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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
1 t::2 onrcori daily C3TC v.. Here's Stirring 'Wows' cf Spccicl vVdusc, Seasonable and' Timely fcr Caturday Shopper in Coipbination WitH . AiGR AND P.VJII u ;SHOVV, lUustratin Highest Expression cf Acknovyleclccd Authorities on REIGNING MODES FOR WOI.1EN ; , ; Ethics of Modern Store-Keeping The following from an tmincnt retail merchandising authority no leaa than the "DRY GOODS ECONOMIST." issue of August 16 voices tba acntimant of the cooatry, or that fart of it Interested in progress and improvement in storekeepirg, along the lLaee of early closing. Aa thia atore has been, and stands today, a leader in the early do ting movement and atanda alone so far aa other etoree are concerned locally thia comment by the ' leading dry gooda authority in the world may be of interest to our readers. We re- ' produce it verbatim:'- .;..,-;'. . ; ,; - , ; ' . "After every poaaible argument had been brought to bear upon retailers, jt has become a pretty general custom for stores in all the', principal cities, at least, not to keep open at night. It la very die- appointing, therefore, to find that one of Buffalo's leading department stores has decided to remain open until 10 o'clock Saturday nlghta in the future. IT IS TO BE HOPED, IN THE INTEREST OF THE SALESPEOPLE AND THE TRADE IN GENERAL. THAT i NONE OP THE OTHER STORES WILL FOLLOW SUIT, AND THAT THE CONCERN REFERRED TO WILL RECONSIDER ITS DECISION." . ' - ; . - it..:-., r, PUBLIC OPINION la ever on the side of RIGHT after A when PUBLIC OPINION KNOWS the RIGHT. We are sincerely thankful to our great public for their loyal support Tn our campaign -for- PRINCIPLE, and shall go on In the fight for shorter hours for store helpers as brought about by early dosing until the move ment becomes general and the sentiment unanimous among the better class of stores of our city. 1 In doing Saturday sh orpine, ef ; coarse our natrons will bear in mind that THIS STORE IS NOT ' OPEN EVENINGS. WE CLOSE AT 6 P. M. V . MEN'S BARGAINS "' ' First Floors-Sixth Street Annex. Saturday being the. man' shopping day we've provided generously' of extra good values for our patrons of the male persuasion. Among other items underpriccd for tomorrow these : . : ' ' MEN'S $2.50 SWEATERS $1.58. . ' A line of men's fine Wool Sweaters, with double collars, .in plain ,vi- colors navy, black, cardinal and white; regular value V 4 "SMC- Special, each I... I. '-. v.- MEN'S 20c AND 25c HANDKERCHIEFS 10c. A line of men's Linen Handkerchiefs, with tape borders; regular 'values 20c and 25c Special, each... .....Oe . - 'MEN'S 2Sc SHIELD BOWS 10c A 'lot of fancy Silk Shield Bows in a large variety of patterns: regular value 25c' Special, each;............. ....10e --v; ..' MEN'S $1.00 GOLF SHIRTS 50c' A. small line of men's heavv Oxford Golf Shirts, in black and white " effects; regular value $1.00. Special, each.. ............. ....0Oe v ; ; , MENTI $1.00 UNDERWEAR 79c ' "' Men's medium weight, natural gray,' Merino Underwear, one of our - most stsple lines; regular value $1.00. Special, the gar-' ment .......................................TO . OMEN'S $1.50 -SHIRTS $1.18. T"h " i; 'A fine line of Men's new fall Shirts, stiff bosoms; regular $1.50. : : Special, each , ....... 1. IS '".JV -' MEN'S 30c SUSPENDERS W Men's Lisle Web Suspenders, with leather ends; regular value 50c Special, the pair ......;....,.................SSf , y , MEN'S 20c HOSE Z&c '.Men's fall and winter weight Merino Hose, in black, oxford, gray and esmelshairr regular value 20c Special, the pair. ...IS a-Sf SPECIAL SALES SATURDAY IN THE Linen and Domestic Aisles ' :' Vk ';; r . V.': t.J" : ' . First Floor, Include Following Ramarkabla Values: r ' r 11.25 TABLE LINEN SL0O. Richardson a Fine Satia Damask Table Linen, choice batterns ' t to select. from; regular $1.25. ; Special, the yard... .......f 1.00 V LINEN HUCK TOWEL8 10c ; Good sire Linen Huck Towels with fancy borders. Special at, each ............10e BLEACHED'TOWELXNO 10c . . All Linen Heavy Barnsby Bleached Toweling. Special at, the v yard ,10ev ' - v '. v. ' RUSSIA TOWSLXNO 12c ''.-A,' All Linen Extra Heavy Russia Toweling. . Special at the yard, tSyif ' FLANNELETTES 15c YARD. :!' Fine designs in hew Velour Flannelettes, light sad dark colors, f yara ............J T A HJKTTTT WTTW9 tn Van Special at, the yard. Thousands of yards new Flannelettes In floral, Persian and r'' fancy striped effects. Special at, the yard..,. f. ...10a) FOR THOSE WHO ARE FITTING THE BEDROOMS AND . LIVING-ROOM t, . ;. . t Saturday Specials; in Blankets, ; -. Tablecovers and Curtains , Fourth Floor Homefitting Storaa.. $3.00BLANKKTS $2.25. Nice, heavy half wool Gray Blankets; regular value $3.00. Special at, thexpair ............. ...f3.S5 - fcjs TABLE COVERS $2.10. '- ' '.' ' A lot of Chenille Fringed Table Covers in new, rich designs and f. colorings, size 8x4; regular value $275. Special, each.....i2.10 1 ' " S i t v $2.00 SWISS CURTAINS $117" . -v -' Ruffled Swiss Curtains, three yards long, 45 inches wide, with imita tion renaissance lace and insertion; regular value $2.00. . Special, pair , f l.Ss ; SATURDAY BAROAINS IN r I, t ; Shoes for Misses' and & f Ghildreh's 1$ ear : First Floor Sixth Street Annex On The Fair-Way.1 1 : Misses and Children's Glased Kid Lcet Shoes, with patent leather tips snd inlsid' patent leather lace piece. Best selected ' stock only is used in these shoes, snd the' soles sre mado of the best leather. The misses' shoes sre made with low or spring heels. Children's sisee have spring heels. ; . -t, in w uii j i Children's sixes 6 to 8: our $1.50 " . -; " '' ' value. Soeeial at. the air.. ..... .$1.09 Children's sixes 8 to 11; our $1.75 value. Special at, the pair -o....... sjl.10 Misses' sixes to 2; pur $2,00 value. Special at, the pair fl.29 : A Saturday Ssde of Souvenirs ; j A Dean Sweep ol All Remaining Stocks. ' ' Those who haven't some remembrance of the great fair should provide before it's too late, and the pretty souvenirs become extinct in the city shops. Bear in mind that your children's children will vslue what appears to you a mere trifle as a precious heirloom. Take advantage of this sale tomorrow in the First Floor Souvenir, Shops. Souvenir Books, 25c value .........10 Souvenir Books, 35e value.... ...... .'..... ......;....1B Souvenir Books, with 180 views, 35c value.. ....80e Souvenir Books, :50a value. ................................ - Souvenir Books, 75c value o Souvenir Books, $1.00 value... ..................;....... '.T 8ouvenir Folding Postal Card, special,....;............. FOR 184 Wood Postal Card; regular value Sc Special, each.... 8 1-Sf Lewta ai:i C 1 x h 11311, special...; v rOS X4 d O A.C., T"V ' f- ; m, m rm""mm ' , er w. m fc-L a . . SATURDAY SHOPPING NEWS, OCT. 21 V. C3 0P.C. This Store Glbses Satiirday, as on All mmm Glotlies-eralit OF INTEREST, TO DRESSY WOMEN .-X, . . - , x ' .... ,. ' , ' ' " , A TALE OF SMARTLY FASHIONED SUITS-WOMAN-PLANNED v J BUT MAN-TAILORED. ', ..v.: ' 'i; :.y!; Stocki splendidly teady for fresh onslaught each day of eager buyer who are quick to discern ' surpassing values as distributed to the patrons of PORTLAND'S LARGEST, FOREMOST APPAREL STORES FOR WOMEN. Cloth is dear; will get dearer -and dearer until , sheep art dipped again. The world is eighty million, sheep short; more than that we've eighty million less than ten years ago, while demand for wqol is increasing. Result: So much trickery in cloths that one has to choose her store carefully. ; In choosingour . suits we start with the doth. That must be the best, then come the tailoring point that's made thia store famous it must be faultless and ; absolutely style correct. Woman planned styles, which accounts for their beauty, man tailored which ex plains ' their ' absolute correctness, . in, all - sensible. The apparel stores on Second Floor are full to overflow of what critics at large pronounce the best display of women's authoritative style apparel in ' au " the ' west Suits for living in, gowns for social functions, coat and wraps for every occasion ditto waists, petticoats and Skirts; fur for these chilly days but our story today is of some ' -' Well show you a quick type picture of 'em take our advice, hurry and get one' of these, we've every reason to expect to pay more for the next lot can't help itcloth material is getting higher and higher. There's no store in the northwest that sells so many woman's garment or that can be so safety depended on to give correct tyle. ?, w vi ,, :, atO CA Handsome Long Coated Suits pi cheviot,' in blacks, blues and grayish mixtures, skirts ipx cr.UU placed or plain, Very 1 graceful and aristocratic m style and have the look of other " stores' $25 values.' Our price......... ................ ...... .......... f 18.50 OO CA Same as above, in finer grade of cheviot and herringbone cheviot, blues and blacks only, tp44.JU very 8weji jujjg an(j a splendid value, not equaled in the dty at. .S22.50 Handsome Suitajn Box, Eton and Empire, effects, at.. ....,,.............$35 and $38.50 NUOGBT8 AND NOVELTIES RARE VALUES IN Jewelry and Leather Hand .;. Bags . Sixth Street Annas First Floor. . ISe FOR FANCY, HAT PINS WORTH TO 35c An assortment of pretty Hat Pins in many different de signs; values up to 35c .Special for Saturday at, each ... J. 19c FOR COLLAR SUPPORTERS WORTH 25c ' j. Another lot of Jeweled Collar Supporters; our 25c .. value. Special Saturday, pair..... N. 49c FOR COLLAR SUPPORTERS WORTH 65c Also a line of high-trade Collar Supporters; fine old n. filled wire and fancy cut knobs; our 65c value. - -Special Saturday,- pair.................. .49e STERLING SILVER THIMBLES Good weight, , ' v in all sizes from 7, to 1L Special Saturday, each... 15 H U9 FOR HANDBAOS WORTH $140. Ladies' Handbags, made of fine quality grain leather, with - one flap or envelope style; coma- in black and brown only; expressly a dress purse; our $1.50 value. Special , Saturday price,, each. ..... 1 !i , OPERA BAOS WORTH 75 FOR 59. 5 The season is now at hand for the use of the Opera Bag. - We nave a line of dainty Silk Bags in assorted colors' and different shapes, and we offer them at a bargain price for Saturday; our 75c value. Special at, , ..... each ...M...,.,.... .... SEASONABLE BARGAINS IN SATURDAY'S Unierwcar and; Hosiery ' vv : 'rrZ Specials ,T: Woman's Knitwear, Aisles First Floor. UNDERWEAR. 5' ; WOMEN'S 13.00 UNION SUITS 2J9. , ,; v White and Natural Fine-Ribbed Union Suits, very clastic, all wool, medium weight, half-open front; regu- ' Jar value $3.00. : SpedaL suit ....fA9 WOMEN'S SU0 VESTS AND PANTS $1.19. . White Swiss-Ribbed All-Wool Vests and Pants, medram weight; Vests with long sleeves, fashioned caffs, self 'front; open Pants, tights top, ankle length;,., - tegular value $1.50. Special at, each... CHILDREN'S 20c UNDERWAISTS 12" Children's White Knitted Underwaiata, strongly msde snd nicely finished; regular value 20c. ; Special, . -' each ............ hosiery. .. . .: , ' WOMEN'S 25c COTTON HOSE lie. Black Cotton Fleece-Lined Hose, sesmtess. good winter .weight; regular value 25c. Special at, the pair..,,lf WOMEN'S 50c COTTON HOSE S5c Medium Weight Black Cotton Hose, high-spliced heels white double soles; regular value 50c. Special ' ' at, the pair ......SSf .; ;;. SPECIAL SATURDAY SALE OF. Dinner Sets and Kitchen "Housekeepers' ExdiangV Third Floor.-' ' HIGH-CLASS DINNER SETS FOR LESS. ' $20.00 DINNER 8ETS $1120. 100-piece Decorated German China Dinner Sets! regu lar value $20.00. Special, the set f 16.20 HA VI LAND DECORATED CHINA DINNER $ SETS. - . -'. Neat rose and spray decoration, gold-traced handles .and knobs 60-piece set special at. .'......1,..'.. 19.T 100-piece set apacial at f 2285 112-piece set special at..... fSl.SO " ' i CLOTHES LINE. 7c f ' ' 40-foot Cotton Clothaa Line, special at.'.......,,.Ta INDOOR CLOTHES LINE 5c 'Indoor Clothes Line and Hook, patent adjustment, . simple, adjusted in a second. Special at, each .Sf HOLD-FAST CLOTHES LINE HOOKS 4c Hold-Fast Clothes Line Hooks, line sd justed any length and put up or taken down, without tieing or untieing. Special at $U5 CLOTHES RACK 75c Adjustable Clothes Rack. 8 arms, 30 inches long; regular value $1.25. Special, each...,. Tf 35c KITCHEN BROOM8 24c Good quality Kitchen Brooms; regular value 35c. , Special, each ,. 4f DISH MOPS. ' Dish Mops; regular 5c value. Special at, each.... 84" Dish. Mops; regular 7c value. Special at. each....f Penny Savers A Helpful List of Useful to Aid Busy Folk ha Shop.' ping Special for Saturday First Floor. Linen Mean Dresa ShieTda, absorbent and odorless, site No. 3; our 25c value. Special Economy . Sale price, the pair....:..... Tailor Braid and Velveteen Reversible Skid Binding, in black; our 12c value.' Special, yard ....7a Black Mohair Tubular Shoe Laces Sites for men's,. . women's and children's shoes, one doxen in package; our 10c value. Special at, package... e4 Patent Trousers Hangers Keep pants in shspe; our 15c value. Special at, each..... ....... ........104 panting Cotton, in black, white and colors, best qual ity, on spools. Special at, the spool 24" Sonahine Shoe Polish Comes in tubes, paste form, handy and easily applied; out 25c value. . " - Special at, the tube... .......M..TV?...lTf Fine Toilet Soap, in rose, violet, jockey club and peso de espagne; three cakes in box. Special at, - " -' the box .....i. lOe Hair Bnwhes, whh extra- quality, solid hard rubber ; back, will pot warp or split; our 65c value. . Special at, each. ...-.: 44 Hand, Scrub or Nail Brushes, with plain, solid hacks: our 9c value. Special at. each..- '. f Pure Witch HaxeL 8-ouace bottles. Special, each 1 Choice Linen and Craak-Finiah Vritinv Paper New shapes, white only; our 35c value. Special . ' at, the box............. . .......S2e) Fine Linen, Cloth-Finish, es Vritias Paper, extra Duality our 35c value. Special at, the box...i onal Bond Writing Paper, in 1-pound packer. 120 sheets to package, in white of blue; our. 33c value special at, tne pacta; Watcheo Cliancd and Worrntc for One Year for 75c New mainapringa 75c " AH other repairing of Jewelry sad clocks at proportionately nodeat prices. First floor neer larja eiavtra. Children's Day in tho Millinery Salons . "Bijou" Parlors Annex Second r'r;'" 'J;v- Floor,;' v What flutter of delightful aa ' ticipatton the announcemeat el Saturday's Children's Sate cl , pretty, stylish miSinery arouses in the minds of Portland ladies. '. Every expectation ol theirs, asi : fours, will he more than realized here tomorrow, when you will, see a display of hats far tL juniors that would be a credit to any city in the United. Ctates. A magnificent showing of the rery newest and smartest In millinery for the grown-ups, too, but the word of the sale for the. lambkins, .j. :c ) . . "'.' ';:;;A tun 'sailors and continentals &c . ' 200 splendid quality, trim ani jaunty Felt Sailors and trig Continentals, reds, bines, browns, white,' etc - C(S Values up to $1J50. , Special Saturday only at.i,...OUw LAST DAT TOHORtOW OF THF3E GREAT VALUTJ IN TII3 Silk and Dress Goods " .:''V , . Fifth Street Annex First Floor. IN PORTLAND'S GREATEST AND BE8T SILK STOXK. 19-inch colored All-Silk Taffeta, the best-wearing Taffeta in town at the regular price, 85c yard; all colors to choose from, including white, ivory, cresm and black. Special for Saturday only, . yard .... i ..4MI Black AH-Silk Peau1 de Soie radically reduced for Friday and Saturday. These rich, durable silks that hare no equal for richness snd styles- : " ' ; : ; . ' ,- . ., -:7 - .2.50 regular grade special for,- yard. 4.. fl.TS : 2.25 regular grade special for, yard............. .....fl.a'J 12.00 regular grade apecial for, yard M75 regular grade special" for, yard.;..- Novelty Suit Silks in all wanted street colors, pretty,-neat ; ' designs, special for, yard.......,..: .....4f - FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS. 54-inch All-Wool Suitings in nest tailor patterns, art the wanted gray shades in this lot; splendid $1.50 values. Special for Saturday, yard ..; . ..TM 44-inch Imported Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris J every evening and i street shade in these unequaled fabrics for dressy wear -12.50 regular valueaapecial, yard.. ............... .it.... ..x-TS) S2.00 regular . values special, yard.. ........... ...... . tl.75 regular values special, yard:,':. '...., .t-f $1.50 regular valnes special, yard.., .........f 1.14 Special New From Art Shop J0 and 60c Tray Clothe for 39 Hemstitched linen Tray Cloths, site 18 by 27 inches, stamped in floral and conventional desifis; " our regular 50c and 60c values. Special sale price 4 ' Skirts and Shawls Special Saturdays Second Floor Annex. ' 71c FOR LADIES' KNIT SKIRTS, WORTH $1.00. Ladies' Knit Underskirts of good quality, in plain and fancy colors; made with draw. string at-waitt; our $1.00 value. Special : sale price, each Te $2J0 WOOL SHAWLS FOR tlM. . Fine Wool Circular Shawls, in plain white or white with pink or blue borders; our regular $2.50 value. Special aale price, . each , .,.,?!. Pretty RibbonsDainty KerchieS . - : .. ' AT LESS PRICE. Special Saturday In thd Women's Furaiahing Shope First Fasec. T;. 33c FOR 50c SILK RIBBONS. . Fine All-Silk Ribbons, some satia taffeta, some wide messaline handsome ribbons for belts, girdles, sashes and neckwear, 4H. $ and Syi inches wide; our 50c value. Special at, the yard. 40c AND 0e HANDKERCHIEFS 5c ' 200 dozen fine all pure linen Handkerchiefs, some scalloped, others embroidered snd hemstitched. , Buy Christmas Handkerchiefs now from these; our 40c and 50c values. Special sale price, each.....;... Need New Gloves for Sunday SEE OUR KID GLOVES AT ttOl Are absolutely junequaled. They are oo, a" pr with most of the Gloves selling generally at $LX We've just received another k of the famous "Monarch" and "Derby" Kid Gloves; ahm a new supply of well known "Esksys." Buy Gloves here, have them property fitted and we are sure youH be .more than pleased with them both in fit and wear. , , , The "Monarch" Price the pair....,...f The "Derby" Price, the pair. ........... -f The "Eskay" Price, the pair. .. MX The "Msgnet" Prka, the pair SX ' Swell Evening Glovee in 12 and 16-button lengths: in suede (undressed) or glace (dressed) snd V' blsek, white and all wanted evening' s ? Priced at, the pair, up from $2.50 and Names of Leading Ten Contest IN THE AMERICAN ItANVAL TRAILING tCHCCX. T , contest, m staiid::;3 of eacii x AT 10 A. U. TODAY. iame Winston, Harrison.. .... I............. Robert Holmes, Harrison..-. ,........... .Wright Brown, Clinton Kelly.. ... , Truman Cook, Failing. .................. ... torge Mater, LAdd..... ,.i Sidney Craman, North Central... Roland Maim, Sonnysfje........ Marion 0n, Ockiey Green.., aht3 ifri . .t...s, Liavis..., 1 -4