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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
Tins Oregon daily journal. Portland, Friday evening, octozzh e. i::x. i. V E m FULL PLAY ', V'yery V Handicap Committee issues program or Maicnes " for the Fall Season, a FIRST CONTEST WILL BE- PREPAR , i.- FOR DIRECTOR'S CUP Tomorrow the' Local, "Stkkers Will V Begin 4o Drive the , Little White Ball . Over the Green '- Links' at Waveriy. - I The Waveriy Golf , club players will -Kin th fall wMfln tomorrow after- noon on th local llnke, with a handicap ,. event for men, tha trophr offered bema .v th directors . cup. The . golfers hava .anant a rather oulet aummer, belna n- ' gaged In entertaining more than chasing- . tha elusive ball, and me announctmeui v of the handicap committee la hailed with delight . -. ."-' ' ' ' Tha director' cup la put up thla yar " "for tha flrat tlrte, 'heretofore tha. club presenting a cup to be compeiea ior. ; Now that a brand new trophy, from a ' vlrvfnal aourca of donorshlp. Is put up. the struggle for It wUJ fee exceptionally keen, as', golfers are just aa much In 1 empathy with, winning new bonore. aa any other athletic creature. j-. -The medal play for the director' cup .will begin tomorrow, and be continued t on October 14, November 4 and Novem i bar 11. Tha two loweat scores of 'each day play will qualify. for the knock i out competition. Tha knockout match -play will begin on November M with the flrt - round. The second round of . tha ' knockout will come on December 1 and l',th finals will be played on December 'X ne WOUKD iwinjiuip wmh - 1rm will baain on October la. with the a. . MIMIMI1.J -medal play. Thla . play will continue on October IS, November i and Novem ber 1, th two loweat acore auallf ylng for th knockout. Tha knockout com- petition, . flrat round, matoh play will : ho-t mi Nhnmbtr It. tha aecond round on November SI and the tlnala on De cember - There 1 quite a porty In tereet being manifested In the women' ' handicap' and tha - spectator can look 'forward to seeing some clever aticklng done.- .,...-,' '. other aventa In tha fall program are: Mixed foursomes, October 11. November II and December 14; men' handicap for - th Thankagivlng cup and women' handicap for tha Thanksgiving cup on November 10. There will alao be. the : usual open handicap eventa for men and women on Chriatma and , NewYear'a dThe recent rain have put the Jink in ' ... i . i A ,k. iwimln m m f rh Ml. and from now until the r.T-ftW January there will be considerable ec- itivlty on th waveriy. imas. , f, f GOLF TOURNEY tOR THE LESLEY TROPHY ' ' ''(Joorssl Special ariee. :: .. New York, Oct. 6. The trinity golf - tournament for the W A Lesley trophy., buvwr teams epreaonUngte Metropolitan Oolf association, the Phil adelphia Golf association and the Mas , - achusetts Oolf assoclatiftn, began thi I: morning on the link of the Garden City club. ... Each .association Ju. .represented I by a team of 1 of Us beat players and ' .each teem la confident of being able to . -defeat It opponents. . Th lley cup t la a new trophy, donated by W. R. ls- ley, to be played for annually by teams of the three associations . mentioned. I Th contest .will occupy two daya' The two teams playing today wm piay is single match In the forenoon and fiv four-ball matchra la tha afternoon. The two teama playing tomorrow -will alao play ie single matches in the forenoon nnd five four-ball matches in the after noon.' Each match Is to be II holes and is to be played to a finish.- On point will be allowed for each match and the T team having th majority . or point will be adjudged th winner of th contest and will carry off th trophy, i I CORVALUS WILL MEET ' .; , INDIANS' TOMORROW ; (SeeeUl btopatch ta Th JoaraaL) ' '' ' - Corvalis, Oct. (Signal practice la 1 " th order out on O. A. C. field each - night now,-In preparation for the game . : tomorrow with Chemawa. At th prac--. tlce last night several new- men, lately ' arrived Jn Corvalli. took haqd In the mixupa. On of these was Frank Pen- dergrass, from near Amity, who wetgha about IIS, and who wilt try for a poai- t Ion as guard. '- Pendergrase - playei ' tackle and end on the Port Stevens team for two yea re and haa th making of 5. a good man. Another new player la , McKinnon of 1 , Grande., who had a 'place last -year. on tha second team at p. A. C. for a' part of tha season. Dow . AValker, the well' known last year AU , Northwest center, lined up on O. A. C. '. team for tha first time this season last Z evening. - Another promising man whi A. -out laat night-Is John Allen.' who - has played tackle and half on tha Baker ? ftty High school team foe two years. - Alien weigh ll. He will try here for poaltlDrr a quarter and halt. . Abraham, : who haa Just returned to O. A. C. lined Arm You CUtybtg Vp ' mm It sosm eiatreaelBg akta aretNt Ke sad t U. Boats si happy aaotaam daily aaa I Hre tatk. KITts 4 lame parasites, I allara hrltattp ef elp aa4 skla. 1 rwtial ales. kws baby swxt aai T. rr raoaaa, BaSag, M,u, aurnfnla. i -r- an aaia wrnw, BaariNa aoar H trm f waeearfaL Wbat It wa far haby It 1 tmr m. It's the mnmt awxhlnf aad - ' tag toilet, batb aad auroary aoapa. . . aaj rata. Maturate. aarraprte, If- uag. KrraUBC, Ueallof. rranaat. .1 trtaii of rfaw aUaai la ertaCae. TT W. Ta-Il to fmrif4. Vtrmt M, eak-. ems, s eakaa, VrosTw'a-. atnrvr hT PHIUJ HAT BrTSTiai ., U Klt, N. 1. Kataa ssjtalag . itkajt tbU lgaatursi .... aaeatala vfapyti trCtVAU, CXAxa CO op laat night aa fullback, and Law renca, a new' man"who "haa benTntln4 th place, took a position In tha Una aa tackle. There la practloe ery night out. oa O. A. C. field, and a ther are St men who don th padded- euMa. It I aafa to assert that among the numb there are enough to make Interesting gamea for thoae who go up against the aggregation thla season. .-. - - -The game with Chemawa neat 8a tar- day, while It will attract tha usual crowd, I not 'expected to be a very hard victory for the local eleven, al though Reuben Saundera. th old v. ran who playa for all there 1 In It, and several other Chemawa men, are ex pected to make thing Interesting. HOUSEHOLDER'S HOMER ' SCORES FOUR RUNS - Ooaraal' ".petlal BarHea. - ' - San Francisco, Oct. i. Th Saala had no, charity for "Spider" Baum yesterday, touching him up for a dosea hits and nin runs. The feature of th gam waa th tarrlfle batting of Eddie House holder, who waa released by Portland because he didn't know how to bat prop erly. ' In the eeventh Inning, with the bases filled, Householder connected with on of Baum a choicest and drov It mil over th fence for a home run. coring three men and himself. Eddie got th glad hand oa hi way round th circuit. Hltt waa steady at all time Th acor: v -' R. H.J5. Ivoa Angela 1 0 1 t .fr Ban Franctaco ..1011110 I 12 Battertea Baum find Eager; Hltt and Wilson. -..- ' . Xbarg's Oood York. . - : , (SmcUI Dlaoatrh to The Jooraal.) ' Seattle, Wain., Oct t. Iberg'a curve war too much for th SI washes yester day and th leader added on more victory to their Hat.' Tha saore: .- i,tsJ R. H. u Roattla . .Ill (TO zoo nz 7 o.wianrt" . . lieeieeoe i I Battertea Jones and manaananin Iberg and Byrnes. ; V'mplres Cachard and .riowiaita. ,. ' PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. 6kUnd SJU .too .4H1 Baa yraartseo Los Aagelr 8attl. Tirmna ...... Portland ..... Loot 41 i i .4H1 .41 .471 10 II I .IZftlWilTi2i2T AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. s - .. 71 .. 76 .. 76 ..71 Lost. -64 61 71 ' 74 . 77 76 17 l P.C. Philadelphia f . .ISO Chicago . . .101 .611 ,.604 '.481 ,8 .414 .147 Ewtrolt ... Boaton . . .... Cleveland . , ... New York Waahington frton . . ....... 3 ....... 11 St, Uou 'a.; ... At Waahlngtoa, First gams KB. Wsshtnaton .0 7 1 Schreck; Battertea Bender - and Townsend and Heydon. Second gams .- - . .. R. II. E. Philadelphia n.. ............ Waahington . . ............ I II 0 T 11 1 Battertea -t-oaaiey. ' Bender and Bcbreck;. Patten and Heydon. R. H. B. Boston , 10 10 4 New York . . . I I . Batteries TRum and Crlger P-utt- mann and Kleinow. Al OlaraUad. R. H. K. Cleveland . ....0 - 4 Detroit . . . . . , I M . W 19 . . A Batteries Rhoades and Clark; Han and Warner. , . ; Kll NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won- ' Tt.t PC New Tork . .......... 104 , 44 ,a Pittsburg. 4 61 .445 Chicago , II . . 1 ,., .691 Philadelphia ... ....... II . II .144 Cincinnati . . 7 71 .610 St. Loula . 67 t .180 Boston .'. 60 10t .ll Brooklyn 46 .101 ....101 At Brooklya. - First gam . . . -, R. H. E Brooklyn . , ....11 1 .0 Boston . 6 10 4 Battertea 'Eaaon and Bitter; Wll helm and Need ham. Second game . 1 R. H. E. Brooklyn.. .f.. 6 2 Boston . . 14 '0 Batteries Mclntyr and Rltter; Toung ana rieeanam. umpire vuay, t " ' At ew Tork.,"' Tift game . ' R. H. E. New York .1 I 4 Philadelphia . . ......4 7 0 Battertea Mat the wnon and Bower man: Iunh. SDarka and Dooln. Second game , R. H. E. New York .,.6 I 1 Philadelphia . . t 4 I Batteries McQlnnlty and Clark; Sparka and JJooin. iimpir Emm. -. Jtoary Beat Oody, VT. R. F.. Injury defeated W. R. Cody In 14-inch balk line billiard In th tournament at Reddlck'a hall last night, the acor being 250 to 224.- Th gam was close all the way through; - Loury and Clark play tonight, which - should b the best game of the tournament as both are fighting for' first place and tonight gams win almost decide It. ' rtaest Orohida U the Werld. . Th finest collection of orchids In th world, numbering 11.000 plants. Is to be found at the emperor of Austria' palac at Bchoenbrunn. . An RAIH HMIHRALTH alvaya mtorao eulor aad fceaaty of yoatb. ta gray hair. Sinn sair fall la. Posltlnly rrsMves dasdraff. kill tb SHU. ' Makes featr aoft. akiMir. lavnriant. Ald! by IIARriNA SOAP anotbM and fcaala. w vroj. aiirraora, aropa iicaiD aaa oro Sst. moirt noa hair growth. Mra. Uaaoa, wuraiu, m . . a7 ox umj a HAiR HEALTH 'TIda tscleaed IS 78 Tor alt battle HAIR HEALTH. Am ellgfctd wltk bottle arnt aw. BvlBg ao yaung. It almoat ktllrd fM to hare sty hair attia wklt loag befnra t raa aa eld womaa: bat, iBanks t HAIB. BRALTH. so rar fcalra ras be fmad la say ta4. Bar sot wd all ar ana bottle." tare . hottlra. droaglata'. Tab Beth, tag wltbeat Pkll Bay Oa. akraatara. '.. FHEE SOIP Wkfrr at tkla, take te aay of following drag.' gl.M, id4 gt 6. bottle llalrbaaltk and . eake Hartlna ,, wr4tr4. bnth foe ftnei ivaalar arloa Tar .i m i, mu u. Krw.rk, H. 1., ptvpatil. for artr. ant thla ad. rn snay aot 1to by 4rnalat wttaoat Ul eetlr ear, aad lot. for Balrbealta. , f ... am.,.,,......,...,,,.,... ...,.M. AdBrea , reartk aM waaalarWa ata. GilROflEII IIITS GO I Jimmy DeclareVThat Public Will :'f ''Compel' Dan to Civ Him ; " ' ' ' a Match. MEET BATTLING AT LIGHTWEIGHT TERMS Seme Term aa Neleon Had ' With ; Britt WUl Bef Acceptable to Lowell Boxer In Meantime) Gardner Will Not Need to Remain Idle. . t Jimmy Oardnr aay that public opinion la going to fore Battling Nel son to give him a fight. Th public 1 pretty good at th gam of getting what it-wants If It perseveres and has right on 4ta ld. as was th case In bringing about th recent match With Brltt, and no doubt it (will d aa much for Gard ner, but ther ar a few point upon which the Durable Dan will have to be consulted. " On of thoae I the weight... .. . -' i . j. . Neleon. haa aald 'that h I willing to flght Gardner, but h aeea no reason why he should go xut of his class to fight a heavier man. H will fight Gardner at th lightweight- limit, lit pound ringside, but Gardner want lit t i o'clock In th afternoon, which will give him five- hour to plok up th weight needed for hi natural notch 116. That'a th advantage the cham pion doe not want to give such a clrr fellow aa Gardner. In. holding out 'for making weight In the afternoon Gardner declare that It ta on th same term upon which Nelson met Brltt But It must be remembeVed that Brltt 1 'a legitimate 131-pound maH, an4, f wrthortyore, tho h dictated th3 terma-to Nelson. Now Nelson la th dictator and can. If h chooses. make term that will, prevent his meet- Ing a man- weighing 135 or 111 pound In the ring, and In that particular pub- urn opinion will not do much forcing. At no time I Bat a -big a man aa Jimmy.. He can do ISO .with greater ease than Gardner can do T3J. and he can't afford to take chance by boost ing th seal In th other man favor. If terms that ar Just to Nelson In th straight lightweight clasa can be made, tha match would prov popular with every follower of th game, and It r might prove a greater fight 4han th on In ' which .th Dan won th championship, but from appearances such a go cannot' b counted .on for th Immediate future. Nelson, with th glamor of victory atlll holding him In the - center of th pugilistic stage. Is entitled to reap all tha-caay profits at- lenaant upon nta rame. . He I now on II week' theatrical trip, and there j ar other engagement-; awaiting- him in tn eat.. , . . Th chance ar that a half year will pass 'before he looks rlngward again, and doubtless by that time th Brltt contingent will b making strenuous importunities for return match. Nel-' son already considers thla one of the strongest possibilities of ths futurs, an ne realises mat those who aaw the laat right and many who did not, would areas tnelr necks to see It repeated. . irr the meantime- Gardner need not remain ldla, He can keep hi hand In by taking on Mlk (Twin! Sullivan or Jack O'Keefe and still prov a draw ing card -while ruminating unon tha ad- visibility of meeting the Dan at th ngm weight us ringside. , , , ALBANY WILL HAVE rUUIoALL I HIS TEAR (special Dispatch t The Jaarsal) Albany. Oct 0. Whil Albany col- lege will not hav so atrong a football team In the field a the one playing under th nam of the college last year. this city will not be deprived of the sport' for the young men of th college laat evening began th practice for the season's playing, under the coaching of Charles Stewart, who waa also In charge of laat season', eleven. Th team this year will not be In the class to play the big colleges, but good material for a light team la there, and last even ing a healthy lot of yeungatera-appeared for their first work. Charles Monteith, who made quit a record aa a player while at th high school, ha been chosen captain, and a good business manager will be chosen In the near fu ture. Salem, Corvalli and Eugene high schools have been asked for games, and th Hilt Military academy and other teama of similar strength will be Invited to accept defeat at the hands of th Albany college team, and the boy prom la to play a good article of college football. The candidate for th several positions are: M. Lennan, center; Rog- oway and stamaKer, guards; Btevens and R. Stewart, tacklea; Wallace, Simp son and Currsn, ends; Crewe and Schults, halfbacks; Fortmlller, quarter, and Hon telth. captain and full. All of ths play ers have played good . football In the high school team in tn past lew year. WILLAMETTE'S ELEVEN RUSHED THE CARDINALS (RpeHal tHapatrb to The Joaraal.l -Palo Alto. Cel.. Oct. I. On Wednes day afternoon th Wlllamettevarslty football ' team lined,, up ror practice galnat th Stanford : freshmen team. Willamette went Into the gam with rush that carried th freshmen off tMelr feet, and by steady bucking, the ball waa forced Into th freshmen ter ritory. " If the 'varsity men play with such determination gnd spirit against th University of California a they did against the freahmenA Berkeley will get a good run for her money tomorrow, -- Coleman, who ha been playing right half, vai switched over to left - end. He put up a great defensive gam and blocked all the attempt at run around hta end. - Two other changes hav .been made in Willamette' lineup for the game' with University ' of California. Barter,-who haa. been playing . quarter back, will play right halt and Patton, who has - been - playing lea nd. -wlll play quarter-back. Thi change. In th lineup -will strengthen the team con siderably. ;'.' SPORTING GOSSIP. If no more rain drop between now and the. appointed time, the cut little d lent a will meet th trim Teeoma tour- tat at Recreation park thla afternoon Th element have been rather kind or unkind to Portland thi week; Which wayt no on know. i Earnest .Inquirer: Th championship of -the United Stat la practically tha championship of th world. 'While ther haa been no on gam perhaps plsyed for. suchi a championship, ther ' hav been numerous series , to. -decide th 7ITII HELSOU honor, Jto ;ili u4 1111 th Chicago and St' Louis clubs, ' winners of the National Lgu and American Aaaocla tlon pennant came together In" October. Chicago won In 1611 aad St. Loula In lilt, In ; U'LJPetrflJt-lN -JU )-St IuiaATA.,' played IS gamea of which Detroit won 11. Nw York (N.. U playeVl t traul-A,-A.!l -in 1 SSI, and V 1. .1 ... m k . imm .1. PIOW 1 U'H WW) III. . v - uw . . . A gamea ' The remaining four game werer practically farcea.. Brooklyn (A. A.) played New York N. L.l In llll, Kew York won six of the hln gamea played. In 1110 Brooklyn (N. U) played Louis ville A,' A.). Each- team won three games, apd tha seventh was a draw, Th Intereat In th eerie waa ao blight that th tla waa never settled. In lit 1 the American Association broke sway from the national agreement and there waa no wsrld'a series. . Then cam th on big 12-club major organisation In 1002, tb champion of which had no rival for world' honor until tha organisation of th American League, In 1101. There waa a series between th. respective champions Pittsburg (N. l&) and Boa ton (A. L.) for world'a honor after th regular season of 1103 waa over, and tn Boston club won tha majority of ava garae. but aa th laaguea were at war, the game were not recognised aa of fl clah - Laat year New York declined- to play Boston. This year tha Philadel phia Atnfettc will play the poet aon finals with th New Tork Giant.- , -. ; '" ' -. . ; The flrat paper ichaa of th fait' sea son will take place tomorrow tinder tha auspices of th, Portland Hunt club.' Th start will be mad at Maryland avenue and Preaoott atreet at g o'clock. . Th hares will b Mr. Strain and Mr. Btlr Hng. - . :-. . : , , MANY HUNTERS LICENSED BUT FW BIRDS SECURED - - (BnaeUl Dtsnateh to Tha JoaraaLt ' Albany. Or., Oct . Pheasant hunt ing is still attracting many of th local nlmroda to th Held, but the birds ar shy and few ar secured. ' Th hunter from this city complain that on account of Illicit hunting in tha country during tn montn preoeoing tn open aeason th birds have become very wild. . Mar ket hunter ,ar aald to hav operated extensively throughout Linn county during the fair.- Hunters' licenses are being taken In. tha county, clerk'e of fice to th number of a doaen a day. Thua far about 1,200 have been Issued in thi county thla year. ; XCot ravortt Beetaa. . (Journal ,pclal Berrlte-r x. ' . New- Tork, Oct f. Broomstick at 1 to It, tha hottest favorite of five days, was beaten yesterday by Sailor Boy at 11 to 1. Backers of Broomstick lost s big chunk of money. Summary: Sevan furlongs Just So won. King Pspper second, ack McKeen third; Ume 1:111-6. : 1 Steeplechase, abouttW6"toilles Del. canta.won. The Lad 'second, Alfar third; tlm. 4:01. 81x- furlongs La wsonJan won. Con test aecond, Naguard third; time, 1:161-6.--... .....'",.- i,-rv.. The Hunter handicap; mile Coy Maid won, Rosa of Dawn . aecond. Delphi third; time, 1:3 1-6. Six furlongs F thla won. Carey aec ond, Curley Jim third r time. I'll 1-6. Mile and one- furlong Sailor Boy won,- Broomatlck second, Louis H. third) tlm. 1:63. . - ; athal'a rrld Wiae. (Jooraal Bpoel.t Borvlca.) Lexington, Ky Oct- I. Ethel' Pride won the Tranaylvanla atakeg her yes terday. In three straight heata Sum mary: ... . . .. ': .- ) Pacing. Futurity. 1-year-olds, value 12.000, three In fiv Bonalett '-. won three atralgbt heata In 1:01, :1 and t:10V. -- ' . Transylvania stake, ; purse $6,000, 1:16 class, trotting, three - In ' fiv Ethel' Prtdo won three , straight -heata - In 8:01. S:4 and !:.. 2:11 clasa, trotting, pura 11.000, first division, three In five, unfinished Miss.' Kinney won - second and third heata in J:10 and :11V. 3:11 claea, trotting, purse fl.OOOi sec ond division, thre in five Main Sheet won three straight heata In- 1:01 Hi 3:0H and 3:10'. - TO ENTERTAIN PRINCE : LOUIS OF BATTENBERQ r?-; ' ". "' - ' -4looraai Special aorries.) - Washington, D. C Oct 0. Tha pres ent arrangements for the entertainment of Prince Louis of Battenberg and the British squadron under bis command whaa thsy visit Nsw Tork and Annapolis next month Is aa follows: - - ' - On tha - arrival - of the squadron ' at Annapolia Novmbr l.,lt will be wel comed by Admixal Evana with tha di vision of th North Atlantic, fleet and November 3 Prince Loula and hla offi cers will be entertalnel by . Admiral Evana at a dinner. Prince Louis and hla officers will visit Wsshlngton November I and a reception will be given them on November 4 at tha White House by th president Rearv Admiral Sands, superintendent of the" Annapolia naval academy will entertain them November 6. On November I the British squadron will sail from Annapolis for New Tork. where It will be received by Rear 'Ad-, mfral Evan and th battleship squadron which preceded tha Brltlah aqtiadron on day, th latter -arriving November - I. Mayor McClellan will give a dinner and ther will be other dinner and an ex cursion to West 'Pomt on November 10. WALLA WALLA COUNTY . TAX LEVY IS FIXED (pedal Dispatch to The Jonroal.V Walla Walla, , Wash., Oct. I. The county commissioners hav fixed th tar levy for 1106 at 17H mllla. On an as sessed valuation of f 12,141,011 the fixed levy will raise fill, III for all county Jiurpoae next year, included In the evy I a half mill for th benefit of th Walla -Walla County Fair aasoctatlon. but before allowing It the board exacted a promise from tha management of th association that th betting ring and bar. now located beneath tb grandstand, will be removed to aom other part of th ground. Th money to be raised from tb half mill tax will be uaed to erect big pavilion at the fair grounda and holding an ' agricultural exhibit, next year. . Th corntmlssloners vesterdsv decided lo erect a new $10,000 Jail and will at one ad vert lie for plan and pacifica tion. Th building will be entirely aeparate from th courthouse, where the present Jail I located. .. RAMSEY IS REMOVED' AS WABASH EXECUTIVE v-i, :- r : ' iL: - (Joavsal Special aVrrlra. ) New Tork. Oct I. At a apeclsl meet ing Of th board of director of th Wa bash railroad held here lata yaterdy afternoon Joseph Ramsey, Jr.. was re moved from the presidency of th Wa bash. Right director were present and F. A. 'Delano waa elected ssehls snc- censor and took charge .of the. office at once. Mr. Ramsey ay hi removal is illegal, as he did not recelr the required five day' notice, and h pro poses to .continue the war agalnat I me war against I oeuia. CUSTOM - CUSTOM - CUSTOM-CLOTHS The cut is the cut j custom than asked for any other 17.50 $20.00 Hie Best Doys' ScIrool Suite lii Tov, :Piiced at ' ITS" - " :1 85-87 third St. iB etneon Stark - Oak I'JOOD COLILIAUDS Friend of President Center of En vious and Jealous Comments From Officers. THREE NEW GENERALS . ' ' WITHIN FIVE MONTHS Lucien Young's Good : Record as Navy Officer Will Help Him In- .. gurance Scandal Shakes Confidence of Whole Country in Leaders. (Waablagtoa Boreas ef Tha JouraaL) -Washington,' D. Oct I. All sorts of rumors rsn get afloat at this aesson, and a number. keep up with astonish ing buoyant power. Major-Oeneral Wood, It is aald, will become supremo commander of th military force of tha Philippine archipelago. Poor General Wood! No matter how deserving hs may be, his rapid rise, coupled with hla Own Intimacy with tha president has mad him th center of envlou and Jeal oua comments and ha arraigned against blm a real opposition. - There will be a number of changes in th army soon, and th comparative t!- . '. 1 . i t.m ------ - - - -' 'lawos'll irr PHiLiPRiHES THE HIT" OF THE SEASON SHOULDERED, DRAPED ' shop, and the prices no higher GOOD sort 'of clothing.. ! ' . EASY "0 MAKE US PROVE TOMORROW'S THE, DAY. jfmn youth of Wood, coupled with his present position, may make him commander of the army.' for many years before hie re tirement General Chaffee haa haa lit laat official big tlm in connection with th Frencn maneuver, for he I to re tire more' th pltyl about the mid dl of next April, to be aucceeded' by General Batea as lieutenant-general ; he 1 to b followed In : turn by General Cor bin. th retirement of all these three- taking place within tha fiv month be tween April It and September 16. Thi mean big advancement tn th higher offices in th army. Whan Lucien Young of th gunboat Bennington cam before . the court martial of hla peers ther waa on thing In hi favor, and that la that hla record which- ahowa that he ha not been a "cobergeT." Th amount - of aea. serv ice to his credit exceeds hie ahora duty by five years,, and there .are many ad miral now who have soon much less sea service than thla hero of tha Huron. -- In th government department there are marine officer who rank with Lu cien who hava not been to sea within th memory of man, and who would get mal d mar crossing th Delaware). A to Loclen' married Ufa, that la hla own business, but his friends and relative all wish h had played out tha bach elor" atring a he bid fair to. do. . - In aU Lucien' naval career be and hla friend hav alway been proud of hi .record, and think it Is pretty halrd luck that he la now te appear before tribunal to prov himself innocent of a charg of neglect of duty, when ther haa never boon a more duteoua offlcar than he, - But they all find consolation In the fact that luck never turn her back on him, and ther haa never been a bar over which he could not draw hla schooner and go sailing quietly td ths nxt! Th revelationa made In the New Tork Life Insurance scandal by George W. - r; r - H - " - lllllllf Redain Health A Bure.fapid Recovery from Strength and healthy Appetite result Mrom UiC use Ui . i This Perfect tonic builds Flesh and makes Rich Red Blood-It is a Predigested food acceptable to the weakest stomach. v ;i : ' V ; 7 At all druggists and grocers. V' -'"; ' -V ' s" '"' :-Pr -i' '' , '' r ;-; Anheuser-Biuch Drewlnr Asa'n ; .;.;l!.,..-Vv.. '.f!:. u-w u.-s. a. , V-: v ; "'A; CUUXGE BXANPICLCL a , IT Perkins. J. plerpont Morgan's man rl- day, .hav shaken th confidence of th whol country In men who mra entrusted with th nation' welfare.' When w read of tha 141.000 contribution of th New Tork Lrfe to the Roosevelt cam paign fund, -Judge Alton B. Parker chargas agalnat Bllaa, Cortelyou t al... mad laat November, assume a new and . eerlou aepect .. H ald: . The officer of th government are practically choaon by a handful of cor porate managera who- lvy upon th, a- ' aets of tha stockholders they represent ' audi aums of money aa they deem requl . sit to plaoa tha conduct of the gorern ment in - auch - hand as thay consider bast for their prlvat interest." - . " Chairman Cortelyou denied thi charg' with a nobl how of virtuous Indigna tion. Hla denial waa not aufflclently lm preaalva. howaver, and President Rooaw- . valt Issued a signed sutement of a thouaand words, declaring that tha whole atory waa a "wicked falsehood." There can be no doubt now in the mind of any one that Judga Parker' accusations have mora than founda tion, or that the lection of th atrenu oua advocate of th "square deal" wae unaonsolously aided by hypothecating a part of th fund held In trust for wld-, ows and orpbana to secure a partisan)' triumph. : r . f erred Btook Qnnad ooda, .-, Allen LewlB Beat Brand. ; ; ,(J . , - . 't ? ?. ;- Hansst) Xld lot MaL ' (flpaclal Dlapatfh ta Tea JoaraaLt Albany, Or Oct I. In tha juatlee court yesterday - afternoon th ease against tha four young men charged ' with killing a farmer turkey whil on , a hunting trip, waa heard, and two of the young 'men, Joseph Smith and Will Garrett were bound over to th circuit court, their bond being placed at 11 00 each. They both gave balL The other were dismissed. '.. disease increased