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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
...I daily 'jcr." .u . rcr.TLA:n?. ti::day nv:n::o. ocTozr- c, 1:::. 5 172-11 ; n x (OT BOUGMT MM TCDE KAOLKdDAP TO vvnrr rrt a nrnv "T7nnrrrrrmrrn WIL imUP-UWtL Ifli need die Fcnoxvfco--Evcry Tcrd ci II ; : D!:2St it llisn Cs on Dcndxl Cis Csnimiina c! C:? Greet $z i lW Extra salesmen were put on for Thurcday'a opening of this- great sale, but wc didn't increase our selling force sufficiently. Some customers had to wait but they made no complaints, as they had a good time inspecting the phenomenal values. For SATURDAY, OCT, 5 7, other additional salesmen have' been engaged, and vill be ready for you with BIG, BRILLIANT, BOOMING BARGAINS. .Come early if you can, but come anyhow. Store will be open Saturday night until 11 o'clock. I You may pull, haul and pick through this stock as much as you please. Every bit of goods; you touch is a BAKU AIN. Read carefully the following: interesting items : MH MM M MMMiMI MMM 4 ' . j AUL-WQQL, SUITS A SMALL THING TO LOOK FOR A BIG THING TO FIND Wc have them here at Auction Prices. "You will have an opportunity to receive rare values in these goods, but youll have to come early.. n view of the advance in wool It is probable that you will not again In year find such bargains as are here offered. The fabrics include fancy cheviots, tweeds, Thibet, cassimeres and worsteds, and the styles are straight-edge single breasted, round-edge single breasted, long loos double breasted a&4 . ' . . ' ' '- semi-fitted double breasted, half and full lined.. , . , r . yv. . y-,,., 'xi,:-i ?'iV;t" 7"Tti.i x.:l;v-i:.'-: t V?'? .. '- : : - .. r- " .,'v,: - v V- Vv ''A Remerii ber Everything: Advertised Will Be Found as Advertised Great Bargains in Men Overcoats r" 785 In AIL -r; - For the tall, short, slim and stout man. T We have - . ...arranged them in fourjou Soft And stur.: v:v;:;v;;;:T.::i;;. -757.894 ; ";'"'.. ';" Good Shapes and Styles., ; . Stiff bosom Manhattan, Cluett, Peabody and .. Concord all go at. .45 Soft Bosom Shirts, worth $1. All go at.... 26 i k. j Fancy Patterns,... , ... .V. ;. . . ;..4e Black and Tans. . . . ..... . . .7 ' ' All wool, regular price $2." Auction Price. .72e . ; Sanitary, fleece lined, regular $l.gar-' ments . ; 7.43e Handliercbiefe White Linen....... .3 for 5 Japanese Silk, worth 25c. 7 . Black. end Red Bandanas., 3 for 10f 1 . it- Towels Good Qualities . :. . . . . . ..C........ . .4t. Nccliwcar The kind that sells elsewhere at $1, 75c, 50c. . ' All in one lot and at one price here. . . . .18e 1' mi ImM Mk Segular $35.00 Suits. Auction Price. . .f 11.85 - - Regular 17M Suits. Auction, Price... 85 ' Regular $Z7M Suits. Auction Price... f 9.63 J Regular $15.00 8uita. Auctioit Price... 50(0 Regular $22.50 Suits." Auction Price,.. $8.33 rTTReguiw $10.00 Suite. AuctibrPric(s7.7 $3.857" ' Regular $7.50 Suits. Auction Price... 82.63 The purchasers of these suits wilt have a pleasantmembry of this sale for years to come.1 They are poet- tively the biggest bargains ever offered Ur Portland.. ; w . Cheviots and Thibets For School.. For Dresa. ." ; ' ' - They're cut from tested fabrics, made up in picked patterns and fashioned to be wear-withstanding. They are O. JC all the way through and the prices bear lif htly on the purse. You won't have to buy because you . look but, . fair warning, if you look you WILL buy. . , $10.00 Suits. Auction Price, .......... .f 5.85 1 $5.00 Suits. Auction Price.......... ..$2.61 $7.50 Suitsv-Auction Price...-. '...83.63 ' $100 Suits. Auction Price. ..... . ... 82.10 ' ' $3.00 Suits. Auction Price. ....... . , . .81.85 SHOE DEPAREMT Seventy Cases were knocked down to us at the railroad auction ' $5, $4, $3 Shoes go at. . . . . . .... .f 2.10 $2.75, $2.50 Shoes go at;.......... .f 1.65 " $2 Shoes ..... . . . . . . .'.T;. . . . . ... ..f 133 RUBBERS Ladies, here's your opportunity....... 36e Merits wear-in-all-weather Rubbers. . . .49e '1 0IJTF0miIME . We made an error, but it was a lucky one and youll reap the benefit. LAIpnES SHOES Are not strictly in our line, but. before we were aware of it 'a case of women's shoes, latest shapes, were knocked down to us at the railroad auction sale, and you have the best opportunity for economical shoe buy Ing the town has ever known. They all go at 55e:te Pair $2.75 Joy ercocis.c Ulsters ' "-T; Z "T'-L' Cold-Proof and Comfortable. Z Wholesale price $2.75 to $12. ' Every one in th ( house will go at Auction Be on hand early and " take your pick. " "r" 1,100 Pairs Boya' Knee Pants. .15 10e, 0 ; Rlen's Pants Worth Fully $10. Go at;.............TO Kind worth $2. Go at...... ...B1X3 Other places $20. Here at 8143 The $3 values go at. ..C3.C3 The $5 kind go at.... .33 All Bargains Worth Investigating. Sweaters Five cases, all sisee lota of different stylet to pick from Men's ................wa.wv Boys .............. .......,...40 . ;. n Kid Gloves, worth from $1 .to $2.50. V We have divided them into 2 lota. .23e?f 62? Overalls About 500 in all good, good grades. AH go ' at one price.... ............... 43? Keliaseons Good Sise Blankets. ......... ............X5 Children's Waitti Of Men's and Boys' Caps, all sixes ............. 18? Good Web Suspenders. .124 With Kid Ends.... 1....1C If you are in doubt about your Fall or winter. clothing--if you don't know what kind of a SUIT OR TOPCOAT to get if you want the. best possible value for your money ryou will find it a simple problem to make your selections from this superb stock I THERE IS A VARIETY TO SEE AND A SMALL PRICE TO PAY MAIL ORDERS FILLED THE DAY RECEIVED Loinidoini Clotlh 172 imm mm INCORPORATED j y. "- ' , . yy ;.- . y ,. . . - i .-.