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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
12 . TIfE OflEGON DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, niUrDAY EVENING; OCTOBER 19. lSCJ. n J7 in i u BB3BaBBaBBanBBBBOBaSBBSBaasaBABBIaaBBBnBBBBBBSaBamsSBSai Eatsred at the peetoffle of FartMsd, Oregon, lor trssspsrtatioB IhrtiBgh the auuls second tlaaa Miiar. - PesUge bit Jsgls copls: -Tar aa B. M at ft psper. 1 eeut; 1 to 40 pages, 8 ct; U '' 'i , nuraontv - ' Pflrortal Roosaa Mala 250 , Business O'floo Mala 6u0 . roKue adtebttsinb unununn, Vreelsnd-Benjemlu Special Advertising Agency. 1M Nasssn atreet. Hew York! T.-lbune Bulld- , tag. Uilaego. , , . ,' j, trrMcxmrov um ' " Tsrsas by Oarriasv '' Th ttstly JoarasL with Sunday, 1 yar...fTSO Fhs Tally Journal. 1 year a. 00 The Dolly Journal with Hindi?, ssosths. 8.75 Foe Dally Journal months 2 6 The Dally Journal, with Sunday. months. 1.85 rba Dally Journal, S months. ....... ; 1.80 Tbs Dally Journal, with Sunday, I month.. ,60 ' ths Dally, far week, delivered. Ssadsy la- clsded ....... .U . tba Dally, par rsek. delivered. Sunday ax septed .10 ; Tana by BtaO. The Pafly Journal, with Sunday. 1 yssr...$T r6 Pbs Pally Joarssl. 1 roar . B OO rha Dally Journal, wlta Snndsy, 0 month. I TS ba Dally Journal, aiontha B78 rba Dally Journal, with Bnnday, 1 BMathe. 100 . rha Dally Journal. months 1 B- rha Dally Journsi, with Sunday, 1 month.. .08 a Dally Journal. 1 mouth..,........... .M Sunday Joarnal, 1-year.... 2.00 ,aaa unaay joujpal. a moutas. ........... . . The fecal-Wsskly Jeans'. ba Seml-Weeklr Journal, I to It para , sack Issue. Ulnstrated, (all mark at re- fort. 1 yaar , ....$1 80 Remittance should Da made by draft, poatal Botes, express seder and a ma II amounts are kcoaptabla la 1 aad a cant postege stsmpa. ' " the jotjrbal. . ' t. O. B Itl. Portland. Oregoa. WXzmB THE J0TMAL MAT MX TOTTTD. ' Tba Joarnal aaa ka (on ad aa aala at tka -. follnwlna plaraa:- .BOIRK. IDAHO H. Ballar ft Oo. W. K. Ma- Intyra. CHICAGO Poatnfflca Mawa company ITS Daay , born all val. bRNTER. OOLOBADO J. BUck. Blxtaantk aad Cnrtla arraftm. BANSA8 riTT Tia Kay Kaara aompany. MINNEAPOLIS M. J. Eayaaaash. 00 BoatS Third atm-t. KIW TORK rTTT Itrantaaa'a. Tnloa anaara. CM4HA Millard Rot'l awa -btand: Mpgaatk Btrttaocry comnany. ISm raraaai atraat. 'AI.T LAK CITY Kanroa Rotal aVa ataad; Barrow Broa.. 49 Wat Baannd atraat. aaatk. tT LOCIB Pblllp Roadar. 610 Lscaat atraat; . T. Jtt. ana otlra atraat. AN rBAKCIBCO W. B. Ardlinf. PabMa Ratal Bawa arn-(n4 lona Markat atraat; Gold , aailth Broa., M0 Battsr ltmt p,int J Franrfa kotatt rMh. A. Am., a?.., t.Hn. Whaatlar. amrvabla tx-'wa ataad, aor. ""aiaT ana avarncy arraata. RATTLE Rainier AranJ Mara ataadrW. la dihh nratTia nawa ataao. SPOKANE. WA8UINOTON John W. Orakaai A fn. rACOMA. WArTHfltOTO" Cantral Mawa pany; Hotel Taonma aawa atand. VftIA BRITISH COLOMBIA Ttctaria "oak ft Btattoaary company. JWEATHfiR REPORT. , Th bleh prcaaara araa whlrh aanaad tna can! a la tba north hrlflc atataa at now era tral rr Montana. Tamnaratnra a host tha yeatarday caaard kiirj froata la want arn Orrfrna aud waatera Waahlnirton. It la fnolar tbla nomlD la Idaba. Ktrvada. I'tak, araatcra Colorado. Wyonlnir and anatara Moa Una. aad warmer la Brltlak Colombia and araatara Montana. ' Tha wratara' atorm arra baa aaorad to the middle Mtaataalppt valley and kwary raloa baVa awcarred U that aertloa with ailld temparatirraa. Tba enetward moTnrnt of tba hlirb prraaure area vrrr Montana will eaoee a lowly rlalna temperatarra aaat of the Caarade nmuatalna to Irbt and FYlday, and allthtly warmor areathar tnalirht waat of tba Caerade. Tba riaa la tem perature experted wat of the Caarada Bonn, talna. howerer. will ant be anfflrlent to pre t Hltkt froata mmrrlnc tonlbt In expaaed , j iivw .u wra'irarr. AUCTION SALES. BT i. T. Wllaoa at 10 Fire t Friday. Oct. ? . . at m. aa. . a. amn, aacuoaear At SJ1 rirat at.. Friday. October at p. m. C. L Ford, aactlonear, MARRIAGE LICENSES. vi.T".H"."' J- H"". "IdAl Veil, On(oa. 4; Matml B. Dinwiddle. 10. .. Harry B. Leedy. 25; Lnrerta H. Vllea, II. : . Jamea A. Kiirira. 27; Mlnnla Batman. 1. lrrvn D. Kwlna. S; Klrlr Lee. 20. ' Jamea R. Line. 21: Rata Wak in Chirla C. Cain. Ha a Fraacteeo, California,' . 7: arolre C. -Brore. J. , . '""". r. m. a. Aoareaara. 31. rrank .Blaneo, Mather, Oregon, 23; Maria A folio. 18. . , - Wdlaa Oarda. XV. q. Bttrltb ft Co.. Waak. ',a eiua.. T-nr. roarta ana waablnctoa ata. BIRTHS. OBINRON Oetoher t. to Mr. and Mr a. Betk Rohlnaon. 882 Tknrman at reel: a daughter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. -BLACK October 1. Mtaa Blark, 60 Grand aeenne; trpbold feyer. KSHfi.N October 15. Baby Beaaoa of Inlrer- airy Park; diphtheria. DEATHS. KEN WORTHY October 16, John Ken worthy, . aged AO yeara. MM Eaat Pine atreet; cauae. ; r fraetara to hip aad old age.. Burial at Lou - rlr cemetery. KEEN 4cther IT. ' Walter Qreea. aged t yeara. 1S2 Raat Thirty-third atreet: ranae. ; "dema of lungs. Burial at Lone Fir ceme ' tery. - HKION October 16. Rlchardlna I. Nelann. agid 1 year, at Baby Home: ranae. Infantile conrnlaloaa. Burial place not glren. tCHIDA Oetober 17. Kahnrahel I chlda. aged XI yeara, at flood Hamarlian hoaplial; eaoae Injurlea recatred from falling from a aod car. Bniial at I -one Fir cemetery. GLK A RON October 17. 4oaefib A. Gleaaon. 'T Trmr.. 404 r-' Ah atreet; eanae. .,"!,T,0"," Bnr,"l "t" Mary a cemetery. ICitOVKR October 16. Thorn a a W. Hoorer. aged Tl yeara. In Ballard.. Waahlngton: eanae. aephrltla. Bnrlal at Lone Kir cemetery. I w, mTEBTrCW CtMBTEBT Blnla grarea tin. Family lota T0 to 1,000, Tha only eemetery In Portland which per- tpeteally malntalna and earea for lota. For full Inforojatloe apply to W. 8. Markenxle. Wor eeatag Mark, elty. W. M. Ladd. preeldeat. . . r. Flnley ft Boa. funeral direct oca aad embalaera, enraer Third and Madlaoa atreeta. Ofoca of tonnly eoroBet. Telephone Mala B. Dnanlng. MrBntea ft Ollbangh. andertakera and embalmera; modern In erery detail, SeeeBtk .BBd Pln. . Mala 430.- Lady aealatant. , The Edward Holmaa I'ndcrtaklng company, fanerat direct ora and ambalmera. 220 Third at. Phone 007. .. Fnneral wreatha and ent Oowera a epeclaltT at Knee City . Greenhoaaa. Twenty-aecand and riaat Morrlaoa. of peel t a eaaartary. Clreke Bcoa. for flowera. 2 Morrhnn etrart. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. D. lire and Vlfe to R. D. Montague. tat a block 10. Willamette $120.) ff.-.Woireteta at. al. la M. V. Bofinger. lot A. block 14. Mimnral,! arid JOO Bunuyalde . La ad Improeemetit company to F..M. Braaeli. kits IS, 10, block 2. unayalale . . . 4M H. L. Lodlngtoa to Meridian laeeatment . ft True eeaaiMBy. pareel land beglaalng annthaaet corner A. . Kntg tract 1 B. ouackeBbuek. Imatee. la L. Karl, lot . - 10. block a. Beeerance add. elty , .400 W. P. Fnller A t o. te M. I. Fank. lota 0 to 0. block 3. anieren a add.... v 1 t. B. Karl to L. J. W'artlaer. lot 10, block A, BcyeTaaca add.... 600 4. Carney to Rerairtty BaTlmra ft Trnat . coniuany. Jota X. , block 120. Couch a add I Caiea aad wife te Becnrttr Bartnaa f- Traat company, Mt I. 4. black 120, a add... 1 $, K. rlla to Becnriry HaTnca ft Traat mu, a, lot A. block 117. Coon' a add... t9 H. A. e nanea and wife en HecBrity Bay. laae ' ft 1 nut anaipany. kit 0. block II, . ( II. Iiore el. aL to TbearMy Barlnaa ft -... ramaany. bt B. Wiork 117. 'ar4i-B . 'v.-v.r-r.rr'.-rH'-i'r '' . .-. .. ; ' ; , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. H. L. Plttock and wife to; Bacurlty bae- lliee A 1 ruet comnany. Iota. V. 7. biwl'k . ' 111. jTou.b e add ' 1 U. '. HiiaHluig b Becurlly Haruiga Trn.i .,...u.. b,t a block 117. Couch a add '.: 1 TV. B. bmltb and wife to riacurlty Hayluga A IVuM ooniuallT. lota 1. 4. blOCk 117. - Concha add - : 1 TV'M. Ladd aad wife to security riarmga iruat rotuuaoy, mla , 7, block llu, Courb'a ald . Wakaataa ft Morae Trauafer rem pany to Becurlly bavluga ft Trual compauy, lota 1 in 5. bloc lid. Courb'a add . 1 B. Kreiectiuar at. aL to rJecnrliy Barings ft Traat company, iota a, i, or, j (aura l add. and otlier property 1 1 American Traat ft lnveatnieut compear la Mecurliy Ha t Intra iruat company, wis l te A block .127. Uoaeh'a add 1 C. Kaufman to Merurity Marlnm ft Trnat , company, -tote biock U(, uhicb a : add . ; eOOO B. V- BalBWtt et. al. to Hecurlty Barings a Truat company, mi b, i, dmcb iai, Coua-ha aild.j , 1 D. Leferra and wife to Brcuriiyx Marmga ft Truat company, lot 1. hax-g ua, Cooch'a add............... . 1 0. Hartnep and wife to Becarity Savings A 1uat ecMunenv. lota ISA. block XUA. Couch's add 1 0. A. Browa ami wife to Becurlly Barings ft Truat corn pany, lots a, 0. block 144. Conch's add... I B- R. Hartnep and husband to Security BarUiga ft Truat company, lota 1, 4, block . li.1, Cooch'a. add 1 Abbott ft Church company to Becarity Har- Inga ft Truat company. Iota S, 8, block 1H.V Cooch'a -add i .' 1 Walla, Fargo ft Co. to Becorlty Baying ft Trust company, lota 1, 4, dkkk ioo, Cooch'a add '. .1 B. tiling and buabaad to Becarity Bat Inge ft Trust company, lot 2, block 180, Coueh'a add 1 R. L. Ollbert to Becarity Bayhigs ft Trust company, enat H at s. Da)cg ttej, Cooch'a- add 1300 E. M. Lasarua to Becarity Barluga ft Trust company, lots 0, 0, I. 8, .block lba. - Couch's add C. E. Cook and wife to Becurlly Harlnga . ft . Trust company, lot I. buck 144. Couch's sdd. ....... 1 A. Paws et. ah tVT Becarity Bsrings ft Traat company. kJ , .a, 0, block 144, Couch's hdd....,. ce,Ar.. 1 H. Perry snd wife to) Baeorlty stIbs ft Trust company, south ' lot 4, block 144, Couch's sdd v T. Lawrence JoaU and wife to W. Reldt, Bortb H lot 4.' block 144. Coach's sdd - 1 W. Beldt and wife ts same, aama prop arty t 1 I. Drlaeoll aad wife to Hecurlty Barings ft Truat company, lot . 6, block 144,' Coack'a add 1 B. B. Kucald and wife to Becarity Bar liiga ft Truat company, lots 1 to ft. . block 14S. Coach's sdd... 1 J. W. Browa at. al. to Becurlly Barings . ... , ft Trnat company, lot 0, block 143,'" Coack'a add v.. 170 0. P. Ferry to Becarity Barings ft Traat company, lot S. block IMI. Coach's sdd ' 1 M. H. Coach ts Security Barings ft Trust company, block 225; . lots 2. S, block 1MB, Couch's add...-...'. .-. 1 C. Wllaun to Hecurlty Baringa ft Traat enmpanr. hrarke 22H. 1h8, Cooch'a sdd... ' 1 r. N. Pflugar to Hecurlty Barlnaa ft Trust company, lota 2. , 0. 7. block 187, Coack'a sdd 1 Northwestern Transfer company to Be carity Bsrings ft Trust company, lota ' 1. 4, 8. 8. block 187. Cooch'a add ' 1 L. P. Beno et.'' aL to Becarity Barings A Truat company, lota 1, 4, 5, 8, block 210. Cooch'a add ,. 1 L. Bolar. executor, to E. Btetn. undivided ' H interest lot 8, block 238, Couch's add 2SO0 Get Tour Insurance snd a be tracts ts real aetata from the Title Gaersatee ft Treat eona psny. 240 WsshlBgtoa street. aaw Beroad. 4 INTEREST Savings BanK ... of .' The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Pays 4 per cent on Certificates of Deposit Pays 3 per cent Interest on daily balances of deposit accounts, suDject to check. ; ; i Banking hours. 9. t , m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays , .. , . .9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings S to 8 o'clock . DIRECTORS: ' W. M. Lidd. ; J. Thorburn Ross. T. T. Burkhart Frank M. Warren. George H. HilL 240 Washington Street Corner Second. ' . PORTLAND, OREGON. NOTICE. , , . VOTXCB OF SALE 0T BOBDS. "ones is hereby given that the board -of directors of the Hood River Irrtgatloa District la Wasco county, Oregon, will eell the boada sera uiaincx la ibs ana et oa Tnee- ba 24tb day of October, ipoS, at ttrr bar ei jv e ciors a. m at tne ornce of aald board, at tba reside nee of J. , H. Bhoemsksr la said district, and tkat sealed proposals for ssld beads will be received by aald board at aiA .place for tbs purchase of aald bonds ant I) the uev in nour aoovv mentioned. St Whlsu time tba board shall opea the proposals and award tha purchase of the bonds to the highest hid-sponsible- bidder, the board reserving tba right to reject any and all bide, bids to he aeeosa. nan led by a certified check for 10 per cent of ine aneouux OK IBB BOBOa IOf WulCB tka bid IS submitted. . c . Bald bonds sbaB be payable la money of tbs United Stales, la 10 aerlea. aa follows, to-wit: At ths expiration of eleven years, five per cent of the whole namber of aald bonds; st tbs expiration of twelve years, alx per cent; at tba expiration of thirteen yeara, seven per cent; at the expiration it fourteen years, right per cent; at tba axpiratloa of fifteen yeara. nine per cent; at the expiration of elxteea yeara, tea per rent; at the expiration of seventeen rears, eleven, per cent: at the exotratlon of eighteen years, thirteen per rent; at the expira tion ef nineteen years, rirteea per cent: at tha axpiratloa af twenty years, atsteea per cent: and shall bear interest at ths rsta of all oar cent per annum, payable eeml-ennnally, oa tba nrsf day or Janusry and July or each year. The principal aad Interest shall be payable at the place designated In the bonds aad bidders are given the option ef baring ssld bonds paya ble at Portland, In tha atate of Oregon, or la the" city of New York, in the atate of New York, and ssld bonds will be Issued In accord ance wltk tbe electtoa af the success fn I bidders. Bald bonds ahsll be escb of tbe denomination of not less than 1100 and aot more than $.V0, and aha 11 be negotiable In form and coupons, for the Interest ahsll he attached ta each bond signed by the secretary. iiaxea st rioea reiver, uregoa, rnis una aay af September, 1005. . J. H. BflOEMAEER. Beeretary. - NOTICE OF YlNAL ACCOUNT. In tbe Matter of the Estate' of Mathilda Jnhllg. Deceased. Notice ta hereby given that tbe under signed, as-Adminlatrati of tbe estate of Mathilda Jnlilts, deceased, hss filed In tha county court of Mnltnomsh count; stste of Oregon, bis final account as anck adrolnlstrstor ami that Monday, the thirteenth dny ef No . vimbcr. J, at 0:30 a. m., at the eiMirt . room of aald court, baa been Bverl by aald court as tbe day for heating objections to ssld Bnel account and the settlement thereof. Apy person having any objection to said re port Is hereby notified to present same oa or before tbe time art for ssld hearing. -.,.' . L. II, TARI-LF.Y. Administrator of tbe Eslste of Mathilda Jiililtx. Deceased. , Dated Portland. Oregoa, Oetober II. I. ' Dale of first publication, October 12, 1IKI8. Dste of leal publication. November p. II id. Are eemlng to thla city evar day. They must gnd fnrulebed rooms or hoarding boajaea, aad they rrira ta the "want" ada aa aaMrally aa they would turn ta the timetable Jo leara about tba tralna. The ; Journal a '. Ilat of rooms la complete. NOTICE. PBOPOBALB FOB CIA7THINO AND KOI' IP aub ieKK nusrtermssier s oinca. an ea Moot gnu cry at.,. Baa Fraaclaeo. California, October 14. 1HUB Healed prop.aU la tripli cate, anbjert to Hie usual conditions, will be received here mull 10 o'clock a. u., November 14. IWtio, and then opened, ror rarauhlug ami dellrerms at . either tle Chicago. Bt. Louie. ; Ban Francisco or Seattle depota of tha oaar- termsstvr s oepsrtmem. uaitea ntaies army. I2.0UU curs brooms sad 1.000 .arrnhblng brushes. Tha right Is ressryed to reject or accept any or ail proposals or any part thera--of. Preference will let glren toartlclea at domestic msnnfsctura.i eondltlona of quality and price tiucindlng in price of forelga pro-diH-tlons or ajaoufai'tiiree tba duty iiiaranal being equal. . Bianlard aamplea caa ha aeea at. and hlnuka for propesala and full lafor. matlon will be furnlalied upoa spplfc-stloa to lliia .office. Envelopes containing prouuaale to be indorsed, "Proposals for Clothing sad Equipage. Hr77-2410. lo he opened at 10 o'clock a. m., November 14, 1A06." C. A. DEYOL, Depot, Quartermaster, 17. B. Army. NOTICE TO PRKHKNT CLAIMK Notice la here- by given that Bburle ft Weir comiwnr of Ar lington, Oregon, baa transferred to the auder aignrd all of Ita property aa trustee, for tba benefit of all of Its creditors are rata, accord ing to tha anonnt of their respective claims. All persona baring claims against aald cor poration ara hereby notified to present tha a a me ts the undersigned St his office In tbs Oregoa Barings bank. No. 821 Morrlaoa atreet. In the rity of Portland. Oregoa. duly verified, within three months from the dste hereof. WALTER H. MOOBR. Trustee. . Portland. Oregoa. October 12. 1005. NOTICB TO PRESENT CLAIMS Notice la here- by glren that C. A. Shurte of Arlliyitoa, Ore gon, baa transferred to the undersigned all of bis property, aa trustee, for the benefit of all of his creditors pre rata, according to the amount of their respective claims. All per son) having rial ma against aald C A. Bhurte are hereby notified to present be sa me to the undersigned at his office la the Oregon Havings bank. No. 221 Morrlaoa atreet. 1b tha city of Portland. Oregon, duly verified, wltbln three montba from tha date hereof, WALTER H. MOORE. Trustee. Portland, Orrgon, October 12. 1008. LOST AND FOUND. LOST "nectaries and esse marked "Mahaf fey Wife ft Miller"; leave wltk New Waat- era Dotal; proprietor baa reward. 60c. BMALL cocker apnalel dog; answers -te name w mono, rnone aaet tare, rxewara. MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP, No. 68. Woodmen of the World Meets every Friday night at W. O. W. ball, Tsntk , and Washington streets. Bcfreahmeuts will be served. All visiting neigh bors welcome. it. T. WOODWARD. C. C. A. L. BARBCB. Clerk. 2ol Third otreet. COLUMBIA LODOE. NO. 114. A. F. ft A. M Btated communication this (Thursday) evening , 7 :3o o'clock. Work In F. C. degree. All F. C. Ma sons Invited. B. B. PAUL'S. Bee. . DEATH NOTICES. M'COT At Wood mere atatlon, October '8. mo. nrwtopber c., McCoy, aged w years. Washington, D. C. Concord and Boston pa pers plesse copy. Funeral notice hereafter. HELP WANTED 1&ALE. THERE la a fine opening far a good shoemaker and harness repairer la tba Iowa ef White Salmon, Waah.j aoae but a reliable maa seed apply. Addreaa J. C. Maelaasa, White Sale Boa, Waak. MEN and boys wsnted to ears $8 day. attar two montba' Instruct km; poattloo guaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools. Nsw York. Cincinnati, 0., Ik Louis. Mo. (Free aala- iogua. . WANTED Every mas In towa to patronise ms. . Why I I have Just stsrted la tbe etgsr busl' ness for myself snd I wsnt your patronage Charles Polndeater, opp. Star theatre. WANTED Clerks and window -dressers to atady ah oar -card writlne st Y. M. C A. Bight school; psrsoual ins tr actios. Apply tar Bar- ncuiara. . . - ISO PERMANENT aalary to reliable mea la ' outside town. Amerlrss Real Batata ft . Guaranty company, 127 Va Beventa.- room o. WANTEtv Tanas man to dries delivery wsgon; stste experience and references. Address B 44, cars journsi. ED. EILKR WANTED. Hi b I blsrkamltk. Communlcsta with Hanssn, 28 North Bscond St. THOROUGHLY experienced snd rellsble carpet I . .... 1 uwlntMil,.)1, AftlM amuiau. . fl" ? "r" w. v... . a. l- i .. - UIUI, nwisM at eiu,. Vf MS 1 ntimwo, v w T" trm r or commission. Call or write room 8, La bos aiog., ror lis no. WANTED First-class aa lea men In Portland and country i big wages, aria McKay mag. FOUR good solicitors wanted for the tea aad . coffee trade, uoya les t o., as saorrisua ai. COYNE BROS. CO.. New York, Cincinnati. Bt. Louis, will furnish pmmbera on abort notice. CANVASSERS, ma Is snd female: ftno per cant profit; Investigate. Room A. xenrs rirat st. GOOD benchhsodV wsnted st tbs APortlsBd Beak ft Door comnany. 230 Front sr. WANTED Experienced Jape ness cook, la BMratng, 072 Flanders st. . Apply BOY wsnted st J arses Printing Co.; must bt Deal. t.BM ei HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Olrls for band and machine arw Ing: experienced kelp preferred. Phone I's. clflc 470. Bltcbls ft Greene, OM Waahlng ton st. TRUSTWORTHY, energetic wemea to travel and organlss for Vlari company. Call or addreaa room xi, latwia Ding. HANSEN'S LA.1IE8' AGENCY. 843 Waahlng. ton St., cor. Seventh, n pats Irs. Phono Mais 20P2. Ferns Is kelp wsnted. WANTED Girl for general bonsework In small family. Call 20 K. Fifteenth at. south. An- keuy or fine at. cars. YOU.Vtl-lidT rsn earn half toltkm. sborthsnd - or oonxaeeping. aiuitnoman business insti tute. 06 Sixth St.- : . GOOD glrL cooking and bonsework; small family; good wages. 400 Eaat Davie, cor Esst Tenth. - . . PORTLAND Sewing Bcbonl, girls do own aewkig while learning. 271 H Morrison, room C. WASTED First-class dressmaker and ladles' tailor mails suits. 244 Ysmhlll at. GIRL, general housework ; to. right party good wages, rail a,, asn. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand for competent bookkeepers aad Sivuusrepuera a-ranta. I.r u 1 rrwni August 1. 1804. to Angnst 1, 1000. ws placed 207 In good positions; bad calls for mors tbsa 000; our grsdustes are ALL employed; wa will assist yoa to a position when eo nine teat; enroll now; day or night ' Beeake-Walkcr Business College, Sink and Morrlaoa ata. WANTED Lady or grntlcmaa to travel for a bones of 2iio.oon espiisi; salary gio to S'Jl a week and all expense, psld weekly. Ad dress, wltk stamp, O. W. Kellogg, general delivery. - WANTimI-ady or gentleman for a aalaried poairkia; aalary sa to sa.oo per day. Ad drrea with sump, giving name, strset snd number, O. W. Kellogg, general delivery. WANTED At eace, a bright, energetic, pre aentsbls maa or wnmaa, a good talker, to take ap an attractive proposition, indoles 731 Chamber of Commerce. 0 a. as. WANTED Immediately. S mea or wnmaa to do -a- up saa sdf ; guoa propoauioa. HELP wanted and snf piled, aaa Is or female. B. 0. DRAKE. tOOft VYssklagtoa It. CUy 440. yv SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MARRIED maa. 36 years ef age. 16 gears' ax- rperience ea manaasv, uoitsaeeper, alao aa aaieamaa iu aeBersi nirrcosuaisc; vest rat ereneea. A 44. care Journal. . A GOOD axperleacad Janitor wanta steady poaiiioa. supply io same aumner ror good carpeuter; guaranteed astlsfsctkia. Address EXPERIENCED efnes man desires position aa per, rsauier or ereaitman; slug is; ret . ereBces.. 0 08, care af Journsi. WANTED Work of aay kind; a toed man about market, grocery or general mrrchsndlsa. - Ad drees B 42, care Journal. PRINTER wants a Job: IS yeara oa country - - - - V tfawMvw IWB JO, TOI'NO Hollander snts position la tors or wnoissaie aouae; oesi rsierencea. Address D st, care journal. A YOUTH wishes a position la a drag store woera aa ran leara pusinaaa. Addreaa B oi , cere souruai. r , SITUATION wanted by meat cutter can alanrh wo, nNuui soup prvivrrea, Auoresa v ex eouruai. BELIABLB German man wants kouserlaanlng or garorn worn oy lue usy. raoae Main 1070. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE VOr.NO lady of buatneea ability, arveral years' experience, oesirea position aa atcBograpber, Addreaa I. M. Carteus 741 Johnson sL, Port' land. Or. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes noaltton. ornce worg or csauier; spesas good uermaa or Kngiian. fnoue mace I mo. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. 26 N. Second st. , ' Phone Mala IBS. JAPANESE-CHINEHB EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB. Henry Tahara, WT Everett at. Phoaa fa- clflc 840. , . BACU'IC Coast Emp. Ca. Bellsbla employment agents. -12 a. za at. raooa Mala aoiu. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor ror, trac tors; help rrea to employera, 210 siorrlaoa. ACME EMPIXYMENT CO 211 Morrlaoa at, auppnee mea tor an sinus oc worx. THE PORTLAND EMPI1YMENT CO, 200 H Morrisoa st. rnone raciric jmw. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents ts sell 'Sermons by tha Devil"; tha rasiest-eeiiing aoog oa tna market; 40 per cent commission; outfit free. W. K. Taylor ft Co.. Lsbbe bldg., Portland. Oregon. - AGENTS wsnted to Ball nursery etock; sew and complete outfit rornianea tree; eaea weekly. Capital City Nursery comnany. Salens, Oregon. WANTED Oeneral agent; eanvasi county; io to JU per aay. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Houss and lot, sltbsr oa aaa at waat alda of river; Will pay caafe If price la right i agents need aot snswsr. Addreaa u D4, care journal. WANTED la upper Peulttsnlsr, acreage (apa clal). Improved aad unimproved property; bare buyers. Call at brsncb ofOce, Willamette starlon WANTED 14 block anlUbla for offtca bond ing, central location; also ware bouse alts. Forbes ft Uoady, brokers, 216 Fentoa bldg. WANTED Houss snd lot. either on esst or west side of river; will psy cash; sgents need not answer. Aooress u oa, journal. LIST your property with us. Our motto: Quick Bales, short profits. Royal Real Batata company, jut Th irn St., room iv,. FRACTION . of lot- 8. Portland, near First snd Arthur preferred. Address' 667 Union avs. or phone fisst ao4i; svsning. WANTED t or 0-room house and lot or vacant lot; must bo cheap for cssb. C 04, JournaL I WANT to boy B (ana. H. Bmltb, postofflca nox ioit. . WANTED TO RENT. WB wsat 'desirable bouses and Mats, all porta or tna city; nave nigh class clients waiting; rents collected, property earea ror. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 24S Stark Bt. Phono Main 1976. WANTKD To rent farm, 18 or 20 acres, nsar city; bouse and barn. M. G. Morgaa, .870 MiiwauKie sr. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE tbe Lewis gnd Clark fair at borne; send ue - in' etampe ror ni Bfleojn pneto Dong, nearly 200 e-kotoa of fair. fVixOVi Inches. Western View Book Co., Portland. Bog 204. PAINTING, aprsvlne and whltewaahlBg trees. baaemeata, barns, docks, stc. ; largeet gaaollBS spraying outfit on tba coast. M. ti. Morgsa . vo.. "iv aauwausis su r-aoaa sest xuil, ORCHESTRA, 8' places, wanta engagements. reaaonsble. 48 Lucratls at. TaL Mala O&Od. HIGHEST cssb pries paid for bottles and Junk of aver description. Portland Bottle Supply Co., 801 North Eighteenth. Phono Mala 22MS. WANTED to bay two return tickets salt aa rar aa umaos. t'Doee unloa 1022. BOOKS bought, sold and sichasged at tba Old Book stare, 220 Yamhill at. ' WANTED A horse to work for keep; first-class rare. Auuress sua r. reran ax. F. J., BYDEB, printer. Second gad Washington . bib. rem msiu 0000. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN ft CO. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. - - - Corner of Alder and Park. A few choice rooms la this well-known house rsn now be secured st reaaonsble rstes. This hotel Is steam bested snd electric lighted and It is down town it is central. Free porcelain hatha, hot and cold water. Only a few rooma left la this desirable houss. &80f Alder St. THB KING 800 Jefferson St., new building, bsndsomely furnlahed. wltb every modern convenience: all outside moms, with best, gas or ejsetrtc lights, porcelain hatha; rates . SOc, 7nc and 81; special ratss by tba week or month. - . THB HAMANN. 186 N. lath., cor. Hort Newly furnlahed rooms, 81.00 ap; convenient lore tine. 10 minutea' walk to fair groande; Morrlaoa rar at anion depot direct I to nou bouse. Pboue 8470. KING'S HEIGHTS Desirable nelrhhorhood, near St. Helen's Hall; nicely furnished room for one or two, with private family: psrma aensprefsered. 788 Msm st. . MARQUAM HOUSE. I4H 6th Rooma ea suits or singlet housekeeping moms; gaa stoves, - bath. eWtrle lighta; traaaleato aolldtod. FUBNIBHED rooms, sine la or en suits, 88 per month snd np. Hotel Fslrmount, Twenty sixth 'and I'pabor snd Ysngha sts. FOR BENT Lsrge bomellks room anl table fof two gentlemen IB private family; beat, bath, gaa aad phone. On! Belmont at. , THB ALDER. 4.18 Alder, nicely furnlahed rooma. permanent or transient; quiet, con venient, central location, LARfiR light front mom, private family, 'good neignnornoon; neat, gaa, Data and phono. 178 Sixteenth wesL FRONT parlor for geatlemanr of refinement whs wisneo room aear tna center of elty. HI Everett at. - ELEGANTLY furnlahed room tor one or two Kntlemen; private family; best, bath, ass. I Tsylor. TWO lsrge plesaant raeans, suitable for two or four gentlemen; best. Data, phone, gas. 804 Tsylor. THB GLADSTONE 6184 Barter at., furabrbed room; anuer aew maaagtmcnt; price res Bo eable, a FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CHEAPEST snd beat located raoasa ta Port lead. weea sna ap. uiimaa, a irsx aaa asasr a IS. Tka Ileadcraoe, 2fl V, Alder Elegantly furnished rooms fur permaucat aad traaaiant roomers. FUBNIBHED or anfurnlshsd rooms, single or . iu suites, sis, x.aai eauuoa. Bear uraaa. avc. FI'RNIHHKD rooms for rent very 'reasonable. v ,i ers t"1"" eve., sntv mmm mmu sc. NICELY furnlahed rooms for real rates nie. i nil at ail saBuera. TUB (1BAND Newly furnlahed room by tba wsea or moniu. onvs ursna ava. FUBNIBHED moms for Tent at very reaaoaablc prices, inquire lim luiob avs. . THB GRAND, 40lt N. Third St. Boosss tar sen, per week and aa. . MODERN coxy rooms, permansQt, walking dls- lauce. soa aturriBoa st. FURNIMHED rooms for rent, .cheap. Call at eavk I nion ave. - THE WIEBT. rooms; transients sollcltsd. . 401 avaat Aiorriaoa. i FURNIBUED rooms (or rent. Call 122ft L'nloa vs. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB BENT Furnlahed hoasekeeplnf rooms la oeat nrica oioca ea eaai moei gas ranges, bath, etc. no transients; prices ssodsrsta. Lbgaa flk., union ava.. Alder. Phone Union 8281.. FOB - BENT Three front nnfornlahed house- keeping rooms In private borne;' ysrd, phone, bath, sink, psntry. closets; block ta car; rloee la. Phone East 4080. FUBNIBHED and anfurnlshsd housekeeping t rooms tor rent; nrsvcisss no use; everything - wwm suw ' .. .. wnin VI UIU SW, near Hawthorne ava. THE MITCHELL. Flanders gad Seventh Booms, nouses eeplng aad transienti oonvenJant; prloes ressonsbls. HOUBEKEEPIO-ROOMB Beaeonable rstes, electric llefata and. nhone ini'lnAmA am u. Water at ' HOI BEKEEPING-BOOMB for rent very res arm. able at Jul ft unloa ave., aear Etat Morrt- QUIKT locatloo, boasekeepbur apartments, SB to 12. Dickson, University Park. Paona Mcott FOUR rsbsas, sultsbls for -honaek eeplng. i&l sreuas, -or, sriour. mbi fill per DMMjltn. NICELY furnished housekseplng and elngle wwe, aae Hu, puuue. iHAVS xnara Bt. S FUBNIBHED hoaaekaeplng-roonia, aaa of llllMU tU HAS U . k . e-""1- wuyi, , vov enrnu al, 2 let ROE furnlahed rooma, bath, gaa and tcte- puune. so uk oevaBta at. aorta. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS A food' sslectloa at auv neii, sas a 111 s. eur. axsia. FURNIMHED and housekeeping noms for teat imiuire ous- t-sst Morn so a St. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOM for rent cheap. In quire ooe riapaera. - FURNISHED bousekesnlngexKHns. Fourteenth Bt. ROOMS AND BOARD. TABLB board $4.00 per week; alao front aslte -oi , . isaanr or gentlemen; otnef rooms; Bodern. 225 West Park St.. neat Salmon. Phone Mala 4818. ' ITR8T-CLA88 rooms sad board for perms sest peopie, e4.ou. ana aza per monta; table board H per wesk. Astnr bouse, TU aad Madlaoa ats. TaL Mala 6281. YOUNG mas wants mom and board In private 'family, within walkiug dlatanee from Mor rlaoa bridge. C 00, JournaL BOOMS with board for pel at ta sants. reasonaois; xirsi-ciaas Sixth at. sooting. SB 20 FOB room and board, on or two: reier erics. 48 Esst Ninth St., N. GOOD rooma wltb homo rooking. 424 Beat Grant at. Phone Eaat 8416. FOR aRENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOR BENT Part of business office, inclnd Ing use of private ofOce; phone, light, etc. 14SH Third at., room 1. FOR BENT Deskroom snd everything fur nished. E. S. Jackson ft Co., 240 8 lark at. FOR RENT Centrally located office, with phone. B. IV Lata, 113 Second street. DESK and ofSce-room to rent. - Inqnlrs 269 Morrison St., room 211, ' , OFFICE-ROOMS Goodnough bldg. a leva tor. - Apply HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. ' TURK FOR SALE. rr m - - ---- "FCBNITTJB1," Wktrher to buy or sell, ring np Mala 0008. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. . til First sc. ' NICELY furnished S-room boose, complete, with piano; rent 830; 4 rooms npstsirs rsa bs ' rented for 847.00 per month: price 8000; 82S0 cash, balance one year. O 0.1. Journal. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 8 LARGE airy nnfuralabed moma In privet bouee. 812, Including bath, phone and water. rBooe Ksst awvtn. - . FOR RENT FLATS. ELEGANT aew 7 -roots flat; every modern eoa- venience. rnone Eaat loo. FOR RENT STORES. ON Washington St. Plsts glsss front, clesn sna airy; nnerai terma to rigot parties, ap ply 266 Morrisoa st. FOR RENT HOUSES. OWNERS AND AGENTS will find It to their advantage to list their vscsnt bouses snd flats wltb our Free Rents! department. Oar , vscsnt house directory hss become a recog nised Institution In Portland, hundreds of ; tensnt bring weekly pieced la sultsbls I quarters. We msks no ' ebsrg whatever snd owner should tsks adrsntag of thla f service by calling at our rsotsl department nd tilling In aa "Informstlna Blank." If yoa hsvs vacant boas, pboa ths par ticulars and leav tbs rest to a. W won't 1 allow It to remain loaf Idle. ' H. B. EDWARDS. HOI HEFURNI8HEB. Free Rental Depsrtmant. -185. to 101 First St. 18-rnom furnished boarding-house, rent 840, price 8000; 8H00 cash will bsndle this, balance $At) per month. - TM la a paying houss snd will be better after the (sir Is over than ltls now. H. B. Edwards' rental dept.. 180 1st st. FOR BENT. Hon and flats, aU part of ths city. Bental department , THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, . 243 Stark t. ... - STUART atatlon. Mount Scott ear d largs room, outbuilding, modern; partlsa wit boat children; fnrnttur for sale. Call the Bell ess. Fourth sad Salmoa. ' - NEW mom boos snd c,narter Mock. Haarock . and Eaat Twenty-alxth ata. 817.00. B. i. ' Lombard, 614 Chamber ef Commerce. 1H-ST0BY cottsge, 6-eooms, good basement Kipu nio'iiiiim, nHHirrn. ie. assx llutB t. Msrkst snd Mill sta. 6-B00M fist, gas, bath, electric light; rent 628; some, furniture ror sale; central; lu-room boas. 06 North Tenth. fl-BOOM modern dwelling. 012 Oantenbeln ave.; y next ooor; fin. William ueuhoim, 22t Falling bldg., city. FOR BENT 2 aew 6-raoa house, strictly Band ers, near car service, m Kan Main. NEW houae, reaaonable, oa Bast. Thirty-four t at. ,'oone nasi 41114.,. 5-BOOM houae for rent. BkfOB'g laoa I tort, .FOR RENT FARMS. TO BENT A wheat ranch af S.080 seres, wltk or without Block; thla la a suap, Jut must be taken at once, zttt Horriaoa st., room 211. MODEBN 0-roout flat, attic and baeeweut. Raat Twaaty-foutb, St., bet. llawtaorne and Mad- FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUa FOB BENT 10OX100 northeast sorner af Third . and Madlaoa ata. for present occupancy lv ery stahls) or otberwles. Apply to Estate af P. r. Thompaoa, Mo. T First at. BUSINESS CHANCES. . ' ' CIGAR STAND. STOCK AND FIXTURES 1 AT PUBLIC AUCTION. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20. AT 2 P. M. ON PRKMISRH, '' SfvlU, BURNS! DE STREET. Stock and fixtures of old-estsbllshed cigar store: rent paid natll October 21. Buyer may eoauuue siaov ea ew rvai. BEBT roomlng-houee bargain In Portland 30 j rooms Bnely furnished, doing good business; . owner mast leave Portland; eell for 82.0OO If takra thla week: aever offered before for less tbaa f3,BUO; liberal term a, long lesss, low rent. DUBOIS ft SHERWOOD, 200(4, Morrlaoa st. Room 8. " BLACKSMITH -SHOP doing good baatneee paat 12 yeara, full enpply of tools, quantity of iron and coal, dwelling-bonee, bearing fruit , trees, chtckea-boaee. S pssssnger-bosts, car service rack day. 2 minutes' walk to -each place l all for 8200 If token soon. Apply to Thompson, rosier. ' Biageaeia, - waaniagtoa. 9PRCULATOBS see as for big bargains ta Hurst nwitcn stock nerore swuca gose oa road : regular Mica 8.1.75: our price maim lower. How caa wa do Itf Wa have joore shares tbaa wa caa conveniently carry and moat sacrifice to rakM . casta. . Apply 218 lommerclsl aiocg.. CANDY BTOBB, WELL LOCATED WITH LIV ING ROOM, caa be bed at low rent by a desirable party; location aa esst side oppo site tbe Alblna acbonlhoaas. PsrtlcuUrs, call office, 817 Commercial block. FOB SALE Os account of alckaaaa. alee, clsaa. BMoay-mskUg business oa seat aids; sales from SIS sa 838 pec day! price 81.400, or will invoice! as agents waatad- G OS. Tba Journal. WANTED Party to Jo! a me la light nana- farturlng plsut; fi"J rrquirea: immense sales. If yea mean bualneaa call 1110 Esst Tsriur , St.. or phone East liui. FOR BALE Fine line of mllllsery and ladles' lurnisnmg goons tn live towa or ex cellent opnortunltg; ao competltkm, K 42, cars JoarnaL FOR -BALE Barber -a bop 8 rhalra; modern fur niture, long tease; as -mini at.; faa rent;, a ana p. for $1,700. Address C 06, JoaraaL FOB BALE Half Interest la bowling-alley paying per monin, anaj. uubois st Brier - wood, SOO Morrison, room S. ESTABLISHED reataorant oa Fifth at., near waanmgtoa. clearing i to 23 per day tba year around. A 48, Journal. MILLINERY STORE, good location, good busl. ness and a good pay. ir Interested call at 200 Morrlaoa at., room 211. WHEN looking for a toeatloa. sltbsr elty or country, can on tna nor 11 west Maa u BO Morrisoa at., room 211. WANTED Stock groceries or empty store to rent: send full particulars la first. Address C 07, care Journal. FOR BENT Reatanrant doing good business, wltb sll furntsblngs; sickness cause. Addreaa 784 Waahlngton at. FOB BALE Eaay terma, or trade tor land, rooming houae; bargain; two block P. O. 808 Salmon. .- - BEST Al' BANT furniture for as le. W. H. Lsttln, Hotel Fslrmount, Tweoty-slxth and Upshuf sta. FOR SALE lAtnrAmon and dellca lessee., cbesp; Jond location; parties Is ring city. sdvVk sfferson. , 5,000-- BHABEB Boston -Colors do Copper at a sa crl flea; worth par; lnveatlf ats. B 48, car Journsi. - FINE opportunity la estsbllsbed buslnsss; need kelp asd capital. Addreaa G 84. car JoaraaL FOB BALE Brick hotel, 08 rooma. good furni ture, splendid lease; la Portland. T 48. JearasL BELIABLB real estate ntsn wsnts deatrable business associate. Address C 05. JournsL WANTED 8 to 23 acre of land to grub outside of city llmlta. Box 82, Oswego, Oregoa. INVESTIGATE For a email amount of capi tal. Urge return. 208 McKay bldg. 8100 BUYS half Interest In good paying busi ness. 187V First st., room 7. 1275 BUYS reataorant In good hotel; good locs tlop. 167 Vt First St.. room 7V. THREE reataorant tat sals. H. H. Hlgley, poatof flop bog 47. - WHO IS M.'O. MORGAN ft OO.I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOB BALE 6 tine sunny bvta, sold whole or eeparste; blgb gronnde snd healthy location; anrronndlnge good; between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth. Eaat Taylor; reaaonsble. Ap- ' ply 2im Becoad st, .- FOR SALE TnxlOO-foot lot on East Seventeenth sad Couch; will Mil for 11,250 If Bold In next few days: face eaat; well worth 11,400; will eell part of lot If desired. Address K 48, sere Journal. A MODERN 7 -room bona oa Thlrtyaecoad and Division, only 12.250; cso givs very easy terms; houss hss been built T months. -' Ad- . dress B 86, care JournaL FOB SALB Modern 0-rooT bona, furnished or an furnlahed, and large lot, close oa esst side. Inquire owner, 107 Blsth St., Portland Trunk company NEW 6-room house; bath, lsandry, cement base ment snd floor s and walka, furnace, all complete, modern. In Upper Alblna; 82,000. Phon Union 8518. . . A 8-STORY brick building. 100x100. on Es.t side; will psy S per cent net on; Clco $26,000; caa glv terma. , Address R , rare Journal. FOB BALE Cbesp, S or S seres Improved lend on 28th and Knott t.. Esst Portland. Call . on premises. W. M. Drydea, owner; tsks Jrringtoa car. IMPROVED and nnlmproved land to large or . spiall tracts, cln to good school; rail and water transportation. W. J. Fnller too. War ren, Oregon. LOOK at thla: S acre, no bettor anil tn Ore gon, 10c Tare, nearly all clear, email bonaa, only 1800; very aaay term. T 50. Journal. FOB BALE New 0-mom bona, every eon- ..uirin:., .,-.- - " -' eervice, aaay terma. 800 Eaat Mala. Dr. Darling. FOB BALB st a bargata. modern T-roea hone 1 ea Eaat .-.Taylor, cl-iss la; term to salt , pure ha BSC. Apply F 42. ears Journal. FOR BALE Any on wanting a fine water front property, Eaat Waahlngtoa and Water, call for particulars. 211V Second at. FOR SALE Modern auburban cottage, eloss to car line, flu location, ground lOOslMk O. W, P. Townslt Co., 14 First st. S ACRES. mile from O. W. P. electric line; no gravel and easy to clear; 865: ury eaay terma. Address B 67, cars JournaL - - - 11.100 FOB a 8-rooen bona, lot 50x100 feet, on Fremont at.. Bear-Vancouver ava. Apply 1810 Wilbur at., Wilametts ststloa. WAGNER ft PETTY. 202 Commercial blk., bar some of tba beat buya la tbe city. Be them before buying snd be convinced. Sfak aa lnTntory of tha thing; yom own wblah yon: would Ilk to tnra Into aaoa, aad thoai atart a llttl privat advrtlalnc oam pair a of yonr ean la The four nsvl a MfoE BBia- aoltunao. - 0 -I. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' ACBB TBACTSI U SPECIALTY 18 ACBB laU-elasd streets, wstsr ta 1 TBACTSI TERMS 810 FEB ACBB CASH 10 PER ACRE PER, MONTH. xoa ge to tbesa scree en the aama car, Bay the asm 80 (ara ths lot maa pay. The art maa Is your neighbor, hut be Is re. atrlctad ta majority of foataro that asaka "us aabarbaa bom. . A. a OHUBCHIIX CO., 1 3. IMI OWooad C . ' SPiciAL BABGAIN 88 FOB $1. Tract 2 front foot. 810 feet deep; caa asva aa many front feet a yoa want from 00 feet ap; all la cultivation, all level and sightly, ( minutes to good lo-rowa school, S grsdea, aear a tores, poa toffies, church aad car atatlon at Lents; Scent (are to any part af Portland. This ts 1-8 price; term If wanted. O. B. Addlton. Lsnrs, Oregoa. owner. Tsks Mt. Scott car. 8 eeuts. mw asodoro cottage. Moutavllla. "i aowB, D lance gu nioatniyi prlc 81.J00. ? . 6-rooni. new- modern cottage. Sunnyslds; lot 50; iofl; 1100 down, be lauce IIS monthly I price 81.&00. B. W. MCDONALD ft CO., ' IS and IT Cambridge bldg. 264' Morrlaoa. NEARLY 8 acree, 64 mils from renter of city, all la cultivation; good houss. largs barn, ehlckea-koase, iota of fruit, good water, ca finest road In Oregon, I mil from electric lino; price 82.400: very easy terme. If yon are from "Mleeourl" I will show you: If from any other state, will a 11 70a If you ess IU T 60. car Journal. ' . WANTED Get la line If yon ara interested mbu sou go wiia aa aaa aeo it. then get our price and terma aad la a few years yon will own a good wheat ranch. For further luformatlon call en or addreaa - NORTHWEST LAND COMPANY. . 298 Morrison t,. Boom 211. Portland. Oregoa.' I HAVB S acre very fin soil: new houae. cost bow to Ml id; S acre m cultivation, balance very assy ts clear; right oa O. W. p. slsctrle line; 10c car far: price 81.800; caa glv terma. T 08. care JournaL 80x80 ON Kearney St.: this Noh-HIII snap will not issi long; price siew. ir sou a.inaell, nog 4VmmercUl blk. Main 2823. 8675 BUYS new 4-room cottage. - S lota, 2 oiocxs sootn or ntewsrt-g ststloa, Mt. Scott csr lkie. W. N. Ford. 1500 MUST sell choice building a(ta to aat- isty mortgsge, two ihiroa value. Address B 03. care of Joarnal. SACRIFICE sale, lota, nicely situated to ouua nooses to rent or to sen. Addreaa B 54, care of JoaraaL - WB build housss; assy . monthly payments sots tumisnea 11 oesireq. , 12 uomaiarclAl bldg. Msla 1040. SELLWOOD lots. 18 down aad SB a amathl . rrem is to evu, - awuwooa ipsrastts w. Phono Esst 4704. 8-ROOM cottage, bath, hot and cold water. 11111 iot,i..ii; giuu aowa, baianc to suit, Pbona Kaat 675. . , FOB SALE S room boos on csr line with sere fruit trsea, stc Inqnlrs 201 Esst Sixth st. ' 7-ROOM bouse on Johnson St.; a bargain; f2.eoo. Tyson a,inscii, 002 commercui blk. Msla 2822. 7 -ROOM colonist houae. 82.500; .V) down. baianc eaay axrotniy psymanta. fbons Eaat 675. ' 6-BOOM bonaa. Dill Int. modem, 1(X); 8200 oowa. t lauce gw per month, ruun ssat 675. . . ... FOR SAXB A toom bnase snd lot. with bans. irvington. see sssi -loirvsentn st. norta. 880.000 SIXTH St.. aroTjerty. aear Wsahlngtoa. . ouxjuu; principaw oniy. n si. journal. FOR SALB 7-reom house. Sixth -and Alberta t.. HlghUad. Cell ap Cnlen S88S. Soon 4-room houae with bath. Inqnlra at pave. u.w nasi aeveBiesBta St., snuta. . FOB SALE Best bargain in neat cottsgs; want quicg purrBsaer. v nu, journsi. . FOR SALE FARMS. IF you want a chicken ranch, bar It at: 6 acre land tun reet rrom electric una, 10 car far; bara 18x80. chicken booses for 000 chickens: H seres all fenced with 6 foot picket fence, lots of building, an furniture, -piano; 2 fine cow a. a doaen chickens; goea at 12.000. Addreaa B 55, ear of JoaraaL STATE LANDS FOB SALE - .The atate of Oregoa hss for ssle a limited amount of base for Ilea aelectkms; pries until farther notice 86.00 per acre. For par ticular address Oswald Went, Stat Land Agent, Bslem, Oregoa. $10,000 FABM of 400 seres. 220 cultivated. Da lance pasture; sp acres clover; houae, two barns; would sail n lota of 40 acrsa. Ad dreaa C-Bell. Root I, Kick real. Oregoa. or 408 Eaat Twelfth at., rortlasd. FARM FOB SALE 40 acre 2U mile from courinouee, uregou t-ity. in Bigs aitate ef cultivation; good bonaa aad bulldlnga; variety of fruits; thla la a asodera borne. Apply 01 North Ninth at. 88,750 BUYS a 84 500 farm of 186 sera. 0 mom houae. barn, aood water. Su miles from wereboaa. 114 mile to school: f l.ou eaah. bslsnr 8 ysan' Um. F. J. Msboaar, Tekoa. Wash. . ,. ' . . . . . . FBEB government form lands. Just opened 10 ' settlement; level valley land, no stone -r timber; water and soil first-class. Boom 86 ' Lsbb. bldg., cor. Second and Washington. FOR BALE Stock ranch of 8.400 acre aear Coburg. 8 mile northeast of Eugene. Lane county. Oregon: price low and term eosx. F. D. Chamberlain. Lsbb bldg., Portland. rFBEB LAND IN OREGON ander tha Carey irrigation act. ifeea aireet rroen star. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. S. Cooks ft Co.. 251 Alder at. Portland. Or. A 20-AC RE farm, all 4a cultivation; 8 mile front courthouse, 1 mile from O. W, P. By, Co.; 12,750; terms , to suit. John P, Shsrkey, 701 Chamber ef Commerce. SUBURBAN cultivated 6 rrea, convenient to streetcar; 6-room bouse, bern. orchard; Imme dlate nossr salon; $2,200. 8860 down. Home lend Co., 146 14 First t. . FOR SALE TIMBER. LAND SCRIP Guaranteed scrip for anrveyed or anaurveyeo, good lor su gmas or gov "ernment land, at lowest price. Moult on ft . Sconey, Columbia bldg., 806 Waahlngton at. DO yoa want timber J I own 160. worth 81.000, which I will eell for 84.800) a abao lutelv safe Investment. D 58. car JournaL FOB SALB Two homaitead . relinqalahaasnt clslma; ssasad growth: will ssH cheap, , M. P.' Ntalaoa. Hotel Kbelnpfala. t YES, wo bsv a few mora good timber claim.. If jon wsnt te locate en oner of them call at 268 Morrison St., room 811. FOR BALE A timber claim In snstbasst part - - ' mk. f. 1 1 rhkneit uIm. k Water and Columbia ata. . WB know ef few good timber claim and homestead that have been overlooked. H. Vjlenkerr 127V Seventk. - CERTIFIED acrip, any alao piece l lowaet prlcea. W. O. Howall, 838 XBbar st Oaas. FOB HOMESTEADS, timber claims aad Borlp apply to aax commercial oia. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. ' FOR SALE Buggy hoes and harness) nt , ' 800; broke: will sell for $175 If sold this wsek. ( sll U1Q Ksst Taylor St. r psoas East 8. HORSES of all kind for aala. at very res son. ' shls prv-ea. Iaqulr 280 Jefferson. FOR SALE S gentle pottle, ; cbesp, Stsble cor. Second snd Msln, . YOUNG mule, weight 1,100, psrtly hroks, chesa. 218- Froal b . ... . . , , , .. a . . , . J. r