Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
; 15 brfjjoa, ' gteS at tha mrtofflea of Portland. OtNM, far irauairutMg Ikroegh UM snails SB sseoad- Postsg e tut slugls espies: For 8, 10 e 11 1 page Vl-r. leeut; IS Is 60 psgss. ssatst U IB. e pages, esaia. . - r, . . a - jt ' - . ' nrtnAnL .. Editorial Rooms . .... Mais 250 I Of (let... ssib rdsnav adtiktiuxo bipeisibtativx. VreelsnS.lteMtaant.1 Bneefsl AdverMllnS AftlTTi 150 N.sssu atreet. New York: Tribune Bull inkcvntoi batxb. - 7 TOW By wna-i . T rutty Joarael. with Sunday. I Tr " -i X .The Dally Jouraal. I year 5 22 The Pally Journal, with Sunday. ' Bssstha, J " Ths Pally JournaL month. ..,........ J Ths bally JnaraaL with Sunday, t mortbs. 1J ' Tha Rally Journal. 1 months . . "? Tnw y Carrier, Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 month.. Tk ru 1 1 k. , aMSe ta. . " eluded " V7. ..i. id. : The Dally, par week. drMvored. SuDde ex- .cepted ............ , ' - - r Teresa ay Kail. f :' 'Tha Daily Journal, with Soaday,. 1 raar...fT.J .' The I'slly Joeraal. 1 year.................. IJ Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, a nsootbs. 8.JS . The Dally 3ournsl. month S.T0 . Thm T 1 1 m 1 .-i.l mi tha 1 .BO 'Tha Dally JoomaL 1 maatba... ...... MS i Tha Dally Journal, with 8nnday, t anooth.. Tha Dally Journal. 1 month.. ...... ...... Tha Sunday Journal, 1 year ..' J .' Tba Baaday moorhen... -Tha Seml-Weekly JournaL , Tha - (katl.Warkly- JoarnaL 8 to It ear 1 aarh. laaor, Uloatrattd. foil arht ra- i ft 1 yar , t.. ' 1WJ . (P BrtnltlaDrra ahonM ba ma a by aVatta. poatal otea. fiml oroara and ansa 11 aaMaati ara t aecapUbla la 1 aad S eon aoataca auapa. ; . 5 .-;'.'.'' ' THX TOVSJTAL. , ' ' ' P. 0. Hot 11. Pnrtlaaa. Orrsa. . yrmx m tovxixi. hat m nvm. Tba Joarnal as ba JHit aa aala at tht followliia rlarva: . BOIHK. IDAHO B. Bailer at Co. I W, ft. Me- latyra. . CHlCAGO--Paatofflea Waara aeBpaay 1TB Baaiv born atrwat. i , . . . DENVRB. COt)BADO J. BUrk. Mztaaata aa . rnrria atwta. : X AN8AB CITY Taa Mar Kawa aaapaBr. aflNKBAPOMB M. J. KaTanaach. 80 Booth TilM atraat KIW TOKK riTT Brantana!. TTaVrn atrnara. . ''OMAHA M1Ilar4 Hntrl am at and: Mrfaatk Btatlooary enmpany. 1S08 Farnnm all tat. " BALT I.AKK.CITT Kaoj-na Hotel aawa ataad: Barrow fcroa.: 48 Wt Bccmiil atrart. aoatb. T ; tot" ! rhlllB Roaar. 16 Lacaat atraat; K.. T. J'tt- Rial. Ollwa atraat. . FRANCISTO-r-W. B. Ardlnr. Palar Hotal "a,-. Bawa atand 1W Marhat atraat; Oold- tmthb riroa.. ISO Sutter atrcat and Balnt '. , Pra ax-la bntrt; Foatn A Oraar. rarry bolld lac: . Whaatly. Bwaabla aawa ataad, aor. ' nr Vnrlrt and Kearney atreeta. . "BATTLE Rainier Orand twwa ataad; W. L. Rh"nk Betel Behttle mi ataad. BWtKANE. WA8HIN0T0! Joaa W. OrahaB TACOMA. WABHlifdTOir CVatral Kawa'aoe. - Pnr: Flotel Tamma aawa atand. -, TITTOBIA, BRITISH COLl'MBIA TlctorU ,. Bonk A Statloaary caanpaay. , WEATHER REPORT. Tba low preaanra area noted yeaW.lay nire 1iai. arer Vanenarer biland - baa beea Jtvlned r aaothar dletarhanea which apiiaraatly furaaeit (': .'orer anutberB rejaon and shivm! north lart , nlitht to tbe aauad-ronntry.,- Tneaa romlltit-p fcara raaaed raocleratety Hejr ralna In Ore. , aron. Waahlnrtoa and northern Idaho and ,, atrrnic aonthweatrrly will. In the Uilla'Bette - v rralley anri-anmid majntry. A mail-nnm wind v . velortty of 40 m11a from tha anuthwet b:a . jMvnrred , at Taroma. Ka "renorta haaa been VefflTed from North Bead and Tatown talaiid 'and tta probable tha wlnda a Inn a tha maat " 'were yen atnnnKer- than to tb Int-wlor; H'kV . wind will enntlnna today ak.n tha oa' In the Interior and In the Bound eonntry. i probably . dlmlnlahlnf Katorday Borfllnf. and -a form warnlnia are dlaplayeal a: tb raouUi it tha rlunibla rlaar an J at MapiM In rha facet anund eiwtatrr, - ' The weather eaut of 1tm Dnrky inonatalm - .centlimea to be dorattad byn liomrme " "wreaanre area now central rer the lake raxina, which la eanalna- fair weather with iehipir "fturea' fenerajly abara normal. ? ; MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' 1 . K. B. Hanlef. j Aluna U. Cvhraa; 29. " W illiam ' Rmnka. Taeoaia. Waahlnctoa. 43: . Jdtlda M. Marrla. St. ' ., .William A. Kelly, Tacoma, Waahlnctoa, 84; r'i lAHwrta. W. Parker, 14. . . 'Robert T. Btalil. ST: .aland A. Winkler. 33. . . I William 0. Moore. 81; Kthel Groraa. 38. A. I. Meter. 25; Ianra Kaatnaa t'arbona, St. Joaenh O. - Mllea. Mayytew, Waahlnctoa, M; ifwrlll L- White. 4. t Weddtnc Carda. W. O. Smith A Co.. Waah tncton bide., one. Fourth and Waahlnctoa ata. ..v.v,i...-i BIRTHS. : WIUtON October 1. to Mr. a ad Mr. Henry ' H". Wllaon. 6X0 Krrby atreet. a Bon. ' BARKER October 4. to Mr. and Mra. Alfred t.. Barker. 845 Jefferaoa atreet a eon. If YERH October 2. to Mr. and Mra. Mllea H. Myora. Thb-ty-alnth and Kllawortb atreeta, EVANH October, t to Mr. and Mra. C. . Erana, at Kt. Tlncrat'a koaltaL a ana. ' BrAI'R October X. to Mr. a ad Mra. Tkomal 1. Bpaor. TM Alblna aranne, a aoo. KINNEY Bevtember 2. to Mr. and Mra. Jamas B. Kinney. 4 Caraoa atreat. a danbter. EIH.EXO.N- Heptrmher 30. to Mr. and Mra. " - Oartea Edleaon, 313 Arthur atreet. a bob. LEKUB Aeptrmber 38. to Mr. and Mra. Jamaa A. Lealle, H78 Montana atreet, a aoa. , CAMrBEIX rptember M. to Mr. and Mrs. s. Join' T'anitn'U, V3 ComnarcUl atraet, dauaHter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. . BALDWIN October 8, Olena 5 Baldwin, ; ni Nlcolal atreet, typhoid ferer. DEATHS., , BHAJCNOX October 1. Jamea B. Bhanaoa. aaed 38 year. In Wllaaietta rtrer; rauaa, - drowntnc laccldeatal). Burial at Baa Fraa- chico. rallfornla. - . . i. . : . TIAHTINfia-October 8, Frederick Haatinr, ,n aved 81 yaara. ST8 WtlllanM arenoe; eauaa, -1 anopleiy. Bnrial at Blyerrlaw cemetery. WHIPPLE October 8, Jonathan ' K. Whipple, aired 80 yeara, at t. Vincent'a boapltal; rauaa. Internal tnjnrlea. Burial at Itlrer lew eemetHry. IEWETT Ort.iber 8. Robert 8. Jewatt. aed T8 year, oo Banrlea loland: cauae, aid ata. ' Burial at Looe Kir re met cry. BlRT October 4. John V. Hlrt. aeA 77 , ' r(r. at Katarada, Orctron: canae, eihanatlon. Birr la I at Multnomah cemetery, . . tVHTLEnaK October 4. Orara k. Rootlrdca, . aacd 2n yaara, 4H8 Et Iiarla atreet; cauee. rarebral paralyala. Burial at Iab Fir crma ., .aery. . i ,:. , ftmiTOtW CIMCTBT. , ' w ' Blnfla frarea 10. Family Va 170 to fl.OMi Ke only cemetery In Portland which per. y netually mafhtilna aad Varea for lota. For full , .Information apply to W. ' B. Maefeenale. War. ter bVx. city. W. M. Ladd. prealdaot. i. P. rinley A Bon. fnneral director and aaihalmera. corner Third and Madteon atreeta. Office af Bounty eoraner. Telepbona Mala . DI KMMO. McRntea A Ollhanrh. andertakera and anitMilmera; aandcra In erery detail. Her. eatb aad line. Main 4.10. Lady aaalataut. Tha Bdward Bolmaa t'ndertaklDC eomnaiay, 'raneral director and aabalmara. 330 Third afreet.' Phona 607. Ptroeral a laarb and eat flowera a anedalty kt Rnaa City OeeeBhonee, Twaotyaecood aad ' momaoaj. opp. ggm2', j , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. .0. C. MMar and wtfa t C. Oondcll. lota i W. 3u 31 and 2k block. 13, Prnlnanla - - addltloa ..i..,.: I 300 , P l M. Klnna aad wife ta M. (?. Erana, lot , block 18. Barraa-a Tract Jiaj R W. Wlbn and wife to B. W. Darlea. . lot IT, bl.-k 41. Belle ood 350 . lira. . if. llmrtcl and proband ta R. A. . Jklorrtaoo. kit 1U. hUrk tl yaiu Tilu. Villa Anc 1,000 The llaathofwe- eatata to V. Illllmcr, 'M t. block . Kork aodltloa BJO , , . Tti. ' ncaiaPM .and Bile ta X. m, - , . , . Krl(aa. north t .ta and "d, bkark . 114. I nlwalty Park i. . .. . 330 ..Ida MendeahaM rotapanr ta i. Math- nxeaj. tmt a. WoHi B. rMy .. . IJ.SB0 0. W. Brewa to II. T. fnmmlna et aL. I. vr nmwa to ft. ' lot" 1 and 3. block L )rnwnnd Park .. fa. I, Jl. 'b-ooa et r . ta a. u. , . Jot . bkKfc t, L Jwkna Park BMlUaB. ISO REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS R avtilna et al. to J. E. Red mo ad. lata and 8 Watk 1,' Laurel wood Park . .". 180 W. M. Darl to D. J. Malarkejr, Iota 8. B. block Tl. Conch'a addition 11,000 A. L. Plpea at J. Brydeo1.- part aeo tlon 83. towuahln 1 north, rauae 8 aat. , 1 0. K. Clark et al. to A. A. unuairy, eaac . lot and . block 83, Suunyalda.. 1. Hhynar to C. Bhyaer. kit 8. block 4. -Lincoln Park ... A. C. Rloelt aad kaaband ta P. Carnella . et al.. 1U acrra aectloa 88. towu.'ilp . I north, raaa 8 eaat i C Errlnoa and Wife to A. Olear. lut 30. , 0 block Su. Alblna 3,000 S. Gala and wlfa to H. E. Jude, lot 8. . ' - block a. Third Electric addltloa ...... . 18 E. O. Wllaon to A. Kant, lut L. block 14. ParatHae rpnn-a Tract .- K. laplca ta O. A. Emmett.S.63 aarea went ! M. U Idd et al. ta P. B. Leyden. lot I aMhdWIakin of aontk H block 19. MiMllbn'a addition TOO T. B. McDanlel at al. to K. E. Kairtaca. I ii Ivr.hmutt be Oatmaa'a Llttla Homea. anbdlrlaloa No. 4 S.BT8 B. r. Padrlck to J. E. Padrlrk, lot 18. x. block 1, -Greeqrldre .1 Portland Lone Pbr t'emetery company to . L. .'. Joboaon, part kit j 10. block 86, cemetery ' C. Voorheea and wife ta B. MorrlaoB. lot " 6. block 8. NorU Villa . ,1,400 i. Jone to C. U Hummona, lot Id and north liu feet tot 15. block 1: Eaat Tabor Villa ' i M. A. Taylor to B. Bpear. block B. La- , . . tourell Fall s TOO A.T. Bralnard at al. to Mr. R. H. Oal-J enttnr. blork T, M. Pattooa addition.. 3,000 M. M. Bpauldlns at al. to M. O. Vaa Watera at al.. lou 4 and T, Work M' Oouch'a addltloa 13,000 H. P, Bcrner to 0. U Baad, kit 18. block , 3d. . Bellwood 2j0 K. L. Palmer to O. F.-Mlnntara, block : ' 23. lot U Bellwood d0 A. It Praaer to M. Pack. :lot , blork ... 10. Richmond A. H. Bacd to J. Blew, lot 10. block 3. Caplea addition to M. Jooaa M. t. Tabor et aL' to M. Pncb, lot 4, block 10. Blrhmond ! Portland PnlTeralty Land company to Park Land eornoaay, lot 4, bkork 100, ' L'BlTeraltT Park 400 200 M. I. Tabor et al. to K. A. Put b, lot ' 2. block 10," Richmond i..... '.' I D. W. Reynold and wlfa to M. Ic Krnm. 8.300" aqnara feet aefkm 1, townahlp - 1 aonth. raajr" 1 aaat ' 1 E. B. Ilolmea and wlfa to B. E. Hnaton; aonth 40 feet lot 11T hd IsVolorE T. HoHadar Park addltloa 8,500 L, W. Ulbaoa et al. ta W. K. Rlnehart at a L. part jua , mr. rwr addition .j. .. -fclBB Park Land company to E. 8. Joboaon, ,. lot I, S, 3 aad 4. block 100, CnWrralty , ' Park !.......... 600 E. C JohnaoB aad wife to J. W. Wia-. man. lot 8, block 1. Alblna addition.. 800 -Oct yoor Inrarinc and abatraeta to real aatata from tha Title Oaarsntea ft Trot eaaa. pany. 340 Waahlnctoa atraat. corner Bceoad. READY FOR BUSINESS We Are. Ready 0 pay your faxes. afV If A ' J. , ; u coueci your rcais 0 sell your real estate' 0 look after your property Our Charges Are Reasonable PortlandvTrust Company of Oregon 10 Third. , k0BB ltavlm 453. LOANS We havt ample funds to loan in any amount on improved business and residence property in Portland and : vicinity at lowest rates. " TXTUS VKWVBMD. ' ABITBAOTS rtrBMIBKXS. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. , S40 WAVBXUrOTOBT BT. .. ' (Corner Second at) , , PORTLAND, OREQON NOTICE. M0TI0E 0E BALE OP B0WDS. Notice la hereby siren that tha hoard of direct ore af tbe Hood Hirer Irrlrattoo District in Wasco eenntV. Orecon. will aril tha bond. of aald district la the aum of 300,u00 on Toes day, tba 34tb day of October. 1005. at tha boor af 10 o'clock a. aa.. at the office of aald board. at the residence of J. H. Bhoemaker In said district, and that aealed proposal for said bonds will ba rerelred by said board at aald place for tna purchase of aald bonds until tba day aad boor above mentioned, at which time the board aball ones the proposals and award tbe purchase of the bond ta the hlcheSt bid sponsible bidder, tbe board reaerTlnc tba right to reject aay and all bids, bids ta ba accom panied by a certified check for 10 per cent of tbe amount of tba bonds for which tba bid Is auhmttted. Bald bonds Shan ba'narabla In monea of tba Cnlted Btatea, in 10 aerlea. aa foUnwa, to-wit: At tha axpIratloB of eleven rear, fir par cent af tha whole number of aald bonds; st tbe explrstlon of twelve years, all per cent: at tha expiration of thirteen years, aerea per sent; t the expiration if fonrteea yeara, eight per cent; at tba expiration of flfteea years. Bins per rent; at the expiration of sixteen years, tea per rent; at tbe expiration of seventeen years, eleven per rent; at ths expiration of eighteen yeara. thirteen per cent; at tha expira tion of nineteen yeara, fifteen per cent; at tha expiration of twenty years, sixteen per cent; and shall bear Interest st ths rats of alx per cent per annum, payable seml-anauslly, oo tba nrt osy or jsnunry a no juir ox earn year. The principal and Interret ebalt ba payable at the place designated In tha bonds snd bidders are given the option of having said bonds paya ble at Portland. In the stste of Orecon. or In tna city af ftrw lors. in the at ate of new York, and aald bonda will ba leaned In accord, anrs with the election of tbe surceeeful bidders, aid bonds shall be each of tbe denomination of not leas tbaa 8100 and not mora than 800, aBd aball be negotiable In form and coupons, for the Interest shall be attached to aacb bond signed by tha secretary. Dated at Hood Rlvsr. Orecoa, this Ittb day of September, 10S. 3. H. SHOEMAKER. . - Secretary. SEALED prrtuuasla addraeaed to the lwle and Clark Centennial EipoaltloB Ccuimlnalon will be,, received et tbe office of tha eommlaalvs . lu-tbe Oregon building until 13 o'clock noon. . Monday. October IS. IbOA, "for the of any of the following building new oa tha Lewi and Clark exposition grounda belonging to the stare of Oregon: Administration group, Including firs etatloa, pnUre department Ad- ministration building proper, colonade and entrance: joreign r-iniMte nniid rut-AaMaa rural bulMlng il.l.etal inrEdncattin! build -Mnf.-Mr'hlners( Electricity and Trananortatlon iMiHting, SttOtrormm, Mining building and Oreann BtstS bulldlns. Spec! flc fines and Information for. proa. I peetlva bidders, la blank for aw for bide. vaa o ootsinea upon application at tha aecre tarv's office la the Oregon building aa aad after Seturday ths 234 Inarant. ' EDM0ND C U1LTNXB, Bartary, . 1 i ' - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY BBBsnMssmamasaM MMBpKamm,! . h B s5BsBBBWiaB)BMH a , ' 1 NOTICE. TX - TUB TAXPAYERS OP MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OH.: Notlca la hereby glvea that , oa Mubday, Ocvokvr 3, lOuO. tba board af equalisation of Multnomah county wlU attead at tha offlee of tks county clerk of aald county and publicly -examine tna aaaaeemeat - rolla for tha year 1000, and correct all error In valuation, deacriptloB or qualities of land, lota or other property, nnd It Is tba duty of all person Interested to appear at tha time and place appointed, and If It shall appear ta Buck board, of equaUaattua that there are any lands, lots or other property asaeaaed twtaa ar ta tba same of a peraoa or peraona not tha owner af tha as me, or asaeaaed under or. beyond Its valoa, or any : lands, lots or other property not aaasasad, said board of eoaallaatloa aball maka tba nranw Mvrf Uin. B. D. BI0LER. County ', Portland. Or.. September B. IVOo. NOTK'P I'ropoaala for tha repairs to tba atraat ferry-boat "Lionel K. Webster," la aooonlanca ; with tha plane--and specif Icatlnaa thereof, ' thai day filed In my office, will ba received . at tba office of -the County Clerk of Multno mah county, Orecon, np to but aot, later than 10 o'clock a. u. oa Wednesday, October 18. ' 1003. at which time they will ba publicly opened. The county . raasrrea tna right ta reject any and all bids. Tha contractor receiving tha award mnet give bond In donbi to amount of hi contract price and each bid maat ba accompanied by a certified check for in per cant or tba total amount thereof, aa Tennlred by lav. Dated this 0th day of ' vctooer, iwn. .' , r. a. . riEUB. County Clark. NOTICE TO CREDITOR In tha aetata .t V Howard k. Wbttlork, deceaaed Notice - la l".n wj uiv nnucraignea vxecvuris of tba eatata of. Edward B Wbltlock, da ceaaed. to tba creditor of and all peraona barlnr claims acalnst tba aaM deceaaed. to them with tha aeceaaary aonchera .wimin aix montna arier tna nrat pobilcatiua of this notice to aald cxecntrlx at Iter raal- denoa it Hacpnd atreat. In tba city of ortiana. in tna ronnty or Multnoaiaiw and atata of Oregon. Dated and first publicstloa or tnia notios, ucrmier o itan. . ANNlfB H. WHITIOTir. Execntrix of tba Eatata of Edward R. Whltkrk, Deceased. E'Rea A Bcboebal. Attorney for Eatata, Orsfoa t ity. irreson. r-". MEETING NOTICES. utiivvnuiif c i ud w as vxr 0 W.'. maaU - tonight In' tu k nan, sih pixin, near mi . Alder. AU vl.ltlnc neighbor cnruiBiiy weicoBiea. M. O. WILKIN8, C. jC. J. W.- WOOUWORTH. Clerk LOST, AND FOUND. LOST On September 35. a email aealed package addrtaaed to w. H. Thornton. I'ortiana. ur. probably left tbrongb m la take by Wella, Pargo at tja.'s driver at eoraa noaineas nousa or office. A liberal reward will ba paid for Its return to Wells. Farco to. LOOT White and llvar-colorsd pointer; collar has ncenee number, nsms snd sddrsee on it; reward If returned to 434 Carter at., Portland Heights, or call up Mala 41U0. LOST An old hickory cane marked "P. La we"; a family relic. Finder please return to Ut. Cbsrles hotel to A. J. Lawe; reward. Bt-omi collie dog aliasing at 433 Eaat Mnrrl am: return ar pnnao viay voa. ana receive re ward. B. L. Cain. V LOStT Lady's watch, monogram H. . J. STI Teturn to PiortB rsctrie nanatorium; re war a HELP WANTED MALE. THERE It fine opening far a food aboamaker and narnees repairer in the town or Whits wan. nuaa uuc a rvnaDls Tnxn nrea n apply. A ddreaa I. C Msclnnes, White 8a 1 . moB, Wash. - MEN and boys wasted to earn $5 day, after two month Instruction; poaumn -cnaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York, Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis. Mo. (Tree cata logue. EXPERIENCED eaBdymea. women and helpers wanted; other need not apply- -r(.Mar-scbek Candy Co.. lac- 2T0 First at., Portland, , Oregon. WANTED Clerks aad window-dressers to study anow-caro writing x x. aa. ir. av. oikuk arhool; personal Instruction. Apply for par ticular. . TB PERMANENT aalary and expeneea paid la- llSbla mea. ouraioa OI Tne cny; pieaavnc won, H Henker, room 8, 137 H 7th at.. PortUod. TEAMS wanted to haul tlea; good winter Job; KM! waces; plane roe a. inquire . a. nahoa A Co., CottreU. Orecon. - MINER wanted to work for stork In gold mine. equipped with machinery, good values, la southern Oregon. 301 McKay bide. . . TOI'Nd man wanted for dortor'a office at odd hoar, atudent preferred; atata aalary ex pected. Address N 40, Joarnal. . . WANTED Ftrer-claa saleemea hi Portland and throughout atata; big money ta rustle re. aj McKay bide. ' WANTED Night clerk ta rooming bonee. Ap- Cly at How land hotel. Twentieth ana wssa igton sts. WANTEPr Boy about 14 for arranda and to learn bualnras; only a stayer waniea. zi Stark at. WANTED 3 good bnea with wheels; goad wages. Apply an ntarg. WANTED A tailor, helper oa coats. Apply odd Thira at. WANTED Machinist. Csll Esst Third as J Oak streets. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED ISO girls to . maks overalls aad ablrta: Inatructlons given to Inexperienced. Apply Nraetadter Rroa.. Standard Factory Mo. 2. corner Eaat Taylor aad Grand a vs. A WOMAN (married preferred) with references. Tor oouaeworB ana waiting on wnir; no cona Ing. Address Quarter "A," Vsncoaver Bar rack. . Wsshlngton. . HANSEN'S LATHES' AGENCY. 848H Washing ton st.. cor. seventh, npatsira. rboae Mala 3003. Pern Is help wsated. WANTED Firat-claaa experienced sew tug grrl, also an apprentice. Mrs. St. John, ITS Seven teenth, cor. Yamhill.-' WANTED Lady deaionstrstors; aalary and pom ailaalnn; apply afternoons. Kenyoa A Co., 17 Plna at. '- WANTED Olrls to work In candy fsctory. Ap ply Pacific toast Bleculf Co., Twelfth and Davla ata. ' i WANTF.D Yonng of flea girl; moat ba good pen man. Room 2 over (J. B. bank,' Third and Oak sts. PORTLAND Sewing School, girls do own aewteg while learning. 271 Morrlaoa, room. C WANTED Woman for dlahwaaher at once. Dutch Kitchen, 400 Jefferson St. WANTEIV Norse to take care of small child; reference. 02 Jefferaoa at. YOI'NO girl to assist In light housework and - care of child. 504 Madleon, GIRL for general bona work; must ba eom pa tent. Pbone East 4158. WOMANyor girl to do sewing. 840 Morrl son st. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demsnd for competent book keeper and stenographers Is greater thaa ths supply. From August 1. 1004. to AugosM, 1006, ws pieced 307 la good positions; bad call for mors thaa 500; aor graduates are ALL employed; ws will assist you to a position when competent; enroll bow: day or Blsht. Bshnks-wslker Business College, Stearns hlk.. With sad Morrison ata. WANTED Field representatives for educational - Institution! good thing for person of plesslne ildress aad business shinty; commission ornnosltlon sad monsr-mshsr. Addreaa M 4- : ears JouraaL WANTF.D At once, a bright, energetic, prs sentahle man or woman, s good talker, to 'take np sn sttrsrtlvs proposition. laqulra Jit Chamber ef Commerce, B a. a. WANTED Immediately. 8 mea or worsen to do taarssslsg. CeOTat East 8t7 good prsposltJoa, HMMMi Whjihs Sates I Mm tmmCmmmA I . . I. I I MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP . wanted and supplied, Data or female. . B. O. DKAkE. 3001a Waahlnctoa st Clay 440. SALESPEOPLE wasted to sell prodtabls (roods; large commieaioB. m. rinmnier. .qu ipirq SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. yoUNO butcher and grocery clerk, apaaka , Kncllsk snd tiennan, best of reference aud not afraid of work, wishes to cat employ- . V t jta VlMl a. Sla a . TOl'NO married man with good adacatwa and 2 yaara' experience Is business boneca f tklv Cliy Bllwll HI1 , V WWVIBOTM DRL'OUIjl'r, good cardwrlter aad window-trimmer; Heat referencaa; country preferred- Loci box 1W, rortisua, uregon. lOI Nil German chemist, Dr. Phil, wants ekeui 1st sltnstion. Addreaa O 80, Journal. WANTED Position by all aroand printer. Ad- drees M 04, cars joarnai. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE SITUATION wanted by yonns 'woman aa Auras .' C'rl or cnua a companion, in a ori.ave iiauw ' Address O 44, car of Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BANBEN'S- EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 0B MEN. 26 N. Second at Phooe Mala 1836. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contrao. tor; help free to employers. 818 Morrison. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents to take order tor aa artlcla needed In every boose: good psy. Csll sveo I nxa or address 0. A. Whits. Centra Oregon. WANTED Reliable solicitor to handle bard ware article la western Oregon. O 40, ears ot Journal. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED 2 or S furnished room or Sat for housekeeping; ateam heat', rloa tn ao coiiaren. Auarea n w, vara vwmu. arJ WANTED To rent a-room house and bara oa east eioe, or upper aiouw, wi v. . i..,, 113- Ftret. Mala 3410. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTEIV-To borrow 81.000, 1 to 8 ears. -CTom privato party; mi vataie kvubii. v care af JoomaL WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Hoos - and lot either oa aaat OS west aide ot river; will pay rash It price la right; agents need aot answer. Addrsas D 84, car Journal. m WANTED TO BUY-"- - (Mod ant wita eman nonas, ciosa mr ason ba bargain. Address Bog 816, city. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE the Lewis and Clark fair at borne: send doc la stamps for nanaeoms pnoto oo, nearly 2oo nhotoa of fair. TMxSH Inches. - W rat era View Book Co.. Portland. Bog 204. PAINTING, apraylnc and whltswaearag trees. baaementa, bsrns, one, etc. ; targeax gasoaiBa praying outfit oa tha coaat. M. O. Morgan - A Co., 070 Milwankla at. Phono Eaat 2417. PFRNnTBE-VABJHBHINO - and : enameling. caa buy the material; estimates tree. Ad dreaa M 51. care JournaL - ORCHESTRA. S plena, waits engagements evenings. Sundays; music for all occasions very reasonable. 46 Laaetia at- TL Mala 8508. HI0HE8T rash prleo paid for bottles and Juuk f every description. Portland Bottle Bnppiy Co., 881 north Bigntaeata. .roono siaia sm. WANTED Range; atata alar. make, new long a . ...1 ' uacQ . so pnrei anio. w " wv . hhi,,.wm. Addreaa B. 1-ytU, 406 Ollaaa at. WANTED Oeatla drlvng horaa for lady, for Ira keeping; good care; good rerereaeea. dree a M 67. cara Journal. t WANTEDTo boy for cash, or leeee, a good bonding lot, close in. MCi'n arson, uumin hotel. First and Alder. TWO gentlemen from eaat want transportation; one ta vmcago, one to rnuwri. aa mi, Joarnal. HIGHEST price paid. Men's old clothing, shoes, Uocle Joe. 80 Third at. rboae Paciflo 44. WANTED To buy carload of furniture; moat be a bargain. 424 Fourth st. Msia asia. . BOOKS bought. Bold and exchanged at the Old Book atore, xe lamniu ax. . WANTED A second hnd range. Pbone Pacific 585, or address 834 Corhett at. PIANO wanted for ntorage sad beat ef ears; no children, los weat ran. F. 7. BYDER, printer. Second aad Waahlagtoa sts. - raoaa Mala eoaa. WHO IS M. O. M0R0AN A CO.T ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS rooms and board for permaaent people, snd u per montn; taois noara 84 per week. Aetnr house, 7th aad Madlaoa ats. TL Msla 6281. FRONT room and board for two. and bath. tao; 10 minutes' wsix to r irst ana nssnington st. ; reference. 48 Esst Ninth St., north, Coueh snd Dsvls. THE IRVINO Elegant sceommodatloa. Be exorbitant charges; aininc-eoora in conneo tlon; ptioea right. Corner 18th aad Irving. BOOMS with board for permanent tenants. reasonshis; rirst-ciaag aoma eooaiag. sol Sixth st. ROOM and board tor 2 young nscn at. 464 Eaat Ankeny: phone and bath, UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT 8 unfurnished rooms for house keeping. TOO East Ysmhlll at. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. LARGE fop floor for lease, Morrison St., Bear postorncs; slsvsior: snitsow xes uinesa. a drsee M 41, esra Journal. OFFICE-ROOMS Qoodnough bldg. Apply elevator. Journal Wantsl Bring Results toothers Why .... 1,., Notjto You? EVEWINGt OCTOBER 6. ltZl FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE KINO T0 Jefferaoa at., new bulMtng. bandaoniely furnlebed. wltk. every modern convenience;' all oalelde ruomo, with beat, gas or eleerrie lights, uorrelala baths; rates - wic, ioc ana i; special rates ny tna weak or moatBi ... . THE RAMAKN. 189 N. 18th.. ear. Royt Newly furalsbed rooms, $1.50 ap; son venire! loeatloa, U mlautes walk to fair grounds; Morrison car st onsoa oepot aireei to aeuaa. raoaa A4IU. KING'S HKItlHTtJ Desirable aelghborbood. near St. lielea'a Hall; nicely furalsbed room fie one or two, with private family ; perms aant preferred M 45. Journal. , LA BOB airy front room: eultsbls for a per - eonej also a aide mom: reasonable rent; break fast If desired. 837 Mill. Csll or phono Biter o. mono ramie iui MARQCTAM HOC8B. 1 45 V, Cth Rooma aa en It or (ingle: aouaegeeping rooma; gaa atoraa, bath, slsctrls lights; Usnslanta sollcllad. THE DORMER. Thirteenth and Jefferson Ele gant room: modern brick; steam heat, bath. rates reasons hie. rnone uata BeDO. JT'BT the place for fair visitor; apecial rates to partlea or 4. a or b; Bonaekacptag rooma oay, weea, awnia. ouit sviocr PURNI8HED room for rent with aaa of kitchen. . psibir and hath; $7 per month. 663 Eaat Horriaoa. i none Eaat som. THE ILLINOIS. 168M TENTH Large, hand' some rrent rooaia. anta neara; aide rooms uitaoes lur vii Liruiru. THE ALDER. 4U Alder Nicely furnished rooms, permanent or transient; central loca tion; oaia sno. pnona.. 887 TAYLOR 8T.-Nlce new furnished mono - apecial rates to partlea ar permanent people. ' Phone Mala 1437. - . . , FOR RENT Furnished rooma with bath and rnone; centrally Iocs ted; rent reasonable. 3i 7 Fourth St. FOR RENT Hood Stsrd furnished room. 8 ladles or g gentlemen; permanent, gio month. 188 Eieventn at. FRONT parlor for gentleman ef refinement who wnnee room near ue osauc or elt, mi Everett at. THS GLADBTONE S13H Sevier at., furnhihed ; BBoar new .management; prices rsa- aonabjs. CHEAPEST and beat located room la Portlind. l week aaa ap. Ullmsa, rirat and Alder ate. NEWLT furntahed rooma with break feat It de sired; reasonable. 71 East Selasaa at. NICELY furnished front room, with bath, near . li car. so montn. ost nortnwlcg at. THE GRAND, 45 VI N. Third at, Rooms aaa, gl.oo per week aad np. ROOMS with beard: lng la gaeala SSe; at tbe urirnta. ua rutn nt. . ,. , FURNISHED ronm for 2; gas, bath, rsferencss. ts Mkwisslppl ave. A NICE fnrnlabed room at 2B8 Montgomery la now vacant. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT Furnished housekeeping room - la Beat oricg Block oa eaat aide; gaa raagea, bath, etc. ; no transient; price moderate. Lossa cik., li- inion avs.. Alder. Phone Union 8368. TWO very nice rooma, lower flat, not and cold water, gaa or electric lights, go per week, BOB Jefferaoa at. ' 44T MAIN BT. Housekeeping rooms en eutte or ingle: central and rsssoBSbia. rnone 11- .ctle 8S6. 1 ' THREE nice furnished lioasekeeptng rooma, oa or phone, v per month, tvto BavenfB at' FOR RENT HOUSES. WANTED Tenant for 2-atory brick- bet. Co. tnmhta aaa l ley, rront ex.; ooxuo; win build to salt tensst; rent reasonable. Ad dress Boom 3. 246 V Morrison st. FOR BENT 100x100 rtbesst of Third snd Madleon ata. for nrsasnt occUDSncv t liv ery eta hie) or otherwise. Apply to Estate of D. P. Tbomr4S,-o. Flrat at. . STUART etatloa. Moaat Scott ear d large rooma, outbuilding, modsrn; partlea witaont child reti; furniture for aala. - Call the BeUs ene, Fourth aad Salmon. NEW nn-to-dats modern T-room honta, gas. eiecrricity, good urge light basement, urge yard. Inqulrs 248 Llnoola. Bear Third. FOE RENT New ' modern T-rootn hoass; recep- tloa hall; comer bouse; rent 23. 400 Kast Eighth, cor. Thosnpaoa. Phone Eaat 1760. 8IX-R00M house, newly furnished, jplsno, mod era Improvements, etc. Inquire Cottel Drug Co., northeast ear. First and Grant ata. NEW B-room bouse and quarter blork, Hancock aad East Twenty sixth sta. 837.60. B. M. Lombard, S14 Chamber of Commerce. IS A MONTH S rooms, - woodshed, acre Wal for gardea and rhlckene. Sooth Seventh and Grant ata. 406 Psttoa road. FOR RENT B-room boose, completely fur nished. flS per uiooth. .Call Ml Msllory ave., or phone Eaat 8644. NICELY fnrnlabed 4-room houae for rent, one or two month, rloae to car Una, flft. Address M 60, Jonrnal. 4-ROOM Bwdera dwelling. B13 Oantenheln svs.; key next door. Wllltsm Denholm, 325 Falling bldg., city. 815 T-ROOM houae. 830 Esst Twenty-seventh St., Ksollworth eurvs. Phone Mala 4628. 80 riVB-BOOM eotfsge; large basement. Key FOR RENT New modem bouse, re son bis, ta right psrty. phone Esst 4104. FOR RENT 6-room house, furnished, eaat aide Pbone Mala 604. Horns for rent and furniture for sale at 440 Fifth at.- 4-ROOM houae. Apply 450 Magnolia St., Wood lawn. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOB best results on - 'FTJENITDRB,' ' ,, Whether to buy or sell, ring an Main B6o8,. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. . . 311 First St. as bast Eighteenth st.. nor. Wsshingti A nsw modern 5-room Sst for rent sad furni ture for as Is very cheap; all bw, only lu aaa a few waeka; adulta only. FOR SALE Furniture of 10-room bona, new afteTTcona1C'l6WNlov"UTw ' FOR RENT FLATS. NEW,- modern 6-mnm fist, fine ewetlon, one blork from csr line. 306 Esst Twenty. foorlh. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. STORE, suitable for reetanrsnt or creamery. - 326 Crosby U-Inquire ltil HnlUdsy vc. STORE for rent, best loeatloa. ' 128 Slith at, near Wsshlnglovi. BUSINESS CHANCES. STRANGERS desiring to loeats la Oregoa will do wstl to rsll opoa me before deciding, aa I am acquainted with landa and valnea In eecu county, snd have a large Hat ot bargain to select from, and alas all klnda ef business openings for aal at tempting prices. Having ' traveled ths stats over for the past 30 years I ib prepared to serve you. H. W. Miller, ' ',206 Goodnoach bide., Port I snd. Or. FINE confectionery, dear and poolroom; must eel a seenunt ot sickness. Inquire Mra. H. L. Provoat,- end of Bnnnyelde and Mount - Tsbnr esrllns. Won Id sxchancs acreage tf hone and lot. rhoaa East 4106. Call sveslngs or Sunday. FOR SALE Stork of general merchsndlae la good location; sales from sV00t 11,000 pat month.. Addreaa Lock Bog A. Tangent. Or. TELEPHONE exchange for sale) best prooosl thiB ta the state for email 'ayatem; splendid tcbeaese-fot etteaslooa. " K 48,(JournL 'j - J i",' .' t-" :'wCiiV'-''1' BUSINESS CHANCES. CANDY STORE. WELL LOCATED WITH. LI V. I NO BOOM, rsa be had at sow tmt by a desirable psrty; locstloa oa seat side oppo- - sits the Alblns srboolbouae. Psrtlculara, call office, 617 Commercial block-' . . . - -- - mmmIi ssa to aall tZck .7 tboroughbred Plymouth. .KockJ .iraosa. also some common ones, witn without building, etc.; a anap. ; hotel, First snd Aider sta. M., Oilman RBrtTAUBANT seating 60 people, well equipped. .old established money mum, . T. S'l'JI m aiAalk; eesat. Class ; now vsrars -" ' v -, -. " set bargain ws ever offered; only tJiS., Hume ' Land Co., 140 " st. 8 rears st 830 per month, with privilege of ; nuymg uanng uie ws . -"---- , Wsshlngton. ' s FOR BALE Oa account of alcaaeaa. also, eleaa. mooay-maklnc buslnessj oa eaat aldei salsa from 1 10 to 35 per d.yl price 1 or will tBvolea; no agents wssted. O 00. The JouraaL BUSINESS and furniture of 40-room hotel; only ; hotel In lively eastern Orecon town; owner . wests to retire. vwvw. - Kste Mlehelsr looe,- Or. . - . . - .. ONE HALF tatcreaf ta first rises retell ere- eery ana meat m -- . wl. bldg., cor. urana bbo mswiuovsw sie, . " 10 ssd 12 B. m. - ' FOB SALB Fine Hue of mlUlnery end ldl' furnishing goods la live town of 1,500; ex celbHit opportunity; a eompaUtloa. r K 42, care JouraaL FOR BALE Fine. Una of millinery and ladle furnishing goods in live town of 1.80j ex- rellent opportunity; no competition. K 43, rsre JournaL & hu ip if . .kB. thl. weeh U'Coocn newly furnished modern houae; best of personal for. selling. . 300 EieveatB st. - FOB BALE Estsblisbsd pbotogTaph studio; aplendld equipment, good business. Address P. O. Bog 407, Oregon City. Or. ' ESTABLISHED restaurant, on .Fifth at. Bear Wasbingtoa, ciesring sis w V fc" year aroaad. K AT, JouraaL ' ' WHEN looking for a location, either city or eouuriT. call ea the Northwest Lead Co, 864 Morrlaoa st, room 211. NEWSPAPER plant for aala Is a growing town; J r well esubllsisd business. loqulre T. L B., I Cars JouraaL . - I B..HH , .... I, h.I.II.KaS t.n.1 help aad capital. , Addreaa G 84. esra Journal. FOB BALE Brick hotel. 66 rooms, good furni ture, aplendld lease; la Portland, t 46. JoaraaL FOR SALE Restaurant doing nice business, 800; Invest Igsts at 805 Eaat Morrlaoa. . WHO IB EL Q. MORGAN A CO. 7 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. jSaOS y e".i""S." 'Wsmm m w e i "': '- ACRE TBA0TB1 ' 00B SPECIALTY IB ACBB TRACTS1 i i . FnH-alad strsets, water te ' TERMS 4)10 PEE ACBB CASH , 10 PEE ACBB PES MONTH. Tsa go to these aerea oa tbsssme ear, psy the same 6c tare tbe lot msa pays, The lot msa 1 your -nclghbof, but be 1c re atrlcted la majority of fee terse that Bosh true aubarbsa home. - . .. . A. C. CHURCHILL A CO. 1-3, . saw .i- DON'T PAY BENT! - We have 50 Boa and cheap bonding lots on the eaat aide, wlthla 10 allnutes. of the center ot ths city.. lift as build you a honss ' oa a email payment and tha balance divided ..'Into moathly payments (or. Cr years. DO . IT NOW. Put your monthly .rent Into a horn. Get the benefit of the rise. Portlsnd property will double la value la 19 months. See as at sirirTti-nw A fcroBKT. - Columbia bldg.. 865 Wasbingtoa at BEST BUY ON THE EAST SIDE. 13 room modern bonee In Alblns; aone better bnllt; grounds 100x186: from tba front porch you get the beat view of the city and harbor to he bad oa tha aaat aide; houae and Im provements oa grounds cost nsore thaa 810,000; can b had for abort time for 85.860. If It e a awell place you waat for half price, see Peery. 268 Russell at. fuitna . ivoms CV W OtVT Wbea you csn buy this new plaatered bouse ana gnoa level en. one uiw-e iiw. ... . line, for $300: 30 down, balance 10 month. Oregon Associated Exchange, 1H Fourth at.. B8 DON'T PAY RENT! ' " We can aell you city or suburban property . oa assy terms to suit;. coma Ib and sea tba bargains we have to offer; bow la ths time to buy, aa property Is Increasing every dsy; also small acreage tracts near ths . city for Bsls, Improved and unimproved. . 404 Eaat Morrlaoa St. 81.050 BARGAIN! 11.050 BARGAIN! B-room Bsodera cottage, full basement, lot 80x100. foe lawn, sbsde trees snd shrubbery, Twentieth St.. Tlbbett's sddltlna; part cash, balance 312 per month; will -rent for 316 pet month; If you wsnt a cheep boms. Invest! - gate this place. 404 East Morrlaoa St. AN RIGHT ROOM- - HOUSE. 0a a alee 50x100 Vat, wlthla 15 minutes' ride of center of city, rta- 81,508 ON EASY PAYMENTS. , H Do rt now. - MOI'LTON A SCOBET. " - Colombia bldg., 505 Washington at. 12,000 CLEAR profit can be mad la a few montna ny investing e-u.o-"' v winu very close In. very beautiful snd very cheep. snd subdivide- la lots. Co., 223 Falling bldg. American Investment -L. 82.000 CASH will buy a beautiful corner lot and D-reom SOttage, nenr m on vest, eiiie, or will taks f 1.000 ch. 81.800 on time, to suit nurrhaaar; this property at In a fine residence Incsllty snd very chesp at price offered. . Call at 234 Eaat Sixteenth at., corner Mala. -' FOB BALE 7 -room houae, ground 50x100 feet: hot and cold water; naoemeni; iruit trees srxi flowers 1 price 11.700', 6400 cash, balsnve -monthly; li Willamette on Kt- John car Una. Address O 43, Journal.. FOR SALE 80 acres sdojlnlng Mllwaukls Heights sddltion: snitsnie tor punting; m scree under cultivation: S room house on tract: 3160 per sere cash will take It. Ad dress O 43. JournsL FOR SALE 7Rxl00-foot lot on Eaat Seventeenth snd coucn: win sen ror si.xnu it snia iiiniuu few days: races seat; wen wertn si.stsj; win aell part of lot It desired. Addreaa K 48, ears Jouraal. FOR SALE Isrg or email tracts of Improved or unimproved land, nesr rortisna: rsllmad snd atesmbost transportation, - Call on ur writs W. J. Fullerton. Warren. Oregon. NEW 6-mom bouse; hath, laundry, cement basement and none ana wane, rurnare. all complete, modem, ta Upper Alblna; 93,000. Phone Union 3613. '- . v.-'. FOR BALE Br owner, a new 6-room houae. tnodera. Cl.ouu; sni oown. cm per month; fine location, close te car and echooL Pbone Union 1632. . - .- TWO nice bedding lota. 60x100 each, a corner Improved, reedy for winding; nice shade rreea. Inqnlrs of owner, 1810 Wilbur et., William ette etetto. FOR SALB at a bargain, wtodera 7 -room boo ea Esst.! Tsymr.. close 1st terms to .suit purchaser. Apply' F 42, rare JoaraaL FOR SALE fine modern residence, furnace, cor- ner Ninth snd Thompson. Irvlngton, chesp. Owner, 816 Cherry. , Phone Eaat 1300. 200 FARMS, smsll tracts and lots: bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addltnn, Lents, Oregon. Tks Mount Scott car, 5c. B SALE Modern eshwrban eottsce. Vs ear Has, flns location, gmund 1 a W. P. Townstte Co., 184 First si. ne luuxiww. 6560 BUYS one acre st Stuart, all rn cherries anq prunes; on -csr tine; nsir aowat ea time. Address 868 Eaat Aider. -ROOM houae, cries p for ess.- Inquire L B. Bsautgton) Bossmost are., mobuvuu ear. ' OND5R ANY CLASSIFICATION 1' 1 Five Cents pet' Lbe; . We ad takes tor less fhsa 18e:ps day. Bevea words, a rule, aoaetltute 6 Una, hut each Una la abused regardless of tha number of words. .. - - WIJJCXY RATE T tasertlene fUslaalsg so Sunday lssas) At CXJtTS peg Use per weak. . - - . MfilTTHLT BATE (teeladlag all taa tig Issues) gl. 00 par liae par msata. ASTEBTISXMEVTS maat Vs la 'swraal huslBeaa sfae bp 13 e'slesk sresh days aad ky 10 e'slsak 6ara.-aoy eeeaiBg let Dlsplsp sates gives upea appUoatlsa at the etase, '!. THE J0URN.AL BRANCH OFFICES ATrTEBTISIMEETt " Will fee "received at regular ssate-ofnot rate. Following is s list ef astaorlssd gents, who will forwrd rear advertise, aaent la Use toe pahllcstloa IB tha aaat :"' BTOBTS iat, '"I"" , B. A. Prsstos, dragclet, Twsaty-thlrd sad Thurmsa stresta, Nob Hill Phsrmaey, 680 OlktsB street, eorner Twenty-flrst. . A. W. Allea. pharmsdat. Bliteeath aad afarhn streets. . . McCommoo'a Pharasaep, taeteeBt aad Wasbingtoa atreeta. - - . ' ' BOUTS BZ9I. - - B. F. Jones Co druggists. Frost Bad Gihhe streets. i Cottel Drag eompaay. First and Orsat street. Fsbtaa Bysrley. dogglst. 400 Jsffsrsea atreet. est aw Tenth. - . Bettaua'a Pharmacy, saner ttztfe Bad Harrlaoa street. . ' . Plummer Drug eempany, 200 Third sreet. Corner Madlaoa. . EAST WWM. W. S. tovs, druggist, esraac Orsad avaane and Bast Burnslds street. . Nichols A Thamfjsoa, 133 Baaaell Stress, eoraer Alblna avenoe. Jancke Drug company, cornet Hsartberne and Orsad sveanes. W. O. Cabte. druggist, eoraa BoltadaP avenue aad Larrabas atreeta near steel hsUteer- B. A. Wilson, 13S Oraad avsaaa. Beat East Morrison. . B. W. Bsil. 868 East Bsvaath Btraat. cor oss Btephaaa. - . . . WTftwv asm F. . Ctark, druggist, 1008 North Cafcsh svsaas. . ; , ' BVEIYSTDX. v J. B. Worth. pharmscUt. 806 ttlmset ,- BKOOBXTB. Brooklya Pharmacy eompaay, Pewsll aad hrllwaukle streets. AXXZTA OEZOOsT, " Arista Fbaramcy, More aad Foster streets. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WAGNER A PETTY. B02 Commercial blk., have sums of tbe best buys ta tbe city. Bee thess before buying and ba roaviaced. FOR SALE 1 sere with B-room noses, plenty fruit snd bsrriea; M mils from city limits; price 81.400. L 48, Journal. 11.660 New 6 -room cottage and 3 large lots ea corner Grand ave. and-Bhaver at. Bee -owner. 84 Bhaver' at. 7 :. ',:'.""..', . " WE build booses; ,ey monthly payments; lots furnished If desired. -612 Commercial bldg. Mala 1040. - - FOR SALE room house ta Irvlngton: email Csyiuer.t. balsnc r long . time. Address I 1, Jouraal. -- . ". v.. .- FOB BALE 6 room hones en csr Baa with errs fruit trees, stc Inqulrs Sol Ess Sixth sC... . r-. FOR BALE A 6-room cotfsg. $1,000; $60 dowa and 1 10 a month. Phone Esst 678. FOR SALE T-room house. Sixth snd Alberts ats.. Highland. Call np Usles 888S, FOR BALE B-roooB house oa Hlbbard St., Moo tavllla; bargslB. FOR SALE FARMS. GOOD farm on Willamette, ail level; 105 acres good atata of cultivation, divided ta 8 fields: -8 acres In orchard, lots ot fruit, shout 70 scree ta paatare and timber; bouse, barn, ' stock abed, fond were boose; 838 per scr. . Writs owner, t C. Jackson. Halaey, Oregoa, . or call T. J. Jackson. 102 Fifth St. 2,000 ACRES IB soothers Ore go; 800 la culti vation; 8 good bouses. 4 bsrns, sll fenced aad cross fenced; fine pises for stock rsach,. or ceo be eat ap into- several ranches te good dvsatags; price 63- per acre. . 404 East Morrison st. . -',- O.TS0 BUYS a 84.500 farm of 186 acres. B . room houae, bara, good water, 2H miles from wsrehouaa, 1H mllea te school: U.OUO cash, balance 8 rearC tlasa. F. J. ktaboasy, Tekoa. Wash. FBBE LAND IN 0BE00M under the "Csrsy Irrigstloa Act. Deed direct from stats. Write today. Booklet and msp free. B. B. Cook A Oa.. 251 Alder st.. Portlaad. Or. ; FOR SALE A good farm af 87 v acres, near Oregon City; price reseonable, terms good. Address . Mrs. Jobs Billeter, Oregoa City. B. F. D. No. 1. FOR SALE 10 acres good lsnd. new house, rhlckeB - ysrd snd sheds: school churches, depot handy; $600, C. V. Ssadstons, Sber- wood. Oregoa. , FOR BALE or Beat 100-acre farm; TO under cultivation; with honss snd 2 bsrns: 12 mllea from Portland. Address 1081 Esst Salmon at. FOR SALE Farm. 40 acres, all In cultivation, 2 mllea front Oregoa City. Bl North Ninth at. FOR southern Oregon real estate, large or Small tracts. Dillsrd A CUytoa. Roseburc. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER. INVESTORS would do weU to look ap- the fol lowing bsrgslns In lands: 1,000 acres stump and brush lsnd, 83.60 per acre: 1,300 acros timber lead at 87 per mrT' seres, 13.- 000.000 feet fir, good soli, at $10 per acre; 7.00 seres brush and timber at 4 per acre) all good soil sad loeatloa. 221 Vi Morrlaoa St., room 6. FOR BALE Sawmill; good stock farm of 202 -acres, buildings sfl nsw; good water; aawmlll all complete, planar new, 2.500,000 fast of ssw timber, mill site, mill snd timber with or without lsnd. Emmersoa Milling Co., Amity, Or R. F. v. no. t. , t ' DO you : want timber 1 I own 160. worth - 88.000, which I will sell for 84,500; sa sbeo rutely safe Inveatmant. D 68, care Journal. FOB BALE Two honMstetd . rellnqolihmeot claims; aeeoad growth! will sell cheap. N. P. Nlelaoa, Hotel Bbelnpfala. FOR SALE A timber rlsim In southeast part of Marlon county. Call Depot saloon, cor. Water snd Columbia sts. crsTTinin serin, snr else - nieces: wrtce. W. O. Howell. (88 Chamber af Com merce. FOB HOMESTEADS, timber elalma sad arrV Pjp1yo6 Commercial blk. HORSES AND. CARRIAGES. A A FINB top boggy, horse sad haraess, 6836. for sale cheap, ee trade for lot. A Hscker. 846 Wsshlngton st. TO EXCHANGE. HIGH grade .rnltttre and I piano to furnish ' pleasure resort . t estis in exensnge for mte.. snd fruit lands st Wlnsns City. Hood river . vslley, Oregon; terminus of Mf. Hood rallwsy,. rente of apple ssd timber belt. W. Buss Wmaaa (Amertcaa Ina). Hood River, Or. I WILIreschange 4 fine building Iota on Union ave. ror residence ana pay essh airrerence. Csll UpH Third st. ; - v BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. B. BIRKENWALD CO., SOCins) Ceerett at... tsrgest butctitral cynpif house ea the esact. t" i: !