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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
i rcHTtAirn. lrr.iDAY nvz:,i::o. ocTorsn , .4 Corner ; c. rTT: nJl T'?Y& Corner ThW anrf -d : D r.fcS I rn Burnside Streets : lJvlJ 11. iijaMlJilU lilLsJjjl ; This store has always done things different others. The buying and selling, ot goods at this sfore is conducted on plans that always save money to the public This Fall special gives you a chance to secure' fall goods at prices, that other stores do not attempt to meet SEE WHAT THE $12 SALE OFFERS. ...Y- Menu's s Is a Dozen arid a Half Less Than-13 ? At)2GfJ HALF IS HT IG- MQIFV mmmm P(0 mm It MM -- I I" 7nl YES! A dozen and a half dbllarsbuys the 2 choice of more than one; thousand Fall styles -of Suits, : singlefjand double breasted Black "Clays, I)h Worsteds, Serges Cheviote,:Tweeds; Meltons, etci worth up to $18.00 thirty styles. 11: For choice of two Jiiindred styles of $.10.00 ana $i4.uu duus; worsicas, ncyioisryas simeres, etc. Black, blue, gray and fancy x mixtures. They are, real- bargains the xkind that win when seen. ; Don't'ever believe you can surpass for quality arid elegance the $17.50, $20.00, $22.00, $25.00 and $30.00 Suits sold by The Hub. . ; -' I fb The Dozen and a Half - HERE IT IS! Does up, to $18.00 worth pf buying iri 2 our Great Fall and : . Winter .Overpoats and Cravenette stock, Box, Opera, 6T) 17 . os nm io ATUIE i three-quarter, length and full length Bel Overcoats and . Cravenettes. There are colors,style and sizes to fit any rhind or body to 50 bust - A I For $10 arid $l2-Fall and . Winter Over- v fy coats : and Cravenettes; 'black, blue, gra ' G'2 coverts, "etc Silk, Serge or Italian lined, r ' knee or long, belt; styles. A grand selec tion of fashionable and reliable materials. Our $20.00, $22:50, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 Over coats consist of Paletots, Operas; Box and Belt styles, in highest class materials, workmanship and styles. An; American Crown Co. Toe Hat '", jj. gJFor choice of 30 styles and yt VjP y 'colon, in soft and stiff Hats, r i - ; , black, brown, '. tan, pearl, etc.) The qualities and styles you see around town up. to $4. are in this special. -'. It Is 5 to 3: in Your Favor $3.00 For choice of upward of 1,000 pairs of fine Worsteds ( and "AH Wool Cassi , meres, Cheviots,Serges,; Clays, etc., worth to $5. ; - . 4 V . 98 For Corduroy, Jeans,, etc. $1.50 Pants. 91.45 For 12 styles extra good $2 Pants.' fl.95 For choice of S00 pairs all kinds $3 Pants. SHOES i , -. . . FJ There is a time for everything; This is shoe time. We can't save you $2, but" we, will save you from 85c to $1.35 on any other store's prices on earth. .-Thibbett's and other $4 to $5 shoes in fall's choicest and best offerings. - f . RUBBER GOODS AP For best qual VLJyO i t y, knee length, $4 Rubber Boots. 59c or fcst iua,ity Men's Rubbers. $3.95 For best , qual ity hip $S Rub ber-Boots. ..; .t ; '"...; Men's Fu rriishiiis This Department Will Offer More Genuine Money - Saving . ... A--.afi.MUI Than Haa Cuaii Roam Vahs m . . - i Vmi tuuiubs 1 nan iua mtvi uvvu.bwmi uuuu rwilUUC , toSee In the History of Any One Store in the City. iS03L 5 ' Will buy real Maco Black 10c Sox. . -..Will- buy extra qual ity tan 15c Sox. ' f 12. Will buy 20c Me- . rino or Cotton Sox. ' L19WiIl buy 35c Meri : . no, Wool or Cotton" 1 ' Sox. "' .'' .. . '. 35 Buys Wool, . Bal-'.-briggan, Lisle or. JMe rino 50c Sox. : " " :" jum uliu 12yif For best quality 20c Suspenders. . . ' 19 For Police and Pres ident style 35c Suspen ders. . 29 For , Police, Sandow and French Web 50c r-Suspenders." ' "t -I Handkerch'f s 5 For 10c White or Red and Blue . Bandana Handkerchiefsr- 10-3 for. 25 All kinds of 15c "Hdkfs. -12f For; extra quality (lain or fancy 20c landkerchiefs. , 20 For. plain or fancy 35c Handkerchiefs. ; 25 For Irish 2100 Pure Linen 40c Hdkfs." UMBRELLAS ; 39J For best quality 50c Umbrellas. - 694 For extra good natural handles $1 Umbrellas. 98f For metal trimmed natural handles $1.50 Urn- brellas. . ,. , , , . ; , $A& For extra quality rear fine $2 Umbrellas. ' 91.98 For Gloria select handles $2.50 Umbrellas. f2.48-Fomon-breakabIe Gloria $3.50 Umbrellas. $3, $3.50, $4 and ?5 Are all special values. . J SHIRTS ' 39 For 50c black and fancy Working Shirts.""" ; 39 For Madras and Pehang Golf or Negligee Shirts. - 494 For 75c qualities all kinds of Shirts. ' ' , 694For latest style Shirts of all kinds. 99 For Penang, Sating, Madras'w and Wool .$1.50 r -Shirts. ' .VT-yr" . . ."r.r t:: " . -, 819 Sample Oregon mills $2 Wool Shirts. : 81.69 For samples Oregon mills $2.50 Wool Shirts.. T 92.39 For Oregon mills Wool Shirts worth to $3.50. - UNDERWEAR The most extensive display of Cotton, Merino and All Wool in fall and . winter weights' to be seen in ;thi city. ""7 T":-' v " - .-r--T : y, v-j", 29 For plain weave half wool 50c Underwear. '' ' , 40f For fleece,' derby rib, Jersey top and Merino,' 75c ValUe. 7-';. , '1 d .y 69 For 10 styles of $1 Underwear. -rfr ' ' , 98 For derby rib and 'wool fleece $1.50 value. . ; , 91.39 For extra quality silk mixed Balbriggan and Wool, $1.75 arid $2 value. -1; 81.89 For choice of eight styles regular $2.50-yalne. ' 92.39 For 4 styles imp. Balbriggan $3 Underwear. GLOVES i - 19 For regular 30c Muleskin or Wool. ..-. , 29 For. regular 40c heavy or medium. - ' 39 For 50c and 65c Gloves of all kinds. , ; j 49 For 75c qualities Corsan Gloves. -.69 Extra quality Hogskin or Semi-Dress Gloves. 89 For Buck, Saranac, etc. $1.25 Gloves. ' '.y nee if Starts the fall aeaaon with a bona fide Price Reduction Sale on the choicest goods that can possibly be found any Where In the city. Our afffiresslye style of selling merchandise Is not muolo to our compcstltors,' . but . our always . lowest . prlcoo places The Hub, at the very top . of all stores In the estimation of the public. The Hub cuaran right In quality and lower In 'price than the name qualities can be bought elsewhere on tho P MP Open Evenings Till P R LI. Saturdays 11 P. LI. toco overythlncr It r cclIloCooct.