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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1905)
JllZ Or.rGOIl DAILY J0U7.IJAL, -POHTLAKD, VVCDKZSPAY HV7 1 IlrlO. 'SSPTXI .TTs 1: 1 ..I oo;; Fnori ct ic J.V Taken to Potter .Field znd Unceremoniously Dumped Into'Vawninj Hole. :f; .ICORDS ARE KEPT IN APPARENTLY CARELESS WAY Superintendent Jackson of Poor Farm .' Tell How He Buried Five Unfor ' " nutates (or WboM t Funeral Ex penaee Couaty Would Not Pay. -7- ' Wanent development regarding th death and burial of th 0v little waifs from th Portland Baby torn, wnon oodles war burled In the Potter's fleld at tbe poor farm laat week arid of which Incomplete records were sent to the city health office, show that 'little attention i old to the manner in -.which - the children "are hurled. from all reports any person can go to the Institution, ake a dead body, and make such dts--onltlon of It as ha sees fit. and the off crisis at- the .horn hold . nobody, re- ponalbl for the -proper . Interment . af the child. . .. . - . In the 'canes ' under discussion F. 8. "Dunning, was. given 'the oodles. '.After ie found that "he could -not get me county to pay for their burial It la said he turned them -Over to Superintendent . Jat-.kson of the poor farm. ' Superintendent Jackson stated today that on Augustai be was called to the telephone by Dunning, who stated that he bodies of , five 'children from the 3iby homo were at his establishment nd for htm to go after them and take hem to the poof farm" for burial; - "After arranging boxes.'? aatd Tackson today, "1 sent Fred Watson to .-ortland Tor th hodles,' but told MiH i sore, to-(St the. names -and Aha KiaaXtt certificates of all, five. When Watson reached Dunning', there were only two certificates and no names. The driver eraonstrated with Dunning;, but the htt- er told Mm that It; was none-of his ulness; thst he had turned them over .o as and we-owuld do as we pleased,, ,7 Wasted to Bead Bodies ak. "When" Watson' Toached home and '7 teamed that he had not the proper cer tificates and names, I felt like sending the. bodies back to Portland. I tele phoned to County Health Officer Evans iind he told-me not to be Impatient, and ih"t,iuld "cur "hext' day He telephoned me to bury the b Miles. had secured permission .from the city health of fleer. ' I burled the bodies, although I was averse . to doing so under the circumstances. ' ; It is said that Dunning has been' In the habit of taking th bodies from the home, and upon him devolved the duty of hunting up "the parents or relatives of the children whq would pay for th burial. A body has- been in his estab lishment sine February and th others J wo to four weeks. ' Not findjnganyl relative who would be willing to pay Tor the burials he is said to. have at tempted to get the' county- to pay him .for burying the bodies. , ". i Health Officer Matso declared this morning that when Evans telephoned to ' him he did not know that the cases were children from th Baby home. He .'.stated that Evan iold him he hsd three .cases which had to b burled imroedt ' stcly and aaked his permission -to da this, which he, granted . ever, th tele, 'phone.-." . -( '- ,-.'. . .. OIr ITeelth Offltet MISt)pr-nrlPti,T ' Health -Ofllcer TCmney. ar at th Port-, land Bajc Tiftm this afternoon making an. investigation of th food, and aanl ' tary conditions. . . .' ' .' ', -t-y ' "The Inquiry was brought about by th disclosures made yesterday that . four , Infants had died at th Institution In August from stomach trouble after hav ing been 111 from 11 to 41 hours, that the bodies had been carted to th poor ,farm and burled In the trotter' field , without burial permits and that th dath certificate had not been prop 'erly filled out and returned to th health ' OfflC.- t. ,.,' ,-L, l,,!!...' '" ' ). As soon as the, matter ram to th attention of Health Ofllcer Matson ye tterday h reported to Mayor Lane and .it. was decided to make a thorough In . vest I gat Ion into th apparent negligence 4 of the authorities, at .th home... The ''-stat health board discussed th mat' ter at the meeting In the afternoon.and derided -that It would leave the Investi- R&uun cuimj io tiw fiiy trvmrti. ut i , T.uiy wmseitwd. on infanojn ofi -- Mayor tOTevtoaefompany Ttr. Mat- son In his investigation this afternoon., ' '. Dr. Matson - will also make an in- ' oulry Into the reasons why the proper "bitriaT-permlt- wer ' noflecured 'and why the proper death certificates Were not returned to th health, authorities. , ' vryedy Demies Bverytkiag. : - 'Every one connected with th burial ot th children is attempting to shift the responsibility. The sttendlng phy- ; slrians say they filled-out the reports as far aa they could and that th re maining blanks should have been mad out by th undertaker In charge. F. 8.' Dunning, th undertaker.' aay ' be did not bury the bodies of the babies; ' that h turned them over to Superin tendent Jackson of th poor farm wbe sent a man after them. Mr. H. Blackball, th matron of the ' home, was surprised yesterday- whes told that th bablea had been burled in the potter's Held at th poor farm. II - appears that rafter the , bodies of the . children' .wer Ukea from the home ihs officials of tb Institution lost all trsce of them and apparently did -not - ear -rhat became-of the bodies so long a they, got rid of them. It was proved today that the bodies or tn rour cnimren who died last month wit h that of another .child r wbe died some time before, wer all burled at th sum time. Undertaker : Dunning had iakavo 4ne- as-an ewommodatlon, eeording-ro tht matron, but wbeo be found that he could not tndncaHhe) county tOTXTot their bur tat h refused to handle them and turned them over to Superintendent r;av cases of cholera DISCOVERED IN GERMANY (Jesraai SpseUl Semes. , :. i Hamburg, Sept. S. Th third casetiW cholera was discovered in tb heart of the buinem district todsr. Dr. Mc- lAushlln of the United State marine hoopltal smrvlc today began an in vest ! tton of emigrants -about to Ball for A merles. Berlin reports it new snd t deaths. Three esse of death are reported In Mariestercr. Death ar reported in two other places Vsjtst etva rat Joh. . (Jeanal tusUl niln,r New Tork. Sept. . Ex .Judge 'Alton S. Parker . haa been appointed chief foiisert of th Brooklyn Rapid Trsnsll -i- ny at an annual salary of 10,- ,. .-..VU-, ,;v.", ' - .A -r: ', r... : ntmihiwwm Igorrotes Consume With Signs V of Satisfaction an Unfor tunate Black Pup. Th Igorroteo are already a senaatlon at the exposition. - Hundreds of-visitors crowded Into their little vllaga at the head or the Trail laat evening to . wit ness the firtt dog feaat,' and although the sight was not exactly, a relish - It was watched with eager Interest A fin black puppy had' been secured Land., at a given signal from the chief, one .or , the younger . members ox . tn tribe approached the canine, lifted him by the hind legs and deftly dlapatched him. and after a few trifling detail had been attended to th : body, was thrown into boiling water. After cook ing for half an hour or .more, th meat was ready to serve, Th chief had hi first choice and devoured, without argu. aent or - hesitation on . of - the dog's quarters.' The other parts were distrib uted, aa equally as possible. , ' These dog feasts will take place two iir three times a 'week, from -now- pa and will doubtless prove of great Inter est to exposition patrons. If only as an example of th educational qualifica tions of our. brethren la the archipelago of the Philippine. -,: ; ; GOVERNOR REMOVES & l il y - COUNTY OFFICIALS 1-ltWBII epCIsU MfTNI.1 . Albuquerque. N. M.. Sept. Mat ters have reached -a, crisis aa th result of th removal by Governor Clero of County Treasurer F. A. Hubbell. Sheriff 8. Hubbell and County Superintendent Vigil, and the appointment of Perfecto ArmlJo -as sherifT; Justo R. Arm! Jo, treasurer,' and F. B. Stroup. ' county school superintendent.- Th ousted offi cial have absolutely refused to vacate. Today Judg Abbott. In th district court, approved th bond and recognised the- governor's commission appointing th new sheriff. Attorney for Hubbell brought mandam nav proceedings , to com pel th clerk to recognise Hubbell, who refuse to turn orer th. omcorAn fja - - ins - rumbred the" new sheriff will attempt t tak the office by' foros of arms Both aides have an immense fol lowing snd an outbreak Is feared. TO PROMOmrRAILROAD ' r 8peelal Dispatch t TVs Zaarssl.r - ' 'i - Tillamook.. Or., Sept. . 0; I Lives- ley and R. McDonald of Portland, Or- endeavoring to Interest people lit a new railroad 'project. BeVeral meetings of th citizens hsv heen held, at which thee men have presented th " matter. "Their proposition, a near as can be as certained. Is that th cltlsens should furnish them fre a preliminary sur rey, the right of way and a subsidy, th amount to be flxed hereafter. The said promoters promts to endeavor to inter est eastern- capital' in th enterprise. ; ' Th meetings have not' been well at- shown is th matter. ROCKEFELLER WEARING -'--A BRAND NEW WIG ' f jewaap special semea. i - Cleveland. Sept S. Th American hu morists viatted John D. Rockefeler to day. Rockefeller responded readily to. th humorists' requests to drive through th grounds In automobiles. Led by Mayor Johnson they proceeded to Forest HHlr"where--th-coachmair-gu1da"them through th labyrinth of shade-covered roads to the golf links where Rockefel ler was plsying with Dr. Blggar.. Rock efeller wore a gray suit and a new gray wig, . ' He stepped lightly across th grass .t meet the visitors. His eyes were ..bright and his cheeks rosy. He bad only a slight stoop. - ; .. , - t SUSPECTED MURDERER -r 1 T-CAUGHT IN LOUISIANA l I SeatiJe. Sept.. . Sheriff Smith this afternoon received a wlr that "Sunny" Gaston, the men suspected of murder ing Philip Ross and his wife at Keris ton. ha been arrested -at . Whitecsstle, Louisiana. . He .boarded at the . Ross house-snd knew where the saloonman kept hi money. ; -; ''': OVER SIX TONS 0 V ": J ALFALFA ON ONE ACRE . . (Speelst Diseatek to Ts' JearaaL , Corvallls, Or, Sept. . Six and a half tons of alfalfa an acre Is whst a fleld on th Agricultural college farm yielded thin resr. For the'post four years the average yield has been 4 hi tons an sere. - In. four cuttings of alfalfa the varo- acr tract on the college farm field the highest yMd ever obtained , heretofore was H.iii pounds. - --- DEATH IS PENALTY FOR ; CRIME OF THIS INDIAN ... - , . The federal' grands Jnry returned, .an n d Ic t men t y e terda agalnsL-i. A n ton Wheeler, aa Indian, from th Grand Bond - reservation, -charging -him . with assault on Llxxl Robertson. - Under th federal statute the crime Is punishable Pr.,nrsta.uiils the, jury eeoeenmsna -that the sentence be changed to life lm prisonment. TORY oil , JAPS WIN VICTORY COAST OF SAKHALIN (JoersU SpeeUl Borrlre.) Toklo, Sept. .r-Th .official report announces . th complete . snd' crushing defeat of the remnant of the Russian forces after five, hours of fighting at Nalbutu, on the' west coast of Sakhalin. One hundred and thirty Russlsns wer killed. The Jspape losses wer slight. COUNCIL PASSES HULME i OROINANCEOyERVETrj Th ordinana orpouitlns Thomsa a Hulme plumbing tnspector.jand H. W. Wood house deputy Inspector! which was vetoed by Mayor Lane, was today passed rvr nis vsio oy a vot 01 it to L, as Combination Gas and Electric s Fixture Blamed for Latest -V:., Fatality.'." v -f :- ALL WHO HAVE DIED f x HAVE BEEN VISITORS They Have All - Died in Booming Houses and in Two - Case Open' Windows, -Have" Not Prevented 7; Asphyxiation. , , Z-X WV -; , 4 W. R. , Holmes la th fourth . 4 q persoa to fall a victim te eecap- -q Ing gas In 'Portland sine th fair 4 e , aeason opened.- On the night of d June Zl Mrs, Mary K. Myers and ) Mrs. Zo M. Jones of Jefferson. q ' Qregon. met - death from this q cause in a room at lt( Eleventh - e street On the night of August ' 0 Edith M. Kesterson. a young girt of Monteaano, Washington. l blew ouj th gas n her room at t 4 v TT1 Qulmby street and was round the next morning by her 'atbr....;,.. ... -;, -i,,,.. William R- Holmea of Missouri was found dead this-morning in his room at the Tourists home. ZOS North Twenty third street; asphyxiation was th cause. He cam here. about two weeks ago-in rather poor health, spent a. wsek here, then ' went to Oregon City to visit his cousins. Miss Holmes and. Mrs. O'Neill Monday ha returned to 1ls room at the hotel' In apparent good spirits. . , Thia. mornlnn- he did not come down to breakfast and Mrs, A. C Docker, the landlady, fearing he might be 111, went to his room. At the-door she waa met with s- atrong -odor of ge -and -going In found Holmes dead on the- floor. Dr. Irving, th house doctor at the Good Samaritan - hospital. ' and ' th - coroner were ' called. The. eoronr thinks it purely An accidental cas. ' There is combination chandelier with a gas Jet and an electric connection In the room. Th absence of matches Indicate that he liad not been using th gas, and It la believed that while turning on th electric light he also turned on the gas. LThetsiwoTrtndowg - JwtJff "whC one of which was closed. The other was open : about 'eight Inches, making tb motive of suicide an improbable one. Miss Holmes arrived down from Ore gon City this afternoon. Th body J being held .for ahipment,. , SALOONKEEPER BOWEN i v - - HELD TO GRAND JURY Harry Bowen. proprietor of El Ry saloon, 27 Taylor street, charged with selling liquor to a glrj under 21 years, waa held to th grand jury this morn ing: SIM bonds wer given; r Belle Rowley, proprietress of th so called lodging-house over th saloon, was fownd guilty of conducting a-disorderly establishment and fined 159. Zoe St. Johns, on of. th 17-year-old girls found in th house when It' was raided -by; Acting Detectives Ksy and Jones, was given Into the custody of the Boys' snd Girls' Aid society. Marv Wlgilland'"wgs-'TeTea"ed-bh her own' recognisance, and a bond of $! was fur nished by Bertha Swain. ', s WASHINGTON COMPANY , : .: ;W1NS NATIONAL SHOOT rr-'' (Jesrsal Bpsdal'sjervtes.) .,-' Seagirt, N. J Sept... The company team . match . ahoot - has been won by Company E, Second Washington Na tional guard, with a total score of SOI CompanjfI. Secon4 .District, of Coium blav was 'second, and a Maryland com pany third, , Th. revolver team match waa won by Squadron-K, New York Na tional guard, with a total of Bfl. the second - troop, " Philadelphia, scored (71. Tb Leech cup wss captured by Lieu tern at W. II Richard of Ohio, with a to tal score of 1 out of a posalbl 101. , - ; n .- . - ,1, 'i ; LEGISLATORSCOME TO SEE THE BUILDING A party of Californla'a, distinguished I iesnsMiter -arrfvee - tnie -mw mng- ana will for th next three days ma a a careful Inspection' of the 'California tale' bulldlna. in order to report how th big appropriation for th Lwla and Clark exposition was expended, - and what benefits th stat may have ' re ceived from it .. : rA-a..,.-:, r ? - , Aasa at Pull Talnatioa, ; ; fJearsal aseetsl gervlee.t ',T'- ; Olympla, Wash., Bept.; . Assessors attending the stat board of quajlxa tion and members of the tax comrols slonTimve indorsed a plan abandoning th present system of assessing proper ty in this stat at a fraction of Its vain snd hereafter placing the full value on every piece of taxable, property. This would doubt the assessed valuation and dcras tax values accordingly. -V. ,m Ttait atsteo. -t-- """T ": (Joejrasl SpseUl ervlee.t ' Kelso, Wash., Sept. S. Senators 'An keny and' Piles wr given a publle re ception at Kalama yeaterday and es corted to this city la the launch Ethel, giving ' them an opportunity to watch the ; action ' of th government dredge TIO w"tPfrartng- tn the Cowllts. ' ; ' Th Business Men's club' oF"lhls place als gare them a reception. Maagsd Himself ta Sara.'' ortisJwaHrBetrc.f Pendleton, Or Se?t. John Dor rs,, a sbeepherder, erased from drink, committed suicide yesterday by hanging himself In a stable after hsvlng vainly attempted to drown himself In th Uma tilla river that was so shallow that h waa-nnabl to hold himself under the surface. . r.. ; - ::': , 4 Bishop SpeJolag Better. ."- ' Uoersal Special Semea. - ' Lebanon, Ky., Sept. . -Bishop Spald ing Of Peoria I much better today. ' i i " i j i wi ; Th amlnant rgon. Dr. Nlcholaa Sepn, afte.r eieveral voyage around th world, pronounced hi trip to Tahiti th lest of all.' That passsge was a smooth on. lherwre beautiful riverignd. mountalna and unsurpassed tropical sotnery, and the natives kind and friend ly, .The Mariposa sails for Tahiti Sep tember 11. Reduced rate--for thl voy age. I11S round trip.- tU Market street, San Francisco, i -. v ; - - : liillE ISSUE Ljjir C1USE SPLIT Letter-Carriei? Not Pleased With Proposal to Increase In- " V-. .':surance-Rate." x I ; SHARP DEBATE IS ONLY -'K AVOIDED BY ADJOURNMENT Federation of Labor Urges Carriers : to - Affiliate With It Newly. Formed Woman's . Auxiliary Is " Recognixed. v f- s V -, . j Strife was Imminent at tba close of this morning's session of th National Aaaoclation of ' letter-Carriers, when members of the insurance committee were attempting to explain ' the neces sity of Increased rates and advocating Vf-1 J.- D.' Holland. C i; '.f vv tb adoption of aa annuity plan of in surance. Adjournment at noon," hpy- vr. prevented ' whatever outbreak . th dissenters may hava planned, but it was snnounced -thst ' opposition to a change would b renewed a soon as th ques tion Svaa aubmltted to th convention. . The .incipient, dissension, followed, the report of John X Goodwin, president of the board of directors of th. retirement association. It contained a number of recommendations and waa th most im portant feature of today's session. , Th report embodied a change in the Insur ance plan, providing for annuities 'rather than th old plan. '"The-existing plan lain fallty"fra- ternal." he Be Id, "in that th principle was intended to he csrried out ot hsv lng the younger brother help th older I 1 I one to '. unhsrn-- tb v load f rora hla-Uh bail for that also being $260. back ' and to rest for tb remainder of his days, and while he, in tarn.-would enjoy, the same comfort when he be came old." '.-.1". L'-i-.'" 1' " There waa a general discussion of the plaa and it was during the discussion that .the weaagls sstui'rea -The- disc US' slon la, In progress during th afternoon session. . v Secretary : Ed J.' Cantwell received an ovation "when be arose to.pubmlt hla biennial report. - The report covers the period . from ' ' September 1, If 03, - to August tl, 10S, giving In detail th en tire transaetlons of tb association. Treasurer Butterfleld also submitted his biennial reports. It showed that th total . expenditures for - the ,ptst two years amounted to 5.28.2S, and that there is a balance on hand of tli,740.S. , Mail ClArks Sand Oreetlags. . , Atelegrm " war read" by ' President Keller from the Rsllwav Mall Clerks- association, expressing greetings Tele grams wer also read from various com mercial bodies of Canton, Ohio, Inviting tb association to hold itenext cdnven tlon in that city. President Keller an nounced th following commute on dis tribution: . A..' B. "Tren. Detroit; George 8. Fornoff,-. Bloomfleld, N. J.; B..F. Dr'nYf- M " --" -r-l , Wis., and James C Murphy, San Fran cisco. V j .';' r -j'. .y t . '.Representatlyea of. the Federation of Labor that la now In session visited th convention and, extended an Invitation- to the letter-carriers . to become affiliated with th labor federation. - J. C, McArthur of San Francisco, repre senting the American Federation - of Labor, spoke briefly, as did J. H. Jones and R- McDonald, representing tb Ore gon State Fedefstlon." ,-'" . Th report of 8. C." Graham, of the board of trustees of th Mutual Benefit association, was also submitted this morning. It showed that the death -rat in th order had Increased at th rate of t per 1,000 slnce th Syracuse con vention, and that th growth of the benefit sasocistlorf - hsd - been unsstls fsctory for a number of reasons. It also showed that th average age of members wss 40 years. lis advocated the abolish ment of extra assessments. . . s I y ' --' - AaxIUai-y Xe Organised. ; "' At this afternoon' session a 'com mittee from th Ladle' auxiliary visited the j convention and asked for official recognition of th national auxiliary, -tn- ganlsailon ot which was. completed this morning. Th requeat was . readily granted. ""!-"' " , Tb National Ladies' auxiliary became an organisation this morning when, th final., details . were completed.-"Mrs. Bernard Curtln of Lynn, Massachusetts, waa elected treasurer andMTr"McGd of Pittsburg sergeant-at-arms. Other offlcera were elected yesterday, aa fol. J lows: Mrs. Fred HenTelflnger, Los An s-eleav -preaidentMrs. Carl Toledo, sriee- njrasldent., and,. W, . C. ., AVJieeier, Portland,, secretary. , - , ' -At this morning's session ' of - the auxiliary committees wre appointed. as -follows: . : Executlv Mrs.i El well, . Portland; Mrs. Neslen. Bait . Lake; Mr. McFar land. Des Moines: Mrs. Schmidt.- Quln- cy, Illinois, and Mra Ileffelflngcr,. Lo Angeies. y i --,''- ' v ' Constitution and by-law Mrs. San born, Los Angeles; Mrs, Johnston, Co lumbus; Mrs. Hartley, Seattle: Mrs. Davie, Kansas City, and Mrs. But tor fleld, Bay City, Mlchlgsn. ; . . The. members of the suxlllary ar vis iting .the Oaks this ' afternoon and ar rangements have been.mde tor a trip through Chinatown this .evening. ' Program' of Bead Ooaoert. ' Th St. 'pP"1' lif? rna'b'ock "TimTliji th courthouse Thursday evening,, at t o'clock. . Th prosrsm follow.- -.1 TWO step, '-.:"Belle - of - ; Mlssotirl" (Hobbs); fsjitasla. "Mungsrlan" (To. bnen); "Gem of ; t Stephen Foster" (Mosea)t solo for B clarionet, ."The :.. Motor and Frame of On Airship Floated by Gasbag of Another : '!?-. Circle Fair.; ';;' ' H'' MONGREL DOES BETTER .1 WORK THAN TWO OTHERS Perfect birigibility Demonstrated by "Aeronaut Beech? in Flight to Va rious Pans :, of the Exposition j Grounds.' ; g The attendance at th exposl-: e) g-tion -this morning, up to- tl:3e g o'clock, waa S.I64, which Is an e ' unusual- showing. In view of th w't'fact that no speclsl events wer programmed for toaay. The total g admissions yesterday wer IT.tlt. Lincoln ' Beech y .' mad ' another ' phe nomenal flight in an airship thl .morn ing at th expoaltlou. . It was a machine consisting of the motor and the frame work of th "City of Portland" and th gasbag Of "The Gelatine," a combina tion which' caused th aaronaatle fane to dub the vehicle "ThMongrel.H At 11 o'clock th ascent began. ; At a height of less than SOS feet th machine skirted th. fair grounds on the weal side and then,' : with ' perfect "ease, de scribed a figure 8 above tb, towers of th Government building.1 Steering then for th mainland. Beechy encircled th dome of - th i Agricultural building, mad 'a tour of th main ' plaxa and Lewis and Clark- boulevard, finally working back to . th ' starting' point where th airship landed, within flvs feet of - the liors" from which -it ascended, . Th flight lasted SI minutes and very moment of th time "The Mongrel" waa onder perfect control; it did-not -leave th fair ground at all. ;' ; , f ! '. , . . Th fact that th "City of -Portland- ran into a post several days. Ago and was rent was responsible for the com bination ship which; proved so success ful today. , ;;.'.; '-';;' .-.-..': OMNKfimNDrm PRESTON WAS FALSE Whst Is charged by the authorities as a plan to blacken th reputation ol -year-old Ftsnkle Mericle of Pendle ton In order that-Jam Preston snight esoap responsibility was nipped in the bud this morning by City-Detective H. IL . Hawley, detention . officer, of t th Juvenile court,. " -.-.f ' .,, : Preston wss held to the grand jury on a statutory charge and his bond fixed at 1260, and when Judge Cameron heard of hls alleged plaa. to Injure the girl In order to escape punishment himself he promptly held Preston to th grand Jury on a second and similar charge, -Several day -ago Preston,, who was employed " as r cook - at the ' Imperial restaurant in Pendleton, where Miss Mericle worked aa waitress, induced her to leav there and come to Portland with him. :.- ' '"' : ';; 1; -MTK mtm HeVfcTe. . Ui mother. whose hands are calloused, with toil, ar rived Sunday and was given the ouslodj of her daughter, who saya'sbe is very sorry ehe-truated in Preston. ' ' ., GERMAN METHODISTS : :M IN CONFERENCE HERE v '-'-, - - r,.w-C., ' Phe Northern Paclno conference of th German "M. E. church will meet thl week at th First German M. B. church, at Fifteenth' and. Hoyt etreeta - Th board-of -xaminers for proapautlve UrtB Isters and member of th conference met th students this morning In pri vate session. ,Th1s afternoon Rev. G. Waasa of Rlchfleld, "Washington, preached a sermon, and ' this evening Rev. J. Durbahn of Spokane will speak. Tomorrow night Dr. King of Philadel phia .will glv th .aermon, and the-reg-ular business sessions will -open -with nishnn Mrnnw.ll praldiaahhrw Ing morning. NO MERCY FOR MEN WHO SELLLIQUORTOPOYS Circuit Judg A. L. Fraxer told'James Kenney what he thought -of th offense of sailing liquor to minors, this after noon. Kenney ' conducts m saloon -' at East Morrison and Union avenue and was charged with the taM of liquor to minor. H expressed, his - desire to plesd guilty and on learning this Judge Fraxer Informed Kenney that h could expect no mercy bees us of such a plea and after characterising th offense In strong terms the court stated that if guilt was admitted the limit In the way of a penalty might be expected. Oh learning this Kenney changed his plea to not guilty and his trial will; be held Friday.. -..; .;..-;..;.'';!;,.,',-.'-.-:' :. , . ' . .' Tf", ' The Tavern's Breakfast . ' Is the best to be had in th city. Tak tha-Tavrn -an you'll be happy all day.f After th theatre go there for supper. Concert by Thiol horn's orchestra every evening. Opposite Oregontan building.. Ladles' annex, lot Alder. - ' - '-- ' - - Warbler" (Grlswold), ' T. Poets; (4) "Com vei;:on"WyrVeTa7iI5''' (Kltn (hi "In th Shade Of the Old APT1 Tres" Van Alstyne);xcerpta.: ; "Da. hemlan Girl' (Balfe); medley, "Gleam ... ft! S1I 4 Van -Till ypteaaanVJeama ', , 4-Rlpiey U.; UlnaU, "Star Spangled Banner." ' ; - Xas Vew Baglaad'S Support, .;'', On of th most prominent delegates I J. B. Holland of Boston, president of branch S4. He is a candldat for . the presidency Of th association. - He la distinctively th Nw England candidate, for he I well known throughout-that section, whose -delegate ar giving him enthusiastic support. : ' ' ' His friends at home are so lnterted In his candldaoy that . telegrams and letters are received Irom them dally. He received the following letter ffom Georg"A, HIbbard. potmaater at Bos ton: , ' . "It 1 my slncerest -wlah that you com back to Boston th national presi dent of th assoclstlon, and I feel In eying thhrthat-ytm sr a matt TUlIy competent to satisfactorily fill such a place, and feel 'very aure that th d- Lpsrtment would-cognls' your appro priate way or aaKing ror matters iici Ing th carriers In a large sense, as I hav recognised It la a local sens." 5 i o ('- eaisBSSBSBsaassissaasawassBsSswaja - Jeffries States .That He Will Referee If Wanted--Leavee :7for !Frlco Thursday) (Joaraal Special Servlcat ' Lbe Angeles, Sept. . Champion James J. Jeffries , stated this morning that the attitude of Nelson on th ref eree question would make no difference aa to bis intention to referee th fight, and that h would start for San Fran cisco, Thursday morning, and. rfr if wanted. He said:' , "I hav agreed to referee, and will keep my word. There's too much money Involved to call th fight -off now. Eddie Hanlon, who won from Willi Fltigerald her laat night on a . foul, says that "h will tak Nelson's place In th ring with Brltt Saturday if th Nelson-Brltt fight Is declared off. Hanlon Is in good snap and weighs exactly 111 pounds He will start for Ban . Francisco . Thursday morning. PUBLIC PRINTER PALMER it IS REQUESTED TO RESIGN OJ . '.- (Joaraal Special Service.) - - Washington. Sept. '.President Roose velt has demanded the resignation of Public .Printer F, w.-- Palmer,' as a re sult of th scandaja in th printing of fice, to tak effect September H.--The demand for Palmer'a resignation is th result -of the investigation mad by th Kep committee which disclosed a bad condition of affairs tn the offlc. which waa divided Into cliques, Much Bitter feeling exists among -th men-holding high position in the offlc. Aa a re sult Pslmer demanded th resigns ttos of Foreman 'Oscar J. -Pickets" and - L. C flay, .who appealed to th president. with the result that Palmar, la practic ally ousted. -( : :-, ,-:t'.?; ' ENJOINS TILLAMOOK CITY , FROM USING WATERWORKS (Sseclat Dkwatrk te Tse JoaraaL) ' ''Tillamook, Or., Sept .. W. 'C. Woolfe. an -employ of th Tillamook Water company, ha secured a prelim inary writ enjoining Tillamook City, th Tillamook water commission an others from connecting with th new . water mains, from paying th Interest on th bonds, from sailing water ajtd from pay Ing the bonds., .a,'.- '-rt-,'.-,.-...;.'. .. Th ground petitioned upon are Il legality- in the proceedings' leading up isati or tn bonda, tn contra ot and th 'construction of works, which ar finished and supply., through an 1-Inch pip four streams for Are. pur poses, th pressure being 111 pounds. PECULIAAGCiDENT - - KILLS DEPUTY SHERIFF - ' (SBeelal Dlanatek te Tea taatV t Enterprise, Or- Sept I. Harvey 'Wil son,, deputy- aharlff of Wallowa county; eras accidentally hilled at 4 o'clock yes terday. He waa sitting: in his office with a revolver in hi hip pocket, hla feet !rtvated--wn--'-tabl.-whrr-thei volver fell from hla pocket and was dis charged, th bullet ooterlng th body at th left of the apln and pasalng through th breast. Ieath was almost Instan taneous. . Hs leaves a wife and child. He wss a popular official and was much esteemed.' - " ': . - ' " :. pnTnppfMf-Mf-frorf wwiwiiiva. Vkbiiitu v ,, , V -v HOLDING CONVENT ON -,'! t " -;"' 11 11 ' '", i 'i U ' - (Jswaal Special Servlbs.) i "Cedar" Rapids, Iowa, Sept. I. Th first session of th annual convention of the National Association of Postof Ac Clerks waa held her this morning. .The delegates, representing every stat and territory, - arrived her yesterday ' and wer entertained by the local members. Considerable Interest is manifested In th selection, of a president of th or ganisation for th coming year, and It is bol le reel that-MrrThomaa P." Drls coll of Buffalo, New ' York, has good prospects of becoming th next presi dent of th organisation, v ' , , ; . j MAYOR JOHNS BEGINS AN-ERA. 0F--REF0RM Jesrsatt Baker City, Sept. C Mayor C. A. Johns of this city baa Instituted aa era of reform In th regulation of th "Red Light" district her,- and given Instruc tions ' to the -chief of police to serve notice oa all disreputable houses located on First street that they must move out within SO days. Previous to this the chief had already notified those houses on Auburn avenue to be vacated, and with this additional order It will practically confln th district to th Chines quarter.' r-v.. ..w LEGISLATURE BEGINS ' INSURANCE INQUIRY " . , tJosraal Special Servlea.) ,w '' New Tork. Sept. -. The legislative commute which la to look Into " th evils of life Insurance with a view of finding a remedy for conditions uch aa prevailed In th Equitable, began It investigation her today. Th first open session . wss held- In th aldermanlo chamber of the city hall this morning. Senator Armstrong presided and th ex amination was conducted by Messrs.' Hughes and - McKeen, th two legal ad visor of th committee. AGED MAN KNOCKED FROM ' FLATCAR AND KILLED (Speclsl Dlspsteb to Tbe leeroel.) -tCh-hRlte,-Wsh.TBrt.-. WTCT Lbnf. a pioneer resident of Chqhwlls. was Knocked rrom a natcar here this morn- frig "ahdTmeorinsiantry.'TAng and J. A. Bsker wer sitting on an unloaded car on a sidetrack when a switch engine bumped, Into a number of cars. He was H years old and a native of Iowa. ' . - ' : Weston snore obbWL. .: , ' (Special rtbpstek te Tii iMrnatt - -Weston. Or., Bept t.-Q. " W. troeb stel's hard war store was robbed Sunday night, and about $100 worth of cutler watche and revolver taken, beside $11 from the cash register. Th build ing la a brick, with" Iron doors, and n tranc was effected by sawing through th roof and celling. Th burglars have made good their escape. . ' - Cactrflld' Wlf Saatoaood, ... (Joeroal Special Scr-tes. BeaiiT,' Bspt. Levlssa ChrTatopher, th I -y ear-old wlf of th felon Jack Chesterfield, who recently attempUd t blow up th K!ng county ja It, was sen', fenced .yesterday to serv a year in th coanty. 1U- tor. smuggling, dynenvit .is. to her husband, , '. , . ; IhuJlfliuatiiiU 10 Captain McLean's Hunters Re fused to Poach When They . ' Found Out ,Danrer. . ' SEAWOLPS SEALCXIN3 SEIZED AT VICTORIA Men, 6lven Order on Fnrriers for Pay and Money Is Refused Them ;;An0"Suram9!.J.MMterito Surrender Immediately. ? ..; X- 'Victoria. R C (la i rAitua.. - Customa. Nawbury has Mixed- U the Malakltifl sint itnwn tvtm riawAn..A. CCD tall! Aleit.tfVH.aF lIl-.a. M - - e-.e-s-w va, sn,IIUUIJr Cmrrancitiv H h also tslemphsd to McLsan to com at one to Victoria to UUWr frtP VinlAtlAN r aaa.a.a. which h left Victoria on cruise. Mciean consigned J65 skins to Hlthet Co.. here, nnrl mmvm . i .. - - rewsea a,v UUIliejrsj on Rlthet aV Co. Th firm f.. - hav anything, to do with th transac imot ui xne crew nave placed their caa In the hania e a t. recover the .amount due them!.. ,Th crew U stUl somewhat rtlcnt, keeping back ' nam s, apparently afraid of consequences which may follow They n..PT' - Tb seal huntera hmi a.- wwI.. eay they went on board here and wer unaereiana inat tn Norwegian a would be carried, that Norway, not belnr a party to the treat-. abl to hunt any season of the year and eaw jv w uvrta, ( . - i . McLan told them that a th crw would b brought aboard th ship off Victoria. Thla was not dona. McLean mad an' excuae and proceeded to Rac rocka Again there waa no sign of them and he then proceeded to Neah bay. Again McLean had an xcUa and th - vimi oay. i n hunters, numbering only about 10, had all th work to do and were tired out wnen thy reached there. - . - . A nondescript craw, w'a taken . ' on ther. many knowing nothing about aall In sr. " Thev came tn naviMiMi . on provisions and headed north. Cap tain Thomas, captain of th vessel, died vii war avwn. When t ha-ames J-wiTr mm-.kt . .. Carmenclta. McLean, who was navlgat- vuim, raierrva UI omoar to TDODIM Member of th craw say no flag was carried by ths Carmenclta. ' McLean apparently-fearing trouble, kept on tb watchout for approaching steamers', and at th sight of amok dodged out of th way. , . v... -' .. .. . i,; . A nasslna schoonrrav tham a nanae containing the account of th mystary connected withth schooner, and. its alleged illegal acta .On that informa tion th hunter refused to do any mora hunting and th schooner was forced to com south. - -'- . '-?..' '. . r,nt,lii. UmVamw k - - t - Xor , Victoria -In- eompllanwith - orders sent oy xvewoury, collector OX customs. F.R. CHASE WILL FIGHT EXTRADITION ATfRISCO TjnontR,'lj;haaetgceuseO(jnjbu sima aooas irom ivaspar van isran and. making overdrafts amountin In tb aa gregate to $108 whll employed aa night- bartender at th Washington cafe, and . suspected by the police of possessing - - knowledge as to who la guilty of poison , J ing Mrs. Minnie B. Van Xh-an. will fight extradition at San Franoisco. . ., ; The authorities her do hot believe . that h will succeed In - winning and say that hla action shows that he had a V strong motlv tyt desiring to remain ' away,.' '. s ' i -v-:-:-Jk -tr f Xtctlv Day reached San Francisco ' , thla morning whll Detective Vaughn ; topped ae-Sacramento and la ngaged" In perfecting, requisition papera. v.: - : , J VANQUISHES ROBBER:- WITH BUCKET 0F-WATER r- (Ssislsl tMapateh a nt ianill Eugene, Or, Sept. . A masked man attempted -to hold tier and rob J. T. Witter saloon at springneid Monday night, but was frightened away by th presence . of mina ot - tn proprietor - son. "Fony witter, xn wouia-o roo ber entered th saloon at midnight with a pistol in hla hand and ordered Witter and hla con, both of whom war behind the bar, to throw up their hands. Th mr Witter complied with the demand, but the son reached bene th the bar. ; and picking up a bucket of water, threw It In the holdup's face. He ran. : BODY FOUND IN ICE V OF, ALPINE GLACIER (Jneraal SpeeUl Servtea.1 V V Orlndelwald, . Swltserland, Sept A body that appear to hav been a long tlm In th Ic has been found In' a crevice of an upper glacier, by a party , of tourist, and it is supposed th 0043 " 1 that of Dr. Mailer of Bam, who; with two guides, disappeared tt year ago, and of whom nothing haa subsequently been, heard...-. ; .; JL.'...u'---' ,--t-f;'- LUMBER SCHOONER WILL BE TOTAL LOSS Jorasl gpselal Servlea.i ' .; - r Ta' anaelea Sent S. "The schooner BM-Colomajuiwund lor Sart D'se FitlL- lumber.- lsrashor.r and watenoggea . ai the southwest end ef San Miguel lalaod. A tug hss been s-it to attempt t th - 1 off her cargo, off her crgo. xn vessel wm .iui.t nealoUl lossT A-BemtS a'u'w:r,rT,," ; - s ; t: Hor for Astoria. . ! Swift steamer Telegraph lava Alder strt dock T:I0 a. m. dally except rn- day . Bturnlng laves. arans m v- m.. arriving Portland I M P- m. . Wre leaves Vortland S a. m., Astoria l;t p. m. Arriving Portland t p. m. .' - gpedal Bsamtwion Batee. ' ' Very low IS-day ticket eat offered ' bv O. R. ; Ptmbr 1$, IT. the O. R, N- aellt to-day spe cial excursion ticket to eaetern points; topovara granted going and returning. Particulars of C W. Stinger, elty ticket agent O. R. N Co., Third .and Wash ington treete, Portland. .. v Itter-Caxvler1 Sereaada. , Th Letter-Carrlr' band of Denver serenaded the Administration building,, newspaper row, the postofflc and th Colorado building at th fair thl after noon, The- music was -.highly appro elated, V- . , 1 :, ' V.