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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JCUIIIIAL', FORTL'AIID, THIDAV LVJIIII.'O, CCTCr maw wm FOR BOATS s ?oufij0;csj .'; ' . A' '.. , ; tomiorts mmiim . , ' rVr! Oraad..r .,,."! Hnr HUm ..r-Hkerldao' Baker ,Mnelral BurlexU r. wpii-.. ...... "usmi newu , , Lyric..;. "intmrOWtr' Uread Vaod.Yllle Btar Vaedeville ,"i Tnfty In the Horn Circle" waa the , subject of Mrs. W. It. Beharrell'a paper, . read at th meeting or the Homo Train ins aaaoclatlon yesterday, afternoon at ' the city ball. She emphasised the lm '. ; portanca of the child' early home lite upon hi. future. The mother work of . education begins with tba baby and aba should' teach 'it to" place home before 1 anything else., With lore of home aa tne central thought in the household. there will alwaya be unity. "The ques tion ' box dlacloaed ' aome' " Interesting question, which were discussed by the ; motnar present. . . ." William Ft, th clothier, who haa been doing ao active a, bualneaa for ear ; era! weeka In disposing of a larva atoclr of water and amoke-damaced clothing , , and men' and women' shoes, haa been given notice that the walla of the atore, ' burned by the fir that visited him, ;; muat be rebuilt and' that he muat v- , cat the premise for that purpose.' To comply with tbia demand he muat cloae , rjoui tba remaining part of bla atock At ' .once, ao tboae who dealra to take ad- Vantag Of hi preaent tremendoua bar - -', gain have no tlm to lose. Better ret , , ln and ami today.', .;.'..;,, "Reform Work In Congress" was the . , . Subject of an addreaa last, night at Centenary Methodist church, given, by Rev, O. R. Miller, legislative auperln. v tendent of the National Temperance ao- etety at Washington, D. C The work , of : the organisation deal with reform , legislation and Mr. Miller -apoka of the .. work to - be - don In- congress. . where n .the character of many of th men aent , should be entirely different. That, he said, wa on of the greatest obstacles .encountered by the reform lobby!." . - The claaa for tba study of the Sunday achool Isssops wbtcb haa met' at the Young- Men' Christian Association on Raturday at noon for a number of year 1 to be resumed tomorrow. Dr. Clar ' ence True Wilson, paator of , Qrao Methodlat church,' ha been aecured to .teach thl. class. The class has been ' popular In the past and at a meeting of me Bunaay school auperlntendenta and I-. officers last Wednesday It was decided .' to make It larger thla year. The claaa -meets from 1S:1C to 1 o'clock each Bat- urday. . ; ; ; Tne local Consumers' league will hold . a special meeting at l:tO tomorrow '; morning, at the bom of Mr. Oordon Voorhlea. 404 Madison street. Professor Charles Zueblln of the University of 1 '- Chicago will apeak on The Work of the National League." All interested la the work are Invited to attend. : - - Jefferson Myers, p real dent of the state ' fair commission, was presented yester '.' day with a bust of hlmaelf made by the Celebrated sculptor. At. P. Vlelson. It ' . 1 entitled "A Western Man." and wa ' " exhibited during the expoeltlon In the , Forestry building. , , Th funeral of Joseph Oleaaon waa ' held yeaterday at Be Francis' church. Rev. Fr. Slack officiating. Interment ; ; was In St. Mary cemetery. Mr. Glea 'n dd Tuesday at bla borne on .East u , Ash. and Grand avenues., ' ,, ,' ,v 1 ' The congregation Avahal Sholore will ', , celebrate the conclusion of the holy day lilt evening. - tomorrow and' Sunday . morntng. Rabbl - Wolf Wlllner will ., preach tonight on "Our Dally Bread.' s . Char) Anderson, a ship carpenter, ' fell into th bold of th British steam . ship Oceano yesterday afternoon and , waa badly hurt, although no bones were - broken. He waa taken to St. Vincent' hoapltal ' ' , . . ,.' Touiista, a wen a city people, flnaa daily embarrassed, wlll And the Port land Loan Office, T4 Third street, th safest and moat reliable place to trans act, their bualneaa, Rates reasonable, Major' C-K. McDonell yesterday re signed the command of the exposition .-guards, to take charge of the local . agency of an Insurance company. Cap : tain Murphy aucceede him. ' .' Oregon Stat band dance every Satur , day. evening. Prise waits. , -Burkhard . hall, Eaat Bumslde, between Union and Grand avenuea. Orchestra of 1 plecea Watches and diamond tl down and , Ite per week. Goods delivered on first , " payment. Xmaa I coming. Metagar Co Jewelers, opticians. 111 Sixth. - Last week of the' big sale of palms and plants at cut prices. L. O. Pf under, the florist. 417 Washington street. - Phone Main 414. ....... 'To accommodate laboring people' our .". fir sal of paint will run till t o'clock Saturday night. . Tlrams Cress Co, .141 First street. : ; t , " Mra Ida Wallace, wife of Elmer Wal ' lace, Jr., of 1ST Ivy street, died at St. , Vincent' hospital last night, after: a brief Illness. . , : W clean and press your clothe and shin your shoe for jl.00 per month. ; Unique Tailoring Co., 147 Washington. Mala 114. - .. , , j ' Portland's best dancing school, 80 Alder straet Professor Bingler, Miss - Bucknmeyr. '. - '""'.. Any 'watch cleaned, 11.00: main- j spring, 11.00: all work guaranteed one , year, i MeUger Co 111 Sixth street Ladle' gymnasium clasa, the Rlngler . , Physical Culture school. $1 per month, . Join ; now. y ; ; . -. ;.. . ; - ,. - , , W. W.' Bretherton waa elected a trus- tee of the Rika' loda-e last night to . i. 1 1 , . i , 1 l , a f C08L DAVS THESE 1' r "v. , '".' Warmer Underwear is what you need to make you feel perfectly v- .- comfortable.; ; We've a most complete and up-to-date stock all prices. Htwctt, trtilsy O'Co. ' suaxasAgxxxa, -'. M4S Wmalr:tin Strt Harbor Craft fcust Carry Life Preservers, Life Duoys, Lines and Lights. . COUNCIL AGREES ON SHEPHERD ORDINANCE It Rtqulres Only On Lif Preserver to Every Four Pasaeng ert, but Is Mors Strict Retarding Light Than Rushlight Mcasurcv Y'- Councilman Shepherd's ordinance pro viding that all motor boata In tbe har bor of leaa than It tons. Including pleaa- ure craft, shall carry life preservers life' buoy and lines and lights, has met with the approval of th city coun ell .and will go Into effect as soon as th mayor attache hi algnatur. - It I aald that th new. ordinance la satis factory to th owner of boats and to Harbormaster Ben Blgljn. who declared that it was Impossible to enforce the Rushlight ordinance passed two months ago. . . .v i Tha otd ordinance provided for one life preserver . to every paaaenger on a boat while . the substitute measure requires one for every four pasen gera. Th ordinance1 also calls for one life buoy- and line lt feet long on boata of leaa than 18 feet In length, two buoys for boats from It to 40 feet In length and three buoys on boata from 40 feet in length to II tons la weight V XoW Ordinances Differ. Th greatest difference In th ordi nances la In regard to th sort and location of the lights to be carried. Th Ruahllght ordinance required boata to carry nothing more than plain tight on their bows, but every boat under the Shepherd ordlnanoe must carry, different-colored light In different part of the boat'- ; . ' Th phraseology of. th Shepherd or dinance 1 exceedingly technical and the ordinary individual will have to carry a dictionary of nautical terma to know what la required. . Councilman Shep herd encountered considerable opposi tion, but tbe councilman thought oy would give it a trial," although many of them '1' did ' not. , understand - lta full meaning. r Owners of launches or boats run by motive power of leas than II tons weight shall -carry th following lights between th hours of sunset and sun rise:-,; -.'. . "(a) At an elevation aft a bright light of such a character a to be vlatble on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at leaat two lallea, and so constructed a to ahow a uniform and unbroken light all around th horlson. , "(b) On the starboard aid a green light of such character as to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at leaat a mile, and ao conatructed as to ahow a uniform and unbroken light over an are of th horl son of ten points of the compaaa and so fixed as to throw th light from right ahead to two point abaft th beam, on th starboard' aide. "(o) On th port side a red light Of such character a to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at at distance of at least a "mile, and . so conatructed aa to ahow. a uniform and unbroken light over an aro of th ho rlson of ten point of th compass and ao fixed a to throw - th light from right ahead to two point abaft th beam on th port aid. "Said red and green light shall be provided with inboard screen project ing a sufficient distance forward ao a to prevent th earn from being seen across the bow. Owners or persons having th man agement of sailboats on the river of less than 1 tons weight shall carry the fol lowing tight between th hours of sun set and aunrlae; "At or near the foremast head a bright whit light of auch character a to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at least on mile and so constructed aa to ahow a uniform and unbroken light all around tbe horlson. t ' - Owners and managers of boats of less than 100 tons burden propelled by hand on the Willamette river within the city limit shall have on board a white light on th . bow . and ao , conatructed a to ahow a uniform and unbroken light for a dlntanc of one mil around th horl son." . . ''.... Th violation of th ordinance Is mad puniahable by a fine not to exceed I2S0 or- by Imprisonment for not more that 10 days, or by. both such fin and Im prisonment. - aucceed C H. Jackson. William Upaoa and C N. Rankin are th other trus tees. , . . .".(, Raised gold letter signs latest da- sign. Foster A Klelaer, pbon Ex. II. Frits' tamales are the best. , AUCTION IS POPULAR. Oriental Building Thronged by Thos All day yeaterday and -today the Lewis 'and Clark fair grounds were crowded about the entrance. Th un initiated imagined that th great expo sition had -taken a new leaa of Ufa But those who followed th crowd soon aaw the drift of affaire. The visitors went to th Oriental building, where th Japanea axhlblt that have won gold medal prise kt all th world' falra for year are being sacrlflced. These beau tiful 'and artistic goods are being eold at auction and they bring lea than 21 par cent of their real value In Japan. ' A magnificent vase actually costing (100 went for 110. Another beautiful vase costing 1309 sold for 145. All th other article sold brought about th asms miserly pittance. Her Is a rare oppor tunity for our people to "buy themselves rich" for a bagatelle. Deal era er prea ent from Seattle, Spokane, Taooma, Portland and San Francisco to take ad van taga of th unprecedented bargains offered. That fact speaks for itself. Th Individual buyer who Intend to give a Christmas, wedding or birthday -present can ear at leaat 100 per cent by purchaalng now.-.- A -word-to the wis I sufficient 1 - Kepon and Lapold. Th prise beeves purchased by Milton J. Jones, proprietor of th Oregon Market 111 Fourth street, from the Lewis and Clark fat stock show aome days ago, will be eut down and weighed thl even ing between 1 and 7:10 o'olock. Those holding guesses oan have the privilege of seeing them weighed and ean pur chase a roaat or atew Saturday.. Tho desiring a cut of this prise beef mual get'their order In early, aa they will not last long. Graid free C I ana . Saturday Afternoon . and Evening At the Silesrobms of tho Columbia Phonog .-, ; '.- ' ' '-,...- ... . Next to Star Theatrt .'.- 371 Washington Street WILL KEEP IIGIITS Oil LiORMSOII ." - -".-..- -Twenty Merchants on That .Thoroughfare Enthusiastic-: : ally Favor Plan. OTHER STREETS MAY RETAIN, ILLUMINATION Offer, of ' Portland Genera) Electric Company to Reduce Cost Is In strumental in Aiding Movement, Which Is Generally Popular. . Th. nmnmt for continuing th brilliant Illumination of Portland' bualneaa atreet with the 8.000 Incan descent light ha assumed proportion that appear to promise suceea for those who are promoting It Twenty of th moat prominent merchant on Morri son street hay agreed to bear their share of th expense for that thorough fare and It la believed that those on other street will want to retain m light. : ' - -..'. wnaa whn hKva bean aeen and who signify their desire to cooperate in the movement are; a. b. oieinoacn, blatt Co.. the Famous clothing atore, Ben Selling. TuU A Glbba, Roberta Dntthan JmMmmr Rrothera. Llebe sV Co.. Sllverfield A Co.,-Ohe . Swetland eom un Ruffum. A Pendleton. M. A. Ounat, Security Savlnga ar Trust com pany, John Rometsch, I. Qundeahelmer. Heltkemper As Co. and Mlsa Anderson. The liberal offer of th Portland General Electrlo company to reduce the cost of the lights to It per cent of that which waa charged during th summer ha apparently made It possible to maintain the beautiful Illumination for an lndefinlt period. Tui, wbn wera aeen war enthusias tic over th project and enter Into th plan with more than willingness. It 1 appreciated that the holiday appearance of the buainess section during the fair ehould not be entirely loat.and that the retention of the S.00O Incandesoents on th streets will aid materially In mak ing the city attraotlv to strangers. Where to Dine. , , ' v tk th mIhv acaann la near, tha busy people ar looking for a place to lunch wnere in service is uk, m. nt...ln fh. nrlce moderate. The Prima cafe. Fifth, between Wash ington and Alder atreet. naa an envia ble reputation In thla respect The pro-u- T . f Rtnne la alwava pleased to meet old friends and make new acquaintance, uiv in rnmi s trial and b convinced.. ' Both ladle and a-entlemen welcom from 11 a, m. until I p. m. ssswawawsawiaB"s -"""aawwaw Free School Domestio Science. wa tiava smcurad the aervlce of Mra Bertha Hi finer to glv a fro cours of lectures at our store In' cooking and kitchen furnishing.- The lectures will be given dally at 1:10 p. m. Every one Is cordially Invited. Honeyman Hard ware company. WATCHES "ON TICK" A little down, and a little at a time thereafter will enable you to possess any watch in our stock, and we carry the very -best, standard movements. j Watches are a side line with us snd we do not demand the profit required, .by the regular dealer. ' . If you want a standard watch at a less price and on essy pay ments, this is the place to come, and NOW is the accepted time. Gevuriz & Sons 173-6 FIRST ' STREET i' : f raph Co. SAYS BRIDGES AflD PIERS . DISFIGURE RIVER ; Professor Zueblin Thinks, How ever, That Portland Will Some Time Be an Ideal City. Professor Charles Zueblln used strong language last jilght in telling the peo ple of th northweet that they should Insist on having more railroad, and. If th magnate would not build them, that the people themselves should do so. Professor Zueblln lectured' again at tb First Presbyterian church. He spoke of the beautifying of cities, and aald that Portland could be made con spicuous among American municipalities for the exceeding charm wrought by proper erabelllahmeat. - 7 "The beautiful Willamette la dlaflg ured and defiled aa It passes through your city." said he. "It Is spanned by ugly bridges and along Its banks ar bideoua wharf. .In time tbeae bridge will be supplanted by jack-knife bridge and th pier, will be don away with, no longer to obstruct navigation as they do now. ' "All tb publio buildings should be grouped and they should be beautiful from an archlttctural point of view." Profeasor Zueblln also referred to the wire and pole that fill th atreet. and predicted that not far In the future they would be -removed and th wire placed underground. ' "Streetcar line also." aald he, "will soon receive motive power from under ground wire. Portland haa all tba natural advantages of an ideal city and In time It will be one." , Professor Zueblln tonight will leo- ture at Tempi Beth Israel on ."William Morris and the Ethics of Work," a sub ject that Is said to be on of his beat I AT THE THEATRES. ; Whittlesey Popular.' tttilta. . ...... ... ... & . ' ' MiiywM. V to. iwiasco stock eonpaay. Is breaking aU records at Port Land', sooet nnntilar nla (Kmim Tt. .... bill, "Sherldaa." Is sdmlrably salted to the star's talests sad bis reception sightly anoants to a trlajnpb. "Ben Hut" Matinee. Tin hum mi Ratarrf., iImmmm a a -j&ub the stapendons productioa of Klaw A Krlanger'a "Baa Hnr" will ha tha iltHMLia a, ,i,a w... Qua a Uraad theatre. Beata are bow aelliag. ) "JoUy Grass Widows. With every serfutuisi sa art hit. sad with tha Uriah expendlrore of sMoey In Bwastlng the prod actios, ."Tbe Jolly Grass Widows." whlck eoea to the Baker theatre Best wek, eon BMaclng Snndoy aiatlBas, anoaU preve a treat for the tbeatra-sotng public. The opening pleee is estltled "Tbe Widow's Wedding, Nlht.'" Following the olio tbe performance will termla ate wfth the tntenaelT fusny swlesqoe eaU- uea '-bs Biga ex iae ue ugnt. "Why Women Sin. It ' la seldom that actors and actresses are stea la tbe sasM roles for more than one ersson, Mt as that resiarKaM slay. Why Womea Shi," which at to be preetnted at th Empire theatre all Best week, aU the original Kew York cast are still engages: m Us - fourth , "Honest Hearts.; A pastoral ronaanee of a Eeatacky wild res and a ynong gorenment engineer Is Alma Bean's offering st tbe Empire theatre this week ander the title of "Boneet Hearts." The si natlnee will be giTea tomorrow sad the eagageBMBt will end tomorrow sight. Tbe sceaai of the play are pleturaaque. Baiter Matinee 'Tomorrow. r ' The regslar Saturday matinee win be si res tomorrow st the Baker theatre, when the Star dw Otrle will unseat tbe eaeeUest eater- talnbent that has canoed ss aiaeh eomaaent all week. Tanaorrow sight will end the engage ment. The arm netweea toe woednea t the World and the ebow-glrle will uke place to night . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. Grand Talk for Children. At the Grans tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock Santell, the siiimatet man ta the world, will give a ae'tartaro on Bbrslral caltare tor tbe rhlldrea ef the city. Tonight and Satarday algbt, at the first snow. Sentsn will da his kamsa krMg" specialty, la wak he una a Star Offers Fun. For fan and melody the place to gs this week Is the Star. Ceertrlgbt and Lee snosld he sees. Berry Clinton Sawyer haa good Imita tions sad Ids Boeeeu is s eaagstrai enter tainer. Th remainder ef the srogram la coin. noaed of other acta,, each goaraateed to drive dull care sway. . "A Prisoner ol War." - T- ' "A PrlMBer of War" eon tineas to draw peeked houses st tb Irrte. The story eoataine every element ptcteaary ta saake a saceeaernl Die. Neat Week grssd srodsrrloa ,f Cemllle" win so give- Matinee dally st 1:80 p. m.l svealnga at I'M and t o'clock. Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Seettle raes. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. . jy TV o a w O ofhe Muck Clothing; Co. r 1C9 SIXTH ST, BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND STARK STS. Choice Suits, Overcoats, CniTenettea, Coats and Vests, Fins Odd Coats, Coats and Pants, Pants, Hats and Fashionable Men's' Furniahinjs at a " Discount of 41 Per Cent Off Each Dollar Is an extraordinary. opportunity to secure very fin apparel at a great savinf without sacrificing style,' quality or wco'ltTnanship. v Overcoate and Cravenettes $12.50 OVERCOATS $15.00 OVERCOATS $17.50 OVERCOATS $20.00 OVERCOATS $25.00 OVERCOATS $30.00 OVERCOATS $35.00 OVERCOATS 1 ; : $180 MUCK SUITS $15.00 MUCK SUITS aV.xacn TTS.TTJ irtTPV e)l.9v rxrtct mwwxa. $20.00 ELEGANT MUCK SUITS for,..........K i...... $25.00 SELECT MUCK SUITS for... $30.00 SPECIAL MUCK SUITS for .......... . ......... $35.00 BEST SACK, Chesterfield and Tuxedo Muck Suits : Trousers $3.00 MUCK TROUSERS for. .......... $4.00 MUCK TROUSERS for...,....,. .......a....... $5.00 MUCK TROUSERS for.... ,...a.....M. $6.00 MUCK TROUSERS for... ................ at.M aw as. aa, aw S W wa ssanMVf M WnM a 7011 MUWeK. inuud&Kd xor,Mi ALL' THE NEWEST FALL STYLES : $2.00 MUCK HATS for..;.;...;......... .....we..81.20 $3.00 MUCK HATS for.. ......... ....................... .81.85 $4.00 MUCK HATS for...:....... .......a.................. 825 $5.00 MUCK STETSON HATS for..., ........ .......... ...... ?S.C5 . Underwear ' ' '.' v 75c MUCK UNDERWEAR for...... ...a 45 $1.00 MUCK UNDERWEAR for... eO $1.50 MUCK UNDERWEAR for... ..... 90V $2.00 MUCK UNDERWEAR for. ............................. ...81.20 1 $2.50 MUCK UNDERWEAR for ...................... .81.45 $3.00 MUCK UNDERWEAR for....... ...,81.85 ,' : : '-.f ;.': NOTICE I.?:; . . v J. W. Bell, former trustee, through C. Moser, deputy district attorney, turned the Muck Clothing Company stock over to the undersigned at 10 a. m. Octo ber 11. AU bills previous to that- time against the Muck Clothing company must be presented to the above trustee. All bills or claims since that time, must be presented to me on the premises, 109 Sixth street. THIS SALE OPENS DAILY AT 8:10 A. M. AND CLOSES AT 8:45 P. M. SATURDAY CLOSES ONE HOUR LATER.. THE ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE DISPOSED OF BY NOVEMBER 1, AS - THE STORE ROOM IS LEASED TO OTHER PARTIES. AND MUST BE VACATED BY THAT TIME. it MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD When you can get. an Over coat worth $15, $18 and $20 for 8.00, 812.50 and 815. - It Makes You Feel . Good When you can get a $20 Suit, right up-to-date - style for 812.50 It Makes You Feel Good. When you can get a Hat worth $3.50 for $1.75 and 82.00a It Makes You Feel Good. When you can get a Pair of Pants or Shoes worth $4 and $5 for 82.00 and 83.00 It Makes You Feel Good. When you can get good Wool Underwear worth $2 for 81-00 It Makes You Feel Good. When you can get a good warm Blanket or Comforter worth $3, $4 and $5 for 81.50, 82.50 and 83.00 It Is Bound, to Make You Feel. Good. To convince yourself SEE JOHN DELLAR Running two stores Corner First and Yamhill and Cor ner Third and Davis. LYRI C THEATRE wxxx STAirr) soimt, ootobxx m. A PRISONER OF WAR A TkrtUlae Imarlaes War IH-ama. Admin las 19 Oats, Instil Seats. 90 c. x LOUIS H. DOLL PtAKO STtDIO M0W0PBM POR r Parkrg t aad 10, Ml) rTatalatU. ! . ..'.'. AND CRAVENETTES now AND CRAVENETTES now AND CRAVENETTES now AND CRAVENETTES now AND CRAVENETTES now AND CRAVENETTES now ' AND CRAVENETTES now : Suites 'M f for.. for.: st O TTTTr? auiu iu ............ . ...... C C. SHAFER, Marquam Grand Theatre Tonan At s o'exocx . -Barnrdar Might Matinee Tbmorrew. Kszt Mosdar. Tneedar, Wednaaday Mights . Matinee Most Wedaesday TBS KLAW A EKLAMOBS CO. (ISO.) stcfimdocs raoDccTioN or Oeaaral Lew' Wallsce's Great Oraaa BEN HUR PRICES, BOTH bTATTNIbI AND MIGHT, He. Tie. , LS0, gl.K. SS.M sad . S.M Curtain at t and 2 p.m. - ; No on seated after th rise of th curtain on th first act. . Belasco Theatre kai?" iu - btxasoo hatss. aors. Fnarteenth and Waahlnf ton Btnets. X. D. rrios, ttaa. Mgr. X. L. laehstt. Sea. Mgr. TOltlOHT AT S:1S. WHITE! UOOBTD WMK VY HITTLESEY Wltfe the B SLA SCO THKATRI STOCK CO., Pieeestlng B. H. Sotharn'e Soeeeea, . . First Time la Fortlaad. "Sheridan, or the Maid or &.th" Bvgs,, SS to TBe; Mate. Sat., Son., SB t BOe, Meat Week WHITS WHtTTUSBT la t . MrBJNCB OTTO.". Empire Thcatrer MILTOM W. 8 BAM A It. Manager. ' EVERY MIGHT THIS WEEK. BarXA MATTNBB SATT'RDAY. S:1S P. M. ; KLIMT 0AIIOIX) S Bosisatt Cemady, . . "JtO-rEST aTBAJlT." ALMA HEARN AS "Dad's Osly Olrl" A Brimast Cbmneay Snpportlng th Oelehrated UeeMdleaaa. PRK ta Evening, ice, as, ao aad oe; awttnae. 10e. 1M and SB. Melt , attract loa he drewaHe see "WUI WOMEN aiM.' . BIC1XATTO PARK. Ssrwar Yeagk aad Tiaaiy-renh. Portland vs. 5an Fraadsc TWTaa,T0W, a, OClOaaA Sd, SI, It. fiB AMreTTANlK She, I.ILHHBIC IBs. Bwt ttchaea and l.aai.M aaats e sal at at afaes, aaally. IS; . a:ho. THU OTAH ' Bad ta ttw I 1 1 1 1 1 ri an. ........ 7.40 .......v 8.85 ........ 810.40 ' . . - . . $11.80 ...... $14.75 817.70 ...... .(20.C5 ... ., . t-gft At e ..... . pavv.-w i . . .81160 at A TSC a. . .a . . v a-w. e m 817.70 for..... 820.05 .wva. ea ,81.80 ....82a35 avre) m 8355 f ) Adjuster I f J) Great . Auction Sc!d Of Chines and Jspsnsss CURIOS The fair trad baiac abmst over, w bar concluded to pose of our entir stock of fci'V class Imported Goods, conai inf of fine Silverware, Cloia. sonne, Satsuma, Ivory Carvip-71, New Brass. Silk and Satia IUa. broideries. Kimonos, 8c Decorated Porcelain Tea Matting, etc Sale commences at 2:39 and 7:30 p. ra. daily. Andrew Ifcn&Co. AJTITI iiniminrs.1 Mgr. ' Phase Mala ISO. 1 xoxx . er xzaH-rLAM mvstoax ' stm. UMbA Third aad TaakkiU Shset. . THREE MORS TIMES . TeeJght, Tomorrow Mstlsae end MajM The iseflr Popelar STAR SHOW eikLS. Bee the Big Compel I tin Drill TwrtsV Meat Week, StsrtlB With the Sssdey Mat. tea, roe Beec.ea of the THE OUT BRASS WIim." PRICES Evening, We e. iOr. Tie. r--dey snd a.ttirdar matlsere, le. Se, t . . toe. Wednaaday smtlaae, Se so ssy s i. THE QRANL The S)r. SasteU ..a Saat a 1 . kavrfca-m S-"" e .1 ' rt.y 1 4 ' r r I f I