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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
THE OREGO:: , D.'.'LY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 1 . IDAV EVENING, OCTOBER CO, T m LOCATED Detectives Have Good ' Descrip tion, However, and Are Mak ing Vigorous Search. 1 "' . . .'.''v .,: ' 'V;' ': MAN IS WANTED ON ! i i A SERIOUS CHARGE 2rbee(Who Wat Victim of M order : ou Assauh Wednesday Ni-ht, I N Located and Tellf Story of the At- ' .tack Madt on Him,- .- . ' Detectives are continuing their March for tba highwayman who aaaaulted and attempted to rob J. A. Byoee- or imw Washington, at Second and Columbia succeeded - J locating Br. n w" hot killed but wounded, but the- ail who lured him to th. dark spot where the aasault waa committed baa eluded then. -..".t ,,.-...,..-,. : Tbe police. assert that .the . ssaallaoL f Bybee la wanted Tor aaotner serious Crime. .Xhey have obtained a good de scription, of the man and will prosecute , the aearch with vigor. - - t ' Bybee baa recovered nta'm'aney. and the certificate, of deposit (or 171 that waa found by Mrs. Ed Plggott. whoa f rles -' for assistance prevented" 4ke robbery at the time of tbe assault. He identified the puree and tta eontenta and told the atory Of the assaults ( "I don't remember Just wbera or whan it waa that I recovered my senses," be aaid. "About midnight I -found myaelf in Blailejr-a place with blood all over - fay face and a number of wounds on .my lo. .-ineiv mmu m iuui vv vi back of my Head" and my face waa fcadly bruised.', I waa partly drunk when the man tried' to rob me.- bat he waa aober. We had been together he greater - part of the evening. "I accidentally met the- fellow hr -a an loon. He waa with another maq at the time, but tbe other' fellow dis appeared. The man I waa with learned that J had some money with me. but did not aay anything about It until we reached that corner. Then he auddenly turned on ma and 'demanded that I hand over the money. I skid t didn't nave any ana ne airwoa me w.n, w.r kind ol a weapon.! arar imi i oun remember what happened. V Bybee returned this morning to- hie farm., about a doaen mllea from van touver, Washington. . .. . COURNE SAYS MINE - I HAS NOT BEEN SOLD t Aftreport rota Baker City that the Jureka and Excelsior mine . had . been old to a California arndlcate la posi tively denied by Jonathan Bourne, the president and chief atockholder. . ( "There baa been no aale and no ner gntlatlona for a aale are under- way." aaid Mr. Bourne thla afternoon, "Mr. J. 8. Wyatt ha a been compelled by Ill health td .resign the office of local man ager and thla may peealbly have given itae te the rumor of a change of own-v ershlp.. He will be succeeded; by En ineer Kennedy.". . - - :-' ' 'iVASTOO'DRUfiXTa rtirp I . ; COMMIT , SUICIDE f ' ... 1 . - While. In an- Intoxicated condition ' R J. rarrell tried to kill hlmaelf with a revolver laat night at (I North Ninth etreet. where he occupied a room. - He placed the barrel of tbe revolver in hia mouth and discharged the weapon, and the bullet went' through bta cheek. He waa taken , to St. Vincent's hospital, where an examination- showed a few broken 'teeth and a puncture of the cheek. He doesn't know why ha at tempted SUlclde. . J ',-l,..V 1 ' 8paeUl IMapatch The JnaraaL) ! ' Pendleton. Or.. Oct.. JO. -A dispatch from Ulsel on station, the principal wheat enlpplng point on the UmatUla Indian reservation, states that the depot at that place was destroyed by fir yes terday, ' The conflagration - is thought to have started from a defective stave pipe, as the flames broke out between the calling and tba. roof. The station was a car, which waa remodeled to ac commodate the telegraph operator and agent, by the Oregon Railroad Navlga : tlon company., .., ,-. v 'U oa ald fat T.ateeny. ' ' : Richard Johnatone. Charles Uoxler, Margaret Menty and KUa Case ware held te the grand Jury on chargea of lar- ceny thla morning by Police. Judge , Cameron, their bonds being placed at sua i i - . . .u mch nmwo tuff are atccueea vy ' Edmund Edmark of robbing him In a eajooar on the eaat aide. When Moxley M , searched at police headquarters money waa found concealed in bta ahoea ' and underclothing. He la a hack man, - '. 1 :,v - .' 1 V. ,( . JTraalt Oxifma t saves. -Ut-! ' Frank Griffith of the general land of. flee, who has tieen l Vnv1ana - - Oral months, acting as secretary for Secret Service Agent W. J. Burns, left - last evening for Waahlngton, District of Columbia. ; , . i -. . The mm TRUSTS PRODUCTS OF PROSPERITY O' v-r.' '( President Saye That ' Poverty. Stricken ', Countries Are Not " " Bothered by Corporations. WARNS PEOPLE TO SHUN v WORSHIP OF MERE RICHES Corporations" Must Be Held At- counUblo to Federal Oovornment .Would Exclude Chinese Coolie Clasa but Admit Students.. (Jesraal apteUI terrles.l - Atlanta. Oa.. Oct IO.-In hia speech t the fair grounds this afternoon. Presi dent Rooeevelt said: . i "Corporatlona need regulation, out we muat not forget that there are no trou bles about corporatlona where the pov erty of the country la such that It is not worth while to form corporatlona There la no difficulty In regulating rail roads where resources are aa few that it doea not pay to build rail road a Tbe arowth of the corporations means the growth of Industrial fortuaea. ."The growth of wealth has aome very unfortunate . -aceompealmentav . bnt It seems to ma that the worst damage that people of wealth can do to' the rest Of us la -the awakening In our breasts of either the mean vice of worshiping mere wealth or of viewing with rancorous envy nd- hatred very man of wealth merely because he la wealthy. "The corporation la the creature of atata.and should -always be held account able to the sovereign, and thla account ability abould , be real and not sham. Therefore. In ray Judgment, corpora tlona muat he held accountable to the federal government. But' we abould not strive to tlnrlt nor to prevent corporate activity.?. . l.Vi.rA'. .'.. ' ' ' ''- The nresident discussed cotton,- which led htm to th Chinese boycott, He aaid that -we must by all means axeiuae ue Chinese coolie class in order to protect the labor of thla country, particularly on the Paclflo coast, but must so regu late the lawa aa to admit students, pro fessional and educated man. ' BANK ROBBERY NOT A ; !. PAYING PROFESSION Banka In the United States during the year ending September 1 were relieved of approximately tlll.lOJ through burgla ries, hpldupe; and tba operation of eneak thieves, according to the annual report of the- Plnkerton detective agency to the American Bankers' association. Tbe amounts stolen from banks were aa fol lows: ... ' ' ' ' ' . .' '"''... ,. ' Burglaries of banka belonging to the American Bankers' association, $10. 117 a 9 - vault, ot members of the asso ciation, fS7,8; hold-up robberies of banka of the association, U.oou; noia up robberies of banka not members of association. I11.J00;- sneak thief rob bery; IJO.000, , 4 v .;'..- Three Oregon; banka were robbed as follows: Folk County bank, 'Monmouth, November 4, t04; Bank of M. P. Bcog gins Caw Xehaaoa. February.. ttOC Woodburn bank. May t. 10S. Attempta to rob the Halnea bank of Forest Grove and the Etat Side bank Of Portland were made during the year. ''. There were 4t oonvlcUons of men who were arrested for complicity in the bank robberies. Many of tbe prlaonara were sentenced to long terms. The report gives a complete history of every robbery and the men, ao far aa known, who were implicated, INVENTS TRAP TO . CAPTURE WILD HORSES ale. Or.. Oct.- 10. Walter GUnn, aa extensive aoree dealer of this place. who makea a specialty of shipping horaea to eaetern markets, has tnvented a 'trap for the capture of wild horaea on the Malheur range and has applied for a natent on tba a&me.- - . Thla unique device will enable the vaouero to put hia rope on the wildcat and fleetest boras with little difficulty and will be of great value In capturing choice horaea from the, large bands of unowned, unbranded and unclaimed wild horaea which Inhabit , the remote faatnaaaea of Malheur . county. . SHOT BY DISCHARGE t C OF REVOLVER IN GRIP ; M. O. Millar, employed In the baggage department of ' the , Southern Paclfid Railway company at the Union depot. waa accidentally ' ahot thla morning While handling a grip. In the grip waa a loaded revolver, and when the valise was toaaed Into a corner the hammer of the weapon- struck against aomo hard substance and exploded., The ' bullet pierced tbe calf of Mlller'a leg. He waa taken to the 'Good Samaritan hospital, where hia wound waa - dressed. Tbe consequences of tbe accident, are not likely to be eerloaa. , A Bkamekawa company la 'marketing 4,000,000 ahtnglea a month. - - n asjievt Portland Business Men's Excursion STEEL Ml HlOLl OCEIIfJ MO ' awsesassaeaMBWasanBaesnanass, The First Electric Furnace Ever Worked In Northvyest Tested , at Exposition Yesterday, j EXPERIMENT ANNOUNCED A3 COMPLETE SUCCES3 Four Hours All the Time Required to Transform Wet Sand Into Pig of Excellent Grade and Entire Plant Works Perfectly. . ' Steel waa made In this elty yesterday afternoon in an electric smelting fur nace, for tbe drat time In the northwest A great crowd ' of prominent men wit nessed the work, which waa at the pa vilion of the geological eurvey. oa the exposition grounds, under the direction of Dr. David T. Day. , Steel plga were made from the black aanda of this coast, the concentrating plant of the government being uaed to separate the magnetite from the vari ous other minerals occurring with black sand. A portion of the aand waa re ceived from the California coast, and a portion cams from the Hammond prop erty, on the Oregon coast. near the mouth of the Columbia. The ateel waa polls had and had . the ; appearance of being an excellent grade. It will be aent eaat for further and more . elaborate tests in tbe government plants. ' a B. Wilson of Virginia, who la aa expert In electric smelting, bad charge of the experimental work. . - Just one week ago he came to thla city, with nothing to aid him In hia efforta aave hia experlenoe and the carbon pencils. In that brief time an elaborate electric furnace haa been completed entirely out of Portland materials and the product to be handled waa secured entirely from coast sanda. The success of Mr. Wll- soa's work la highly encouraging and Dr. Day Is arranging to have a larger furnace constructed, which will be uaed here for aeveral weeka in making more exhauatlve teats In the manufacture of eaat Iron and all gradea of the metal up to ateel. ' From the time ef the start, at S o'clock, but four hours waa required to concentrate, put through the magnetlo separator and make ateel in the else trio furnace. . ( - , Dr. Day Intends t continue hta ex periments for some time yet. that he may finally determine what the black aanda of the coast promise, and what are tbe beet concentration methoda. The ameltlng will be the most Important feature of the work, as It ia Intended to place before the coast the actual process for realising upon a well-known reaource. : .' . . . , GOV CREATES EXCITEFM OpiMEK FERRY 'r ' v , . ; .. . .. . - ' i Bossy , Jumps Through i Small Door Into Fire Pit, Distance :' i ; of . Ten Feet, - : - (Special Dispatch te Tke Jbaraal.) ."Vancouver. Wash.. Oct JO. A cow be longing to M. Force yesterday, went through the- door in the boiler-room on the Vancouver- ferry, dropped 10 feet' Into tbe Are pit and waa- hauled through the : waod, haUh way uninjured. - With four other cattle aha waa driven on the ferry on the way to Portland. Putting her bead through the email doorway. which waa less than two and one half feet wide, aha auddenly Jumped through Into the boiler pit. 10 feet below. Had thla unuaual behavior of the cow oc curred 10 minutes earlier. Charles Mar shall of the ferry-boat would have been Inatantty killed, aa ha had Juat ascended from the pit where the cow felL. The accident ao excited. Marshall that he wag unable to talk for a few minutes. - . When It waa found thai' bossy wsa apparently not injured a rope waa at tached to her and to men pulled her bodily through the wood hatchway onto tne'oeca. '- a LACK OF EVIDENCE . M LEADS TO RELEASE td. C- McPheraon. who waa arreeted at the Imperial hotel aeveral daya ago with . May Pierce, hie -cousin, waa re leased from custody this morning by Police Judge Cameron oa motion of Deputy District Attorney Adams. The evidence did not warrant a belief that the young man could be convicted of any offense. The girl la In the custody oi tne iters- ana uiria- jtia society. . Buya More Kaad. - " IBeecUl Dlntek te Tke learnM Vancouver, Wash, Oct 20. The North western Improvement company yester day purchased another traot of land along the Northern Paclflo right of way, Just northwest of Vancouver. . Thla la the fourth transfer of property to this company, which la a Northern ' Paclflo concern, during the laat week. i TnkETomi at Pendleton Photo bjf ; Lee, Moorhouse. " 'T " ; t Miss Mabel C." Money, daughter of the 'Mississippi senator." She will marry Dr. . William K. Whitney of Buffalo. :-' J : MARRIAGE HAY HOT SAVE SAf.lLllE17i.lAH; Judge .Refuses to Release Him Though He Weds Florence . King. ;fvB'::: . Marrlase Is not likely to save Samuel Newman from the consequences of whei the police aay are hia numeroua Crimea. Arrested ' with -Florence King on a statutory charge, he endeavored to evade punishment by -marrying her yesterday afternoon. The girl waa at first un willing to be united to Newman and It took considerable ooaxlng on the part of hia counsel to Induce her to agree. . Mrs. I o. Baldwin, superintendent of the Travelers' Aid society, appeared in the police court thla morning and-ac-cuaed Newman of the aerioua offense of supplying -young girls : to - disorderly houses. Acting - Detectives . Kay - and Jones corroborated her etatementa and said thay would be sbla to prove that he had enticed, little girls to his room. Judge Cameron refused to dismiss tbe charge against- Newman on tha atrength of these statements, in order te allow the police to learn tha whereabouts of Important witnesses. - Another charge will probably be filed agalnat him this afternoon. - "This man haa conducted an alleged dramatic business, as a blind for his un lawful p radices," aaid 'Mrs. Baldwin. "Ha haa taken advantage of girls being "stage atruck' to affect their ruin. Newman waa at one time united to a girl who la now known aa Lenore Karl She waa a performer In a First street concert hall. She haa openly accused him of Immoral practices. The King girl informed Judge Cam eron and Deputy City Attorney Fits- re raid that Newman took advantage of her friendless condition and afterward Induced her to 'work for htm at tbe Orpheutn theatre.. . ; ,' .-...-'; OREGON PIPE COMPANY HAS WITHDRAWN ITS BID ' Tbe Oregon Iron dt Steel company thla afternoon relinquished Its contract with tha water board for the eastlron pipe which waa recently awarded to it, free ing the board ao that It could let the bid again if It aaw fit' . : The letter making the offer to re linquish wae algned by the Oregon Iron A Steel company, through Its manager. Mr. Papuljo. As the effect was to give the water board the power . to let the contract again, If it desired, no state ment made regarding tbe mat ter until the board meets. The company secured the contract on Its bid of ut,ooo. ' ';' - " E VDflOITin U l.UJ JUST A SIIOU Demand Is Made That Corpora tion Pay Regular Quarterly; , : . Amusement License. i.. EXHIBITORS GRANTED , PERMISSION TO SELL If License, Demanded Is Collected, Stockholders Who Made " Fair, s PossibQity Will Have to Bear the Additional Expense. V City officials have demanded of the Lewia and Clark exposition, management payment of ftOO license, for charging admlsslona for entrance to tne grounds for the 'two weeks between cloalng of the fair and final closing. of work next Saturday evening. . . . . Thla morning - License Officer - Joe Hutchinson made the demand, and the fair management Is ccsjjlderlng the proposition. -The officer explained that he had no option In the "premises, aa revocation of the blanket Ordinance, by the council made It hia peremptory duty to collect the regular ahow license If the management of tha fair continued to charge admissions thereafter. - At the dosing Of the fair Director of Conoeealona and Admissions.. Wakefield thought there would be a number of persona -who would be glad to pay ' a amal admiaaion for a viatt to the grounds, especially before tha buildings were dismantled completely. '. It waa es timated that by charging thla admis sion for two weeka enough money would be realised to pay. most of the poat-falr expenses, so that the payment to the stockholders would be larger than the estimate made at the close ot the fair, October 14. '. " ' . It officials of the fair muat pay the regular theatre license, the money must really coma out of the pocketa of the atockholdera. v v ' ' There ..are aba!- 4.000 stockholders In the fair "association and it waa. these men who pledged the money to "-make the enterprise a success. Exhibitors In the Foreign and Oriental buildings at tha fair will, apparently be permitted to continued selling their goods until Saturday evening.. October t. The city license officials demanded that eaoh exhibitor selling goods be made to psy the regular quarterly mer chant license of SC. and aa the fair management had collected from the ex hibitors for the privilege of selling, the management felt bound to meet the de mands of ths city and bold" the ex hibitors indemnified. ' A sum approxi mating 1120 will be paid to the ctly. HYDRAULICKING DOES NOT PAY IN ATLIN Fletcher T. Hamshaw, a well-known mining engineer, with headquarters In New Tors. Is registered at the Perkins. He Is heavily Interested In the Atlln district of British Columbia' and Is en routs from that country to the eaet after a proaperoua season in' the Atlln mtnea. - '-. .,, ; r Operations In placer mining along the creeks of tha Atlln district have demon strated, after seven years of unprofit able experiment, that hydraullcklng can not be carried on successfully on a large scale In most of the mines. The difficulty arises from a. lack of suffi cient grade and In some instances lack of. water. . . ., .. 'Tha most successful process is.-the steam shovel, and thla method probably wUl be adopted generally In the Atlln district before tha full benefits arc de rived from tha mining industry there. It ia aaid tha Spruce Creek Power oom- ry. organised by E. F. Blaine and C Denny of Seattle, Invested largely for Inaugurating a hydraulic plant and haa been unable to make expenses out of the mine, although tbe company owns some or tne most promising ground In tha region. The company is capitalised at only 1110,000, but haa paid no divi dend. - It waa reorganised ' two years ago and- took over property capitalised at i.soe.oeo, and waa aaid to be the largest concern In tbe , AUln district The Isrge mining plants of the district have not made gains, but owing to ex tensive drifting operatione during the cold part of the season the Atlln output of gold hss been Increased by about 1100,000 over last years output. DESPONDENT BECAUSE WIFE STAYED AWAY fgeeeUl Dtamtes te Tke JoarssLl Oreron Cltv. Oct. 20. The Jut-v sum. moned .by Coroner - Holman at Boring yesterday to Inveettgata tha suicide of Nels Sweden brought In a verdict that he came ito. his death by hanging hlm aelf. Sweden -waa 41 yeara old and It la thought that his despondency grew out of the fact that hia wife haa stead fastly refused to leave her home In Swe den and coma to America and Join him. For aeveral daya he haa been under tbe surveillance f Hie frlenda. MARRIAGE BUREAU IN I H HANDS OF CONSTABLE - For. eervteee rendered by a local at torney, attachment proceedings were In stituted this morning against A. D. Breakraan, manager of the Interstate Introducing society, the organisation that unltea unmarried persons. The amount Involved Is !5, which the man ager of the society declares was an ex orbitant sum for the services rendered, and which ho la disinclined to pay. WELCOMED TO LEWISTON (Continued from Page One.) given a badge, which bore an appro priate Inscription of tbe day. and occa sion. Most of the day the excursionists keep together. Tbelr buainess arrange- menta for carrying out their part of the program commanded general admira tion. There waa an air of precision and order In all arrangements, no confusion, no doubt aa to what was coming next. The - effect was proper for a business men's exourslon and will be an Inspira tion to the city and country visited. Much of the afternoon waa apent by tha visitors In vlswlng the beauties of the Liewlston fair, which waa found to be one of the most Instructive of Its kind. This fair Is truly an advertise ment Of the vast new. country known to the world aa the Clearwater basin, which la juat being opened to develop ment In proper manner by transporta tion facilities. Ia the booths of this fair are found agricultural wonders which would be tha envy of communities that have labored under the Inspiration of a direct Immediate market for a half eentury. . . , ;' , Aruoiiiu 4 e, oe e e e ee-e $ ess oe g i, X v They've packed their, grips Uken the displays V X J away and closed Portlands successful fair. Our ;., atore Is still here, with a anlenHirl ahnwriner f texinn. ., r- able goods snd we intend to keep on selling and , growing keeping pace with Portland's growth. - y , Want to have every man in town see our elegant : , " FaU and Winter . - . - . . I Suits, OvcrccciJ $10 to The lion's Special Hats at $2.35 and $3. Royal Blue - Shoes at C3.50. Dutchess Guaranteed Trousers at $2 to $5. Monarch and Cluett Shirts at 81 and 81.5Q. Fine Wool Underwear at 75 ;- to $1.50 and everything else to complete their fall. . ' and winter outfit. ' ' :: Come in for a look well not urge you to buy the ' ;' v J goods will do that. -f &usJuhn-Prop' i -' " ' J-"'. '. . - "V- ' '.'-'I'-i" ' ' '".I .' J."- Outfitters for 166 AND 168 THIRD STREET, NEAR MORRISON 4 eeeeeeeeee eee WOr.lAII ACCUSED OF BEII.6 ' All IIICEIMRy ' ' " ' i in , . 1 , '. Mystery Surrounds Burning! of Home : of, Mrs. Christine v , Reetz Last Night.' ' Mrs. Christine Rests waa arreeted last night . by ' Patrolman Murphy and a charge of arson was filed agalnat her. She appeared In the police . court thla afternoon and Judge Cameron set her preliminary ' examination : for Monday. She waa placed under a. bond of TI0. . The woman -vceupiad a house, onraed by U T. Peety at "M1nneabta avenue. A fire atarted in a bedroom laat night about t o'clock and waa ext!nguiahe,d by hetghborav'Mra. Beets aaid that It was due to her dropping a lamp. She re moved her trunk afterward to a neigh- bora bouse, . About 10 o'clock the fire department answered .an alarm. - Tbe fire waa ex tinguished after damage amounting to $100 had been caused. - ' - Various clrcumatanoea, according to Assistant Fire Chief Molden ,and the police, make It appear that the fire waa set by ah Incendiary. Kaga had been heaped in a corner of one of the rooms before the fire was set. . Investigation by AaslsUnt Chief Holden revealed the fact that the woman haa an insurance of 1400 on her personal property. She is married but the neigh bors say they have not seen her husband for some time. ' . ' . . MOST LOCAL THEATRES OBSERVE FIRE RULES The report of Fire Chief Campbell and Deputy . Fire Marshal Roberta - on th theatre observance of the executive board's rules for. fire protection . was filed with the board thla afternoon and considered. The two officers were di rected by the executive board to Invea Urate the various theatres of the city and see if they had complied with the rules of the board, or If they were evlno rng a desire to comply.' The report states that the Belasco theatre hat about finished making the changea rec ommended; that tbe Baker and Empire theatres have expressed aa Intention of doing ao, and that all the other play houses, except the Marquam Grand, have taken atepa or agreed to follow the rec ommendations of tha board. The Mar Quam management haa not repaired the building aa ordered by the board, and according to the committee haa shown no Intention of doing so. COMMISSIONERS REJECT COMPROMISE PROPOSAL .'. -..'. (Special Dlseateb te The Jeefaal) Pendleton. Or Oct. 10. At a session of the county commissioners hsld yes terday the compromise proposition re cently madexthem by the. O. -R. a N. company was formally rejected, and the railroad company, through Ha local at torney, Colonel J. H. Raley, waa notified of the decision. What- action will now be. taken by the company la not known. . Fatal an official source It was learned today that the proposition made by tbe railroad company waa that the assess- ment be placed at $10,000 on back taxes aa well as that for thla year, but that all penalty and Interest chargsa be withdrawn by tbe county. BOY HURT IN HAY -v. BALER MAY: DIE Melvtn Washloaen. seed II yeara waa badly " Injured In a hay baler, at hia home, Damascus, Oregon, Wednesday afternoon, and was taken to St. Vln- cent'a hoapltal last night. Dr. Sommers of Oregon City Is In attendance. No bones . were broken, but the lad was badly hurt Internally and the chance of hia recovery la alender. Tha boy was assisting ii baling hay whan his cloth ing caught in the mechanism. . - . ? . V- Friaomat Saaepeev , James Doyle, confined In tha alt prison on a vagrancy charge, escaped last night by crawling out ef a win dow and dropping to the sidewalk. The man la aa opium fiend and haa been In JaU many, times in the laat few m on tha cr.3 Dcincdats I $25 Men and Boys CO, 1.1'NICIUS DID KOT RESCUE "BLUEBEARD" Neither is He the Missing H us band of the Ohio Woman Who : Was Left Penniless. Though denied by all hia friends, the story that J. N. McNicholae of thla elty furnished "Bluebeard Hooh of tlllnola 1500 with which to appeal hia case will not down. Close personal friehde of Mr. McNicholae who know the history of the story aay the whole thing started as a Joke and was aelsed upon by a local . paper as a "feature" story snd presentetl -aa solid truth.- It Is posittvaly asserted by both the police officials and frlenda of Mr. MeNlcholas that ho did not go to tha reaoue of tbe Cleveland man. . ssn tenced to hang for wife-murder. Mr. .McNloholas wss married td k girl . whose parents live oa tha east slds' early In September and went east . on his honeymoon. He is at present at Cleveland. Ohio., - About a week ago. '' hia frlenda aay, a atory was started aa a "josh' by a number of hia ao qualntancea at Cleveland that ha wad the paraon who had furnished tha money necessary to secure a stay of execution -of the death sentence pending an an peal to the supreme court of Illinois. Thle story waa published In ' the Cleveland papera and was aent out by newa correspondents, being also printed ' In Portland and denied by hie frlenda ' here at th time. Receipt of a letter by Chief of Police Gritsmacher. how- , aver, haa been made tbe peg on which to hang another atory. Ida Dodd. writ Ing from Dayton, Ohio. ' wants the po lice to try to learn If Mr. MoNlcholae la the same man who married her and deserted her, taking her aavlnga of 20 yeara Her only reason for thinking they might ' be the aame person was that bar husband, among numeroue namee given by him, once used that of McNicholae and claimed to be a mil lionaire mining man. John McNicholae, a brother ef James H. MeNlcholas. Is employed by. the local telephone company aa auditor, 'but la at -present In Seattle. Jamea 811pp. am' ployed In the ticket office of the South- ... ern Paoiflo Railway company, la an Intl mate friend of Mr. McNicholae and branda tha atory published regarding hia furnishing money to aave Hoch from tha allows aa a lie. ... "This thing, I understand, waa atarted aa a 'Josh' on Mr. MeNlcholas,'' hs said. "I know there la no truth In It and also that he cannot possibly be th man who married Ada Dodd." , ..., , BENNINGTON DISASTER : ; DUE TO AN ACCIDENT TsJloJo. Oct 20. Commander W. H. Allerdlce of. Chicago, a member Of tha original board, of inquiry into tha Ben nington disaster at San Diego, finished hia testimony in the Luclen- Toung courtmartlal this morning. He stated that tha cause of the explosion- waa an , accident due to the structural weakness . of ths ralvea of the boilere. The fore man of tha boiler-makers. Ed Xavanagh, at the navy yard, thought that over preaaure waa the cauae of tha accident. Foreman Machinist U 0k Estees of the ' navy yard told of the tests mads and . the results and found aa prevloua wlt nessea Jiad testified regarding the con dition of the f urnaoe. All , witnesses were called by the defonee. j-v ' - ST. JOHNS COMPANY ' " VTO REPAIR. WEBSTER : ' - .'. The county commlasloncra thla morn Ing granted th contract to epalr the ferryboat Lionel R. Webster to the St. Johns Shipbuilding company, whose bid was $1,(41.76. Th company s trees to have the boat ready within 30 daya from the date work ie begun on her, -. , , ' i ; ' Daate Joavea Anaigned. Dante Jones, formerly a bartender at the Badger saloon, was arraigned before Judg Cieland this morning on the , eharga of committing aa assault with a dangeroua wespon. He waa given until Monday w plead. - It la alleged that on October It Jonee went te a saloop owned ty T. J. BHth and a quarrel aroae over g woman, . Bllth ordered Jonea away. and tne latter ia saiq to nava atruca Bllth over th head with a revolver, and then trltd to shoot hint. 7 V