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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
jsm FLAYED DV JEROME Tammany Bow Called Slfih ' Grafter, Shadow of a Mighty Man," Croker. DENIES THAt HE SOUGHT, V DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION Politics JnNew York Reaching' Bollinc Point Hearst ; Denouncee ' : Administration as the ! Most Cor rnpt Since, ths' Days of Tweed. It 1 InwUI ijntM.I : New York.. Oct. 24. The municipal campaign i in - In full swing. Mayor i iMirv n. . MiVlallaa last night in a knMK-h Mara TunmuT hall formally SC- , cepted hi nomination for mayor and wa onthiMliuttcallv received' by his partisans. 1 W. R. Hearst, candidate on ' the municipal ownership tlcfcet is mak - Ing a tour of the varloua sectiona of the city denouncing; toe present luminmrw tloa aa the.most corrupt New York bas seen since; the days of Boss Tweed. M. iTtns. the Republican nominee. Is also ' busy shaking hands and speecn-maain. - ; Charles K. Murphy, lesder of Tarn many hall, last night asserted that Ms. . trlct Attorney W. T. Jerome, who ts running for reelection aa an Inde- pendent,-sought nomination at the hands ef Tammany, which Mr. Jerome state. ' la a lie. In hla speeches Isst nlf ht Je rome was bitter against Murphy,' whom . ha comnared disparagingly to Richer . Croker, saying: . . . ' i rA real man, a man with a Jaw. a man - '.that stood tip and never lied to a friend; a man who stood good and true when, he rave yon his word and told you he would or would uof, na then did aa ha aid. Croker was my friend, though I ' fought him for te years. .That kind of " man I could deal with not the mlser -abla kind of a -roan from Oood ground. " "Richard Croker. brave-man that he ' wss, was practically driven from this town by the one question, Where did yon get It r Where did this recrudes- fence of Croker. this faint Imprint, this shadow of a mighty man. get It? I nave served this people In public office some thing like II rears. In places where tba - 'stuff -was if you were willing to take 'it. v But I live today in aa humble aa apartment-a nay of you. Joint debate Is a cheap thing to offer me, but. Ood helping ne, I would like it better than a Joint rdebate with Charlie Murphy. Haif a dosen questions not out of range of the criminal law, and that weak ' shadow of strong man; would be ef-i-faced from-the-globe. -. "I am offering to you In my weak per. son an tssua ao large that, when I atop -tu think I had the audacity to raise It I tremble at my temerity. ' ' I have given i yqu the clean-cut issue, clean aa It has never, been before in this or any other . community., between the selfish, grasp 1 Ing boss and the plain people whom i Abraham-Lincoln laved and trusted, and I go forward to the 7th of November regardless of results, for I believe, as 1 stand here tonight, that, if I have raised the Issue between the grafting boss and the servant of the people, the mighty yalce of ha people will be beard reso nant and true. It always has been heard In the cause of rlghtl .',. us ; UXU30Y SHARED III PROFITS I.UDE Blf SYNDICATES : Mutual Life President Put Money yf 'A Into 'Transactions Along ' , . With Company. - , (Special Instates te The Jesrsal.) "" ' New York, Oct. 10. Tha legislative Investigation committee at tha close of yesterday's session adjourned until next 'Tuesday, after one of the most sensa ' t tonal weeks ef the Inquiry. ' Tha ex amination of President Richard A. Ho ' Cnrdy of the Mutual Ufa was concluded with the' exception of some - details , which he is to supply next week. - Hla testimony yesterday afternoon waa of a ': technical nature. . , - t President McCurdy testified that be carried 1200,000 la the Mutual and waa also Insured In the Equitable, Washing ' ton. and Connecticut Mutual. He stated that he paid 14.100 for his' apartments . In the Orosvenor building. A long list of syndicate deals was submitted In , which President McCnrdy participated ' personally, aa well aa the Mutual Life. ' . ITe' Mated that he entered these trans ncllon on equal terms with tha Mutual - -,a members of the syndicate. :. a , Robert H. McCurdy. manager of the , Mutual, and sunt ef lie president, -wss ; . ssked to explain his charges for travel ing expense last year. He made' three . .. trips about the country, the expense ot which aggregated 11.100 and were paid 7 for by the Mutual. On one of these ; trips he had a private oar and waa ao " companies by his father, mother. -wife 'and the letter's maid, but ssld that the expense for these.. wera paid for by hlm . - lndlvldually.Y He could not tell why jt-irftha expenses were so large, but prom S Jaed details later.. t RUSH TO COMPLETION f RAILROAD TO MEADOWS ' ' ISpeHal Dlapatek te Tea Journal.) ' Boise, Ida.. Oct. 40. The Pacific ft Idaho Northern extension to Meadows Is to be hastened to completion. W. b. lick has Juat- taken a contract to grade about seven miles of tha heaviest part f the canyon, through which the line will run and expects te complete the Usk in leas than 00 day a - The Great Auction Sale " ? - CONTINUESYOU ' CAN BUY ''-'f ', "'. Oriental Goods of the Rarest Quality I . ; (. x 7 , CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. '? '-';:; Wa sell to the highest bidder, without reserve, all kinds of Satsuma, ' ClotsonneK Silk Embroideries,- Bronte and Ivories. Large stock on - '' 7' .,' hwjfo txhfolt. ; ' -v. 1 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF . THIS OPPORTUNITY I WESTERN IMPORTING COMPANY - ' 3 Washington street ' ; Chas. B. Young. President ." 1' ' V ' James M. Kan, Manager. I The Market Basket I The froata have coma and with them tha end of the fresh vegetable auppllea from nearby sectiona - One result la aeen In tha rapid advance in- tba price of to matoes. : The string Deans nave aeen better days, but not better prices, since the present season begsn. Potatoes were nipped slightly, nut iot me most part they were helped by the cold spell. The Hiion is now practically over and present auppllea lack most of the quality so prevalent of late in the local fruit. Peaches are loosing rainer .seeay and prices are high. . . ' , ' , ' ; : Housewivea ' have been much inter ested in the sugar market of lata. Tbey had every .reason ' to expect a sever advance in the price when tha announce ment came that the market ahowed an advance of II centa per. 109 pounds. This was the latter part of laat week. On top of this there came tha news the fore nart of the present week that another advance or is cents naa oeen- maae in the wholesale price, thus adding 10 cents to the price per aack.. . .. ; , . v , . i f New nuts are now coming In for tha holiday trade. , There are chestnuts from Ohio, which aell at-4 centa a pound, and the California, nuts, which aell for considerably less. The former ara.amali and are much aweeter than the larger ones. . now ttraaii nuts are aiso in in market and are. selling-at Si centa a pound.- - There are almonda from tha south that look aa fresh as If Juat gath ered And their quality Is generally bet ter than last year a proauet. rnese, too, retail In tha market at t cents a pound. Tha markets have not yet re ceived their auppllea of It I walnuts. but they are now due and will soon be on sale. . The walnut, market this season ASHES OF IRVIflG ARE mmenee Crowd Attend Funeral of Greatest Actor at West minster Abbey. r , A MANY DISTINGUISHED ' MEN AS PALLBEARERS Nobility of England, Foremost Au thors, ArtiaU And Actorg Honor Departed Tragedian , . Represent atives of King end Queen Present . . (Jesrsal Special tervle&l : London. Oct. iO. The ashes of Bir Henry Irving were burled at Westminster Abbey. A great throng at tended tha-services, thousands being an- able to enter on account of the Crowd. Tha pallbearers wera Sir Squire Ban croft, the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Ten nyson, Sir Charles Wyndham. John Hare, Lord' Burn ham, .Sir Alexander Mao- Kenale, Oeorge Alexander, Beerbohm Tree, Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema, Sir Jamea Fewer, Forbes Robertson, Arthur Ptnero, William Burdett-Coutts. The services were conducted by Canon Duckworth, Rev. Joseph A. Robinson, Dr. Weldon and Archbishop Wllberforco. Representatives of the king, quean and Prtnoe of Wales wera present. ,. Among those who attsnded tha fun eral .was General Booth of the Salva tion 'Army. Magnificent floral tiibutea were received from thousanda and tha entire, populace united in expressing their sorrow and regret over tha demise of tha greatest of English actors. The funeral procession started from tha house of tha Baroness Burdette- Coutta, which had been plaoed at tba disposal of tha Irving fsmtly on account of the inconvenience of atsrtlng from tha apartments which Bad-been occupied by the tragedian, ' ore Stratton street. where there was no opening. - ; Tha aahea wera interred In a spot alongside Oarrick'a grave, directly be neath tha statue - of - William Shakes peare. - near the bodies of Dr. Samuel Johnson and Charles Dtckena. - SNOW AND COLD WEATHER . CAUSES MUCH "LOSS (Special Dispatch te The Joemal.) Baker City, Or., Oct 10. Tha cold westher of tha last week, with tha ac companying snowfall, haa cause a loss of hundreds of dollars to tha farmers and ranchers throughout tha valley. Cattlemen say , that a number of ani mals which were caught out on the range, unprotected from tha ' sudden change . in , temperature, suffered verely. Those who had not yet com pleted harvesting are reported to have lost considerable by the sudden lower ing of the thermometer. This ts the first time In many yesrs that anow haa been known to fall so early in the Powder river valley. . .. THREE ACCIDENTS ' OCCUR NEAR CENTRALIA (Special DtepateU te Tbe Josraal.) Centralis, Wash.. Oct. JO. Three ae- rlous accldenta occurred near here yes terday. Ouy Phelps, sn estimable young man employed In- a logging camp on Bkookumchuck river, about s 10 mllea from here, waa caught between two logs, mnshtng his leg below the knee, and was brought to the hospital here,, where his leg wss amputated at the knee. M. lemeley, working for the Martin Lum ber company, et Its logging csmp, had his nose, completely amputsted by the INTERRED THE OREGON ' D.ILY JOURNAL PORTLi'.I.r -iii, Is firm and It Is now oelleved that the retail price for "thJirBorVshells will, be around 10 cents a pound.- Of course, we always have fresh peanuta with us. Peanuts become stale quicker than any other nut after being roasted, t in tha raw state they last iom tuna. ,' "Oive me two pounds of bananaa.' will soon be heard quite frequently In tha retail markets. This 1 an entirely near deal in the manner of trading. - For several yeara the wholesale markets thla city have been quoting bananas at so much a pound, but retallera nave sold them aa previously at ao much per doscn.. It . has been round that when any one buys a dosen bananas he inva riably picks out tne larger ones. , j ms practice has left the dealers with most of their small aises still on the stalk and tba result bss been that they gener ally lost on the fruit. ' i . One of the larger retailers in tba city decided to try the new plan of selling by. the pound and the practice has al ways netted him a prom on nis good Today bananaa are quoted In the retail markets at 10 cents a. pound, and they are not ao very plentiful at that figure The eeaaon for orangea will soon I open in esrnest and already some small sapplles have arrived from -California points.' The first car or orangea to ar rive from Jamaica came in tha latter part of tha week, but there was prac tically no aale for them on account tit their small else. On -the Atlantio m board small slice aell readily. .. . Such strawberries aa are now arriving from -walaonvllle remind one of aura mar time Quality la fine and price Is not high only 20 centa per one-pound boa. They're worth the money, too. -. falling limb of a tree, and a young man by the name of Faulkner lost on of his hsnds on tha Eastern Railway Lumbar company's road. - . Vew Km to Begla Work. " (Special Olapatch te .Tee Josraal. Dallas, Or., Oct. . 20. The construe tlon of a new sawmill In tba outskirts of Dallaa will soon be in operation. Tbe new milt wlu turn out 60,000 feet of lumber a day. A. Cone, a Portland turn ber man, will be the manager. Tha Dal laa people had to give a bonus of $1,000 to the company. No Pain No Pain 1NICE TEETH v Wa are tha discoverers and originat ors of - tha only reliable and scientific systsm of Pslnlsss Dentistry. We ex tract, crown. All and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen years. Our work is -the peat, our prices the lowest con sistent with flrst-claaa work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our plates are unde tectable from the natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit FILLINGS BOO, TSO and GOLD CROWNS. BRIDGE WORK FULJ. SET NATURAL TEETH. Open for sasUaee aatU evealaga. boston Painless Dentists SOU, Korrlsoa U Opp. Xslsa Tta ana ssvoxaaa. - - - HOCRS--l:10 a.- m. to I p. m. Sun day, 1:10 a. m. to 1:J0 p. nv, Far modern dental work. World -renowned specialists. - . Lowest ptioes conslatent with first -slass Oe U the NEW YORK DENTISTS . rovBTs in Mommxsoa an. , Opea day and night, from S:I0 a, i - watU fo 9. as. WASHINGTON MARKET lU'rirst Sweet, Vat. Stark ssd fsaklsgteB. Rolled Roaat Bwf .......Oe Prlsw Rib Koaata , w 1H siriois BTeaaa ...,.,.. ie TpiHlrrioia gtaaks ..' UUl Portcrboaae Steaks 1 15e Roand Htraks i .... Ike. X Plats Rtrak. 4 IBs tor -. t Lag Mattes .....10c Lrs Lamb 11HJ Mattoa rhota. lbs tor Lola or Bib Cbope Shoulder ot Muttes .10 te 13 Mattoa Ittw Pork Roasts ........... Pork Chops Taal Uoaaoi - Taal rhopa SaaMtv Most. S Iba tor Hamburaor. 1 Iba for .. '.. .. ...c .IOC to 1ZU 10c to lSVi te a4 KW te 12 Rusar-Cured Rcvakfaet Baeas ..le Bat LTfawry Hittcer.. Pmb Kanrb K(sa ,. Bread. S tsavve (ar ..................... ..Me Hnsar-Carrd Him 144 Boll Beef ......U te I Vegatsbics et an aina. CHRIS TAPFER, Prop. Talepbese erderi aallvared pranptly, east wast aide. AT THE Central Market Oar list of, rood things to est are innumerable, so wa take very little spsce to tell you all we have, but in vite yon to call, or have our man call on you. We know ne can supply your ...'.'. , ... neeas. - KINDORP BROS. 130 Grand Ave. Phone East 412. Red Star Market Is prepared to. serve its patrons with the CHOICEST CUT8 of MEATS; such aa Breakfast Bacon, Hamburg Steak, Lamb' - Chops, Tenderloin Steak, Round Steak, Rib Roast Beef, Boiling Beef, Corn- Beef, - Sausage, . etc Everything first-class. -. ' L. A RIEMANN, Jf 243 N. Seventeenth Jt. Phone Hood 476. seiBPHSB . ,MMei ewesi s- Record BreakingPrices IDAV IS AND SOLD IN NEARLY .;;;-:iEVERYGi AMgTOWNvIN- the PACIFld NORTHWEST T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. ASTORIA Oregon I ', ? Saturday , will be made a day of most liberal offerings.' 'There are so many, great bargains to offer that in order to conhne ourselves to our allotted - space we ' must ssk you to call and : look them over or phone us and we can tell you what they are. , Be sure you see. us before buying your Sun day dinner. V'V ' .Sugar Higher ' Dry Granulated. 100-lb. aacka. $S.I0. 25.';; v':'::, ' ' t packages Seeded 'Ralilna. v ' ' :, . - ; 25'... , ' 1 t packages Rolled .Wheat. ;. v. f i.oo 'Gallon can Pare Maple Syrup- . . .' . Of Can Star Condensed Cream. '. t Box No. 1 Macaroni. ' .v"' " ' ' '- 20e t'----.V Bottle Blue Label Catsup. . 30 : Pound Hoffman House Java and Mocha . Coffee. . ; '25 ' 1 Pound Good Gunpowder or English Breakfast Tea.. .. ..... ; . m 50a Pound Beat Ceylon Blend Tea. - West Park and Washington Sts. Name is on the tongue of every householder and eco- nomical housewife on ;? ac count of. the superidrity of its goods. ; Special induce ments are offered to hew customers, and by telephon ing for our man to call he will explain our proposition. Mention The JournaLwhen calling vs. . , Phone Main 32152 Jacob Rassi s Market SATURDAY Will be mads a da ot moat liberal offerings. There are so many great bargains to offer that in order to con fine ourselves to our allotted space we mutt nse small type. No matter how difficult vou find this small true reading it will pay you and please you to read every una.' - 295 N. Sixteenth St Cor. Pettygrov St Phons Uain 1211. Fellows Fellows EVENING, OCTOBER t) SHIPPED PORTLAND . Oregon '.'.-'l. , White Oortr is ths only butter msdsirora psstearized crsmm '"- vand packed in sir-tight, germ-proof CARTONS cdty &mc Successor to M'KINNON GROCERY CO. -J:'- 173 THIRD SL; Near Ycmhill t We are ' not price-cutters -just selling our 'groceries at a fair, profit, thus giving the customer value received for his" " 100-Lb Sack Dry Granulated. Sugar, '.V.;'; v:..'..a?50 r 5 Bars Naptha Soap.. ............. .....i;..;..25e4 12 Bars Good Laundry Soap. ............ ...,..'..25 7 2-Packages Gold Dust .. . . . .35 " 1 Lb. Best Gloss Starch ......... . . . . . ....... . .... .5 , 1-Lb. Package Corn Starch. . ; .-i ...... . ........ .-.5a . Star Condensed Cream, 5 cans. .25 . Can .Baker's Cocoa. .20 - ' " . '"' ' : ' I ' ,ii ns ' , , ' i ii CITY 173 THIRD STREEJ Chickens 14 CalOCLtUIS 19 Lbs. Sugar. V.. i,1. ejl.00 Fancy Creamery Butter, roll 55 2 Cakes Honey. ,. .... . , ;. ,25 10-Lb. Box rancy Frunes..o? 1 Sack Good Flour. . .... .81.00 p Tkgs. Peacock Pancake . - Flour 12 Bars Soap, ... ; . . . . . . . . .25 PEOPLE'S MARKET AND GROCERY nra and Taylor Sts. Phone Main X41S.. Paaa XeUvery to Ail Parts ef aa City, I In2-Pie 10c Packages, MThHELL-SOULE CO. I SYHAivjruKgi SYRACUSE. NEWYDaX McKINNON & SMITH - . e r CASH GROCERS Phone East 283 12 GRAND AVENUE ' East side oedole don't have to cross ; the bridge -t to; get prices. Delivery made to any part of the city..- . ' ' '-'' - -. : . Fresh Ranch Eggs, doz. . . .30s Fancy Creamery Butter. ,v.55e It Bounds best Bussr . . .-v . . .tl.OO ..ti.oe ... ene t-saaaa Ball Beat Lard, toe; 10 psonda 1 poead Rral Baking rowder ....... a poeae scoiiiins a jfaama iu. vm ........ Laack good hard want flour ... lid packed Tonatoaa, per dosta oo Saace bottle Vanilla Extract a-eaa bottle Lcnos Extrirt T.aaU-root rirpepar, S abeata for Oood Java Oof fa. loe ear jnaad, t sosadi KM 10 sc 9M lAe ine Oaoa Engllaa areakraat Tea 1 poead bansowder Ti taottj e e wee a Hate nrea.' C'auop, I parkage Cora ttareb ae SVotrk Oats 10c Beat Java and Mom Coffee, set Boast ' SBe t-pnand ess PM bease St S-ernad eas Baked Beane ................ 10 ratOBB ...a.,.,.......,... .4.m ..,..,, Good Baeoa ...IS rig Frnne Cereal So Bwat Hama, per ponad .J 14o WhIU aad Tallow Cora Maal, 10-lb sack... Be Baat Sago and Taplora, 10 sossds Sftc 1 pound neat 'Ooeoannt ................... 1A Bottle Visaing ' M t cane Or.eoe Orape Oreasi So t eane Prlmrnea Oreasi loa Fancy Taale Srrop. per gallon. ........... to Olive Oil, euari bottle eft Large eat Mncarenl tne I plate Oaesi : tea We handle Cotton's Moutt View dairy products, butter, milk and cream. . SEATTLE; .Wahtagton"1' PHONE MAIN 1684 ?enta Pound MEATS 10-Lb. Pail Swift's Compound Lard .80 Sugar Cured Hams.'. . .'. .14 Picnic Hams ..'.....8? Cottage Hams '...:..,..'....V..9d Pot Roast ... . . . . . ... ... .'. . .6a Boiling Meat . . ... . . . .4$ MOST DELICIOUS PIES, i FRUIT CAKES , PUDDINGS 2 AND COOKIES. - i MIKn MEAT. i"irgjggs mmwam m issS STATE MARKET Sf till,- Hams Go ' ': a , & Cntt. . ; Prime Roast Beef. ; . . . .8s Corned Beef, lb.. . . .... . '. '.. Af One Special Article Every Satur . day at Reduced Price. .: 221 First St, Con Salmon Listen to the greatest sales ever known in Portland. - Just take a look st as before you buy your Sunday Dinner W carry ' everything you need to make up s fins dinner. If you are un able to come in call up phons East 60. CHARLES HACKER. r 89 Grand Ave. JOURNAL WANTAQS . v BRING QUICK RESULTS Ml iillllifl Ctizcczzzr ii A, J.' Pe.rtr.zx trotrisxa ara xttaix cbooxs. . SSI. ICS aad BSS Talr Ct, Cos. JaZsxsoa Prioea quoted palow will save yon at leaa. in par cant: - Best Dry--granulated Cane Sugar - 100-lb. sack i . ..JJJMB. It lbs. Beat Dry Granulated Cans Sugar , ....$1.00 Beet Dry Granulated Sugar, sack... 1.15 1-lb. can Roysl'Baklng Powder 40e -lb. can Scbllllnga' Baking Powder, .tto -lb. nkg. Arm and Hammer Soda -'rrv-wa Shredded 'Wheat Biaeult. per pkg,...10o Iba clean white Rice tto I bars Roral Savon Soan l(o Hard Wheat Flour, per sack. $1. 00 Best Eastern Hadia, per pound. ,.,.14o Plcnlo Hams, per pound to ad Coooanuf. ner bound...... l&a t-lb. pall best Lard... jo-jd pall best Lard Lard ......11.00 . Lard 1.0 tat Flour, per sack.. 1 1.00 ze-io. pan peat , Best Soft Whs Java and Mocha Coffee (rearular Sfc. per pound . ......... .lie I Iba broken Java and Mocha (equal to.lOo)... tie t cans Primrose Cream ,.....llo Tiger Cream (rearular 10c), per can., ta English Breakfast Tea (reg. lte). lb. ISo Pine Gunpowder Tea (special), lb...lSo Scotch Oats, per pkg. .,..,,.,....,..100 Tar Soap, I bars la Psls NsDhths fioan. rer bar: Ke. - Poatum Cereal, per pkg. ;.,.lfco Soda Crackers, 10-lb, box. ........ .too Beet Csne Cod Cranberries. - ner at-.-lSn Vjneeaa ttispuita, per pag. ta ? Ilitchen Drcaml v : Parlor Matctkoo (t.100 to pkg.). per dosen . TSn, Lenox Brand Parlor Matohee ((OO .to- oox), par aoaan. . .r... ......... .a- East Side dellveiiea - Tuesdays and Friday a -Woodlawn. North Alblnft and Piedmont, Wedneadaya. b ...., . ,. pxom DUTTERl BUTTER! '416.. Oregon Creamery Butter Sue, oOc and 5Cc One aaek good Hard Wheat flow. ,fLN . e povnas weeoiess naxsins... ...... .see Best cleaned Currants, lb ......10a Tomatoes, standards, 1. cans. ...... la loan Baked Beana.,.., ...-.Sa.t I cans Corn. Peas or String Beana...SSo 44 pkg. Postunt ar Pig Prune Cereal, .soa uooa naimon, i nana ..............isa Tomatoes, Solid Pack .10a Two 1-H pkga Gold Dust. ........ .Sao One t-lb. pkg. Armour's Washing . Powder ..........15a Pela-Naptha Soap ................. .ae II bare Royal Savon Soap. ........ .SBa ' I bare Baby Elephant Soap. ....... .ate Nice datea lOe lb.j t Iba. ...........SSa lb. White Honey .lee t-lb. pail pure Lard. ............9X00 -lb. pall pure Lard..... .......BOa ans Primrose Cream. ...15e lb. English Breakfast Tea.. J...... 15a lb. uunnowder Tea. ...... .........SBa ' MUler'a Naptha Soap fra Pull line Plaocna Broa' Uuetard. CaU up. Chill Sauoa, Mangoes, ate, Townsehd & Van Schoonhoven ir rtmmr sr. i Stdo Baltvarg Taasday and Prlday.. SHUTS cut,- FRIEDMAN PACKING COMPANY' Great Offering ' Wa offer tomorrow1 aU meats at ene- del prices prioes to suit tha - taste. Look at these prioes and be convinced that you are getUng tha beat tha market afforda: . . - ,.-,-.... 1 We quote a few prioes, others in pro. portion: r . - ' -: ; . Boll Beaf ........a.. ........ .....4 Pat Roast ..6d - Corn Beef ... .............. ......5 Rolled Roaat Beef i. Ham Steak. I lbs. ...... ...t. t .. ..15e : Lamb Chops, t lbs. for ..2Se Pork Sausage, I lbs. for..,..;....25e Plain Steak, t Iba. for , ..25d Breakfast Bacon, ,...X5e Lamb Stew. ...3f Talspaoaa Orders Proatptly Attended to. All Ooo&s SeUTered Tree - Part ef the City, non acAor in. OOlUlDaXa, BUTTER! BUTTER! Creamery butter .............t8O0o Boat creamery ................. . 5o Good creamery too Dairy butter 4t45o Egga ,. . loo Freeh ranch eggs .............. .. ,' too Plonlo or oottage hint. . lOo Best sugar-oured ham .......... Ji 6 Iba. lard (compound) - aEo Pure lard .....ttfJUo ? Chlokena for Saturday.. lt-lb. geese .. - 14o La Grande Creamery - SS4 TaaahUt Street. . Fresh Oregon'; Creamery Butter , 60o Per Roll ; Fresh Eggs, per dosen... . .'. ...,30d Headquarters for. Skamokawa nd Corvallia Creamery -. Butter. - . : ; . . . Enterprise Creamery Co. - 127 FIRST ST. ' Between Waahington apd Alder. Oood Reasons Why You . Should t , ,, Trade at . . . i Cowan's Market Because yo get ere ry thing nice. W hare BIO VALUES for Saturday. Hundreds of pounds of Fresh Meate, Poultry, Oysters, Fish, and a specialty made of STRICTLY FRESH EGGS. 273 E RIoiTlson Nar Ujilcn Phons East 147, , ) V .