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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
THE -OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAIID, FRIDAY T7v::i:;3. CCTCZn C. KZX: JriDIlUFIGIITER IS i DUPED LITTLE 'T2TTD1 'T.YA'l I ,Tv!II,;::';'mI!;F; j ATMnT ? (SIM pT---:ritrnT I IN ALARM MUMlIihl ii Ujo AiUWJiMiiliijCi). ii. GdUUUU' :1U :.;..r..r.. For the Last Days of the f mm Sp cial . i.: Fair. - . 19 Assorted : Souvenif Postal Cards Including colored panorama v.'7v of the fair.: , -'. Charms' of Widow. Lure Aged I I. Man ; to ; Marriage ' Which : ''v-'T-'; Cost Him' Dear. ' ' f V 5 : v i WIFE PERSUADED HIM TO " DEED PROPERTY TO HER Willie Meister, Twelve Years Old, Runs to Station in Night : Attire. lililbiij BREWERY PLANT IS v ALMOST TOTAL LOSS m 1 ' V"' ,y Captain J. H. McMillcn, Once a Well :'' to-Dp PioneerTofUcMiUen'i" Ad . dition, flow Reduced, to Porerty and Suet Woman. .' , , ( V 1 V In the court of Oakland, California,' McMUlen. Indian nhter , and pioneer jbrought; suit" scalnst , ' hi wife, wl was 'Addle R. Smith, for ; the racveryof hla fortuna of $30.00, which ha claim aha1 baa annexed within ' on short am bllaafal year. Out In" McMlllan'a addition thanelgh- 'c bora ara nodding- their heada and ex- chancing the Jnfonnatlon with "I-told- . - you-so s.''.. ... , f ..i"l'..'."-"'..('A -t t ' ' Tha marriage fook plao la.t Septem .' bar.' She1 waa a spiritualist and n alsq 'professed an IntereatUa that belief. The .' captain ,waa t 4ind ; Mrs. Smith 'waa about 45 years of age.' Their union waa hotlr oppoaed by Una. captain's family, hut the old man's fighting spirit was ' "' -aroused. He knw best i and nob&oy could Interfere with' him. No, slr-oe! H"ls now virtually pauper and cant adrift,' according to his complaint filed In Oakland. .:.,' .-, ' , l The aged ' man alleiteei that shortly after their marriage, which was proj- ' -t calculated to please the spirits and suggested by Mrs. Kmltb. the Utter P n trt-Doint out to him tha necessity " nf Arming his property over to her. Be-1 Office and Barna Alio Burn and - Great Quantity of Beer la Ruined in. Conflagration Which Causes Damage of Fifteen Thousand. for. six montha had -.lapsed, h says. she had ft all and he was of no further ; V-woe.- Ha -waa sent away on long Jour- ya for Mi health while aha and - her "r married daughter. Mrm. E. B. McClure. enjoyed the theatres at home. A month ago. it la aliened. Mrs.' McMUlen . gave the-husband aufBcient money' to take him to Ohio,' where hla daughter, Mrs Btacey. ' resides, saying she would Join him titer. When sh wrote that ah had changed her mind tha oaptaln and ijlra. Btacey started Immediately for California. ' During their stay In Portland, after 4Ji brief honeymoon on tha sound, the McMillans and McClures llTed In com- paratlve luxury In a house on Blxth and Taylor streets. He waa a familiar figure tn his backyard, clad In overalls "f" and -picking up about , the placa.V.To, ; those who protected against tha match he declared repeatedly that he was i - happy and, perfectly contented, and told wonderful, atorlaa of the dolnga of aplr ita and the discovery of his affinity. - This waa the' captain's second mar nage. T He lived for 40 years with bis hn-mtBhla home on- Clad only in hla night clothing. Willi Meister, 11 years of age, ran tram his home, 1S3 North Fourteenth street, laat night to truck house No. I and turned In a still alarm when he discovered the (Ire, at the Enterprise brewery, Thlr teentfi and Johnson- streets. - A general alarm waa afterwards sent In. but prac tically the entire plant waa consumed. - The Ore broke out at S:S0 o'clock this morning. Reports were made to the ef fect that it originated In . tha engine- room, but firemen have filled. " to ; dis cover the exact cause.' - . ; The building was a 1arg two-atory frame structure situated on the north west corner. of Thirteenth and Johnson streets. . Besides . the , brewery . plant ither were offibes, cold storage rooms ana barna. . The names destroyed an but the cold storage rooms. A large quantity of beer ' stored In the rooms waa damaged by the heat o such an ex tent as to be worthless. The Are Jtad gained good headway when discovered. Truck t respondedat one but It wss immediately seen that It was unable td cope with the Ore un assisted.. The .building .wss .almost completely-destroyed-on tha arrlvat other fir companies,. The loss is esti mated at $11,000. - . Crosby street and they had innumerable friends, to whom the doors wer al- , waya open. ELLERY'S BAND PROGRAM " - -AT FAIR TOMORROW ' Tha program of music by Ellery band at the fair tomorrow will be as follows: , Afternoon March, "No. ," Msnclnl; overture. "Saracen Slave." Mercadante; trumpet solo, "A Dream.". Bartlett. Btg nor DeMltrlo; "Intermexac- . Russe," ' Franke; "Daughter of the Regiment" 'I. selection, DonlsetU: -msreh. "El Capl . tan." " Bouna; trombone , solo, . "Dear Heart." Mattel, 8lgnor Iomonte; waits, "'Pomona." -" Waldteufel; . , overture, ' "Rlenst." Wagner. ' Evening March, "Tannhauaer." Wag oner; overture. "Poet and. Peaeant" i Buppe: clarinet, solo, "Nptturno,' La banchl, Blgnor Declmo; ' "Pan-Americana.'. Herbert; "Alda," act I. scene .1, Verdi, Blgnor Pal ma, PlanUmura, Lo i monte and Rlao; "Pauaf prelude, Gou nod; "Dance Macabre." skeleton dance, Salnt-Saens; "Polnaettla." Ferrulo; ' Sierra," Ferrulo; "I Oloconda." finale act a. ponchlelll; solos by Blgnorl Palma, - tiomonte. and Rise. - , ii . r Steamer Telegraph for Astoria. ' 1 Round trip dally (except- Friday). Leaves Alder street dock T :10 a. m. Re ' turning leaves Astoria 1 p. m. Arriving Portland 1:J0 p. m. Sundays leaves Pert land Urn. Arrives Portland I a. tn. AT THE THEATRES. -Belaaco Show Popular. Tbe nelaare atork ennpany, whlrh Portland kae amepted aa tke nest toeatrlral oramnlaatlaa that ewr eatabllahed bnm here, la prmmllfia "The fharltr Ball" thla week, sad altbaeali the piece has baea praaeatee tlma and again la thai city. It evidently baa Inst aene of ita at tractive qualities. The Beoae ta filled nil Bight. . . f - .-' , Next week White Whittlesey bestae s stark atanrlng encacrawat nf elebt weeka. anpporte'l by the Belaaeo eeaipanr. la "The fartanea of the King." -. " ;: - .- "In Old Kentucky". Next Week. The attraction at fh Varqnani Uraad tbestni next Monday, Tseaday. Wedneaday nutlnre and aixitt, uptooers. lo and It, will ha that phe aonwMlly aomeafuL draasa. of aoatbera lite. lu Old hrnlufiT, ' Vrar after year It gnu along, pleaalag playgoers eaat, weat, north and aoath, (or there la aomethlng ahont tlits 'ldyllic picture or Kentnexy life that aiakejji aronder' rauy aitong appeal an eiaaaaa. aew selling. - - , . . Beats art " . . Eleanor Robaon Tonight. The attrserlea St the llarqaana Grand theatra tonixht at S:1S orlock will be the eharmln artroaa, Eleanac. Robaon,. and her excellent company of players tn Iarael taaawill's aatnral eomedy. "Merely Mary Ana." The laat per rormanre will he given tomorrow algnt. Tbe Marqaaa Is located os Morrlaoa street bttwee Blxtk sad Beranth atreeta. i. ' Florence Roberta. . Flnaenee Roberta In ber lateat euereaa, "Ana La Mont," written by Panl Arnatrong, . autuoi of "The Hetr to the Honrah." and ber aupert mainany will be the attraction at the Marqaatn Uraad theatre next Thnraday. frlday and Hat. nrday aUthta, October IS. M and 14. with s epecial price matinee Batarday. Tbe advaact sale will opes next Tneaday. . i ; , . "On the Bridge at Midnight," ' ' Kllnit - andOaaaolo'a f lO.ono" "product ton ' of W. L. Roherts' noted aoccaaa. "On tha Bridge at Midnight.", is playing to crowded hooaee at the Empire theatre tbta weak. It Is elaborately prearnted. and with a Strang company, Inclod lag some elevar eomediana, for tlw play Is fall o goad fan, beeldee being equipped with the treat hrldeeeene -end ether enmmal mini. Tbe Intrinsic worth of this attraction makee t one of the heat and andlracea sever fall to be come ahaorbed la the atory. A ladlae' and ehlldrea's matjaee will he gives Batarday. f Mailed to any address upon receipt of tne price. . THE i .? t J. K. GILL CO. IN PORTLAND' HISTORY ! ; Booksellers and Stationers. r THIRD AND ALDER Great Things at Little Prfco orate scenic efferta and wonderfal electrical affecta. will he seen ha May Howard's latest eaa. "Mile. Fl ft." next week commenc ing with' the seoaiBuaday ata tinea at tbe day, as la the habit St this honee, will be gives next weak. , A New Rural Plac I'nde Joah Perkins" Is a new rural nlav. which has bees meeting with aaceeaa oa it weatarn tear thle eeeaoa. - It la playing Is Seattle this week to crowded howa and glvtna excellent aatlafactlon. "lack. Joab Perkins" will be preeented all next week at the Kmptre theatre, beginning with .the nsnal Sunday mat loee. ' ' Capacity Houaea at Baker. -4 Tne bright musical burlesque which the Bam Devere company la offering at the Baker theatre this week Is attracting unoaual attention and playing to capacity houaea. The Bam navera company will remain until Saturday night, giv ing s performance on that evening, leaving os a sncciai train wits tne Bieanor Hobana com pany, which la sow playing at tbe- Marquani Grand. A vegular matinee will be glvea Bat unlay. . Matinee Tomorrow at Marquam. A apecUl' matinee will be alven tomoiMW 1 1 (Saturday) anernoon at l is o'clock, wuee Eleanor . Rohann will preaent "Merely Mary Ann." Laat performance tumetrow sight VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. May Howard Coming. Pratt e'lrla salnra. maanlflcMitl iMhrnuil funny eoatadlana of eotahllebed repatatloa, elab- ,;.:;: .At the. Grand... : , J , At the fl rand thla week there ta one of these cheerful vaudeville entertainments which every one likes. Tbe hounding Oordooa, a Probata, are tne aeaaiiners, wits Hanoi Howard, the Boot turn algbtmgale, a prime favorite. Tbe net o( the bill Is made sp of s sumber of interesting new. ...... i . Good Show -at the Star. ' The Btar haa aa evenly balanced bin will la Mont's cockatoo circus as the feature act. Lottie West Byntone la heard la a number of witty atoriea and alngs Irian eonga. The Royal trio has good votcee. Franalln Cosfer sings s pretty song and tbe Btaroacope shows a sat of interesting pictures. Tout VnlldlBa- Permits. '. Building nermlta have been srsmtaA tor- J. 0.ri-Wrenn,"'?awelllng on Eat Twelfth street between Schuyler and Hancock streets, $2,760: Mrs. B. Knud- sen. dwelling on East Forty-first street near Hoigate street 1300; A. 8. Dresser, dwelling on East Thirty-fourth street between East Market, and East Mill streets, 12,500; ,B. F. Jones, flats on Front street between Whltaker and Qlbba streets, 14,600. . ' "It was almoat a miracle. Burdock Blood Bitters cured ma of a terrible breaking out all over the body. I am very- grateful." Miss Julia Fllbrldge, nvoi iiwmi, umn. "ggagwg (mifcsISaiiiwsills r rr.- mi- Mitt M vtaamagma, r yv " 71 mm i I CRAVENETTES $10 TO $22.50 OIL COATS $1.75 TO $5 MEN'S OVERCOATS $6.50 TO $22.50 MEN'S SUITS $7.45 TO $25 The tailoring of the K. B. System is equal to tailoring on -':v- Suits Costing Double the Money Men's; $3 .OO.Hats NONE SO GOOD AS MEN'S UNDERWEAR 2 50 CENTS; - Pink and White Ribbed ' j-' j .Underwear . ' a . Nice ; Fleece Lined" Brown and Cray Wool . , , ; Mixed, 75c . Fancy "and Plain Wool J . , $1.00 t;;:v;.i; Natural and Brown" $15 THE LEE FOR $3.00 IAnd THE SPHYNX ONLY $2.50 . .. Umbrellas 50c to $2.50 JL,.,.! . ' Gloves, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs V . -IF- NOT RIGHT WELCH MAKES RIGHT" t MORRISON COBflRSTSr ( ' Y..: i ai sr ffirilaiaii sasr Jain lafi r I4 w ay T s w ' ag' voanoreiCg. 13 -15 PAJSILIN ST vtv m eaeenu" '. 07-0 CAST HfcU.iuW STWCCT ' ; ' rtUISMonf stain Jts-awvo ' ' uuift omce. oos-ioor wASMiefftTOM av ' :' Ck "sis . -:--'t--. sW 4 0y ftuS PAYABLE IN MtW YOffK O CHICAGO 0CCHAM6& jgBMS NET CASH' "N chimt Of deductions IqwJ except by speca agrtemenU Corner First and Salmon Streets. BlgDouble Salesrooms .. , - ; - - . ' . - ' ' . ' - ' ' ' ' 1 There never has been such a " Grand Chance . for the Consumer. " The : class of goods sold at thfs sale of the Holland Bankrupt Stock is equal to the best clothing -made in the world. The slaughter of these goods is yolir time to save money and get the best of everythingT . i ; 4 ;A -4 . . SATURDAY'S GRAND BARGAINS 32.65 For odd $7.00, $8.00 and $9.00 Suits:. . ' AAFor choice of '600 Suits and -iytJayUOvercoatsralt colors and sires xto 42X-WOrth $10 to $12. , ; iFnr choice of 500 Suits.-Over- tbOaVUcoaU and Crayenettes fall or? -winter weights ilworth $15-and. $20. CO flAor choice of over 600 Suits, 3)7 UOver,coats and Cravenettes, all colors and sizes ; worth to $25. ' sfj fA For choice of nearly 500 Fall pllaVU and Winter Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes ; worth to $30. Children's Suits - . m i. - - . qa -For all wool, small sice, to $3.00 O7C Suits; : . .. ... ..; ,' Maf !r Suits. $2.39 d OA 3)aVaOySuits: siies to 16. 5 43 l(or i sizes Boys' Suits; worth $007lo $8.50. Reefer Coats 89c $19, $1.89. $2.39, $3.89 Worth to $10. For all wool sizes to 16, ; U $5 Suits. --- j!: . For extra fine all wool to $6.50 PANTS 6000 Pairs 59c 89c p 1 mOy du'roys, " up to $3.50 Pants. For $1.50 grade Hickory Working Pants.-. -' s i ' :, . For corduroy, .worsted and cassi-J mere $2.00 - rants. ;-" ; ' r "7 - 77 - 1 For worsted cheviots and cor- ' Worsted, cassimere, all wool worth to 0t or PI Ou cheviots, ' tweeds ; $4.50. . ,r-.. -y: ..AForextra cjuality worsted,- cor PasyOy duroy, cassimere,' cheviots, tail or made, tp $6 Pants. ' 'OQlmported material, . silk and aCaOywool and ifnion worsted, up to $7 Pants. -; -; i - T; . '.. ' ' ' - 43aOy V )a7aOy, English ; wor steds, custom made ; by Holland Bros., to $10. ' " :.v Boys' Shirt waists, 10c Mother's Friend, Star,- etc.,'', plain and fancy, broken lot, ; 300 of them ; worth to $1. ' , ' '". - : ' 19c Shirt Waists .' - -,' . . - ..'' Star, Mother's Friend, in " white dress, wool and fancy; worth to $2 ; broken lots ; 300, to pick from. , -' , t , . Unparalleled Bargains In Shifts, Hosiery, Un derwear.Qloves,.Etc. v'jCw For -wool merino, extra .'SL: asrOvSOc quality. - ' - v tJA For black andlitieeece i 87c Win Oyster Underwear. ; ., JQ-sFor fleecerib and Jersey $1 Win TiyCter Underwear. , , f 30rFbt' three-quarter wool, cheviot, OyClcnit 85c Underwear. f v QOp,For' full lines wool, derbv fleece yOvand rib and straight'wool Under wear; worth to $2.50. ' : -i : Sweateris inFor odds worth ' 4yCto $1.50. iCfkgm For odds, half wool, worth - ' ; OyCto $2., - -. 89c, $ 1 .39, $ 1.89, $3.39,$2.89, s $3.89 tnl $4.89 . Fojn-50 styles; worth $3 to $101 Manhattan and Mon arch Shirts? iFor choice broken size white dress. fancy percale, madras, etc. ; worth 39c to $2. 1000 and 1 Bargains In! the different things that MEN AND BOYS WEAR, from Colored Collars at If each to Stetson Hats, Thibett's Fine Shoes, Mackintosh Coats, Rubbers, Umbrellas, Rubber Boots, etc , There Are HotiMany' More" Days for You at .S" "THE Sm n.CrJ..tia a! thrvtAis el tha isiinn anrl rnrnt nrrrr anrf- a enjoy all there is t6 enjoy, and see the hundreds of amuse- ments .that are onerea tor aamission xv cenit rwirew -'' ."' ;;v fare 5 'cents. ..'1;-;.i..:. '-;. Take tne O. W. P. 4 . Ry. Co.'s cars from - First and 'Alder Streets. All car lines transfer a beautiful five-mile ...... rlde. ; Everything still open in full blast, including , 15 Spacious Dancing Pavilion And also-the Splendid "OAKS TAVERN." Everything at Strictly Popular Prices. Handsomest and Best Ventilated Cafe . in the West. . D'URBANO'S ROYAL ITALIAN BAND OF ARTISTS Perform new and delightful programs every afternoon from ,'r- 2 to 6 evenings from 7:30 to 11.-"'; : f 1 1 ' SPECIAL ALL CHILDREN FREE ON SATURDAY AND r.- . : SUNDAY : ' ' ' ' ' i j a.a.asr fr Goal May be sent by mail, telephone or meaaenger, all and any of which will receive prompt attention., Tli. -y,fs 4ha. mr a.ll sr a " beit grades, and prices are . very low. -: - NEWCASTLE NUT, NEWCASTLE LUMP AUSTRALIAN. ROSLYN, - PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN -LOW PRICES ON OTHER COALS : THE PACIRC COAST CO. f ; : ; CHASi tt OLEIM, Agent ' 1 ' ..f..Tli. 249 Washington St - ' Telephones 229 and 237 f- .--r. . -.-ret t ft i- ' -' - iv a. rtrrtrlWdVOvSVa r