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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
z :c:rr: ::. : r.iDAV nyr.:;:::o, ccrcr""n c, rA Ei-t Sale of Wcmbri'o Belts 'Kerchiefs fdr Wcmtnl Eorc- . ": 29c' HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 12c. Very Fine" Linen Handkerchiefs, with initial, also some ney Li.: . Embroidered Handkerchiefs and another line of Fancy .ace-Tritr- llandkerchiefsi.pur.2and 25cyalues. Special at.. tac&........ .-Free Lessons ;-: YV Ladies' Elegant Silk Belts, some in fine tailored effect, some tucked, "I tome with embroidered dots, hare food substantial buckles and were made by the best belt manufacturers. ; They areTSc, 90c and $1.25 aluevl7Your choice of any of them tomorrowtitr,eachr. ..... .. ,504 t:ooon nn C7 . C7 o n i oaq o Stirring Special Sales for Saturday. October 7th Ia Fancy Needlework given by an expert artiste in the Art Stitchery Shop, .J c L' Li ,fl i SATURDAY If THE JPIO PAT- IK The Dress Goods and Silk Sale- FIFTH , STREET' ' ANNEX FIRST .. .- . , . FLOOR. , Interest la growing: women are oomlng from all quarters to gat a share of tha really remarkable values now ruling at OLDS, WORTH AN KINO'S. . Many counters In the an nex are - heaped - full. Many - good Judaea have said that the mills took unnecessary losses for we're selling Bilks and Dress Goods st mill prices. But the owners knew their business. Fabrics being woven now are to be distributed at , hither prices. It's better to clear out ' this season's pieces st a loss than- to mix thsm In and. confuse , merchants who are al ready doing- spring buying. ' We gain -so do you. - The goods are the new est and brightest of the Fall and Winter weaves, yaluea Ilka these for Saturday. Preach Field ants fey TPs. -Handsome New French Plaid Silks In all color combinations, an pure silk and positively the latest styles shown, an unmatchable value at $1.00. Special for Saturday only at the yard ............... .......T94 Impeitea Silk aad Wool Crepe da ' Parte. . In, all the evening and street ahadea and colore, black and white Included: our regular 11.2 value. Special for Saturday at. ths yard. 894 Our regular II. SO value. Special for Saturday only at, the yard.. SI. 14 These are without doubt -the best values at the -regular prte, w, ever offered. ".. ' labebs' sni an usu olovbs FOB 4So. .. - ; : FIRST FLOOR. r Ladlea' Fine Silk Mesh Oloves. with lisle palms, Keysere make, known - air over the world as second to none -manufactured.; perfect fitting and -very durable; also our Two-Clasp Lisle Qloves, made by the best msn urarturers and Imported direct by OLDS. WORTMAN KINO. Will be sold tomorrow fo. less than It costs to Import them. Come In black and colore; our lie, $1.00 ail(I n !S values.. Special at. the pair... ,484 .... L ' ' 1 - - - ' When Kudyard Kipling the famous writer, was a lad, he went on a sea voyage with his father, Lockwood Kipling. Soon after the vessel cot tinder way Mr. Kipling went below, leaving , the boy on deck. Presently there was a great commotion overhead, and one of the officers ran down and banged at Mr. Kiplinge door. - : J'MrKipUxtgJl he crid,-"yotir boy har trawkd out on the yardarm,i and if he lets go hell drown r : i .. .. i '.."Yes," aaid Mr. Kipling, glad, to know that nothing serious was the matter, "but he won't let go.". - -We receive many commendatory letters from our friends daily praising this and that principle. Occasionally they-seem to fear for ua, that in the glare of soma great temptation of financial gain, or threatened loss, 1 well let go and fall back with the stragglers. Don't fear, friends well not let go of any good.' We started the early closing movement years ago and would not retrograde one inch from our position, and can upon our neipera to again work don't fear we won't "let go"l " ; Saturday Ts Housekcepers'Day at the Store And--we've prepared a specially- at tractive list- of economies for tomor row .thai thrifty housewives and atewards will appreciate. We print, not a score of mentions there are hundreds of equally good special values that go unmentloned. ' .... THIRD FLOOR. - v , Special Sale Prices on . Souvenir China - ; . Stags! oar ISe value. Special at each ... 1 15e Mini our SSo value. Special at tach ............20a open aoi awmsi our c vaiue.- Speclal at each 25 Onpe aad Saaeers; our 4 So value. - Special at, the pair ......... . .85a) Caps aad Beaoaeai our ISo value. Special at the pair. .. . . .', , . .20 Creamers) our Iso value.. Special at the pair T..10 Fia Trays; our ISO value. Special at, each .......... .,10 Spoon Trays J our 40c value..,. ... -Special at each .....2Se) Jelly xuahea; our 40o value. - - - Special at, each ............. .28e sxaadaoae Vew UaW of . Bohemias. Glassware In new fancy shapee and, ' gold decorations. - . Bowls, Olives, - Jellies, wapplae. Boa Boas, Tall Comports, Beeaatera eta. - wauacb bbos.' anTanswaaa.. Tea Spoons, set of . Special at the aeti.r.... B0t Dessert Spoens, set of . Special at. the set. .v ......... .86a Table Spoons, aet of . Special at. the set... ........f 1.00 Forks, aet of . . , . Special at. the set 91.00 Batter Knives. Special at each.25e Sngar Bpooas. Special at. each..20 Berry Spoona. Special at each.404 BZ.VI BBOOBATBB SAXAB SBTS.: Bowl aad Saueers. Special at.- the set ... .50 Bowl aad IS Saaoers.. Special au,the set fQ4 Saturday Bargain Lights y from the Lamp Section THIRD FLOOR. LAMM OF BTXBT DI- '-''. loairnof. (- sTew.Zrfunps with center draft Roches ter burners, fancy shapes and neat decorations. Priced from 92.BO to 9T.OO STew X.laea ef Oas Zjaaave aad Shades - Priced at each, op from 92.2S Bleotrlo Xrampa with plain bases or striking Oriental figures. Priced at, each, from . , . . . . 94.00 to 95.00 hi evenings after dark not much , - v "Pretty Jewelry C Novelties at Little Run through the Jewel box and see what you're ahort on easy to break easy to lose and easy to buy tomor rowthese pretty Jewelry pieces First Floor Sixth Street Annex. ISe torn Uak Cuff Battoas Worth to . eso. - -- - X large assortmont of Men's Link . Cuff , Buttons In fine rolled ' gold plate. In a great variety of good de , signs; values up to (6c Special at. the pals 19e ese for Ante Bat Bias Wortk So .Ladles' Auto Hat Pine In many fancy designs; values to $1.60. Specie f at each' . -. 64- SOo aad SSo Shirt aftnds fox SSo. r Men's Gold Filled and Solid Gold Top Shirt Studs In plala polished or . Roman gold. In aets of three; . our Sc and 5c values, , Special at the t 39e - Beauty Bias for lOe. This Is the best value In Beauty Plna that we have ever offered. These ' plna are gold plated and extra good quality."- Ton can't afford to miss this. Extra special at, the' pair ,. ...iOe SEASONABLE " SATURDAY SPE ; ' CIALS IN. THE Women's and ChildreriKnit Underwear Aisles ' . FIRST FLOOR. ; Just received, the second great ship, ment of women's and ohlldren'a "Merode" knit winter weight under- Wemea-s S3.00 Taloa aits IUI. Swiss Ribbed "Vega" Silk Union Suits In white, pink and blue, long sleevees ankle length, half open front; regular value 11.00. Special, the eutt ..... 92.39, Wemea'a SJ.BO Ualom alto eiae. - White and Silver Oray " Caahmere fnlon Suits half open front; regular ii' .value 11.10. Special, tha ault 91.88 Womea's aso Ttghts SSo. Light Weight White Merino - Tights, ankle and knee lengths; - regular value S5c. Special, the pair. .. .58a aHaas Oettoa Vaioa Butts Soe. , Misses' Silver Oray - Jersey Ribbed Cotton I'nlon Suits, winter weight aises I to t. Special at the ' ault : .-BOt Beys Oottos. Vmloa SnMs JSOo aad COe. Boys' Oray Cotton union Suite, win ter weight . Special at the . ault ........SO and 60 Children's Testa aad Fasts SOa. Children's White and Silver Oray Swiss , Ribbed Veals and Pants, H wool, non-shrlnkabie. all slate, II to 14. Special at each .....t....S0f Kni.iv'i' ii Improve EachShinini Zl Ten Hours Crammed Full of Busy Business -. ; Makes This Store's Day ; ; :-Z SATURDAY AS ON ALL DAYS OF THE WEEK WE CLOSE AT 6 P. M WHEN THE DAY IS DONE: THIS IS THE "DAYLIGHT STORE." Tha last day of die week is the logical shopping day for the millions a day of the essentially; PRACTICAL. While .the great style shows and lavish merchandise displays as exploited here attract thousands of visitors as well ai shoppers thro' the week, tomorrow the masses will come upon purely business errands. We there fore crowd today's, store announcement with practical information of merchandise in most active demand,. and you'll, of course, note the hosts of opportunities for saving money in the spending of it. Visitors are as welcome as ever the store will be doubly attractive tomorrow. Bigger and better bargains than elsewhere and more generous choosing. Remember to come before 6 p. m. After that the doors are locked and we're off for rest and recreation 'til Monday. The Greatest Success Ever Made in Portland by Any . Embroidery Merchants Fell to Our Lot Today: Imagine the Maruarn Grand management offering $3 Seats to-"Ben Htir" for 50c, and youll get some idea, of .the.-stampede for. cmbroideriea that took place here this morning. , At 8 o clock when the doors opened there was a rush and even "Standing room" was soon at a premium in front of the embroidery counters, and remiined sqall day Jut such an immense purchase as this we offer is little affectedreven by such tremendous selling as took place today, by one day's attack -and the sale goes on tomorrow with equal values. Plan to be early. A word of the bargains: . . w.. r sm - . i ii msc , ing, the market." J Prepared for this great sale months ago, secured the embroideries at less than the then regular prices Sale lasts thro Saturday. BetterLbeearly.L: Tou will if you'll peep at the. embroideries ihaFlfth street window.': ,Now the bargain story: . LOT 1 Consists of fine Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries from Z to 10 inches wide, in very beautifuPpatterns. worth regularly 16c, 18c, 20c and 25c per yard. Special at 45f for a strip of 4 yards, and 65 for a strip of yards. , , ; . . LOT 2 Consists of beautiful Nainsdok, Cambric and Swiss "Embroideries and Insertions, some very fine little baby, embroideries, some medium width for trimming waists and fine underwear, some wide embroideries suitable for trimming skirts, etc. Also some very elegant wide em broideries worth 75c and $1 the yard. In thisMot the cheapest embroidery is 35c the yard, nothing less than 35c in the regular way. During this special sale the whole lot will be included at 90s a strip of 4 yards and $1.30 for a strip of 6 yards. AnotherDay of Strenuous SUIT SELLING SATURDAY IN THE WOMEN'S APPAREL SALONS SECOND FLOOR. LARGEST SUIT AND WRAP STORES WEST OP CHICAGO. Suits or Coats at $18.50 ::: WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS FOR $18.50. Tho' we sell more suits at higher prices thafi ' the above-named, we . offer this week the best value at the price we have ever known shown " by any house in America. It again illustrates our absolute supremacy ' in the apparel market. The nearest we are approached locatly at this value is by a house that shows a suit not quite so good ss these we offer, BUT AT A HIGHER PRICE. They call It "A $25.00 snd $27.50 value sold by them at $20.00.M. Our price is $18.50. The uits:- Navy, black or gray mixtures, cheviots and homespuns. Cut in , Redingote - styles, costs with leg-o'-mutton sleeves, notched collar. Skirts full plaited, 9 snd 18 gored. Very smartly tailored. Vest value you .ever saw, with all the wearing season ahead i f 18.60 - HANDSOME COATS AT $18.50 MATCHLESS VALUES. ' We've arranged several lines to be offered at the above price, and allow choice of all leading styles. Empire modes, Raglans or Box Coats, . all in-the popular three-quarter lengths, materials the smart man nish -mixtures in the roughish effects so much favored by awell dressers. Buttons and strappings the trimming , accessories. Outside patch pockets sre a feature on many. Some have -velvet collars; others nave collars of the materials. These are the much-advertised "$25.00 values" of some stores.- Price here.........I.........f8.0 SUPERB LINGERIE WAISTS. -Have arrived. " Magnificent hand-made creations.. , Prices run from $7.50 to $28.50. ' Dainty mulls and linens predominate in the showings. V " WOMEN'S NEW COATS. - . Overwhelming assortments and wide choosing in the freat conven- : tion of new Fall Coats. - Three-quarter and full lengths. Serges, broad cloths, cheviots,- coverts, tweeds and fancy mannish - mixtures share in, popular favor. AH the favored shades of colorings. Choose from the simple snd "plebian garments, yet full of style as nut is full of meit, at $7.50, or run along up the price scal to the Patricians at $185. Stop where you will at the in-Detween price stattons, youll lind nere each garment best at its respective CHILDREN'S-NEW-FALLTJOATST Very, smsrt and natty garments, long and graceful, made of sturdy material, including serges, cheviots and fanc mixtures. Coats lor girls from 6 to 12 years of age.-. . - ' ' -f - Rugs and Blankets Are UnderpricedTor Saturday Selling 4th Floor WalSa Wool Snankota. ' ' Fine Whle Wool Blankets, manufac tured in and tnade of . Oraaon'a , cholceat wool. valUea at. . . .'.B5.00 f6.BO 9T.50 98 99 9lO Bit 91 a. BO to 925 ST.S0 Sravejo Slaakata, S4.SS. - Oanulno Pe-ndletnn Navajo Blankets; regular value $7.80. Bpacial. tha pair 94.95 SSvOO Wool SUaaumta, $M. Heavy All-Wool Vicuna Brown Blan- keta; regular value fS.00. 'Bpacial. tho - palr-rrrirni . i rrv. . . .. - 94.85 St. SO Baayraa Baft, S1.4S. All-Wool riouble-Kaeed Smyrna Rula, ' alia tOxSO Inehaa; regular value , $1.60. , Spaclal, each ........91.48 Hundreds of Thousands of Yards of Beautiful Embroideries in a Bargain Riot! And what woman doesn't want a plenty of new and dainty .' embroideries at this season with the fall and winter sew ing aft ahead and lots of pretty undergarments to make for all the family femininity? .This sale is especially .excep tional from the fact that embroideries cost in market to day a fifth more than these cost in regular way last year. The market has been steadilv climbinc for months and em- e .broideries are higher today than in years. -And we are as u$ual--DreDared tdddtheUN"-usuaI. While "themanufac turers are hunting high and fill their orders,' while there embroidery centers of the price in America. ONE SPLENDID BPECIAl, ' FOR SATURtSAT IN THE Women's Hosiery, Section FIRST FLOOR. ' - Women's SM Xoea ISa. Madlunt Weight Black Cotton Hose, finished foot, double sole,, slsae $H. and H only; regular value lie. Special, the pair .....19 i.. warcni ouun. . Anwarranted one year for JJo-New malnaprlnga foe Tic. . 'All other re pairing en Jewalry Vet proportionate prices First Floor, near large ele vatora. ; , . . - gHpurTomoiTOW low for operatives) help them is a treat scarcityln their? eaf dainty product WE are "bear $18.50. RICH NECK FURS. , 1 The largest and finest-assortment of'superb Neck Furs ever shown -by any one Portland house. The lines arc too varied for description in detail. Suffice to -say, all the very newest ideas of America's leading, fur houses engaged in manufacturing high-class fur garments and wraps. Sables, Isabella fox, black J marten, mink, squirrel and bear f 3.60 to 61T6 Saturday..Ribbon- :ains Valaaa to SOa, a the Tae4 SSo. " " FIRST FLOOR. 1 - T J AU-8tlk Ribbons, consisting of Satin TSffeta Ribbons i and I Inches wlda, worth 40c; black and white affects. ' I Inchea wide, worth iOc; elegant Hair Stripe Rlbbona.' f Inches wide, - aome swell dotted effects, ' worth toritw print warp and Dresden - patterns worth $0o a per fart wealth "of Rlbbona In every wanted oolov-and design, suitable for gird lea, tlee, cushion, rufflea and daeoratira pur poses. Bpacial st. the yard..,.9S4 fb AmericanManual Training School Voting Contest A List Of what goes with the FREE Scholarships to be given away by this house to the three winners of the voting contest now on at the store to be decided on Thanksgiving Daj : V .y ':y v EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL. TOOLS A Tool Box containing 25 High-Crade Mechanic's Tools, embracing every necessary tool required by the most advanced pupil,, are furnished with our guarantee that they are FIRST CLASS. ,. BENCH We furnish a Work Bench made especially for our use, substantially constructed, with a hard maple working top and heavy pine base. Size of Bench: Top,' 18x40 inches; height, 30 and 34 inches. The Bench is shellacked, giving it a neat appearance for home use. LUMBER The Lumber furnished will be appropriate for the various articles to be produced, including Holly, Gum Wood, Pine, Bass Woo4 and Oak. All necesssry Lumber for the entire course is furnished, snd accompanies the lesson for which it is intended to be used. THE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL ARE INCLUDED.ylN THE COST OF SCHOLARSHIP. Under our system, upon receipt of the first lesson, the pupil it fully equipped to apply himself without loss of time. ' ', ; Names of Leading, Ten Contestants vln tha American Manual Training " School Voting Contest With Standing of Each at 10 a. m. 'Today. - ; TRUMAN COOK, Failing. 2347$ ' ! r. WRIGHT BROWN, Clinton Kalry.... ........ I9fi97 J v v GEORGE SLATER, Ladd 19J6a ROBERT HOLMES, Harrison.....,,. 18,721 . , JY- JAMES WINSTON. Harrison 14,753 . i ROLAND MALM. Sunnysida. ' 1447 - jl, SIDNEY CRU MM, North Central 12,71 1 MARION OGDEN. Ockkv Green..... lOW '. 'JOHN WILHELM. Conch... 9,231 ' : 1 HENRY HAWKINS, DsvU. 8451 J Scittciisiy 2721$ , i TOTAL Successful Fall Millinery "Satisfying in every respect is the unanimous criticism of our clients regarding our paramount collection of Im ported and American Millin- -ery. SATURDAY IS "CHIL DREN'S DAY" ' IN" THE "BIJOU" SALONS ANNEX SECOND ' FLOOR. . A Special Sale CQr of School HatiOU 'The leading attraction we shall feature. Pretty little conceptions sure to please the lassies. Smart and jaunty sailora with rolling brims and ribbon streamers. Also straight, and waving brims. Colors are blue, red, brown, grey, tan and plaia. white. Values tip to. $2.00. Special Saturday only tor.i , , -t- TAIRWAT BOOTB SHOPPBT AN- NEX SIXTH 8TR BET FIRST - riyOOR. " Tha aaaaoa la an whan almost averyona naada . new ahoas (or tha rainy aeaion. Thaso offerings for Baturdar are moat ttoely. SpeSElal valuta ' hi ' footwear for all the family. Shoes fori Women, Misses and Children Thaea ahoaa ' ara hare In box calf, with kanvaroa topa, food atout . solas, laeo style. Tha woman a ahoas hava low hi and tha mlaaaa ohlldren'a ahoas have spring- heels. Woman's ateoa, IH . to our $1.11 value. Spaclal Sale Price, tha pair ....fl.9 siaamaa aaaaa, 11 to I; our fl.OS value, pacta! Bala Price, tha pair..... 91.49 CfcllaraaVa assaa, I to 11; our ll.'S value. Spaclal Bala Piica. tha pair S1.29 : BOYS SHOES . Hara In box and valour calf, solid throughout with good hemlock tanned aolea. Thaaa ahoea are tha kind that will atand tha wat waathar. Ask for our nurabera 601 and 61T. ' Blaea t to S. Spaclal for Saturday at. tha pair fl.79 Blaea t to t. Special for Saturday the pair 91.49 AU Men's 'TingreeM Shoes Reduced ' Kan's S4.0O and SS.00 VtagMa" SkOM gS. 48 Including -tha , eelebrated "Vogue" and the "Governor" Bhoae, ' double and atngle solea, straight lasta, all tha loading aba pea; regular , 14.00 and $5 00 yaluea. Bpacial. tho pair ;L45 The Housewives Are Remembered . The - houaewlvaa- wa have atwaya with us. also tha thrifty provldera for hotels, roomlng-housea and raa taurants. The raaaon la that wo give batter and more plentiful valuaa than are to- ba found alsawhere. For Bat urday tha Domeatlc Section and Llnan Bhopa' offer - ..... XV TASX.S UXMMU an rowiuat. ' FIRST FLOOR. : .. .. Vapklna S3.M atoaaav About IS dosen Pine Satin Damask Napklna, large dinner also. Special, tha dosen .;r. ........ 93.90 Table XOnaa, Sae. Batln Damaak Bleached Table Llnan. pretty patterns. It Inchea wide. Hpa- clal at, the yard ......54 -'at'ereaaVlSS; ataek. . .. Linen' Huck Towala. naat fancy bor der, good also. Bpacial at. ' each . :..;io Tarklasi VewetiaaT, UH Tarn. ' Heavy 'Rlaachad .and I'nhleachad Turkish Toweling. . Spaclal at. tha yard ..........11H and WJij .'V i Vl Little Nuggets Of sparkling value In the . Small Warea Shopa for Batnrday Bhoppera, ' r FIRST FLOOR. Batter qllp this Hat from-the paper and bring It- along whan you noma ahopplng , tomorrow, t Tbeoe little things aometlmea flU a big want aatdV are eaay to forget. . ; SSa Blaak Sara Shea fcaeea, ISa Extra wide black allk 8hoa Laeaa for Os ' fords; regular value ISO. Bpacial. the pair , 194 Wis OoaS Saaagara, with extra front form. Special, each 44 SSa Dree SAiaaaa, SSi Omo Sonar detachable Dreee and Coraet Shield; regular value SSa. Bpacial. tha - -pair . 49at S Bpoala Walt isllag OiaSoa, White Basting Cotton. Noa. 4S and IS. 10 yards as spool. Bpacial at, t apoola , 54 loa Bafoty Fin Books. So Safety Ptn Books, contain S do son black asm nickel-plated Safety Pine) of assorted alaea; regular value 10c BpaclaL -each . .04 SSa Thaavartoal ooU Oil sea, SM Large. H-lb ean Theatrical Cold Craaaa, pure white, doa not turn rancid; .regular value SSo. - Bpacial. each ..SS4 So Oatmeal as- Bastes anh Telle Boa. Se rEztra largo eaka Oatmeal or But termilk Toilet Soap; regular valae So. Special 84 Tooth Brushes, 4 row bristles; rem tar value lie. Special, each 54 la Vaaallma, 10a Large 1-lb glass Jar pure Petroleum4 Jelly or Vasal lna; ragulsr value lto. Special, each 104 SSa Bullpen g rmrni oraaaa, Sen Bot tle Ecllpae Almond Cream, for tollat uaa and softening and beautifying the akin; regular value tie. , Special .....S04 SM Writing Bapar, ' Sa Box white 'Smooth finish, ruled Writing; Paper, with Envelopae to match; regular value lie. Special, each ...94 Saturday Bargains in Men's Shop Smart rUki as) of Prtass) ta m ANNEX FIRST FLOOR SIXTH STREET. . v There's much of Interest to them In the expoa of smart and eorreet styles in autumn dreea. And tomor row the menfolka share In-the bar gains. From. a long Hat w select those tor print: ' r ' " Btaaa SUM Wadinraaa, A Una of Man's Fall-Wotght Marino Underwear, In camelahalr, aatra well made and finished; our beat II. SS - garment. Bpacial, the garment. 634 or the ault 91.2.1 Man's SLSe) Kid Olovaa, see, A Una of Men's Kid Glovee, In tan and brown, full plejue finish; regular value $1.50. - Special, the pair,. 994 " " Bran's S5a Boaa, if."" A lot of Man's Saamlaaa-fancy Cot ton Hoaa; our beat llo valua Bpa cial. tho pair 144 Btaa'i Sen BMk sraek Boarra, XSa. A line of Men s Fancy and Plain Colored Silk Four-ln-Hands, . tark and shir Id tacks; values up to Sc. Special, each lt i'- Stan's; SSa Baaa, ISa. Man'a eeamleee eaahmara Hoaa, In black, natural and Oaford; ragulsr value c Special, the Man'a SLSS Srlgkt Srswna, ana. Men'a Outing flannel Night (town', good heavy weight, extra wlda an J , long; regular value ll.SS, Tgpar"l. - each . ....(. Stan's SSa Bw ' A Una of Men's m- pendera. la ) 'i ' and laatti' a . '.A- a-: ...X-.!--