add B. W. Hmltk, truatee,. and wife to. M. J. Smith. 840 acrea aectraaa l, iz. A townahlp 1 aorth. ranae 1 weat...... Pacific Statea Truat company An Tyler , Invratment company, loU 20, 21, 37 to . 83. 41 to 44, block 48, Penlnanlar . add. j . C. M. Weat and kuaband an W. J. Our, . I 1 ,1 8 acrea aectloa a, ' towuanip 1 eouia, ranre 1 eaat jj...... 1,804 . M. Weet t w. 4. uy, parcel un beKlnnlns SO Unka eaat of aoutkweat corner aectloa 1, towaahlp 1 aouth, '. canare 1 eaat ..................... M. Phlllipe aad bnaband to L f. Perry, ' lot 17, enhd. 8. DeLaahmutt A Oataua" , Little Homea add ' U. Buck ma a to H. H. Pierce aad wife, lot 20. Lamaraent Park No. 8 '. ... too E. Kera to L. Kern. 3 acrea aectloa 6, townahlp 1 aoutk. ranaa 1 fat ..... . W. C. Dunlway aad wife to J. F. Pill- mas, parcel lead nesinning aonia i"u feet, weat 80 feet, north 100 feet, eaet 80 feet H. Adama and haaband to J. Petty and wife, lot 0, block a. reverence nou., . F. Meade te Columbia Real' Batata company, lota 8, 8, block 8, Willamette mAA mnA othee nrooertv ' . . . 804 75 Columbia Real Eatate company to T. H. Smltb. lota 8, V. oraca , niuameiw . mAA mnA MtbeC UrntlCrtV I 85 TB F. H. Phllllpa and wife to T. Conrad, lot 40, DO, Dloca: I, lorona rare ......... U Feurer end wife to J. Hellbron. lota ' IMS, block 81, rearer a auu anu ornee property " 4,000 1.004 M. W. Clafett and wife to P. Wagner, lot 8. block 1, vtooaaiorn D. newett and wlfa to M. Ballot, lot 17.- block 18. city .". Buanyatde land A Improvement com. pany to w. a uooy, eaai By i-vi rat 7; weat H lot 10, brack 17. Sua- nti4f1t .......... . W. Barnee and wife to Jl. C., Hunde. rap. lot V. brack 11. Mount laoor tuia 104 Pacific Coaat Ahetract duarantee Truat company te r, ucracnan, iota a, 7, block 60. Couch add Vauduya et al. to H. W. Sllllck. lot 20, and fractional lot 38, block 4, lhlnmaa'a add 428 title (inarantee A Truat company to U A. lucklnaon, lotk 8, 4, DUKE 1, tloi laday'e add 1,000 A, I earn.... a..nm a aaaa aa-amiaa..a aaaaa I aai tPBlBI W irrjixj vw lilt ajwaajrai ntaya aai raaaja, bjbjbbj tMDf, aMO Wa-talnaioa atri. corwfw WetmiL NOTICE. PROPOBAta FOR CIXXTHINO AND fly U IP AO B Depot auartermaatar'e office. 88 New .Moutcomery et., Saa Fraaeteen, California, October 14. land Heeled propoeele ka tripli cate, euhject tnithe naual coudltlooo, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., November 14. It, and then opened, for faralablaa and deliver Inr at either the Chlcaeo. St. Loala. San -Francteco or Seattle depot, of the quar termaater'a department, I'aited Btatea army, 12.WI0 corn broom a and 1.000 eernhhtni . bvuehea. The rlfht 1e reaerved to reject or accept any or all propoeala ar any part tbere- . of. Preference will be niveu to artlclea of dnnteetle manufartnre, enndltWme of quality and price (Includlnf la price of fnrelaa pro dart loaa or manafacturaa- the duty tbereoti) ' belnc equal. Standard aamplee eaa ha ee. at. and blanka fnr.penpeeale and full tnfor. matloa will, be fnrnlaned upon application to . thla onice. aaveiniiee contalnmr propoaaki 1 te be hi domed. "Propoeela for Clothlna and Palpafe. n77 1414, ta be opened at 10 o'clock a. m iovemoor m, imm. ' , . . ' C. A. DKVOL, , ;. Depot Quartarmaater, W..B.; Army, I . ' . a a a a a a Our Savings Department is calculated to serve 'all classes; ' the old ' and young1, the poor and rich. It receives deposits from $1.00 up to any amount, and allowk 3 per cent in terest, compounded -emi- annually. Portland Trust Company of Oregon : 109 Third St . y Phone Main 4S3. C CI a a LOANS We have ample funds to loan in any amount on improved business and residence property in Portland and . vicinity at lowest rates. . TXTXtllB IMBUBIBU. ABSTaVAOTB 9VmJMWU. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 40 WAACOrOTOaT ST. (Corner Second St.) PORTLAND, OREGON Oalna for I9O0 - Northwestern -lalntaiilLite ISItzSz NEW INSURANCE 1VRITTEN , FIRST t MONTHS OF 14 A . $62,18U70 v V' FIRST MONTHS OF 1445 $75,534,734 - ; . OA IN IN MONTHS $13,350.4.4 For Inaurance or an Consult Bncr S. T. L0CKW00D A SON ' OBBTZBAX. AOXBTTS. ' OoBOordl aidf Jrortlaaa, Orafoa. NOTICE. B0TI0B OF SALE OF BOalM. Notice la kerebr alven that the board r dlrectora af the Hood River Irrlaatloa Dlatrlct la Waaco county. Oreroa. will eell the honda of aald dtitrlct la the aum of 800,000 oa xnee. day, the 34th day ot October, loos, ,t the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the office of aald board, at the realdeaee of J.- H. Shoemaker la aald dlatrlct, aad that aealed propoeala for aald boada will be received by eald board at aald place for the of eald boada until the day and boor above mentioned, at which time the board ehall ope a tba propoaaki end award the purcbaae of the bouda to the blgboet bid. aponalble bidder, the board reeervlnrj tba right to reject any and all hide, bids to be a ceo oi panled by a certified check for 10 per cent ot the amount ot tba boada for which the hid la submitted. . . Bald bonda shall be payable la atooey of tba Cnlted Btatea. la 10 aeriea, aa follows, to-wit: At the eiDlratioo of eleven yeara. Ave oar cent of the whole number ef aald bonda; at the erplratioa et twelve yeara, all per cent; at the expiration ef thirteen yeara, aeven per east) at tba axptratloa tt fourteen yeara, eight per cent; at the eiplretlon of fifteen years,- Bine per cent; ax tne expiranoa oc eixteea years, tea per cent; at the expiration of seventeen rears, alevea Per cent: at the expiration ef elghteea years, thlrteea per eaat; at the expire. lion or nineteen yeara, ririeea per cent; at the expiration of twenty years, eixteea ner cent: aad ah. 11 bear Interest at the rate of six per ceat per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first day ot January end July of each year. The principal and Interest hell be payablk at the place designated In the bonda and bidders are given the option of having said bonda paya ble at rortiana. in tne srate or uregoa. or la the city of Now York, la the state at' New York, aad aald bonda will be leaned In accord. a nee with the election of the eucceeafnl bidders. ftaM honda ahall be each ot the denomination of not leee tbaa 4100 and not more than 8500, ana enaii no newotiaoiv in inrm.ana coupons, for the Interest shall be attached to each bond signed by tba secretary. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, tbla IStk day et September, 1806. . ; . 4. IX, BHIMAHER, Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS la the eatate cf Kdwara K. w aurora, oer-eaaeu. notice is hereby given by the undersigned executrix ef the eetste of Edward B. Wbltlock, de ceased, to tba creditors of end all person, having elalma egainet tba aald deceaaed, ta exhibit them with the neceee.ry vouchers within alx months after the flret publication of thla notice to aald executrix at her1 rest 'dence at 22-4 Second atreet, In the city of Portland, la tba county of Mnltnomsh. and atate of Oregon. Dated aad fleet publication at tbla not Ice, Octoiier , I unit. . u n vtiimnrir Executrix of tba Batata af Edward R. WBltloek, U'Hen A Schiiebel Attorney tor Batata, Orafoa City. Oregon. BIDS will be received until Wednesday, tb ZMh. for tne aale or tne Manuractiirera' building, entrance, to the exposition grounds, Pre, annex, Kipreee offlevs. Official Pbo tngrsphers' offices, etc.; also, bandstand, electric light fixtures and atande. electric wire. arne. water-pipe, water-tanks, pumps, office fnrnltnre. nags, etc Lists will be at the office of the director of works, ready for Inspection by. Monday, the 23d. MEETING NOTICES. MI'LTNOMAH CAMP, We. TT. W. p. W., ameta tonight la Ita ban. Beat Sixth, near Bast Alder. All vl.ltlng nelgbbars cordially welcomed. , M. O. WILKINS, C. 0. i. W. WOObWORTH. Clerk. ARBITTJS CIRCLE will give a whlat party aad aance ueioner gi. Knu mg Waahlaftoa. Adiaiastoa lie. Bafreekaaata. Serws All Qas2,. FUNERAL NOTICES. SMITH Ja thla elty October 18, 1U8, Fnacea orday. October 31, 1005, at 8 a. m from the realdcace of C, Aerue, Jr., 404 Columbia atreet, thence te Tlaardvllle cemetery. Frleaua reapectfully mvtted to attend. DEATH NOTICES. KLDKKIMIB la tbla city, October 10, 1100, John EMredee, a red 83 yeara. . - HENNESH In tbla cltyj October 18, 1805. Sarah Ollnser HenBcae. aaed 63 yeara. - WALLACE In thla city, October 18, 1005, Ida May, wlfa ot auraer . vtaiwot. ox nua city. Notice of funeral hereafter. , LOST AND FOUND. LOHT Nunte'a boapital pla W'ednaaday even lUa On M 1 imvu, mv, v. wnw "". and 188 Eleveotk at. Betttra to 148 Eleventh. Reward. . LOST Puree eontalniiia about 81.50 aud twa . rlnxa. Leave at Olda. -Wortaiaa A Klns'a , ault department. Reward. BMALL cocker apanlel doc: aaawera to name of Mote, none aaat ia. aewara. . . LOST Mortfase paper, oa Madktoa at; reward. Leave at journal omca. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN and boye wanted to earn S day, after twa montai' inaiructioni poaitioa a-uaraateeo. Coyne Broa. Co. Plambtac Bcboola, New York, Claclana'l, 0., BU Leuia. Me. . (Free eata losua.) , , WANTED Every man la town to patron lee ma. Way T I have Juxt atartea in tne near num. tteee for myaelf and I want your patronage. Charlea Poladexter, app. Star theatre. . WANTED Clerka aad wlndow-draaeera to atody aboward writina at x. M. u. A. mint echool; paraooal laatructloa. Apply for par. tlculara. 888 PERMANENT' aal.ry to. reliable mea In outaiae ui.b-. " o ' -- Gaaranty eompaay, 137 Vk Sevan th, room 8. WANTED An office boy. Apply editorial rooma at Tba Journal nerore b:,hi mm aiier boob ar at 8 o'clock Saturday ojorntof. WIRB weaver, 83.T5; Bpholaterer, 83.T5; at- treae-maaer, pa. to. eMimiiwi . . w OT Furniture Co., Beattla. Waah. . WANTED Youbs man to drive delivery wafoa; atate experience ana reiereBcee. .. auuraea a 48, care JournaL . - - , BP. EII.KB WANTED. He Is k blackamltb. OommunleaU ; with Hanaen. 36 North Second at. THOROUGHLY exparleaced aad reliable carpet aaleaman. Apply at auperlntaBdent'a office. WMH, TT Willi,, mm m..mmw ' . WANTED Bolldtora, 88 to 85 par day; aalary or eommlaelon. call or write room a, Aaooa bids- Portlaad. MAN to learn barber, trade; fine chance la union ah op; eooe money reuuu-eu. auoxeaa C 53. JournaL- . . - WANTED Ftrat-claM aa learn en la Portland and eoentry: Bis waaue. am mcaay Bias. COYNE BROS. CO.. New York. Cincinnati. St Loula, will rurntaa pinmoera oa anon notice. CANTA88ERS, mala and female: 600 per cent profit; Inveatlrate. ttoom a, esh nroi at, QOOD beachbaBd wanted at tba Portland Saab A Door company, aau m pona . BOY wanted at Jaawa Printing Co.; aroat be neaC Call at oace: CARPENTERS wanted. T. Stark at. K. Vl Oder hoof. 3S7 HELP W ANTED--FEM ALE. WANTED Olrle for band and marblna aew lnr: experienced help preferred. Phone Pa cific 4T4. . Ritchie k Greene, 654 Waibluf toa af. WANTED Thoroufhly competent cook and . k 1-1 . .11 CmltV VIlA 1 . 1 1 DUUM Will . Bill, ..... .. ' - .- - . .- - , waea 830. 330H YamhlU. Pboaa Main 5411. WANTED Neat woman under 40. bonaekeeper widow efa family, country: email wajree, rood home., 380 Vk YamhUL Pbone Main 6418. PTRCSTWORTHY, anenretlc wemea to travel , and orseoiae ror viavi company. vau e addraea room 38, Lewla bide. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 8UV4. Waahlna ton at., cor. Seventh, apataire. Psoae Mala 8003. Female kelp wanted. - , WANTED Immediately, alght aarae for Institu tion: wages 4-m. room, board, washing. 230 H Yamhill. Pbone Mala 6418. WANTED Otrl for general houarwork la email family. Call 30 E. Klfteeuth at. aouth. Au kany or Pine at. oara. . -" r " YOUNO lady esa aara half tultloa. shorthand or bookkeeping. Multnoniah Buaioeea Inetl tnta, 44 Sixth at. , OOOD girl, cooking and bouaework; email family: good wares. . 40S Eaat Davie, cor. Beat Tenth. PORTLAND Sewmf School, glrla do own aawkig while learning. 371 H Morrlaoa, room O. . WANTED Flrat-claaa dressmsksr aad ladles' tailor-made suits. 384 Yamhill st WANTED At once, a food palmist. Call at 35 North Seventh at. - WANTED Otrl for general - housework. . 348 North Twentieth at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand for competent bookkeepers end etenograpkers la greater the a the supply. From August 1. 1004. to August 1, 1006, ws placed 30T la good positions; bad calls for more tbaa i 600: our eraduatea are ALL employed; we ' will assist you to a poaitioa wbea competent; enroll now; day or night. Bekake-Walker Business College, Sixth aad Morrison 'ate. WANTED Lady or gentlemen to travel for a boose et 8200,000 capital; salary 316 to 821 . a week end all expenses, paid weekly. Ad- drees, wltk stamp, p. W. Hellogg, general ' delivery. WANTED Lady ar gentleman tor a salaried position; aalary 44 to 43,50 per day. Ad dreee with stamp, giving name, atreet and number, 0. W. Kellogg, general delivery. WANTED At enca, a bright, snergetle, pre eentable maa or womaa, a good talker, ta take up as attractive proposition. Inquire T88 Chamber ot Commerce. B a. at. WANTED Immediately, 8 mea ar womaa canvassing. Call up East 537; good prepo to Aa proposition. HELP wsnted and supplied, male ar female. R. O. DBAKB. 808 H. Washing ton at. Clay 445, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MARRIED man, 35 years of age, 14 yeara' ex perience aa manager, bookkeeper, awe aa salesman ta general merrhendlse; beet ret a 44, cere journal. A' iIOOD , experienced Janitor wants steady Position. Apply to Same number for good carpenter; guaranteed satisfaction. Address m aw, care journal. EXPERIENCED office maa desires poaitioa aa bookkeeper, cashier or credltmsa; alngle; ref erences. 0 58, care of JournaL WANTED Work ot any kind; a good maa about market, grocery or general gaercbandlee. . Ad dreee B 43, ears Journst. YOUNO Hollander wants poaitioa la store or wholesale bouse; beat referencee, 'Address - B 47, care JoaraaL . ' A YOUTH' wishes a position la s drug store where he can Mora business. Address B ' 51, care JoaraaL RELIABLE Oermea maa wanta boueerleantng or garden work by the day. Pbone Mela 1076. A BOY 14 yeara wants Job after school sad Rsturdsva.' Addreee 0 46, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE SITUATIONS .wanted; young widow, girl 3. bonaekeeper widows r or couple; also hotel waitress. 380 YsmhllL Phena Msxa 5418. AN elderly ledr would like position aa keeper. 164 Taylor, raona Weet 1445. SITUATIONS WANTED-FJSMALB AN experienced housekeeper with child 4 ream eta aceiree poaitioa wnn wiaewer or bachelor la or a ear city, ar Bear school. L M.. 434 RuaseU at. ' , - BXPERIENTED young" lady ' wiebee poaitioa, . ofnee work or cashier; epeeka good Oerataa . . 1 . -1. T. Ll I k ..... IK cii. i rmmmww vi.i 4 . i w. . t EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB. ... ' FOB MBN. 38 N Seaead at. Pbooe MaU JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OPFICB, iieury lenara. mil aveceii at. . rnooa 1 a- elfle 840. . v . PACIKIO Coa.t Bmp. Co Keliable employment agents. ' 12 N, 3d St. . Pboaa Mala 4570. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eon tea e- tora; aeip tree to empioyera, 815 Morrlaoa. ACMB EMPLOYMENT CO 811 Morrfcma at. vufif." wen .v au aiuue os wora. NATIONAL Employment aad, Labor Agency, aia s-ine ex. i-noue mala xjue. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT C0M Morrteon at. f bone Pacific ana. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents to aell "Sermona by the Devil"; the faateetaelllng book on the market; 46 per cent commies! oa; oatflt tree. W. K. Taylor A Co., Labbe bldg., Portlaad, Oregon. . ' . .. AGENTS wanted to eel) naraery atock ; tww ana complete ouirit rarniaaea xrea, eaaa weekly. Capital City Nuraery . aompany, Be tern, Oreroa. . . - 1 t WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED House and lot, either aa aaat at wart maa or river; win pay eaaa, ll price It right; agenta need not aaewer. , Addraea D 84, care JoaraaL FARM wanted, net far from Portland; oo to for eaah or time; aend map and par tlculara. O 81, JournaL WANTED la upper Peolneular. aeraaa (ape. rial), improved' aad unimproved property; have boyera. Call at branch offlce, WjUamatte aUtloB. . . r WANTED Houae and; lot, altbex on aaat or wni aiwi oi r i T.t , win pmj caao, mv.iv Bead not a newer. Addreee C 58, JournaL LI8T your property with us. Oar - matte: yuicc sale, snort pronta. Hoy si neat as late compeay, 107 M First at., room TH. WANTED 4 ar 5 -room bouse aad lot or vacant lot: muat be cheep tor eaaa. C 64, JournaL WANTED TO RENT. "7 WB west daalrable boueea and flata, all parte or the city; nave aura ciaoe ciieata waiuas; testa collected, property cared for. . THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY. - 348 Stark. Bt. - ' Phone Mala 18T8. A NEATLY furnished 5 oc 6-ranm flat, ground iioor, gooa neignooraooa; parties parmaaaub A I, JournaL a, "NEATLY famished 8 or 4-room cottage ta gooa Beignnornooa; paruea permaneat, aa arees A 1, JournaL WANTED To rent farm, IB or 30 acrea. Bear city; annae ana oara. at. u. aurgaa, ai Milwaukle at. ROOM and board wasted by a Ingle gentleman; must Da close IB. Addreee box u 4T, Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE the Lewie aad Clark fair at home; aead cue ib etampa tor aanaeonie - paow boot, nearly 300 botoa of fair, THtt lacnee. Weatara View Book Co., Portlaad. Bog 804, PAINTINO. spraying and whitewashing trees, bessmenta. barns, docks, etc.; largest gaeaUae raying ouixii oa rns coeax. u. u. aaorgaa Co., 870 UllweakU St. Pkeaa East 8817. ORCHESTRA. 8 plecee. wants bBaaaeawBts evenings. Sundays; music for all oceasloaa very reasonable. 44 Lacretla St. Tel. Mala attos. HIGHEST cash price paid for bottlee aad touk of every deecrlptloa. Portland Bottle Supply Co., 801 North Eighteenth. Pbone Mala 2254. WANTED Household, hotel or restaurant fur al tars la urge or email qaeatlttea. at one.; highest cash price paid. Call ap Main 5M. FURNITURE wanted la exchange for alx house ots et sou eaca ia aaioria.r aaareaa u ao, JoaraaL . - . r , , WANTED to buy twa return tickets aaat as tar aa umaaa. PBoaa unloa lose. - BOOKS bought, jold - and exebaared at via aooa eiora, an. xamaiu ex. . WANTED A bone to work for keep; flret-clase care, aauress eon avererx ex. - F. 1. RYDER, printer. Bteood and Waablugtea axe. raona Mai WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO. I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. ' Corner of Alder and Park. A few choice rooma la thla well-kaowa house eaa now be eecured at reaaooable rates. Thla hotel Is ' steeaa bested and electric lighted and It la aowa town ix is central. rree porcelain baths, bot and cold water. Only a few roouia left IB thla desirable boose. 860 Alder at. THB KINO 804 Jefferson at., new building. Banaeomeiy rnrnisnea. witn every model's convenience; all outalde rooms, with keef, res or electric lights, porcelala bathe; rates 60c, 76c aad 4)1, apeelal ratee by tba week or awatk. THB HAMANN. 188 N. IStk.. cor. Hoyt Newly i urn ie or a ruoxas, ei.ou up; convenient Mcetioa, IB mlaatea' xeblk to fslr grounds; Morrlaoa ear at union depot direct to boose. Pboaa 847a KINO'S' HEIGHTS Destrehle. aelghborbood. near St. Helen s Hsu; nicely furnished room for one or two, with private family; perma nent preferred. 738 Main at. MARQUAM HOUBB. 145H 4th Rooma en suite or single; noaseaeeping rooma; gee atevee, bath, electrle lights; transients solicited. FURNISHED rooms, single or eo suite, 48 per monto ena up. natei revtnoont, TweBty sixth and Cpahor and Vengha ata. TWO fine rooma to rent, en suite or separately; ran accommonaie a rn room; private family, bath; reasonable. 300 Clay at. LARGE light front room, privets family, good BeignnorBooa; neat, gas. Data aaa pboaa, 178 Sixteenth west. FRONT parlor tor gentleman ot refinement whs wiabee room near toe sen tar ot city. 881 Everett at. . aTLEOANTLY furalsbsd room for oaa or two Kentlemen; private family; beat, bath, gas, 51 Taylor. -. TWO large pleasant rooma, suitable for two or four geotlemea; best, bath, pbone, gas. 884 Taylor. THB GLADSTONE A13H Serler St., furalaked rooma; Bade new manag.BMat; prices roe so sable. ., CHEAPEST end beat located rooma Ib Portland. 41 week aad ap. Oilman. Flret aad Aider ata The Henderson, Sflt H Alder Elegsntly furnished rooms for permanent and tranaleat roomers. NICELY furnished toon for rent Cell No. 3 North Unkio ave near Kaat Boraalde, THE OTlSe-Furntshed rooma. atngla or en suits. S71H Kast Burnslde, near Unloa are. THB GRAND Newly fornlebed room by tba week or month. 388H Orand are.- . NICELY fornlabed front room for rant ren ewable. Call 18 North Fifth st. FURNISHED rooms tor rent at very reaeoaahle pricte. Inquire 183t Union are. THB ORAND, 45H N. Tl mea. 41.50 per week sad Third St. I a p. FURNISHED rooms tor rent, cheap. , Call st Mtt Unloa ave, THB WIEST, rooma; trsnsleuU aollcltad. - 441 . Kaat Morriaoa. rURNISBED rooatSrta rest, Call 133S) t'slos FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB BENT Furnished Kmeekeeplng roexse ta beet Brick block oa east nelde; saa raaaaa, bath. etc. I ao trsnslanU; prieaa aMdarata. Loses blk., 10814 Unloa avs., Aller. Pkeaa L nloa MBA. NICB turnlehsd housekeeping rooma. en suits or single, lower floor; running water; ror par tied without children. 82 North Seventeenth at., corner Flanders, pbone Maia 4W5H. - FURNISHED and anfurnlshed housekeeping rooma tor root: urn-cim neat, rlesn and quiet. Call 380 0raa4 Ave., near nsvunra. mwm, 15. 430 TWO, S and 4 rooma, modern, ntct tlclh. Thorn Dr. Darling. THB MITCHELL. Flanders and Seventh Rooms, housekeeping aad tranaieai; ouaveuiewi, pncea reasonable. H0C8EKEEPINa-ROOMS Reasonable . rates, electric lights aad pboaa luciuaea. . eui y. Water aL QUIET location, housekeeping apartments. $8 to .12. VKasua, OBivevsity rsxs. , reus, own FOUR -moms, sultsbls tor housekeeping, (Wj Meooud, cur. Arthur, sunt fiu per ttuuen. NICELY tarnished housekeeping end single rooma; gaa, bath, pbone. 2,i intra ax. FURNISHED boueakMplng-reoBM. nss phone, 88 per month. Sad BeventB at. 83T THIRD ST. Nicely Mralehed room . for 3. 48 per month; bauarkeepms suits cheap. ROOMS AND BOARD. FIR8T-CLAS8 rooms aad board tar perms neat people, S2Z.BQ aad 820 per montai tenia ooara 84 per week. Astor kouaa, Itk aad Madleua ata. TaL Mala 8381..' YOUNO man wants room and board la private family, wltbla walking distance rrom Mor rlaoa bridge. C 64, JournaL BOOMS wltk board for laaeat ' teaanta, reaeoaablai, tuat-claaa -Sixth at. home anoklas B9A SAk Tinnai ana Kneea ar two; refer eoce. 48 Beat Ninth at, GOOD rooma with home cooking. 484 Eaat lrsnl st. - none Kaat 8418. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOB RBNT Part of business offlce. includ ing nae or- private offlce; phone, light, ate. Third at., room 1. FOB RENT Daakrooai and everything fur- Bished. ai. a. Jackaoa oa., SM BUrk at FOR BENT Centrally located offices, , wltk pnooe. ex. i csts, na Becoaa atreet. DESK aad efBce-room to rest. . Inquire 349 Morrison at., room 311. . 0FFICB-BO0MB Oaodmmgk bide. Apply elevator. ........ HOUSES' FOR RENT FURNL TURK FOR SALE. , FOR beet results aa "FUBNITURB." Whether to buy ar aeU. ring op Mala 8458. POBTLAND AUCTION ROOM. .341 fflrxt at. NirELY furnished 8 -room bonae. complete, with piano; rent; d room, upstairs can be rented for 447.60 per month; price 4000; $350 rash, balance eaa year. O 53, JournaL 800 CASH, balance $10 par month buys 0-room rnrnisnea nouse; tow rent; a snap lor soma one. Pbone Main 4108. - UNFURNISHED ROOMS.. 4 LA ROE 'airy unfurnished rooms In private house, 813. Including bath, pboaa aad water. Phone East 3085. , UNFURNISHED rooma. for maa aad wife only, Inanlre 881 Reet Morrleoa at. . - - - FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 5-room flat, attic and basement. Best Twenty-fourth St., bet. Hawthorne aad Mad- . FOR RENTSTORES. ON Washington St. Piste glssa fronte, eleaa and airy; liberal terms to right parties. Ap ply 304 Morrlsna St. - FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB RENT Hons ee and data, all parte ef . tba elty. Rsntsl department THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, n, . a.w . ... DLU . ... T&ABT station, Moant Scott car 4 targe rooma, eatbulldlngs, modern; partlse srltboat p. - . , , I . . . i i- n-i i. ' dillM.: Vnenltaee toe sal. ' bs, Fourth and Sslntoa. NEW 4-roma boaae aad quarter block. Hancock and Eaet Twenty-elxtk ets, 837.60. B. M. Lombard. 614 Chamber af Com in sice. HOUSES for rent Is all parte of the city; call and sea ear list. M.B. Lee. AIT Fen toa bldg-. 84 Sixth et- Pbone Front 173. 1H -STORY cottage, a-rooms, good basement, Cod condition, modern. - 818; Eaat Ninth L Market aad MIU eta. - 4-ROOM mod era dwelling. 813 Gantenbela ave.; key next door; 414, William Denboua. 334 Falling bldg.. city. HEW houae, reasonable, aa Eaat Thirty -fourth st ' Pboaa Eaet 4104. TO LET 8-room flat; modern. Inquire at 554 Oak at. 6-ROOM house for rent. Baron's shoe store. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR BENT Farm, miles southwest of Port laad, H mile from railroad station; 15 acres ' tn cultivation, mi acrea xenceo paeiure, unlim ited .outside range. Apply forenoons, 834 Orant et., . rortiana. T0 BENT A wheat rabeh ot 8.680 acrea, wltk or without stock; tnis is a snap, sat mnst be Ukensjre 2orrleon mi., room 211. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT 100x100 Bortheeet eorner of Third and Madison ata. for present occupancy (liv ery stable) or otherwise. Apply to Batata af D. P. Thompson, No. T First st. BUSINESS CHANCES. - CI0AR STAND. V . . STOCK AND FIXTURES AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ": FRIDAY, OOTOBER 30, AT 3 P. If. , ; .. - '"ON PREMISES, . ..; .,' 804H BI RN81DE STREET. , Stock and fixtures of old-established cigar store; rent paid until October 31. Buyer may continue ataad at low rent. - ' NATIONAL REALTY CO. . -" 812 Pine et. Cigar aad confectionery stores doing line boat. aeee; all well located. Grocery store end meet market combined; will eell at Invoice good wcatloa; a bargain. Rooming houses to suit the buyer. . NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT CO. ." 313 Pine St, . ,'.'.. . Bcblf fman Anderaoa. BEST roomlng-bonss bargain la Portland 84 . rooma Snely farnlshed, doing gnod business; owrfer moat leave Portlend; sell for 42.600 If tsken this week; never offered before for leee than 43.6O0; liberal terma, long lease, low rent. . DUBOIS SHERWOOD, , 306 Morrison, at. Boom I. FARM ot about 1.000 acrea,' with orchard, 8-room house, bsrn and other oatiailldlnge, within . 8 miles of the O. W. P. streetcaf line: loo acrea e-ultlvated lend, 830 with lO.OOO.Onrt . fset ot merchsntsbte fir. balance of lend fiastnra. end all ee fine apple laade aa are a the atate. all for 410,000. 008 Worcester : block. PortlsBd. WANTED Party to purebkee andlvWed one bait fntereet la a.snn acrea ot agricultural arm grselog lands la Harney eod Malheur empties. Oregon: near Cllea 'French reach. - Inquire itanM t "atceeter block, tit. BUSINESS CHANCES SPECULATORS see us tor Mg bargains Ib Hurst Svitck atock before switch soea an read; regular price 46.79; bur price aacti lower; How eaa we do HT We have mora sharee ' than wa can conveniently carry and ' must sacrifice to raise . reek. Apply 819 Commercial block., . - CANDY STORE, WELL LOCATED WITHOUT. 1N0 ROOM, ran be had at low rent by a. : desirable party; location on aaat aide oppvV site the Alblna school house. Particulars, call office, 517 Commercial block. FOB SALE Oa account at slekaees, alee, elean, moaey-maktag baelnaea oa eaat aide; salsa . from 414 to 35 par day; price 41400, or will , Invoice; na asaata wasted. O 68. The Joarnal. , WANTED Party to loin ma In light manu facturing plant; 43,000 required; immense sales. It you mesa business call. 1110 Kast Taylor at, or pboaa East &m6. . WANTED Party to Join me In light msnu. , factnrlug plant: 300 required; Immrnaa sales. If yon mean bualneos call 1110 Kaat Taylor at, or phone East 8805. FOR SALE Fine Una et millinery and ladle'', furnishing goods' ta live towa of 1,600: ex cellent opportunity; ao competition. K 48, " care JournaL . ... FOR SALE Barber -shop 8 chairs; modern fur. nltura. long tesse; on Third et; 430 rear; a snap, tor 4l,7o0. Addreee 0 54, Journal. . 'OI?i.B7VI'tlBI!t ",,n restaurant tn the city; e i ": prK-e peia; average receipu 835 dally. Inquire 43V, Sixth, near Pine. , FOR. BALE Small business chances requiring r w coiiiiai. rmeiaees area a Clearing Houae. 114 gecond at,, , HOTBI, with pgr and dlulng-room tor sale ar .u., win eeit lie ii interest te xae right Party. Addreee C 40, Journal. OB ' BALE Half Interest U bowling-alley paying 4260 per month, 4700. Dubois A Shar. wood. 306V, Morrlaoa. room 8. ESTABLISHED reataorant ea Fifth at.. Bear Washington, clearing 415 ta 825 per day tba year around. A 48. JournaL . . MILLINERY STORE, good location, good. bust, nejs and a good buy. It Interested callat 345 Morrlaoa at, room 11. . WHEN looking for s location, either city ar fouotry, call oa the NorUwaet Laad Co, 884 Morriaoa st, room 311. .-. ; WANTED Stork grorcrlee ar empty store tn " rni partlculara la first Addraea C 67. care JeuraaL RESTAURANT rurnltura for aele. W. H. Latrln. Hotel r air mount, Tweoty-elxth and Upahor ata. FOR S A LB Lunchroom aad delleeteesea, cheep; food location; parties staring -city. ddOVh efferaon. .-, SALOON for aale or trade; will aell karf In. tereet ta rtopoaaibla party. Addreee C di. JouraaL . , 4.000 SHARES Bos toa -Colors do Copper at a . sacrifice; worth par; 1st est I gats, B 48, care -JouraaL , FINK ooDOt-tunltv la aatabllehed hnstaaai kelp and eepttaL Addreee O 54. care JoaraaL FOR SALB Brfrk hotel, 88 raeow, good rural, tare, splendid kwaei la Portlaad. Y 44. Joarnal. BELIABLB real eetste man waata desirable kaalaeea associate. - Addreee C 65. JouraaL WANTED 8 ta 38 scree of land to grab eatslda - of city limits. Bog S3, Oswego, Oregon. . INVESTIGATE For a small smoant of eapl UL large returne. tOS McKay bldg. WHO IB M. jQ. MORGAN A Cat FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . ; . ACBB TRACTBI - ' OUB BPECIALtTjJ ACBB TBACTtt ' tan alasd atraeta. water 4 TERMS 410 PKB ACRE CASH . (10 FEB ACBB PIB MONTbV Yos go to tbeae seres aa the Basse ' car, Ciy the earns 6c fare the lot maa pays. - Tba t maa la your neighbor, but be to re stricted Ib majority ef tea tores that amka , a true suburban bo am. , ; v A. a CHURCHILL A CO., I V.. . 110 Beeond at. . . - NEARLY 8 acrea. SVi miles from center af city, all In cultivation: good boose, large barn, cfalckea-bouaea, lota of trait, good water, flneet road hi Oregon. 1 mile from electric : line; price 83.400; very eaay terms. If yoa are from "Missouri" 1 will snow yoa; If from any other atate. will aeU yoa It yoa see It . T SO. care Journal. WANTED Get la line It yea are interested In wheat lead aad go with an and see It, then get oar prices and terma and In a few yeara yoa- wilt own a good wheat reach. For further Information ' call on or address NORTHWEST LAND COMPANY, 305 Morrison at. Room 811. Portlaad. Oregon. I I1AVB 4 acrea very fine aoll; new bonae. cost 4600 to build; 8 scree In cultivation, balance very easy to clear; right ea O. W. p. electrle line; 10c cer fare; price 41.400; can glee terma. T 58, care JournaL FOR SALB TBxIOO-enot lot on Eaet Seventeenth ead Conch; will aell tor 41.360 If sold la next few days: faces east; wall worth 81.400; will aeU part ef lot If desired. Addreee K 48, care Journal. A MODERN 7 -room bouse aa Thirty second aad blvlsloa, only 43,3601 eaa give very sear terma; bones bee been built T months. Ad dress R 60. care Journal. ... FOB SALB Modern -room bonae, furnished or unfurnished, snd Isrga lot, close la ea rest side. Inquire owner, 107- Sixth., at., Portlaad Trunk company. NEW 4-room bouse; beta, laundry, cement base ment aad floor and walka. furnace, all complete, modern. In Upper Alblna; 43,000. - Phoney Unloa 8818. A 8-STORT brick building. 100x100, on Beit aide; will pay per cent net oa 430.000; Erica 420,000; eaa glvs terms. . Addreee . 4 I, care JoaraaL FOR SALB Cheep. 4 or scree improved bad on iStb and Knott ata., East Portlsad. Call on premises. W. M. Drydes, owner; take Irving ton ear. i . , - IMPROVED and unimproved bind In large nt rnsll tract.. 1o- to '.iiJ11 wster transportation. W, J. Fnllerton, War ren, Oregon. 1 HAVB nice 5-room cottage t Iota close school- and car; make s nice noma for aged xAArm O. H. Wallberg, Bellwowl. tons: et' thte: 8 acrea, no better aoll in Ora "JmT. "oc tlU nearly all clear, email boa. f only 400; vary eeey terma. T 40. Journal. FOR HA LB New S-reorn boase every Con venience. Improved streets, good rsr service. eeey terma. ew - - - FOB SALB at a bargain, modern T-eeeta hoeea aa East Taymr. cliee Ib; terms to aall "rcbsJer. Apply F 43. care JoaraaL- . to ear UaeTsae location, gronad lOOsllM. Q. W. P. Towoalts Co.. 184 First et 8 ACRES. mile from 0. W. P. electrle line; to gravel a nd assy to alear: 4A5: vary easy terms. Addreee C 61, care JonrnaL 81 300 FOR S S-ronsa konse. lot 60x100 feet, on Fremont St.. near Vsnconver. are. Apply ISIO vuour en. " , WAGNER 1 PETTY, 303 Commercial blk have aome of the beet Jmye In the elty. Sea them before baying and be pen raved. STORB and S-ronm dwelling-house for aale. Wnv rantwell, Weat ave. and MontavHta car line. P. O., North Mount Tabor. f. WB build boueea; easy aiontMy paymentet lota furnished tf dealradV- 418 Coaimirclal bldg. Mala 1040. ISUillviru ww, from 47 to 4300. Pboaa Eaat 4T04. . . mm.m. - - - 44 dnwa aad 88 al moatkt Beuwoas TewnsltS use 8-ROOM oottst. bslh bot and cold water, full lot, 81.3x0; 4100 down, balance to cult , Phode Kaat eio. FOB BALE 4 room boaae acre fruit trees, ata. -Slith at, 1 t. I on car line- wltk taqnlrs Ml East :s . ' '. '