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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
" THE' OREGON' DAlt-Y TOURNALf PORTtA FRIDAY-EVgt.INO.- SEPTEIABEa V 1SCJ. ,1 ! : Catered et the etefBe of .. inr uaeeportsUo tWw ..f?. . paper. 1 seat; 16 to SO peges, . a to 4 pages, esate, Edirortst R eases ",' S!IiK ' IhuIhm Otaos.. ..,...... ..Msaeu .roxaoB advxxtisins xprnwrar"- . VrJaad-BeBjamla Special ,l" 5 ISO hMiiml.M XertJ U-eae ltoU- ' . Wl. -.BJCmgO. -- ,, J!, . - inwuRioi bate. ay Oe P. fir JoorsaL wltt awaday. I "r,"'iS Tim Dslly Joss-Bal. with huaaef, I .the. 71 ..... M Tba Italljr Journal, BJontna. The Dally JoerneL wits Sunday. I T? th vaiiy journal, a auw. Tba Dally Journal, wlta JLSElia; Dally Journal, S laoatne..... -z: ih 1117. par wees, mm u v .- a-w. k auiMered. Bands e , ,..,........--r lama ay aa' M .tly Joaraat wlta landay. 1 T"'I lly Jaaraal. 1 yaar.' "."lit!' i n illy Joarnal. Witt Mndaj. ootkai J7 Tama Vy Mali. The Pally The Ial The Dal The Dally Journal, 6 B-ontba.... j. II loaraaL wlta Sanaa. aob. T? lbs Kail journal, wits aanoay, a Tha Kali lanaL I BMntaa. ... .- Tba Daily loaraaL wltk Sunday. 1 month.. TV Tb.ll.. T I .th . .. OV Tba Sunday Jus-raaL 1 yeer. ....- The Sunday Joaraal. swaths rha Same-Waeklp Jsatnal,. the Semi-Weekly Journal, 8 to 1 ? each two a. Illustrated, tea aBW.i)t , ntusS-e' Ml' be' made' by 'jest! jotee. uma eedere and email aa-oantejare acewDtabJ la 1 aad acant poatar ataaapa. O.'eVW Itl. "wrtlaad. Orrram. . trxzu xxx jovxnu. hat bx romrn. 'j T Joareal aa (oaad am aal at tk - BOIBB. IDAHO H. BaDar Jk 0a. CHICAGO-PoftoMea Fawa aoatpaayi 1T Daar. CBVErTcoLO. J. iUaek. Btetaanta aa4 Car- tla atraata. ... KANSAS r ITT Via Kor V0nt fmpanf. ,' v kllNNKAPOMS M. I. . KaTaaaafb, SO oo t - Third atraat. : ' - - KEW TOBK C1TT Brantano'a, TJnlM aoaarfc . OMAHA Millard Hotal Nawa ataad; Mafaatk Statlaary coainaay. IMS Fanm raatpaay. ; SALT LA KB CITY Kaayan Hotal Nawa ataadl Barrow Broa.. 4S Waat Sacond atraat, aoatk. ' ST. LOUIS Pblllp tVwdar. 1S Locuat atraat; . T. Irft. Si Ollaa atraat. ' . m-yaVANCWCO-W. B. Armas, rawer nowi Nrwa ataad aad IMS Markat atraan 'f"ia aoritar Braa. 230 Bnttar atraat tad Saint ! rraoHa botat; PMtar! Oraar, rarry Vol la ta ; N. Wbaatlay. BMaaabla aawa ataad. cot " mrr Markat and Kaaraay atraata. . 4JEATTLS Ralnlar Grand Nawa ataad; W. L. Bbaaka, Hotel Smttla Nawa ataad. SHOKANK, WAaiUNUTOkl Josa W. Orakaai .-- - - TACOJIA. wASHTNOTON Caatral Kawa Caav pany: Hotal Tanrnia Nawa atand. - . IOTORIA. BRITISH COLUMBIA TlctorU Stationary aoaBpaoy. .: No rain has- occurred doring tha last U boara In tha Part fie States, bat tha barometer has fallaa. .ranldla aaar waelaow Waahlngtna and tha Indies tloaa are faTorable for abowors la tha western portloa of. that district Satnr . dajr Bala baa raltea ta North Dakota. Min nesota and tha appcr Inks regloa. Beports from the pattern stales were repaired lata. . It la warmer tbta aSomlng la western Ora goa ' aad westora Waahlngtoa. aad cooler In aortbena and aontheaatera Idaho. la osatera Oregon, asatera Wsablngtoa aad BoTtberB laaoo i the temperstura lsat night waa dangaraasly ear tba frost mark, bat no frost wss reported st any af tha. weather bureea stations. . It will be wsraer tonight eaat of the Caa. cade aaonnulna, sad cooler Saturday la weetera Oregoa and westers w asniagton. XARBXAOX UCZSrSZa. O. B. Wahlbrnr. A anal A. M. Klllougb; 34. Oscar- Oaorca HalTerson of Cbehalla ooanty, W aahlngtoa. 37 and Loella Mildred liomar. IS. Wedding Carda. W. O. Smith - Co.. Waaa j I I nttoa bid., aor. Fourth aad Wsshlaataa sta. XTTXR .TXXWCXJtXTXXr.-; J. ' it ' ' Singh) graras fid. - Family ' lots STS la ' ll.bux Tba only cemetery la Portland which 1 nerprtoatly alntalna and oars for. lota. Fat . full laformattoa apply to W. E. Maekennte, Worcester block, elty. W. M. Ladd. presldeat. ; , The. Edward Bolana Cadrtoktas-jraarraiaT. 1 raaaru mreetors eao oauMuaMra, w . isora 1 . r atraat. Phase SOT. 3V P. . Flaley A Boa, fcneral dlrectora aad 'etnhalmeVs. aorasr Third and Msdlaoa atraata. ' ajtaea at sstisty core par. Telepaoae Mala a. - " Funeral wreaths had cat Bowers a specialty at boss city ursaahoase. Twenty saonai . .'Eaat Morrhwa.' apaj. rrasotary. ?. m 111 1 1, BX1X X STATE TKANSTZXS. - I. Scbnear at al ex. to O. E. Chsmbar - Iain, lot X blork 1 Schmoer's add...$ - 3M Mrtrtoa Cobs to S. Mortoa CohB Real . . Esfsto at Ineaatment compear, lots 3, , 3. block, ITS; lots 3, 4, It, IS, block. . ao. dry 1 T. Woodward et aL to R. Hslney. lot . .. S.- block 3. Woodward'a aabdlelalaa 1 Rlreraide Homestead C. Simpson at aL to B. T. Cos. lot 30, block 6. Arleta Park No. 3 U Coaasar at al. to J. H. Paanr. west (00 1 too H wta T. 6, block 16, Eaat Portland . . SO H. W, Scott and wlta to Securltr Bar- -Ings Trust eemsany. . lots . snd south I1H feet lot 4, block S4, Rslekrh's Land Clslm ,, 22,600 Atleta IalBd nowipany to F. S. Hallock. , . Iota 6. T. block S; lots 34, 39. block .4, ArleU Park No. 3... 400 I. E. Kern and wife te Hlbernla Sa. ' , Inra bash. S3 arraa aactloa S. tows- skip 1 aoath. range 3 east 20.TOO J. C. Vbrlstenaea and wife to O. -T. - :. . Johnson, lot t aad aorta. Vb lot S. , block 14. College Place SC t. B. Cook to R. J. Bnmnrdarr. lot 11. ' blork 16. Paradise Springs Tract.... 1,004 Bernard Albers aad wlfs to P. H. Blth, asrt bWw-h SS. rlty TS.OOO T. E. MrUollaad at al. to F. N. Mc . Ho'lsad. lot 1, block 4. Eaglewood . - Pari w..'. ,T.. .... . .v " 40C a. . mearrr at ai to airs. n. Morns et al.. tat 16. bl'ck R. Sbrlby'a subdt- tlsioa. block 36, Booth Portland.... , Co vnamrrciai iruat company to some, . same C. A. ftoaren et aL to A.' M. Latou rell lot I, block 6. Troutdale... Sot The. derma a Ravings' Loan society to ' . E. H. Wemme. lota S. 4. tract loa lots 4, B, block BSO, Conch's add........ 13.006 . at. W. Lambert et aL to F. W. Me . KechnM. lot' 4. -block 102. elty 3,000 A. Oorrioa to Bccurlty f.rlnr 4 Trust ,7Miiwiij, pi, 1, iM'ica vi. city The Title Clnarantee A Traat roajnsBy to S. Futmer, lota 8. S. blork 66. Sub- resnpanr, lot 7. bkwk 42. city ....... 16,000 - a " mmri ma sso wire SjSX Jl, I. laan. Dart lot S. buck 4, dty.... 14.000 - ' blerwaa and wife to Oregon Trans- , , for eompaay. bey k 81T. Coach'a sdd.. 1 . , Oet roar Insurance and sbetracta U real . eitate from tba Title ttoartatee A Traat seas. . ,-. paay. 340 Waebtaatoa street, corner Seena& T? --,- bUXTTSS atOTICEB. -.. - i a i.Il JirMSKitii - w,- w. w. tn iue bii roraiafir laelted ta neiinomsn eamn hail tonignt. Special eelebratloa of ine opening er bell after reno sstlagr tlass Initiation, Music, rtfraahnsenta. M -O.-WTLKISS, C, C. J. M. WOOnwORTTI, Clerk. FORTLAND FEDERATED TRADES COUNCIL. ' itaaTQjsis waa ahead l.aa thU dtA a. . . . i.'.'-s'rtr-E-r tiL' .nrt7;...R'?- aad Stark ' . am ITJ Mt ..II. I I I . r. Orcoon nn.r ate it, . a l' U.Hr. J4 "' ' -' 'oeraer Wll" . Uams are. ad Raaaell at.. at- 6,eoch. wan I RAMULU Clerk, lSn. T" '"-west ireve. a.,!T . ' r"'r,a rbanel at 3 a, aa. "r7-. SeptewiW 3. Frlenda taTltedV lal - Sereaest 1ms FVc eesaetery. Me -1 DEATR VonrjE. t T. rr- '" Math street. BWUo bereaHef. YOUR BUSINESS INVITED? uxzxax rruss AirSATwrACTomT -w - v - - P aVVaan w . 1alarat TaldT aarfDri' alidtt dei-ialta. and aa abort call apaclal cartUlcalaa at laror- una ratoa. . -. , ' CU apoa aa ar writ tor particulars. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON r Resources. Oyer $1,000,000 ... ' 10B Third Straat " Paoaa Halo. S. BEX. I. COHEN.. II. I- rarot K... . . . . ,". . . . PraaldVa t .,...ytca-lTraloVBt -, . Vcrwlarr H. IaB PAOKT1AIAJ.ISJJAC I. 0. UOLTHA. Aaalataat Bacratary VOTXCX, MAfTJTVK-BHOP Tha aadaralrnad. traatra at- , cna uii oaa I nai m hubiii, oftara tot aala (or raah tba aatlr aturk af : aiarblarrx, tnela. pattaraa, nr., er mr loora eoaipany. locatad at .Noa. 224 and ZM Oak . at llila la a BMt' Mmnlata aboo. (or all . klada it ranalr work and tor ronatrartnaj of . taaollaa aarlna. Wlinam A. uaiaifi. rrq.ira. lost An romnx VIU aipraaanaa wbo tank rbanMt for trunk -Mareai arkaata- botat Moedar. to llaarad ta Unrla 8a ma hotel. 33 t'lftb at.. ktadly eommnnicata .with W. U. DarU, at tba a bora addrraa. . ... - ' . LOCT aTTOBlBS of Aoaaat SB,-. brtwara 834 hearsay and atarquaai tnaatra, rouaa uw watch eharai, .Lata 11 la Waa aaaroel m (are. 0. H. W. oa back; reward (or return .jtp.SIS Kaarnay.' '. : ,- i'" A XI ITT & raloc fcoJa waat alda f 'Third at.. belwaen Marrlaea aad naiaioa. - wai a iu nota;- finder kludly aaa- at McAUea VI c Doaaall'a atora. ; . - LOST Square rxSd locket, diamond eettlnr aoa aloe: pjonoaTam n. v . y , oa twrr"ra. S. W. WllifaU. Wester Union laiigTa on (. roi'ND Bk-ycra. blark aaaateled. on riret at. Owner can Have atnaa v sI'nIS oaecripiKia. iK4 Yamhill at. XZLF WAJfTXB BLaXE." TOO PICKERS to pick 62a aerea hppa; an de- alred arommoutloaa, frorery, oaery, rrm taoraat. batcbrr-abov, beautiful camp groaoda. dance ball, para moantaln water, ate.; ra duced aicoraloa rate. - Apply Saturday, Sep tember 2, room Ml lUiarkicirbwlldlos, Third 'and Oak. - . WANTED Immediately, planing mill foreman. aiiH 1100 par moatn; euarner ana Dana aawyer. 13.10 per day; awldlns uaa, t; at air builders, ft- aooo bat steady aad first. claaa an . aeed apply. Addraaa- Mlaaoal Lambar Co., Mlaaouia. Montana. WANTED-r-1.000 men to fit rtbaaMerrea for bet ter positions at tna T. at. u. A, nlfni acnooi; forty different aabjacta; fall tana opens Sep tember 35. Call at AsaocUtloa baUdlnc, oor aer Fourth aad XamhlU ata. for Ulaatratad catalofue. : ' .- STATION MEN. rock work; rood prices, saw work. Iota of It. alda rata, all winter, east era Ore root free fare. Particulars at Banaaa'a Employment Office, 3d Nort Second at. i TWO good lira solicitor,; eommlataoa and salary to right parties, tailor, boi Washlagtoa at. J. B. Johns tea. WANTED Clerks for office-wort; Boat be food penman, quick aad aooarata- at mores. AO dress T M, JonmaL , - - riRST-CLASS broiler and lancbnua. Addraaa a. U. CampbsU, 320 Jsnea aU Soattla, - Wash. - - (ARRETTS Detect Its School Last cUaa this term; reduced rataa. STOH Wsshtagtoa at. BOT wanted for factory. Apply at 6A3 East Twenty -first st. Telephone Eaat 1877. WANTED Mret -class kef, Ifll Foortt St. . butcher. Oregoa 1(ir U. i. Jooea. : WANTEDKzpcrlcaced shipping clerk. Ad, a aa, eowrnai. MEN "to work tn gold mtsS; Adst Uka stark. -301 McKay bklg. . " . TBXLW WAXTZD FIMALX. : TOO PICKERS to pick 624 acres hope; .all da. aired aerommodauons. grocery, Dakrry, res taurant, butcher -shop, beautiful camp grounds, dsacs hsIL para mountain water, etc.; re duced axcoraUia rates. Apply Saturday, Sep tember 2, rooa all Sbsrlosk building, Third and Oak. w.wTltrw1B0 tttl, te make eraralla aad ,lrt,. , iInlrtiais aim to Ineinertenced. Apply henj ostadter BroaSHndtrd-lfse ss. a. cor. Ksst xsykir ana orsaa are. WANTED Immodiatsty. a urea, Institution, f2; also cook, i'JS; second flrL 125; fsmlly cook. S40. 3S0 XamhlU. Pboaa Maui 6413. - - .-. GIRL- wanted for housework la small family. . Call forenoon No. 29 Ksst FMteaath St., aoatb. Aakeey ar Plus et. ears. -- -1 HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S4S Waahuif tea at., aor. Seeenth. apatsin. Pboaa Mala StW3. Femsls help wanted. GIRLS Wanted to work ta candy factory. Ap ply Pacific Coast Biscuit company. Twelfth .-and Darts. . . ., WANTED Experienced aiakers, also sppreu- iicos. j.oraiiy Hiiiinary atora, aio -laira ac Ul llLfl wsniew vo aroTB in psper-oov racrory, F. C BtetUer. caraac Tenth and (iUeaa ata. WANTED 10 girls ft 37 m Morriaoa at. dreea making aeboaL w. Fourth. . TOL'NO ghrl wanted for light housework ; aa children. Inquire 111 West Park. WANTED At ones. - good presssr. lira Works, EOS Jefferson at. , Tamer's WANTED -Lady waitress for rastaursoU't .412 Morriaoa at. ' ... GIRL Wanted Psrk. anr genersl housework' at S1I Was WANTED A gtrl to do bousework. .3)6 East Monroe at. - r ,... . WAXTlUl-AQCTTaV AGENTS WANTED Ta sell our super lor high grade Barsery stock; new and complete out- .. St ifnrnlabod free; cash weeklyi write today for choice territory. Capital City . Naraery Co.,' Salem,, Oregoa.. , - WAXTfD-iA 1 second-hand Chandler APrlca ...JUilJ Dress. Addrsss I 64, Journal. , SALESMEN wsnted for eirluaWe arenar. under wear sou aeamissa aosiery. racrory ta consumer airecT. aiw tornraerciai mrtea,- WAKTID-MALX AND nXAXX HELP. wanted Bookkeepers and stenographers; ws . placed 307 pupils la lucre tire positions during psst yean call ar send for catalogue; day er blrht) it will pay you. - BEIINKE-WALKER' BUSINESS COLLEOB. WANTED At oaes, a bright. enecgeiK. pre sen labia maa or woraao, a good talker, ta rake aa sa attrsctles ncanoaltlaa). laootra 1 - Afoer si joaimaics. B s. SOLICITORS Men. or women: per ployment to hustlers; , axperleu manmt-ear uaaaces ssryt arm IJekum bldg. DRI'MVERS ind sgcntlfdt. good side leaae. I P'E.riii "- - - write. Hm I WANTED Hopplckers ta Vondsy, I " - - - - a. . ' 4 e ... A " A a t a, :A""..," v " -' -.. nor va, WANTED Mora bop-pekersr best ysd; easy to .... aypiy aaui a,aa ,uo4 So7 BFXP wanted tsd enptiiled. mile ar femskt. 11 1 ii' i i jayssaingtoa J-F U. ' " VoK RIbFFICX-BOOMb. '9. .tA"5! nn top Soar Stearns bldg.. zz . "f u , btowib aampew as ta anHeniuw Business college. n r -" r Tins, eentrallr loeatea .rci. mit)m. l .. . , I . rww. uu, its aeooaa at. lomi-p) for rent: phone: au.rieke. . bMg, t all betweea Id and b a'cVm-k. I OFFICS ROOM (er net ysasa a. . r WJJI1TD MIA!EIXAKXOIJS. walM-TINll mnilie mmS whttaWSSblBS' trssa. baaemeaut. baraa, docks, ate., doaa; largest taaotiaai hprayuia oelSt oa the euaet. M. is. lorgaa Co,. STu MUwaukla at, fboaa . SJat m, rCPIl waateoj sy aceompllabed' pUnlst. some preemas osperieaoa Breierreu. Aoaress m Journal. . 1 . ' BOOKS bought, sold ad rtrbauged at the - Old Book store, 'XS TsmhiU st. SOHOOtV- BOOKS "bswstrtk-" Jooea' Boos store. W Aluar as. . r. J. RYDER, printer. Becosd aad" Waahburtoa sta. Phono Mala p3. 2-s. EMPLOYMENT AOXXCXa. ' "sUKSm'bMPLOTMENT OFFICaV OR MSN. SS N. Seesad at. Pboaa Mala I63S, pinNzra eupijtmknt co.Lshor torsi help free to eaptoeers. 211 Morrli WAHTXtf TO XXSZ. WANTKD To rent T or S-room boee;-wlth 14 sere to 6 acres; must ae reetonsnie aaa near car line aud school 1 subnrbe preferred. Call er address 416 Tillamook st. , e WANTKD 4 or-6-room cottage, flat or a furniaked moms on- weet alda, by renews psrty.- Pbons t.sstJB30T. '-s r- WATTED EEAI. ESTATX. ffOfSB an 1nTbctwTmomsoB lnd Dttmslds aad sot farther out than Thirty-tuarta at. oa ssst side, oa- would buy oa weet side If But sua high; glre 1 locatloa and price Bret let- . ter. Aauraes . a ui, eere - r FARMS WANTED-JIU klada atoek. . poultry, fruit, grata aud ' bop farms: must Da gooa and reasonable la price; glre full deecrlp Uun, price sod ter ma. . - , 20a AUsky bldg. V' WANTED To buy on good monthly payments. a tarns, anoai iv acres, unirrureu, veer vauw trtc line. - Address J 02, JouruaL WANTED Small tracts suitsbls for chicken rant-bee: muat be good and res eons bio. H. 1 Cste, 113 Second at., Portland, - - - WANTED To boy amalL cheap cottage and . furniture for cash. . Lndlgsn,J. phone 1100a laj. ,. WANTED Houses to rent; ws'hsrs ' ealis tbsa we -Bare nouses. ' 306 AUsky bldg. WANTED Small tracts suitable for chicken- rascaea; aiuat as good and reasonable. . .- 306 AUaky bldg. , , WANTED Beet- house 6I.20A cash -will bay. JOS Allsky bldg. " e FOX KtK HOTJSJOtXXPINuV ROOMS. FOR BENT Furnished hoasekeeplsg-rooms la Deal stick Dioea as east Sloe; gaa raagee, bath, etc.; ao traaslsBts; prices ssodersta. Logaa blk.. lOSVs I'nloa ata, dir. Kaat Alder.' Pboaa TJoloa 3263. , DICKSON'S apartments, furnished, .unfurnished; Ideal, iocs t loo: terms moderate. , tnirersuy Psrk. Phona Scott 1286. FURNISHED bousakeeplng-rooms. single ar en site, rary reasoaaoie. ers riarrisea at. , 3 FURNISHED housekeeplDg .rooma. with aa , or peone, cau ovta Tta sr. - FURNI8HKD . honaekeeWng-xoooia; bath aad gas. got rourteeniB st. rox xrrr rTrxrnHCT rooks. THB KOYC&KST. ITS Twelfth St.. ..Yamhill J net eneeed: eiclualea rooming se aonnaodatlonai hoBsa-and fnmiahlD-a entirely new; elegant enltea. wltb hot aad cold water, Sna beds; also, single rooaia; will rant a limited another af rooms now to permanent people; transients solicited. - THE KINO New building, handsomely far- Busiea, - equipped -with 'every Booern eraeen leace; on direct ear Una to eipoeltton: all outalda rooms; beat, gas, electric fights, porce lain baths: eery low rstaa; take Fifth st eer from t'ntoa depot .ta SCO Jrfferaoa at, ear City UslL HOTEL TAN. NOT. . '' Commercial men's headquarters, tret class, water a ii the reoms, baths free, oeutxal, direct cars to depot sad exporttloa. . 1 KM Third St.. cor. .Pine. u THE HAMANN, 183 N. 14th.e-r nort Newly Tunuaaea rooms. ai.MJ apt aoBreaiaat mcaasav IS minutes' wslk ta fair grounds: Morrlsoa car at anloa depot direct te Bouse. Pboaa S470. MARQUAM HOUSE. 146H 6th Rooms ea suits or single; aonsekeeplng rooms; gss states, bath, eleetrte lights; trsnaleste solicited. THE WILBUR. - MS East' Osk Rnlte boase-keeslnr-rooms. 32.2S. ner week and aa: lods -lag- fl."J and- up. Phone Scott 364. THB. BEIXEYCR 60 rooms nlcelr fnrnlshed; prices reasonable; rrarenng nabUe aoUcltsd. iiitf, spuria stitooa. ju FRONT parlor tor geutleaiaa a. refinement whs wisaea rooss Bear ue . eeotet - city, asi Reerett at, - . . - . .. . THB ALDER . 439 Alder: Blcely furnished rooms, convenient aad quiet; bath aad -three phones. mm (IUADSTONB BISK Barter at., fornlahsd rooms; aaoer sew asaaafeaMBi; pneaa rea eoBBblsw - ,. ; i. CHEAPEST and bast toeatsd rooms In Portland. 61 week aad a p. U lima a. Fbrst sad Alder ata. THE CASTLE 372 Washington at. fnrnlikid sosas. rnoup mam 10 a. ; FOX RENT-SOUSES. COTTAOE! BvxWn. firs rooms aad bathroom. . run oTica Bssemeat, no. B3 hlsdlsoa - st. .Inquire Wakefield.' Price A Co. and Joha KlostermsB. 61 North Tweaty-flrat at. STUART - etatkm. Mount Scott car 4 lsrgs rooms, outbuildings, modern; parties without children', furniture for sals. Call tha Belle rue, Fourth sad Balmoa. FOR RENT Fine S-room corner boose,, lust newly .renersted: resanaable to the . right party. Inquire 70S First or 234 Pins. S-ROOM house for rent la Kenllworta: else trc light, cement walk. etc. i. C. Weater gsrd. Phone Scott S625. - FOR RENT S-room." new. modera cottage. furnished: good neighborhood; rent I3U. Phone East 3733. MODERN room bonne for rent, eleetrte light. a 10 psr.asoiiiai east siaa. raoae Ksst 67a. TO family of adults. A-room niodcrn bouse la good location. Inquire 24 Thirteenth. NEW 6-room bouse. 660 Windsor ft.. Wood- lawn; key Beit- door; 6T.S0 per month. FOR RENT 6-roots house. FUty-secood aal East Stsrk It. - XC0MS ART BOAXB. ' FIRST-CLAWS roams aad board for permanent peopie, m.av . sua zo per monta; table board $4 per week. Astor bouse, 7th aad Msdlson sts. - Tol Mala 6231-. - TBS IRVING Elegaat heeonassdatltaa. aa eiorhtunt ehsrgie; dining-room la cos aactloa: prices rlgUt. Cor. 18lh and IrrUg. ROOMS with board for permasrnt - teasata. rensonablt; Srstlasa home . oooklng, U Sixth St. .' , . . .. . SOUSES FOR XISfT iTRlHTUXI FOR 8A1R, FOB beat results en " "tnsetTrfss s . Whafber to Var or sell, rlns bo tfala rvsiunu At'CTio.t KOOMS. " T 311 First St. enrro-avra e -..-- - J. Z ' ."1'...,, boiiae rent; close la. 2 biucka from city ha. 82K Fifth St. No sgeuts; rash. Fl'RNlTURR af 4-ronra house for ssle) bouse or rent. s4 montniy. aa roarta St. XUSIXXSS CKAXOXa. THE CLAHK GRAIN COMMISSION" CO. " 306 McKay bldg. - PR1TATR ROOM FOR -LA-IES. 10. buys or sells l(f shsree of stock ar m.vj missels or grain; coiumlaalos, oa grsln, J4 os a Locks. Wa buy sad sell psta rRltB -ANDIt,IN OREGON. FERTILE soil, sure water, dellehtrnl etlnete I tend er alfalfa, amies and elneee r ..ii wwurrM. um . voiamrna BouiBem rria'ios im., bw Worcester blk., Portland. FARMS Wheat and timber Ishde, acreage, elty pr"terty; timber and homestead locatloa; . - - - en,i iiiniranra. TOWNrlKND, MAXWELL CO.. aaaAJAeee-. ........ ... .Saaia XUSIXXaS CKAXCXV wym. m. --- - " , ' FOR ' SALE Blacksmith shoe) la ess -era Or, goals. Sue trade, bss kt I he and drlllpress. ate; good epealngi laeeoUgate at eacs; prlw r for shop, property, tools, , I. . i. ; Held, Grose at. Muaistlll. Or. -t ' - ;' FOSWIALH On account of akkneee, nice, clean, Bsooey-mskuig boatasse en east slle; esles , from 616 to39 per day; price 6100. or will larolre; no ageata waal ad. 11 6. Tba Jooraal. FOR SALE Well-equipped planlng-mlll oa ssst side, macblneay la good order. togettat -"With stork of lumber, at a bargain. Address i 40, rare Journal. - FIR8T-CLAbS newspaper maa waste roanee tloa Ue . paper with nrlellege of buying ' Interest; .Orefou or Washlagtoa. i 65, .csrs . Journal. J' .j , - - ' I PARTNER Also genersl sgeaf; 6300 to M0 csptal required: iigatvmanntscturing; atous prodts. Room ia, -atiS llrat at w BAKERY for as let oouu try town of 3,000 Inhsbl tsata,, county seat ; enlF bakery, fine . bast- Addresa i (..journal. j PHYSICIAN leering lbs clty will sell ofdee traps; low rent; practice. Apply te aupea Inteadent Oregoolsa bldg. . 1 WHEN looking for n locatloa, cither dtp or rountra, call sa the Northwest bad Co, 363 'Morriaoa e rsom 311. . DOCTOR, conrerssnt wltb batteries, belts, etel. caa secure partnership in furnlsned of rice Addreae I 51, Joumsl.v . .. . PHOTOGRAPH aallery fee ssls: clearing u aiuu per bsobib; stckaeaa toe reason lor aeu- A in. iv)j yirst at.- ,- ,, - rt-,-.- t FOR SALE Brick betel. 66 rooms, good faml- - tore; splendid isass; in rorusna. v so, journal, FINB opportunity In established business; nein and capital. Address u as, care joaraaa 3&90 GROCERY, good stock and, Bituree. with - le-roem nst, gooa toeauon, sia tnos. - BEHT roomlng.bouse bsrcsla In city: 14 6590. Opposite city hall, 368 Fifth at FOR SALE Small dairy; less years, oa Bt Helena road. Answer 44, journal. . . FOR SALE Ooarectionery stock, part er wh cnesp. roooe suae oaei. SALOON 6600, or. half tntaraat If wanted. ,. JouraaJ." V. : THE Home company baa removed to -14944 sirsi sr. - v- . . WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN A CO- FOB SAfT RT3T, XSTATX. LOTS,' well Improved,' near 6-rooas house aad outotuioiBge, a mlnntee to - care, ac tarsi aso. part cash; worth 3S0; also 3 lots adjoining. Improved, with new 6-mors boas nuAalsbed aaa outbuildings; price (.O0, worth 46u; psrt essb. O. R. Addltoa,. Lenta, Or. Taks Mount Scott car. Sc. . . "- $2,600 ACRES wall .Improved, an la Sne i ruii, rir puudiags, 4 uocaa iron, car line, caa be bought on very assy terms; Im mediate possession; will take part la real aetata. CaU.lOTH Third st. HOMESTEADERS Ws esa locate yea a vacant wbest er Irrigation Mads ra esstera Oregon. Call or writs Ysa Clesvs Srboll, Reel Estate Agents, Echo, Umatilla county, Oregon. j . YERY-ebetea. lot, 60x100,- Holladsy's add: sloe . a nomo at at. labor, luuxiuu, a car urn Ball Rub water,. 1 rooma, bath, barn, all - kind fruit Owasr, 126 Third st. FOR sale or exchange for Portland income property, farm of i0 acres; good building, plenty of good spring water: 40 miles from Portland. Address K 40; JournsLi FOR ' SALE scres cheap. with mod era lo-room aouss, aioug ,goit hob caruae; one bearing fruit trees : muat beVsoeX Inquire on premlass, T0 MUwaukla St. FOR SALE New S-room bona wltb full base. ment and large attic, Eugene eat, bet, Rodney and Union area. Addreae A. Eesaa, aJ6 Kugene at Phone East 9V. SACRIFICE s-eoom hoose, bstbroom, pantry and be Be ment, plastered and painted, street Improved; (050 cash will handle same. Call 827 East Twelfth, north. . . NICE three-room cottage oa Montavtll ear line;' fruit trees, fenced, etc., ; 6V. Be Georg Anderson at ruber Mndle Co-, IN Third at, Phona 408. . . KEW 10-roera houi ions, cheap;, would ault two ax, 60O aa time. baUnce In vacant lot Address H. T. Palmer. 418 Florence at laiuiire, mjyri w , CLOSE la baslneaa corDee, tbree-etory building. paying n per rem on lurestment. iz.6oo. Tysoa Klnsell, OU2 Commercial blk.. Pboaa Mala 3823. B'UAN'D-SEW 9-room cottage with toilet, bath. ossement. aoi o lug. oa ui vision at., fi.ouo. Tyson Klnsell, 6U2 Commercial blk. Phea Msla 282s. ,-. . .'.,.- . ... SOX100 LOT. Willi snnll bones, IIS sr., oer. ceTenta ana s.ignta.t- inquire o( llrs. MlDalQger, 428 North Tweaty-Arst at, city. . , ... . . . . , . HA YB some choice wheat fsnaa for aal cheap and on eaay term. Write to or call on H. D. Bandsll. Olsa, Gill lam county. Or. 700 i-ROOM brtnaa, lot nxl3S; central; fine - locatloa; St Johns. Call at 433 Mohswk bldg., corner Third and Morrlsoa. Owner. FOR BALK at a bargstn, modern T-room bouse oa Esst xsyior. close in; terms to salt purchaser. - Apply F 43, rare Journal. FOR SALE The Missouri building en the ea- paaiiion iroonns. nena bids to tne secretary at balldlng. JL S. Garver, asustsry. FOR SALE , 6 room cot tags nearly new, Tblrty- iirat aaa svsst rtne; essy terms. . -B. a.. Wooater. owner, - East Arleta, Oregon. FOR SALE Modern eabarban ewttage, to ear line, an location, ground lOOxlMt 0. W. P. Towns! te Co.. 134 First at - DE8IRABLB west aide borne.' T rooms, fruits aad flowers; also earner lot aad suburban acre age. B car to SOT Oorbett at. 300 FARMS, email tracts and lata; bargains an u. w. r. eiectne una. o. st Addltoa. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. So. - 6-ROOM bouse, lot and furniture for sale cheep; esay psysaenw; an improvements; Bargain. Address O 69. care Journal. MAKE an offer for 9-room asodera cottar. Jo Nssa. at Nashville ststloa, en Mt Scott car line. Maat have money. MODERN 6-mrrm bouse Bear ear line, full lot. 61,330; small cash par ment, remainder like rent Call 107 Third. .. SELL WOOD lots. SS down and 88 a mouth; from 679 to 6200. Sell wood Tow salts Ca. Phona L'nloa 14vL . . . FOR SALE House S rooms, rsodera. T49 Eaat , Main, by owner; bait cash, balaace twa years; price 12.800. . . S FINB lots la the center of St Johns; Soluble ios rssioences or Business asanas; s.DUU. 07 tjsnmsrcisi oiug. , . , . FOR SALE Lota It 12. IS, block 3. Arleta ara. . izr eeca. , Aoarsss Aate Webster, Bsrtoa, OrCgoa. FOR SAl.FJ 4 mow cottage asd of Sunnrslde ana .Mount Tsbor ear line, cheap. , Address O 41. Journal. , , . A room and a 6-room bouse for sal ehesn. H. T. Cummins, NaahvlUa station, Mouut Scott car line. - , 1.66d New 9-reom cottars sad large lots t on cor. Grand sts. and hsvsr st See swsar, en owe rev n. . FOR SALE S-room boos en ear Haa arlak acre trait trees, eta. Isejalre - 81 Seal Slsth st - ... 8 ROOM bouse, cheep fr raah. Inquire L. R. HsmingtoB, ttoeemosc sva... Hon ta villa ear. 1 amlinii new -ron'm house, west aide, easy wmw, ,t,uw v b u iui lnira at. THB Hoate Iad cempsny baa removed . to iw nrsc st. . ., . . 28TIDB J0'1 eio ,a u barsaln. swrwds llsB17 UIU(, FOX SAU B0R3XS AJTD CAXXlASXa. IOINO.J sound bore. S resrs old, eentle. weight 1,000 pounds; good for delivery sr butcher wsgoa. ride or drlr. , Call 126 13th ai. or paone stain K137 FOB SALE Horss (very gantls) wtth buggy snd karneaa 6M0: one cow, Jersey, d gaX gons mils, 40. CsU 41T Ahlngtoa bldg. FOR SALE Horse, carriage and harnaaa. new gnsrsntee city broke for sny women.. 660 wwu sr. i nono I'sciric via. ' .r'XB tI' auggy, horse and harness, scat O eT. aAas m a l L - - - - mm a m 6.129. for sal cheap. ortrad fa lot in -as ". at rvashinatoa st rox xiijr axmj. CLARK B COUNTY BARGAINS a B,'lrfw'a Kaerlfaoa MU acres rich soil, ao rocks. SO acree rlsared, 40 scree fenced, t - bosses, bars, stone dairy. , family orchard. , close to railroad., at-hool and small toes, worth 3A000. Price only Il.ToO. Ihralrsbla 64i scree, S la cultlrstMB, 9nO fruit Usee. room house, barn, Vauooorer miles. 41.0O0; terms. - . Bnsn 16o-scre farm,i blc ImproTcmetits, - beautiful hsiatf. large crop, au k. Imple ments, aear railroad. All . for ta.500; la ' vestlgste. .... .." - 0 acre' good. soil. 23 acres leeel, 3 rrea cleered. creek, caarsra bark, only 3 Wiles from dally a tea re boa ta.- Price fJSO. Seeeral hundred acre kgsd laBd.' good .. aotl, well located; weald . asaka ; excellent , peator after seeding, . - .SO acree terel laud, good soil. IS cleared, barn, orchard, 6 ml lee to VsBeoaeer. fl.A Addrsss James t. 0 Keane, ChrUt blk.. . Yancoueer, wsaa, . AW is Tmav ' ' . . a. aeeea, lu land, na era eel. all la caltlvsj. tloa. bouse cost 700. barn cost 1290, eblcken- yards, boasee snd fence cost wait aaa nnmn eciet 8125: food boras. waroM and -'. Carsess; 3 3a fresh eowa, t yearling aad 3-year-old calf; 100 Sne hens; 3 acree tn po ts tuee. worth 6300: 100 fruit trees, V scree Una strawberries. 10 cords wood; remember this la eoly 600 feet (rout the- electric car- line; caa give wras. rnca owiy It yon want a bame don't Bias this. Addrees F 43, care Journal. IVi ACRES all Id fruit and cultlvstloa; good 2-rooa boose snd barn. 3 chl-ksn-hoasrs, 1 bo bouse, -1 frollboase and roothonee 12i20, m good fsmlly orchard, 1 acre atrawberrlea, '12.006-Biaate. 1 wagon. 1 fruit-wagon,--! cow, . nlnw. B cultivators. 1 narrow, a lucamne., I - 4 i.tera.- a tkraerf chit-tens. U acre carrots: price, - 62,000. Kspey-.Bs aieaiiy company. eiianuuoa suos;. - - 1,900-ACRE ranch with 3 miles rlrer front, rich graea lands, aa railroad. Bear Portland, ' Improvemente cost ever $10,000. scenery amh i hlna nhaassats. duck sad Sab la - abundance; aa Ideal See etockvfarm; price . only u'ju per sore; aaay ceruaa. ore or ,v :" dress T. Withy combs, room 8, Hamilton blk., Portland. Or. , WB bava lost platted ISO acree In 6-acrs , tracts. It t one et the beet pieces of land la Multnomah County: 11 mllse eaat or Port laud aad tba a 1 aial frota O. W. 1 electric line: there to no rock er gravel: tb price ta $06 per sera, wo very aaay .tense. 11 - IS. care of JouruaL ONB S aad one 10-acre tract of a mil , from O. W. P. eleetrte line and CedarvlUs ststloa; very Sns soil, lays level and vary essy to clear. $28 down, balance very easy terms. There is nothing better aa tba auvr. ket V 46, care Journal. BETTER ttian n street railway A larre cattle rsach, all complete; gooa uirssHiueni, iot aturk cowpaay; abuadauce at grass; price 81.000.000, easy tenus. See er sdilress. T. Withy combs, roooa HsmUtoa Woe a, Port land. Oregon. 13,790 BUYS a $4,900 farm af 13S acres, 6 room house, barn, good water, 2, miles ' from warehooae, 1U mile to school: $1,006 raah, ha Is bos S Bars' lime. F, J. Msboney, Tskoa. Wash.. .' . FREE LAND IN OREGON eadar tb 'Carey Irrigation Act Deed direct front auto. . Write today. Booklet and map free. B. S. Coohs A Co., 391 Aider at. Portland. Or.- FOR BALK 40 scree, unimproved. T atlle from courthouse; no gravel; near unia; a bargain. Inquire U oa. car Jonraal. FOR UALB On Columbia river, TO-aera farm; orchard, saw hones, 19 seres ta grass, la . aulre Ella Foster, Stavenaon. Waah. CHOICB faraia close la tor sskt at bargains. . aad aaay terma. ,., r . SOS Allsky bldg. roR aoa them Oreaon real eatate. larre ar tracts. Dlllard A Clayton. Rossburs, Or. FARM fur re ill wltb aptlofof baylag. Saadstonav Sherwood. Os gen, a a rox saxx TxjrxxR, FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR 8 A LB Ap proved, aarestrtcted, reedy for Immediate nee: - lowest prices. . E. F. A F. B. Riley, Su$ Chamber of Commerrs. - , FOR iALE Two hemeetead rellaqulahawsl . clslmst aseond growth; will toll cheep. K. F. Nlelaon. Uotsl Rhelnpfala. FOR homesteads, tlmber-elarma and farmlsads Bee A, K. Mathswa A Co 221H Morrtsoa at. s, for tla aa, ur. CERTIFIED Bcrlp. any slse pieces; lowest prices. ; W. G. Howsl MS Chamber et Com- 46 ACRES MmoeTTkad, XardblU county, 630. Apply 630 MeulaslBpl sva. . Pboaa TJalea 52. . ;. TIMBER T.OOO. 000. ouarter. sccesslble: - Sr, cedar; $8 acre. Ai ddress r ai, loarnal FOR HOMESTEADS, timber eUlms and ectip apply to 806 Comnierelal blk. ' FOX SALX OB XXCBAJIGB. ' ' lfO".Jt'tlmieT claim; crnlaa ,900.000 feet. .-very sccesslble, for sale or exchange tor residence or good rooming-house. Call 107 Jt Third st , rxxxoxAX. DR. ALFRED L. ANDERSON of Cbleag ta - now permanently located at the Lewis bid., and ta now prepersd to treat all chronic, nervous and mental disease without the a ef drugs or aurgsry. Dr. Anderson In bts 1 treatments employs the different dragleas aiethoda, sneb aa seuropethy. euggestlve thers peutlra. eatteopatble rusnlpulstlosis end vital i maguetlSBs. I)r. Anderaon la a graduate of several eastern. Instltatlona, aa well aa a Suptl of tha famous Dr. Weterstrsnd of Sere en. , Te every one bringing this ad antll . September 1 Dr. Anderson will give a free treatment Everybody cordially Invited to bin offices and te read tha many nneolkiled . teatltnontals. Lewie bldg., corner' Murrlaaei and Park ata., room S and 4. Office hours t 6. 7 to I p. a. VIBRATION equaltxes clrculatloa. .breaks dowa and ejects waat tissue, rebuilds new sod keelthy cells; free deroouatratlou. Ofnca end tree ting -rooma. Vlbratorlnm, suite 28-20, Lewis ' bldg, cor. Psrk aad Morrison, LOST powers restored by the .great - Dr. Lereaa'e Nerve Tonic Tablets; 2Se per box, 6 boxes for 61.29. Write or eaU at KyeeelFe ' ' Pharmacy, 227 Morrlsos. bet 1st aad 3d. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberto Nerve U lobules. One asoath's - treatment,. $2; S : months, $8; aeat seeurely sealed by mall. Assets, Woodardv Clarke A Co., Portland. Or. BOOKS! Hsrs they sre: ,rsneron.V "Hen taroeron," "A Hot Tama!," "ranny Hill," "Twenty Tears a Faker." "Forbidden Fruit" BOe each; list free. A. Sen male, 22S First St. GENTLEMAN, sg 89. desire to meet and correspond with a alee-appearing aad sincere ' lsdy between 30 end 39 years; no trill era. Addrsss J 96, care JonrnaL LADIES Yon sppesr 30 yeere younger, re move all wrinkles, bsvs ' skla like velvet . by using Oregon Grape Skla Food. - Phone East )267. MANLY vigor restored ' without draga, appll aacee er applications: guaranteed rare; posi tively ears. Dr. Downing, Salt Lake. Utah. MEN I WOMEN ! Rsymoud'a pills positively cure nervousness snd lark of vitality; tl. 4 " box $x Plummcr Drug Co., 360 Third. BUSINESS woman of ability whwee "to meet . serif le bibb of meana for business eoonsel and ' ad vies. Address Business, car Jour naL - CLEARANCE ssle all kinds af waists, kimonos, mualla underwear, etc, below cost Slag ' Cbong Co., 333 Morrison at LILLIAN . X CRAM Chiropodist, manleurrng and shampooing. Parlor 424 Ahlngtoa bltlg Portland, Or. BUck 2863. MOORFIELD Improved Steam bath; snperlor to . Tnrklah; rheumstlam, akin diseases. lOOVs Sixth. Psclflc 270.- - - ,iBY, THE. Psople's- Reetsniaiil, M -ejffs-( corner lark; aerving me sis for 19 and ap give, them a trial, . . .. . THE Oregoa Detective Service; afSee 114-116 Cslnmbla bids- 369 Waahlngtoa. Mala 9616. DR. ATWOOD 16 Russet bldg.. cor 4th . Dlasssss et women. Consultstlon Mor rlson. FRER saaipls Cora, bunion and wart ear, wis L. Dsaa. dept, E,. Taunton. Mass. Ed- 0YPSY KKNORIA'S herbs, rants and barks care ' all diseases. Rooms 823-8 Allsky bldg. TURKISH BATHM, 800 Oregon tin bklg. genu n night, ladles aU day. Mala m. . BAIJs OF FIOS for sll femsl dlsesasa. Alder st Pbons Msla 4833. ..-., 434 - ATTOXXXTI.' ' ; . OREOON LAW Voii.ECTlON C0.1-41T Fe " ton block. CnlleetioBs made throughout the -Vetted Uteres; bankruptcy matters specslty had teaaota elected; rent collected and gaa- ,.; FOX jUlX-iOSCXIXAJIXOu'a. ' - MRS. HOWE'S BULLETIN tiood atorewood. , rtoaa aad dry, ready- to eord, et 2-5ti per f cord; oak ami Br m cut rate; brick few sale : cheap; espress for hire; huue. a ' for rest. ' Pbons Vnluu ITS jot 1M East DUlsloa at. BILUAKD AND pool, table fur rent or for ssle en esay psymenta. TUX BRUNSW1CK-BALKB COIXENDEB CO. . .', .49 Third el, Portland. ' WE print your name on SO calling cards, proper (- slse snd style, ,25c; 2B0 business cards, 1. UroWB at atcbmale, xot rirai, roriisao, or, WOVEN-WIRE and spbola tared rots, aamp stuews, bammoeka and eamp furniture. i'a dac Teat At Awning Co.. 3T NorU First, LAUNCH for aala, length 39 feet.' 10-H. P. en gine, large carrying capacity; price very Cheap. Addrsss H aa, care Journal.. FOR SALE 14 head of tongjiom ysarlings. Inanlre Bert Wlckhsm. Oak Point. Wash. EXTRA fine corker puns; maat sell at once. Boom 3 Chamber of Cummerce.. FOR SALE Ticket teXbh-age. malsvraaiadlBm. Addrsss K 61. care Journal. . 1 26-FOOT launch tor ssle. Phone Union 1281. TO XXCHAKOX. WE hare d snap to offer la aa an-aere farm; . would trade for city property. Sea Lee, SIT Featoa. bMg., 84 SUtt at -'. ' ' . 38.000 PROPERTY la PortUnd, Albany. Jef ferson. Hsgluaw for good boslness. 210 Bast lThu-tjr-ltih at. '. i - ' y t : ROOMING-HOUSE of 10 rooms te exchange for vacant let Call SIT Kenton bldg. oi.fgith at. A3SAYIXB. THB J. H. FI8K Aassylng OfSee Greenley ata - Crawford, analrtlrsi chemists roemists aaa msist- lurglata. tlXV, WssblngtOB at ART IMXOXITrM. PBOF. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait and landscape artist; Instruction ta -oil painting. . water color, etc., and drawing; art gallery . connected with studio;' pictures for ssle end framing to order. 848 Alder st Phone 1930. " ' ' " T .'..i. BATHS XASSAOE. THB Palace Massage Parkira Is theepnly plac to get a ale Invigorating batb or masssge; youuf lady, 18 yeara uld. with saalataut, reeontly from New York. - Stark st, betweea Third sad Fourth. The Taeotna, rooms 21-22. M?bs Mtnn tCNnr.ISM Tt,l,vw1tet' BuulleateA ha -and magnetic treatnwnt.''s'MO a positive cure .1 for rheumatism. 149V BUth. cor. Alder, rooms 24-29. 5 . 1 i , 1 v n 1 r xaxDa. ' MRS. S. M. FRrnS, 80 Grand ave. beastlful Imported canary birds, reasonable: all good Btnrers. and satisfaction guarantsed. XLAJTX BOOS BLaJnTTACTUBIBB. BOWS. DAVIS KILHAM. lOB-111 Becosd St. Blank book BMnnfacturera; ageata for Joaoe ; Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see tba aew ' Eureka leaf, the beet en the asarket BXCYCZX BXAI.XXS. COLUMBIA. TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT-.. SPORTING GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. F. P. KEENAN. SOS THIRD BT. BOTTLMO WOKXX. O. aV M. BOTTLING. CO.. bottlers-f fme -car. Bona tad bererasea: (amlly wines, aad liquors specialty. .19 Union sva. Pbsn East 183. OAixa, 11 WMiaie st Pbea THB 0FFlCEe3SB Wsshlngtam TTI. Bauwsl Fleneaux. OJOTOPODISTB. IF your feet ere out of order, ge ta Dr. W or ley ' tteetaeatn Seventh ana Starh. that aaa BBS, r daliat Pboaa Black SIS. X00SXX, WADHAMS' CO. faeturere sad aoa - aad Oak ata, - , wholssate grocer a, msna ajtisioa msrehsats, Feartfe ALLEN A LBWISk enmrsission and acedaee ebaabh Front aad Davie sts.. Portland. Or. CH0AXS ABB TOBACCO. E8RERG-GUNST Dlatrjbutors af ' nam viuakb. Portlaad. Oregoa. CLAIRVOYANT ABB PALMIST. GYPSY 'EKNOBIA. ' Telle peat present sad future. No axatter , what your trouble srs- Sht will .help you. Koom az Alia ay biag Morrsson ana inira. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clalrvoraat permlet, ad Ira- eaeA eeedee: I alee facta reliable aad ' porfaat oa all affair ef real Ufa. Beedlaga aoe. - 68 Seveath st. sear oea. , MADAME LUCY, medium and beaker; reeCasa deny end eventne. PsrWjcs 1-3. g3SA First COAL ABB WOOJh. ' CHIll:HLEY BUod. bars resaoved from feat , Davis st to 426 Kearney at. near 11th: M : a-w tb torgeet vroodyard ta the city, carry. bsg all blade af wood aad coaL Mam SSL L UNDERWOOD CO.. dealers la Wosd aad real at lowest prices: satlafaetloa nuaren tsed. Irvine bet. Tenth and Eleveatb Phone Mala 48T8. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la j .-dweod. coal and greea end dry slabwood. ,-B. B. aad Al ' blaa svs.. 3 blocks eaat ef ferry. Baal 874. STEEL BR1DGB " FUEL CO.v d'slar la " sosl. . cord wood aad dry alabwosd. Pboaa Eaat 434. OREGON FUEL CO., all klada of coal aad weed. 303 Alder. PTeeae Main 69. KIRK HOOTER, sis Water ate sreod and anal. Pboaa Mala 460. FOR SALE 8,006 cord fir wood. 979. Pboa Esst CLXAXING AND STXTXa. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING DYEING Works; practical battsr In connection; festher .' hose and piemen c lea Bed aad earled bp aa ea- - pert-. 211 Kourtb, Phone Clsy 104. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed $1 per asnafa. Unique Tsllorlng Cs 34T Waahlngtoa st , H. W. TURNER, BrofeestoDsl dyer sad elesBer. SOS Jsffsveon st Phone Main 3613. CAXFZNTEXS ABB BTILDIBB, A. J. AUTHORS aad B. E. WOOD, 'carpenters aad builders: repairing aud Jobbtagl atora ad office futures built. Shop 306 Colambbk - Main 92BT. .' " CXOCXItT" AND SLABSWARK. WHOLESALE crockery and glassware.- PraeL Hegele A Co.. loo te 106 Fifth, eor. BUrk st BOO ABO HOXSX HOSPITAL. DB.C.E. BROWN. D.Y S.D.C.M bog. boree hos pital. 2ft 7 BurBSlde.Pbonee: MsloeoSs: f:aat2rV.Ha. CARPIT-CLXANIBa. HAVE tear walla eteaaed; wa clesa papered asd painted walls; astlsfsetloa gasrsnteed; .prices rsssnubls; rslerences. , Red 3038. - iBAKlTAmr 1 ssaaat elaairliig. 1 sui'lluii 'gird' few- pressed sir combined; esriiets cleaned on floor without removal. Main i034. Ksst 2904, CI R PETS rteened ea the floor; we raise aa dast Phone. Clay 331. free .da asoestrs tloa. I. HUBtER Stesm ' carpet, and mattress clesaer. 690 Jaffsrsoa. Phone Mala 214. COMinSSIOB MIRCKAJrrS. ' DAVENPORT BROS. Oeseral eejnmtsstoa saar- Shaats; fruit sad prod aoa i ennslgnmenta as. Idled; prompt returns. 190 Front t IF you want to get good, returns for yoet prnduea, ship to as: pay bigliast price tor esa f. e.-b. P. Miller A Co, CVRRDINO A FARRELL, produce and eonrmls. eloB aerehsat. 144 Froat at, Fertlaad, Or, Pbons Mala 17ft. 0XMXNT COXTRACTOXS.-- CRAS. H. CARTER A CO., remest eonrreeters. area mm jweuneTB St. FSOBs) a( MIS. T CAXX1ASX AXS XACX C"T- " TrIS UilT CASSIAC C C. I. tslly-ho r s aad carry-si's. I t at., an, h -ertona. rrtaww.e''al BXBTUTB, KEY .CHURCHMAN, dentist. tM I bldg., Slvth snd More leea.. Pbow V jtir-rYagrei, SHIRTWAISTS, wool aa' wash gt' , 81.23; sblrtwslst suits, $ ; 4 X. Bet. DRESSMAKING Strictly ' Bg design. 4cS Cwy at ' ta. eats; JUJCTXICAl, WOXX. . KORTHWEST ELECT KICAL ' ENGIN Com paay, 60S Stark SC. Portland. C. . evsryUIng la , the alectrlval Use, Main Isea. FACIFIO Eleetrte On. EngiBSees. sue repairers, ttactrle vrtiing. supiitlaa. 1 tarn, main now. sv. is. 1 a ' XXPXESSIN0. I, aad M. Ejrnreaa Company. 211 Wt St., Phone Mala 804: furattur. pi 1 eipraialug promptly atetndad to. I Lents. - XAIX ABO WALT XTXffK.TH; eVAVBOBG, saaaufeetarsr af barrens eta. . 428 Esst Ninth. Pboaa best 1 FtfXBT tuxx rAcnoxax. OREGON Furnltara Maaarsctoxlng Cw Manufsetarera af furniture ta the -Pollaa4. Or. . . . - . FURNITURE BMnsftcttrrtng aad speets L. Btrvsasky'e f urn 1 tore factory. 870 I BOYNTON werm-etr rerrseca any fuel. Bayer Furnece Csv. 866 Second. Mate . assa5, l a a8gaaasa3sarassaaonsasesa& BOTIXAV HOTEL Pendleton. Psndletoa. W.A.Brsw BOTEL Portia ad, Ataerlosa Flan; $3. S6 p HOTEL Bt George. Pendlatoal laadlag 1 BELVSDBHB: Ewrooeaa plant 4 tb aad A- etAXSWAXX, iee"r'. Portland Hardware Co. aollelta oppeetw amot prices. 183 1st St. ear Alder. Ma-- tBSTXABCX. I3AA0 la WBITafa Srs lasaraaM, StM I LAMBERT. WHITHER A CO tire taw and teal estate; since 107-108 Sbsrkck ' Mala 1006; dept 404 Baal Alder. East JAN. Mel. WOOD, employers' Hsbltrty n dividual acctdeat surety boode af aO a Pboaa T. SOS McKay bldg. ft F. BARTRLS COMPANY Fir tnae 443 Baerb-ek bldg. Oregon Fboaa Clar t IJOXBMTTB. REYNOLDS t reoalr abont axoert a ! let, locksmltb; orders promptly filied; 1 I r Uiil k 1 1 ioe CV..B, ,( -I- BROWNE'S IN TOWN Ea pert lock emit . bicycle repairing. 38S fetark. Dag , CMy 822: eight aboae. Mala SSSaS. . KET Btttng, cast-lroa bra sin. J. H. P ".oea. SOS Fawrth at. Pboaa Bond 1T 1 ,ii ,n LJ 1. BtOBXX TO ' TBI STAB LOAN CO. 1 , ' Asy ealsrlsd s alleys, wage earaer, wa laahia note, without aaortgaga ' Moats. 44 Moats. T B OO Repag to a 813.83 er MM a j .00 Repay te bi i 6 66 or ar t .00 Kepsy to aa S 4.00 or ti.06 r 1 Bio sacs. ay naog. 1 FITB pee oaat moaeyi we build yen b er sssa yen i-OBey ea yvsv pvouerxr, -aawatai lavaatlgsts; open Saturday taga. Boosas 14-17 Labbe bldsw MONEY to loss. saUflsd PSoprs. tosmstar.' . witnoui aacurity: sssy psymssiai i business In 40 principal cities. Telaus, Ablagtoa bldg. Phone Mela S43T. ' - MONEY TO LOAN ea'rtsl Mrsenal; aaf lateral saearlty; apecial attantlea t mortgages; notes bought - C. W. t 804-6 Featoa bldg.. 64 Sixth at - . HIGHLY respeetsble place where ladtas j genu can borrow aaosey on dlaaeoaat ' , Jewelry.. Collateral Loss Bams, so Isgtua et Pboa Black Ti. . - J S LOANS aad upward ea nil kinds at sere or sa asm I lew peavao mm assay awivwt " rslss-. no publicity, no daisy. 316 Aast bldg. om Bed ST36V, . .. ' I CHATTEL suana ia smounU Tanging frea te s,uuu; rooming-auBBis a ap Bra Lena A Traat Co., SOS A oil WB msks aU kinds of aoi good aw teeUoa Si. at lowest rates; apecial attorn caettel loans, las J LOANS at toweat rate on furndtnre. auy aacurity notes purehssad. 3 sincse, eev nasriocn MONEY to loan la seme of from $34 85.000; terma to ault tb borrow. ; b 300-10, Commerclsl blk. ..-. MONEY TO LOAN In Urge ar small saw an good security; lowest rata. WIUM, Beck. SOT Felllag bldg. - -- J THB CRESCENT LOAN . COMPANY- leans, from three to six mo tha: naSfw 311 Oregoaias. - , - ' J MONEY TO LOAN oa dsehaaias noaaty b B- F. aad F. B. Riley, suS Usaaber sfH PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, 6 ir per cent . Wat. DeejMlnt. 329 Falllnl SECOND-HAND musical Instrumssu af ' ., klnda at lowest prices, cash or Install Fisher Meal Co- ISO Third st J YIOUN, mandolin. guitar, eta., car -' taught, . Conservatory hall. 4SS 12th St., PIANO tuning. $3; aawrect work ausra ' MAOXXTI0 XTXAizBe). i J 4SaB-naBwasaassaa ay iiShj H iBhr MRS. U B. BART treat all dlseasss. aw . trouble, Bsrvousnsss and fun-cttonal wea Consultstlon free. 380 Vt Psrk. eor. Jefb; DONNBRBERG 1 A RADEMACHER, " pluarbera. 64 Fourth at Both psoas I FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers S3I Berasi' - Mala aad Salmon. Oregoa Pboa MsUi FAINTS, OIL ABO GLASS, F. E. BKACU A CO. TVs pleasyer P"l window-class aad glaslng. 186 Fh1 .Phoae 1884. . ..... RASMUSSEN A CO. Jobber. ssah aad doors. Secoed aai 0VXXALLB. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS -,' ehsalcs clothing: nalon made. Nsssa Bros., manofactorera, Pertlaad. Or, I 'OSTX0PATHS.- mm1 DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKlNdOS Mscleaf Clay 77. Rev, iM. 2141. OiosullatM BLATTBO. tbb Oregon 'plating works. Irurtos st Pboaa 3970. PoUsblng. , aad laeqaerlag. BOBBXM STAMPS. ' P. 0. STAMP WORE 8. S4S Alder at, ' - Mala TI0: rubbee stsmpe seals, teHB, gag, trade cheeks; sen 4 for eatalosa. 7 J F XIX TLB A, ANDERSON A eOUNIWAT COMPANY, Jf lithographing, blaak books. Fboaa V at Alder st '. X0FX. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.- Feat S3 aad KertAron Pertlaad, Or. a Ir V -TV.