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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
czzzzj daily jzz'iaz, tc?jtlai:d. itiuday evzihng, ocTorzr; c. i:ca, Producs Ctf?p!ie Along Front Strest Coms- : what CSort for Saturday Trade on Account of WrtcJc cf Stsamshlp St. Paul. .i. 1 , : SHORTAGE CAUSED BY A 17REGK Piling of Steamar St Paul on Rocks la Good for Fruit Market Valuaa. FIRM -- FLOUR , VERY . .' WITH PRICE ACTIVE ' .... -.. ' v' ' ' -1 1 -, '.. : t - - ' . - :t . , , . Turkey Cpming ...Quits Freely but Weather Is Against Prices and " Sharp Decline Is Shown Today ' '; -" SmaU Veal Sells. - V . j. - t 4 ' The market for poultry has ' been a disappointment this week, . 4 fOvfor while receipts were Urge, do- 4 mand ha ben poor, and price e have suffered greatly. This 1a 4 4 'especially true as to turkeys, for e 4 ; there' has been a very poor' de- 4 O mand for these; In faot theyv 4 4 .have been hard to place at all. 4 Hens and spring have been aell- . 4 ' Ins of late aa low as 114 eente, 4 , and some have not cleaned up : at. that. Turkeys have sold as 4 ..low as If-and 17 cents, and we 4 4 hear ef even 'lower prices-. 'Our . 4 sdvlce to holders of turkeys la . e 4 . to get them In the best possible 4 4 shape and ship the fat onea, e 4 dreaaed, on the Saturday or Mon. 4 4 - day preceding Thanksgiving. We 4 4 ere sure thai the price will be a 4 good one for Rood birds at that e 4 time.'" Tom . Farrell of ' Ever- e 4 ding FarreU. . e v v- - - e Front Strest Oct. S.'-JThV principal feature f the Portland wholesale market today are; , Wrecked atesmec causes ecarrlty. KWmr market la" Arm .and active.. -' i. Bide fo wheat. st slight premium. '..t'f banasaa ta teas,.. -- . , : ; Two ear Merced mtt potato Is, ,' Poultry receipts eontlnu seavjr. 'Kara ere firm with pries hw,- - i ' ' Teiaere are cenaiderebly lower. v i : . '; ''. ; '. Small vl food: Ursa ones dull. ,' t . 'Biers hogs Sod actlvei daniand, , , Butter market Is la better shsp. Balnea ecaroe en- seeouat moddy water . Celery lower with better supplies. ,.r ('aMMge plentiful; price lower, r .tlrap sura la quoted BrnMr. Pears and applea are very area. " ' ( ' Wrecked Steamer Oaaeea Searelty. ' 1 The wreck ef the eteamer St. 1'aal eff the Callferela eoeet reaartad yeaterday has reused aaeaaineea along produce row. A eoaelderable anmant of frslt waa tn the boat cenaigaed to loral merehanta. The . eteagier wa. daa ta arrlre today anfThe' gooda were to be uevd tor the Saturday trade. Saturday ta naually a day of email trade along KVont street the . eirfptloa being - the- time- whoa - the-- Cau fwnla at earner staff ta anloaded oa ' that mening. On th ataatuer was a eon)derhle amount of grapee from the south. The grot narel erangn ef the areeent aeaaoa were ax peered on-r the boat and . Tim 1'earao.i. to owner of the ahlpaient, la mourning hla loae. ! .' 1 All yralU Are Tlrsf.; , ' , On aeenunt of the wreck all fruit price were held firmer today, the demand for grapes being considerably Increased. Oood tomatoes are- scare, end the- price is higher. A ear of baasnas airrred la during -the day and re'ped to rellere the demand. Two ears vf craiod , sweet potatoes came ta during the morning f rem Merced and tsaad a good desaand mud SHC per- pound. - Oood oranges are very scare and precent aterka are ' held eery arm and high. - Cabbag" " from' loeal points la rather pWnllful and th price "baa Jroud fo 1c per pound. Peara, apples and neachaV we grmer. the supplies of the latter being nominal. Bert let: pears have about disappear.!- iron the eold-atorage Inatltntlon and the few remaining aterka are held rery . firm at It. to per box. leiery auppiies arc sew eery UDsrai end price ars .ouotea lower. near Market I Firm and Astlre, IjocaUf the Boor market- is floated firmer ' " and errs store sctlre than formerly. There ta atlll s considerable call from oriental points, but millers are asking the higher prices and acceptances are not as many. Th wheat market la quoted ry firm around present ' Tallies and some alight " premium la reported being paid - for choice lota is order tc till eontraeta. e-Osorailllfced market shows s very good toae 'throughout end prices sre quoted - stiff but unchanged. Demand from California points Is oooalderablc : j Turkeys Are CassUaraMy . tewee. - . Y ' Weather conditio ne era unfavorable to the , turkey demand. Bcrctpta are showiag quite s material lnrreas. but dealer ay they ea sot afford to' buy". Batee- hare Ken reported aa low as Ue, but the general mnrket Is s fraction higher than that aai. ' jThtrsens Are quoted fair at 24jl2ttc hat racelpu ar Terr heary and It takes an ezceptl'Hially good kit to .bring the latter agure. Pucks i.nd geiec both find a good demand with lecelpta at "ap ta the taqnlrlee e round present alo The egg market Is Brawr under, ste of light receipts. . Th creamery butter situation hwe a bet ter diapoeltloa on account ef decreasing sup plies and a better demand. ' Some fairelaed ' ahlpmentc ef casters creamery are expected witbta the next few days. ' ' SmaU Teal dead. large OSes' Dull. - Receipts of dreeeed-real are more liberal but the market still retains s good tone fat the smaller alee. Lars ones ar moat plenti ful and for three the market la sot so good. Block hogs' and a fair call bat th market la sot vqults so firm, although th pries ye malas unchanged. A Slight increase In the receipts I shown. . . .. ' , , ' Sejjnea Seares ea Ace eat Muddy Water. SeJmoa supplies srs rather small eg'aeroaal ef the muddy water la the Columbia, making It hard for the 'rape to operate to advantage. From the coast atiseno the atch Ja also re- ported small and all supplies In Olla market sre seerce. Halibut remams with small sup plies sad price bigs. - Hoe Bsmaiir-Tsry Dun. There la a very dull tons to the bop market. Some erders are reported In. st 114012 but "' beyoad theee figures brewer do not cars to buy. .Picking In this ststs is completed snd final figures ef the crop sre Boon expected. All present Indication point te a crop of fully M.noo bales. V' ' . , f -The following quotations sre those paid V)ii ' Front 1 street by tbs retail trad for choice quality In round, lots. Producer', price ars so spectaedt i -wrata. Fleer sad Feed.'' WHEAT New club. Tlri Red Rumlaa, 7c; bluertem. T4c; -alley, TITlc. BARLST Feed. l21.Snajn.uui roUadr IZZ.M 23.00: brewing. I22.WO23.00. CORN Whole, 2I.M; cracked. g2s.0 per ton, -" BVR I1.M per ewt. OwTfl rrodacers price Wo, t whits. I2S.S0 'fK.nnt grr. I2S MXIS4.00. - - FLOUR New, eastern Oregon patentaJ.JO - stralghta. S.n.6o; export. W 8US gTT ral ley a.iW; graham, , $3M; rye, 60s, 15.00; ss1 12 Ti ', itlLUITOFFS Bras. la.fjrj per toot mld . dung. 28.O0: aborts, country, 20X0t city, liSO; crop, tg.00, -'-:" . m RAT Producers w ws Tlmsthr. WUlamett raltoy, fsuey, ill OOflU 00: ordinary. T.004 t.0: saatera Oregon, H.m)lfi.00 mixwl. S BOns.OOi clorer. W00O10.0 grain, ce-eot). t.00; cheat. S.0OTg.BO. Butter, Eggs sad Paul try. BTTTTrSaV PAT Sweet, Slci sour. tte. . ' Bl'TTKR City creamery. . beat. 82He; second grade. SOr; outside fancy, 27H02oHc; ordinary , 2KQ2TMc; - atnre, ltlTe. BtiUK No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled. 27 HO '!;' cold storage and tasters, 2626c. ' CHKKSK New Full creem. twin, IftUeieei Toung America. Idlffltnct Cheddar 14eZ , AMB Jackrabblt. 13 per dos. POLLTRT . Chickens. 12c , per lb' ' fancy hena. 12c per lb; rooster, old. IH per lb; fryers. 12Q12HC per lb; broiler, UOt . , K . " ,,um ,v, vu 10e per lb; turkey. 16c per lb; dressed, J 7c per m; squab. 12.6003.00 per dos. Hese. Wsei and Rides. HOPm-lSOO Or ton, llOl2c; Washlngtoa, FRIDAY PRICES IN . THE WHEAT MARKET X Deo, May. e Chicago u , .10 ts A 9 .81 MB d ' - New Tork.;..'. .IIHB, e e 81. Louis 114 , I ..... e Milwaukee .... .IIA e) e Minneapolis .. .lit, .11 V . . Kansas fr Cltjr, . 71 H d q Llrarpool Isttd slHl d e Ban Francisco. 1.114 1.10 , March, . December barley,' ,.'.L e ' ' JOURNAL'S-DAILY- TIPS TO SHIPPERS 1 0Olle; IfiTA'crop. 12e for ehoics, UHtJlar for primes and medlsms. Wool iirua clip, iley. sssrss te BMdtaaa. tfe4i;ttUl fin. M(f2Ie, saatera tuegea, Itt22c - . 1 ti II A I ft Nominal. lOtllle. : ' BB EKPHKIN8 lerla, IBCtS short weal. otjaoci medium srbot, S0MS was weei.' ucufl.00 esch. 5 : ' TALLOW Prime, par ! Ooei Be. S aad grease. 202H. j ' , . CHITTIM BARK 2V4V per IB. 1 HIDES Dry hides, h. f. IS m wed us, IdOlSHe per lb; dry kip. Ne, i. s li Bm. Ic; dry ealf, N. 1. snder me. lsejtacudr salted hides, steera, sound. Wme Met to to (0 lbs. SOsMci sneer am a4 eowe. igawcj sues sss souia. kin. IB to ao Ilia Sri eand. lu to 14 lb. So He; calf, suand, snder 10 lbs BOU: sTees (unsalted), U per lb lees; suite. Is r u Tjaei honehldes. . salted, escb, H.OVTB: dry, each, 1.00Ql.eo; colt hides, sack, gnB0e; goat akiaa, com uon. each. iOf.U; Angora, with wool ea. ceck, SScOH, ' Fruit aad Tsgeteklss. . ' POTATOES Beat trregen. a6Q7Dej- car lota.. 60e aack; ordinary, o4doel awaat, Be sack. 814 orates, " ONiraVS-i-Kew 'Oregon yellow Danrer, Ifie; ear lotsTuor; (arllc, h10c per lb. FRSUFT KRVITS Apples, Oregon. ll.OOOI.BO.; fancy, 1.754t2.0U; erabapples, 1.60; oranges, late ValencUs, g4.7lttyiS.25; bananas. Be per lb; lenions, choice, to.Mta3.7o per box; fancy, gd-vu per box; limes. Mexlcaa. sl.24 set 100; pineapples, 14.00 per doa; pescbea, fancy, i00e; ordlnaryV oOifTSc; plume,, 7(1.00 per crate: cantaloupaa. 75c per crate; water melons, 11.00 per ewt; grapea, Oreeon, 601 15c; Concord, -ta, 17Ht20c; 10a, B036c basket;' California, Tfcil.&0 bo; -pears, Hartlett. 11.29 ei.te box; Winter Nellla, tl.xS boi blaekher rlee, BScOll.OO; easabae. 2.001s1d0 due; fresh prune ( per lb; pomegranates. 1 1 25 -per box. VKOETABl.KS lurnlu. sew, ll.uM Omt awek; carrou, .gl.00 pee sack; beets, ll.OOCi I. SB persack: Oregre radiahes.. gee per doa; cabbage, Oregon, l.O0 per ewt; green pepner. Be per lb; local . tomato. )V.:K parsnlpa, 1.0Jl.i3; atring beans, 45-i raollfiower; TSct1.00 dos; rbubarb, per lb; horseradish; 10c lb;-, artichoke. 0 tOe per doa; head lettuce, SO per dos; green on lore, ( ) par dos; sptaach, ao par lb; green corn, T5c per esek: pees, te per lb; cucumbers, T6e per sack; celery, meal. 40O7B per dua; eggplant, par era te ; pumpkin, lHc; cranlerrlea. Cap Cod, per bbl; Cooe Bay and TllUmook, 17.00. : - CBIKU-t-KUITM Annie.- csd. - tctV wr lb: aprlcotei- tur13e eer lb: sacks. He aer lb least eeaches. 8t 12e per lb: Bears. ser lb; prunes. Italian. IwBlwl ear lb: rrench. IlidlM nor Ibi fire.- Cautooala bUrk. ner lb: California white. pee lb: olsms. Bitted, per Itr: dates, gnldoa. g asr Ibt fare. 11.80 use It-lb bos. , Sweetie. Muta.-Bts,- - SrOAR-Back baele Cube, td &0 powdered, IS. 85; fruit granulated, tt.25; dry granulated, 5.25; Coar. A, 83.80; beet graadUlad. 88. 15; extra C. M.75; golden C. 84 ; D yellow. 84.56; bbla. 10c; Vi bbuvSOcj bdxes BOc sdrsocc ea aack beia. leea xfi ser cwl let aaaa. 11 dare: maple. He IB par lb. , liONBT i3 per erstev - ' ; COFFCBPsckags brands. 115.71. SALT Fine Ba lee. t. Be. 4a. 8. lAa.-fl.eOt Ubl. dairy. Boa. 811.00: luua. . glo.75:. Im ported LlTeruooL BOs. 817 Out lObu, 818.30; 824s. 818 OU: extra fine. bbla. ts. ds. 10s, 84.50At.50; balk. 820 lbs. HJJCbltM. sacks, tut. aa crne. " "ALT Coarse Half sreead. ion, set tos. 17.00: 80s. r too. 87.501 I.lrwool aims rock. 818.50 ner tost 80-lb rock. 17-Oin tons. sa.TB. (Abore prices soelr te sales el ss tbae car lota. Car Iota at saecial Briesa aabjset ts floctnatlonal. . ..H , . .r ORAIN BAC.a Calcutta. 7 Us. BICR I mo rial japan. No. 1. Set N. B. 8W: Nw Orkmas kesd, Cei A lax. 4! Ors- BRANS Small whits, dOec; Urge whits, 13. IB; pink, 8c; bayou, 4c; Urnai, fie; Mexlcaa reds, . NCTR Peaaets. TVei tambos. Itte aer Ibt raw. OdtlOs net Th: rosstwl. I eoeusaste, MeiBOe per dost walneta. 1 4 a 15 per lb: pine nsts. 10O12UC aer lb: lilrkorr aots. loe ner j rtjeatnut. eastern. Maine per lb; Bra all nnta. It per fb; fUberts, 14015 per li isaey seraaa. 4sal9et.sl7onds. 13C15s set la. rt . i Vstata. Oeal Ofla.-Xts BOPS Pure MsntU. 14c: stsndard. ' 12WI tlaal. 10et llaw bread sleal. Bae. COAL OIL Pearl or Aotrat Cases. SOtie est Chi: water white, fcroa bbm. ite set sal: woodea. 18 car sail headlUItt, 170-da, eaaea. ggu, per sal. 1 ' - OASOUNB ad-des. earns. 82. p (all tros bbl. an aer ash stores, saaea. stHe as sal; Iron hbls. ite per gad. BENZINE Kl-dr. rases. SSs.ast gall tees) KKI. lu.e ner ' aL ' TUBPSNTINB la eases. Sis par gal; bbla, kmc per rat. WHITS LKlf Ton krte. T Iota, 8c per lb; lees lots. H per lb. WIltK iai B; BOO-Ik NAILS Prawnt base af 82. To. I INHKKD OIL Pur raw. la 6-bbl lots. 54: 1-blil )ot, 65c; raaes. OOc per ral; renuln kettle boiled. Caere, 2c. per gal; B-bbl kts: 64c; 1 -bbl lot, t7c per sal; ground cake, cer lota. 820.00 per soa; leaa than car lots, 830.00 per .ton. Meats. Fish ssd Pierlslsse. ' FRESH MEAT Front street neat ntaerw. BQ6e per lb; pork, block, 8iy SH per lb; pack era, fie per lb; bulls, 4U5e per lb; cow. S'floc per lb; rael, extra, 8c per lb; ordinary.. 7c per lb; poor, Ac per lb; mutton, fancy, 707WC per lb. --- - - UAAiS. BACON. -TC. Portland back fioeall bnnta, 10 to U Iba, 14 per lb; 14 t 1 ibe, 134 per lb: 18 to 20 lbs. 18 per Ihi cot tax, te per lb; break faat baron. lnrjlSH pr ib; plmlc. he ner lb: regular (hurt .clear, un emoked. lis per lb; smoked, 12 par lb; deer backs, ansmoked. 104 lb; smoked, 11 pr Ib: Union butts, 10 to IS M. anemokad, 8e per lb; smoked Be per rb! clear belli, an smoksd. lie ner lb; smoked.. Us set Ibi sbeai- dIb0AL fcTkBO-Kattls wsf. 10s. 111 per Ibi ts, ilia per lb; MVtb tins, 11 He ner Ib; steam rendered. 10a. 10 par lb; ta, I01t IM. 11, . CANNKD SAtJIOrt Colemhla rtrer. l-tb tall. Btit x-ia taiai, i. iw, is ner. i-'o iiata,; lb fancy flats. 11.15; faaey 1-lb era la. i2.1t: Alaeka tails, plus. USsiOOci red. 81X0; aoulaai la. tall. 82.0O. FIHH Rock rod. Te ner R! fVmnders,.8e net lb; halibut. TH per lb; eraba. 8180 per. doa; etriped baas, . 12H per lb; ratflah. Be per . lb; salmon, allnreldra, Oc per lb; bluebscks. e per lb; herring. Be per lb soles, Sc per Ik; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch, te per Ib; black cod, 1c per lb; direr smelt, T per Ib; lobster. 15c; frvsh mackerel, Sc per lb I egawfiah, 83 ar dos. - .. .'; . - OYh-rKRa sihoshrstsr bay. Bef gal, 82. 8B; ser sack. 88.78. ' CLAMS Hare etiall, see sea, 8B.0PI alssis. 82.00 ser bos. SAJT fg-ABOItCO tOQAX ITOCXS. Sas FTanciaco,6cf. . OfBcUI closer I- Bid. .. x ' .. en, .. 1t .. 8.11 ' li It Contra Coats Water.;,.'..,.... nprtng vauey rvaier.v . Mutual Electric....' San Francisco X)s A Kleetrfc. . uint rawoer Hawaiian OommercUl Hnnokea Sugar...... Hutchinson Sugar..,, Makawcll Sugar...., Onomee Sngar. .. paauhan Biigar t Alaaka Parkers'.... ',., WA Oceanic KUamahlp ,.. 84 parlar Bute Telephone.. ......... I02 California Wine..,.,...,...,.,.,.. M'A Parlfle Coast Borage.' California Fraltcannan' M Ask. ',4W : 1 TA MS 18 83'4 SterllS Bases. New York. Oct. HterMng ratesi 4t.3S048o.8S; 80 days. 4H2. . Ien)im, " ' P'OBTLASD BABK ITATtMCTT. ' aesrlngs , .. . . . , .f 1.II0.BM 18 Balances .. 311,383. &J TOOE C00TK1UED DUliG DM Chicago Wheat Market Was Strong Early arid Held Feel ing All Through Trading. THREE QUARTERS IS - RISE IN OPTIONS Continued Buying by Germsny in - This Country Is Principal Bullish Festure Cash Demand Is Good JVith Apparently Little for Sale. " FBJDAI S WHEAT MARKET. ' Cioss , Clos 619. Close Frl. Thur. FrL Tesr Ago December..... I .8SI4A Jt4B 0 fl.ODta Msy....... jaB JU MrZ .. Chicago, Oct. S. Logsa.d: Brysa say! The Arsentln wheat shipments ar about 300,000 buauels less thsa laat week. Today's market tarted strong sud retained Its strength through out the eaaaioq, eloelng practically at the top. The' export bualnees . of Germany continue te set ss a stimulant and, with the Improved none of Caali. tende to unsettle tbe confldeaee of Ibe bears sad lurlte some little iacreas tat toe eutaldc demaad. Taday'a market was anlformly atrong. kflllers aeem to hare cleaned up tbe primary markets pretty wall for choice wheat, St. Louis wiring that soft whest will le rery scares is the near future. Tbe ettnattoa the laat day or two seems to bare gstbered strength. The market acta more snappy than for aome time, buyers being compelled te bid up. with less whest apparently for ssle. Th holdings appear to be atlll Intact. A . south western message says s prominent e levator eon cern. jwt s rery hnlllsh message te the affant that 45 per cent of the wheat had bsea mar keted, snd la tbe winter sections tbs ground was rery dry and seeding la delayed; with tbs around already eeeded. seeding rain rery badly. This Is s factor that the trade must watch closely. It has been for some time apparent that tbe new crop-ef winter wheat was not getting tbe required amount of moisture. The corn market participated to s mild extent k a little bullish activity, but st the Sop met come realising, which was sot st sll unnatural conaldertng the slowness of the market. Broader Tree m Oata. The oats market ruled strong, with a hresdar trad, enow Ins s net advance of Vie for the dsy. Tbe sosrse grain list, both com snd oats, eontlnu to offer more eneoursgement for fu ture operstlons. . Provisions ware far from being alarming fn the bear la h way, both, the near months snd the distant onea taking on a new strength ssd activity. It is. however, a Darker' market. Official quotations by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke company: - . WHEAT. " Open. - Blgh. nee g .h MssJTa )' ,H) July...,. .82 ' CORT4., Oct ;r:7 .So ' .boh .to New Pee. .44 1 .44 4 ' - .44 Old Dec. .4814 .lt M -.48 ;r- M ..4a. MB ' -r OATS.- h--v - - Oct...... ! " .214 . ,W Dec . Mi, MV,,. ..284 May..., JWtZ ...80I .804 ' HA July -3U M -29. .28i MEM PORK. - 15.20 m it B U.42 - j2 80"' J2.42 .- UKU. , , T.17. T.20 8.85 S.85 - 8H0BT KIB8. 8.60 - S.B5 S 49 .42 uign. :ni.. tow. -.4i .m oct...; Jso 12 88 Oct. ... Nor. ... Jaa.n. Oct.... Jan..'.. T.H , 7 14 S.77 .8.80 S.I A48 , T.10 Til g.71 Clnss. t .MvA -4B J1814A. ' .to vi :"' -44WB .41V T.1T B 7.20 6.M B e.85 B 8.47 PBIMABT OK AIBT M0TZXXBT. ' Chics (O, Oct. 8. Primary receipts Today , Tesr Age ' Bosh. -eBnah. Whest ....,...1.22.0ofl 1.2J6.009 Corn .'. 882,000,. 2uM,000 Bhlnmeats: whest 481.000 Corn 208.000 831.000 Clearanoee: Whest. 88.000 bushel;, flour, 41.000 barrel; corn. 63.000 bushel! oats, 400,000 bushcla. , . CHICAOO CASK WXZAT. Chicago, Oct, A Caah wheat: - No. t red No. 8 red No. t hard No. 8 hard No. 1 Borthera No. S northern No. S pring.. Bid. ......... .so Aak. S .87 .84 .M .82 .85 .87 ' .Wrt .88 ' .87 N .78 .85 " MODIBir MUXEB EETOaT. St. Louis, Me., Oct. 8. Modern Miller cava: Excepting a few dry sections, sr where fsrmer sre fesruig the Heaslss fly and have delayed putting in their crop, wrnter whest seeding is progrMlng favorably. Deliveries 'of whest from tbs country remain email and will eoa tlnus that way aatU farmers have completed their fell work. . .. Aif yxAjr Cisco exAnr kauxt. Ran Frasrlseo, 'Oct. g. Official etoss morning ssssloai . ' WHEAT. Open. High. Low. " Ore. December ...l.as4 ii iw; l.sr4 I1-88 BABXET. December .... 1.1014 110 1-1014 LIO , ZJTZSP0OL OKAJJf KABXIT. I.lverpooi. Oct. S Close: Wheat, December,' 8s B4d, 4d higher; March. 8s 8d. Hd hlghsr. Corn December, 4s ST4d, 4d higher; January, 4a 4Sd. j hlghsr. . . . ALL LIVESTOCK IS. GOOD, SAYS PLULIHEB Although Hog Arrivals Are Con siderably lncreaed. De mand Is Better. Portland TTnloB Stockysfda, Oct, I. Live stock receipt: , . Hog. A Cattle. Sheep. Today 418 101 . 818 Week ago ............ 132 ... . I.OM Prevlou week 04 8S 0 Month sge . . ....117 ... H "There 18 s slightly better feeling la tbe bng market, deeplts the hesvy receipts," seys Secretary Pmmmer "There wes s very wesk feeling, bwt there seems te be some Improve ment today, t attle ar good; sheep and calves are good la fact the entire market be takes oa a somewhat Improved tone. Prices, ..sow ver. ' sr the ssme. Official prices for ttvestocl:' ' - " - Hoga Beet eeaterd Oregon. 84.00; slorters ssd Chine fats, 15.00; suckers ssd feeders, 84.50: ' , (attl Beet eastsra Oregna Steves, t t right and -medium steer. $2.00; light cow, 81.50432.00: stockcra and f seders, SA.ltei.t0; knlU. 11.50. I Sheep Wether. 8148Hcr ml Jed sheen. He; Straight swes. 8T8He; spring lamha, dtfte. Calves I toed veal. 150 te too pound a, IvJSc; rough heavy, 884e. , JTXW TOsUC OOFTXJC KABXZT. 10 New Tvk. Oct. . Coffee future eknwd points klgber - Offictsl notations: . Bid. Aak. I ' - Bid. Aak January ...87.80 7.AJuly .,.,...17 78 87. 80 Fhrur .. 7.40 7.41V Angoet 7 SO 7 March ..... t BO April ...... t M May t 60 June , f.Bt T o-V September ... f.85 f goinetntier .... tot T.I0 ? an i November -,. T.10 7 It .TtlDeetawe,!.. T.3S 1.90 - - 'l OHEY ACTED AS r . . . I - ' E High Rates at the Opening of the Stock i Market , Sent , the , : Prices Sortie Off LOWER CALLS DRIVE : VALUES BACK AGAIN New York Central Again 'a Oood . Leader With a Net Gain of a Full Point Declines Shown Are Rather ... Small. ' , -.'"--y ' -.. ADVANCES. Am1gmsted ..... Hlhllsaoiiri Pselfia Atcbleoa Susar ... Baltimore Cow. Facl C. K. W Cbeaapeaka ....... 14 uio. sou iu., go p. Colo. South., ptd. Great Western ... V II. 8. Bubber, pfd. MA Mexlcaa Central... , H Norfolk Ont. West....... . X. y: Central..... : Padfie Mall ...... Pressed Steel Car.. Beading Republic Steal . .. Republic Steel, Pfd. Wabaah Wabash, pfd ...... V Assrosdg ........ Atcblsouf pfd Smelter Smelter, pfd ...... Cer Foundry, p. Brooklyn ., Canadlaa ......... Erie Erie, Zd pfd ..... Illinois CentraJ.... tlnloa Parlfle .... V. S. Steel ....... LOSSES. pfd.. It". S. IreeL llxMilavllle Manhattaa Ksty North Amerlcaa.... I Pennsylvania I Bock Island, pfd .. 8. P.. 2d pfd .... Jt1 Southern By VilSouthera Padflc,... JslTs Tsnn. Coal . 8. Bubber Well Street, New Tork, Oct. 8. The opening of . the stock market - .showed a declining Uadeaey ea account of th blgh money re tee. tbs market values showing losses through most sf ths list. Moaey opened st T per cent but was weak st that figure. This ouotaUou sent picss off sad tbs sliding movement was 000 tinned for some time. Later la tbe dsy moaey rates slid off, values going down as low ss 1 per cent. This acted ss a-bulllsh Incentive and stock. values war sgsla sent up. The list closed divided. - .Official quotation by Overbeck, Starr 4 Cooks DESCBlPTIOlf. i Anaconda Mkttng Co.. A mat. copper do. Atchison. 00m do preferred Am. Car A foundry, c. do preferred... Am. Sugtr, com.. Am. JBmelt., com, -c . . -. . do preferred ......... Baltimore At Ohio, com. Buooklyn Rapid Transit, Canadlaa - Pacific,, com. Chicago A Alton, com.. do preferred.... C. At O. W., com..'.... CD!., Mil. A St. P, C. A M. W., com....... Chicago Terminal By... Chesapeake A Ohio. Colo. Fuel A Iron, com. Colo. Souther, com.... do secoad preferred... do first preferred.... Delaware A Hudsou-.-..-DL, Lack. 4 Wee. D. A B. 0.,om. ...... do preferred. Erie, com do second preferred.,. do first preferred. .. . Illinois Centrsl.... Umlsrllls A Msshrllls.. Met. St. By Manhattan By.... ...... Mexican Central Ry..... Minn., Hi. P. A Stc. M.142 90 irgfjlv. I HI ., Missouri Pacific M. K. A T., com ,. do preferred..,..,,... New tork Central... ... Northers Pacific Norfolk A Western, com. North American N, T., Ont. A West.... Pennsylvania By....... P. O., U AO. Co Preseed Steel Car, com . do preferred...,.,.... Padflc Mall SteeavOo. Beading, com........... do td preferred....... do let preferred...... Ren, iron A Steel, com. do preferred Bock Island, com.,,.. do preferred Southern By., com...... do preferred Southern Pacific...... St. b II. F.. Zd pfd.. It L 8 I. W., com... do preferred Texas A Pacific....... Tennessee Cost A Iron. T.. St. U A W., eon. rnlon PiHflc, com..;.... V. S. Bnbber. com..... do preferred V. S. Steel Co., com.... i do preferred WheeL A L. E., com... Wisconsin Central, son. do preferred , Weeters Union Tele... Wabash, com.... do preferred 110 884 8044 104 L, m la 100 14344 laOH llil 118 7a 1 1714! 1HI Sl B7M, 474 8S4 44 ns Sit a 81 V, 180 tn liio hS4 8Wa 104 ax 100 lrt.M, 117 w-5 SB 1M4 Bl4 84 18014(1 i 118 88K evv 104 , 104 rWI 1R0- 74 84 144 4814 4liH 1U 4 2s4 82"! 704 8 ' V4 14 61 8514 87; 188 64 884 ITVh B"j 48 I 121 MS. TtkVh 31 1 2JO 44 8.1 318 8 11 si 14 IHI 1M14 12R lrtftS 3 104 8 4i'il4Z1, 28 4 130U 3113l1s 131 11141113 4 71 I UK. I71ir73ii en 143MI140M0 78 31 180 aie 87 4d 38 48 oa 314 88 48 73 BU 190 lna 135 !Ov"4 Z4 108 8.1 rw 1M 310 83 7 84 144 4.1 1W 3 30 3 84 Vi SO 8 ' 84 81 8B '88 106 IS 'to 43 104 32 tw 140 arm 88 72 D4 143 40 45 133 80 1 38 B4 83 T 8S w X4 1 ao 87 87 182 68 87' 104 17 BS" 32 43 78 81 181 3I 10 3 213 401 - 85 80 40 78 81 181 1M 123 lrt.1 33 140 12 8.H4 8 IROli jn 83 7 84 144 108 43 128 80 88 7B 8rl 100 eu e 34 81 87 132 8.1 101 SA 104 28 88 3 33"2 5 Anaconda Mining company, sx-dlvldead ef H-38. 1 Total ssles for day. 350.200 ah are. -r Call money closed 3 per cent. ' - TOBOPAH xtXaTIVa STOCKS. 8a Francisco, Oct. firlal etoss morning set Bid. Montana .83.78 Midway 1.47 McNamara 8 Belmont ....a. 1-44 North Star 44 Beecne ........ .07 Oold MounUln.. lim Bntrnr .78 Nevada ... . .18 Ton. Kites loo. B ona. Bed Top .88 Ooldfleld ........ '.87 Sandstorm...,. .50A Sandatorm Ex., .08 Adam ........ .04 ' Mohawk ....... .18 mre .13 Kendall ....... .17 S. Toeopah storka, of-ntioa: Bid. Columbia Mt.... 3A Jumbo 1 . Jnmbo Ft ten.... Black Butte.... gllver Pick...... Golden Anchor.. Ray A O'Brien., ilphlr Ttmopeh.. 0. Bull -Frog.... IHasaondfteld ... ton Star ..... Home ' Caah Boy Fell pee . National Bank IVn Silver . Atlanta .74 .33 :J3 .88 .08 .38 .33 .2 .08 .00 .17 .44 .18 ,14 .11 ' BOITOITCOPPIK CLOSE. BoetoSj. Oct. S Official elosei . .17 'Osceola Adventurs , Atlsntle A I lour a ..... Bingham' .... Cal. A Aria... 1-4. 'slums! Copper Bangs. Centennial ... tlsly West ... Elm Uranhy Urees : Old Domlntoa. Mohawk ..... Michigan Maes 2s. 00 4.0 I 81.35 ltm.12 ST0.00 72.78 38.00 14 7 t.7t 38.37 2S.M 88.71 14 30 ia Parrot Phoenlg .. Qnlncy ... flhanooo ,. Tamarck Trinity .. I'nlled ... Victoria .. 87HJ Winona Wolvertn .., I'Uh t. S. Mining Royal North Butt Bid.' .llOH.tO . 26.00 . 1.87 , 108.00 . 7.83 , 138 00 TT B I2 . 84.00 . F7 ,. 10.80 ,. llltotl, . 4H.78 . 87.00 . 38.35 . 63. ay - - ITV TOES CTBB Nsw Tork, Oct. . Curb: STOCXS. Bid. . 11 . 73 4 arms.... 18 d r Ft .....Six - Amerlcaa Cas do preferred t.ieeue enra .,,,...,,.. Merchsnts' alarms. do preferred, interhnrouah . . Tenueeess Copper ,... 81 paper B ' no preferred Markay f e 43 ' do preferred 74 A merlca n Wonles,.,... ,. 39 do preferred..... ....... ,v.,,v'...103 Centrsl l4wther.,,,M,,,...,..M... 4ft . da preferred,, , ..M...,...lt4 To Astoria - Beaches on 44 4 X es i 4-' ' ' : '''''' ' Tfie D(y Boat Down the Columbia ; lecaves daily lrom Taylor Street Dock at 7.A. M. Call up MAIN 613 ; S 4eMM Ill M MMMMMMMwMww SOIISO GENERALS F ATWHITE HOUSE Ulysses Grant Third, FItzhugh Lee, Jr., and Philip Sheridan. 4 jrHMade Aides. FORTESCUE SENT BACK BY TACGART EMBROGLIO Reign of tbe Socisl Secretary at Na tion's Cpitsl-B.ij; of Ieisiness Discovered In Panama snd Insect ' Powder Sent South. (Wsshtnctoa Bursas ef The Journal) Washington, Oct I. The- Bona of fa moua trausrala will bs closely aaaoclated as aides at the White House the coming winter. Lieutenant Ulysses 8. Grant, third, and Lleutensnt Dan T. Moors, a cousin of Mrs.' Roosevelt, will remain, as will Colonel Charles 8. Bromwall, eorpa of engineers, and Major Charlsa Ja McCawlep, of the marina corpa. Com mander WInalow will, so to sea. aa also will Lieutenant Roscoe C. Bulmer, U. 8. N. Two newcomers will be Captain Fltshusb. IyeA.Jiv.rjf iha Twelfth cav alry, and Lieutenant rhulp Sheridan, Jr Fifth cavalry, Th Taggsrt smbrogllo has aant Lieutenant Oranvllla K. For tescue track to hi regiment, the Tenth cavalry, and Captain Harry Lay,.V. B. M. C. will go to sea with the North Atlantic crulaer squadron. - . v.. . The "aldea" attend the) social things In general, aot aa escorts to the ladlea of th official houaehold and stand around In full uniform ss ornaments during re ceptions. Indeed Major MoCawley of the marine eorpa brought down the ridi cule of the marine department by being obliged to accornpsny . Mrs. Rooeevelt shopping. " Sdra of ioelal gscrstary, ' The reign ' ef the social secretary Is now on. To b without a "socisl aeo retary" Is to own one's self out of so ciety. It la a curloua thing that ao many absolutely dtaagreeable-mannered woman are chosen for thla gentle pro fession. It is a beautiful work for wom en, this guiding the aoelal affairs of the more fortunate of their sex. It ' takes a woman who has been. In It and of It, with birth, cultivation, education And everything which goes to make up the proper eoclety of woman, to make the Ideal aoelal , secretary. If a woman comes to Washington and entera oglolal eoclety without this neoaaaary pilot, she la lost In the social aeae "before th first month la over. . Bog ef TaAslnaas la aaaraa. It baa -been pointed out that the "bug of lastneaa" has been discovered In the tropica, and slmultsneously with ths announcement the government has ordered nearly 4 tons of insect powder for Panama. j DOINGS IN RABBITVILLE f Prom ths Irrlgon Irrigator. Babbltvllla, Morrow county. Or.. Oct t. Wa held our meeting tevorgantae our promoter society laat nlte, ut It dlddent organise. It' waa Ilka this: When we got together there was about thirty I of us leading people preaent When the time coma I got up and went up to the platform and told 'am to coma to order, and beln' aa wa had Important business to tranaack I would aot aa chairman. Then old man Butterbottom got up and aaid ha gassed they had better elect a chairman, and ha thought Major Fair play would make a good preeldent and afore I hardly knowed it tha major was elected and I waa, flggsratlvaly speak ing, trompled under their feet So I left snd come home. It Is too bad our folks la so narrow and bigoted and Ig norant that they can't appreciate a man of brans and Intellect and education, broad, liberal man Ilka I am. But they sot on ma good and plenty and 1 left 'em, and not long after I heard a racket and looked out Juat In time to see 'era throwln' Major Falrplay out tha winder and flva or els f 'em-fltelrt-on th stare a They had took up a eol leckshun to help promote and bad got ninety cants and th major as chair man went to put It In hla pocket and then th fit begun and tha Lord knows how w cah'booat Rabbltvllle with such doln's. But wo must not deeper. I hare aot my heart on get tin' Rabbi tvill to th front, and with my nollldga and ability and laarain' and education there Is la ths brlta lexicon of my vokAbBu lsry no such word as fall. . The City drug store hasjuat receive. some' 18. 11 and JO-lnch horaa collar and s good lot of choice perfumery. Al aeveral lbs. of Epsom salts. PreXcrlp. tlona mixed nit or day. Com one, com Alt - " V ' ' Ton orto see our barber! If he ain't a site, and all beeaua he's juat a little too flip. - Laat Sunday nlte, beln' pretty neaS sober... he walked horn from meetln' with Lisa Buttar bottom and aha asted him In, beln' A man, that la a sort of a man. and Lisa gettln' along In years bow so that she'd be willing to grab At anything what wares panta, which we ar dlereesln' from th visit of th barber. But he went Into th parlor and In about a hour Ml eome home with A pretty good etoati on and tha lit beln' low In th parlor 01 new Lisa hAd a baaux so It peaked ta sad v.- Experience Teaches 4hat cheap paint to start with will the dsar paint to and with. Bsttrst a paint for th first coat and tha late coat , at th very beginning which Is properly ground and mixed of good'grade mate rial, even if It does cost -a Uttl bit more. We would Ilk to have a abort chat with you on tha paint question, . Won't you drop la soms day soon J FISHER, THORSEN & CO. . - rmoaT sum KommxaWar. ' OVBRBBCK. STARR & COOKB CO Members Chicago Board of Trad. nOYXaUOaTa, OOTTOST. STOCKS OaTDsV ; 1: Third Street, McKay Building, Portland, Or.- BO A STsUOTXiT COaTJCZMXOaV BtrSSsTBSS. Continuous Markets by Frtyate Wire. Quick Service. REFKRENCES Ladd a, Tllton, bankers, and United States National Bank of Portland. "aSa BBaaaaaiy .aBeu) .f T . ' " . -...T- - -- i . No Pain No Pain 1NICE TEETH - 'W ar th dlacovorera and originat ors of tha only reliable and aclentlflc system of Painless Dentistry. -.We ex trsct, croWn, nil and clean or treat teeth abaolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen yeara. Our. work la the best, our prices the lowest con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our plate are unde tectable from tha natural teeth and ar guaranteed to fit FILLINGS. ..... .... .000, 75 and 1.00 OOLD CROWNS SS.00 BRIDGE WORK ......... . .... . .SS.00 FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. . .SS-00 - Opea fo be erases i natU S 'elook vanlaga.. Boston Painless Dentists sen, Morrison art, Opp. Msisa ft JTraak aad aPostoffloe. HOURS 8:0 a, m. to I p. m. Sun day, i:0 a. m. to H:IS p. m. DO e, xonenrs m oo (EaUblUhad lt.) - T AATO STOOsI BBO Boosa 4, OiwArnS Tloor, oatAMBini or ooi whn he seen who1 It was there was at onct aomethtn' doln'. And that bar ber got th darndeat llckln' A barber aver got 81 aaya ha ain't nothln' ag in barbers aa barbers but drunken barbara Is wore nor drunksn shaepherders. In all the history of RabbltvUle noth ing has ever happened of auch Import ance as tha arrival of a new family Into her midst last Friday nlte from Mis souri, and they ar now llvln' la a tent waltln' for to Onlah a manahun w'lch they will erect acrost cattycornered from th Bunko houae. Thla . family konalata of six and their namaa la Honeybottom. His first nam la March and hern la June, and when they had twin girls they thought 'twould be nice to nam "em aame as th days of tha week so thay called 'em Sunday and Monday. Than two more com and thay ar Tuesday and Wenaday, and tha laat two waa named Thursday and Sat urday, aklppln' Friday or a man a name, beln' A -hlntorlcal ka meter in -Mr. Bunion's pilgrims progress, Friday beln' th man what armed hlmaelf cap and pla And tried to fit a windmill. Well, .km ninavluiiinma Is a An family. The atx girls Is about 1 to 18 year old and they ar aura charmers i xou tei kd bltvtll will git to th front now!-Theee tela m.m tnka the braeB outen Lisa Butterbottom' aales these Honeybottom girls does, xpreaaiy Aliaa wenBoay. at,, i m a, naanh anrl an mlatska A n V .t... iMwin e tntn bar faun-llka evea and hearln' of her aoft aopranner voice and gasln on ner ruoy tips ana penon bloom cheeks will go oft and bring Rab bltvllle to th front if h buata a gallua. WEALTHY FATHER HAS NO COMPASSION FOR SON (Joeraal Special Service.) Chicago, Oct t. A Jury has been Im paneled to bold an Inqueat over th body of th girl who died of morphine poison tag at th home of Ir, Hart-3- Hart has partially revived, but raved Insanely and attacked th officer guarding him. . A. B. Hart A wealthy retired merchant of St .Louie, th father of th doctor, aaya his son deserves no compassion, aa he is a hopeleaa drug fiend. He waa aent to Chicago a year ago And given a home,' Eight montha ago, ha married a girl In St Paul who waa not yet II yars old. -' --- . Sartfcqaaka ta Ztaly. ' (Journal 8pctal ServteO Bologna. Italy, Oct. . -An sarthquaks ahock waa felt In thla city thla morning. COTTON IS NINETEEN TO TWENTY LOWER Hew Tork, Oct. 8.Cottoa tutsres clessd II te SO points lower. Official euotstloas by Overberk, Starr A Cook cuaapsaj: One. Hleh. Lnur. t'lns. Jasuary ...l6l8 1"I4 we tOXAIAiS rbruary lOlt ion K3l Marru. ..........l'nt IVH lOf OIIilS April ......10 toae . ft ,4)lt Mar ...............10M lOftT 108 l!7nl Oetohsr bad S sou SNiir..i November Bus 8TB Btt 141 leesihst ....100B 0 f 8l'l W Tarh Ohsh Oeff-av Tor. Oct. A rh seffstl Kia, ta; s. Saates, f . Which Way Do you choose hardwars because It'a cheap and irrespective of qual ity, or -because It's good And tightly priced f If vour buvlna Incline the latter way thla stock offera sdvantagea fow your aaiiBraciion inai not m oe measured In dollara nd cent A -Avery (El Co. wtn tn rans An IS A f TH1N(3 auivss w w t BstesllsBad Irm 00X PiTIEBTS 0C2 CCST iVCaTIS Thousand ta Porttaad asA aB sees the Bsrthweet eaa teatltr sue great aad ts sssapled ant ess a GONORRHOEA May be attesoed with the grsvest aesinSea. lions ir aegiectee er isinvoparrr W have a speelte trsatmmi whisk sales lj, ssreiy saa paisisssiy. - SYPHILIS Is another eeeutree Slseaee. th raease ef which when rail sevetopea so s eas seerrlhe. WhB It shows hr shls ustha sc by saves la SMeta or threet Its hemr ar already hegue. We ear) aad taer etilr cure ye ssd BO ealaarai pesasaB ace aanky, VARICOCELE AMD HYDROCELE W treat snd cure, sot hy the elSsareVel sreesdnre. hot hr s seislees saethsd eea-r aTtrvT We Ukwb wUI cure re s- 4 TI. re th surfer!- saseelaesA - e VerveusPehulty, Lee awaak4. : aaVtura ahtellae, teas sf Aiateiy, ka I AmW?Uels7r. WW. tl ft .. W . and we leases ee s safe said sanu.ivs w CuvsMltetloa ssd stasrtoarlea rraa. sr- roe sr-etoa Mask sad heeS If fe as.. 0rsee Resret S a. at, B. 8f C: ays, UtoU. ot. L,ou:n v Dioprr: Cer. sd ssd T ."Sll, . "W I I ' ' "" " ' ' 't.