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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
:j daily r ; V . ( (! . -- , - FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARD AND POOL UbltS for rent or for to oo ease payment. TUB BBUN8WICK BALKBCOIXENDEB CO. 48 Third it, Portland. , FOR SALB On ' complete set of sceaary, 14 ' foot) 1 baae drum, 1 roar drum; also I 5. burner blue-dane oilstove. : Call Gy Par, tb Trail.. . , , . ' 108 SALE A 8-rooiu bone for tha eric a tent of tha am alaa. Inquir at blu house, St. lisle as road, Below la hw ' .quarry. . . . - , BOO DOZEN Ifaaoa'a fruit tare, all -' one, good aa new, ehean. - Portia ad Bottl supply uo., avi nana .iateenm. aiaia ' COl'NTERS and tables from tha 0 M. C store . - all In 'food conditio, champ Ibt eeb. Inquir r AmtrMin jtxconng oocs, root or ataaieoa at. i WB print pour aama ea W railing ard. prapat 1. alaa and alrta 29c: Z50 business car da, IL , a. oeo Mb. . It- ; WOVEN-WIBB and upholstered 1 eota, . earns ' ' etoree. bamatorta a ad eaarp Taraltsr. P i-y cine Tant aV Awning Oa., U Bart First, UN good weod-aawlng machine ra f Iret-elaae ronnitsm; win ecu on eaay terms ; prica llbo. Sit Water at. Ittoo Mala 4H - LARGEST toeh ef bottle la aortkwaat; ardara l iiiteu prooiMirt rnuin ixwiias avppij ve.. , 81 North Elgbtnth at. ' Mala 228. ji LAUNCH tar sale, length. St teat, 10-. P.- e i, fine, larg curving capacity ( prica vara ; , cheap. - Addreee U 88, aara Journal. ! LATBHT Improved American TnnI Oe.'a planar, . , aa goodae .new, 23a, plana d3 ft. la. I very cheap. 809 Foorth at. ONK-HOBKKPOWER motor with) shafting end , ptiilrja. naitin and brackata, tor aala able. Call 2M lder at. t PORTABLE locomotlTa bailor and cnilna, 4 borupowr. V. H. Plcfutt'a law ill), 4 Mulkar bldf. " . FOR aALB f.tM aprtrht piano, flrat-elaaa con dlllnn. for 150. Call and ba aonrlncad, Kd Poartaantk. I12.A0 OR blithMt offer; American aarla for aala. Hi montat old.- J. U. Burton. SM Pirik at. ... $00 UPRIGHT pWno "fWl, aaod monthij . orajaa 418; muat acll. - 241 rirat apaUIra, ' FOR SALB National caah regtoter, imod order, chaap; alaollara-a aboweaaa.. 14T Pint at. ollarga abowc -Uaatall alr POR BALB all air conipraaaor, cbaap. .. O. Morgan Co, V70 MUwankla at. - FOR SALE A Parlor Grand piano; liberal dla ,' count, far eaab. L 40, Journal. : 12.000 BOXER of fancp winter apple (or aala br Home Fruit Co., Cora Or. ;' FL'RNITDRB oC B-roora flat for aala cheap; gnod location. Oalfr Mala 181T. PERSONAL. - I &n MEN I T. P. (Vital-Power) tablet win reetor to 70a tb enip, aim aad rigor of manhood; If Care lacking la the power of vitality. Ita malting from ndlacretloa aad aioaaaaa. aad for a box of 'toeae tableta and ba eoa Tlnced of their merit. Br mall la plain pkg.. ai - TKa - Irfflltmnr- TlihUt Co.. lna.. Bui blk.. Detroit. Mhaaa) DBTECTIVB agenda Confidential tnantlg -: tlona; reports made oo any Indtrldoal baalneaa or pro party; booka aipertad; beat dtp rater. eneei cbatgea reaeooablci aormpeodaaaa ae- llrlted. Oregoa Detectlre Serdee, etfiee 214-M5 Celnnibl bldg., 38S Waahlngtoa at PortlaDd. Phono Mala odlO. IP aoeklng a congenial Ufa com pea loo, )nla tha Interatate Introdudng Hoclety. and aieat or eorroapoad with reputable resident of thla aeetlon. many wealthy. The October Beaiatrr, 10 renla.- Suit- 84, BoaaeU bldg., aor. Foartk Morrlaoa at. . tiO DBUOB, ne operattanat Prof. Dnaa glra. oataopatnyana magneiw rreaimeiii. reooeao your floak, rellaeea anppraaaod monthly lrreg : alarltlea. ConaulUUea free. . Or flea, 0I Qoodnongb bldg. : 'WINONA MILLS aeamlee boalerp for men, '. women aad children; any welgbt or material . to order. SI 1 Commercial blk. Phone Mala , . 4"o. So aor - Mhlblt, Maaafaclaraa bMg ..' blk. tL - ' ' LOST - powera reatored by tha great Dr. Mreaaa narra teaie inoMrei aoe per vox. bezea for 41.29. pharmacy, 227 - writ or ran ot sra Morrlaoa, bat. lat nd Sd. WANLY vigor reatored by Dr. Boberta' Nerve Oloboleaa Oa month' treatment, 2: Mwtha, 48; aent aeon rely aaaled by ml. . - Agaata, Waodard. Clarke I Co., ParUaad. Or. VISIT PORTLAND lOe bring Haebrlcbtrn. Oermaa weekly, till Ja aary 1. ISOd. Eatabllahed 18 yeara. Oer maa Pub. Co., XrS't Second at., Portland, Or. BBOKSI Her tbey are: "Deeameroa," "Hep . tameron." "A Hot Temele." "ranny Hllk "Twantf Tear Faker," "Forbidden Pratt." 40 each; lut fra. A. Bcbmal. 22 Flrat t KITTY Thought much. It will be many day before any on will bav tb pleaanr ' again; am emion that yon call Thuraday; to your interact. DICK. . WANTED To confer with thoe cnnttmplat Ing knaloea coarea; to your peraoaal aad tinaidal Intrreat to Urmtlgat. AddraM J 48, ear Journal. I OROW, buy and U flnaang; U acre worth 450.000; big book tbat telle all about H, Mat- , paid 25 centa. Eft. Atwell. 400 Llatar, Kan a City, Mo. - - - LADIES Ya appear 20 year yonnger, r move all wrlnklea. kav akin Ilka velvet . by aalng Oregoa wrap Bkla Feed. Paen saat izot. . J)R. ATw)OD, IS Bnaael bldg.. 168 Foorth at. Female dlaeaaea and confinement ; open Wad. and Sat. ovenlnga. Couaultatlon fra. MEN I W0MEN1 Baymond-apllU. poalttvaly rare aarvouaaee and lack of jrlullty; II. hexee 48. PlamaMT Drug Ce, t4J0 Third. BBITS preeeed I" w,,t.- 9e' V!d,T aklrta preaaed 80c. Ollhm. 108 Slitk t, next t tb Quell.. Phone Clay 808. . OINSENO, If a money-mkr Ptont nowt , price I lat for aeed and plant oa application. B. W. Klbler, Taeoma. Waah. LILLIAN B. CRAM Chlropodlat, manlrarlBg and ahampoolag. Parlor AM Ablagtoa bldg, Pcrtlaadi Or. Black 2883. MARRY Weatere kdlea want buahaada; many .., wealthy. Adrtreaaea frt. Star Box 884, Saa Franclaco, California. TO1N0 woman ualng Woodlawa' ear. wearing bin veil, commnnlcat with . PLEASURE, P - 3Mt ' car Journal, - - - Wll BERTHA MARTIN Boon 412, Allaky , bldg. Stamping and fin needlework) leeaoM glvea." r. Tl'RKIHll BATHS, SOO Oragonlaa kldg i gent all night, ladle all day. Mala 13S. VRKR aampla corn, buntoa and wart car, wla L. Dean. dept. B, Taantoa. Maaa. DR. FLETCHER'S chiropody parlor, 414 Allaky bid., of fir practice. Bed 1804.. PLAIN eewing and ahlrtwalata mad to at AO0 fifth at. Ol a a call. kXPERIENCKD draaamaker will aaak " menra In famlllee. tTnlna 444. CLAIRVOYANT3 ANOPALMlitl MirJ IB -LIB fllfted child from birth, now la ' Portland aad will give tret readlnge for toe; fonr manner of readlne: Inratre mining and JU44o treaaarae Room .- 824 H Flrat. - . MADAMR 'JOHNSTON-aTlalrvnyaat, ' patmlat, r card reader; I give facta reliable and Impor tant ea an arraire or real Ufa, Beading 80 44 Seventh at., Bear Oak. ATTCr""Y A. H. TANNEH. attoraey, ) Commarelal blk., econd and Waahlnctua ats. Pnoaa k-a 8J. B. T. TAOOART. Forney Mdeoa 4: 4 C- ember of t .ftur-eeee b - at law. THE LATEST FAD" 60 buy pea aad Ink eteiea of ronrauf rrea paoio or or. aa King. 8d Kalelgk at.. Bear 28th. M. Car. BLANK-BOOK XIAKBKS. ' BOWB, DAVIS KILHAM. 104-llt Seooad at. Blank book manufacturer; agent tor Joaae jaiprorai Loom-Leaf ledgerr taa Bew " Eureka leaf, the beet oa lb market. BATHS MASSAGE. Tl'HKiaU. vapor aad epong bath; ar cur for rheumatlam, narvouane, lumbago, etc., by electricity, band rubbing and aaagtietlaui; young huly operator, Sottst Stark, parlor II. lioura roaa 10 a. aa. to 11 p. -m. THB BNOWDEN - BATUS Lady attandanta, . BKTM Alder at., tub and vapor hath, loaaeag and electricity. Phon Mala McSS. Mini EN0IJ8H. expert cblropodlat, gtra medl . oated batba, alao electric and magnatl treat- 14SH Sixth, room - MBS. B. M. FRITS. SO grand eve., beaatlfnl Importad eanarr bird, reeaooable; all good elngere, aad aatlaf action guaranteed. COUUISSION UESCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS. Oeaaral eammtaaloa ckaotai fruit and produce; conalgnmeata Udteds prompt retttrna. 180 Front at. IF yea want t get good retara for poar prodeee, aAlp, to aa: pa blgkaat pri (or egga t a, fc 'p. Miner Co. LBNSCH BROS, nmlaalfla mercbaata, floar. feed, hay and pradaon. Ba S04 Front at. Phon Mala iSW BVBBDINO A FABBELL. prodaw aad aomml Ion merchant. 140 Front at.. Portlaad, Or. Phon Main ITS. CLEANINO AND DYEING. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANINO 4b' DYEINO Works; practical batter In connection! feather boaa and plumea cleaned nd curled by aa ex pert. 411 fourth. Fkeaa Clay 204. : VP-TO-NOW CLBAN1NO PBESBINO COM. pan? gotta preaaed. 60c 1 panto, 18. , Phon , Pacific 284. . 44S Ankany t. , H. W: TTTBNBB. profeaaional dyer and laar. 408 Jefferaoa at. Phon Main 2818. CAFES. THB OFFICE 2SS Waahlagtoa at. T71. Samuel Vlgneaux. Phone Mata COAL AND WOOD. CHtlBCHLEY BROS, bar removed from foot Pavla at. tot 428 Kearoer at.. Bear llthl M bow tka Urgent woodyard la the city, carry. ' lag 811 klada of wood aad eoel Mala 881. GREGORY MORRIS. ueeaaor ta Cala a McKua. dealer lawood and coal at lowest prlcea; aatlaf actio a guaranteed. Cor. TcBtk and Irving. Phon Mala 48TS. - ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer ta eordwood. coal , and greea and dry alahwoed. B. B. and AW biaa are., 2 block aaat of ferry. Eat BTa. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealer la coal, eordwood and dry alabwood. Pboo Beat 484. BOXWOOD and plane trimming. Standard Wood Co. Phone Eaat S318. Foot fostPlB. OREGON FUEL CO. All kinds of coal aad wood. 404 Alder at, Phon Mala 48. . , . - KIRK HOOVER. 814 Wtar t.. wood aad eoaL Pheao Mala 4888, , FOR SALB 4,000 orda fir wood. Pboaa East aaanEaanaxmmaWBasjBMaanaaaaBMaaamanannnami " CARPET-CLEANIN O. .J- STANDARD Carpet CUaatng Co.. Isrgeet pUnt oa tb eoaet, ladng and Bardlng at., trie. - phone Eaat 280 Carpet cleaned, refitted, ewad and laid; both eteam aad Is teat com. nrsaaad air procem; renovating mattrsasaa aad feather ipectaltp. HAVE year wall cleaned; w clean papered and painted walla; aatlafaetlon guaranteed; prlcea reaaonablei reference. Red 2M2. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction aad coaa preaaed air combltied; carpet cleaned on floor without removal. Mala 8684. But 2904. CARPETS cleaned o tb floor 1 wo raw Be duat. Phone Clay 881, free demonatratJoa. J. HCNTER Steam carpet and mattreaa cleaner. 880 leffereoa. Phone Mala 214. CHIROPODISTS. Ur-yoa feet are at of order, a to Dr. Wot ley Benlamln. Seventh aad Stark, tha foot ape. elsllsL Phon Black 818. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, rpatr, rmtlderai r pairing and Jobbing; tor and office Mature built. Shop 208 Colombia. Main 620T. - COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anybody owe you any money T W col. leet bad debt of nil kinds from II Bp, 123 ' Grand eve., room 12. Cut thla out. v CIGARS AND TOBACCO. KSBERO-QDNST CO. V Distributer of N, , FINB pIOAttS. Portland, Oregoa. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and (laaawar. - Prasl, Hegtle A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at. DANCING. WOODWARD'S dancing acbool of tb WMra Araaemy or atuaiet aionuay ana msnnar, Spectators Invited.. . Leaeon 80c . , Dancing 8 to 11. ' ' 7 DETECTIVES.. DETECTIVE or eerret rvtc work: (trietly confidential: difficult can solicited. Boom 14. Washington bldg. - DOQ AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB C.E BROWN. D.V.S .D.C.M. Dog. Hone boa. pltal, 28T Burnald. Phone: Maln40S4;Baat2638 DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or waah all, mad for Ii.goi anirtwaiat enita, pa.ov. aa a-aai aur. at. Phen Eaat 8281., DRESSMAKIN'O Strictly up to date! la teat Be signs. v 488 Clay at. ELECTRICAL- WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENOINEBRINO . Company. 408 Stark at., Portland. 0. K. tor rerythlnf ta tk electrical Ho. . Phone Mln 1888. PACIFIC ETJCCTRIO CO. Fnglneer. contra- rira, rapalrera, lectrlc wiring, supplies. 84 Int. one. Srkrk. Mala flO. R. H, Tate. mgr. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. THB Electrical AppMane Co., 480 Waabtngton t. rnone Main anna. FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only plar In Portland to get French bread. narrere Mayne, n bum at. . vail auv ery. Phon Oreen 804. FURNACES. BOYNTON werm-rtr rnraarea ear fuel. I. 0. Barer rem see t xoa Becono. main eni. DENTISTS. BEY CHURCHMAN, eVntbvt, 824Marouem - bldg., SixUt aad aterrteea. FhaM Mala 1748, ru-'iTur: F-tCTrT" OREGON furniture Maaufaetaring Campaay Vaimfacturera of furniture for to trad. Pori.and, Or. L. Kavenaaiy' furniture factory. 0 Front at. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., whekwaw faeturen and rommlaaloa ' and Oak ate. mereaui. Fourth ALLEN A LEWIS, mmmlaakaa and rafoduca cnanta. rrontand lejita., r-ortia no. ur. HAIR AND SCALP SPECIALIST. . . . . - . j . i. i. BORO. mannfarturer at human hair roUa, etc 428 Eaat Ninth. Phone Eaat 211. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Oa. aolleit opportunity ta jai price. 188 lat at., eor. Aider. Mala I284. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton. Peadleton. W.A. Brown, aagr. HOTEL PertUad. America plant IS, IS per dap. HOTEL St. Oeorg. Pendleton; leading hotel. BELVEDERE; Eampeaa plan; 4th and Alder eta. v INSURANCE. ISA AO L, WHITB. Or Ityoraae. '.. SOO Dkm LAMBERT, WHITMER CO. Fir tnaaranoa . and real aatata; office 10T 408 Sherlock bldg. Mala 1008; dept. 404 Eaat Alder. Beat 4I. IAS. McL WOOD, employer' liability aad In dividual accident aurety beoda of all klada. Pnoa4T.' 8u2 McKay bldg. . --- H. F. BARTEMI COMPANY Fw inenrano. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Phone CUr 624. LOCKSMITH. i. H. RICH A BDSON. expert loch aad kevemlthl - general repairing; real Iron br aalng: all work guaranteed. SOS Fourth at. Pben Hood 1782. BROWNE'S IN TOWN ErrjeTt' lockemltk aad bicycle repairing. 288 Stark. Day phone. Clay to: nigni pnone. nam nam. LADDERS. - LADDERS Painter ei ten al on-ladder, paper bangers' treaties; fire and .roof- ladders; ' plaateren' and farm ladder; see aatalogue. V-bone Eaat TOO. Portland Ladder -Cw-84 Bhlta at., aaat aide. B. W. Uatrard. prop. LAWYERS. H. F. BURLEIGH, lawyer. 122 Grand an., East Portland. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX NORTHRCP, 410-14-1T Drkaa bMg., Third and Waahlngtoa at. Phon Main 848. Kxamlaatloo free. . DBS. OTIS MABEL A WIN. 408 kfaeleay bldg. Clay .178.. Bea. M. 2141. Conaoltatloa free. MUSICAL. COURTNEY'S MUSIC STORE, SO Fifth St. . Good Una of sheet music I0c guitar, msndo- line 14 lea than usual price; - Columbia ' record 3fCv , . .. .. LESSONS on vtolm and mandolin, pupil of . Jnllu Elcfaberg, Boaton; orrheatr for all oc ' caamna. ArthaT Cllfford, 282 Tenth.. Plion - Mala 2S9T. ' , LESSONS 40e, guitar, ban)o, mandolin, vtolla. Mr. Martin. 24 1U s'lrst. ear. Mala. . MUR10 STUDIO. 889 MORRISON STREET. PIANfl a W. Johnaoa. Pboa Mala 1811. MONEY TO LOAN. r'-. ' MONEY TO-LOAB Oa Improved elty property or for bonding purpo. Aay amount oa from S. to 10 years' time, with prtvUag to repay all or part of loaa after on year. Loaaa ap- t roved from plana aad money adranced a ulldlng progrcana; mortgagee Uhw ap aad (placed. FBED H. STRONO, Financial Agent, - 242 Stark Street. THB STAB LOAN CO. ' Any aalsrlad employe, ware -earn mm mlm moA. urlthoot mn.uri.a. caa get Monlh V, Month' Week. 00.00 Repay, ta 812.88 or 84.9 or 12.89 128.00 Repay to us I 8.88 or 83.88 or 11.63 114.00 Repay to as I 4.00 or 12.00 or 1.00 310 McKay bldg. MONEY ta loaa. aalarlod people, teamatera, etc., without security; - eaar payments; largeat bnalneca In 48 principal cklee, Tulmaa, 223 Ablngtoa bldg. Phon Mala 44ST.. MONEY to Inaa oa real, personal and collateral aecurlty; special attention to chattel mort- figea; Bote bought. C. W. Pallet, 804-8 entoa bldg.. 84 Sixth St. HIOHLY reapectahle place whan ladle aad Bca borrow money on diamonds and y. Collateral Lean Bank. BOB Wank at. Phoa Black Tl. CHATTEL loan la amounts ranging from IS to 88,000; rooming -koaees a apeclalty. New Era Loaa Trust Co.. 204 Ablngtoa bldg. Wl make aU kind f loaa oa good aecurlty at lowest rate; (pedal attention glrea to chattel loana. IBS MorrlBM at. MONEY to loaa la aum of from 43,000 ta to, 000; term to ult tb borrower. Boom ' SOS-IO, Commerdal blk. MONEY to loaa ta large or amaU amount oa good aecurlty: lowest rata. William O. Beck. 807 FalUng bldg. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loan from thro to ail mo the; ooafldeotlaL 217 Ongoniaa. MONEY to loaa oa Clackamaa county land. E. F. aad F. B.RUey, 80S Chamber of Oom- PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, 4 and 4 per cent. Wm. Denholm, 228 Falling bldg. LOWEST rata on furnlrm and pianos. Raat ra Loaa Oo 448 Sherlock bldg. Clay 828. TO LOAN Sum to suit oa chattel aecurlty. R. A. Frame, 814 Tb Marquam. 11.000 TO loaa on dty property. 404 But Mat. neon. I'bon neat RZS. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB BOAD 'OVERALLS and ' chanlea' eluehlng; union made. Neuatadtar Bros., manufactur, Portland, Or. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS, r F. E. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Pit nt Co. I wlndow-gl' and ginning. , 184 First at. ' Pboa 1884. , . BASMTJSSBlf CO Jobber, paint, oil. glaat, aash aad doora. Second aad Taylor.. PLUMBERS. rWNNERBtBO RADEMACHEr aaultary plumbera. 84 Fourth at. Both phones. FOX CO., eanttary plnmben. 281 Second, bet.. Main and Ralmoa. Oregoa Phoa Mala 2001. PRINTING. ANDERSON a) DtJNIWAY COMPANY.-pelnUng, lithographing, blank book. Phoa Mala 17. 80S Aide at. RUBBER STAMPS.. P. B. STAMP WORKS, 248 Alder, pkon Mala TIO! rubber stamps, aeala, atendla, baggag, trad checks; send for catalog No. 2A. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Cumli aellwn C., street paving. 1d. walha and cTonwalhiTldpregonlaq. bldg. THB Trinidad Aapbalt Parlag 0. f Pwrtland. Offlc 4AS VTorceeter blk. ,1 ..' SIGN-PAINTERS. OOLD SIONS. window lettering, (loth banners, mmImI eletelfl -fane eaA . .ea of all r kind mad quickly, poaterf A Klelaer,. Fill - aad Everatt. Pboa Kxcktag 84. . prrTv. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad general Rors. PORTLAND CORDAO CO. sjoea aad Narthrup eta., pert 1. SPIRITUALISTS. ' LOSTTA Splrltuallet, medium and healer. The acknowledged leader. Marvelous cure. So dalty rheumatic and stubborn dlaeaaea. Your advantage to conceit ma. Room 10. 224 4 lat SAFES. DIE BOLD Maagauea eefee; Or and burglar praef work: aU aad prlaoa work: loekoata epeeed: renaln. J. B. Devta. od Third . SECOND-HAND. OOODB'S Fnraltun House Highest price paid for second band furaltun. 218 Second at. -Phone Padflc 408. - " SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of very description; bank, bar and store flxturea made ta order. Tb La Ike Mannfactnrlng Co., Portland. maana TALKING MACHINES. ' GIBSON CO.. 848 Waahlngtoa t. Comptete -" " Kwimma gra pnopnonee anu recoroa. TOWEL SUPPLY. -..X CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, aoan, It per month. Lawrenr Bros.' Towel Supply Co., Foartk aad Couch. -Phoaa 42. TRANSFER , AND - HAULING. SAFES, piano and farnlture moved, packed ready tor ahlpplog and shipped; -all work ' guaranteed; large.. S-atury. brick. Ara-proof warehouse for aturage. Offlce 12S Fint St. C M. Oleen. 1'hone Mala 847. C. O. PICK, office 88 Pint at., between Stark and Oak at., phone BOO; piano and furniture moved and packed far ahlpplng; commodious orira waraoouae, robi ana Clay at. STOBAGE, packing, ahlpplng and moving; . guaranteed lowest ratre; It will v yoa money t Call np Main 8180. or Mala 404. Addreee J. Oka. 804 Gdllda are. OBEGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Mala 88. Heavy hauling and storage. SBB Boa M. Plummer about storage; Sre proof; cut Hte 262 Third at Phoueeln 202. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 200 H Wash Ingtoo st Phone Main 982. : -. VIOLINS." I. A. WERCO, vlolln,msker and repairer; work drat claaa. 25 BueeVl bldg., 4th and Morrtoen. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-14 Second -at., hot. Yamhill and. Taylor. Portland. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPAJfT OF OREOOB. I The Oldeat Ttuat Company In Oregoa. . RESOVBCB8 OVER 41,000,000. General banking kaalneea condncted. Saving depoalt 'received.. Time certiorate laaaed. 4 to 4 per cent; epeelal certificate (not under 500). 4H to -4 per cent on abort call. Call for book f "ILLI'STRATIONS." Phon Main 484. 104 Third St. BEN J.-1. COrtKN . , . . . . ; .". . . . . , . . President H. L. PITTOCK........,r...r..Vlc-Prealdent B. ' LEE PAGET ...Beentery J. O. OOLTBA.,... Aaalataat Secretary u B1TX9 STATES NATIONAL BANK AW aVxmj .taTT AlffAAW W VsT AT, I Am A A AX v ymBWWei - B0BTKWI8T 00 R. THIRD AND OABT ITI. I uaru xuuianig t DRAni laai a.u - . Available In All Citle of the TTnlted State and Europe, Hongkong nd Manila, COLLECTIONS MADE OK FAVOBBLB TIBlfB PreaM-ot .....,.,J. 0. AIK8W0RTH mi BuJJm. TaT fi. 4TIR Vloe-Preald.nt "A BARNES Ca abler .R. W. BCHMEER TT-.. r...t.i . A. f TA'BIGHT Aaelatant Ca abler.' W. A. HOLT LASD ft T7X TON. BAVXXBB. (EaUUlaked ta 1858. V - Trancaat a General Banking Bualnee. t'Olieciloue imub K"-t- :, V. . term. Letter of credit iaaoed available la Europe and iu poinra in me t'mwi bhiw. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranafen aold on New York, Waahlngtoa. Chicago, St. Lou!, Denver. Omaha. San . Fraadaco and Montana end Brttleb Columbia. Exchange aold on London, Parle, Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila aad; Honolulu. " PIT KATI0WAL BANK - OF PORTLAND. 0BI00K. Designated' Depoaltory and Financial Agent f tb Halted State. . -ta Preeldent KrJPHJ Cble ,'.W-!,E.TI?5 Second Asdatent CaihieV...'. . B. ' F.' STEVENS Letter s t Tea It iseuea aTinaow us- ivunrpe nd tk Easter State. - Bigot r.ia" . --. . -k aold ea New York, Boaton. Chicago, St. Loot. 8b, Paul, Omaha, San Francisco gad the principal poinca , in ie v Sight aad time bill drawa In m to ult on London. Pari, Berlin. Frankfort-ln-the- Ckriatlanla, Stockkotm, Bt. Peter abarg, Mos cow, mncn, nuouiuio. , Collection Maoe oa a vera Die lerma. M1 EBCHAJfTS NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OBXOOB. J. FRANK WATSON... Pmldent U. Xa lit. rtrtAnt. rice-rmiurnt R. W. HrtYT Cashier OEORGB W. H0YT Aaelatant Cs abler Traant A OenereJ Banking Bhiameee. Draft aad Lettera of Credit laeurd Available to All Parte of tb World. Collection Specialty. SXCTTBTTY 8ATTN04 B TRUST C0MPABT. 884 Morrlaoa St., Portland, Or. Traiuaote a General Banking Bualaea. lAVUfOS DEPARTMENT. Interest Alwwad a Tim and Saving Depoalt. Acta Trustee for Estate. Draft and Lettera ot Credit Available In All run oi in worio. 0. F. ADAMS. ...... L. A. LEWIS ... President Flrat Vice-President A. L. MILLS. second Vlc-rreaidnt H o. ii hitZ Secratarr GEO. F. BL'SSELL Aea latent Secretary M OBRIS BBOS. 184 Fint St., Fortlaad, Or. Offer Ollt-Edg tnveatmenta la Municipal and RaHroad Bond. . write r call. MORTOAGB LOANS Oa Partlaai BeaJ Eat at at Leweet Bat. Tttlee Inmrad, Ahetrat raralahad. . TITLE OUABANTEE TRUST CO. 848 Waahlngtoa St.. Oar. Second. LEBANON ARSON CASE TO. BE Rt-TBIED. AT ALBANY (Snedal Dlamtcb't Tb JoumaLI Albany, Or, Oct-. Tha Jury fof th4 October ettf-nv was drawn last vnlng by Sheriff R. L Whit and County Clark Sr MV Payne, l In th list ar .14 farrnera, -1- anarchant, 1 machlnlat, 1 earpenter.-v-l. laborer and 1 ral aatata man. , Th Jurors ara from all parts of tha county, ths mora distant portions being wall represented. . One of the moat important cage oomins up at tnia time Is tha arson caea- againat . M. Rogoway of Lebanon. 'This easa has bean tried once, a conviction being necured. bnt tha cada was reversed In the aupreme court and will have -to ba retried.- Tka circuit court will meet on October IS. . BREAKS HIS NECK BY- ( TALLIN KLAMATH FALLS (neclal Dla patch to The Journal ) Aahland, Or.. Oct, . William Navella. a bartender, fell from tha atalrway of a Chlneee lodglnc houaa on Main atraet In Klamath Falls In the early hours of Wednesday morning, reTelvlnK Internal Injuries from which ha died a few hours Idler. ; - y (ELtlU ALLEGES Sends Broadcast Throughout ' Statt "Pamphlet Accusing ' . 8tat Officials. . ; SAYS PROSECUTION IS FOR POLITICAL EFFECT Defendant in School Land Frauds Ac cuaes Governor Chamberlain and Agent West of Trying to Secure Land..' -t- " ;' ' (Soeclal Dleoeteh t Tb Jonrnal.T Salem. Ore., Oct. I. Developmente In tha school land fraud question, wmcn waa'rajged In this county laat April, reached a climax yeeterday when A. T. KelUher of Chicago, who la Jointly in dicted with H. H. Turner, a Juatloa of tha peace of thla city, for forgery and the uttering of forged Inatrumeata, sent a letter ta State Land Agent ' Oawald Weat asking If ha had any objection to. his sending; out 11.000 circulars on atate land frauds. " : . . , Mr. Wat replied: ' . t" "I do not understand what motive you have in addrcsalng ma on the subject, nor dd I care. I have no objection to your issuing as many of these circulars, mentioned by you, asou please, or any others on any aubject you aea f It to write upon. It may afford you aome pleasure and cannot affeot me nor deter me from discharging my duties In fer reting out the rascala who have been rngnged for yeara In stealing the public lands of tha state." - - - 'V.Allatras Ooneplray The olrcular which accompanied Mr. Kelllhefg Jetterand WhicjLhaaJeen put but over hi slgnatur. contain 'It pages of printed matter, conltlng of extract from lettera from M. B. Pogu, an attorney of thla city, to A. T. Kelll herrthen ln"titcago; answers- ta. some of these lettera, and an extract from a letter from Dan Sharply to Horace mo Klnley. Br -these extracts. Mr. Kelll her attempts to inalnuata that there waa a plot formed between m. is. rogu, Oovarnor Chamberlain, District Attorney John H. McNary, State Land Agent West and others to ferret out land frauda for the purpose oteanoelllnn cer ttflcatea to land aales. secure part of thla Und and divide the 110,000 appro priated by -the leftslatura to ba uaed by the governor for tha purpose of hiring; detectives to run down the sheep shoot ers In eastern Oregon. ; The following; preface appeara on the cover of the circular; ..... . . '. 'The peraon receiving thla clreular may find" It very interesting reading, aa It- refers " tOpoIItIcsBnOand frauda, politicians and attorneys. It also con Uins the names of several state of ficials and there Is -also reference mada to a 110,000 appropriation -made by the laat legislature, as well as IhOOO on the quiet, Trorn XetUra. " - Tha following are fair aamplea of the alleged extracts from Pogue'e letters which appear In the circular: - "April 12, 1051 have sounded, the state land board by mine; an application for a man "named Seara for landa aold through fraud, and have found that they will not establish any policy which will Induce private parties to coma In and diacover frauda. - Tha governor thinks the state land agent equal to tha occa sion, and .that la the cause of all the furore In land matters; and it looks like some land men were pressing It forward tn tha hope of getting aome of tha landa when the evidence la found to set aalda tha galea. "April It, ltot These matters have been brought to the attention of Mo-' Nary, and but for tha fact that ha la hoping to get a rake at tha $10,000 ap propriated by the laat legislature under tha supervision of the governor, for the purpose of hiring special agents of the state to ferret out crime, ha Would not And many Indictments. However, tha hops of reward, and political aspira tions, aeem to have a dominating Influ ence on his course." Tha demurrer In the Kelliher-Turner case came up for hearing before Judge Burnett yesterday afternoon, but their attorneya filed a motion to withdraw the demurrers and moved: to aet aalda the indictments oa the ground that tha ap plication to purchase school land la not a contract and that therefore the forg ing of an application to purchase echool land does not constitute a crime, ac cording to statute. The act making forgery a crime doea not Include appli cation to purchase achool landa In the list of those instruments which if forged constitute a crime. . , The Hat does include contracts and District Attorney John M. McNary argued that an application to purchase land IS a contract wlthathe atate. The attorneya occupied , the ' entire afternoon with their argument and the Judge took tha esse under advisement The motlona to withdraw and to set aside will be ruled on at the same time. aa well aa the demurrer itself. A great detl or Importance hinges on this decision from tha fact that If the demurrer la auatalned or the indict ments set aside, tha statute of limita tions will prohibit further prosecutions on these Indictments. A boon to travelers. Dr. Fowler's Ex tract of Wild Strawberry. Cures dysen tery, diarrhoea, aeaslckneaa, nausea. Acta promptly. We treat sueeessfulty all private ner von and ehrenle dlseaaea ef men; al blood, stomach, heart, liver, kldney and throat troubles. We cure . 8TPHIL1B 'without mercury) to atay cured tov . , ever. We remove 8TICTO!lBl.-lwitb"f out operation or pain, in! It daya. - - We . atop . drain. night - loaaas and spermatorrhea by a new method In a week. We can reatore the aexual vigor, of any man under SO by meana of treatment peculiar to ouraelvee. We Cure (lonorrhoea ' .. .. . . . in a vycck . , . a u UBClur. v. im w,n.,.u. . Hit regular graduatea. -have had anany years' experience, nave been known In Portland for It yeara, have a repute rloa to mnintain. ana wui snaariaii no aaa unleaa 'certain eure caa be effected. We amanintna a euro In ovorv eaaa waf" undertake or charge no fee: COneulta tlon free. Letter confidential Inatrue tive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free , la plain wrapper. . - We eure the wuret eases ef pllea la I tlon. cure gu arantaao. tsssfat BBO vffl4 wrU tor OfBoe hours, I te I and f ta t. Sued DR. W. NORTON . DAVIS, ci. CO. mrtmmm w mm wt Savs m) w- TRANSPORTATION. rr. , TNC COarOrTTABIX WAY, 01 ty Ticket Offtea, IBS Thirl St.. n-m 888. 2 OVEfilAKD TRAILS DAILY 9 Tha mywv a4 k Tmmt Bfavll. , irunm asmTiaB W-TO-DATB BQTjrrinBrT . -t oovmTaovs nmoni- I.EAVE , 1:30 a. m. ll:l p. m. 1:11 P. m. ' rroaa rortlaad T la Seattle ARRIVE 1:00 a.m. 1:10 p. m. " Tl Spokane (O. V V. Oo. 8:00 a. ill. OBXAT jrOBTBrXaUS STBAJCS1 OO. SaUlng From SeatUa --r- ' - . 8. aaXaTBTBSOTA, BTOW. S. ' S. S. DAKOTA. Bee 1. -For Japan and China Porta and Manila. BmBOBT TPSJBT BTATBbTA -. (Japan Mall Steamahlp Company) BVB. lAXAQAWA BCABV Sella from 8eattle for Japan, China and all Aalatlo Porta About Oct. Zt. For ticket , rates, berth reaervttlona, tc call on or addresa BL BIOKBOBT, C P. ft T. A. r-1- ; Portland. Or;' COLUMBIA RIVER TRIP Pally Beajtd TH'ta Oaacaia lks iSTEAMER "BAILEY Q ATZERT" Letsvea week days 1:10 a. m. Sundays. t a. m. Arrives Dachv-s p. m. ROUND TRIP $1.50 - Through steamers for The Dallea and way points leave dally T a. tn.. Wharf foot of Alder atraet. Phone Main ia. Turkish Bath -the Blest, aa for H. King's Baths ' Seventh and Wai - tngtoa Sta. - lis aad largest . Baths sb the em. C.GEEWO The Great Chinese Doctor locatea at Has Moved To the larm aclek building ill I. coraat ef Bint aad M err leu Entraaoa i 162); Flrat Strwat Sr. 0, Oee We, to Oreat Chlneee Deetae, I wU known and taseoua tarougaoBt the 0. 8. bacaaa bla wonderful and aarvalon can have beea heralded broadcast throughout th length and breadth ot thla reentry. He treat nr d all dlaeaaea with powerful Chinee root, herb, buds, barks and re ratable thai are entirely ankuowa to auedleal sew ace la that oantrr. aad through th us ef these barmlees reuMdiee he guaraateee to ear catarrh, asthma, king trouble, rheumatic, aei fouaase. vtoaaach, liver, kidney. faale trouble aad aU Brivat nhTfantoas doctor eon with cot tk M of the knife, without nalns Bolaon 0 drag, Rendrede -ef teetlmonlala ea lie at hi etScaa, CU and or hint, rharge auosnta. - . OOBSOXTATIOkT Till. " IHtleat out of th tty writ for blanks nd circular. Inclose 4c (tamo. Addreea Tee 0. See We Ohiaea Medicine 0 188 la Sh. sr. Borriee, Bertlaad, Or. Pleaa aentloa thla Beaec. n SPICES C0FFSE.T DAItir.OPffiYDZna arcn.:;3ixTOcra touluhtotiy. FlrvtslFliYor. CmrtSfmh.CtawrxoJrVkei aOSSETGDZYEIlS y ORTLANO,Ofia0M. JOURNAL WANT ADS - , .mm QUICK RESULTS f?-' we a three treatments, without epero twastio tiaalk Bama treatoieal sya a rut holidays. II ta II ., rtr:3ab C $i.oo$i:oo , - Forwerly m " 8 Alder r TIM. Him 1 LWmm "ta. 1 rv Mi -- - -'rm mm.m a a 4 eWTntini to the Eut E.Iy-4 Throagb Panaaaa ataaoard aad nsartit sasee-ra-ear aallf to O stake, Cktcaaw, 8okl toariet -eh lleeolne-eare dailr Cl Pullaaaa tenita leeotg-aca lneteel weakrv a Caiaaea. S ekalreer (aaahi freel th Bat 4au. IT WDi G UWldM DBPOT. I Leevea. Arrive. CRICAOO-rOBTLABU SpeoiaU ;la.av ltsg,. Bo tb Best via Beat- Daily. Deny. . lagtoa. . . 8POKABB rLTBB. .... . . : for Baeter Waahlag- tea. Walla Walla. Lew- 8:18 ft a tSa.SV Bitoa. Ooaar r A lea Dally. Dally. 4 Oreat Bsrthers . Batata. . : ' ATLAKTtC BZPBCfJS. 81l.av T:1B B. SV. Bar the Beet via Baa- Dell. : DaUv V tngtoa. .. OelaaMe Blver Blilsasa. BOB AtTOBIA n4 wall 11 . aa. "I era, coanectlng wtthnily, tnr. for Ilwte nag ex. landay. Berth Beerh. ermr. BaaJaataaFaWv. About . s.vea. i eelo. A ah -at. aWk. il00 . m Teen kin Brnr Brwa. fOB DATTOB. Oraaaa City sad Tanihni river asM-at. etnrra. Bath jaooos. aa-t. eeea tWatae aeralttlag-l Blve Beer, BOB 'LBW18T0N. Ida.. and way polats freai Bipana. Waaa., stum. opoaaoe aaa TicKarr ornoi tm a : pboo nfabj TIB. a e 'i..WSJ'aZ'L- W ay LUyaiiiL wSBatBa. a-i EASTv SOUTH SMtoB otrrerr. 0VBBLABD BXPB m:0W 8a. aenty-Ogeak SS rs Be, Stock tea, Lee Aa celeav Bl Pa, Kew 0f- TiSHaSh, wan aaa Tka Baa. Moratag treta Bee at Weodi datlr Bpt Baaday with train Sar Wt. Angel. Sllvertea. Brownsville, ! 8:80 a. BV Bug e paasasgat oH nect a Wodhais with aft. Angel aad illtar- .08 . aa. 18 J8 a. at. aaa kieaL rwfc.iifa a. asaaaaf iberlee asaaaager. I8'8 a. 8a. 'area Oroya, saaasage IKliSO B- ea. ertall IIDally execpt fniBday. - gertlasd 0anegt But ntss Saroln aad Taaiaal . .,, , ' JMvialea. ... fee ef Jefferaea Street. Ltav FarUn4 dally for Oearago T:8e a. at t ISiBO, 1:08. 8:00. 5:80. 8:16: t.: 10:10; lljje J i. ra. Dally (nceet Bundayl. 8:80. 8:80, 8:88. 0:88 a. m. Sunder enly, 8 00 am. -Beturniag from Oewege. frrlve Poejlaed SatJ. s:v a. a,l i:oo, - i"- ' . - 11 :10 . at.. It 98 a. aa. Dally BeeuBBdy). "lvi'fro- sae n tor DaU M W ncdlare nolnt dally 8:08 g. 8V Arrive BsO land 10:10 a. Bl. . . . . f The Ia-peod.-luaieatl Me4e Urn eneraree dally te MoaaMeith aad Ah-Ha. eo BMtiM with Soutkera Met 8 einpny' trneer at Dll lBdenw8ee. . -rhrt-eHes far trout Partlad aeaaaeea, we sea Tnciec rA Tie ai , fare 118, oCnd-lae berths SS.8Q. ncet i wiw pji r -.T-e Jane. Chin. Fnorla and Anebmlta. City Ticket Of See enrwer Third sal Waa. fngtea at.eete. rnaasa aaain ii n w arnfacm. A, I CBBlw, City Ttoke Agent. TIME CARD TRAINS Portlcuidi DATLT. VRIOM DEPOT. Ten. Prk-Kn-I ea Clty-St. . i rh, Loul v-1 eiia Olvmola. Qrar Harbor, Be th Bend. Ta-J com, aeauie. "vou.-j. LrwietOB. Btt. Blll rtatreae. Ouaaaa. Kasaas City. St. UaU and aoutheaet. North Ooaat LlaalteA. eleetrt llghtd, for T- Sim, aeatti, Bnoann. atte. Ulnneanotta, St Peal aad tb East. &get Sound LJmfted. 1 Cbehalla. Oeatralla. B.I8, Tacoata aad Saaiih only, Twin City tioreoa, ret Ts. Seattle, S.j tan. Ralena. Butre, Tellewton Tare, M in- nee pone, at.- real n aaat. A. fv fBa.aLTOhC Aaateraat Oeneral Psisiagjr Agaat. . S3 Mnrrlaea t.. cTTkhr7 Portlaad. Otaga. . - Astoria & Columbia . R iver Rail road Co. : - VBIOR DBPOT. ' For MaygarB, Balasee, Clatakaala. waatoort. It 48 a. i Dally. Clirten, Astoria. War- rentes, r Meek. naat BMaa. Port Staves, Oearhart Park, Seealde, Astoria aaa. aaasaara. tins dally.' 188 8b I trM 8. Bk IIDally. fDslly. Attovi Bxprsaa. i. a m aIo, S. I. aad P. A.. Aee-na, Or. STtWAKT, Cowaeerdal Agent, treet, , Pboa AUASICA , ' Tt ABO POrrLAB STBAhtSatlfS Uv 8 e. st. . rtrrTBsoB," oosib is. . M. "DOLBklB," OOlKeta I. 18, 8. BBTrwiKA. "SU?- DOr-V I1AIN.J, 8 AO WAT. 5oMet w . , P. B X. rout lot Atlla, ttetei, .. Ta!afc 80CTw-'TBS AtATTA g. . rrl-e)" .-bee f SB. t S. "Blrlge,'' I ' .ell. ft. . Call a e-d I '- e. .tT- .A ttb ju t f r frsvJl be. y I . TrnSa. a. ( T'SSf. . Batle. Deltas av aaaa.ja. liissif Tiaawt I MBS. I Aeilia. I I Peyert. Arrtva. sot, aa. i - - t:08n. I f IDS a. a. 4:S0 8.BailS ltrMB.aa.1 S:S8 g Bk, I