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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1905)
,sts cf : co:i Cailv : jour.:iAU rcr.TLA::D. vi:s::z2day cvctimo. ,zznz:.:zzz e. E.-D. Rji;:S TAItES IIIS (Mil LIFE I -t , , , DaailllfiOEGIS FOll dOllLl : Monmouth School Opens Sep tember Twenty-Sixth -Fao-j , ulty Ha Been Selected 7 MANY STUDENTS FROM " " - WESTON WILL ATTEND (ItitiibLiiallii'lj i lorn iim v i ' - ; l i i - ' ' . ' ": ., " Smelting Furnace at Council, I-', Idaho. Will Ba Blown In aVu ,! , ' an Early Date. , ' '..'.' - . , ' - - ' . J . - , - - ; , , ' f -'-- "-i - :-" . .--)"- . N ,. ; , , i .. "' '-.', ' -.-'''' " '- ;""'; A I -' .' . '. ' ' r ' . - ;- , l;" .'' . j ' . -''.,,." v.-; ' ' : -' ' " ' r .. ; : ' ' -., :.'. .:---;' ,: ' ' ' .-.A -' '-." :;' ,-'..,,',.-....;.'., ,.-v; y, - " :',-' - ..- -,-. :. - - r v-- ' v r ; r.- .v-: - ,.:..:..'... , 8rother-fn-Lavv of Senator Cock relf Shoott; Himself Jn f: v f l:-v Buttt; Hospital o' j - ;. .2- WAS- APPARENTLY- ;"'-tr - WITHOUT READY FUNDS 'Was Appointed Consul to Mexico , by ; m Cleveland and Formerly oa Jenns Vti of Close f Intimacy, With George Gould-Jut Returned "TronfTrip. (SpecUI 'Dispatch to The JoarssD 'T "Butte. Sept 'J. E. B Kwlag (Wiih. . i ington, D. C., brother-ln-lew of Senator -,Cockrell of Missouri end a member 1 one of the best families of that etate, - : blew out hla brain in Murray hospital ; her yesterday, afternoon In- th pree . enco of Mary Sullivan, a. doorglrl It year old, after-th latter had ' told v'Ewlng that ah had no. key to a room r Jn which h wished to 11 down and rest, j Kwlng earn, to- Butt - laat , Saturday , from Tellowaton National, park,' where J he . had been on an xtnalv hunting . , trip and entered th faoapltal Monday : morning, to be treated, for an aggra : vated case of hay fever, which B wing feared would kill him. -" ' - '"' 'I' Ewlng apparently was without fund ; .'.and hla rash-act followed soon after .;, Attorney 'William Pennington- of "this ' i city aeught to collect on a check given Dan Yancey of Tellowstone park on W. ' , A.. Clark e bank, back of which paper there were no funds. Swing gav hla .hunting rifle aa aeourity to the lawyer ; T. and -taking a revolver from hla grip p entered th hospital office and th u- : - clde followed a moment later. v . i.,. Among the effects of th dead man ' , were found about two . dosen railroad . pa aea and . letters of recommendation - -t from leading, railway of flclaia - of the - , country , addreaaed to ' "Hon." K. , B. - Ewlng. - Ewlng waa formerly editor .of - th Jefferson City Tribune and a eon of the. late Judge Ephralm B. Ewlng of , Missouri i lie waa appointed'- United Rtatea consul to Mexico by President . , Cleveland. Borne year ago ho waa on .. '. terms of personal Intimacy- with Oaorge Oouldr having aooompanied the railway magnate on numerous outlnga. He war frequently the host of Mr. Gould. , EMATNDEftOFH U MAN . SKELETON IS FOUND . it- (RpecUI plsptteh to The learaaL) -- ':- Baker City, Sept. (.The remainder of th skeleton belonging to the skull found ' ' by Roaa Badger a few day ago on th . ' banka of Catherine creek , waa dlseov ,. red last, week. Though there la no posl , tlva means of Identification, the akeleton . la auppoaed to be that of E. M. Hill, "commonly, knowna ''Monty," a man ., Shout CO years old, who disappeared In ! February, . : 1901. :.' from :hls cabin near ' . ; Catherine creek and was never" heard of afterward. : though a diligent search iWea mad at th time by -the residents la that district. X few month previous ' to hla disappearance Monty had stayed Sat the pojrhoue, but leftland, went to - hla cabin to live. II became III her " - and ynv sJtended' to' by "WlllUm Stoker. who waa tha first on to mlaa the- man -ranrtMtrtut search. AH traces aa to - the Identity of .the skeleton are obllter ateaave.,ae.w, Jra4Tuotaaaia Thehelaht of the akeleton la -about that of HI1IV, Nothing la known of Hill s antecedente ; and probably no" further "effort . will be made-to, identify th r, . , .. ''r Benaloa of .Tatoraua. v ' . (Joaraal SpeeUI gervtos. . .Columbus, O., Sept. 1 Puller's Ohio brigade of four-year troops, consisting .of the Twenty-seventh, Thirty-ninth and ' Sixty-third regtments of volunteer In fantry, opened ita annual reunion In th council chamber of thtlty hall today, Governor Herrlck welcomed the mem- Toera Of th brigade" and delivered a, brief address. Tonight E. C. Puller, son of ythe former commander of the brigade, will give a reception to th veteran at hla realdence on Broad atreet.. - '. -' (Wild Mora Oreak Tif. ' ' ' "f (SpeeUi Dispatc te the JearatL) Weatoi, Or- Sept.1. -The ' frame dwelling of William Braco on Wild sa creek four milts south of Weston . waa destroyed by fire tfunday morning. ' , Fir started from the flue In the second .story and progressed so rapidly that neighbors reached the seen too lata to b of service. -The family, except Mrs. Brace, were absent in th mountalna. The loss Is about 11,000, with no Inaur , . ance. - . Alumni Commences Work of County ; Org anUation j and Now Numbfra More1 Than 'Eight Hundred Mem- -.' (Special Mspstek ts e JearaaLI ' Independenca, Or-V Sept. . Th Ore gon SUt Normal school at Monmouth will open September IS and th faculty Has been selected and will be a fol lows: ' E. D. Reasler. president; IC B. Buckham Mlsa Sarah Tuthlll, A. P. Campbell, Charles A. Rice. MrS. Ellen PenneUf 'Mlas Loretta Smith. P. O. Pow eU, U A. Robinson, W. H. Mahoney, Mrs. May Babbitt. H. Z. Thorp. W. A. Petteys and EL 8. E vender J. B, V. Butler, dean. Tha only changes rn th facvlty- ara th addition. of W. A- Pt teva and E- S. Evenden la- place of T. C. Allen and Mlsa Daisy Huntington The place of Mis Martha Whealdon haa not been filled and will probably ba left vacant. - ' ' 'yi- : ' : The Polk county. bank at Monmouth eaahos the vouchers from th board of th school for, th teachers and they give In return their peraoaal notes for th amount. - ' - ' -7:-- Iaiat year was - probablr tha banner year of the school sine it haa been a state normal. Iq that jnore purely normal graduates came from Its doors than haa aver don ao for on year, with the full normal course. Tha Mon mouth normal does no high school work. It haa under ita supervision what la called the normal training department and whlrih Is In fact th publlo school of Monmouth and consists of nine grades..1 . There) were ISO students 'en rolled in that department last year, The students graduating from th- school teach on half year In that department under the supervision of ; four crttlo teachers.'' - These' teachers get a part of their aalary from the district school. In thenormal department, ' or In the hormat school there wer" JIJ' pupQa en rolled last year. ' 1 7. -: J. 4 ' The school will open with as large an attendance this year aa laat according to present indications. - Th president ex pects a larger attendance aa many of the students from the Weston normal will attend at Monmouth this, year, and will be accredited In such a 'manner that in case Hhe Weston normal shall again reopen these students can go back to that school and be accredited .with th work they hav don In- the Mon mouth normal. K . -The- alumni of th TiormaT; which how numbers more than 400 graduates, has again commenced the work of county or ganisation. -rThe school wilt hot depend on whst is 'called union of interests but expect to go before th people for Just what it la worth. . :v ; CONDUCtbR. FORD DIES SUDDENLY ON TRAIN (SpeeUI Duvateh to Ihe JearaaLT -' Bakef City. Sept. t B. M. Pord of thli "city, conductor, on th Sumpter Valley railroad, passed away, suddenly laat night while In charge of a work train going from Whitney to Tipton. He had lain down In a boxcar for a short rest, and when tha train arrived at Tip ton did not come out.. A member ""of the train crew went to ascertain tha cause and found him ' dead. . Th , body was brought to tbla city, where a coroner' Inqueat was held, resulting in a ver dict of death by heart failure. He leaves a widow and two daughters. the veterans will be entertained with a carriage rid to Clifton Springs. At o'clock there will be a reception at the realdence of Captain P. L. Brown. In the evening a campfir will be held In the parlors of the Presbyterian ohurch. The reunion wilt last until tomorrow-evening. I CLATSOP BEACH I v-i Greatest Ocean Resort in the'Pacific North west VIA Astoria & Columbia River Railroad THROUGH TRAINS NO CHANGE. f Leave Union Depot, daily; 8 :00 Al H. Arrive Gearhart Parlr.r . . ; .' . 12 01. Kf; ive Seaside' 'TZiWTSiiflim-TZfl. ........ &:1U KJ1. ; Arrive Portland .9 :50 P. U. ' Vb HOURS ON THE SCORES OF THE GRAND PACIFIC OCEAN -l3T8 scenic route parallel the majesticCblumHafoFOO mile, giving every advantage to see it in all its grandeur. -, v " Season round trip pickets . . . "' . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . (3.00 v, Saturday round trip tickets, good two days; i i. ?2.50 V rSirigle ieats in the parlor car 60 cerits extra each way.' . ';' ' . - i ' ' . , . .. ' v . . For Information Apply 848 Alder St. fv ! - CTrCSTEVART. Agent j;CMAY6,:G.P.AJ Phone Maui 909 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS TO ' ' ' MINES ARE UNDER WAY Operators of Camp AmklJPeaka i Evil Nam Hay Been Encouraged to Produce Bea Possible Tonnsge o Copper lot New-Plant l.t . fSseelal Plspstcb to Tie Joaraatl CounclL Ida., Bept S. Blowing In of th new reverter atory furnac of the LaddMetaJs company at this place Is due any time, aa the furnace proper has been completed and1 work on the buildings to cover It Is also practically finished. Assurance Is felt In the Seven Devils . district, and especially . at Landore, where the little smelter is situated, that It will prov a succsss, and when operating '- will be able . to handle th copper ore tonnage of this district for a time at least , - The reverberatory furnao was ordered constructed by Manager B.. Peacock at th time he took charge, after expert mentin; with a modified form of double stack furnao. H haa no doubt that WO Plant will meet every requirement of th district and property-owners hav been encouraged to . rush their development to get th largest possible tonaaga in signt. . ' Road Improvement : between Landor and Council Is being undertaken by the smelter management, . mlneowners and county at large. This haul, which la about 18 miles, will, b shortened and a better'' winter rout Is promised for wagon-hauling. Nothing further can be learned, her regarding th plans of tha Pacific A Idaho Northern regarding aa extension toward Seven Devils. - FLORENCE IS FIRST, ; a X, fenaer Speaks of Blah XVaag at ' ' .: CroMflald. ', "... C."H,1 Fennor, a civil engineer whd resided In Oregon for many years." but la engaged In the same business at Gold field a4nd.Bullfrogi..istn.the clty, Mr, f enner ana nil partner. Airnur rnu brick, - did the towypslte, water system and. sewer system surveying lor . uoio- field. He saya that nearly all outald work-Is practically suspended in parts of southern Nevada during th heat of midsummer, but that the remainder of tha year is not uncomfortable. "The Florence lease Is paying tha bis money of Goldnald lust now," said Mr. Fenner, ' "Th leasees of this property struck rich ore and have Its men work ing In a limited . space. By rushing things In this manner th lessees will get everything out they possibly can be fore their lease expires, which will be at no distant data. They hav taken out -mora than 1500.000 and It la eatl- mated that they will take out between $800,000 and $1,000,000 before they hav to turn th mine back to the owners." - Mr. Fenner will take a trip to Puget Ound and geturn via Portland, ao that ha -will get into Nevaaa again we "lat ter partoftbla. month or aarly lnjOo- tober. ., .......-''',..-. gaoling Slxry Tone of Or Sally M Ohawalaa, Waah, to the Baalway. ISperisI .Dtspetcfe tn The fesrasLl ' . Chewelah, Wash., Sept. f. Rapid de livery of ore is being made, by th new traction engine outfit used by the Cop per Chief mine near here. A minimum of $0 tons of or Is delivered dally, the traction engine ' making two trips. -. It Is found that th crew required to work th engine and Ore cars Is small com pared with th number of men required to handle the teams necessary to haul such a tonnage. .Tbe management ex presses Itself pleased with results and th " traction angina Is assured great popularity throughout the mining dis tricts where a heavy tonnag of or Is to be handled. ... Cav-alry Beanlos." . -: ' ." " 1 : (Jesrasl Special BWrice.) -' . , ' Shortsvllle, N. Ci. Sept l.The surviv ing members of the Twenty-fourth cav airy met here today for their nineteenth reunion.. They come here as the guests of Herendeen post, ?. A, R., the Heren daea Relief corps .and the cltlsena of 1-11.'! r.?-.0'"'; Oiauls rass.-Or.t I Puts, fehort MINING NOTES. time will elapae before th Granite Hill mine of this district will b dropping SO stamps. The machinery and equip ment for an additional 10 stamps haa been delivered and a construction crew Is hastening the work. -,. - , Vancouver, B .Sept '1.2 After th management of ' the t Britannia, tested th battery of (0 concentrating tables at new mill on Howe sound arrange ments 'were made for starting the re duction plant on full time. .With thla big plant In commission and the Britannia producing a. considerable ton nage of shipping ore the Crofton smelt ing plant will haves heavy tonnage. Northport Wash., Sept . Arrange ments are being mad aa rapidly as pos sible by Manager I A. Bledu of th Chewelah marble quarry to fill a $180.- ooo contract secured In , Minneapolis. Recent' work In the quarry satisfies the mansgement that large blocks of hlgh- graae material may b secured. . .LCherle Van 'Amburg, master me chanic and . foreman, at ,"the . Sumpter smelter, departed for hla horn yester day following V ahort stay at th fair. ' J. Fred tine. In charge of th east ern Oregon office of the Klllen-Warner- Stewart company at Sumpter,-' la in-the city on ouainesa connected with the Standard company.- -' -. i CoIonel F. V. Drake, manager "for the HnoockMJningj5ompany.o the Seven Devils district of western I liiahi, ii n the city after an ahsenoe of urut.OKno'ithaJnau ropper oamp.. ,.,, I COTTON GROWERS TALK OVER PROSPECTS OF CROP 4 .4ioaraal aptal serrlce. " Ashevllie, N. C, Sept a The annual convention of the Southern Cotton Growers' association met here today fot a week's session. It had originally been aet for August It. but waa postponed owing to the fact that at that Ume the members of the association were too busy with their cotton crops to attend a convention, important as It might be. At the- opening session today jthe ques tion of cotton reports waa the principal subject of discussion. Many Important matters will come up ' for consideration before the convention; Including the cot ton report scandal In Washington, the crop outlook In the cotton belt the question of regulating the cotton prices and tha action of the. spinners who are holding out for th purpose of depress ing the market - '. , , '.".'' '.v. '' v A ;-V- ,'.--'..; -' r ... ... , " ; 7 -. T,;-- ?Vv,'t HESE ARE DELIGHTFUL! DAYS at North (Long) "fceach, and In order that visitors to Portland may visit this resort the Oregon Rail , road.oV Navieatiori Company has announced the very low rate of $3 for round trip, tickets on sale until October 15, with' final return limit. October Enjoy a trip down the Columbia and spend a few days ,;: at North Beach. It is a trip you will always, remember. Particulars and,.,. --OrRroVNrSunOTerBck'By'asMA Streets, Port- DOT MISS THIS TRIP CW, STINGER City Ticket Agent 0. R 7V. Company an.. DDTP.W lh'-. . 1 .... ..... - i No Pain No Pain INIpE, 'TEETH ' Wi ar thai rdlMOwtr nd orlrlnat- -si a. .Um ultaaKlaa aanH gu.snt Iflfi VI W Ul ailVJ Will J B wssmsaw " system of Painless Dentistry. We ex tract, crown, nil ana viwn w m absolutely without pain and. guarantee all work for .fifteen years. Our -work Is the beat, our pricea the lowest con sistent with flrat-claaa work.-. EXAM INATION FREB. Our plates are unde tectable -from... Aha natur4letttand are guaranteed to fit. FILLINGS.... SOO, TS and fle GOLD CROWNS .Sa.00 BRIDOB WORK FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. .. .So-OO Oram for boalaess tu e'aleek avmlasa. . - . . Boston Painless Dentists StlH Morrtaom at, Opp. Meter a Fraak sis rvmM. ... HOURS $:$0 a. m. to p. m Sun day, :0 a, nv to 11:10 P 'I MALHEUR r ARU ERS TO FEED HAY CHEAP RIDES ON THE CHAMPION tw Telegraph Astoria and Return,. $2.25 Seaside and Return, $3,00 ; TICKETS : OOQD TILL OCTOBER 30. ONE OF THE FASTEST STEAMBOATS IN THE WORLD. She rang down the river to Astoria. 100 rriilea. In S hoars can do ItJnjIJd UPtiiai. "river in 0 hours came up insTliS SeptT 36neneeda his hat glued on his head if standing on her deck. ' -. DOCK FOOT OF ALDER STREET BOAT LEAVES AT 720 A. H, SUNDAY 1A.M. Returning learea Astoria at J P. K, arririnf in' - . . Portland at S P. M. ROUND TRIP EVERY DAY. :,'.T ; '-'."-';.;:;.:, VX'-X' f$ 1 1 1 SSteSSS sry s s s s a r s e e 1 1 g. t ass a a a a a e " TCTlOre-UWTUSY.4 . Cattle to B Fed This Season. -; asjggMsaBMsssssBBBBBajSB STOCK TO BE BROUGHT FROM BEAR VALLEY Eighty Thousand Tone of Feed Here tofore Marketed Will Be Used by - Ranchers' to Fatten Animals f of Eastern Purchaeers. ; (SpscUl Olapateh to The loarasl.) Onlarto. Or Sept. a. A deal was closed at the Bank of Ontario the first of th week which will result In morethanl.oe head of range cattle feeding In this ylclnlty this winter. The cattle will come from Bear Valley, Oregon, and will bV delivered about October 1. - D. McOlll, th John Day stockman, disposed of 1,600 head of - t-year-old steers to farmers In this vicinity. - Th deal represents, about $50,000. McQUl will alao feed about S00 head of hi own cattle Here, navtng aireaay pur chased sufficient hay. for that purpose. Another John Day stockman will feed about 100 head. here. . Contracts were aigned for. 1,11$ head of S-year-old steers by th following farmers: A. A. Brown ITS head, A. J. Quackenbuah 17$, Tensan Bros. J&0, Moody Bros. S$0, John Ray $$0, J. A. Walters 100, C. EL Amldon 140, E. B. Conklln 100. W. C Langley 7. - About 10,000 tons of hay la ralaed In thla -valley annusuy- and tha fanner hare been receiving good pricea foi their hay, until laat year tha stockmen derided that they were asking too muoh and as a result a large amount of laat year's crop was left over. Th farmers have now solved th hay problem by buying cattle and feeding them their hay Instead of placing It on th market. and It Is believed the result will be beneflclkl both to the farmer and stock men. About. 4,000 tons of surplus hay will be disposed of by-the abpv deal. MONUMENT UNVEILED IN H0N0R OFrYUVlNCrMAN t Beaches on . 1 llVUJi.ll.lillVWU. Ocean, The Day JBqat Down Jthc Columbia .j .. . J Leaves daily from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A.M. - Call up MAIN 613 i..,..I.M..M. MM ,.,. (Jesrasl Bpedsl Ssrrlea.i H-ftymowth, Conn., Sept, . Th waa. th soana of a jathes.unasual re- mony today, the unveiling of a monu ment erected to honor the memory of a man once a cltlsen of this town, but now living In Tahiti, aa the husbaqd of nativ princess, me. man .mus non- ored la Dorrenca Atwater, a native of Terryvin. in the township of Plymouth. At the age of 1$" Mr. Atwater enlisted In the Union army and served through the civil war. He saw hard fighting and apent twenty-two months in southern prisons. While In Andersonvllle he had charge of the records and secreted a C ASTO R I A JTor Inifcuts and Children. --- TfcS fki Yea Ran t;:;U Beers the EUg&atxeof 7 - I Vancouver Transportation-Co. S tearraer Uradi "'V--. ,'v . - POR - :; Cascade toefcs Makes the round trip daily, except Sunday, leaving (Taylor Street Dock at 8:30 a.riL, returning arrives"6 pi rn. : wardbtv-thav govnnmant-ln. IdsnUfyltlst the federal dead. In M6S Mr. Atwater was appointed United States consul to the Beychell Islands and hree years later to Tahiti. . where be served for seven years. He married a princess ot the Island and , haa since then lived thwr. ---x - -"- Th memorial which waa unveiled to day consists of a Hodman gun, weigh ing 1S.O0O pounds, such aa was used In' the civil war, with a pyramid of shot. It la mounted on a pedestal In Baldwin park. ' - ARE YOU GOING EAST? ' If So, XMuna Akwat tha Tery Zow 0. sV V. Si V. ; September T.-. and 0. tha O. TL A N. places oa sal very low rat 1 r -time ticket eaat account I. O. O. grand lodger meeting. Philadelphia. I Partlculare by aaklng at city tick- ' flea, Third and Washington a. Portland ..,' . v U you wish anythinf in this line, we can (iv it to tob at the very lowest prices.- A large stocL now in... '," V- Ctdd TUi Veci ca Ccttca Cr:; Japanese) Cotton Crpt rerrlar 3 , tpecial. iurtVai:t3 - ' r' We wich t- r ' ' L-f. trt t:a t t