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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
TII3 .03EG0N DAILY JOUr.:.AU PORTLAND. " THURSDAY H'HllltlG, 6CI0 U UC3. " r Now Acknowledged That Oregon Hops Are of Dest Quality. That the World Produce- Even New York Admits Our Superiority ; v . I ODAY'S MARKETS Mi fh to OREGON HOPS ARE THE BEST New York' Authority Admits Su - perfority of Those Crown in This State. NO REASON :FOR THE t GREAT LOSS IN PRICE Still Another Car of Eastern Eggs UnlosdedWGrspes Cheaper on Ac count of Heavier Supplies Butter . Market Firmer Potatoes Strong. ' Front Street, Oct. 18. Tbe principal feature . Sf to Portland wholesale market today art: Produce aiarksta are firmer. , Whea weaker bat uocnanfed.. Car baaanae ualoadee todar. - ' ' Poultry flrnari ellgatly p. ' Another car aaatern sgce u. i Urape cheaper; aupplle heavier. V - ' '. raoejr apple sell wall. Freak luitt arc quoted flru. - tio strengtk to bop markot. t Batter firmer Instead o weak. ' j Potato and ontuna firm. Haw York Says Ora-oa Hop Ara But. t " AciId baa Oregon scored a point In her agrl- . i nwww vw .must uuw mmm .. ' claim of tlila ataU tbat Oregoa produce .Uie "burnt bop In the world, taking tn atata aa whole la eotnparlaoa wits entire aactluna else where. New Xork baa been tna Uat plaoa to ' fall In llna to proclaim Oregon bops kin. Nam before baa any authority m tbat etaie acknowledged tna superiority of Oregon bops AN IhiHA am.. In ,,- ITmnlM Rtala Kn. land baa conceded tba point tbat her hope do not begin to roupare witk the once grown ki Oregon, and Ueruiany baa likewise given ttie Willamette valley yards the honors to wbluli they ara now entitled, other hop-prodnctud eectiona of Kurope, aa wall aa tna nearer ansa la California and Washington, have kmg age conceded the pain o Oregon for beat hups. '- Hep Moat took Bad. , Despite tbe fact that Oregon bops ara tna choicest la tba world, and ara so .specified If the leading trade papers, prices en this state's . growth tltie aeaaon are way down at the bot tom, several ceuta . below tbe place they are entitled to by - virtue of their very choice uoallty. If choice hups grown la New Xork are worth Zlc. growera bare caa see no gooj reason why Oregon hope abouid not be quoted ... at aa favorable pricae. Three ceuta per pound will cover the cost of traasDortlna the houe te tbe New York market and pay also brokerage .charge at both ends of the line. This would mesa that even putting Oregon bops la aa low a grade aa thoaa from New Xork the local market foe hope abouid today stand at Ilea a pound. W Wb W - The following from tbe New York Prv , dncera Price Current la Its leeua of October "lb market presents about the came general rata a little firmer tana with . tranaactlon reported at 13Hglhc la Oregon. l.ul-Se Sonoma -coanty and a range of prlree of lUc M lilc la Washington. In looking ever the eltea tioa aa a whole It la evident that the best hops grown tbla year are In Oregon. A promi nent dealer la apeaklng of the atate'erop aatd: 'After seeing a full Una of atate eft tuples I could careely find one bale of. strictly choice hops; they run poor, moldy and wind-beaten. Th poorer sorts ere tmo-enttrTy n!ce-elr the better gradea have bad some attention front up to 30c. but general Inquiry moderate. Prom klnelanta- the f ft la I nnn rennet hae haan M. ' reived and plaree the 190 crop at . epS.OUO cwrs., the largest crop ainca 18ns. Prom earn pies received here the English hops are appar. 'entry of- very Indifferent quality. The German hops era showing red, front effects of seve atorma just osrura piratng. im tue local ua -. ket general trading la quiet. Brewer are mak ing aome Inquiries, but demand from dealer la limited." -.State, 1WOS, prime te choice, per lb. "C2!.- . HUM, louo, eommoa to fair ...15 ttl'.X .State, ISO, choice, per lb.,.. IT til lie Huts, 1SX4, prime, per lb IS trifle Pacific coast, IDOO, prime to choice, lb. IS Wise Pacific roast, 1HUS, common to fair, lb. 14 l5c Pacific meat, 1804. choice, per lb IS tjlTe Pacific coast, ivo. prime, per lb UfettlSc Pacific roaat. ISO, medium, per lb.. IS til 4c Old olds, per lb.,.. .,..... S tlllc Bale. Recetpta for week l.ttt Kecelpta from Heptemner I. ............. S.8V3 . Receipts same time last year.. ...11.IHKI Kx porta to Europe for week., S21 WvMM.,. MM fUntAMlM I . KMU . Riports same time last year.... 8,991 Imports for week M - Importa from Keptembar 1.... 100 Imports tame time but year SKI lTodoee Markets Are rimer. There m a firmer feeling la all lines ef pro duce today, with the exception of grapes, which market la glutted badly. The f reeling weather of the past twe daye has caused a lull m the ' arrlvale ef local greens and present stocks are held firmer and slightly up. The season for local free as la dosing very rapidly and Front afreet nouns will soon' be compelled te order ' A ear of bananas wae anloaded this morning. Apples are very firm oa account of tbe laok ef supplies In moat llwe or fruit. Fancy Jonathana are' selling as high aa S1.TS, while -fancy Be Ml wins are ranging as blgb as fl.60. Kings of beet quality range from 1.2S to $1.S0 per beg. - . . . . ,,, Another Car laatera Zgg Arrives. The second ear of eaatera eggs to arrive 1n XQii city I ruin me n annua im rw came In this morning. It found a good demand ht SttQUoc. Local egg sre very firm with sup- piles and demand about equal. Only la excep tional cases do tbe prices range aa high a 80c, ao this flgure cannot be quoted. -Contrary to tbe bearish report In a morning . publication, the creamery butter market la firm with practically no surplus stocks. Interviews with leading-creamery men of the city almw no ,. Indication of any drop In price. Fancy butter la ; scarce Instead ef weaker. '". ' lWtry Markat la rimer. There la a firmer tone to tbe poultry market , . account of the lighter arrivals during tba past few daya. Retailer have bad a' chance to clean ap and ara again entering the markot. The tone la not stiff, but prices wlU stand a fractional advance today. ' '"' Vatatoe aad Oaloaa Tu-mar. , ' Suppllea la both tbe potato and onion BMrheta are not liberal and both are showing a very atroag tone. A few cars ef potatoes have been sold for Arlaona account, but the demand from that source m still very limited"; "A email num. ' Iter of Inquiries are coming from California - potnta, but the low prices there do not admit ef much boslnsss at this time. There la not 'much Indication, at the moment of any aerkma advance In enlnVa on acount of the gootf crop la California and tba fact that tbey must Is sold at oac oa account of their nen-keeplag ' qua II Ilea; . The following quota t tone are paid along Front ' etreet by the retail trade for choice quality in THURSDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET Defl. . May. '. X rhlcarn 1 SHU I JlUR ah ,w ior.. .11 A , Milwaukee) .... . A .tt Minneapolis .11 4 Duluth ....... .S1HB Liverpool ..... talld 10 A St. Loul .13 Kanaaa City... .77 ..... San Franclaco. l.tB1.14 r March. December barley. ay d '' 4 d 4 JOURNAL'S DAILY . TIPS TO SHIPPERS . q " Shipper of apple ahould take ' 4 great ear with their a took. 4 Boxsa of proper alxa and good d appearance . add much te trie 4 4 prk-e. paid ' for stock In tbla market. Fadtlnt; of evan-alaed 4 d atocka la the great factor In d , securing good . valuea and) If 4 d thcae rule ara carried out there 4 q will be no cauae to complain of d q poor returns. Ask your dealer. 4 e round lota. Producers' price are go speci fied: . ... .j . - a 1.) Fletur aad Teed. WHEAT New club. Tfcj Bed Rnaalan, SSe; bluestem, TBc; valley. Tic. BAHUCYFsed, I21.Sot2t.0O; rolled. I2S.80 QZa.OO; brewing. 22.5o4 28.00. COK. Whole, 7.00i tracked, 2S.0O pat ton. . - BYK Sl.SS per cwt. OATS Producers' price He, 1 WhlU, S2S.O0 Q24.UU; grsv, VS.O0. rLOUR New. esstsra Oregoa patents. $t.S0 Straights,; export. M-SU03.SS; ! ley. S3.SS: graham. Ma, .40; rye. Sua, IS.0O; bale. 2. 16. MILUTUFFB Brsa. I1S.00 per too! mid dllugs. $10.00; shorts, eouatry, 120.00; city, flS.UU; crop. I1S.00. H A I Prod ace re' price Timothy, Willamette valley, fsncy, Sll.0ual3.00; ordinary, 7.00 CO; aaatern -Oregon. 14.0O(jJl.0O; mixed. W.50e.0u; clover. e.O0Qil0.OUi grain, la. out) 8.00; chest. 8)0O8.60. Barter, Egg and Poultry. BCTTRB Cly creamery, -bast. " SzUeS second grade, Sue) outside fancy, 2THJ0c; ordinary. 27 ici store. 1017c. BlKio No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, SSMO-Sei cold storage and eastern, 27tx2He. CHEE8K Nsw Pull cream, twin. lSHOlec; Young America.' HHOISc; Cheddar, lie 0AMB Jackrabblta. $3 per dus. POULTRY Cblckeus. 12c per lb; fancy bene, 12gl2toe per lb: roosters, old. tUsfeloo per lb; fryers. I2Q12c per lb; broilers, 12 12Vi per lb; decks, lt16e per lb; geese, 'j 10a par lb; turkeya. 16c per lb; dressed. Uc per I; equabs. 2.o0O.00 par dot. Hope, Weal aad Bids. HOPS -1006 Oregon, choice, 1212Vse; Washing ton, lie; 1V04 crop. 12e for cbolee; UHtl3ofor primes and mediums. c WOOL 1 PuS clip, vslley, coarse to medluaa,' Ht20Mc; Sue, SdQ-Tc; saatera Oregoa. Utl-c. - . . MOHAIR Nominal, SoeSle. HHK1CPHKIN8 Mbearlng. lseSOe each; abort wool, kaeedc each; medium Wool, SOtaTSe eeobl long wool. 7V1.00 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, SM44e; Na. aad grease, 2t2Ht. CH1TTIM BARK tHOMe per lb. HIDES Dry, No. 1, IS lbs aad up, I6HQ ITHe per lb; dry kip. No. 1, 8 to IB lbs. 14c i dry calf. No. 1, nndsr S lbs. 18c; sslted bides, ateere. sound, 0 lbs sad ever. 10llc; cows, aStt-Hc: stsgs and nulla, sound, 7c; kip,. to SO lbs. c; ealf, sound. nadcV IS lbs. lie. green, uaaaltrd. lc less; culls, le per lb less; boreehldes. aalted, eacb, fl.25fil.T5; dry, each, f 1.0utl.60; colt ' hides. iAuZoc; goat skins, conimoa, each. lOUloc; Angora, each. 3cQ ' Fralts aad Tagetablaa.; POTATOES Veet Oregoa, 85c sack; ear lota. SSfitTOc sack; ordinary, aoaTaes awssta. $1.00 sack, t2.lo(2.2ft crate. . ONIONS-New Oregoa ' yellow Denver, 11.23 Ol.M; car lot, l.ool.oo; garlic, SOl.H FRK8H FRCITS Apples, Oregon. l1.00ai.S0; fancy, fl.TK; era bap plea, 1160; oranges, new navel, $4.M; lata Valenclaa, S4.Taiji5.2S; ba tuaaa, 6c lb; lemons, choice. t5.B0Ss.TS box; fancy.- W.OO box; limes. Mexican, 11.25 per llM'i pineapples. $4.00 per 4los; pescbes. fancy, f 1.0041 (.25; ordinary, TofcHOc; cantaloupes. T5c tlfl.OO ner erere; eran Hmm RAtfeTb.' Concorde, fts. 17V4c: 10s. S0t35e '" basket; Csllfornls. 7Vt$l.X1; pears, $1.251-S0 per ; hidiit neitis. gi.zo per box; pome granates. 1. TB per box; tangerines. $1.75. ' VEOKTABLB8 Turnips, new. $1.00 per ssck; carrot. $1.00 per aack; berta. $l.O0J 1.2.1 DST sack: Oreean railtahee. an. Jtnm: cabhaga, Oregoa, $1.00 per cwt; green prppera, dc per in; meal tomatoee, amasuc; parenlps. $1.0001.28; atrlng bean. 4C5c; caallOower. 75r$1.00 doa; rhubarb. per lb; horseradish, 10 per lb: artichokes, 0i BOe per doa; head lettuce. 60c ' per dost green rontons, per do: aplnach. So per lb; green enra. The per sack; peas. Se ner lb;-cucumhers. 78c per ssck; celery, local. SOtTSc ner dos: eeenlanL 11 Nl ner crate! pampklna. 1 He; cranberries. Cape Cod. $8.60 per udi: ims ray snu wismooK, sr. no. DRIED FRUITS Apples, evaporated, .7080 Per lb: anrlcota. SUfrlV ner Ihi aacka. He per lb leea; peaches. SQ12c per lb; pear, Kr in; prunes, Italian. HTH per ro; enck. SUtitUe ner lb: flrs. rallfornla black. 6aH per lb: California white. per lb: piums. pitted, per lb; dates, golden, ec per id; i ara a, gi.ou per la-irj box., wreeerlea, Vata, Cto. SrOAR Bark basis Cube. SS.B0: nowdered. $S.nS; fruit granulated, $1.55: dry granulated. $5.56; Conf. A. $6.H0; beet granulated, $,V5: extra C. So. 05: goldra 0. $4.86: D "yellow. $4.86; bbla, 10c; H bhla. Sic; boxes, 60c advance on aack basis, leas 26c .ner cwt for cash, IS uJ" . mapiF, letaioc'pcr ID. . riorta.1 a nsa crsts. COFFER Pscksge brands, flS.TS. SALT Coarae Half ground. 100. per tna. table, dairy. 60s. $11.00: - 100. $10.75: Inv, norted I.lvernaol. Bus. 117 00: 100a. na.BO: 224s, $18.00; extra Sne, bbls. 2s, Se. - 10s, $4.60'jT.VBn; bulk. 820 Ina, $4.00Q5.00; ascks, SO. S58de. SALT Coarae Half ground. 100s. per ton, $7.00: 80s, per ton. $7 60; Liverpool, lump rock, $18.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. $7.00: 100s. $.7B. (Above prices apply to sales of lees than ear' lota. Car lots at special price ubject to aucTuanons. -ORAI.N BA0H Calcutta, THe. RICK Imnetial Japan. No. 1. act Me. 2. SVc: New Orleans head. SHc: Aiax. 4c: Cre ole. 6He. en am small wnite. fn.m: targe wnite. $3.15; pink. $2.85; bayou, $3 88; Umae,' $5.50; Mexican veda. . . . SI TS Peannta, Jumboe, 8Hc per Th; Irrlnla. 7 He per lb: roasted. Be; cocoanuts. sniOSOc per dos; walnuta, 1671SHe per lb; plus nuts. 10)l2He per lb; hickory nuts. 10c per lb; chestnuts, rsatern. IBJISe per lb: Braall ante, 14c per lb: filberts. 14Q1V per lb; fsncy pecans, 15Hl"He; almonda, 16trl7e per lb. Paints, Coal Ou, Its. - R0PK 'Pure Manila. 14c; atsnoarrL. MUei steal. 104c; Hale brand alaal, 4e- COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, 20He per gal; water white, Iron bhla, 15c par gal; wooden, 18e per gal; headlight,. 170-deg., cases, 22Hc per sl. 0AS0LINK SS-deg, esse, 24H per gal; Iron bbla, 18c per gal. BENZINE SS-deg. caeea, 2So par gal; lroa bbla. IHHc per gaL TURPENTINE In cases, PSe per gal; woodea bbls. nae per gal. WHITR LEAD Tea tot. 1 per lb; 800-Ib lots. 8c per lb: less lots. SHc per lb. WIRK NAIT.A Present base st $2.70, - I.INRBED OIL Pure raw. In 6-bbl lota, B4e; 1-bhl lot. SSe; caaea. SOv per gal; genuine kettle boiled, eaaea, 82c per gal; 5-bbl lou. See; 1-hhl lot. B7e per gal; ground cake, car lot. $20.00 per torn leea than car lota. $30.00 per ton. Meet. Flak aad Previsions. FRESH MEATS Front street Beef steers. BOSc per lb; , block. THe per lb: pack ers. Tift 7 He per lb; bulls. 4 (ft 5c per lb; cows, SHQUc pec mI- extra, 7Hc per lb; ordi nary, To per lb; poor, te per lb; mutton, faaoy, 7C 'He per Tb. HAMS. BACON. BTC Portland pack (torsi) hams, 10 to 14 lbs. 14c per lb: 14 te IS lbs, 134e per lb; breakfaat bacon. IBQlSe per lb; picnic. Be per lb; regular short clears, in smoked, lie per . lb: smoked. 12c per lb; clear backs, anamoked, 10c per lb: amoked, lli Per lb; t'nloa butts, .10 te 18 lbs. an. smoked, Se per lb: SBMtkcd. Be per lb; clear bellies, anamoked, lie per lb; amoked, 12e par lb: ahoitldcra, 8 He per lb. LOCAL LARD Ksttls leaf. 10s, llKe per lb; Be, 11H per lb; 60-lb tins, HHc per lb; steam rendered, 10a, 104 per lb; Se, 10c per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia rler. 1-lb talis. $1.80; 1-lb tall. 82.T6; fancy 1-lb Bats, Sl.BO; H-lb fancy-Sate. $1.15: fancy 1-lb ovale. $2.73: Alaaka tails, pink, SSQBOci red, $1.80; nominal 2a, tall, $2.00.. FISH Koch cod, Tr par th; Sounder, Se per tb; halibut. THe per lb: era ha. $1.50 per dos; striped baas, 12 He per 'lb; catSah. Se per lb; aalmnn. sllveraldea, 8e per lb; bluehacka, 0c per lb; herring, Se per lb; aolea, ec per lb; shrtnipa, 10c per Ih; perch. Be per lb; blark end, 7c per lb; all rer smelt, Te per lb; lobsters, 16c; fresh mackerel. $c per lb; erawSah. 26 per do. OY8TERH Shoalwater nay. Per gal, $Z2S; pef ssrk. $3.TB. CLAMS II srd-ehelL par' box, $2.00; rasor clsma, $2.00 per bog. Tsrslga Oeffse atarkata. ' . New York, Oct. 10. OJavr and Hamburg coffee unchanged, Rio receipt 15.000 bag, market weak, price ancbsnged; Santos, 67,uu0 hags, market quiet. . i a r ' 1 Wew York, Oaah Coffee, New York, Oct. liV 4'aeh coffee: Ne, T Rio, $Hc; N. Santoa, c ' . , DEAI1ISII IIEl'JS IS THE CAUSE' All Grain Information Adds to the Weakness of the Market ; and Prices Are Off." ARMOUR CONCERN IS IN FULL CONTROL Chicago M$rketDown Five Eighths to On Cent Later Lou Is in the July English Paper Gives a Bad ., Scare.' ; THURSDAY'S WHEAT MARKET."-1' ., - Close Close Lose Close Thur. Wed. Thur. Year Age December S .hH $ .87 A $ .u $1-15 My J .".STHB ,004j' lulT.y ....... .82 MB .01 Chicago, Oct. IB. Logs a A Bryaa say: To day 'a wheat market early la the sees Ion took on a reactionary apliit with tbe selling apparently coming from lu f luentlaf soures, confusing tht trade somewhat at tha atart. but later resulting In a little pressure -through bearish activity. The close wae weak and practically at tbe low point.. It la supposed tbe eelllug referred t above came from the leading bull Interest. New waa lacking and what little waa received bad no effect on price-making, though an extract from tbe London Htatlat estimating that exporting countries would have 43.000.000 bushels to ship gave the bulla somewhat of a are re aad contrib uted to tbe bearish feeling. Aalde from the heavy selling early la the day tha trade had no special - significant. Yesterday waa the third day ap and a bait or setback la not an asual. Considering tba advance and hearten sentiment prevailing. It meat be edmltted thai tbe setbacks are not frequent, and wnea they do come are ef only short duration and not far ranging. The general character of the market seems unchanged. It I controlled absolutely by the Armour concern. Ia view of th bearbth sentiment nrevslllng. a little further est back would not be aurprlalng. The our market loat on 17 a email fraction and the weakened tone seemed to come si to gether from the wheat pit. Bad weatner pre. vaiun was neiprui le toe msrast eeny, oui lost Its force later to the sees Ion. The altua tloa, while dull, - seem unchanged. .Provision trade waa alow. . Tha short slda Is October pork and lard la losing ground, v. Tha psckera seem te have the market under their thumb. - Official auotatlona br . Ovarhack. Stare A Cooke company : WHEAT, h. Low. Cloee. Dee $ Mar It, S JMU S .IW '.8T4 82 !4 July.,... Oct...... Old Dec. New Dec." J .84 CORN. .48 H .45(4 .45 ' .45 .44 H .44 H ' .44 .44 . OATS. '.28 t .2a ' M .2t -8144 -Sl ,80H MESS PORK. .82 Ih .80 .50' A 0 44 May...,. ,44H -44H Julyv.... -Oct...... -44 V. .44 HA .28i! .282. .31 B Dec...... Mar..... July....e jow 1S.1S 12.45 7.20 S.KI S.82 7.17 Oct..;... 18.22 18.22 1S.10 . 12.60 12 43 LARD. Jan 12.50 Oct T.1S 7.22 7.18 8. 82 8.82 S.ST Jan...... S.85 , . 8.85 Nov 7.15 7.22 7.12 . SHORT RIBS Oct 7.75 , 7.7S Y.BS Jan S.52 S.BA 8.80 T.7T 8.50 6.70 May 6.72 S.72 8.70 CEICA00 CASK WHEAT. Chicago, Oct. 18. Cash wheat Bid. Ask. No. red......'... No. S red No. 2 hard.. No. 3 bard. ....... No. 1 northern.... No. 1 norther.... No. S sprlng...u. .87 S .84 . .85 .8Ti . .854 .8T1 . .kv .m . ,8i JW . A5 , .8T . .82 .87 r- PB.IXAXY ORAIS IfOTZafZaTT. Chicago. Oct. 10. Primary receloU: . Today Year Age , . . xtnan. cinsn. Wheat ...1,800.000 l.ouo.OOS Corn 22,000 200,000 Hhipmenta: - Wheat 4.18,000 680,000 Corn 208.000 2AB.0t Clearances: Floor, 2.000 barrels; corn, SWrOO') ouaueia; oats, i.uw busbal. , met CURRIRT REPORT. Cincinnati, O.. Oct. IB. Price Current aayai txirn report rerieci nana oiaappotnting yield. tlona of a record crop. There baa been defk-leul molature In western eectiona, curtailing wheat seeding and retarding germ mat Ion. , Tba gen eral position la encouraging. , - CKICA60 ORAUf CAR 10TS. Cbkago, Oct. 10. Oral car Iota: care orad Eat Wheat Corn Osta .' Wheat cars todsy: 251. Year age: Mil 88 28 . . 71 .100 022 208 i.SOS 85 287 Minneapolis 452. Duluth sapoiie eua, vuraia i;nkrag M. LIVERPOOL QRAIR' MARKET. - I lawwswukl 1 aTaeaaaa kaa l 9m 114, M faiffher; Mairfc, M 10 d, i aiffuvr Corn lVorTOb?r---ii &, & hlghm Jannar. FOUY 765 BALES HOPS SOLD AT SALEM . Many Growers Are Now Letting Go atHPresent Prices Early Hops at Nine Cents. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) 1 Salem. Or., Oct. 10. Hop sale aggregating 78S bale are reported aa bavins transpired during the peat tare daya a follow: ' Wblfa of Perrydal sold 17 balee 1004 Fugglee to Charles Llveeley at 0c: Homer Onulet of Brooke, 29.1 bales, and B. P. Meyers BS bales te C. D. Jee- aup at HHe (unconfirmed) ! A. Cone, 88 balee. King 21 bales, and Sapplngfleld of Pratiinr to R. C. Horat company, at 10 Sac; Kneed ef Eugene, 1-IP balee to Kreha Bros, st 12Hc; Henry Vogt, 21 bales, and Brush Bros. 46 bales, both of Aurora, to Ed lirrren at 12c; Louie Lschmund A Co. bought the Otto Hansen lot of 2IU bale and the Frank Whttaker lot, of ttervellla, 138 bales, both of the 1H04 crap, at 10c. other sales are reported, but confirmation la lacking. y - I - TOVOFAH KTjriRa STOCKS. Ran rrtwteco. fOct. 10. Tonopah atock.' ef flclal clos morning session: nid. I Bid. Mntttsaa $2.42 iKendall ,..$ ,i Mldwsy ., 1.H7HI lumbla lit,.,,. ,1A McNsmsra .... .SS Belmont 1.40 North SUr .... .48 Keava ..,' 07 Jumbo Ex '.. .21 Hlsrk Butt ... .14 HI I rer Pick 07 Oold Mountain.. c.U loldea Anchor. ..84 Im Butler .82 I Hay A O'Brien.. ,nd Nevada . . . ,UA lOhin, TniHipsh.. .24 .20 .20 .OT .0- .18 .M .18 .$2 Red Ton ..... .81 Ml. Bull Proa Ton. It i tens loo. S.2fA IIMsnwndfleld ... Ooldfleld B llone Star asndatorm .40 Hon jtandstarm Ex.. .08 Adams , 04 H.thawk 12 1 Dlxl 00 a ah Roe Krllpss ....... Sstlonal Rank. rDsnver Sterling- Re tee, . New York. Oct. 10.--terltn rata: DsmanJ. MS.aveiSSJOi SO daya. 4tU.o0fi482.T0v SPIEL BY LA17S0IJ HAS EFFECT Boston Challenger of Amalga mated Says Things Are Rot- ten in Trust Companies. J CAR & FOUNDRY HAS THREE AND HALF RISE Pressed Steel Car Closes Two Higher Amalgamated and Other Copper Losed After an Interesting Struggle in the Market ADVANCES. " ... KIMexIcaa Central ... ... Katr H ...SV4 N. V. Central ' Atchison .i.i Sugar Car A Foundry do preferred . Brooklyn ....... .1 . irennsyivsnis ....... ?a 11 Peoples' 0a ....... H Reading , Hep. Steel Ht. Psul . . Chesapeake Canadian . ...... H ) do preferred ..... fa Missouri Psdflc p'a'ci'fic"!' nerlcan ... H all S Southern Pernio. . Union Pacific...... North American Pacific Mall .. u. o. Bieei . do preferred Press Steel Car a Colo. Bo., 1st pfd.. Erie Cirest Western .... i Illinois Central ..1 Southern Railway do preferred' Tenn. Coal V. 8. Rubber.. uouiaviiie ... Metropolitan ..... me. venira,, .u. ...I. HiWeatern Union ... L088E8. moot A Western... VI Press Steel, pfd.. Anaconda .... Amalgamated .. Baltimore .... Colo. Souther Norfolk . . 4k I ttoca isisna . .. x.) d,. preferred 11 ... St. U 8. W., pfd. V Wsll Street. New York. Oct. - IS. Various events contributed to tk tone of the atock mar ket today. Circular by La arson tolling of Im. pending dlaaater to the trust eompanlea and especially to. copper atock.. gav tha tone decided weaker feeling and the general Hat dropped. Later there waa reaction on tbe report of the regular dividend oa Amalgamated but at the close prlcea eased off again. Tha doings In Rock Island were watched with In terest, both Issues being very active. At tbe close the preferred showed loss of 14 points while the common wss lower. Car At Foundry- eommoa waa the feature ef tha day and bad net gain of S4 nolnta. With the ex ctptloa of Frees ed Steel Car preferred, all steel issues emseo -witn an advance. - Official quotation by . Overbeck, Starr eV Cook company: i "A DKSCRIPTI0R. ilUmiut, Ulnin. 116 117 84 88 108 1H 101 i: 12T 116 11T 84 88 104 41 100 Amalgamated Copper Ce. Atchison, common do preferred Am. Csr A Foundry, e. B4 8Ti 88 STV4 104 8T 10S 87 1. uo prererrea . Am Kne.e AnntMb.n 100 i:w i:w m Am. Smelt., eommoa. ... 12Bil2T e"1U 12111 on preferred Ttalrlmnr a, nhl MM 1204 !' 112 1211 112 111 Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.' Can. Pacific, common... Cbl. A Alton, eommoa.. Chi. A O. W.. common. Chi Mil av Ht I.,.l T4 T8 "OMi 171 180, 17ii ..... S44 21 21 178 1170 21 tt 21 ITH's 1T Chi. A N. W., eommoa. 217 21T 217 .neapesae ublo .... i V.L.. t'..., a. i. oo 46 a 27. 6i as 42 22. '84 8 66 46 tola. Southern, common. 3PI ti 421 224 no Zd preferred ...... rtelaerere A II ..Aw 42 42 Set -'fU 224 IH.1., Lack. A Western. D. A R. O., eommoa... do preferred Erie, common .,. do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Illinois Central Louisville A NaehviUe. Met, Secarltiea Met St. Ry Manhattan Ry Mexican Central By..,. Xftaenu.l t.lf 4N8 84 87 84 8(1 86 81 ; 1T8 179 177 178 1B) lfllU imiiiAi, 80 NO 80 125 12B 129 125 185 24 24 24' M. K. A T.. com'...'.'...'.' 103 102 HZ 89 ??l nz N .18 oo nrwierrea. ...... ... New York Central Northern Peelrle 60 14KU 14H 1481140 202 2" 2 201 202 Am. Locomotive 64 Kit B.1 6.1 do preferred Norfolk A We. tern, com. Nort b A merlcan . . .' N. V On SV W ..n. 111 113 85 0 6.1 n 85 07 63 14.1 -A 103 48 0K 62 Pennaylvanla Ry ....... . P. a. L. A C. Co....... 14Jt na 103 I4d 10H ioa rreaard meet car, com. n 08 411 48 4H 08 4.1 oo prererrea........... Paelfle Uell U flo 08 4 4 Beading, com 121 121 120 121 ao secerni prererrea... do first preferred.... Rep. Iron A Steel, com. 08 04 5 05 81 25 04 82 77 85 68 68 so" as Bel 20 T 82 04 81 75 Rock Tslsnd. com.,,,,.. dn nrefei ie.1 TT A5 fm 6(t 8 75 85 08 Southern Ry.. com so ao preierred Southern Pacific It: I. AH r . OA r.A 08 6T 8 OB Ro" 84 85 65 67 V 83 60 34", 88 St. L. A S. W., com.... do preferred Texes A Pacific " 84 m Toledo, Ht. L. A W, pfd. oo COWS) I BfTllir, COSB.... do preferred C. S. Rubber, com.... A nrefeeeed - 10 132 130 I.1Z 061 62 si" 87 811 Bl'h 111 TJ. 8. Steel Co., eos....(8Tto 87 do preferred -...Tejas, 104 103 iia IT 24 88 r i tee i. at uu Kne. c . do second prererred.. A, firm r.MAeMrf " Wisconsin Central, com. I 81 63 5 81 62 81 a5 Oo preferred I tu4 w. u. leiegrspn. . Wabash, com do preferred Csll money. 4 ner cent. Total sales for day, 733,700 share. SAX FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. San Pranclaco. Oct. 10. Official clos. morn Ask. tag session: Bid. Contra Costs Water. 48 Baring Valley Water 40 Mutual Electric -. in 8. P. Osa A Electric... 84 18 84 ij 78 8.1 IS Olsnt Powder 77 Hawaiian Commercial , Honokea Sugar IB Hutchinson Hiigar. ....... 15' Makawrll Sugar., .'. 85 Onomea Sugar 88 Paauhan Sugar 2:1 . 84 23 02 S S4 e a 00 AUska Parker' ov Oceanic Steamship 4 Pacific Statea Telenbeae 108 California Wine .... Pacific Coaat Borax 152 California Fruit Cannera' , 08 WALT. STRXZT 0088 IP. New York. Oct. 10. The Well Street Journal aaya: Bank of England rate Is ancbsnged. Americana alow hv Ixmdon and heavy, to below parity. amalgamates aivioena today. Purther advance la price of Pound ry Iron thla week. Oeorgs J. (lou Id resigns the chairman- Ailp of the Wabaah. Japanese money continues to keep steady. Rate are easy and advance le expected. Tli banka gained from the euhtreae ury alnce Krlday $1,808,000. Teiaa A Pacific for tbe second week of October show decrease cf $40,447. ..."' , OOatSTOCK aturnffj, STOCKS. San Fraelsco, Oct. 19. Official clos, mora- Ing session: Rid. Bid. evsge .84 Potosl,, 15 T'nloa sCon. .. .68 Yellow v Jacket. .25 Bullion 9 .88 Belcher ' 81 Con. -CaL-Ve... 1.85 pblr t.87 isieoonia ..... .en IKxehequer ...... .62 Mexlesa ... 1.88 I Hale A Ndrcroa 1.26 ... .20 I Scorpion ...J... .12 Aadee vxw york ocas. KewYo1ftL Oct. 10. Carb close i , Bid. I Bid. . 18 :.?,2 Oneaolldated .... 1 Int. Msrlne '. . . do preferred... To do prererrea. Greens topper. .v. Z7 Interbormigh nreen Oold . ...ITenu. Copper .:::;s5 d.... 8,1 klacke Co.. A 4nil Pa Dec to preferred... 18 I do prererred. Kew Tork Silver. New Tsrk. Oct. 10. Silver I sooted St I Xataallahad 11. oinipjuitmsa mmm Thooaaads la Psrtlaad aad aD evse th aortawsst caa testify s ea great aad ex ample GONORRHCEA May as attended with the gravest oempHc. ttoua If neglected or Impreparly treats. We have a perl 0 treatraeat wale earss gulckly, safely aad pslslassly. SYPHILIS la another scoelred SIsmm. th ravage f which when tally developed ao pea eaa describe. Whs It shewe by ekla eruptloa er by sores la moeth or throat Its horror re already ben. W aafely end taer- eughly ear yo aad a mlnsral employed. VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE We treat aad ear, ant by the eld samrreel procedure, hut by painless sjetaed solely ear ewa. We UkewUe will ear yea and save yea the afferlng sssoelate wttk a ail ass uaauixy, bsex axaaassa. ir"ri Sparaaatarrbeae, Kaeturaal Rmlssleaa, P mature Osetlna, Less ef Memoir, laargy and Amkitiea la tbe briefest time It can be done aad wp Insure yea a eafe end positive sere. Consnltstioa and examination free. Write for symptom blank ed book U yea eaaaot Office Hours! S a. m. to 8 V, st, Saa. Says. 10 te 12. st, Louis :;. . Mtdlcat and Surgical DISPENSARY Cor. M aad TaaxaHI ss rertUad. Or. TONE JERY GOOD III THE LIVESTOCK MARKET Hogs Are Now Steady -Others Are Quoted Stronger With Price the Same. Portland TJnkm Stockyard. Oct. H. Live stock receipt: Bog Cattle Sheep Today 60S 82 64 weea ago .......awo ... aw Prevlou week 267 ! 100 64 Month ago 76 ' 230 There ia a good ton all through the live stock market today. Hog are steady, while tbe feeling in cattle, aheap and calves I vary strong. Prlcea th sum, Official price for livestock: Hogs Beet eaatera Oregon. $8.7506.00: block ers and China fata, $5.0005.60; stocker aad feeders. $4.60. fettle .Rest eaatera Oregoa steers, $S.25( $.60; light snd medium steers, $2 0n2.2B; light cows, $2.262.50; stocker and feeders, $2-2541 2.60; bulls. $1.60. Sheep Wethers, StSe: mixed aheep, 8) 8e; straight ewes, S28e; aprtng Umba, C'sltes Oood veal. ISO te 20 pounds, $esc; rough heavy, $e3e. . . , EASTXRV HOOS YlRat, Chicago, Oct. -'1. Livestock receipt: Hog Cattle . Sheep fhlcag 30.000 lo.ono Kanaaa City 10.000 12.000 8.000 Omaha 8.000 4.000 11,000 Hoga opened firm with 7.000 left over. Re celnta year ago were 18.000. Prlcea: Mixed. $4.065.66; good, S5.2SO5.50; rough. $4,850 5.00; light. $4-05OB-S- Cattle Strong. Sheep Steady. . ' COTTON IS ELEVEN TO ' FIFTEEN POINTS HIGH Kew York. Oct. IS. Cotton futures eiossd 11 to IB point higher. Official quotation by Overbeck, Starr A Cook company: Open. High. Low, January ! loin February ....iuiu mis March 1016 10S2 April Mar 1026 1041 1010 1014 June ..1020 1040 July .1033 1033 October November ana December 003 1008 ROSTOV COPPER STOCKS. Boston, Oct. 10. Official etc: . Bid. I Rid. I 81.00 , 112.50 . 3T.2S l.TS , 10T.0O Adventure Atlantic , $ 0 25 lid Domlnloe 28.25 (Oaceola , 47.60 I Parrot S1.B2 Pboenlx 118.80 IQulncy ....... 685.110 I Una noon Alknten ...... Bingham .... Cel. Aria... Calumet Copper Range. Centennial ... Daly West ... Elm . Orsnhy Greene Mohawk ...a Michigan .... Maaa Kortk Brack.. S.STli T1.T5 ITamarack .... 120 ) WJ- I A - 1TUIIIJ ....... 0.TS SS.SO S.TS lo 60 122.00 48.2S 84.00 as. so 14.25 I'nMed 8.2B T.!H ZT.SS 60.00 ' 1S.80 10. T8 SS.OO Victoria nTtson vVolvarln ... 'Uh 11. S. Mining. soyai CHI0A00 LOCAL STOCKS. Chicago, Oct. IS Local stocks: . Bid. I Bid. Blscnlt S4K carbon St do preferred ..118 I do preferred ...114 Boiboard l'ilnis. Match ......10T do preferred.... 12 Tkwl 4T Consolidated ..... 10 V West Side By.... Si do preferred... 70 I Booth Side By... 0S North Side By... 80 8uhwy , 42H mtw tokk oorrri kabxit. New Tork. Oct. 10. Coffee futures cloaed IS to IB points lower. urnrlsl qnotsiions: Bid. Ask. BM. Ask. Janaary .. .S8.7S Sfl.80 sly S7.28 fT.SO renruary. .. a. To n.iai Aunai .... t.p 10 March S.0O 7 ,00 September .. 7 40 7 48 Awll ...... 7.B T.lOMIctnber .... S.58 (ft Msy ....... 7 IS 7.20Sovemher .. S.SS 0 June T.SO T.26i December .. S.SS S.7S OREGON BUTTER WINS EXPOSITION JURIES Th. W.' B. Qlafk. company of thla city has jut received Ita certificate' of the award or a aiiver meoai for tn peat quality of butter packed In cans. Th state of Oregon received th. gold medal; the Olafke company receiving the high est award for an Individual exhibitor. Oregon butter has been recognised at three exposition as the beat produced; the Glafk. company receiving the high rat medal st Buffalo snd s gold medal at Charleston. ' - Three Xnabaads Ask Slvoroe. . Three husbands began sulta for di vorces this morning In th. circuit court. Louis E. Kulme alleges that he married Leona M. In this city July 10, Itot, snd that October IS, 101, sh. deserted her home. Alleging groee drunkenness, John E. Toung ha asked for s divorce from Maud Young, the couple having been narrled In Portland February 14, 1SSI. Married In Ruabon, Denblgahlre, North Wales. May It, 1S74. William Mason wishes to get s divorce ' from Mary Mason, alleging sh. deserted him Is m, -while the, coupl. .were living Is Colorado.. PrefMrred Stock Oaaaed eosds. Allen Xetwir Best Brand. , rinaa. 10O6i08 10I3&I5 1021i((22 . ... lo-JHti'W 1024 1081i2 1020 10851b 81 1033 HU7a:i9 0W 070 07RM75 087 078 ' 0THil 088 0W1W04 Get Cut of tlio i-::i of taking . a daily tiose to relieve consti pation. This means a daily .injury to sensitive organs. ; Get to tKe cause of the trouble Cure your Chase ... Constip ation called VeWets by those who Know ' will cure the worst case of constipation. They : make your digestive organs do their work regularlynaturally. 25 la wstch-shsps botdea, fit - west pocket, SJ cent. Your drnf rlA, or FOR SALE BY WOODARD, CLARKE ft CO. INA .-.... ' " ... ' We treat success fully all prltrsta ner vous snd ehronle dlaeasea of m.n: ale blood, stomach, haart. liver, kidney and throat troubles We ur STPHILIS (without m.rcury) te stay cured for. ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In IS days. We stop drains, night loaaes and spermatorrhea by new method In s week. , We can reatora the sexual visor of any man under SO by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. Wo Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week 1 Trie doctors f this lnatJtut er an regular araduataa. hav had many yaara experience, hay. been known In Portland for is years, hav. a reputatloa t to maintain, and will nndertake no caa. I nnleaa certain cur. can' b. effected. We guarantee a cur. In .vary caa. we" nndertake or charge no fee. Conaulta- -tlon free. Letter confldentlat Inatruc tlve BOOK FOR UKN mailed free. Is .plain wrapper. . w :,ir wvr.t caeea of pllea tlon. Cur. ruaranteed. If you cannot call st offlca, writ Offlo. twars. to snd T to . Cnndsys snd holidays. IS to It, DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offlcee la Van Noy Hotel, life Third Street, Corner Pine. Portlatvav Oiw t 7 v- nA LO eases, cancer, paraiysi. tumor, atnmaKh. liver and He aumDtlon wh.n th. victim Is not ' ft-Wapssi ir snd will stop hemorrhage D an Incredibly short time. He brew his own medicines from Chines, roots, herb, buds, barks and vegetable teas, all of which are entirely harmless, and whoa, medicinal properties are unknown to American doctors He uses In hla practlo. over SOS dif ferent Oriental remedies. Hundreds of testimonials from grstaful pa tlents. - . - DR. WI1NO LEE n mTOBTx ronv mm. . ' poBTtAjm, osatHnr. z OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO . Members Chicago Board of Trsdc '''t ' , nainr nnvrnoa. flottos, BTOCaTB Abtb aOBTBaL 101 Third Street,: McKay Building, Portland, Or. ." ; , Wl BO A TmXCTZ.T OOMMZUXOXf IvtTJm Continuous Msrkets by Private 'Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCE La dd ek Tllton. hankers, and United States National Bank of Portland. . . KRUGERS NEPHEW IS HEIR TO LARGE ESTATE Victim of Iroquois Fire Leaves Wealth to Man He-Thought , to Be on Oregon Ranch., , (Special Dlapatek to The Journal.) Seattle, Wsah.. Oct. I.-"- Paul O. Kruger. grandnephew of Oora Psul, who lectured through Washington snd Ore gon two years sgo for the Boer caune. la being searched for In the northwest, where It Is believed ha Is living some where on a ranch. A fortune of t&O.OOo' Swalts him when h. is found. '' On January S, 104. among" tha vic tim of th. Iroquola theatre fir. In Chi cago, waa B, P. Rhetm and his family. Kruger Is th. only surviving heir of Mrs. Rhetm, who left em .stats valued at IS8.0O0, a lerg ahare of which la In Oerraany. Kruger, who, besides being a doctor of divinity, la a lax a physician, for three yeara looked sfter patl.nts In the Cook county hospital In Chicago. During hla renldencs In that city ho lived with the Rhetsxa. Before the estate can. be set tled. K roarer tnuet r found. ' According to Informstlon received in Montana, where th. laat news ef him la to be had. he left Mlamoula let. In ISO! for the nnrthweet, statins he wou ' locete on a farm either la Vanhlr" tr C. a. f Constipatioi. Tablets cts. " chase ura. co. NwburKli.N.T. mi H thr. treataaanU. wltaoat ap for tneertlon blank. Boms treatment eeeoee The Great Chinese Doctor CAT EH IN ' SINCE PORTLAND ISSO .... W EEIC R. Is sailed great because bs cures ail dlaesaaea without reaorting to the knife. Call and hav. a free examlhatlon. Ha .will tell you th. exact nature of your trouble. He treats successfully .v.ry form of fe male complaint, all private and blood dis rnaumauem an haa had BTeat sucoess In curing eon- too r.uch run down by trie sis 0WaTTjro, xoTamre m otv. (EaUbllahed U.S.) - wkckat aura stock bkokiii aVooss 4, tvsaut Tlar, " ouinn or ooiiatnoa. Terns GREAT SNAP ft OOO Excellent corner, I houses; brings good Interest now; ss buelnea eorner It sQ) -treble In yslue In s shor time. Don't mta this. W. TVCTS. 14T ', r- ; . X ', Rev. Mr. r CMH-" 13 A I- , , 3Uf?B to . bvesitit $459 .Cc:;rzy toy 151 J St- Stmt f;. f i