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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1905)
- r - - DAY . t r:-- c A , - ' rlew:: S f"asIiiiQ(n;K a tc:.:c::g;v5 cau - c 33c A GREAT SALE OF RIDCOWS AT Beautiful Print "Warp Taffeta Ribbons, 4 inches iwitftt our 50c. vain. Also Fine Taffeta Ribbons with fancy colored borders and white baek- ground; our 60c value. Special at, the yard.........,..... ;.4 Elegant Print Warp Taffeta Ribbons in large floral designs, worth 50c Fine New Louisine Ribbons with the one-edge effect, for making ruffles, worth 50c " ' ' ; . 1 '. Roman Stripe Ribbons, "5 inches wide, in assorted colors; our 75c. value. Beautiful All-Silk Jacquard Ribbons, yi to S inches wide, jnjpinkl, blues, white and black, etc; our 60c value., " - ; Fancy Striped Ribbons in insertion design, elegant quality; bur 50c value. IM linear, lot ot-suooons wa nave evar ouerea tor tne money.' joey are suitable lor neckwear," fancy girdles, sashes, cushion ruffles,: dress trimmings and all decorative "purposes. On mi ail this wni at, the yard..-....,.;. 33c Table Linens, Towel sand DOMESTIC AND. WASH GOODS , AISLES--.FIRST FLOOR.' ; r Prices are away under market value. Linens have advanced steadily and are going higher; nothing can prevent it We could not land linens here, nor buy in open market today at the prices we contracted to pay for these, weeks and months ago. A scouring of, the New-York market by our resident New York buyer proved this , fact a few daye' ago. Many of the retail prices at this sale average as low as present whole sale prices. Better stock up on all. Fall needs in these lines while this sale ii on. We commend the following items to good housekeepers everywhere within shopping distance of the store, by mail or personal visit. ( . , v v HANDSOME TABLE DAMASK FOR IMS.'"" V A new Importation of Bleached Satin Damask, of Irish manufacture, very heavy quality, 72 inches wide,-in a variety of handsome designs. special saie price, yarn. special at, tne ......fs. This linen was imoorted to retail at NAPKINS, to match -Table Damask, full dinner sise. doieiL JiUCKABACK,TOWKLS-FOR-2ic 250 dozen Huckaback Towels,' hemstitched, with all white or colored borders, good largo site. Special sale pricey each.t..r..........25e) Never a Failure in .Glorias dut of the thousands of paira of ''GLORIA' Shoe we. have; sold not one but has proven a satisfactory investment to the wearer. '; This is the remarkable record of "Glorias," and thia one thing has been their best advertisement. "GLORIA" SHOES. ............. .........fS.KO '4.v Handkerchief Barqa in vtmv. iria-RsnTniEnicn handksbchiefb f or 20c. :V?-7Ay.. i: ''first floor.; i .'.JCK . :! ?: Beautiful " EmorbTdered Swiss HancTCerchiels, some . with elaborately embroidered scallops, some with hemstitched -border and embroidered; all are-very dainty and extra good value at this price. Buy your, hand kerchiefs now for the holidays.' These are just aa. fine and nice as-any you will, pay 50c for later.- Special sale price, each.......,.........29e I'tl Hosiery bi'it ?.ys first-floor, shops;-- ?: v-vv i ft iviUc? WOMEN'S 11.06 HOSE- c .,v:-.- Vv RlirV .Ucc Brilliant Lisle Hose, extra site, finished foot, double sole; regular value $1.00. SpeciaU the pair. ................. ..... .5Be EiEISSSIl: CHILDREN'S 25c HOSE 18c 1 -.1 fTiSldTn's Black Fipe-Ribbed LialeHosc. icamlcsa or finished foot, very dressy; regular value 25c. Special, the pair............,.,...,.....lSe WOMEN'S 75c IMPORTED HOSE 50c Fine Imported All-Lace Lisle ilQ3efcliSS0rtedpatterns,fuIl finished; regular 'value 75c Special at, the pair ................. . .;. .".' . . ;r. . . i . . . . . . ...... s . . , , . .v i . .Oe WOMEN'S 35c HOSE 25c r"ine Maco Cotton Hoae, good fall and winter weight, spliced heel,. French toe, double sole; regular value 35c Special, the paii; 85 A Great -f,JWt.Li Special Sale of Women FIRST FLOOR. .. Truly' extraordinary values. . Every piece is new and desirable nothing old:fashioned or shopworn. . i. v : : ;-r " .. -CV- Fine Embroidery Turnover Collars; our 25c' anM 35c values. : ' -Special, each....... v. .., or 4. for BC Pretty Collar and Cuff Sets, embroidered on fine, quality. linen lawn; our 60c valuer Special at,' the set....... .......... .?..5eVr for f l.OO Fine-EmDroidery' Linen Stocks, button in back with fancy front; our 50c value. ."Special at,,eachi,LL....,...w.t;...3Bf or 3 for fl.OO Beautiful Linen Stocks with front tab, trimmed with Valenciennes lace; our 50c yplim-:. Special ay each. 3Se or a for l.OO ...... .,.....-. ' ..... '. FITTING OPENING "SPECIALS" IN AUTUMN" tOOOERV: FOR v OOOD DRESSERS WHO KNOW . uk maw's mv ay . ' r. - ? j,efVTU TPTPT AWVTfl-FIRST . TPT.ttnft. Convenient "Style Nook" Fully. Stocked With Remarkable Values ... i. ;..-.. In' Men'e Correct Wearable. : " Men'a $1.00 Underwear 69c Men'e Medium-Weight Fall Underwear, in camelahair,' extra well made and finished; a garment made to aell at $1.00.. Special aale price, each..... ............................. ... Men'e Linen Handkerchiefs 10c Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with and -inch hems; our regular 3 for 50c value. Special at, each..,lOf 17e for Men'a fcalf Hose Worth 25e Men's Fancy Striped Cotton Sox, with embroidered dots, intan ahades only, seamless, finished foot: our 25c value. Special at, the7 pair. ;........ lTe MenYf 1.50 Shirts for 9fc Mens GoIFThirts. in light and, dark effects, in plain or plaited boioms, with attached cuffs- splendid value at 11.50. rpecial sale.frice, ech..,okv ..... . ,..te A POWERFUL FACTOR IN BUSINESS BUILDING ... c Many an aye will tee this announcement .that perhaps has never seen the store from which it emanates. To such we are utter, strangers, and our statements, may possibly suggest .the addition of a gram of salt for flaror. "OH, THATS OLY: AN ADVERTISEMENT,', many such people may say. v But -give u your complete attention, please, for one, moment: ' We! want you to understand. that every assertion and intimation of value thgt's made under the name that heads this store bulletin is just as fearlessly and positively honest and true above boards-just as absolutely DEPENDABLE as tho' made bi us, looking you SQUARE IN THE EYES across a counter in the store. We would as soon think of going home at night leaving the store doors unlocked as to make a statement in these col umns not ABSOLUTELY -TRUE I Either procedure would .leave the business unsafe and retard BUSINESS BUILDING, in which we are earnestly and everlastingly engaged.' So when we sjiy Come tomorrw valuci oil bcaiiwg -cohie expecting no disappbintinent IF YOU CANNOT COME Phone "Private Exchange 12," or mail your orders. BIG SAYING IN THE . BUYING OF Woiiinieinfe Wafcomig ' Stdirte l . GRAND SALONS SECOND. FLOOR. :"'t ;V.,' No store can give bargains honest bargains on everything in every - ' ' ' : department all the time. But a store like OLDS, WORTMAN it : ; , ?. - KINGS may sonlenlrtsffofOha ' ; - - become subfoci of extraordinary values the year 'round. We have y. established an entente cordiale between the great Salons of Dress on Second Floor (to use the language of -diplomacy) and the leading great makers of women's garments in the eastern style centers. Our immense purchases from them and our, complete control of the en tire northwestern market enables a modus vivendt of low" prices." It jrtunate trade chances which came-tous4hroUh favor I of a leading manufacturer that allows of our making the follbwing price on the handsome pedestrian skirts which we place on special sale j tomorrow for the day only ,at' the advertised price. The lot is too "large and varied for detailed description. 'Suffice to 4say, every" skirt is cut in the very latest design, all made up in exquisite and master ly wojifanship, jthve Jatej iudingplaits;' strappings, buttons, etc., and. plain tailored effects.. vtotfl,-Paif mSr-mmesptmV' eta- mines, serges, worsteds, herringbone effects and fancy mannish mixed tweedish effects.;;4 All irejn "the newest! round-cut styles and : hot imore than one or two of a kind in the lot. Some cravenetted ma terials are included. These latter are especially adapted for wear in this climate. The greatest bargain ever offers - n wm ' jq ma ed in America in Walking Skirts. Values to $13. ' JviSlH7 An (UnusuaO Sale ens of --1 ehdfu tomorrow In thq. Silk Store 3th St. Annex.' 1st floof CONTINUING THREE DAYS THURSDAY, ; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY WHEN A PORTLAND STORE IS GIVEN BUSINESS THAT SHOULD NATURALLY'BE LONG TO NEW YORK there must be good reason for it. In the case we cite we think the reason may be summed up in one word VALUES. One day last week two ladies tourists from New York Citycame shopping to our "Silk Store." They both -have accounts with one of New York's largest and leading retail silk stores. ! We sold them silks and makings for three gowns and they assured us they were positive they saved more than enough to pay for the making by purchasing here. So arc we. 2 This store does not. get. all it could for a pi ece of silk, rather It aims to ive best possible values. Sometimes like all storesIt gives unusual bargains, of whichy the following is a fair example. There's thousands of yards of silks in tomorrow's offerings! ' v , : ;., . tp-.'"." New AH Pure Silk Plaids, in all the new Scotch colorings, also in the swell satin barred effects; splendid $1 values. Special only,yard...;.;'.V.;tr.....V 70 Regular $1.10 value, 23-irich Warranted Black Taffeta, all pure silk and unmatchable for durability and, wear "' Special onlvj yard. ...... ....... .......... . . , . , . , . . .'. . . . . . , 83 19-inch AH Pure Silk Colored Taffeta, white, ivory, cream and all new ; fall colors to, choose from; ' regular. 85c." valucnirSpecialf" only yard...--. -y..TVrv'.W cTfZi .-yv.v; 69jr A-T nuEDiuisaiinie CAME IN YESTERDAY FROM NEW YORK TO THE "BIJOU" SALONS ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. Mr. Franlc M. Hamburger, manager of the Millinery Shops, arrived home from his two months trip to the great eastern style metropolis on Monday; With him came Miss Eisenhardt, the new head trimmer who comes to us' from one of the leading eastern stores with an enviable reputation for taste and knowU edge of correct millinery styles. ! Miss Eisenhardt is. by far the best trimmer ever employed by this or any other Portland house. tvVe'cordiallv invite Port land ladies to come in and consult her regarding the new fall hat they Have in tnind.' Manager Hamburger has fairly outdone himself in his purchases this season, of smart. millinery from leading and authoritative houses of promi nence in the world of fashion., That the prides are lower than equal values will be quoted elsewhere is a certainty, we can positively assure Portland women that here are to be found the larsrest assortments and rreatest varietr TjfhwmtngtthTerynhatl by weslerrThouse: The "price range is so wide it is bound to cover every sire of purse choose as you will- to and you're sure of t" best value at each respective price to be found in the city. m press 'imiiu A REMARKABLE THREE-DAY SALE THAT STARTS THUrS. DAY HANDSOME DRESS FABRICS BLACKS AND COLORS. This store is s lower in the Dress Goods Markets. The large and steadily increasing "business -which is, so deservedly , our portion has treat weight with famous mill folk and their agents. . We own our fabrics for t than other PortlamJ stores, and keep them from owning at any price the best lines which we control. .Special pricingsAnnex; Uttn street first floor.- -V .";-; . COLORED DRESS GOODS SPECIALS, FOR 'THURSDAY t rl .;,kV;;v?WDAT AND SATURDAY. ..;; .r;. 'p This, section offers two big Specials for Thursday, Friday and Satur day's, felling. - :V'-; -V --V--.V": .. New Scotch Plaids, in silk shotted effects, the latest fabric shown, new Check Shadow Effect Suiting, new Worsted Suiting, "hand-finished," in every .know wanted color;, our regular unequaled 50c value. Spe cial, "- only, yard. . ...... : . ...... . . , .". . . 46, 48, 50 and "52 Inch New' Suiting in" Panamas. Granite Worsteds, Herringbone, Cheviots, Shadow Plaid Panamas, Shepherd Checks and Novelty Plaids; unequaled 1.00 value. Special only, yard.,....,,,.Te . ,...7, . . , ' ' Tho Dlcdt Dccss Goods Store OFFERS NEW SILK AND WOOL CREPE DE PARIS AND IMPORTED ALL-WOOL VOILES FOR THURSDAY, FRI DAY AND SATURDAY'S SPECIAL SELLINO. - Regular $1.00 grades Special, yard......... ........,..,...ii.....T8 Regular $1.25 grades Special, yard............ ...............Te Regular $1.50 grades Special, yard. ...... ...i.f 1.1J. Regular $175 grades Special, yard. . .. .; ..f 13 Regular $2.00 grades Special, yard . . . . '. ....... .V. .. , . i . .. .f 1.E9 These are by fair the best values offered fq thecity at the regular price, $5 SiOk UnibreHas $2.S3 All-Silk UmbrelUs about 150 of them of fine plaid taffeta, with best Paragon frame, with improved lock rib and steel rod; made by the best umbrella manufacturers in the world. We positively guarantee them to be the , best $5.00 value on the,inarket SpeciaLsale price, each ..,:a.3 ANOTHER SPSUAL SALE OF T- VCi UJ .4 VVUI CORSET SALONS SECOND FLOORT S Broken lines of RoyalWorcester Cotse,ts, .about 20 styles to 'select from, in low, msdium or high bust andTPrincess hip styles; inbTack Italian cloth or white and drab coutille. Sues 18 to 30.' ..-7 ' This is a bargain In Corsets such as is seldom offered, as there are values uptd $9.00 in the showing Special aale price," each, only..;.".... ;:,8T ' N. B. These Corsets cannot be returned or exchanged under any consideration.- ; , .: .r''.-" :p''''-'':M - kV'--. -'1 ''' V deduced , ' SECOND FLOOR. ' ' This week, to, make room for more winter goods, we shall sell Chil dren's Wool Jackets at less than cost of material. , .', , , ' These Jackets are made of fine wool' materials, in navy, red,' green, cardinal, tan and brown, and arc trimmed with plain or fancy .braids, gilt buttons, t fancy stitching and shields. , Siies 2 to 6 years. - Our regular $1.40 to $2.25 values Special at, each. Our regular $3.50 to $4.50 values Special at, each. Our regular $5.00 to $6.00 values Special at, each... Our regular $7.50 to $10 values Special at, each... ...... .;........'.s ...... fitr IN KNIT GOODS AISLES. Womeii'sTiJiiderweET for Less WOMEN'S 75c VESTS 59c White Swiss Ribbed VesU, long sleeves, veryneatlv finished, a new garment; regular value 75c Special, each.C- P WOMEN'S '75c ; VESTS 49c White Mereerlied Lisle Mesh Vests, low neck, no sleeves; regular value 75c .Special, each... ntfMWm ' n- nnnu CTTT-r C Whit, t TT: neck, no sleeves, knee length; regular. value. 50c Special, the auit...&f TIMELY TOPICS OF ECONOMIC ortance to .2iuc2!iC2p2fo .- ........ ...,. - . . ..t SL. THE BIG THIRD FLOOR SHOPS A VAST CLEARING HOUSE t:-- FOR, BARGAINS OF 'DOMESTIC 1 NTEREST.'. ;r ? 'r'? A . : KITCHEN FURNISHINGS. r"-.'; ' 'r W ' Electric Egg' Beaters Special at, each... Wire Soap Baskets Special at,, each. Crown-Bread Sets "Special atreaehrrs Round Ttays--Special at, each .", . . ... ...... Small Willow Clothes Baskets Special at, each.. Medium WilloW Clothee baskets Special at, each.,. Lars:WHrow;ClhesBtsltttpeclalJil?e Kitchen Booms, good quality Special at, each,;. ...... ............ Black Satin Stove Polish, no dust, does not burn Special at, a T TI Clothes Pins Special at, the dozes . .1 Wood Toothpicks, extra equality Special at, the boxi... ;'; SSMI.VITRSOUS CHINA' DINNER tSTS. Carnation decoration, Futl Gold Line, Fancy Shape. 50-picce set, regular value $ 770 Special, the set.... .r,., 60-piece aet, regular value S 9.1 Special, the set., 100-picce set, reruiar value $14.40 Special, the s:t..... .;.s - Dr y i: ICJ-l.: .u:Tr.:..:i c:::::a r- '. ' it "11-.?". -