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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
THE OREGON DAliY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER ' , UZ1 1, TO SEE IF PILOTS , ARE RIGHT Major Roessler Will Survey Co- lumbTa Bar as . Soon as Weather Permits. RESULT OF COMPLAINT ; OF STEAMBOAT MEN Hereafter Surveys of Bar Will Be " Made Frequently That Those In - tereeted May Know the Situation Channel Deeper Than in June. As ebon as the weather permits tl)e, ' 1'D.lted Btatee engineers will ma.1t ' another surrey of the Columbia rlve . 'bar to ascertain Just how much. If any. .' the extension of the Jetty has lncreaeed -the depth of the water aince the annual , ; soundings were taken In Jutt. It in i bettered that an Increaaed depth of at leaat two feet wlllbe ahown. "We intend to make frequent aurveya of " the bar from now on." aald Major " 8 W. Roeaelei" thla morning, "so that thoae who are directly Interested In ' shipping may be kept Informed as to ihe IU of the water at that point. 7 Of course, our operations wll have to '. be guided solely by the weather. It Is .now too rough down - that way to do accurate work, but s ' Boon a the - ' - weather moderates - we will take -aound- '"The major also declared that he In tends to dopt a po)lcy of measuring the depth of the water on the bar at fre quent "Intervals perhaps every three months. It, Is a matter, ha explained, that ovary resident of Portland Is Inter eeted In either -directly - or- IndUrooUy, If the weather la favorable the survey can be completed In about a .week., and 'ran be attended to from time to time without Interfering with the prosecution " f ottir work at the mouth of the rivet'.' , Because the bar pilots gave out an unfavorable report" of the situation at u the mouth - of the Columbia, a small delegation, among whom was Captain "'-:' Pern berth y ' of the British ateamahlp Imaum. called on Major Roessler yester ; day afternoon to learn Just bow much . water la on the bar. The major called their attention to the data secured when ---the last survey was taken In the easly part of the summer, but Informed them '.' that ha M unable to supply additional . -Information on the subject. J- ' -Realising that It la a matter of the 'greatest Importance to shippers. par--. tlcularly, the major decided and ao In formed them, that he .would make ar ' ; rangementa for taking frequent aound- k-Inga. The bar pllota report was com- - tnented on at some length. The shippers ' have not yet taken the question-up with - ,the eommercial organisations, of the city . but assart they intend to do so very --boESNdT FeAffBRr" -. - , ," . - -"'' . Xelriabaak. Drawing Tweaty-Flve root, WUi eiea Today fo Japaa. v With e.C00 tone of wheat,' valued- at . rlose to 1100.000. the British steamship Kelvlnbank. Captain Ryder, will . clear at the custom house this afternoon for Yokohama,- Japan. It la planned to have the steamer leave down thw river at .daylight In the morning. She will be the first of the big tramp fleet under .. charter for tha far eaat trade to get started on' the voyage acrosa the Pa rifle. ' Tha cargo Is being shipped by O. W. MeNear. - e . - The Kelvlnbank reached port from the .'orient on September IT, and considering the large number of other vessels in port being fitted out with grain cargoes, she . has been- given fairly good dispatch. She Is drawing about 16 feet of water end despite tha views of the bar pilots the shippers are confident that she will ' be able to get to sea with the same ease as 'though ahe . were drawing but II feet. ., -- -v . - - . It Is probable that tha Imaum will be toe . neat tramp steamer to clear for Japan.-. She la Jytng at the Mersey dock ' receiving, cargo, and It . Is thought that 1 1t will be ' completed the early part of next week. If the oaptaln should decide ito allow her to be loaded to full capa- wheat and flpur. STOP WORK ON JETTY. -KeavT Horxaa hVeported at Month of r Colombia mivar. - Gerald Barnall. who Is superintend ing the construction.' of tha government Jetty at tha mouth of tha Columbia, ar rived In Portland this morning and re ports that a howling gale is . raging down that way. As a consequence It I was necessary to discontinue all work 'on tha jetty at present. - The weather bureau received no re .port thta morning from North Head as the1 line is down. But it Is Inferred I that the storm Is one of the most severe sof the season. 'At Tacoma the wind Mew st the rate of 40 mllea an hour last night, while 'Seattle was swept by a 41-mile wind. . On the exposition ,' t.' .' i',, . WORTH EXHIBITS S300 : AND CLARK FAIR : AH to Beautify Portland Homes $1,000 WORTH FREE - JOIN THE SOCIETY OF JAPANESE ART ' - - WHO CONTROL THE EXHIBITS . ' ,. ' r 1 ...... Apply to Secretary in Oriental . Building, Lewis & Clark Exposition, or Hotel Portland 1 - TMarlcft gasket j This le -the eeeond month- of the oyster season and there - has been a marked Improvement In the quality. Large hamllere of oystrrs'sre of 4he opinion that the atory that oysters are only good In the months thst contain the letter T" la ahsolutly-true. The months that-do not contain the lettei "r" are those In which the oyster spawns and during thla period they are of In ferior quality. - Aa regards crawfish quite the oppo- "Jte Is true. June, July and August the crawfish Is at Its prime, but during other, months it Is not the very best food. Of. course crawfish are eaten In practically - every month of the year but the time they have that real craw Ash taste la during the months that do not contain the-'Y' In -their- spelling. Speaking of .crawfish, it probably has been noticed by the lovera of this food that sjippiiea are getting down to bed rock snd unless some means are taken to protect them during their apawnlng they will aoon disappear from the mar kets altogether, joining the ranks of fish that have been extinguished by man be cause Of greed. ;'-,..;" ' -v."; . '. The -crab season is now open- in the state of Washington and Portland housewives are - assured of something good. . Most of these supplies come from Shoalwater bay and are shipped to thla city as aoon aa caught. They arrive In Portland the same day and are put Into large .vats and cooked. In thla. manner only can fresh crabs be sertired. . 1 There will soon be an Improvement In the supplies of fresh fish In the local markets. Heretofore the waters -In the Columbia-have been too low for suc cessful catchea . salmon and supplies have therefore been small. There is now likewise a great scarcity of freah halibut In the markets on account of. a atorm off the coast. Prices on the Ut ter have advanced. Puget aound smelt ar now In good supply and quality Is excellent. Lobsters are beginning to come' with! ' more regularity but prices are still rather high. -, . - . HI yourself off to the vacant -lots grounds a small gala waa raging at the rate of It mllea an hour at 4:41 this morning. ' i . Storm warnings are still up all along tho coast in this district. Shlpa will be detained at the Puget sound ports, aa it will be unsafe for them to leave for the sea when tha gale reaches so far; Inland as Tacoma. When the wind Is so strong at. the sound ports it Is said that It must have a velocity of over (0 mllea-an hour at tho entrance of Juan de Fuca strait . . . . RAFT FAST AGROUND. Fort of Portland Commission Kara sea te Lead Drear e. '" : " ; , There Is no Immediate prospect of the log raft which Is .aground at young's bay being floated. The Hammond Lum ber company, the owner, made an effort yeeterday to charter one of the dredges belonging- to the jport of ortlanoLpom mission in order to dig out the mud bank on whtrh the raft la resting. But It is explained that.. these vessels are busily employed and cannot be procured for tha purpose asked. It la probable that the company will secure one of the dredges belonging to a private corpora tion, . .. .-j MARINE MOTES. Astoria, Oct.-. Arrived down at a. m. Steamer Northland. Ban Francisco, Oct. Arrived at I a. m.- Steamer Columbia. - from .Port land; steamer . romona. with 00 pas sengers or steamer St. Paul. St. Helens, .Oct. . Passed at fcSO a. m. Schooner Virginia. . Astoria, Oct i- Left up at 4 p. m schooner Virginia, sailed at i p. - in. schooner Mabel Oale, for 8an Francisco. Arrived at I and left up at I p. m. Steamer Daisy Mitchell, from San Fran cisco. San Francisco. Oct i Sailed at 1:S p. m. Steamer Redondo, for Portland. Astoria, Oct. I. No bar report; capa une down. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Laden with grain and - lumber, tha steamer W. H. Kruger will sail tonight for San Francisco. She will carry also a number or passengers. Tha ateam schooner Waap will leave down tha river for Rainier late this afternoon to complete her lumber cargo, after taking on the major portion of the ahipment at the Portland mill. When aba leaves for the - Bay City sha will have on board 106,000 feet of fir. " - While en route to Cascade locks yes terday tna ateamer Telephone- broke a key plate on the pitman, strap and had to return to Portland, after she had reached a point a short distance above Capa Horn. She will go out on her reg ular trip tomorrow. The British steamahlp Knight Errant shifted this morning from the flour mills to Martin's dock and the steamship Ooulsdon occupied . tha berth sha va cated. .... The ateamer Grace Mitchell, which reached the mouth of the river from San Franolaco yesterday afternoon, will rOF FINE AT LEWIS tho first--timer you" get a" chance If "you really like muahrooma. The rain have brought (hem out' with wonderful rapidity. In the northeast.rn portion of the city, up through Upper Alblna and Vernon, muahrooma grow to enormoua also. Boms specimens from there re cently picked were fully a half foot In diameter and were of good quality, too. "Button" mushrooms, the small slses, are very plentiful. In the markets sup plies are now liberal but they are .still rather 'ETkh. most of the markets charg ing 40 centa a pound for the- beat vac' rletiea. 4 .... - -- ' As fast as the ralna can dflve them out the tomatoes are disappearing from the markets. - There ar atlll supplies, of course, but good ones are not plenti ful and aoon will leave for another-'eea aon. Prices are yet cheap. Chickens are again mora plentiful and, as the wholesale values are consider ably lower,, retailers are making aome eoncesaton In their price. A week ago the demand 'centered on hens but now the spring chickens are mostly' sought and higher prices" a re being paid In most instances. Freah egga ' are hard to obtain and stocks that kre fully guaranteed are selling as 'high as 40 rents s dosen In the groceries, with some dealers still holding to SS cents as the real value. The butter market Is again stiffening up but no Immediate advances In prlcea are now anticipated. l'1 Peachea are not of good .quality, the choicest goods being . exceedingly scarce In the local markets. Prlcea are still very high. . Bananaa are again In market after an absence of more than, a week,' due to the non-arrival of half a doscn cara from New Orleans and Mobile. Apples are In - better shape but' best quality are being aent to the eaat on ac count of the high prlcea offered there. Ordinary grades are cheap.' Concord grapes are now In the beat condition but the aeaaon will be short on account of a decidedly short crop. receive a cargo of lumber at Westport for tha return trip. She is a new ves sel and this Is the "thrrd ' voyage she ever made. - ' 'Tha American ahlp Berlin cleared for San Francisco laat evening with 40,170 bushels of wheat, and will leave down the river this afternoon. The steamer Northland sailed" for Newport. Oregon, last night with 860, 000 feet of lumber. In a few daya the Russian bark Fen nla will begin taking on a cargo of grain for the United' Kingdom, fibe Is com pleting tho work of discharging hsr bal last at the sand dock. - -. . -- TO DECIDE LEGALITY OF POLLTAX CLAUSE (gaeelal Dispatch to. The JosraaLl Salem, Oct ' . The following h a ye ben eetfot bear ing .before the supreme court : " ' - i " r October 17 Sprague vs. Jessup; Lives ley vs. Uichflejd. , - -October -1 -(ieldard vs.' Marshall; Seed vs. Jennings. October 1 Marks va 'Moore. Perhaps tha most Interesting of these cases. If not the most Important, Is that ofv-Ltvesley vs. Litchfield. This Is a Salem case and Involves tha question ss to whether or not the city council has tha power to paaa an ordinance making It necessary for all persons to' pay their poll tai before they can vote at a city election. - Salem has auch an ordinance and under It Litchfield and other election of ficials refused to permit Llvesley to vote at tha last city election because he had not paid his poll tax. Llvesley brought suit for damages, but has lost out in both the justice' and circuit courts. COMMISSION TO REMEDY UNJUST RAILROAD RATES (Journal Bnecia! Service. 1 Washington, D. C Oct. 6. President Roosevelt and Representative Townaend. of Michigan, one of the authors of tha Esch-Townsend bill, held a long con ference yesterdsy on the rate legisla tion bill. Mr. Townaend after the con ference said that he had no doubt but that tha railroad rata legislation would be - passed at the coming session of congress and that he expected to have his bill ready for Introduction In the house Immediately upon tho convening Of congress. Mr. Townsend's bill will not give the Interstate - commerce commission " the authority to fix all the ratea on a rail road, but will allow tha commission to eubatitute a reasonable for an unjuat rate. ' TAMMANY RENOMINATES MAYOR G. B. M'CLELLAM (Journal Special gerrice.) " - -New York, Oct. a. The Democratle convention of the Tammany hall organ Isation last night . renominated Mayor Oeorge B. McClellan for tha four-year term beginning January 1 next He was the only member of the present administration1 renominated. He la at present serving a -two-year term under the old charter. Herman A. Mets, of Brooklyn, was nominated for con troller and Patrick McOowan, of Man hattan, for prealdent of the board of aldermen.. In a resolution adopted. President Roosevelt was highly commended In his action In bringing about the peace con ference at Portsmouth. The platform adopted declares that municipal owner ship hss long been accepted as a Dem ocratic doctrine. ' TO INDICT.SQUATTERS ON IDAHO RESERVES (Jooraal gpeeial ftVrvlee.) Washington, D. C, Oct. 0. Nearly 200 men who have made aettlement claims on land In the proposed fosest reserve In Idaho may be Indicted. The govern ment Is preparing to maki a thorough Investigation and although the settlers have made no filing, the question as to whether they violated the law or not will be determined. If It Is shown that there was a conspiracy to' defraud .the government wholesale Indictments wll follow. ... . Salem Wgh School. (ftperlsl Dlirpstrh te The Joernat.) '' . Salem, Or., Oct. . -On account of tha new High School building being uncom pleted the students entered the old High School building. The new building Is expected to be In readiness by-the holi days. .Tha faculty of tha High school la-all-newr-wltb the -axceptton of Pro fessor" Powers,' who Is now city super intendent. In regard to debate the High school- hss excellent -material and- a championship team - la expected. -Debates with Rriseburg, Eugene, Portland and possibly Pendleton may be had. - E.B.GOLVELL Successor to A. J. Farmer wiouiui Aire msTAiXi omocam. aai, 883 aad 884 Third a3t Cer. Jeffenea The Big Store Prlcea quoted below will "save you at jeaai. zv per oeni: . .. Beat Dry Granulated Cane Sugar 100-lb. sack .SB. 19 lba. Beat Dry Granulated Cane Sugar . . ..f 1.00 Beet Dry Granulated Sugar, sack.. 16-00 1-lb. can Royal Baking Powder. .. , .40o 1-lb. can Schillings' Baking Powder.. !6o 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer Pod a.. . .. to Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg,...10o T lba clean white Rice ............ tfto II bars Royal Savon Soap I6o Hard Wheat Flour, per aack. .$1.00 Heat uastern name, per pouna. . ...lie Plcnlo Hams, per Touod o Shredded Cocoanut, per pound ,16o o-lb. pall best uira.. ............. .oc 10-lb pall beat Lard 20-lb. nail beat Lard .....11.00 .,...1.0 ick..l.00 Beat Soft Wheat Flour, ner aack Java and Mocha Coffee ( regular' ISe). er pound . zoo roken Java and Mocha (equal to. 10c)... .....tie 1 cans Primrose Crehm. loo Tiger Cream (reeular 10c), per can.;- $e F.nglleh Breakfast Tea (reg. 25c). lb. Ito Fine Gunpowder Tea (special), lb... Ito Scotch Oats, per pkg. too Tar Soao. 1 bare tc Fels Naphtha Soap, per bar... tc Poatum Cereal, per pkg zoo Soda Crackers. 10-rb. box. ......... ,50o Leslie Sterilized Salt (Shaker top). per package . i ............... : . .. tc Special Match Sale Katoaea Cheaper Than KlnOling-Wood. Kitchen Brand Parlor Matches, 1.500 to package (.reg. price 10c perTaw.). apeclnl price, per dosen . .i. Toe Lenox Brand Parlor Matchea, tOO to box. eaual to Searchllchta (regulsr price 6o box), spec ptlce, dozen... 35c East Side deliveries Tuesdays . and Fridays. Woodlawn. North Alblna and Piedmont, Wertnesdaya. On MAXsT 403. ; hundreds Calling-to-xpress their -thanks for the fine SUNDAY DINNER we sent them. Why jhot you try it if you are not satisfied . with your butcher? The old Reliable is th place Kindorf Bros. 130 Grand Ave. Phone East 412. Red Star Market The finest of Roasts. Chops, Hams and : Bacon, Fish and Poultry. Poultry Dressed Fresh 'ZxlZ.-.. Every Day, . L A, Riemann Jr. 243 North Seventeenth St., Cor. Marshall. Phone Hood 076. Jacob Rassi s Market Fresh and Salted Meats, Smoked Meats, lard and Sausages Made Fresh Daily.-Fine Roasts, Chops and Steaks. Prompt Delivery Is Our Motto 295 North 16th Street Corner Pettyerove St. Phone : . Main 1211. STATE MARKET Special for Saturday Whole Ham 50 Picnic 'Hams, each.........25 Bacotr-rr. ..... .10$ and 12$ CornetTBeef, lb.., ...4a One Special Article Every Satur day at Reduced Price. 221 First St., Cor. Salmon IT IS A MATTER OF PERSONAL PRIDE TSTI.1. Ms . K avaw. mil Af tk.t , 11.1 V m " - - vm ...w. . , , n . leaves our store la In every particular first class. xt raAYOB .irm ravom. The Empire Market THOMAS DUFFY. 861 rirst .- rhoaa Mala 404, Phone Main 5800 BEND FOR FHKE SAMPL QF TEA AND COFFEE. "v II. LOVE, the Grocer 10S . rOTTBTaSaTTal ST. Tree Sellvary Service. IRVIIM MADE CHIFE OF " t . POLICE AT ASHLAND (Special ntspateh te The Inarasl.) : -AshJand, Or.. Ort. . Mayor II. S. Evana has appointed A. I Irwin rhlef of police of Ashland,, vice O. F. Elgin, resigned. ' Mr. Irwin Is a fruitgrower and president of the Ashland Fruit as sociation. Politically he has been sf fl I la ted with the Prohibitionists . and Antl-SaThon league and an effort was made last year by these organisations to secure his nomination for. city ' re corder. i : Two Boads for Centralis). . ' (Retelsl IMspstck to The Journal) Centralis, Wash., Oct J- At the meet ing of the rlty council this week two applications were made for franchises to build electrlo llnea in thla city. One Trv nn . mmj: Is where'the crowds jfX.lWatch us anid our ads. and you will un derstand T.""-'.7 20 Pounds "-" Dry Granulated Sugar for $1.00 " - 1.00 :- ' Gallon can Pure Mapla Syrup. .'- - ...T r7. i5a '.: v'.". Pound Best Shredded Cocoanut, '" ' One-pound pkg. Corn Stardh. rz'::'' ,.'30:7::;";: Pound Hoffman Houae Java and "Mocha ; Coffee., ., . s . , .;; U--'.:--50a;-- j . Pound. Best Ceylon Blend Tea. -25 : '.Pound Good Gunpowder or English'' ; ., . - Breakfast Tea. . ".".''VV; .15a-:" -'- Can Eagle Condensed Milk.. ' i carta Star rondenaed Cream: regular price 86c per dosen cana Corner West Park and Washing ton Stfe Phone Main Z996j McKINNON & SMITH CASITCR0CER$Ph6neTa$r283 The New Store. 1st SIAVD ATS., doors fraa MorrlaoB, .leader la high grades of Coffee,. Ta, Extracts aad apices? ; r -.- HAVE OPENKD FOR BUSINESS AND SOUdT YOUE PATEONACS Fancy Creamery' Butter.' . . .55) lf mends Best Sasar .fl-u 6-pousd pall Best Lard. ftOe; 10 pounds.. i potion aurai nasins rowaer eo 8o i poana BrBUiing s Maims rowoor 1 ssck sood hard wheat Flour Solid peeked Tomatoes, per eosen i-otan Doftie vanilla Eirrart , Sconce bottle Imoa Bstrset T angle-Foot r lypspsr. 8 sheets far ...... Uood Jsva Coffa, lne per pound, panada. Good Eafllsh Breakfast Taa , lot 10 II X ao ' 10c IB - a 10 ao le 39 lot .Ito a is , lAe ,. tot . 40 .v Sft I poana uunpowoer Tea Bass Bra.' Catsup. 1 bottles .'. , 1 paekase Cors Btsrcb rotck Osts - Beat Java aad Mora Coffee, per Sousd ., 1-pound ess Bsked beans .......... 1-oonnd ess Baked Beans ............... Postaip. . . . v,i i , , , i M njjjj,' flood Bacoa Fig Prene Oresl ;.....-.-;.. r.-.V. .v. '"" Best Hams, per pound White sad Tellow Cora Meal. 10-lb seek.. Best Sago and Taplora. JO soaads 1 pound best Cocoanut Bottle Bloving , 3 cans Ore(oa Grape (Yea m .............. t cans Primrose Cream , Fatter Table Srrup. per falloa. .......... OHt Oil. qnart bottle!.. XjtTWO bos afsesronl .,...,............... S pints CSrsasi ' WASHINGTON MARKET lit rirst Street, Vst Stark aad Waaktogtos. rneae am nu, Rolled Roast Beef Prlne Rib Boaata ..1H Slrlola Btssks Ju. Tenderloia Steaks ,....13Vs Porterhouse Btssks .........,........ln Round Steaks .....1 lbs. 3fte I'lsla Steak, 4 lbs Tor ........ Leg Muttoa J Leg Lamb .......J ., Muttoa Chops, 3 lbs for .... Loin or Rib Chops Shoulder of Muttoa- Muttoa Stew Pork Roasts Pork Chops Vesl Rossts , Veal Chops .,, Sanaa re Meat. 3 lbs for Hamburger. ( lbs for Bugar-Cured Breakfast Bseea Best Creamery Batter.. Freah Rsnrh Efss. ........... .........o 10 .10 to 13 .10e te 13H ...lue to is ...loe to ...10 te ts m. mm m wft .'.Sot aoe Bread. I mares tar ... a 1M .3 te Sugar-Cured Has Boll Beef Vegetablce ef all kind. CHRIS TAPPER, Prop. Telephone delivered Dromotlr. west aid. How much do vou pay for ' Your Butter? We sell you the best OREGON BUTTER made for 60c Per Roll ' It will pay you to try it. Enterprise Creamery Co. - J27 FIRST STREET Between Wash, and Alder Is where all good and economical housewives go for the. fine Roasts. Poultry dressed fresh every' day. Fish and Oysters fresh every day. See us early Saturday morning.' Charles Hacker 89 Grand Ave. Phone East 69 Try our Fancy Blnd MOCHA and JAVA COrrEtv ' ' s romrss vom sia . Call up MafT tut. Prompt ' ' ., delivery. . - ropipanjr Is composed ef W. -W. Canon. Frank eVott of Centrslla. Dr. ' A. S. Nichols of Portland, and Robert Paltit of MrCormlrk. The other la headed by X W. Rich of Ctlcago and V. S. Rawlev of Seattle, . ( am, 11 "1 .1 1 173 THIRD STi, Wear Ycmhil! Successor to M'KINNON GROCERY CO. Reduce your grocery bills. You can do so by buying your i, groceries froni '. us. It alwavi pays . to- buy, for cash. . ; 20. Pounds Dry Granulated $iigar. ". vJ. ....... 91.00 r -f 5 -Cans Star Condensed Cream.,.... ....... ..... 35 1-Pound Package Pure Corn Starch: . . .5).4' ' , .1 Pound Good Gunpowder Tea. i..: . Vv . i ...... .S5) - 1 Pound Good English Breakfast Tea.... ....... 20 , 5 Gallon Can Pure Maple Syrup: . . . . . . ; ....... . .Sl.OO ;1 Pound Best Mocha & Tava31end Coffee:.. .....25a:. 'V Cari Baker or" Ghiradelli's; Cocoa. AiT'. r.r- r.. ; .20a r 4 - v ' ,T - 173 THIRD STREET.' I TWENTY YEARS IN J Friedman Packirig Will celebrate their twentieth, anniversary Saturday -by qukinf the treateat reduction in the price of all kinds of choice meats. Do not miaa this chance, but. come early and, get; a 'nice- roaat, steak or fine boil beef for . leas money than you hare ever-bought meat for in .Portland. Compare our prices with, the' prices you . have been-paying for meat and youll see how, much you can save.. ; We quote a "few prices, others in proportion; """ '' ' Boil beef. ......4a Pot roast..,......, Corn beef ...... , Rolled roast beef., Ham steak, 2 lba. TELLEPHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART OP THE CITY. Phone Main III Cor. 1st and Colombia WESTERN MARKET . . J. Nudelman, Prop. . , " ' 340 FIRST STREET.PHONE MAIN 2102. " T i: SPECIAL FOR Boiling Beef Plain Steak Best Pot Roast..;.., r r Hamburger Steak.. 2 lbs.. Pork Sausage, 2 lbs. t Lamb Chops Full Line Poultry, Fresh Dressed Chickens 16 GROCER1XS : 20 Lbs. Sugar. . . ... . . . . .$1.00 6 Cans Deviled Ham....'. -.25a Fancy Creamery Butter, roll 55 Raisin s", per package 5 3 Cans Cream 25e 12 Bars Soap ....25 10-lb. B.ox Macaroni, Spaghetti OxJVeaniceni ...35 PEOPLE'S MARKET AND GROCERY Sirs aad Taylor Bta. raoae Hals 141 a. Free DeUTery to all rarta of tha City. none sua iW2-Pie10cPackaces i NHRELLSOULE CO. . arxn a "itaim utwiMns-e ZSf srg g sag M Bjugs. alla,J aV aiA4TaVej Prices AT Fulton THIRD AND YAMHILL STS. Lard, rendered today. .. ... .50 Lamb, Stew , '. . . '.. ........ .4 Sugar Cured Corned Beef. .. .5 Lean Hams . . .14 Breakfasl Bacon. Sides. . ...16 Veal Sausage, made every - Mturday morning, . . . .XZyxf Columbia River Salmon, 3 ' ' lbs. v.. ....... :.25a JOHN'S MARKET TO THI RESTAURANTS .... : .4tf - We can-do you more rood than any other market in the city, because we always HAVE what YOU WANT at ANY TIME btcauae we PAY CASH for pur STOCK, and are on the inaido when it comes to buying. , - -r . . Come in and let us talk with yott snd tell vou all about it. Don't for. get the place.: JOHN'S MARKET 43 N. Sixth Street , Thone 1954 Main, Saturday's PHONE MAIN 1654. THE MEAT . BUSINESS. Lamb Chopa, 3 lbs., for. . . . . . 25 Pork sauaage, 3 lbs. for.....2Se) Plain steak. 3 lbs. for, .Tt77r.25d): Breakfast bacon . . . . ...... . . 16 - Lamb Stew ............. .s, ..... 3a SATURDAY ONLY .5 .7a rasa - a i ri rr r? i" '""T"T"s1"e a. "i ....... ... ,..,.'..". . . . . . 15J: :v. .'. ;.r i"-; .V:V. . . 15 .,, 8 T Every Day, Fresh Fish Every Cents Pound 3 Cans Oysters. ....... .. .25 1 Sack Good Hour. .... 1 .$1.00 MEATS! MEATS! Prime , Roasts .9f Boiling Beef ........... . ...4e Pot Roast ... . .6e 2 lbs. Hamburger Steak;.. 15 2 lbs. Loose Sausage. ...... .15 I utton Igs ... i ; ........ 9 MOST DELICIOUS PIES. I Ittn - si MI1T1I1 1LY1 irn! I'l Ii A! I BUTTER! BUTTER! VlOUIaU in Bitin. Oregon Creamery, Butter 55c. 60c and CSc One ssck good Hard Wheat Flour.. Sl.OO - I pounds Bead leas Raisins..' Sea Best cleaned Currants, lb. A .. Tomatoes, standarda. a eans.......le I esn Baked Beana. ae Two 1-lb. cana Hominy.. ...SSe : I cana Corn, Peas or String Besns. , . afte 1 pka. Fostum or Fie; Prune Cereal.. SOa Good Salmon. I ran- 15e Tomatoes. Solid Pack....." ,10a Two 1-lb pkara. Oold Dust Sss One 1-lb. pka;. Armour's Waahlnf . Powder .lSe f'els-Naptha Soap , ..fe I bars Royal Savon Soap , ...SSe I bars Baby Elephant Soap. Boa Nice dates 10c lb.; I lba asa 1 lb. White Honey. ..v.... lee 10-lb. pall pure Lard.. 91.00 S-lb. pall pure Lard....;..,. aoe I cans Primrose cream...., lea 1 lb. Ena-llah Breakfast Taa Xaa 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea. .............. ,S8a Mlller'a. fJaptha Soap .............. a Pull line Flaccus Bros.' Mustard, Cat - sup, Chill Sauce, Mangoes, etc . Townsend & Van Schoonhoven lay rat st. raora atanr laaa. ar side) SaUTeay Taeaday aaS Triday. ' COWAN'S ' f ' ' a ' ' MARKET Is toot a stranf er to economical housewives. They all know it's here they get the best of everything in the ....w . .-.ww.v, - wi...,, . iaii ana Oysters. ' 8trictjy Freeh Eggs a ape tiaiiy. 4 oee us ... , , . . -. ... f , si .avaaa' lawillevil OlTfJet arxaa vjrxoaT aym. , raoaa aaai 147. '.' 'I- . ...,M .. -,' rja'syayisftaeii'a).sa- ajuaifa am ajHaa., i m .