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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, Jl-UT.ZDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19 UCS.. GOHS READY FOR PULLHAH ; Oregon Agrics Will Put Powerful Team In Against Their . Washington Brethren. -, WILL REPRESENT TEAM OF SEASONED PLAYERS Coach Steckle Will Send His Best ' Men Against Visitors Willamette's 'J Defeat of Pullman Yesterday Will - ' Compel Conrallis to Work Hard. ; ' . "' (SneVial Diss, tea t The JonraaLi COrvalirs. Oct. " lev uoctu uun"i '" at a considerable tension over the game tier next Saturday' afternoon between . . ik. -ktu11uMAr Marina i tngton and .Oregon. Nearly all the mem ', tx-rs of thje team played together last year and under the same coach, and were only beaten by -the narrowest mar- glna by Idaho and . the University of waamnvTAn in ini casei ui iu v-w team only by a goal kick. ' Nk. ..... - .I... rtr Afaclrl will DUt en the field agalnet them Is an aggre gation of seasoned veterans, probably .m anliut Multnomah ' VWVIiad IUM4 .... 1 last Christmas. The team work may not be quit so perfect, end.J.he speed . will probably not be quit so great, but In all other reapects the team will be all per lor. . xwwry yimjvr m wtw . , .' veteran, with a captain and ez-eaptain 'of the Albany college eleven as units In the- phalanx. These are Sam Dolan. right tackle, and John L, Griffith, who, ' with Kmily and Kenneth Cooper, will . "man the ends, or If need be, do stunts -a halfback, at which poiition Orlffltb a.. " ao. I navpairtta eanl TWtloif will be the regular-tacklea, Dunlap and ; Btindy the regular guards, and Dow , 'Walker center, with an abundance of : (good men available for all these places in case f emergency. ' . The backs' will be the same that played in the Chrlatmas game on Mult- mmth field. They are Root, right half; Williams, left half; Rlnehart. quarter. ana Aonuuun, caitea nore ina puo-urtT-log Swede." fullback. Three of theee becks have . a stripped :, weight of pounds '.and 'they are fairly speedy. Beet of all. however, aa a resource for - Jhe game. Is the belief that the defense of the team la of a quality never before attained here. It is yet new. and .the occasion early for certain measurement' of what this defense really Is, but Dr. Bteckle's .own belief la that, , barring accidents, -it will . show to a good ad vantage in Saturday's, game, and also against the University of California la the gam at Berkeley the following Sat- I J urdsy.- j . The "fact that Willamette' defeated Pullman yesterday, 10 to .' does not - make the outlook any brighter for Cor '.tallle. -f j-.-m i... . .. ..', i . ; : . -,' - BaeUg at yamaloa. . .. eraal Special gsrrlo.) . New 'York, Oct- 1. Jamaica race results: . Park ' - - Six f urlongs-Oold Rose won, Fronts. M, TAUaa lhM t m, 1-111.1 Mile and a quarter The Southerner -won. Oro second, Sonoma Belle third; 'A time. $:.- . , :. Five a Ad a half furlong La, Sor cere re won. Andrta. "second, . Herman jonnson intra; time. 1:0. 'Handicap,' mile and a sixteenth da raare won. Wood Saw second. True 'Wing third; time. 1:471-1. Coy Maid 'flnlahauf first tmt mmm rilaniiallMaA n. ' -fouling.- - - Ftve and a half ! furlongs Delude won. Usury aeoond. Caprice third; time, '11. .- ; T y i Mile and a sixteenth Banker won, brilliant second. Copper third; time, 1:41 J-i. . mm JUST RECEIVED A HANDSOME LOT OF LATEST . NEW YORK 1 V STYLES Sec Window ''-Display iZn'Jczhtoffion St ' Hotel Perkins Building - ' '',-.'' L RfeW THE CB DISPUTES JII Local Fans Blame Ed Rankin for the Loss of Yesterday's Came to 'Frisco. Saa Frsnclsoo 4. Portland I. . Batteries Williams and Wilson; alrk and McLean. Ed Rankin was given a warm recep tion at Recreation park yesterday, the fane thinking that Ed was not In favor of the home team.- Of course no one w'lll ever be able to aay that Ed Is dis honest, because he has always borne a reputation for honeaty and fair play. It's hard to please a home orowd when the home team loses through errors and other things. It looks to the fair-minded that Ed would not Intentionally give Portland a rough deal, because he was the lone man. In that entire engagement yesterday who was a real representative of Portland. The rest were strangers. Even If things did go against Portland, Ed Rankin Is too loyal a Portlander to add to local misery by rubbing It In. . One must consiuer that umpires are as fallible aa players, and that a team making five errors, on of which la responsible for two runs, and a passed ball for another ran. haa very little license to wla a game, especially when the other- team playa errorless ball. Anyway, the game waa lost, the crowd waa angry. McCredle was chased to the clubhoua and mean thlnga were said about Rankin. Thla Is the sad. sad story, merely this and nothing more. Here la the official tabulation: . PORTLAND. . AH. R H. Prt. A- KL Ats. es 4 a i l 4 1 van Buren. jr. ...... a Mitcneii, lb. 4 II Hehlany, lb. Mciyeun. e. . McHale. cf. Sweeney, lb. Catea, rf. . . . Esalck, p. Totals ; . 21 J 14 IS SAN' FRANCISCO. - AB.R.H.PO.A.E. Waldron, cf. Mohler. 2b. Spencer, If. S 1 I 0M4 0 1 1 a i l i o e NeaJon, lb Householder, rf. lrwm. id. -Oochnauer, w uson. c. , . . . Williams, p. .. Totals ........ 4 4 IT II I SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland . . ...... tMtlll 01 Hits . - IIIIIH 0 I San Francisco ,,.,1 I 1 I M I 4 Hits . iltllll 4 - SUMMARY. ' 1 Struck out Bv Esslck. E: bv Wll. Hams, I. Bases on balls Off Esslck, I; off Williams, 2. Two-base hits Esalck, irwin. . nnl base on errors Han Fran cisco. 4. Double play Williams to Nea- Ion to Irwin. Left on bases Portland, I; Bn Francisco. I. Sacrifice hits Schlafly, McLean, Householder, ' Mohler, Williams. Btolen bases McHale, Nea- Im fft. k. . I 1 1 Wilson. Pasaed ball McLean. Time Of grams Two hours. Umpire Rankin. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. . CLtwa. ' 0kliul Los Anaeles . Sn rraorisee 5.1.1! 8 Si .M 5 5 i, ; .8.11 .KYt fori land . sVattl ... .H4 .42B Imt 33 iiMsojaamiiBT Stall rail of Srrora, 1 v (Jearaal Special Serrleal San Francisco, Oct. II Seattle and Oakland played a game full of errors yesterday and as Oakland'a were the worst the Slwashee won the game. The score: ,., , .-. , -. . . ,. . - . ' " '' n. II v. Seattle .'.....'. .1 A A I IS t 4 K Oakland - - 10001000 0 1 S I Batteries Shields and Blankenahln: Blexrud and Byrnes. , Angels Sit the Ban.; . Jearoal IpeHal Brrrtce.) " Los Angeles. Oct. II. Th Angels out- batted the Tigers yesterday and. had no difficulty In winning. Eager and Cray vath scored home runs. Th score: ' R. H. E. Los Angeles . . . ! 1 0 1 1 0 0 12 0 Tacoma . .... .. .1010000 4 7 I Batteries Toiler and Eager: Emer son, Brown and Orahara. ' SPORTING GOSSIP. The .Willamette 'varsity eleven de feated the Pullman team yesterday aft ernoon on . the Willamette gridiron by the score of 1 1 to . The game waa the hardest-fought contest aver witnessed In the capital city and It waa won through superior generalship and bet ter team work at ths earliest atages. The Pullman men were flushed with their successes In several games, and were confident of defeating Willamette, thereby adding one more scalp In ths queet for northwest championship hon ors. It wss a truly great game of foot ball. The young men charged with great force, tackled unerringly and ran with daring and judgment. Willamette, In tight places, showed better training. though In several instances their quar terback gave Impossible playa, on the third down with four and five yards to go,- when a punt waa most necessary. Pullman's quarterback was also at fault In - thla . respect, missing several good chances to drive the ball far Into the opponents' territory. Pullman got offj her plays faster than Willamette, but the Interference waa oftentimes un wieldy. causing- the man with the ball to stumble. Willamette fumbled a number 'of time, - and didn't recover one. In punting Willamette outklcked Pullman. ; Pullman worked the Salem boys to a standstill on trck plays. Tackle would be sent around tackle, while the Inter ference would swing .the opposite way, and a number of times the Willamette ends were drawn in, once with fatal re salts, when the fake allowed Pullman to score. The eeore was 0 to ( at the end of the first half. The game waa cleanly played, but two penalties being inflicted,-" Pullman being punished 10 yards for holding. No prettier game waa ever played In this section of the country, and Corvallis and Oregon had better look to thlr Inurels. Bath Pull man and Willamette are very formid able. '... Terry MoOovern showed old-time form last night, when he defeated Tommy Murphy In the first round of a elx round go at Philadelphia. He battered Murphy right and left, and the referee ended the uneven contest. v . ' ' ' e "Farmer" Bums defeated M. J, Dwyer In a wrestling match last evening at Dee Moines, winning the second and third falls. ilUDElTE IIS HARD CATTLE "Chancy" Bishop's Well Trained 1.ftdt Show Visitors How . to Play Football. PULLMAN SCORES ON - WELL PLAYED FAKE Contest Was Most Bitterly Fought Ever Seen in Salem and Rooters Go Wild With Joy Gam Was Cleanly Played Victory Honestly Earned. ' (Special Dlipstre t The Jooraat) Willamette - University, Salem, Oct II. Willamette football team won from the heavy team from Pullman yesterday by. the score of ll to f. Captain Stewart won the'toss ana Pullman .received the kick. Philbrook, Willamette's left guard, kicked tkto ball out of bounds. The ball was brought back to the center of the field and kicked to the 10-yard line, where It waa fumbled by Jones', and as b,e regained the fumble, he was downed In his tracks by Nace. W. A. C. tried three . line buck but failed to make yardage. Pollard, for Willamette, made four yards by a straight- buck, Rader one. Nac two, Pollard t three - and Rader fumbled, falling to make a touchdown. Washington punted out 40 yards. Pol lard advanced the ball 10 yards, Phil- brook I and Rader went - over for a touchdown... Tim, t minutes.- Rader kicked the goal. Philbrook kicked off to 25-yard line. W. A. C. by tackle "bucks advanced- the ball 26 yards and here they were held for downs. Nac and Rader made their yardage, then W. U. lost the ball on downs. Jones of W. A. C circled W. U.'s right end for 16 yards. Here WIN lamette braced up and held the farmers for downs. After a series of bucks Willamette was forced to punt; Coleman booted th ball for fir yarda. Pullman was not able to make their yardage. W. U. made yardage, two. downs and then fumbled. Her W. A. C. mad their yardage three times' and Harding car ried the ball 26 yards for a touchdown. Nlssen kicked . the goal. Philbrook kicked th ball to W. A. C.'s 26-yard Una. After making 26 yards W. A. C. lost the ball on downs, Patton advanced the ball 16 yards. Ford 6", ending the half with 'the ball In Willamette's possession on th 10-yard line. i Th Second Xaalf. I W. A. C. kicked off In the second half and Henkle- advanced th ball to the 40 yard line. Unable to make their yard-1 age, W. C. was forced to punt. W. A. C. failed to make yardage. Patton and Philbrook advanced the ball five yards. Pollard three, and the ball went to W. A. C. on their 26-yard line and they failed to make yardage. Ford for W. U. advanced the ball yards, Nace 4, Henkle 2. Pollard 6. Ford 7, Nace t. Pollard t. W. A. C. held Willamette for downs on their three-yard line and punted 20 yards. Nac caught th punt and returned It 10 yards. By a series of buck by Nace, Pollard and Rader, Pol lard waa sent over, for a touchdown. Th .. goal .. was missed. Philbrook kicked off to W. A. C.'s 16-yard line. A series of plays by W. A. C. forced the ball to the center of the field, and fall ing to make yardage, W. U. returned th ball to W. A. C.'s 40-yard line by a punt. W. A. C. advanced the ball twice and on th third attempt Nelson and Pollard broke ' through and got the man carry ing the ball behind th line, forcing W. A. C. to punt. W. U. had possession of the ball In the center of the field, when time was called. The girls' student association tendered both football teams a reception in the society halls In 4h evening after the game. Th lineup was: W. U. ' Position. W. A C. Nelson ' C Stewart (C) Philbrook R. O. L Morgan Marker i.L. O B........ Collins Pollard (C). R.T. L. Thayer Kellar L. T. R Sapp Henkle'... R. E. L Wexler Coleman ....... .L. E. R. ... Ooldsworthy Ford .......... .R. H. L. , Jones. Nace-Lounsbury.L. H. R Nlssen Rader F.. Hardy Patton .Q .' Spauldlng Length of halves 26 and 20 minutes. Touohdowns Pollard. Nace and Hard ing. Referee W. Lair Thompson. Um pireJohn A. Horan. Lineman Cheater A. MacArthur. - - , Football at Forest drove. (Special Dlapatch to Tba Journal.) . Forest Grove, Or., Oct. 1. Next Saturday the university team will meet the eleven of the City Athletic club on the college campus. A return gam with Hill Military academy will be played In Portland on October 22. , . The Thanksgiving game haa been scheduled to be played with McMlnn vllle collega On November 4 th 'varsity will go' to Salem to compel with th High school team of that city. OREGON STUDENTS ARE HAPPY OF RESULT (Special Dlapatch te Ths Journal.) University or Oregon, Oct. 1. For the first time In the history of ath Her .-Fn Again HaIRHBALTh alwara beaut of root to int hair, atone balr fall inc. remove dandruff, kills tb g.ria. Make balr soft, glossy, luiurtaot. Aided by HARPINA SOAPaaoothae aad beala. destroy nlerabe. (tops iteblns sod pro mote no hair growth. Mr. Masea, Kut t.Uburi a, W. Vs., says of Bay's HAIR HEALTH ."Find iDCloetd 2.TB for six bottle HAIIt BKALTH. Am d.ltgbtad with bottle seat S3.. Being ao young. It almost killed me to bare my hair getting white long before I waa an eld woman: but, lEanka te HAIR HBALTH, no gray balr can be found la any head. Hit XX need all of oe bottle.1' Large BOe. bottle, druggtau'.- Taks-aota, leg. without Phllo Hay Oo. signature. FREE SOIP mtiiM&JK- Slga this, tak t any of following drug glat. and get Boe. bottle Hlrbeltk and K. eak Bartna 8op, medicated, both for BOe.t regilar price 24e.i er sent by Phllo Hay Co., "'ark. H. J., prepaid, foe Or. snd this de. Frv soap sot glrea by drugglat wltkoal thla entire adf. aad 60c. for Hairbealth. , , Kane ' Addrees... , WOODABB, OXABXS k OO, aad Weaking-toa rbs. romrta mtnrei color and 1 '1 Guarantz? To Groiy Dnir" t inn a To .Prove It, I Send a Trial Pack' age Free By MaiL ;', My ilMwrerr setaallr stows sale.' stnna falllas out. maoves dandruff sail aul klr re. More laiurUut rrowth to sblnlag scalps, ere. brows tod !& and Quirk Ir reotoroa rr. v or faded hair to Its natural eokw. Writ today. CUT OUT THIS COUPON for thla offer, nay sot snpear scala. Fill oat th. blanks and mall it to J. t Btnkea, Vlsr:, 4240 'oau Bulldlne. Cincinnati, onto, enrloalnc a 3-ceat stasap te kelp eon pastas. I bare, never tried Ffea Hatr sad Seals Remedj. but If yoa will srad nte s trial pack(. by nail, prepaid, free, I will aae It. ei - sa titr full addrw writ plainly. No Pain No Pain INICE TEETH W are the discoverers and originat ors of the only reliable and aclentlflo system of Painless Dentistry. We ex tract, crown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen years. Our work la th best, our prices th lowest con sistent with first-class works EXAM INATION FREE. Our plates- are trade tec table from th natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit FILLINGS eoe, T5o and fl.OO GOLD CROWNS S5.00 BRIDGE WORK SO-OO FULJ SET NATURAL TEETH ... SSOO Open foe laslnees . aatU s o'clock evening. Boston Painless Dentists tSUi Morrison Opp. Kale k Frank WBOi STVBfeOIDjO. HOURS--:t0 a. m. to S D. m. Bun- day. S:S0 a. m. to 12:20 p. m. letlcs a northern football team haa been able to scor against Stanford, and for this reason the student at the Uni versity of Oregon are making merry and are In no manner disappointed over the 10 to 4 soor that th southern unl versify ran up against Oregon yester day afternoon at Palo Alto. Praise of the men that composed th team -are being sung on all sides today and the students are anxiously awaiting the games with the Methodists and the Farmers, just to see what their team can do. The trip south Is' mor than satisfactory and means much Vhefl It comes to ranking the team of the year. The team will arrive this morning and will resume training Immediately. Lightning Does It. By treating Whit River Flour with air which haa been shattered (Ionised) by a flaming electrlo discharge (light ning) th following ha been accom plished: Certain oily- properties have been ex pelled from Oregon blueatem wheat, leaving -the flour beautifully white. Imparting a lightness of quality a certain liveliness; enhancing It ab sorptive or bread-making qualitlei; In creasing its dlgeatlbllity. White River Flour won a gold medal and special mention by the Jury of awards at the Lewi and Clark fair. There's a guarantee . with every sack which allowp you to try It at our risk. AJLiUCXX at LKVVla, AT THE THEATRES. "Ben Hur" Tonight Th monatar productive ef "Bi Rnr" at tb. Marqoam urand th.atr.. on liorrlaoa tret. btwea Klxth and aVrtntb itrMin. will N tor th first tln tonlcht. Tb attrac tloo come to tb Marqnam Improved In ansnr way, with additional emery and othur .quip. mrnt, ana is certain to n s orawinf -r.rd that will fill th thcatr every rrvnlng. Beat an now selling for tn nlr encagtment. . -V At t&eBelaeco. . Whits Whlttlaey and th Bclaare stork com pany continue to pleaa larce at tb Hlae la "sncnaian, or tb Maid of BatbV wblcb Is the attraction for tbe wetk. "Star Show Qirlg." .L The "Star Show Olrls" Is -wrswlng tare crowd to tb Baker tb.atr this wak. lb vaUdevllM f.nis are of xclleat quality, Thla orsanlsatlon will remain at th Third atreet playbovae all weekr eonrhidlag Saturday nifni, wiu a naiinee Mioraay, ' "Why Women Sin." . "Why Worn Bin." while enfolding a thrill log story, with a bark a; round of (mile preten sions, nevertbele afforda tbev ooblo pnrpoa of a tremendoa moral lesson. The Intense plot I happily alternated with bright comedy. "Why Women Bin" will prove aa acceptable oferlng at th Empire theatre next week, aurt Ing with th oanal matinee Honda. ,HoneBt:Heats., There are few play tearing the eonntry this eaeoa thst'h.T. met with more general pril I ... g Ziaet Xope Vanished, - When lending physicians, said that W. M. Bmlthart, of Pekln, la., had In curable consumption, his last hope Vanished; but Dr. King's tytw Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds kept him out of his grave. He says: "This great - epeclflo completely cured me, and saved my life. HI no then I have used It for over 10. yea re, and consider It a marvelous throat- and lung cure.'' Htrlctly scientific cure for Coughs. Sore Throats or Colds; sura preventive of I'neumonla. Guaranteed, ROo and $1.00 bottle, at fikldmore Irtig Co., 161 Third street. Trial botUe free. . . ''t BBIBlf agesl $sm Ten---. Is"' . -i 41 - -af etm a, In English, - he takes his German paper home with 'him ' and reads every word of it That is one reason why ad vertisements in THE NACHRICHTEN bring larger, returns for a given expenditure than advertisements in any other Portland publication. Ring us up our Phone is Main 1418 and let us show you"-some of the actual results we have produced. And it is results you want. We German Publishing Go. G. v FIRE I FIRE ? FIRE 1 WAIT! THE BIG Mill (The Celebrated New Era Paints and Varnishes) ' . will not begin until riiext mmm AT 208 FRONT STREET Between Taylor and Salmon DON'T BUY PAINTS UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICES they will be the least you ever heard oft They will be leas than yon ever dreamed of before. These Paints, Stains and Varnishes are just as good as they ever were, yet they were in the building when it burned.. WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BIGGEST PAINT BARGAINS IN THE UNITED STATES NEW ERA PAINT & VARNISH CO. 208 FRONT STREET. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON 1 : : uring Good Weather o Your PAMNG 0 . Timms, Cress & Co.'s Fire Sale - at 145 First Street Is a lively place these days. Do not miss this oppor tunity to save some money. thaa th new pastoral drama which Kllmt and Oaaaalo sr preaentlng st the Umpire theatre thla weak. "Honest Hearts." Th story la told In many Interesting and plctnretqne arene snd with sn extraordinary amount of humor and typical eonthera character. Th regular gat urday matins will be given. ' "JoUy Grass Widowgi- ' "The Jolly Oraas Widow" wiH b the effer Ing at the Baker theatre for eoe-week commenc ing next Itanday matinee with a popular price matinee on Wednesday. ' The show open. With a Wg first prt entitled "The Widow's Wedding MKht." or "th matrimonial Club." tatrodurlnc Mil. Jeanette flntrhard aa tbe widow. Thla I an olio of auperjallre merit. The performance ermclnde with a f tinny barleequ 0)tltled 'The Hlsa ef tb Light.". - VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. Melody at the Star. Kvery one familiar with vsndevlll ha beard of CovrtrlcM and Lei, the team of comedian at the Star this week. Power and Freed bar a mimical comedy act; Ida Kusaell a brtxht entertainer; Breen and Baser have a comic operetta; Harry Cllntia Sawyer does character Imnemonatlone, and the remainder ef the bill Is brltfbl and attractlr. Fathou Mtrrhmitt VrirVrara Viof hiwr 1 1 v v.. oaaww m mans are his surest and best : know it, yourself. You also know ' that,, while a German may, and generally does, read papers published P. KELLER - - - Manager Mj - Human Bridge'' Act - Tnotaht. Friday and Ratnrday nlghta, at the first show. KantcIL, the uronaaet man tn the world, will do hi "bnmnn bride" feat, lifting from 10 to IS men. . This ts aurb an exhanatlT effort that he will perform it bat one each nlaht at the Orand. Saturday morning at 40 'clock Santell will deUrer a free lecture on phyelca! cnltor to the children of Portland at ta Grand. , t . . a ' ' ... "A Prisoner of War. Of all tbe playe that hare been prodaced far thla seaaon at the I.rrlc. "i f. . t War" la probably tbe moat popular. Tbe play I s strong war drams containing many thril ling situation. The tntrmllonsare always relieved of their tiresomeness at the Lyric by aperlaltle between aets. ' Wkat'e la a Vasaef "tnteatlnal Indlaectlon" the new nam for multitude of abnmarri troubles. It la tb reenanlaed caiiae of heart disease, kidney trouble, constipation. AatnlincT IsHsmmetlon of the bladder, neuralcl. headaches, ausalneM, appenaicltM and rheumatism. Ur-een's August rkrwer goej right after Inteerlaal Indlaeatlon and quickly clear It out of th Intestinal tract, apeedlly raring any or all ef the ail ment mentioned. Trial bottle, 2Rc. Big bot tle. Tile. .At all drag fists. 0t Vreess' . aa o1m fmm- ate w laaaj 1 ' customers. " You XDUOATZOVA&. WANTED .Ambitious young rneit to equip themselves for business careers. - aoauuona ior cvciy grauu- ate. Placed 207 last year. Writ direct to Dept. 31 for Catalog;. CoaVtrojr PORTLAND, OREGON. Hill Military Academy miuiART ACyUaXMT, arTinolpal. A Privet and Boarding School foe Boys, Hannal Train' Ing, Military Dtacl bub. Coll. re Prvu- . a ration. parent and loftiest ambitions ef Tenth n roars red and devcloeed. Boye ef aay eg admitted at any tlsw. TBBX VOW OFIJT. Send for Uhaatrated MUlogn. containing fall lafacstatwa. term, etc Address Hill Military Jteadmmy - -POBTLAND. OBBOOM. Some people think that ' there Is no place for their daughtera In the busineaa world. But there Is plenty of room for well-qualified stenog raphers, and "our girls" are assured a pleasant and permanent position upon completion of our Shorthand course. Our system Is the most sim ple, the most readable and the beat. All male teaobare. The Multnomah Business Institute rboae Stala 4S06. M Wztk St. Oregon Portland St Helens Hall A Girls' School of the high est class. Corps of teachers, location, building, equipment -the best. . Send for catalogue. ' Fall Term Now Open owned. speclaJIsta, Lieweatjvrleea, cosUtot wlta flrst-elaag Oe te the ' " - NEW YORK DENTISTS VOUBTaf AJTO KOBaXSO STaV, Opea day and night, front atsn.. statu Is aw sn. RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Tansy Wafers Origi nal and only genuine Put up In. yellow wrapper and "Crown" . trademark. For sals by ths . ; v LEADING DRUGK3IST8. GEO. M. STROM, 163 West Park St. EZOIVSITS OOMlfZaOIAt K0T00KATKIK PIinTfl C0PYI3SC AND.E1HURGING illy 1 U A SPECIALTY Beetdeaee Views, Taaeral Work, meek awsvaa, Jaeaaa BevsioptBg, rrasalag. J r Our . t- r-w. 1