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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
t. . cr.zcc:i dail7 jzz::u rcrTLAi;D. piuday ' evening. October e,'is:i cps of e'jeiii' cffl ii, STATES OIj SII017 AT FAIR Exhibition of Poultry 'Attracts TMany;Vlsitor at Expo--- sitlori. WASHINGTON HAS- . . THE MOSt ENTRIES Total of Twelve Hundred Birds Com- ' ; peting for Prises Which Aggregate -4. Tyro Thousand Dollars Judging It 'Now. On. " Staff of Photographer and Writers la Now Visiting Every Part of the Stats to Secure Pictures and Data on Resources and Scenery.TTr-". s of nana 3fc 1. 1 m 1 ... . i in x ii in 1 . rnnw ir . it 1 r riM-- - , SUNSET MAGAZINE TO FT) C P I A II " ' WM) JV HELP IN CAMPAIGN V IV (I I LA ' Vf -"aIU . , Viln 11 peacocks . becauea of their a election to compete for prises in the poultry show t the fsJr, about 1.200 birds of alt breeds, alaes- and colore have assumed drawins-room airs and la e,verr way possible are trying to attract -attention to themselves with an exeel lent dearee ' of auocess. ; Persons who , fall to see these talllnaceou lords and ' Jadlea strutting,, up and down their cages,, clucking, scratching around In the aawdust and thrusting their heads Inquisitively between the bare In order td. sea what - Is going 'on - outside will miss a-treat. Chicken fanciers aay that undoubtedly 'this Is the beet show of the Kind ever afforded weat Of the Rockies. And it Is : not : confined to chickens ' by any . means, i Included In the show are some of tha boat specimens of pigeons, ducks nd geese to be seen anywhere. That the exhibition is of unusual merit la at- . tested- by . the number of people who yriterday .and today visited two of the large barns on the peninsula erected for the livestock show, which are "bow filled with- poultry entries. -All the walla are lined with cagea and two rows extend up and down the center of the structure. : r ' Two thousand dollars In cash awarda la to be distributed as prises, of which II .BOO was set apart by the exposition management, the remainder being contributed-la special awarda offered by companiea and Individuals. ; There are seven classes of awards ' and the amounts range from (0 cents to $10. In addition to the eaah prises three beautiful ailver trophies are now on exhibition and will be awarded. One la a cup, which will be presented by th Oregon State Poultry association for the largest and best exhibit offered by a member of that body; the second 1s a punch bowt offered by the North west Poultry Journal for the best In dividual exhibit, one variety: the third a. eup, placed up by the Ivory Soap company ror the beat whit fowl of either sex,' washed wrth its ' product. .These, three exhibits are now 'in poe ; session of Charley Mi n ton, editor of the Northwest Poultry Journal. - While- the PaolAo-eoast-la- beat-represented, many other states have ex hibits. Washington has the moat ' en tries, a total of 171; Oregon comes next. 'BMBiaiB-W. 11 1 .. .... .....'.. ' . ' I O. T. Hunt, Scretaxy Poultry Di vision, Lewis and Clark Exposition. with 3; California ha 121.-The states represented are' Utah, Idaho, ; Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky,.-Nebraska, Wiscon sin and Connecticut. The three coast states are exhibitors of almost all. the ducks,-geese and pigeons.. . . ; . .-. American. Mediterranean, . " Polish, Hsmburg. English and Asiatic chlckene are present In almost every varLety. The collection of Barred , and - White Ply mouth. Rocks is the best ever cooped on the coast, , About 100 each of -these breeds are' on exhibition. There la an excellent display of Brown and - White Ieghorna. the' same being true of the puffOrplngtonelass. Iao.ualtty.Jt is said, 'the latter haa never been excelled anywhere. The exhibit of Hamburg and Polish chickens Is . alao attracting a large, amount of attention. : ' Five incubator -displays .are' made; Something aeldom seen at shows of this kind Is a machine to crush crockery, glassware and other materials . Into grit for the chickens. - The. birds are all looked after by a retinue of attendants. One huge Ply mouth Rock rooster Is inclined to be combatatlve and the feathers on his neck spread out like the quills on a porcupine when he is t eased. Others are very tame and like to be stroked. One hug specimen' enjoys nothing better then being taken out of hla cage once or twice dally and allowed to atrut up and down on top of the cages. Hla crowing on these occasions sets every rooster in the barn to tooting his own horn and bedlam results. - ' The Judges did not begin -their 'work until this morning. They expect to be through toy tomorrow night or . Monday. The competition Is principally, between Oregon. Washington and California ex- hlbttors.-: 7 , . BOARD OF TRADE ' TO ADD BOOST ' .. . -. ,.. - . 'River and Harbor Committee to ' Consider Means of Deepen-" Injr Channel. ' 1.:. v .- ... " . . . . . -. WILL WORK IN HARMONY WITH THE OTHER BODIES Probable Joint Committee Will Take , Up Forty-Foot Agitation and Work 1 Systematically Memoralixe Con gress, Stating Conditions Here. , r A meeting, of the liver and harbor committee of the Portland board of trade will be held next Monday after noon at 1:10 o'clock, at the rooma of the board In -the Chamber of Commerce buildings to consider wsys and means of aaalsttng In the movement for a 40 .foot channel at the Columbia river bar and a 15-foot channel from Portland to the sea. The committee Is composed ot V. E. Buchanan, C W. Nottingham. I. L. Patterson, '.Richard Scott and A. B , "!. 1 'Portland must have a! deen channel tA tha 1 1 I - ah-nllifMlw Imnantlv, that we have the facilities to handle me largest snips tnat rioat the algh a 'Filial Wirt w. II., ka AnxnA .ab a - - nri a ..' u V trm V-IBU HIIUQI the most favorable conditions 'to the commerce or the world." declared A. B. Stalnhatch. ' "Tha h-alnl nf tra-la alll Uke up this matter and work In har mony with other Portland commercial bodies. It la probable we will ask for a Joint committee, representing the board and other organlsatlona..and the campaign , will . be pressed in a sys tematic and effective manner. Our committee will meet and decide upon tha method it will niirtn. fn, ih, hMi Our organisation Is working constsntly (o runner rorusna s interests. , We are aoing some good." , , ' ine ooaro. or trade win memorialise congress -In addition to other work It may da The government at Washing ton win . receive Trotn It a strong reso lution, setting forth conditions here, and obstacles that 1 must be overcome to place the port of Portland on . an equal footing with the great harbors 01 ine woria, ; , v o Keep Dowa tw X-evy. To offset the raising of valuations on city property " by Assessor Slgler , an effort win be made by the Taxpayers' league to keep the tay levy down to the lowest possible point.. A meeting was held at the office rbf U. jr. Ooldsmlth yeaterday afternoon at which, a com mittee was appmrlTed. conrpoaed of , N. Teal, F. W. Mulkey. A. U MUla, Henry Hahn and U S. Ooldsmlth, to confer with . the various city depart ments. - , " I Diamonds ': l-.-id Jewelry. On Easy Payments ; OurneTedir?yirtenr.r ' Other store-r-DIFFERENT -because we do not charge any;- more for credit accommodations than were you to pay ash, and" aty prices ; lower- tharr any" jeweler- in -the-rcityr DIF FERENT -because- we don't handle anything which wjy' V cannot fully recommend or guarantee. .'7 Ve are after permanent customers that's why we'dou-: ble our efforts to satisfy you. , The secret of our ability to ' ; '"iaa.11 ' -..J!! .4 a..!... 1..... tl.. a..!.'.,. t ' ' - . . ov-i on vicuii i. iuwci iiiou vasii oiuics is wny WC llalllll iv UC - 1, -v y- A Different Kind of Credit Store 'W " W Third Street, Near Oak Street A heavy advertising campaign for Its Oregon territory has been commenced by the Southern Paclflo company. The company haa sent a staff ot photograph era and writers nto tha state, who are taking pictures and aecurlng data con cerning Industrial affairs and resources of all kinds, to be used In railroad. and ateamshlp folders, and In the Sunset magazine.-... The photographers are centering their efforts in securing plcturea and data of the dried frulta, packing-houses and orchards of Salem, Dundee,-Dallas and Albany: "the applea, orchards and paok-ing-housea . of Medford : and Central Point; rhe hop Industry at Salem, Inde pendence and. Kugene; fish at Astoria; woolen mills at Oregon City; Salem and Brownsville; flouring mills of Portland, Oregon City and Salem; paper mills at Lebanon and Oregon City; dairies and condenaed milk factories at HUlsboro, Forest Grove, Independence, Albany, North Tamhlll. ' Hasel Fern farm and Cryatal Springs farm, near - Portland; lumber mills of the Inman-Poulsen com pany, Portland Lumber company and Kaatern A Western ' Lumber company, and mills at Salem, Grants Pass and Springfield; excelsior factory t Eu gene; chair .factory at Albany; fruit canneries at'Eugene, Salem, Springbrook and Portland; scenery on the Columbia, Willamette, Rogue and rivers, and state lBtl t u tlone - at 8leni Che mawa. Corvallls and Eugene. Photo graphs of Oregon forests will be taken at various points. .-.'." . . it Is the ' company's Intention to feature Oregon along with California, In all Its Immigration literature, and in Sunset, from this time forth, and a spe cial effort will be made to publish to the world the splendid resources of the Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue river valleye. Southern Oregon !s also to receive Special attention this month from the advertising department of the Hani man lines in Oregon. It. M. Hall, head of the advertising bureau, will leave for the aouth as soon as the exposi tion closes. He will devote some time to gathering atatiatlcs and photographs, of. the fruit and agricultural Industries and .manufacturing . enterprises. . It Is said that from thla date A. L- Craig's department will push the... publicity of southern . Oregon's resources with the same vigor heretofore hla men applied to the advertising of the Hood river valley. . . ... .-. -J... . ,. . UNREQUITED LOVE CAUSE 7 OF ATTEMPTED SUICIDE Miss Mabel Hawthorne, whov lives at 171 Seventh street, bears scars and burns on her. face as the result of an attempt at suicide yesterday by the carbolic add route. Her friends who also live at ITS Seventh street declare that she committed tha deed because or despondency. . ' - She Is said to have become Infatuated with a young man who refused to return her affections, and desperate because of his actions, she decided to end her life. She swallowed the drug yeaterday after noon and the services of two physicians were necessary to save her life. "It's nobody's business if she did try to kill herself because she loved that fellow.1- said a young woman who lives at 178 seventh street. "She was in love, but ahe Is my friend and I don't- want anybody to know that I told on her." Action of tha Cecilian. The lateat triumph In piano player construction Is the new metal action adopted by the Cecilian. In this as In all othsr mstters of development It re mained for the Cecilian to secure it first. It Is by all odds the greatest Improve ment In the manufacture of piano play- era It Is absolutely Impervious to any change In climate, does not swell .with moisture or warp wheu dry. It la light, responsive, accurate and always relia ble. Tou do not know the real Joys of a piano player If you have never seen and heard the Cecilian. Tou can get the ef fect of the greatest artists in your own home at your own pleasure if you have the Cecilian. It Is the premier player of the world. ' So simple, so easy to operate that a child without mualeal education can control it perfectly. We want you to see It, try it for your self and learn how easy It Is. The mas terpieces of the world at your own command. ' Come In at any hour of the bualness day and we will take pleasure In demonstrating Its fsaturea to your on satisfaction. For aale by the Man ufacturers' Muslo company, 160 A,ldef street. STRICTLY tailor-made Skirt a, of Panamas, . Henriettas,- Serges and Fancy Mannish Mixtures in all new fall and " winter weights and colors. Very smartly made the new box plaited - and - cluster plaited effects. Regular $13, $14 and $15 Skirts, tomorrow (Saturday )-onlyTTr. EASTERN bUTFITMG CO The Btere Where Tear OieUt Is Oeei 590 WASHINGTON eSTREET DtTTbaao Wtas Oaae. - In Justice Reld's court yeaterday (he case' against Lewis D'Urbano. bandmas ter, was dismissed. He was the - de fendant In a suit brought by Nicola Casclsto and Donato Bognone. aaloon keepera .In the aouth end, who claimed to have provided money for the mem' bers of the band: of which D'Urbano Is leader Judgment was Jiought jn the suma of tti-M. for board, IS1.S5 for a auit of clothes, and I6S for sheet music. Judge Reld found that the bandmaster was not indebted to the plaintiffs. - , ft to Venitantlary. ' Sheriff W. B. McCoy of Sherman county left this morning for Salem with Earl Woodward and George Carr recently convicted horse thieves, They will serve four year terms In tha state prison: -The sheriff reached - the city last night too late for the Salem train and the prisoners were confined In the city Jail. r -r SchilHng-'s Best meant taa . 'ti.lisH In . , of good-enough quality at fair prices, , ' -. . r , Do.YouWahttoHaRc Three Hundred Dollars? If so, call at the Manufacturer's Piano Co, 350 Alder Street, any day this week and find out the particulars. . This la bonafide no fake ad. We have just sold to Mr. C. H. Bingham a Cecilian Piano inside player have taken a beautiful Kimball upright 'in rich figured walnut and a walnut Cecilian In exchange. This com bination cost Mr. Bingham $650 only a short time ago. -We will sell the combination for $350, in cluding music subscription, will take easy payments and small amount down.', Come quick, as this will not last long. Manufacturer's Piano Co. 350 ALDER. STREET. J. Fredrick Kessler, Pres. W. T. Shanahan, Vice-Prea. GOLDEN OAK ROCKERS WEATHERED OAK ROCKERS Big, roomy high-back rockers, exact pattern shown above. Have, curved arms and wide seat ' A fireside friend for long winter evenings. . . REGULAR PRICE ON SALE ALU DAY 2 $165 DOO R M ATS A seasonable special. High-grade Cocoa Fibre Door. ; Mats, sums 6 s 14 inches. Regular $1.00 grade, Thick, strong and durable. i5 T " 6 TO. 9 P. M. 3 6 TO 9 P M. FIRST "AND J TAYLOR STS. FI2ST AXD TAYLOR J $T1 Of It's Good for Roosevelt - It-Should Be Good for You '.. President Roosevelt hss recently purchased with the coin of the realm a CECILIAN and had it' placed in the White House where it daily wins praises of the visitors. - ,. -The Journal offera yot) an opportunity to possess this same beautiful instrument alike in all tha essentials, without money and without price save a little intelligent effort. If Roosevelt would pay out his good money for a Cecilian, you should ba willing to spend an evening or two. , The Cecilian is sold by the Manufacturer's Piano .Company, 350 Alder street, where it can ba aeen. in operVtion at any timer Tv " ;;.: .. ... '. " - v THE. CONDITIONS There are approximately 17S advertisers in Portland, exclusive of real estate and classified, using , space in the local dailies. One hundred and sixty-four of these . use The Journal some tims durink eacn ' week. A few do not. All we ask of you is that you aend ua "five reasons" why you think ten of these ' should use The Journal, at the.aame time mailing each of them a copy. Make sure that the ten advertisers you select are Not advertising in The Journal. If you ara in doubt about a name call up Main 500 and ask about it. Also remember thst the ten merchants yon select aa not advertising in The Journal MUST BE NEWSPAPER ADVERTISERS. Those who do no newspaper advertising at all cannot be properly listed in the ten. Tha contest closes October 15. Your reasons will be turned over by The journal to tha Judges, all entirely disinterested parties -with a knowledge of advertising. -" v'-v: THe Best List of Reasons According to the : - Judges Takes the Cecilian On exhibition in tha window of the Manufacturer Piano Company, 350 Alder St FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AT ANY TIME CALL Telephone COO . . ' BUTTER 1 BUTTER! Best creamery ....... Dairy butter.. Ease 2 Ranch essa Our - Prices. - , . b6c'-;oo . 40C-4&O dos. 4"o Other I'rlces. (5c-70o Best siicar-cured hsms. Ho e Brenkfast bacon ..15c 18c Beet of tea. lb ..30a S0c-76e I Jird, S-lb. nail ........ 45c-66o ftfic-IISo Oaiekecs , lee Bprlnf Chickens ,18e All iroods retailed at wholesale prices. La Grande Creamery 204 Yamtiiu St. 1 .J .',-.r HARBORMASTER SAYS r THEY LAUGH AT HIM Hsrbormsster' Ben Blalln derlarea that tha present -ordinance requiring' motor boats snd. launches on the river to carry live preservers and life buoys cemiot be enforced; that the owners of small craft laugh at Mm and he Is of the opinion,, thst another ordinance, which ran be enforced, .should be passed by the city council. lie . haaaa.-chumplnn Councilman Phepherd, who Introduced an ordinance modify ln the Hushllsht ordinance now In effect, n many partlrulsra. . Council, msn Shepherd stated thst he and Mr. BiglirS had conferred en the subject and - .. . , grt,Htl'"P"' "ajta fraiftlattaumMSUI'l ,ala M That is the price to Astoria and return 200 milea f 0 ir 300 cents return tickets good till used. That's get ' ting ratea down to a fine point on such a crack boat as the lilt Q2J thst goes through the water with the speed of a dolphin. -LUXURIOUS'tNPPOINTMENTSWO FINE CABINS COURTEOUS ATTENDANTS AP PETIZING MEALS ON BOARD NICE RIDE ON A RAINY ;DAY, ; DOCK FOOT OF ALDER. STREET ROUND-TRIP EVERY DAY BUT FRIDAY. Boat leaves at 7:30 m., Sunday 8 a. m." 7 Returning leaves Astoria at 2 p. m., arriving in- Portland ar8:30 p. mT-" PHONE MAIN 883. felt sure that the measure could be en forced If passed. Baser Seat Bale Monday: - Critics In the world musical have been pleased ' to discover In Hsrold Bauer, who plays at the White Temple next Wedneedsy, the poetic beauty of Padprew,kt as welt as the Titanic fire of Bauer and the dynamic force of Os-nrHowttschr- Aa a matter Of fset Bauet standa In a clssa of pianists peculiarly hla own, and he Is easily one nf the greatest In the world. If Is program for Wednesday nlsht Is one of rse-1euty. and contains some of the vr numbers ynalns rFW IT-DIDIS'T HURT A BIT le wkst tkey T 4 eer TtteSe ef SMae S-st.l wtira. We Se ar smsle trm e et the etty eekrkty W smM aar ttUr. Kvervlalaa dtA. aaaaya. WISE BROS., Dentists the latUae. ew. fklrd ssd that hla 'admirers are most anslous te jhert-Rsm-have him rlav The eel nf swats will liter t "inn Honday Morntng at Ua Allen OU- ttecn ...