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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
. . c: '.czzzzi daily jour.iiAL. ronTLAUD. fhiday evening, octodeh e. i:cj. i r- '" O. " " V Ens the dat;gers of flimsy co;jsTr.uaio;i '" ill ' ' Long List of Business Firms -; That Petition for Reduo i;- . tion of Assessments. NEARLY A MILLION 'f.V, v ;? ' v .; THE TOTAL DIFFERENCE Pacific Hardware ft Steel Company .J Declares Assessor's Valuation la Four Times Too High and Othera - Differ, as Radically. j Merchants of Portland who object' to the. valuation placed. on their stocks of goods, ; llxturet and ' money, notes and ' accounts snd who .have filed affidavits - with the board of equalisation In which thejr swear to" the true cash value of ;, their holdings, are here given. They -were eseessed s total of $1,714, 02; If 'eh petition wars to be granted, their property valuation would be reduced to . m,ox4. - - . ; The sasesaroents here given are for merchandise, fixtures, machinery in the ' esse, of a manufacturing sajea eetab ' Itstwnent, horses snd wagons and money, notes snd , accounts, snd the. sum st 7 "which the ssaeaaor Is ssked to value the property In each Inatance Is the amount j. which. the owner of the business, soms member of the firm or the manager in ' the ease - of a corporation, makes a sworn . statement hs would accept In ' cash at a voluntary sale. The list fol ' ' lows, the flrat column showing the aa lessor's valuation, . ths second the . .amount at which the owner wanta the L property aaaessed: ; Psriflr HarSwsre Steal Ub.$ 188,400 .', 43.000 , . Hodsrai a VO. .......... - Poos Hint Line company.., " Dartna Hardware CDmpaay. Pertse . Grala company .... I. atrOasea eompaay . Hlna Km A O. Whig HI i. Lent Kte Co. W, B. 1U1I ,. o; c. P. T. A A. Co........ rraak K. Barber Marlaa Iroa Works Ce. ' 2$ r. J. M' A real J.' M. Gcllert ........ - Coblenta ft Levr . . Htaiwlare Boa Lai Morris Mark fa Iff Braa Toast Afarn-f compear ..... ' - Vamkira it Waltaa ' 1. Mrbel fnerlee Kobn A Co......... - Tlllmaaa 4k Bmidel Kwons Lna Tat company... i. N. Brt.rol t'lark a Wtlana Lnmber re., Swelan1 Candy coaipany , . ' A. H. Mar)? -OH. Anorraos .'. ,, Haselwood Cream company.. 81. 1. atalter . . Arrber a Hrkana . P. J. fronts company ...... . Lea 81ns Sear A. Fi Jones Co. , : Oriental Importing company, .: Realy. flaaoa A Co ' Model Prac ators .......... Nsttonal (Ask Heftatar e. . . Blttman . ; Oreaoa Optical company.... aioa Neat com pa a 7 ...... A. A Terr . at'olemaa Hardware companr. rHrnr at Oe.'.,i..i. rook Mans ."r. ,) iaur A Kletaer, lee " XIds lllnc , K. C. flarT .....,...,.... 3 A. White ' Frank H.-Reeeea ., J. Simon A Brs .r... Tonf Pack Chunc company.. 1. K. Tuerck Kennsrd A Adama . Tanahaiiaer Hat company .. '. R. . Wloalow A Co.. Ibc.h Ckanlg A Aadereeo IMila Oreenbors; .......... Albert Blttoer R. A. Jaeoba A Co... K Bromberaer Wins Mow Ckanf eompaay.. J. Leeaer , Columbia Phonograph Co.... K. i. Alstork W. K. Towa laenb Raaentkal Carl Ac Coaat Stamp work a.. K. A C. Kreeman J. J. Kadderly ,. B. Swtrskar A Co . Eaatern Ontflttlng company.. John Pellar : N. Jonea Thoaaaa Boa aea H. Hettkemner A Bona ..... Chana Cbona A Co Robertson. Manning Ce Ooodrnaa Broa.' Shoe Co.... Paelfte Tent A Awning Co.. Carta ar Packing companr. . . Hammond Parking company. Sinclair Piwvtaloa company., r. R. TeU C. C. Clin Oil A T. Co...." Vteratosg Brick eompany... Goodyear Rubber eompaay.. Bow Teen company . Thompson Caady eompany... 1.100 l.oia 1S.0US So!no : 1.SII0 d.ono 8,t S.4.VI t.orut . T.noo j.sno S.600 'm'.t M.OIIO 7.IKal B.TWI 10. 1M a. do.nno S.5O0 4.a 4.035 en.oiiA 8.IKK) 4.5110 400 40.000 T.000 vS.ono 1.4O0 . l.nnti 34. son S.260 ' 4.0 I, son ' 1.100 JM.ann 27.500 ' 13.JO0 aj" ' - 10.400 1.400 , 1.TM , 1.775 s.o 4.000 . sue ll.aso , an. ooo 4T.S00 .ono J.JO0 S.0O0 S.ono ll.SnO S.ftllA IS.ono k.ono 18.000 o 88. SflO - S.ftno .000 24. 4M 11.S00 Sn.ftoo SH.OnO 1.S00 . SliO l.nnn 6O0 TO.WO 4S.ono t. 'SS.ano SS.2S0 i.aoo T.soo ' S.IAO ISO, 01 10 1.40ft 1.800 600 10.B.W ' S0.2iiO 4.SII 5l .BO0 l.lRO TS8 ' l.ano S.BO0 .-. . 500 iOiiO s.onn 42.148 S.OAO , 8,000 l. B.SIB 'T.0 IT.Sno 2.5X0 fl t-00 i.sie 20.100 2.5O0 S.5o W X. .44 lA.aoo 8.2A0 1.5O0 1.W5 15.300 1.HO0 - i.sao no TOO 11. 800 lo.ona T.X) .eoo1 loo ' S.l!M . Toft 1.HO0 Law , S40 1. aoo 2. Wi0 oo S.S.VI 25.000 27.800 1.400 1,800 . 1.5O0 8.000 Exempt 1.600 S. TOO 3. lA ' S.430 ine ,11.800 2.000 8.000 8.800 8.500 in. inn 18,000 oo .a 28 Son IV) . B8.8SO . SS.Ooo om , ' lisno 24.SO0 00 6.000 S.tAO T8.I4S TOO 850 Builders See That Cheap Material Cahoot Compare With Fireproof ; ''.v. Hollow Concrete ' Blocks 1 and'Afe-lAdvocat- ' ; . ing Two-Piece System " . " -, ' fever "slnra the fire of Tuesday night, when the waterfront block at Front and Tsyjor streets was gutted, fjrs adjusters have been going over the ruins. The loss of f 88,000 stands aa flrat reported. . This pre is snother. object lesson on the danger of the cheap, wooden etruc turea put up years -ago, snd allowed to remain unimproved on valuable ground in this eity. -. ' - . -t - . . The Are started in oily waste at the water's edge. It spread over the entire block. One by one the buildings caught from the spsrks snd heat of their burn ing neighbors. . Within - a very few yeers the struc tures which will be erected In the bual neas part of Portland.-wHU be of an. other kind aubatnnUal. sightly snd proof from such flres sa deatroyed the Front street buildings. . " " ' Hollow concrete blocks will enter very largely into the construction of these modem buildings. This twentieth cen tury ' building " msterisl is now being advocated by expert builders all over the country.- --- --- .' The hollow ooncrets block has paaaed through several stages -of development. Whst Is now generally conceded to be the most practical form is the two-piece block. It is simple enough, but long. severs ' tests ' have proved that ' it will actually do what lta Inventors promised it withstands tha , ususl wear It la fireproof, it keeps a building warm la winter yet cool in summer, beesuse of the air confined within each block, and it can be made anywhere- at a coat 'out or proportion to its durability lsas than that of good brick. . . Two plecea of ' concrete -hardened under tremendoue pressure: by - ma chinery fit Into . each -other and -are locked by a "bond" of fresh cement. These twin blocks sre laid In a wall or partition much aa brlcka are laid. - tit Is the dead air Inside each block which acts as a natural buffer against both heat and ,cold. Walla made of this material sre lighter 'but far stronger then those made of brick. ' In the east side fire of August II the two Kadderly brick buildings burned be cause- of the heat ' surrounding them. This Illustrates the fact thst brick must gradually glva way to the modern and durable hollow concrete block. The -Concrete Construction eompany, 701 Chamber of Commerce building, con trols the manufacture snd ssle of the tsro-plece concrete blocks In this terri tory. Quantities of them are being made st the plsnt st East Blxth and Bast Madison streets. foreigu missions DISCUSSED . Thirteenth - Annual - Meeting - of ' Woman's Society of Metho- dist Church In Session. STANDING COMMITTEES MAKE ANNUAL REPORTS Large Attendance at Columbia River . Conference at Salem From All a Part of the Northwest Program Opened With Love Feast. , ' Total ..... .81.714.028 888.014 ALMOST A CRUSH. 'Thousands Throng tha Oriental a oil ding :.' at tha Bxposltloa. . ' The act has become generally known that tha magnificent exhibit made by ' the Japanese empire at the Lewia and Clark fair Is to remain on this coast 'and will be distributed among the mam bera of the Society of Japanese Art 'Admirers. As a result of this knowl edge thousands are Joining the society at tha Oriental building or at the Port land hotel. The exhibits are the prod- , uct. of more than S00 Japanese menu- - lecturers,- artists and eurlo collectors, . and represent a . cash valuation of 1200,000. .Thousands of dollars' worth of these beautiful and costly goods, . wares and manufacturea will be given away free. Portland connoisseurs are felicitating , themselves over the rare . opportunity to secure t such, valued - treaaureSr , - . . . r t . : latea to sTewpuit. ... The Southern Paclflo company ' has Placed on aale at all Its Portland ofTloes round trip tickets to Newport at rate of f. limited to October 10. 1(08, snd for ft Saturday to Monday tlcketa. Ample hotel accommodations at reason abls rates are provided at this popular resort, j- - -- Vi --w- Monarch over pain." Burns, cuts, sprains, Istlngs. Instant relief. Dr. Thomas', clectrio OIL At any jdrug ators. " . r (Special Dispatch to The Jonrsal.) -Salem. Or- Oct 8. Tne llih annual meotln of the Columbia river branch of tha Woman's Foreign-Missionary aocrety of the M. K. church metln this city last tha M. E. church, met In this eity Ust night andiwIU conUnue until Saturday evening. , A" large number bt delegates are preaent from -all parte -of this state, Washington and Idaho, .and a very en thusiastic meeting la bolrjg held. " The program laat evening consisted of a lova feast led by Rev. w. H. Stetleckv- pawitor ,ot- .the . M fi church of this ctty. -the introduction of branch officers snd missionaries, and an Informal reception. : . tt This morning's session wss opened by devotional servlca conducted by Mrs. Phllo Bartlett of Oakesdale, Waahlng toh", TScfe'fary "of the Spokane district The roll call and a review of the meet Ins of 1104 followed this, and then came ' the ' appointment of committees by President Mrs. M. C. wire. msporta of Committees. - The stsndlng committees made their reports through tha following persons: Publications. Mrs W. H. Baylor: mis sionary candidates Mr a. A. N. Flaher Folta Mission Institute, Mrs. U K. Rockwell: suDDlles. Miss Annie Fsrrell branch literature. Mrs. 0. W. Burt; The Quarterly. Miss Eva Foster; Christmas boxes, Mrs. Thsd Huston; mite boxes, Mrs. F. J. Hard. Perhaps the most ' Important snd In tereatlng part of the morning session was. the report .given by each of , the conrvrenrai Kcmarira. mi louuwini Is the. list of those" reporting: . " Columbia river." Mrs. Henry Brown Goldendsie, Washington; Idaho, Mrs. C. E. Helmsn, Caldwell. '-Idaho; Mon Una. Mrs. J. A. Smith. Red Lodge. Montana: North Montana- mission. Mrs. J. A. Martin. Chinook. Montana: North Paoiflo German. Mrs. Amalta. Sehnert, Rathdrum, ' Idaho; -Oregon, Mrs. 8. E. Memtnger. -Cottage Orove. Oregon;-pu-get sound, -Mrs. K. M. Walthew. Seattle, Washington; report or branch - secre tary of young people's work. Mrs. IS. B. Upmeyer, Hsrrlaburg, Oregon. The session closed with a vocal sold by Mrs. O. Bean of Salem and a noon tide Bible reading. ' Following is the program for tha arternoon. ' Friday Aftea-aooa.. Memorial eervlce, conducted ' by Mrs. W. 8. Harrington, Seattle, Washington; duet. Miss Cornelius and Rev. W. H. Sellerk, Salem, Oregon; report, of branch treasurer, Mrs. M. E. Whitney, Tscoma. Washington; report of branch corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. N. Fisher, Portland. Oregon; duet. Mrs. Carnea and Mrs. Bean. Salem, Oregon; paper, "Tha Effect of the War on Chris- tlan Propsgandlsm In Japan." Mrs. H. A. Dearborn,' Portland, Oregon; aide This evening there will be a young people's - rally, - Mrs. E: E. Upmeyer. branch secretary of young people's wors, presiding. . WHY CASSini VMS RETIRED Friendship of-Alice -Roosevelt for His Cigarette-Smoking Countess Led to Change. PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER COMPANION OF COUNTESS Chinese. Minister Becomes So Legs tlonUed That He Prefers the 8o ciety of Americans to Those of - His Native Land Is Very Popular. To the Housewife. ' . . Th.M Ova Mianw wfiA1 a l where to buy their groceries -snd pre visions, i ne journal la maKing a spe- ni.l nn arlB .f ah grocers snd provision stores. By con. Mums (ma iiimi kcl jatse fa win snaoie the buyer to save money, at the 'same ums aei mo mm mere is in tna mar ket. Read today.j.L ,, ' . m Only one remedy In the world that will at once atop itchiness of the skin in any part of the body. Doan'a Oint ment. At anv drug store, 80 cents. SIC .r bnijanT . " aT ' S ' '. "r CouponFree Hawaiian Trip ::!:: tlotiolulu, rUwailsji lataiads - I vets for.... ...... a.. This coupon must be voted on or before October. IS, ItOS. rWaaklngtoa Bsreaa of The JoaraaL) Washington, Oct. . The. following story. onos from - Paris. JThs - recent change in the personnsl of the cores diplomatique at Washington, sending Count Cssslnl to Madrid and bringing Baron Rosen aa ambassador extraordi nary and plenipotentiary to the United fltatoa, was through no 'gratuitous act of the Russian government, and was much to the dislike of the greet Cssstnl and hla daughter, niece, ward, or what ever relation she bore him. but that change waa brought about by no less iv- personage- than that - wresteet- of -all modern diplomats, John Hay. while In ' In hla gentle and renUemsnlv'wsv Hay Informed the Ruaalan ambassador at, Paris that should the Ruaslan gov ernment in lta great need for diploma tiata on the continent reoulre tha serv ices of . M. Cssslnl, tha United States would in no wsy retard that, ambition by throwing out bariiera to Caaainl'a flight to other shores. Intimating that thla country would almoet boaat of the riddance, could it be engineered without any great publicity,. west Alloa the Ohm. The reaaon given In Parte for this unexpected shift of ambassadors is thst the preeldent has been at his wit's ends to cause a disaolutlon of frlendahin ex Isting between the Countess Casslnl and Princess Alice, and had begun to deapalr of winning out. for hla Alice cornea by er oisposition' Dy inheritance. -This social alliance-: was criticised" by everybody, and knowing of the presi dent s dislike of his daughter' a affili ation, Mr. Hay very wlaely aald unto himaelf that he would Intimate that a change of pasture waa beneficial even to ambaaaadora. If thla rumor be true. in alt ' John Hay's achlevementa aa a dlplomatlat. nothing he has done pierced so deeply Into Mr. Roosevelt's affec tions for him as that little piece of strategy, worked out all by himself wni traveling In a. forelsn countrv. Ine pretty and fascinating little counters la about the same age as the president's daughter, she smokes cigar ettes and haa all the naughty little tricks and way a of gay foreigners. 1 Cheat-oaf UaagMJhem. - Sir Chentung Liang-Chen, K. C. M. O., E. S. and M. P. la the correct manner of add re aa Ing the empress do wager a minister from China to the United Statear' Quite high-sounding for a rep resentative of a foreign power where there era so few of his own race who are entitled to receive tha social favors. It la aald that ha haa become -so "leaa- tion mannered" that there are few mem bera of hla own legation with whom hla Highness deigns to sit and rtVat, and It la on tha rarest occasions that one of his suite Is asked to dine with him. He prefers to mingle with Americana rather- than with a- Chinaman. - He Is aulte the toast In a half doaon would-be old families who wins and dins him, and one of the "cave dwell ers," . especially, has found it quite a profitable acquaintance, for they aay tma once diplomat and mtnlater to aev- eral . courts counts tha Chinese govern ment aa one of hla assets.- Often the Chines minister Is the guest of honor. snd the card a read, "To meet Sir Chen tung Liang-Chen, Her Majesty's En voy.M . Sir Cheng la having tha best kind of a time, while hla predecessor, the . fa mous and popular LI Huns; Chans la lying at home In China dangerously wounaea Dy the explosion of a bomb. GREAT. BRITAIN TREATED - AS A FAVORED NATION ' Uoaraal Spatial Barrios.) Havana,. Oct. 8. The proposed 19- years' treaty between Great Britain and Cuba that IS pending ratification in the aenate, and that haa aroused the oppo sition of Preeldent Roosevelt, a Ives Great Britain the favored-nation treats ment in every reapect except that of im port duties. . The reciprocity treaty between Cuba Snd tha United States is the reason for excepting tha latter. On of the arti cles covera the right of British war ships or merchantmen to refit or , re shppply In Cuban porta In rase of acci dent or 'stress of weather. ; .' ' . - -1 ,(' and Boys' : ' M ' ; A V ) vP fev ' ; School Suits p I iL '' Overcoats and Cravenettcs V z':-: f-V"5'tV' suns "a """" - Nothing so extremely dressy as our Buster Browns In Rus sian and Blouse styles. New .weaves and . becoming novelty' patterns . . . . . . . ...... f 5.00 to flO.OO Double Breasted and Norfolk Suits, : with - regular and Knickerbocker Trousers. .-' ; , Sixes 8 to 10 ... ;M j.. ........ f 2.15 to ?5.00 OVERCOATS Military Reefers something new and very natty for UttV meii -A large variety and assortment of " ' v styles. , .V, : . . . . . . . .. . : . ..... . . . . . . . . ?3.50 to ?8.50 Long Belted Coats, for school wear. , ' ; f Plain and mixed colors. ..5,00 to 912.50 A complete line of Boys'. Youths' and Ladies' Cravenettes. . ... - In observance of a holi day this house will be closed Monday next. Do your buying prior to Saturday 10:30 p. m. . i , -' ,. fyT . ; See our Misses'" Man- 21 j Tailored S u i t s : and e Coats and Youths CoU , ..... . V , ' lege Suits..- MRSRAKD'S HQuEY FOUKDS OF Mother-ln-Law of Professor Her ' ron Bequeaths Fortune to Advance the Cause. Josrsal Special Berries.) ; New Tors, Oct 8. The New Jot section of the social Democratic party announces that the late Mre. K. D. Rand. mother-in-law of Professor George IX Herron, haa bequeathed 1 100.000 for the establishment . of a school of socialism. Mrs. Rand died not long ago In Italy. The' announce ment aays. In part: "The primary design of ths school la to provide an intellectual center for the soclsllst movement In the United States. . It Is expected that a building will be secured In whlch there will be libraries of special research.,- Sys tematic lecture course a on socialism are contemplated. "It Is also ' planned that the ecnooi will be the center of Information con cerning international soclajlam and so ciological data, to which, teachera and writers, othera than of. socialist opin ions, may turn." I The institution will be fully estab lished, next year. ' v. - j SHOOTS NEIGHBOR IN . MISTAKE FOR BEAR ' (Spatial Dispatch to The JoernaL) Remote. Or.. Oct. 8. Clarence Dervls, 21 yeara old. was mistaken for a bear, shot and aeriously wounded by a neigh bor Wedneaday. , Davla , waa working on ths ranch when hla doga treed aome coons. Davis climbed a tree to punch them out with a stick, when the neigh bor, healing tha noise. Investigated and seeing a movement in tha tree fired the bullet, etrlklng Davla In the hip and ranging upward to the breast. - Hs waa about 86 feet up . tha tree when shot. It Is thought hs will recover. GET IN OUT OF THE RAIN RIDE A WHOLE DAY FOR Si TO CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN ON THE . ' ,- ' .. .' . : STEAM E TELE1P mm CAPACITY 090 PA8BBNOER8 . - . ; ..... : ... ... . . .. . , . . . . ' ':; , " The newest of ths new boats fastest of the fast boats skins anything afloat round trips $1 finest - cry in mi worio mountsins, wstenaus, gieng ana canyons to oest tne band. -. ' Dock Foot of Oak Street fjrri LL iJr1 t 8:30 o clock a, m, Saodays at 9 o clock a, m. ROU1NP TRIP TICKBTeS OINUY gUOO 111 . mum. V . Will Cure Any Case of KIDNEY or BLADDER DI9CA9C ' hoi ueyona met tveacn or nedtctne WOODARD. CLARKE CO. AND 8. O. SKIDMORE ft CO. ' ' ' Gone Ko dangerous drvga or alcohol con coctions sre taken Into the stomach when Hyomel Is used. Breathed through tha Inhaler, the balsamic . healing of Hyomel penetrates to the most remote cells of ths nose and Jhroat, and thus kills the catarrhal' germs,- heals tha Irritated mucoua membrane, and glvea complete. and permanent cure. Hromel Is the" slmDlest.- most nless- ant and the only guaranteed cure for catarrh that haa been discovered. Com plete outfit, f 1.00; extra bottle, 10 eents. If you cannot obtain Hyomet of yoor dealer. It will be forwarded by mall, poatage paid, on receipt of prioe. Write today for a free aample bottle and oon- aultatlon blank that will entitle jog to services ' of our medlcsl department without charge. - The R. T- Booth com pany, Hyomel Building, Ithaca, N. ! T. Wsodard, Clarke Y Co. " ' ' : ' I rBTAET THE WINTER EIGHT oisT. JUST aa wan buy SHOES that will last and look and weir right. The initial cost Is no more than the other kind. Heap of sat isfaction In knowing your feet are sty-. Ushly shod comfort wear ing FULLAM SHOES. .Laird. Schobert h Company and Winchert & Oardlner shoes for women in all leathers. ' They are eorreet in every detail I'MJU popular priced shoes were made to onx order. $5 worth of goodness : in every pair PULL An 233-85 uonnncn c? S3.B0 mi Eflisk Mail AUGUST ERICKSON. Proprietor PnEEIIEa OF fflmflMHSSSL Under one roof may be seen the largest hall of Its kind on the coast and a mastodontic orchestrion, the biggest in . the world. . .r... 1. Refreshments ol All Kinds Performances include features produced in best "vaudeville houses. Program changed daily.. Special matinees Sunday. Ladies' Bohemian 0rtii2s$ra A beautiful balcony, elaborately furnished, for the comfort and convenience of ladies and their escorts. Entrances at 21 North Third street, 21, 23 and 25 North Second street, and 243, 245 and 247 Burnside street. SOLE AGENT FOB FRUITDALE rJINEClL IT The natural water as it comes from t.;; r.-r! . , cals or drugs-lbest remedy known f;r it:r troubles.- .v . ' ' -a