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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
: crzcc:: daily jrj::Ai:t roTLAiip. rriDAY cvr:ni:a. ocTOzn e, i::x i . . . MOVl tobioht's AsTcr-Xir. Varaaasj Qraa....i -wmirmmrj n - ttUiw. "H Chart! Ball" Xak-r, ...... W.ata.1 BarUaqaa rmptm.....,...."Os Hi Brldg st Mldnlhf tjrle. ...... "Vlrflaia Vlrlula" . Graad ..........I J. ..Va-Aa-llla Bur ...Vaiutovlil IlMin. Jtimi' Mcl. "Woor . Co., that tnlr company has Just closed con pany, In this etty. glv th Information that their company has ust ciosaa a con- . k. Um.ww.. WruutanAM n .mil it nu .tin . uvuvih , VWU.W,, v . America for guaranteeing the honesty of over J2.800 local lodge officers cov ered by our bond. It Is the lsrgest bond in the world, and Is a very bulky docu ment, the. entire bond weighing appro, imately 10 pounds. , .? J -- f-f TTnHov i ni tariff -of the Northern , Pacific, : effective October-i . ' Seattle ' millers may grind wheat In transit, to southwestern Washington points at an additional charge" of m cent per 100 pounds over the -''through grain rate granted, to Portland and points south of Tacoma. ' The new - tariff affects grain and flour shipments, In territory east and south of Seattle, favorably to Beattl miller- ... ; ;. -.. '-. ; A' Jury-in Judge George's' court allowed Mrs. Anna E.. Albes 11,70 danv - aces rrom in rscmo Biaies TeicDnone Jk TelearaDh esmninr for tha death of her son. Edwin W. Albea was a lineman in the company's employ and was killed ! by ' being knocked from a pole at the corner of Fourteenth and Columbia streets on October SO. UOi., Mrs. Albe sued f?r M0 damages, - . I ' Jay- W. .Stevens has bean appointed captain , of truck company Na1 1 "by -Chief Campbell of the fire department ; Other' appointments ares Bert D. Sex ' ton, hoseman engine, company Mo. S; A.'iG. Steele,' ladderman, hook and -ladder rnmninr Nn." 1 ' IT. I. Allien.. hfMmin marina comnanr Ho. 1 : Albert J. Hansen. hoseman boss company No. S. Miss Mary Adel! Csae, Portland' pop ular contralto, recently . returned from Paris, will give a grand concert at thf 3'hlteTemp!jrirstndTaylor. streets. 1 - Monday svenlng, October f. ,-' Mias Caa wilt be assisted by Arthur Alexander, tenor, and Mr. Edward M. Courtenn. id 1 1 in i ivas; un-Muttn nwwiwwii . ft Clarke's. v . , ( ,' ' ' La Oew. a California Chinese recently arrested here on the charge of having 1 stolen meney from one of his country : men, was - ordered released . yesterday by Municipal Judge Cameron. Gover nor Pardee telegraphed Governor Cham berlain that ha did not think the elant- eyed could be convicted if brought back : for trial. : " - Dn the visitors' register at the mu- Hum of the Oregon Historical society : last month are 7,86. names. This, how ever, does, not - represent ' the total of Visitors.. a man failed to .rca-tatar. . Nearly every state in the union anl many foreign countries are represented among visitors. - Hoffnung lodge. No. X, O. X. H. ft. will - glvw a grand ball l Steuben hall. Wil liams avenue and Ivy street, on Saturday ' evening. October 7. Admission Si cents. Good music and refreshments.;,, Babbl W. Wlllner will deliver th S.rpion this evening at, Tempi Beth Israel on -"The Miracle of History." Services begin at t o'clock and strangers ar weloom. ' ' - ' . e - - - Watches and diamonds fl down and - 60e per week.. Goods delivered, on first i payment. Christmas la coming. Meta- gar at Co., Jeweler and optician. Ill Sixth street, y '- ; Tourists, wen a city people, flnaa . clally mbarraasad, will And the port- land troan Office, T4 Third street the . safest and most ramble place to trans act their business.- Rata reasonable. Dr. H. Ad ' Bturdevant, formerly of The Dalle. - is now with Wis Bros, at room sll-lt. The Falling, Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 102. -. - Professor B.lngler's physical culture wWW. u w.w. .. V, WW.UW.M, WWW atraet Class and nrlvata lnatrnetlon. Fst people reduced. v """" ' W clean and press your cloth and shin your shoes for tl.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 147 Washington. Main (14. - .. .. - Any watches cleaned, 11.00: main spring, 11.00; all work guaranteed on yr. Metsger a Co 111 Sixth street Launch for torpedo-boat destroyer at Merrill's boatbous. north aid Morri son bridgs. Class A billiard . tournament tonight, Reddlck'a , billiard nails, . Clark , vs. Lowsry. V , .- . "f Electrio signs any deatgn, Foster A Klelser, Fifth and Everett .' Frl' Umale ar th beat. ' ' i : Souvenirs. ' . Free souvenir '"and. other attractive present ar offered by Gevurt A Bon at their fall opening Saturday night , peoial Sales for XVaaie. . The McAllen McDonnell store opened a J-hour special sale of timely mer chandlss at noon today, which will end tomorrow evening. They are offering ' some price attractions that will not be overlooked. The sale covers so many 'articles of Interest to women thst it Is with pleasurs their attention -1 directed to the Arm' advertisement appearing elsewhere In this Usu. - - Take Advantage of Sid nip. , Holders of certain twls and Clark tickets ar. entitled to It-day one-far ticket on the Southern1 Pacific a far south as Ashland. ' Partlculare by ask ing at Third and .Washington streets, Portland. SfflRTS AHD ... MCaflTO- 'OUR FALL STOCK OF, SHIRTS -AND NECKWEAR IS NOW COM-" PLETE; THERE'S NO BETTER SELECTION IN THE CITT. Htwett. Crtay O Co. ,'' ataJggPAgrils. '.. - 34S Wa$htngto Stmt y taAJrA nxarag. ;.''.' .........3 1 Fti c.j . CLLEuat wl . IllmJ lll'w i. . Says Amtricans Nssd Mors Prac tical Education and Advocates r . Manual Training. East Aurora Is not a condition of mind but a real country village, where none f the peopl Is wealthy and none I poor. This and aUted themes, dealing generally with his "gospel f work," were elucidated yesterday afternoon by Elbert Hubbard, before a large con course of peopl In th Auditorium at the fair ground. . '.- -, Th follower of Hubbard' doctrine were numerous and his witty sallies wer enthusiastically applauded.' Mayor Lan and H. W. Oood wer on the plat' form and th speaksr was Introduced by C H. Mclsaac. After th lecture some time was spent by Fra Elbertus In handshaking. V "Th feature which distinguishes East Aurora from other towns." said Hub bard, "Is th Royoroft hop, wher book and things ar mad.- We hv dis covered hat ther r only two ways to avoid competition on I to gst an Inferior article nd 11 It cheaper; th other I to make a superior article and demsnd more money for It - "Th most Important fact to be men tioned I that none of th workmen is educated In th craft. No skilled labor 1 employed In the Rojrcroft shop except what become skilled after being ther. You can send a boy to college but you can't make trim think. Th nest duc- tlon come ' from th Mnlvelty of hard knock.'- W bcom tronf by bearing burden. "Tak President Hill of th reat Northern railway; he lllutrat . my point He la not a college man but he ha built railways' and built them on a largs and enduring scale. . America Is beginning to open her eye to th value of thla practical -education. - W will never ' get away from Jtruanoy . and hoboiam untn manual training la. taught la th schools.'! .y ' Mr. Hubbard : tft - last nlgbt for Seatti. ' NORTrTENiTDIVEKEEPER FOUND GUILTY OF CHARGE Th Jury befor which W. H. Wilson, a north end dlvekeeper. Was triad on th charge of committing an assault with a dangerous weapon, brought In - a verdict of sruiltv 1st yesterday after noon, the case having been on trial In Judg Cleland' court On April, it. 10S, Wilson, who Is owner of th Badger saloon, beat George Barber with a bi'Ho- Wilson claimed that Barber had attacked him- - Barber s skull wss fractured by the blow Wilson rained upon him, and for several days afterward it was feared that he would not survive. Attorneys Ed and Al Men denhali, J. M. Long and Alexaodei Sweek defended Wtlaon. whll Dan J. Malarksy appeared for th district at torney' offlc. . ' v . ' .. Th penalty fqr the trim is impris onment In th penitentiary from lx month to ! years, -In th county Jail from on to 11 month, or fine Of from 1100 to $1,000. . , . A Remarkable Store. :. T.Th Hub, corner Third and Burnld streets, I reaching out and attracting (he lion s share of th. early ' fall pat ronag. Hub principle keep that atore dear to th heart of every man, woman and child that take advantage of-real money-saving opportunities. A aal that I acting a a magnet and i attracting throng of city peopl and. Viltor 1 known a th."Doen and a Half sale of til suits, overcoats and cravenettes at a dosen and a half dollara llltt Tha varieties of styles., reliability - of fabric, correctness of style and work manship makes the Hub's first fall sal of th season th best opportunity vr offered by this great store. , Mr. Paul Strain, th proprietor, con ducta a large ystm of' store and Is th largest spot-caah buyer on th coast In mon's apparel, which enables him to get th benefit of th lowest wholsl urlo and In, return- give th people th benefit of bis buying power. Th hat shoe and furnishing goods depsrt mcnt ar replet with th choicest good for fall and winter of 100t end ls00. Th vsstness of th stocks, th vsrlety of styles, combined with dura bllity and alwsys lowest price, make the Hub the moat desirable plac in th City, to get th biggest dollars' worth. Free Schdol Domestic Science. We hav secured th services of Mr Bertha Haffner to glv a free cours of lectures at our store In cooking and kitchen furnishing.- These lectures will be given dally at 1 .10 p. m. Every on Is cordially Invited. Honeyman Hard war company. i r . ... ", ' Free Souvenirs. . t If you ar on of th lucky 100 gen tleman you may hereafter "bruh up" at th xpna of Oevurts ft Bon.- They ar. giving away - souvenir clothes brushes at -their opening Saturday night; Step In nd get on. ' . Milwaukie Country Club Eastern and Besttl races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Aldsr. .. ...... - , . .... ., -.-' - : .-, Th BMutifml Fair' Which brought 6ur resourceful city and country elf prominently before th eye of th whol world, la nearlng her and. Th gaieties of the last five months will be relegsted to th brilllsnt hall of our ' pleasant recollections. Every thing ws beheld In- art , and science. everything heard of philanthropy 1 onarityr - tncoiogy, religion ana oiner matters, -will remain a sourc of ever lasting benefit for our future better ment. . j' - We are again confronted,.-with our oustomKry duties to everyday life and economic, and have to find a way a to how we can bring our unwarranted expenditure into their former channel. Every cent aaved now la ao much mad. So ire will how you- th way to start In. During th month of October w will sell to. anybody .who will refer to this sdvertlsement headed (The ' Beautiful Fair) a gallon Of California wine, port, sherry, angelica or muscat for 71 cants, guaranteed I yeare old, and aa good as any ether offered for from 11 to On all our whiskies' w will -allow 10 per cent on earn conditions. It makes no difference whether you buy our cele brated A. D. G. rye or any of our old brand Old Crow, Finch' Rye, old Mellowed Bell -of Anderson, Imported or domestic brand lea and cordials. Call, fornla or imported bottled win, etc., th reduction of 10 per cent will b al lowed. In fact anythtng-and vrytnlng In the, hnus I st your disposal at a 10 per cent reduction. - Call-up tele phon- Main MIS and good will bs delivered fre to your house, Glv us a call and If w tell th truth. D. Grmnu. th family liquor dealer, 111 Morrison trtt . , . - OF IIOuES : Horns ( Training v Association Opens Series of Winter Meet ings With Interesting Session ; .- v.; " . 1 .-. : ; V MAVOR LANE PROVIDES ' QUARTERS IN CITY HAUL Mr.,, C. M. Wood U Electtd Hon orary President and Mrs., Samuel ConneJJ Pretldent Contresa Of Motheri Meets Her This Month. Th Horn Training assoclstlon opened the series of wlner meetings yesterday afternoon in the new quar ters that have been given the' organisa tion br Mayor Lane, the commute room on the third floor of Jh city ball. Heretofore th meetings have been held In th parlors of th T. W. C. A. Officer war installed for th com- fflg yesr and a charming musical pro gram was rendered. Mrs. C, G. Royel sang ""8prlngtlme' and - 'Three LltU Green Bonnets." with Mias'Lamson as accompanist, and renponded to an en core with ' "Uttl Boy Blue." Miss Lamrtn played a piano olo and an en core number, and Mies Jessie Zimmer man gave two readings. Mrs. C. M. wood, honorsry prssldenti sddrossed th sssaMlatlon. urging that efforts be. doubled to Induce all wives, mothers and teachers to cooperate In the work; of organising; In every town la the state, brsnches of th Stat Con gress of Mothers, with which th asso ciation is affiliated. A plan has been formed to organise in every school In Portland. . . -. - . The nursery' work, for th year waal planned out, with Mr a. Henry H. Wright aa chairman, of the committee. Tho first state congress of mothers will meet in Portland October 17,. snd at the association meeting next week Miss LUlian Tingle will speak on "Th Importance of Developing and Vitalis ing th Child's . Domestic Instinct" The officers for th year are: Mrs. C M. Wood, honorary president; Mrs. Samuel' Connell, president; .Mrs. E. C Clement, first vice-president; Mrs. ' J. L. Kingsbury, - second .. vlos-president; Mrs. P. L.1 Donald, secretary; Mrs, R. E. BrlRtow, treasurer; Mrs.R H.-Tat and Mra, William Reld. members at large; Mrs. A. H. Lomax, librarian. The offlcera compose the executive board. The committees for the year are: . Organising branch' clrclea Mrs. J. L. Kingsbury, chairman; Mrs. R. E. Brls tow. Mrs.' W, W. Psyn. Mrs. A." King Wilson. Mrs. C A. Lewis. Special program committee Mrs. " E. C. Clomeat chairman; Mrs. O. H. Fith lan. Mrs. Alvln 8. Hawk, Mr. . E. . N. Wheeler, Mrs. rl. u. Beater. ' Press committee Mr. Robert ' H. Tate, chairman; Mrs. William Reld, Mrs. Dsvld E. Pattulo, Mrs. J. L. Kingsbury, Magaslne committee Mrs. John E. Lathrop, chairman; Mrs. E. L, Hart, Mrs. F. H. Miller. Mrs. W. J. Grundlg, Mrs. D. B. Mitchell. .... -.':,-:-- Nursery- corps Miss Zulab C Hop kins, Miss Elisabeth- B. Savage, Miss Mary K. Brookes, , Tomorrow's senate!, - Ellers Piano Hous glv another re el ml st th Oregon building tomorrw with two chermlng soloists. Following I program: . . Violin solo, (a) "Ssrensd" (Blerne) rh) "The Broken Melody" I Van Btene). Mrs. A. L. Sutton, accompanied by the pianola. . Soprano solo, (a) "Calm as the Night1 Carl Bohm), (b) "When Tou're Away (Robyn), Mrs. Frank Ebsrle, accompa nied by th pianola. Piano ' solo, selected. Miss Bsrnlce Fleming Holland. Violin solo, "Rlcordo" (Carl Bohm), Mra A. L. Sutton, accompanied by th pianola. . . . ; . Time, I p. m. ' : - i LADIES' . TUCKED SHIRT WA1S. Pattarn No. tno. "r - v All Beam Allowed. A pretty design for a shirt waist, and an that la ar to be popular, la her plotured with tuck extending from hdulderf-tii watotlln Linen, pique. chambray, albatross and lansdown ar a few of the many materlala used for th making... ' Th pattern I In I slses n to t tnchsa -bust measure. For M Wwt the waist re quires H yards of material 10 inch wide, n yards IT inches wide, H yard M lnche wide, or !' yards 44' Inches wid.-- - 7 , t .;.zi. ' '"Prtc-,- U eent .- -. OxUiOrOBT DAXXY yOtrgWAX. WOA nn ABOTa PATTmi post-. t pais Trroar aicim o , . raioa. - No.............. , tits... Nam .............................. , ' - w - . . ' 1 ' ' - s - " ' ' ' . I . ' ' ... Address .......;.. .............. City State LOUIS He BOLL PIANO STUDIO NOW OPRN FOB fCPO. - ration I sad 10. lila Wssklsgtea t lei::::: m tan b . .eiitle;.:.'.:! . Others Say Charges Against H. M. Burt Are Instigated as Result of a Grudge.. " - Charge hav bn preferred against Captain H. M., Burt of hose company No. of th Portland fir department for using violent language and for fight ing in front of tha hoMhOUS. The complainant 1 H. R. Howard, who lives next door to th hose company at sit East Seventh street It 1 asserted that a grudge I th motive of the charge.. Th charges will b lnvtigata ny th fir ' committee of th executive board. ' - At th reauest of the fire committee Chief Campbell furnlabed tlmat of th cost of the Improvement n aa recommended in the department, aa fol lows:. . ., i ,' - -..! i ' For engine company Na I. t Jhlrd and GHaan streets, 11,144 for truck com pany No. f, at Alblna. IIIOi for art an gina company on Portland Heights, 10, 100; for an sngin company at Brook lyn, 10,160; for an ngln company to tak th place of chemical company No. I, which 1 of Utile service to th de partment In caa of a big fir. It.110; for changing chemical company No. 4 Into an, engine company, ft, M0; for In stalling' an engln company at j East Twenty-eighth and Couch. 10.140: new engln to replace No. 4. IS.IOO; repair to boiler of engines No. 4 and I, 11,000. Total. 458.480. 1 - Th commute will recqrnmend to the city- council that the repair be made, but will wait until ths first: of next year 'to approVs the Improvement on account of th present lack of fund in the city treasury. ' v Card bf Thanks Portland, Or--Sept" II," -190S. Prof. J. Triedman. Dear -Sir: Gladly yielding to your, request for a short testimonial I beg to atay that (or the past 10 year I hac been great eufferer' from; rheumatism.- 1 had tried all kinds of medidn and medi cal treatment, had tried hot springs here and in Europe, but never got any cure or lasting relief. On January last I commenced taking treatment from you. I was then go alck tnat 1 waa unable to aleep. I waa a total cripple, out of shape and in pain con stantly. After a week ot your cupping and massage and general . treatment I noticed a great improvement, which, by keeping Jo your treatment, has resulted in what l call a complete cure. For past five months I have never had any pain, the first expert ence of the kind for mo in 10 years; I most Heartily . recommend v your treatment to all martyrs to rheuma tism. Yours very truly, - r J. CHRISTENSEN, O. K. Coffee House ' 262 "FIRST STREET. Finest Roadhouso in the West, : Famont for Maryland Chicken SPECIAL Northern Pacific Puget Sound Limited leaving Portland daily at 4:30 p. in. stops at Claremont, Returning (same train) leaves Claremont at 10 AS p. m. tfmussi TL..i Dweettes r-:u i npflirp w. T. asm. " - ..WW... w u HMiif, rrea. Uorrlioa St, Bet Stk sad Tts. Pben Ilals S6S. W. T. Paagle. Bes. Mgr. Toslght 8:1S e'Clock. 'Merely Mary aaa.H TKX ISTZSSATIOSAIi ST AS, Eleanor Robson SperUl Matinee Tomorrow. Last Time To morrow Night fleftlj ffary in Prlees, Beth Matisse aad Mlght-M, TSe, 11.00, 1.M sag SS.O0, Marquam Grand Theatre Mocday, TneMay. weaneeiuy, on. wio-ll MAT1NBR WEDNE8DAT. ' Th Sr-atest ef All Meleamaua, "IN OLD KENTUCKY" With th Fawn "Whang-Doodle" . PlcSanlonr Bind. FSIOXS , Sw, Me, T aad 81. N, ' SEATS ARB KOW SELLINO. Belasco Theatre mai.u BRLASCO MATER. Praprietflr. . B. D. PRIOC. ttenerel Manecer. I. L. SACKETT, BealileBt Mantfer. Tenlcbt st 8:14 Matinees Tomorrow A Baadar. 19th Week of the Belasco Stock Co. THE By Belasco 4 Demlllc CHARITY BKTPRODUCTION BALL, Bresisgs, SB to At, Malas Satar4ay ssS . Sund.T., 33c to 6ie. Kelt Week WHITE WHITTI.KSET la - "TUB rOBTUNES OF TUB KINO." Empire Theatre1 TwtinhaNorrlioa PsOBC HsiB 117 MIiyTON W. SEAMAK, Maaager. " PORTLAND'S POPILAR PLA PLACE. Tcslght . SBd Tomorrow Night Matlse . Te nor row, S:1B s. a. I "OB TBI SEIDOS AT MIDBIOBT." All Best Week, Starting' Sander Metises, TBB GREAT RCBAL COMBDT SUrCESS. "INttE JOSH PERKINS" PRiriCS ETenlnf. Matinees, lor. Iho, tfte, Me and SO. 14 and tee. BAKER THEATRE OREOON THBATRB CO., LFHSBES, OEO. U BAKRR. MANAOEB. . Phnne Mela I0OT. TAMT11TJ. AND THIRD- STREETS. TBB HOMB OP MT'BICAL, BI'RLESqCB. Tnnlsht'and Tomorrow M.Kt, - -- Matlae Tomorrow 1:15 p. as. " Sam Devers's Own Company A cok'snrrxATtoN or VArDBTiiXB T AND COMKDT. STARS. PR1CBM ET.nlor. ZKe. SAe. Wc tm4 Tile. Simdar end Strsrday netln, lie, Sft, Son. and WV-. . Meat astraetleaTw Orwteal Hay Xrwart Utiaeagaas veasaay, . Feithsr FiHovs, 50c The cream has been skimmed from the markets of tie world In the production of this splen did array of superior rherchandise, and the pri ces we name will attract the encomiums of every r matron and housewife of this.great city. v; v" Bargains Not to Be Had , . --,.'4. , -. -. ' ' - - - '.: r , . EXTRA SPECIAU-We have received a manufacturer's sample line of Swell Tailored Suits, Skirts and Jackets and Cravenette Raincoats, secured for 60 cents on the dollar. Be sure and. come Friday or Saturday for - - first choice, l - 25c 29c 69c For Boys'rUnlaundered White Shirts, sizes 12 to 14. Regular value, 50c. Men's heavy ribbed Shirts and Draw ers.1 Standard value 50c. ', ;"-;. Men's Mount Hood Fancy French Per cale Shirts 1 stint bosoms, openw-iront and back. Standard value. $J.25. ; 2Cn Men's Mount Hood Shirts; fancy per OOv cale, stiff bosoms, separate cuffs. Standard-. value 75c. . ' , ' A Men's' sanitary fleeced Shirts and 40C Drawers, extra fine grade, for Friday and Saturday, the suit, Of. C i Men's heavy all wool French Ribbed OOC Shirts and Drawers; tans and browns. Regular value $1.25 garment take a whole suitor"?x.tH Or Boys' Fancy Percale Shirts, laundered, . sBy v stiff bosoms; standard value 50c -Take what you want Saturday at 28e. . Aftn Mn' F"nch Percale Shirts, Mount . 4C Hood make (sufficient guarantee of worth) ; regular value $1, all sizes. , Saturday take them' at .40e. - ; r:See"burrearspecials tn rSoxyHandkerchiefs7 Suspenders. Work Shirts and Nightgowns. Come and see for yourself.. Stocking Southwest Corner ..ia - . - i ALWAYS TG1ELEAIDEK The Best $3 HAT In the World BEN Asnrai -THE StAR XwlMOBT'S O00XATOO OTSOVS. ' ' -. 10TTIB -WIST STMOBDS, - - ... THB OETTIBOS. , . ,'v -, , 1 . , IEEO BIXTOH. ' : . coBrtB. TBB BTABOSOOPE. (html aamlaslan, 10c. Bnnlsn, SoadaT and bnlldars. i.r saata aa lo-r Soar, toe. Daily matlnwM, 1fl to aar aaat airrpt boiaa. Box aau. Baa, crania avrtbrai. tara at T:S0 aa 1:1. . Soadaja coaUaaaaa, t.0 ta 10:S . s. - THE ORAND . TBS TBB IB B0TBTIB9 SO BOOBS. MABBXL BOWABD. ' XVSICI DBABB CO, ' ' tiid abo loriLta, . - MOWS. HllT. . - , , ' FBIO BV-TO. ' 4 TBB aBABbuOOrB. ! sdaalaaloa. 10. Rwilaaa. - SaaaT aC fenllda-s. r,aara4 aaat a a Vnrar tmr, Srt. 'Dallr aatlMaa, tfta ta anf aaat "t tmtw. Bt a-ata, 1M, BtviiIb p-rr-a. aaraa at T:so aa Csls. Saaeas s I SO 10:a . sv BILLING :.tU-jThm-'atrwnHMt---TlWtt.l t . The Herald of d Barfraln Event of tlinhty;Magn if icent Hajjfn itude ! on the So-Called Barfaln Counters For This Afternoon and Saturday Third and Morrison Streets,. Portland, Ore. The Best $3HAT In the World LEADING HATTER asevi rrr ... bxcbxatio abk. . ' Osrsar Vaaha a4 Twaaty-fsarth Portland vs. Tcconia ASsnsarov, ss. O0T0BBX S, , S. eBATIOSTAND, SB. CBlLOSBir. IS So ttrktt ad mil ud smIs m sal st kns afllew. Datlr. S:1S. Saadar, -:. LYRIC -TI2-2ATrVE ... -r- Sts a r t t rn r m fr-- Acts, 1 jj kwwra4 I - "W - BASEOALL Ce ' -, . wV . sot r,-1 ot the Ordinary Store! Kid Clove Special 95c Friday and Saturday. We warrant and fit any of . our choice brands, in French kid Mocha, English Derby, French P. K. or Foster lace, ,$1.25,. $1.50 and $1.75 values v ; ' . Corset Specials r AHn Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets, Empire 4 v style: colors pink, blue and white. You pay $1 elsewhere for a corset not so good." Some haye hose supporters attached. A f" Warner's Rust-Proof . Corsets," French s OC" jeans, hose supporters attached, new shape. ' Guaranteed fit and warranted. You cannot get as good a corset elsewhere for $1.50. For today and Saturday we offer exceptional values in Ladies Vests and Pants, Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, Aprons and Tourist XSpstofTiadies andchildren. - 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c Children's Union - Suits, graded in price. Standard value 50c. ' - i . ; v ; ' " gn Children's snd Misses extra fine OUC French ribbed Union Suits, all Sizes. Regular-value 75c. . , .. .' ( . NOTE Special sale of BUnketsrComforta-: bles. Feather Pillows, Linens, Draperies, Cur tains, Portieres and Couch Covers. . Overstock Sab Of Chinese and Japanese ' CURIOS We purchased too heavy for the AIR TRADE. . Ws ar ' overstocked - sjeods eomlnc every day and mora on the way, which compels as to sell at great sacrificeour full Urn of CLOI8SONIE, SATSUMA, SILVERWARE, BRONZE, NEW BRASS. SILK EMBROIDERIES and DECORATED PORCELAIN. Andrew KanfiCo. reaatk snm. 1 Cut Prices On Overcoats Also a lot of Men's Heavy Suits if you come n time before sixes get broken you ar liable to set a Suit or an Overcoat worth $1S.OO, 120.00 or 129X9 for $10.00, $13.50 or $13.00. Special eale on Shoes for Ladies, Men, Misses and Boys rood working- and dressy Shoes " for a very little money. Good Wool Underwear at one half of the real value. - We are about 20 per cent lower in price on Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters. - It Is to Vour interest to look ns up. We run two stores, JOHN DELLaR Corner of Firet and YsmhiQ and corner of Third and Davis. TEBT.r rev sseSera -' v - BWk.i t Laweet srl eo h v.. - C U f 1. V ngv vc: a 4 . - r t' f;i Uf r- - V' , 'li:':. f.