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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
I' TII3 OREGON DAILY v JOUtlNAi; ,PORTLAi;0. FRIDAY EVZ:.I?IO, CCTCZr. ft, lt:X Q'lOOGIILIO DM ilT-THE FHIR Exercises- In-Honor f F ather o Oregon vHeld IrfAud- - - ' - itorkim. ; r : Abigail scott duniway ALSO IS REMEMBERED '4 . vTomorrow I Jefferson nd Public School! DayTotal Admiaaions When Fair End Hay Reach Two ;-and Ona Hatf Millions . - A- Th attendance at th fair up , ) A fo"llra o'clock this moralns ek'waa 8,4&r Yesterday 17.481" 4 popl passed through th gite. . Thl make" th 'total attendance : 1,818.881." With th heavy at ' tendance expected from now on. and particularly on tn last aay. Director of Admissions 8hr wood thlnka It possible that tha total attendance will aggregate 1 . 1800,000 by midnight October 14. ! '? ;l Thl la Dr. John McLoughlln day at the. fair and honor la being paid the memory of a nan mo prominent In the Ipioneer history of the state that ha la b-emembered aa the -Father of Ora- ajon." y ' -i Exercise' began at 1 o'clock thla aft- . lrnoon In the Auditorium under the aus- Ipleea of the Oregon Historical society. urresiaent jw. jx Fenton officiating -t tchatrman and calling th meeting to or- ' .kler. An addreaa of welcome wai de- iUvered by Robert Livingston and an ila4rioal oraUon by F, V- Holroaa, : i Special mualo waa f urnlahed by De Vaprlo's band. A prominent feature of ' . ithe esercisea waa a vocal eolo by Mrs. Omogen Harding Brodle, a great-grand? : . daughtes - of Samuel . K- Barlow, who ibullt th first wagon road aero' the (Cascade range. In 184. Th . exercises iwere wltneeaed by a large, concourae of -peopl. , i .......... i Dr. McLoughlln ..Waa' born tn Pariah 114 Riviere du Loup, Canada, October 14, 1 il"4. He sowed the flrat wheat In Ore teon in 1825; other grains In. 18X1; In- - Itroduced th flrat cattle, sheep and awlne iln 18:5-28; built the flrat saw and grist mill In' 1827-28; built th first house at Oregon City In 1828; caused the first School to be taught by an American, 'John Kali, In 1832, and generally was the friend and adviser' Of all th Amer- - Mean pioneers,' trappers,' misalonaries and .hemebullderaV-la- th Oregon ooun- try.1 -.. : .-;' 1 The day Is also known aa Abigail " JBeott Duniway day. In honor of a woman pioneer whose life story Is Intimately , Jinked with Oregon pioneer days and ,. who for year has devoted time anil xpens to the "causa of female auf- rage. It Was considered fitting by the exposition management that the day should be Jointly devoted to her honor . , and honor of th memory of Dr. Mo- .X0Ughlin.. '.. :'..:. ':.', -i-f - '.' . A large attendance la expected at the cxerciaes held In Mrs. Dunlway's honor - this afternoon at the Oregon building,' whtcti. ere. to 'begin ati o'clock, after the exerclae : at the Auditorium In ; inemory of Dr. McLoughlln are con cluded. The address of welcome' Is to .be made by Jefferson Myers, president t the state oommiaalon, and Mrs. Duni way will respond la- person. A special . ' program, of sauele will be f urnlahed by th Administration band and refresh tnents will b served.. . ' ' The program In honor of Mrs. Duni ' s been prepared by a Vommittee . ef her intimate friends, of which Mrs. C. M. Cartwrlght Is chairman. Mrs. M. A. Dalton has attended to th musical features and Dr. Henry W. Co has had charge of th speech-making. Refreah went arrangementa have been In charge . of Mrs. 8arah A. Evana and Mra, L. a. Johnson. t-, r. , .. , Tomorrow will be Thomas Jefferson 4)ay and Publie 8choola day. Exerclaea in honor of Jefferson's memory 'will . take place at the Auditorium at 1:80 o'clock In the afternoon and will oon- slat of music by , the AdmlnlatraUon ' . band, calling to order by President , , Goode, an address by Mayor Lane, a - -vocal , solo by Mrs. E. Thomas, an oration by Colonel James Jackson,. U, 8. A, (retired.) and a national air by the band. , .... , . tWO DESERTED HUSBANDS ; ARE GRANTED DIVORCES ; Of . the three divorces granted this v tnornfng by Presiding Judge Fraser, two were, allowed to huabanda who alleged ' tw?' !"ve 0,4 1 oerted ;? them r!thoit Just cause or reaaon. ..... H. C. Jenkins was married in Clarke .County,. Washington. January T, 1900 J?4,". wlf," UulB Ie,t b," Ptember , .17. 1804, He waa granted a dlvorc this vnornlng. -. , .... . . , '.ftil.-- betwe C. A. and Emma ?i fi'irS MVrrS- becaue the laat Tamed left her huabend July 1, 1904 - uJ5le ra"rl t Vancouver, :vs8hlngton. during May, 1898. Louise Berreth was granted a dlvorc ' VZ.Z . "Twn " th charge of married In Prt land o June J. laai..- at. - , . r,!lti,non,r 0 'oth. car 1 V VIIMU, tIEUTENANT F00TE WAS 1 i L0STJN MANILA TYPHOON . 1 . . ''""ran RperiU Rerrlet.i , department has received from Governor- -.tlonal deUlls of the wt t ..i additloa t the Americans heretofore iiku iwi wr lieutenant a o 9 v vviiniiuuimrr. vnnu mm-. t relatives are C F. Somera of Stock , ton. California; L. 8. Mor poats, Chicago, and d F, Homers of th vuarwnniutri apartmnt, BL Paul. WILL BRING GAYN0R - 4 AND GREEN TO GEORGIA " (Xoonil tpeelal Service.) ; - aionireai, jcu signed warrants for Oayjior and Oraene wer handed thai J'nJted ' StAlea offlcera thla wrt. noo and It in likely they wlU start for , (leorgia tonight with the two men who ar aeeused complicity In the de- jrauauig or tn government on con struction work at Savannah la eonno tloa with :apuia Oberlln M. Carter. ; Mia SUetod ky Blacksmith. . . - - leerul atwrUl awviee k - - Bt. Paul. Oct. . The Intarnatlnnal Brotherhood o Blackamltha and Helpers tn, m annrwiy aeeaion UMay elected J. W, ,-iain ei anaa city prldnt. en J03 as mi PROVES: Icemen" Play Joke , on Farmer Who Comes to See. the '. , Fair. " V . i There 1 a certain farmer . In Eugene to whom an led house hereafter will be no 'leas terrifying than the '.sword of Damocles. Ha pasaed a day of horror veatrrdav aa the victim or a group OI practical jokers and probably will not have the courage in nis ine v again for a situation. : I - ". The farmer came to PortIan4 to de the fair and after trying to drink an the brew on Washington street decided to seek a Job. . He'canvaaaed the bual neea district thoroughly, but found no position. Even the hot tamal vendor denied him encouragement. -. At noon yesterday ha entered th lo house of the Holme coal as ice com pany. wher a dosen drivers wer par taking of a hurried lunch. He ai for the -maaeger. "What is ft you want T' asked a big. bluff knight of tonga i- "Lookln" fr a Job." was the reply, "Do you want to drive aa Ice wagon or go on the fir : department r ' in aulred another. ' . , . . ".. - Tried th fir department, but they aid I'd hav to be examined." , "Sure! We'll examine you."' And what thay did to the farmer waa plenty. -They convinced him that' In order to make a: firat-claaa fireman he would have to be able flrat -of all to plac a nossl In his mouth and hold th water for one and a half mlnutea. The candidate tried It and wss almost drowned. The next test . waa to slid off a roof, in doing which th rurallte nearly killed nimaeir. xney made him climb a long ladder with a bucket of water in each hand and jtold him that with a little practice he might do. But th supreme test waa In store. Could he run JO 0 yards in th required time- He would try. At the signal he started ' orr like . a rabbit- and - for -a time held the pate admirably. Turn ing the pole he. fell down and sprained an ankle. He was still game, however. and as he swung across the tape at th riman. limping, but moving aoeedlly. the boy cheered' luatlly. ,- . , "Old man," said th time-keeper, "vou hare mted'1t by three seconds. Jt ll toe- bad. Coma back Monday and try again." - ,. k , . ' ' ... , But Bettben hae other plana, ; , 71LL r:0 r TRAfiSFER CAFIAL TO STATE DEPARTf'EHT Cabinet Persuades President to Leave War Department in ; Control of Panama. ' . , (Joernal SmcUI Serrica.t Washington. . Oct. . At th cabinet meeting today it waa announced that the president, upon the -advice of -the cabinet, has decided not to- transfer 'the Panama canal from the' Jurisdiction of the' war to-thai atat department, but to leave It where H is. The cabinet considered the reply to Russia's invitation to Th Hague conference-, - - - j It was decided 5t to send oat 4he pro posedr circular mstruoung . onsula - in China to be more lenient in regard ta applications for certificates allowing Chinas to enter this country. m SCHOOL; CHILDREN f ... FREE ON LAST-DAY The exposition management has set apart Saturday, October 14. as Mult nomah County School Children day. On that day -every pupil of th public schools of th county, exclusive of the city of Portland, will be admitted free to th grounds. -, The lights on th fair grounds will be turned out at midnight at the band stand that night by President Good and th fair formally declared to be closed. Previous to turning out th light th band will play "Auld Lang Byne," - Beginning Sunday, October It, a post- xpoaltlon period will be held and ad mittance to th grounds will , b 2S cents until further notice, AUDITOR OF MUTUAL ;y WOEFULLY IGNORANT " ' Journal Special Serrlee.) ' ' New York, Oct. . Charlea A. Preller. auditor of . the Mutual, produced books showing the account of laat year lor advertising, stationery, and postag wa 81.114.818.78. Asked concerning the le gal account he aaid 8S84.264.94 waa ex pended for legal expense In 1904. He displayed such woeful Ignorance of th account of the company that It caused laughter. -. ,v. t . James Beck, counsel for th Mutual, produced a list of th salaries i of of flcera which showed that President McCurdy receives 8180,000 a year and Is the highest salaried Insurance of ficial In th country. , FOURTEEN MEN LOST . : IN QUARRY ACCIDENT i,;.vr, - -....v...-. ,4 ' . Uoeraal BpeeUI Serrtes.) ;r Troy. 'N. T.. Oct 6. Fourteen mn are believed to have been lost In' slate quarry accident at Granville. . J. Williams, president of the company, who was standing on th edge of the quarry conversing with the foreman. wss among those killed. Four . oodles naa been - recovered oy noftn. A icon of 'doctors and nurses rushed to th scan. .People tn neigh boring towns hav ' organised rescue gangs In the effort to ssvs ths .lives of those under th maes of debris. - -.. i i i i 4 .. . " DOUGHERTY INDICTED - TWO HUNDRED TIMES (Jnaraal Special aerviee.) Psoria. IIL. Oct. a. It is claimed that th- number of lndltrtmsnts Issued sgalnat Profeasor Newton O. 'Dough erty, city superintendent of schools, are likely to reach 200. Ball required under the II already returned Is 1 12.70. . ; Swedish' Ship Chartered. , . The Swedlah slits . Clan Macfarlana. naa been chartered by Balfour, rjuthrl A Co. to load wheat for Queenatown or raimeutn.' Th telegram, which was received by Captain A. P. Ntlsson, mss ter of the' vessel, save "Quick loaiiinv" aad mentions no thr .freight. : Mra. Jgadroa Xlaetsd, .tfesnal Sseejel lml.) - San Francisco. Oct 4 The' 1'nlted Daughter or th Confederacy today eieciea mrm. ueorsa Hniirane nmi. J dent unanimously, . r ,W ODJEGT TO DELIID Exhibitors Who Appeal From De cision of Jury Awards Must - j Place Forfeit. . TWENTY DOLLARS FOR , EVERY APPEAL MADE V Colonel Poach Sara Money Is Neqea- ,u sary in Caa Expert Help Has to Be EmployedFountain Pen Com pany' Haa Complaint. Vigorous objection la being mad by a number of exhibitor at th fair over a rule established yesterday by Colonel n. E. Dosch, director of exhibits, that 820 either In cash or In th form of a oertlfled check, must be put up by vry parson ' who takea an appeal from th decision of, the group of Juries of award. Twenty-five appeal from the verdict of theae Juriea war registered up to noon today.-. . The appUs)ta de clare that thay have in many case exhibit valued at thousands of dollars which ar under the Jurisdiction of the fair officials, and that the ' proposition of nuttlna? un the faa In order tn take an appeal- Is uncalled for and unjust Colonel Dosch states that the purpose or requiring Z0 to be paid by .each ap pellant la In order that the money or any par or it may be used. If necessary, In bearing the expenae Incident to an Investigation of the ' ground aet forth tn th appeal. H assert that in soma cases it may be necessary to employ the services of an expert in dealing with ap peala. and that in . auch . case th di rectors should hav thla money on de posit aa a guaranty or good faith and to bear the expenae of the expert work. A representative.. of. tha f Post Self. Filling -Fountain Pen company went to tne .administration ouuaing yesterday end ' registered a protest against bein awarded a silver medal without any-of the Jury calling to examine the goods fdr which the medal waa being awarded and which her company had on exhibi tion. She . says that H. B. Hardt, as sistant to Colonel Dosch. Informed "her that she should be saUsfled, aa she re ceived a ailver medal. . - T told him," aaid the representative of this company, "ths t I was . not en titled to any medal at all unless the article. Judged- wer Inspected by, the Jury, and that If I was entitled to a medal at all. It would be a gold medal. according to th rule of th exhibit. Mr. Hardy promised that he-would see what could be done, but stated tnat In case of an appeal, I would hav to de posit 120 in order to bear the expenses. intend to acanaint th comnanv which I represent with . th facts in- tha cass and await their action." 1 Notice of th following awards of medals wer received by exhibitors this morning:; ., ... . ,. Frank Smith, . tobaccos gold medal; Victor talking machine, gold medal; Portland Cordage Company, gold medal; R. D. Bdmonda, carved frames, silver medal; La Tevana ft Germinal, cigars, gold medal; Born Steel Bang company, brona medal;. Dover - Manufacturing company, gpld medal; Malleable Iron 4k Steel company., gold medal; Bate Manu facturing company, gold medal; A. B. Dick company, gold medal;. Moffatt Boiler company, gold medal; Talcum Puff company, bronse medal: Prler Bros. company, slitter ' medal; - Peerless Pi ano Player .company, gold medal; Allen Gilbert-Ramaker Co.. . gold medal, the firm representing James B. Fisher, of New Tork; Pacific Coast Rub bar Co., gold medal; Underwood Type writer Co., gold medal; -Parker Pen Co., gold medal; Woodward, . Clarke A Co.; gold medal and a silver medal for the best working exhibit; Bushong de Co., gold .medal; Oregon Furniture Manufac turing Co., gold medal; Tull ex Oibbs. bronie medal; H. Llebe dc Co., gold medal; Edmond Ourney, gold medal; 811 verfleld Co., silver medal; Lutke Manu facturing Co., gold medal; R. D. Wood. gold medal; Pacific Steel d: Wir .Co., gold medal; Oauld Klin Co., 'gold medal. ., ;,.:-. .. -.f. i., ' - - (V if ; lit '.! V , &f" ! ' ' 'V f A 1 ; rV "! princess Ens of Battenberg, Niece of -King Edward, "Elected" si ths Bride of King Alfonso of Spain, In s -T'-T" -.--j r " ""Curious, Popularity Voting Contest ; f. .. - ,i,.' , r Th DiaMo Illutrada," on of "th Madrid paper, has taken a vote among ita readers on 4h question af th most Kpular prospective wife for the king. Of the 82,500 votes cast 80.128 were given for Princes Ens of Battn rg, 21,238 for Princes Patricia ot Con naught and 8,803 for Princes Louise of Orltans. , 'V v ni lucia F. , Ml PREOIIT - 8tate W. C. T. U. Elects Of ficers In Its CJosin gMeetinl af jhe Dalles. ; (Special SIsDatek ts The JearaaL) ' The Dalles, Or, Oct $ White rlh boners wer busy at The Dallea on tba sixth day's session of tbs annual meet ing of the W. C. T. V. The chief work of the morning waa th election of of Beer. ; . .''.: - . - . . ' Mrs. . Lucia ' F. Additon ' was chosen president 8h named Mrs. Anna Newell A. Mrs. Lucia F. Additon. for vice-president and her nomination m Indorsed by the convention. Mrs; H. Brown of Albany was elected corre sponds secretary; Mrs. Ida Maratera, Roaeburg. . recording secretary; H. J. Shane. Portland, treasurer; i"rancea HL. Oatshall, Portland, . assistant recording secretsry. Mra.. Sarah Peak . waa ehoaen a life member of the W. .C T. U. Officer made speeche of appreciation and the convention Joined in-singing "Blest Be th Tl." ... . -.:.....;- ... .'. -. r,i AUTOMATIC. PHONE MEANS BUSINESS - Th Home Telephone company, ac cording, to Its local representatives, ha spent ' upwards' of 8100.000 in Portland to date and ha 800 men employed In the -construction of Its lines. This meana that the automatic 'phone will be in operation ahortly after th opening of spring. Rights of way are being as- cured in ail parte of Oregon and in Waahlngton for a long distanc tele phone service. .' .. ". . : "The first contract let by the-eompany was for th laying of wires In under ground tunnels and amounted to $1,500. 000.' The contractor Is on time and will no doubt finish his Job within the limit A few days from now work will begin on the company" a mew- building, - - Th houae which occupied- the corner at Park and Burnslde streets wss sold yes terday and th handsome new structure is to be put up immediately. - w- . STORM SINKS LAUNCHES . , ,IN LAKE WASHINGTON e (SpMal IHspatch to To JoornaLV ' Seattle. Oct 8. The worst wind storm of this year passed over Seattle last night doing considerable damage here and to the north. On Lake Washington a dosen launches wer wrecked and two sunk.' Just beyond Smith's cove, th tut Union is aahor and much .damage to shipping at other sound points . is reported. Both Western Union and Pos tal wirss are down north of Seattle and Information can only be secured by tele phone. 1 ... ; .. ..... - ; . Bemat So ma Oounte. . v (Joaroa! Special Sarvles.1 Chlcsgo, Oct I. Th psckers filed de murrers to nln count In th indict ments today. , hepiumiei : iii day state NominatrngFuirState Ticket- Curtis Guild Leading Can V . didate , for Governor, , CONGRESSMAN LAWRENCE IS CHOSEN CHAIRMAN Selection Is - Compromise Between ' Contending Faction .Draper Will Ba Named for Lieutenant Governor and Malon (or Attorney QeneraL (Jenraal Special Berries.) ' Boston, Oct 8. The state convention Of the Republics n party of Massachu setts . wss called to order at Tremont temple this morning by th chairman of th executive dommlttee. J. W. Weeka, a Draper man, wa mad chair man. . Th number . of delegates who responded to the roll call- was 1.811, seven (eea than at th atat convention last year. Th bast of representation was th sam aa laat year. After the defeat of Governor . Bate - laat year it waa pointed, out that soms towns and cltiea would suffer heavily In the next tat convention as a result of knifing Bates. On the other hand It waa pre dicted, that Worcester , and '. Hampden that had loyally stood by Bates, would show' corresponding gains." Th official figures show that Worcester county gained no lea than IT seata over 1804, th city of Worcester alone gaining eight; HampdeiKgained five seats, while Plymouth, the home' county of Douglss, and Bristol showed great losses. After ths customary , preliminaries the - chairman of the .convention sp- polnted th following commute on res olations: . O. P. I Jiwrenoe, chairman; Q. B. Kunnardt. North Andover; Q. K. Keith, . Brockton; . Wtllard Howland, Chelsea, and H. M. Phillips. Springfield. Theajth convention took a recess until this sf tsrnodn. - .. . 1 . The selection of. Congressman Law rence for chairman of the committee on resolutions waa a compromise decided upon i in the interest of harmony; be tween the 'faction arid to meet ' any charge of undu favoritism. -Lawrence Is regarded aa 'a Ooettlng man. Kun nardt is a wealthy manufacturer ef eat- inet and wa a delegate for th atat to th last national convention. Keith Is a shoe manufacturer and was form erly mayor of -Brockton. Phillip wa tat treasurer In 1884 and resigned ta ccept the secretsryshio of the Msssat chuaettt Mutual Life Insurance com pany. Howland I the chairman of th tat, board -of arbitration. HI elec tion Ys a compliment to x-Oovrnor Bates. ... ., ,.-.T . .- . , . .. Ther la llttl doubt in well Informed circle that Draper will b nominated for lieutenant-governor and Malon for attorney-general and - Lleutenant-Qov-rnW . Curtia Ouiid will ba- nominated for-governor, - ':. -..---.......,..... - PAT CROWE TELLS HOW '..HE SQUANDERED MONEY (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Butt. Mont, Oct 8. Pat Crow today waived requisition formalltlee and will leav i with detective for Omaha to morrow. Todsy h relate how h pn Cudahy's 825.000. most of It in saloons. making a good fellow of himseir. Much wsnt toward making his getaway from Omaha. . He denies that hs contemplated holding up Count Jams A. Crelghton. ; - i - i ZHreotors of taw Ubrary Ohea. - Th following director of th Mult nomah County Law Library association were selected last night: Milton W, Smith. A. L. Veaxle. A. King Wilson. Harrison Piatt V- H. Strods, Wallac McCamant - and Waldsmsr Heton. Librarian Robert Galloway, In hia an nual report, atated that 801 new vol ume had been aaaeo to tne nnrary durlnr the past year. ' The election of officer will b held novemner t. Old Promise to Erect Mounment In City Pleasure Grounds Is ""7 7 Unfulfilled. '0 ; Another demand will be made by th elty park board on th Lews and Clark corporation to rct th Lwl and Clark , monument I in the city park a planned when th movement waa flrat started to hold an exposition in thla city. , ' . It waa provided that the fair- offi ciate ahould expend a limited sum of money in - erecting th monument In honor "Of the pathfinder , and work on th monument proceeded so far that th foundation wa laid and tha granlt shaft placed on the ground ready te be carved and erected. The corner aton waa laid with muoh ceremony two yeara ago In ths presence of. President Roose velt.. ., . 'V . . " .; " ' '-'' . Last spring ths park board demanded thacth work b finished, but ftr con ferring with President Good permission wa granted the fair official to use th money set asUle for th erection ef th monument until fter th fair closed memorial; would be ralaed. Th park board deema that tha tlm has com for' work on th monument to proceed and letter will , be directed t Prealdent Good asking him to hav th corporation proceed with th work. .The board slso Instructed tha auditor to direct a letter to Colonel Jackaon. in charge of th erection of th monument to th Philippine .veterans In the north plasa block. Inatructlng him to proceed with the raising of the memorial. The workX, haa been delayed for avral month for . a caua unknown to th park board. :; : y: , ,r.' WILLAMETTE FALLS AGAKI A SPOT OF BEAUTY Heavy Rains Sending Foaming Waters Over Rocks That : Were Long Dry. - (Specta! Dtapateh te The JoarsaL) Oregon City, Oct Aftr being llt tl mor than, a aamlclrcl of gray atone, silent and dry, for several months, - th Willamette f alia have al most auddenly aprang into being agatnr The rslns for. the past week have with in tha laat 34 hours raised the Willam ette several feet and the watera ar now pouring over th falle again ta a raging torrent. - During th month of August and! September the falls wer such ta nm only and almoat very drop of water m th river came through th lock or . wa detracted from th stream, by th various mill.., .Th rain had BO perceptible effect -for avral days, but now h fall hav resumed all their former beauty. ,. - . RAILROAD MEN START - FOR SPOKANE TONIGHT Portland membars of th Pactflc Coast Association of Traffic Asent will leave In a special car tonight for Spokane, te attend tba quarterly session of tha as sociation. Th feature of th meeting will be the question of dividing the north Paclflo - coast Into two Jurisdic tions, th country north and wast of th Columbia river to form a separata division, and aa addreaa by W. W. Cot ton, general attorney for th Harrlman llnea In Oregon, on th subject of "Pro posed Railroad Rate Legislation.' . The following Portland people will go: B. H. Trumbull and wife, W. C McBrlde. F. '. Baumgartner and wife, John Annand and wrfe; H. E. Ecken berger and wlf, W. A. Cox and wrfe, C J. Gray, J. Alexander, Alex. Garvin, T. R. Coman and wife. William McMurray, Paul Shoup, J. H. O'Neill. M. J. Roche, H. Lounabury. H. H. Hallock. W. A. Mc Donald and wlf. E. F. Balrd, LeRoy Tucker and wlf and C H. Olelm. - MISMATED DENVERITES v SEEK SEPARATIONS (Special Diasateh te Tee Jearaal.l Oregon City, Oct 8. A rush of mis msttd people, all of -whom war mar ried in Colorado, cam to th circuit court in thla 'cltr tnl morning to ba unmarried. ' William C Bares asks for a divorce from Ora F. Bates. Th Bat war married at AapenColorado, In 1881, and on May 4 of this year th plaintiff al leges that h waa - deaerted without causa. - Victor Plrard wanta to be divorced from Maria Plrard. . They - wer mar ried In Denver two years ago and on year laer Victor ay he wa deaerted without sufficient reason. Charlea H. Wlllarllng and Jennie Wlllerllng wer married at Denver In 1884.. and after a happy married life of Ave year th plaintiff aays that his wife left htm without reason. , . v ; " ' I, - m I,, ,1 ' r CURTIS GUILD, JR., IS " ' NAMED FOR GOVERNOR ' -' (Joornal Special Serrlee.) Beaton, Oct. 8.-rCurtls Guild. Jr.. waa nominated for governor by the Repub lican today.' H I at present lieutenant-governor. , , '. 'Will Chang moat. (BpeeUI OtsMtcb ts The Joeraal Vancouver Waah-, Oct. 8. At the recent meeting of th director of th Vancouver-' Suburban Railway com pany In thla city It wa practically de cided to aak tor a change in th rout of th road. At Third and Waahlngton treat th road will change to Main street and following Main to th city limit . J-v ' -V- . - - There seems to be mora behind thla project than " appeara on the . surface. One of th dlreotora of the company who refused to be quoted today atated that if the road ia built Ita track will be used by a transcontinental system. Ho refused to state by what system. . OhACged Wttk , .' ' Special Dispatch te The Jaarsatl Oregon City, Oct 8. A. B. McBrid of Salem waa arrested at th lock at Willamette Tall yeaterday morning by Policeman, Shsw, on a telegram from Salem. McBrid I accused of the 'theft of a watch at the capital city and was making his eacap north. . He got off a boat whll It. waa going through th leeks. H waa placed In Jail and an officer came down from Salem yastsr day afternoon. Identified him - and re turned with him last night ,. Astoria Nsw-Hrald: A eouple"wir married by mlatak th other day In Portland. Lot ef Astortan claim . th ante tnlnf.t '7,-; HI D QUI iii;:s :;.5ed Washlnffton Insuourataa Cruaaria i Against Flirting Men Who V Annoy Women, , . LADY USES UMBRELLA ON ' : MAKERS OF 000-000 EYES Committes Will Meet to Changs In sugurstion Day Kapected Engage- . ment of Speaker; Cannon'sv Jolly. Daughter Docs Not Msterislixs. " (Waahlagtes Baraaa ef The jerstV ' Washington. D. C., Oct War galnat th maaher i how on at the capital.'' Extra aflllMmM hw detailed to watch faahienabla thorough imwmm oy oay, ana popular dlatrict by night Thr la to b no street-corner loafing or dallying,, but men must kp moving. ; Such a reaulatlnn h,.i In this wis. Laat week a Udy ot thla elty uaed her umbrella over th head of everal young men who had followed her about the streets until har pttnc became xhauatd. -Her xperlenc-1 nly what many other women undergo . In sllenc. Few women hav the court age or become ao xaaperatd that they Infill ..W Li.kiu . . . - ' -wu insniy ueaervea punianmeni -, aa waa given in thl caa. Washing- ton ha mor than a fair proportion of thl claaa of well-dressed man, who nrnwt ahnut tiir .i...!. - -.v ,ViiUWJII- WVM - n. Oa f street it is an occupation for , " mim can o xouna msr durlna the da hmiM u,n.. kj avrag man. la hla offlc. -lt l-th- Bmy o me pone to breax up thla practice, and thev have aat about dnt it.. . , . " " , -. In th caa ot th umbrella Incident th woman'a nam waa thoroughly pa raded tn the paper, whll thy refrained from mentioning th man. It will prob ably be aaklng toomueh of h pel lra to arreat fln and publish' namea They hat to rls against that old law. . "Us men must stand together." -; . Oaang XaaagaraUoa Bay. AS chairman of tha national commit- ' te on th proposed ehant of Inaugura tion day. Commissioner Macfarland has called a meeting of th committee for -Wednesday, November . at which the manner of th presentation of the aub Jct to congreas at Its coming mssIob will be conaidered. . It I believed thai ther will b a considerable rep re sen ta- -tlon of th 41 governors ot states and territories who have accepted service on the committee, well as th 18 District of Columbia member of th -commit- te. - , ,-. . Two auMtiona in" nartlcular are to b aettled: Whether th - committer ahould advocat th aeslection of any particular - day aa. for example, April 80. -George -Washington's 'inauguration -dsy, or th Isst Thursdsy ia April., th dsy named - In Senator Hoer'r resolu tion, which- paased -the aenate-unani- moualy two year ago. and waa sup-' ported by thl committee a tha- day- to whtoh th Inauguratloii ' should Se chanred. Tha second auestlon' la whether th committee ahould make' any ;" recommendation to congress a :to any cnanis. in ine nm ox ns meeting 01 - congra... -rf-A-i. . Speaker' Daaghter Kay Wad. A rumored engagement, which ao far haa failed to materialise, la n expected from th horn of th speaker of th house of representative. Unci ' Jo Cannon. 3. O. Thompson, an assistant attorney In th department of Juatlce, haa long been known to b devoted to the daughter of th speaker, who 1s hsr father' graceful and tactful hostess. Hiss Cannon ta not young. 'being on th hady aid of 88. She la fat and Jolly and- anjoya har freedom immensely. Sh run over to Europe for a few weeka aa often aa th notion take har, adorea har lather and look not with dealr -upon any circumscribed manner of living.- , '. -, .It la a "ulUble" match, but thing never seem to progress beyond a ear- ; tain point and that point la not th announcement - Judge Thompson ia' widower with On daughter, plenty of good look, scores of friends, and a fln man gnrlly. He-comes from Miss Cannon' own town In Illinois, and he haa known her aver inc sh waa . a child. ... ..: . .. TWO COMPANIES ORDERED . to mm Transfer Made Necessary by De- : t parture of Fifteenth y In ' fantry for Philippines;' (Snedal Oiinatelt te Ta Jul.) Vancouver, Waah.. Jct- ..-Pursuant to ordera from th commander of th division of th Pacific; General Conatsnt Will lame, commander of the department of th Columbia, has issued" orders ;to Major Dyer to proceed to Monterey, -California, with two companies of th Fourteenth Infantry. It ha not bn decided which -companlea will be trana fered. Thla change I' mad neceeeary becsus tf ths departure of the Flf- ; teenth- Infantry, now stationed at Mon terey, for the Philippines. Ths transfer wlll.Jnide about Novmber 1. . BARTON-LOGAN BRIDGE - PROPOSITION DROPPED - (Sperlal Dlspetek t The Jeumal.) -t Oregon City, Oct. .- The proposed bridge aero th Clackamae river, con necting th town of Logan and Barton, la now a thing of th past and th effort to havs it constructed at th ex pense of the county ha howipd Into history. - ' ' . f ' Th Oregon Water Power A Railway company desired to have the .bridge built a It would bring a eonaiderable mount of traffic from th Logan coun try to th Etcada branch of th com pany's line. The county court agreed io order th brtdg and pay for TO Per cent of th cost, provided thl 70 per cent should not exceed 88.000. Plan wer drawn and Wd wer called for. Tn lowest bid called for an expendi ture of mor than 112,080. - Th court refused to raise mor than 18,000 and th railroad company only offered about 81,800. 'Th-mttr cam up In th meeting of th county commissioner thl morning and th certified chck of th lowt,blddea wss returned to them nd the proposition waa dropped. Flfstred Stock Oenaed woaAaW Allen e Lwia Beat Brand. . ; i . : .-2 'tl T -i -