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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
A - Tin: ounce:! daily j3u::ai; tc?.tlai:d. Friday 'evening,: crEriEni i.. izzx 1 2?rr"i. 133 FBISOil BAILtOAB ABB I7XAXB0AT TDO TABLBS. BATXBOAS ABB BTXABtBOAT TOfB TABLBS. BATXBOAO ABB BTXABtBOAT TTBB TABLBS. I BATXBOAB ATB S "Y 015a. gatterts. reoalrln eed (Mini J. Leatll. Jerferso r, StraiUt ll...ib C Haiti, t-re. TXXXT MTHTtt. 3 . Herrlees a' t a a aad 1 w C"eroeru Co., s ' . - a -a ,J., r- i and mwinf " 71 ' IU,M(...( AT :M O'LLOl.:. KVery nlaht t'-'a week- wttb - w Sputet-Prlae k.Unaa Sataraay. Vancouver Transportation Co. rleMed Aephat Psvlug C. ef rJiae, tea woreoaio' r SieBPAIBTXXB. HONS, window lettering, clot ImmHi mice) "electric Hens snd r-Stl enlcklr. - - ...-. m !rmtt Hi Exchange So. f plnnoeand farnjrare moved, B I for snipping snd sblpoedj aUC u iched rooi lChV ofSc SS nr st...- betwee S lk peon, please mo inrnmare j ..specked for sbliTinfl Wftotl , warthonea, Mt sad CUT SWV - N TUNIT11 CO.. 14 BortB BUt. a Mala SB. BNfr hauiisg Bad. eters special delivery sooia Wi St. afroee Mil SaX - -- U MaajTsnss enfeei fir aad bergise- ('work: Jall-asd prison worh: lockouts at repair. w " " ixovoita n rmiotm. CASES every . CeeertptJoej bank, ho tor Sxturee u order. Xb Lett factoring Co.. .Portland. towyx nmt. -TOWELS DAILY Oeab, brash, eoeB. r atontb. Uwnxi Bra.' Towel Seppiy ( reertk rod com. rboe S : TlOLDtB. wnm Mnitn.make aad raaalrrr class. SB Boaeell bldg.. dth snd Morrison, ia wir.iripttm. 1IM-1M bet, Yamhill aad Tar lor. Portland. rnujroux. . - W TknST COMPaJTY OPeUOOaT Oldest Tnut Compaar Ocoa. bankli kln koalMOJ ivmL'- Tim kwlMoa cradaetod. SavlBM rvrtlBoaiM nor otot; apodal oartinatoa loot maoar to par mn on anon ran. for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." I'koa Wala ana. . Ida Tklrd St. I I. COHEN. ..................Praaldaat f riTTWK ..........Tko-Praaldant If! PACBT.. SacraUry IUOLTBA, Aaalaunt saeratarr ( or roRTLAiro. omioov. TWTmT 00 E. TRIES AMD OAX STB. MlMtl Oaaaral Baaklnar Maiaaaa, I Mim ISSUED ! fa AU .Clttoi of tbo Unltad Statol A Eoroaa. . Bonckoas aat Manflav 'tmoirs kisi oa r atokam. tmi Mt.... ........ ...J. C AINSWOSTB 'Mlnltao)ao1 a). ,) a W Mo A Y B B rntdast ....t.. ...... .B. LEA BARNES ......B. W. SCHMEEB t-Caabtar... ......... .A. f. WBIOHt Jit Caahlor.. :.......W. A. HOLT t HATIOWAL BAITS: !' or os.tlaiitj. SlHof. lU Pcpoaltory and FlaaaeUI Agaa of tao toitM auua, - ot...;....i.... A. i. MTLLS k.. ...J. W. BEWKfBi t rS1f ..i. W. C ALYOSD taalaraat Caahlar......i r. STBYEM ( Cradlt la food Available la Baxef aad fba Kaatara Stataa.' -' Raman and TalacraphM Traaafara Maw York.. Boatoa. Ohlraca, . Lao la. ji. vmaaa. naa TTwmvm mm 1 nnlnta la rna Mm IkoaaL. ' and tine bllla drawa la antra ta ao adon. Parla, Bar It n, - rraakfort-ta-ta. I Honftont. ' ' YakohaaM. Copaaaaaaa, 'la. BfockSolaL . Bt. Fatafaan, Enrich, Honolnla. ollactlpna Hada K Ta TirtOK, BAinCIRS. j f (XatabUabad la 11H.V ' " ' anaaara a Oaaaral Baaktaa Baalnaaa acliooa aada at all . Batata oa faaorabla I Letters of credit laaaeA aTallable la I and aU DdlBta ta the United Stataa. I Exckan-and Talraranale Vraaatara Naw lark. Waaalngton. CMeage, St. I Daarar. Osaka. Saa franUeoe kaa4 ha end Brrtlah CoranAla, iiante aeld an Xondoa. Varie. - Bartla, rnrV.BaosODAV lokQbtBa. Uialla a ad 0BITT SAVXHOS TBTTST COBtr-ABT. f SSS MerWaoB St.. rartlaad. Or. aiacta a aeaaral BaaklBf Bialaaaa. . I BATIKOa SEFAXTMXJIT. . bt Allowed oa Hue and Savlnf Dapoalta. ana aa xraatee toe Batataa. and Latter of Credit ATallable la AB - ' Parte f the World. AtAM8.w,. l.Praaliloal LEWIS. ....... ......tirat Ylee-Prealdeai MILLS Saeoad Tlea-Preeldant 4urti ib.. ........v. ......... .aaoTaxary r. kuhiilu.. ...... .waaaiataat aeeratary lAVTS WATIOWAL BA1Ta i fORTLAJTIL OBKOOKv "B WATSON, ........Preeldeat ATTRHAM ; Tlee-rrealnBt fnOYT Ceabtef IS W. BOYT Aaalatant Caabler - aad Uttera oi Credit laeaed A Tellable to All Parte of tba World. , uallectiooa a Specialty. ,IS BROS, ft CXBISTEBSZV. I eV jrirat St.. rUaad. 0r, I Ollt-Kta Taeretment M WUnlelna sad f awiroaa Boaoe. write or vau. PRTQAGE kOANS Vtlaad Baal Batata at Lawaat Bate. tae taenred. Abatraota Yuralaked JUt VUABAVaXEB TBTBT OO. w waamnrtea St.. Oar, ARKABLE INCREASE III i BAKX CLEARINGS i j Tran$actioniWill B Forty- rivo minions, iireaier i rtis r 1 Y?ar;Than - la ,atinistad. on ths basis of th eight . months' business by local this year, tnat thera will b lncreta of nearly 146,000,000 In the land cjfsarlnsa . In 190S OveP the 1001.'- The record of the last eight ha. which Includes the dulleat of ear,. shows sn Increase of 2l,fs.. p over the . aame months of last i In actual cash .. treneactlpns,' at' Vd by none of the methods by which In ether cities attempt to swell bank clearings. . , ' clearings, by Portland banka this to Auguat. SO. have shown an In of more than SI per cent over yr'n-- brMlne8srvforkattia'r unl h. ' Bankers expect that .the re ins- months will render an equally I account of iportlsnd's commercial th. A part of the lncreaeed clear. I attributed to the exposition, but bulk is said to be due to the tel le growth - in all departments of rirToe. mtfnufartnre and agriculture 'ortland and Multnomah county. ( year, months before .ths fair ta, a aimiinr inorease wss recorded the ;ysr iioj. . The growth has steady, and attended br the'nuh- tlnt. Improvement and expansion of ana in -every way. . e impetue. wit given two or three f ago . by the beginning of a sys- wc campaign ior Jmmigratton and nveatment Of eastern montv. and j-eaulta have piled up month after n. Tnere Has not been any effort pnm, nor the allghteat tendency to ' vaiuea. .ina-city la not only er In every - way, it la said, .but a sounder, basis than ever before. I jaeaeta Ru9ll A Clyth Buy Half. Crock for Thtmelva and Un- ' , 'known Associates. PAID CEVENTY-FIVE' "THOUSAND FOR TRACT Largt Building Enterprise IstEx ; pected as Purchasers Own Entir Block In a Desirable Business See tion of the City, -7 ' - Russell Ac Blyth have bought two and a fifth lots' on StXth, between Pine ttd Ankeny streets, for S7S.00O. . The pur chase waa made - for tha cpmpany and asaociates. . ?,. . The tract secured Is the western por tion of the Mock bounded by Sixth. Pine, Ankeny and tt th streets. Bus- sell Blyth already owned ths butt end of th block fronting on Fifth street, and the deal Juat mad gives them the entire block, forming on ,ot th moat desirable building sites In the central' Dortlon of the city. This block Is diagonally a'croa from' the Snell, , Heltahu woodard r building, whlqjh was used by the postal depart ment for a period, and Is faced en the ether aid by the big; . Marshall-Well hardware store. .. ' No definite statement baa been made by th owners regarding- Improvements, but. a rumor. Is circulating that a large atructure for wholesale buelneas . or offices will In aU probability be reared in the fcuar future. All . owners are prominent - buelneas men. who have abundant capital f or .' whatever enter, prises they undertake, and should they decide to erect a buelneas structure In keeping wlth-th modern improvements being put up In th city, every assur ance Is had that the block' will become ths sit for on of the most substantial and attractive Portland buildings. About two year ago Bernard Albert, th recent owner, secured 'the property for 136,000. and. the sal at this tlm nets him a big, profit on the tranaao tlon. . ,.. ,.-..,.:. y-. I' HALF BLOck SOLD ' . Snys th CaptaU WtUlams TraoS fo- Oood M t-t .. Goldsmith & Co. made an Important sale yeeterday afternoon, th consider' tlon being $36,000. Tbey transferred to II. Wemme the half block on Ankeny street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, Th property was-formerly known as the CantaJn AVlllliuna tract. A stable la on. the tract, but -the demand for realty ther Is taken to lnsur a more snbatan tlal building at an sarly dat. Tb Marshall-Welts building, occupies th other half of the block. - , NEW PORTLAND HOMES. ' Arrangements to commence Work on the following buildings were mad yea. teraay.-nmd prmlt-wr) tasueeT by the building Inspector: . . ; B. Fulmar will erect.' a dwelling In fBunnysld. onvEasd Alder- street, be tween East Thirty-atventh snd- East Thirty-eighth, to eoat I1.060. F. LiOV wlu build a cottage In upper Alblna, on Maryland street, between Simpson n6T Jarre tt streets, to cost I1,S00. i,-:'." '... ..t'-'-'- LheodoreTlleI.wUierecta dwelling on Hanooclt. street, at -the corner of Vancouver avenue, to cost 11.400.- - - Charlee Parker will build on Killings- worth, avenue,-at a cost of $460. , Krnest Kroener win erect a aweiung on Kllllnse worth svsnue, tacoat $460. Alexander Gavin will erect a hand some . home In Pledmont, on Williams avenue, , between Pearl and Jarrett streets, to coat $4,000. J. W. Wurts, two-story f ram dwell ing, on Monroe street, between Williams and Rodney avenues, to coat si.soo. . Ellen Evstrand, dwelling on - Monro street.'' between Mississippi and Alblna avenues, to' cost $1,000. . -.- A. J. Dunbar, dwelling in Portsmouth addition, on D Pano street, between Montleth and Van Houten, .to .cost $1,000.; .;.- : ' - .'',. J.- M. Wallac. dwelling In Sunnyslde, on East Thirty-seventh street, st the corner of East Yamhill, to cost $1,600. B. Thomss, dwelling in West Pied mont, -on Alblna avenue, near Jeisup, to coat $1,400..- .'J..-,-, REAL ESTATE tJOTES. The Hlbernla Savings bank's purchase yesterday afternoon of 1 acres of real ty near the Mount Tabor lower reser voir and contlguoue to th Mount Scott ear Una for $11,000 la regarded good buy. L. C Kern disposed of this tract that It might be platted and sold a .lots. 'Churchill Co., wl act as agent for the property..') ' . TJan J " Malarkey - has - sold through Russell ABlyth th lot at tn southeast corner of Sixth and Davis streets for $7,000. 8, Bromberger . was . the pur. chaser. There Is an old structure there, which will be torn down -h; Threw beautiful borne will be built on Willamette heights, the contract tor th work having been let. Alexander Kerr will erect a residence to ost tt.SOO on Serpentine avenue, near Frank lira street. . Russell ft Blyth nave let contract for' two residences, on on franklin street, between Rugby snd Ser pentine avenue, and- another . on the earn street close to th flret, each to cost $1.600.,. The style of architecture for all tnre will . b adapted to the sightly location of Willamette height property. J Harvey W. Scott and Maraaret N. Scott, his wife, hav conveyed .to th Security Saving ft Trust company lots riira i. arva tne, south 1XH inohes or lot 4, - block SU In Raleiah S land claim,' for $23,600. .. v. . ; I permit has been "Issued to John Weiss to repair bt stor on Front street between Clay and Columbia streets, at a cost of $1,400. : -.4 - - " " ' M I ., , .. AT THE THEATRES. - Kecord-Breaking Attendance. The projection of "Alice of Old Vlocennee" it the Belaac theatre tble Weak to attract tag the tarswet.erewde la the hketary of that Blatheaee. II k l anaarb Barfaraaaaaa and will prove fntereatlng to too who km a pat riotic., thrill or good, wbolaeome eomedy.a.. Blf.Burlesque Show NexT Week. The saeoad trk of the aaeeo of borleamic at the Baker wlU open Snaday afternoon with Cromwell famous Brlcedlar company, booked St the satire waak with the regalar sutlaees EZRA I S tr I Wt aJ kaer7 KENDALL, la Bldner Boaeaiald'a Comadr-Draaia, t"THB BABBSTOBBTKB. . ; " riret PreaeateUoa aa Aay SUge. ' ' PBICIS Metloee, SBe, SSe, BOa, Tfta aad L M,ht m, W. pOe, Toe, 1 aad Jl.eO. Saata New Balling for tbo Entire Weak. JJJZZZLUJtM GRJtAlD THEATRE i . Advaae Sal Open Today let . WILTON LACKAYK TEX rtX" Monday. Sept. a; Taaaday, Sept. B; Wadneaday, Sept. , ' MTBILBY" Tburaday, Sept. T; Friday, Sept ; Saturday Mattaaa, Sept. PRIOEa Lower riooc, ezoapt" laet J row. tlAO: laat I rowa, SI. Balcony. Brat S rowe. Si;, third S rowa. Tic: laat S rowa, SOe. al lry, aa- and SSe. Boxn and Vooe, SaaU ow aelUog for th eaUr week. Belasco Theatre uSf-m 14th aad Weak. . Belaac ft Mayer, Prop. !::y-y-' -- : TOBIOHT AX 1:16 . StAlX' WtXX, ALICE OF By LL Ease OLD i rOVBTEXBTK WBEX ' BILAJOO BTOOX CO. VINCENNES A OrajnatlaatloB of Maorlea Thorapaoa'i NeeaL . Matinees Saturday and Suaday. ' - DDlirP4Z Vatlnees tSr.' SSe aad SOa. rlwti' Ntfht 8e. 8M. BAe and Toe. BTCXT WX1T HABBTT.rg gOBBTBIOOB. T3 A VT?T? THEATRE - 3d and YamhiU OBEOON THEATRE CO., LXSSEXS. -. GEO. U, BAKBB, KAKAQBB.V '.'J, TonightAfl This Week ' ' (Ne pWforaMae- Satnrday alght) , - BXatlaee Baaaayi Wed., Thai, aad Bat. Vi MUSICAL BURLESQUE-" . , The Baeognlaed Leader ,f Taesi AO, Ws Fay Foster Co. RVERYTHIMa BBYONO - OOMPABUOM.'- BIATJTirUL OrRI.S. COBOEOrg SCBNBBt AND BEHSATlUnAU KVtUAlu, Prlree Nig htt. SOo. SSe, SOe, Tie; BUtUiees, HOC, DC, DOC, DW. B1XT WIIB '-THB BBIOArnXBa." , "TBI MOST BOrOXAB TXBATBB. .. of the regalar an aad Winter Boaeon. .- SVBDAT BLATUrrtX, ffZrTZatBXB S. Special emtacanaat of CbaS. A. Taylor's Dew York rompaor f players, th beet aaelo dramarle organlaatloa la extateBea. preoantlng only Mr. Taylor's playe nodes- bis swa par sonal direction, opening, with the big dianaaUe "ESCAPED FROM THE HAREAl Play; Company, Scenery. Wardrobe TJp-te-Dets ,. an a irat-ciaaa. Brat Attraction of the Btnd ea Berth Ap pearing at ropaiar rncea. J BVErTntO 18; BS, SB and BO eeota. ' M ATI NICE 10, 18 and SB eeats. . - . Sale of SaaU Opens . Friday ' 10 a. '. BBCBIATIOB PABX ,v' Corww Taagha aad TweatyOBrth. ' - - PORTLAND vs. OAKLAND : "' SE7TXXBXB lr S, S. GRANDSTAND, SSe, CHILDBBN.. lie. Box ticket and reserved state oa sal at box office. . THE CI R A N D rAT-ntr TrTK BUOKIYX TBIO. . HAST. BESSIE ft 00. , THE DB TATS. MB. YBXO PURIMTOB. . THI OBABSISCOPX. fianeral - adralaaien 10- eanta: wete Boor m oanta. . Dally matinees, entire 10 eenui bos aeate SB cents. . aadays tlnnoua 2:90 to is:o p. m. - THE ST A R r . ItTjrSICAI. BXZTflT. . . MELVILLX ft AZELLB. . . . YABICK ft LALONDA, , . WALTEB PERBY. " - '-7 BOY M'BBAIB. : 1 ' THE gTABOSOOPX. . - General admlaaloa 10 eeau; reserved seats SO cents. Dally matinees, entire lower Boor 10 cents; bos easts 2B casta. Baadayi eea. ttnooaa S:0 to 10:5 p. m. LYRIC THEATRRJ - WXZSC Or X0BSAT, ABO-JIT U. "A HOOSIER HEROINE" Celebrated eomedy-drsms la tew "sets, with Indiana background. . ' . -- '4 . ' . 1 fl- ADMISSION; 1 IVCReserverl Seats boo IMC Snsdayc Wednesday, Ttmredsy snd . gatordsy. There 'will elao be a epedal matinee of "The Brlradlrra" Monday, which Is Labor Day, , at the regular .matins prists. . .vr--- '- Big B11 at the Star.' The Star la giving a fin shew snd doing a splendid bnslneee. . The feature la. . Musical Klalat In a combination of maale and" black art, who Is very - sttrsctlvs; Walter Perry Is as sntertalnlng . mo nolo let and Yarlck and Lalonda are graeeful dancers. The show concludes with emuslng pictures en the Stare scope. . OB Bandar sad Monday the eoatlan. sua order wlU prevslL ."V.. - : At the - Lyric..- r.- "A Rooster Heroine," the rural 'remedy, drtma produced at the Lyric this week,-continues to sttrset large audleacos. .It I a masterpiece ef Its kind, ' snd Is a story of ths country districts of Indiana. . Thara Is a dally mstlnee at :S0 es penally for women and children. A popular feature Is th in troduction .cv.moUDg pictures snd lttustreted songs bttereea tba acts. '. ' " Next Week at the Empker-r (f ths Chsrles A.' Tsylor company which opens ths season at ths Empire Sunday mstlne la ae good ss th reputation ths papers giro It,- the patrons of the Empire bare a treat forthcom ing. The opening play .here, "Escaped Prom lha nvr - -i"1 - carload ef - araaery sad a trained elephant. Bale of seat opeaad this morning.-. At the Baker. -V' The last two performaacee of the big bur leaano show wbleb bss attracted such Immense crowd at tbo Baker tble week wUI be glvea tonight and tomorrow aftemaoa. - Th ray Posies company gives a musics! and vaane vllle eutertslnment that la bright aad Ursly snd Just the sort-of amuaemeat the people Ilka. , Grand's FineBUll . ' , "'Marvelous Tatnm eontlnues to mystify erawds every afterBOoa and Bight at th Orsad by bis wonderful performaac ef mlodreadla. Tatum will be st ths Grand until Best Sunday, whoa the nerformaaee will be eontinuoue frees S:30 ntll 10:30. Beside Tatum, there ta tlae vaudevlUe of sUrta, melody aa novelty. ' - " ' - - Bparks Seetroy Oraim. I --gpeetal -OmpateB to Ths . JeumsLl . . Pendleton. Or.. Sept. 1. fir started by. a spark from a threahlhg machine yesterday afternoon destroyed acre of standing grain on fh iwrva , Makes the round trip daily, except Sunday, . r. . . " 2 7. .830 a. m., returning arrives 6 v - ' tet ; BetsMlsbl Urn.' ' ";,;; O MTIEBTS Cl'3 CtST AOVOaTIS a.. . Tboaaaada ta Portland aad aU erer the Bsrthwaat eea taatlfy ta ear greet sad aa exsmpled eaeeese. . . .'V. V ;: QOJiORRHCEA J- Msy be attended With the gravest eompUea. Uons if Bag lasted or Improparly trested. wo bavs a apoelss treatment which earsa evlcfcly, safely aad palnlaaaly. SYPHILIS : ' Is snotber seqotred dleaeae, the rsvsges of wbleb when fully developed no pea esa describe. Wfcas It shows by skla arnptKss or by seres In sssatb or threat Its horrors are already begaa. Ws safely aad tbot nably ear yea sad a mineral acanna are smnloyed'- . -- ,- t . - VARICOCELE AND : HYDROCELE We treat snd care, not by tba eld -ssrtrleat Drocadore, bat by s painless method solely our ana. We likewise will cure you end ssv ye the suffering aseocJsted with Mervoas BekUlty, Loot Ksaaeod, Impeteaey, apermstubaaa. Baotumal Eaalaaioas, Pre matura Ooeliae, Lsss at Memory, Xaergy sad Ambition la ths brief aat time It eta be done and wa lasers yoa safe aad positive car. CoAsnlutlea aad samlBstloa free. Write Cor symptom Mask and book If 70s cannot call. . - t -, ' : - Office Boors:. s. a bib av; Baa daya, 10j(a.lS. . -. v- srrjLovis Midlcal and Surgical . DispESf oatxy Car. si sad TaashiO ste.. artlaad. Or,; C.OEEWO The Great Chinese Doctor BTttrrBsMVlV " BTaV4aatsaaTal-aBBt'' xoa AKWr su, ears Third, .: V; ., ; Has ..: Moved Te bnlldtns bugs st a. V of first aad Morrtssa Entrance v 63Va Fbrst Street Sr. a Baa We. the Oraat jBhlaeaa Ooebst. Is wall knew aad famoae throsgheat ths U. B. bscswn his Wonderful end marvelous cares bsvs bee heralded broadesst tbreogboat the fenfth aad breadth f thle eoantry.. Be treat say aad aU diseases with powerful Chinees roots, herbs, buds, barks sad vesetsbles that are entirely aakaow ss medical ecWeee la this country, and through ths baa of those bermlaei remedies as gnarsntees to rare estarrb, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, uai (uuauaas. stomsea, 11 Tar, kldasy. fame la troubles and all private diseases. This fa moss doctor cores without the nld of the knife, without using noteoas or dross Hundreds of tssttaroalsis oa Bis at si sroces. Call aad eea him. Cbarsas modeiste. OOBSCXTATIOH TBXX. Pstleare eat of tba dty wrtts for blanks and afpcnlar. talaaa 49 etamn.. Address The O. Oee We Cannae Medlein Ife, lssh est BU, sr. senm, s-omaaa, vr, .... Please men tan tnie paper. . NO PAIN NO PAIN I IVICE TEETM " W ar th discoverers snd originat or of th only reliable and sclantlno system f Painless Dentistry, we ss tract, crown, fill and cleaa or treat teeth absolutely without pain anitauarantee all mark for fifteen years. Our work I tba beeU our price th lowest oon- ? latent with flrst-cla work. BJLAK' NATION FREE. Our plat ar unds tec table from th - patural teeth aad ar guaranteed to at .-. FILLINGS ...... 50d 75s) rjid BJ1.00 GOLD CBOWN8 ....... .agO BniDOX) WORK SB.OO FULL. SET NATTJRAti TEKTH.ift.OO Opa fog - baalBS .matU eta walafS ' x ''-'' ' ". Boston Painless Dentists SIM Bterrlsoa BU Opp. Bfe&SB ft FibaB aad Vose. - - - ROTJM 1:10 s. m. to p. as. iua day, S:lt a. as. to 11:10 Sv. as. LEWIS JIN D CLARK OBSBRVJ9. . V onr AMD CAFBi , " P0BTLABB wjOOBTB. .. -tab Portlsad Bslghbj ear aad gat eft at awtberae Terraee, so block tram aat. Baa, Ms eUmblngi .EUrtrte elevetor. See beautiful effect of powerful esarebngbt (rem to ef tows. Yea saa eat a dalaty laach while vtewnur ths aaest mamtricaat enaarr la America. Ops S a. a. to S p. a. Admhv Stoa 10 eeats. - tion, running 40 bushels to the sere. A threshing outfit and a large pile of sacked wheat were only savedbj. the treatbst effort , . - 1 . . MM 1. NQsjE,-. DAILY -i TRIPS ''A -; To CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN :; Regulator Unc Steamer ''BAILEY: 6ATZERF V XrMlV fo pf AldM BtBWSfl U tSBi ft. SS.1 StjSSOmg lIlSO B BE. : ' TJ laiJ ' I V ft ' VbrvagB Btasimts It Ta ln aa l1 arc 9 I o : y iizrggAi? FOR SAN ; - PACIFIC COAST S. S. COMPANY'S - STEAMER VALENCIA Will Call at Portland SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1903.' Leaving for SAN , FRANCISCO Same Date at B p. m. Tickets and Reservation secured at 248 Washing- ; ton CHAS. H. GLKIM, AGENT. C LrA I RVO YA NT Brother William, The Quaker Prophet IT IS JF8T AB CHEAP TO SEB THE BEST. ASTBO DKAD-TRANCK CLAIBVOXAMT. low rxx. . t so hereby solsmnly asrse aad suarastee to mskt no ekarce If I fail to call yoa by name la full, names of your frlsnds, snemlee or rivals. I promise to 'toll oa whether Tour hnabaed, wife or sweetbeert la true or false! tell you bow to gain the love ef the en you moat aesire, sven inougn mi ice away; aow to succeed In business, a papulation, laweulta; hew to marry the one of youe shotce) how te regsla your yontb, health aad vitality. Re mores erll InSueaets. ewes drink habits, locates treasures. ... 313 H Waahlagtoa UU Cor. ef Blxta. O.v CP1CES: q COrTEE,TEiV DAinnOPOVmin, If you writ to a Journal advertiser say that you read his ad In Ths Journal. W tresTueesfiiliy all prlvat nr. vou and ehronlo dlsaas of man: alw blood, Btomaeh, neart, liver. Biny aaa throat troubles. We eure BYPUILIB (without mareury) - tay nvrod foe averv- We jtmoxoSTKl.CTrixthj "Out operation or pain. In It dya- - - wa atop ralns,jh -rul J . et, salt bua, Immediately. We earl reetor th eexoal vigor of any man tindw 80 bp means, of local tratmat p seel Is r to eurs elves. v '-"'-" ' We Cure gonorrhoea -; r In a ; Week . :v ; --s i n aoctor oi aiw vaunta r ill ,. a regular graduates, hav bad many yaara xparleno, hav boon knew ia y' Portland for It yesra hav a reputatloa' to maintain, ana wui wnoertaa no aaa. nleaa certain our aa b frctod. 4 W g-uaranta a car In vsry eaa w& - nlertaa-"or enarg- M , -i. -- consult tlon free. "Latter confldantlal Inatrae. tl v BOOK' FOR MBM - as41A fre la plain wrapper. w th "m 9Um tion. UMf guaraatewa. .-( If you easiBot call at ssnee. write for eessmi. ' , . Offlo boura I ta I Snfl J to g. Bundaya and holidays, 10 t It v-:. .DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. , ' Offkse la Taa Kag BoteL 1314 Third ISra. Ceraf Ftae. FertUa-, Or. 'pixt'' "': :L3 FRANCISCO Street. DAYS ON r.:.:' PUGET SOUND "Tbe Medlterrsaaaa of th PaeUM. " FOOXT BOTBD BBTTIgS 00LJTBO1A. Psys for S days' -round trip to TACOMA, SB ATTLB. - BVEBBTT, BEIXINOHAkt, ANA- cost es. WASU.J tamcouvxjlTbbitisb COLUMBIA, ete. Lea Tin Portlsad September S, 10, g:S0 a. m., . nrst-ciaes waasportation, atsaM i mawam . inoai tiPV . Par Mefce bertha . included. -- palstlal oeees-golng stssawblps UMA- ussn, ujii or ruiBUA. kaaa aa Cult lift.., sm .aeta 1 dBe Coast Steamebip Co.1 SsS Waablnctoa at.. booth Mfrs. aad Liberal Arte bids.. Parr greunest rugst sound ft Alaska Bxearsioa Bureau, Ooodsougk , bldg.. ttk sad XaataUl sta., roruasa, ur. ' .. . PAST AKD POPULAR BTXAMSBIPS , Leave SaattW a. m. "Jaffereen," September T. IT, ZL - 'Selpaia,'7 September 1 11 n - t . CALLING AT ' 1 KETCHIKAN. JCNEAU, DOTJOLAS, HAINES, SEAOWAT. Connocta with W. P. A Y. route foe Atlla, - Dawsoa,' Taaaaa, Kome, ete. , , - FOB ALL BOL'THKASTXRHALAStA , . f. nrarallsB.'t September 4. B0. ' . g. C "JMrlge," September IB, SS. Can or sand fc "Trip te ' Wonderful Alaska,- "iwllsa 'Basketry,' "Tetea Polss.'' i . - . : j f, , v TBS ALASKA B. g. CO. , ' 1 - Prank Weoleey Co., Agents. ' SB1 Oak St. Portlsad. Or. $1.0031.00 Turkish Bath and good bed ft '. tbe nigtat, aa fop King's Baths tngtea fts. ' Floewt and -largsat baths Bstbeslty. Men. Vht b This? Jontthini New? A kyaisale electro sddII- snce. -A boat car for wooham. S "a - . . . i ey sa-a nervoae eeMllty: Bend atam a ., . i w u . i i."f, IK.-.. - vpt, . 14.-1 W i.nll.M. r-M . Uu ..1. Wash., or cell and see 1t at 100 Marts 81 its st.. Portlsad, Or. two e tbra. treatment, without opoea. - ... eWMtlaa Blank. Bom treatment UiiiortlciHC J Trains to the East Oallyi "Throagb Pullman standard and tourist sVse tngars dally to Omaha, Chicago, gpshsaet tourlat sleeplBgare dally to Kansas City ....vug a ruiimaa lourat sieepist-esrs tperaa. Slly eoadueted) weakly to Chicago.- BaeUahsg PMIOW DEPOT, . Leaves. Arrives. : ,- ' ' CHieAOO-POBTLABO ' - .."".' - SPECJAU " :TB aTSK t p. SvT" Bar ths Eaat via Boat- Dally. Dally. ' v. - lngtoa. - aj., , ' -j SPOltANB PLYER. TTT " :. -' f : Pee . Baatera Wsshlnr " ' ' ' '" f ' '' V Joa. Walla WaUs. Law S:lS.m. S0. St - lso, Coeor d'Alene Dally. Dally- -r? ' "e Oraat Morthera , ' . , . .v . iTLl!'T'C XXPBE8S. 8-lSp.m. f:lSa.Sta ' Por the East via Bant- Dally. Dsllye- " . v lngtoa. ' .... ' i i ' : r ' '- Oelumbla ' Blvar Dfrlataa. - . , r ' JOB ASTORIA aad wa IM . BV 1 M' Pflats, eosnectlm with nelly. A boat ' , .. " Ilweo and ex. Sunday. S:00 p. St, worts Beach, stmr. Baa- Saturday, ex. Saadam elo. Aah-et dock.HlO:!) p. m. v - - - iji a a. .' .. i ':'- AngMt 80. t:ao p.- m. Xussat U. S:lS s. m.1 eeptsmoar a, iq-.qq s. m. . TsmhlU Brrer Beats. Pva n i vrr, w r, I CltV .S Vaa.hllt -' OWka tji. as. Buaday, T-SAal sa. . ss. ibudhy.' Modoe, Ash-st, dock, i (Water par mlrtlng. ; Bnah Blvar BenSe. FOB LBWISTON. Ida.. mi way points rroaal Bipana, Waaa., stars. Spokane snd Lewtstoa. 'rt .'' IICXEX OPPICB, Third sad Washtncte. Tab. ' ' nrUVM mATmlaa BPS Sb " A ZmT,W12mK$'J?t' Ticket ASMS, A.M CBAIO. Oeaeral Paaaaagae Ageab , EAST VIA SOUTH .1 ONIOM DBPOT. ArrlTas. OVBRLAND BXPaEBB. Tralrav for SsleavBoae- eurg, Aahlaad, Baeri man to. Osden. Ben Prsi :, 7JBa.Bs, claco. Btocktaav Lea Aa-i alee, XI Paes. New Or- wsBs ana ue bsss, -Momlog - train a sects el Woodb dally except Sunday s o a. m. with train tor Mt. 8:88 p. 1 Angel. -Stiver tea Browseville. ttrlll Meld. Wsadllng sa Matron. Eugene peaaaagar eoa secte at Woodbnra wtthi SMB. I T:8f) a. I 4:5o a. 1 1; a.m. Mt. Angel at ton. local. Cor ra Ills pai 1 Sberldsa bsi 8:28 a. as. l:oo p. a. (jlO:4Bp.l Pores t Oroya peaaangee. 1 1 Dally arrant Boeder. " - - ' Pertlead Oiuage Buburba Servlee sad YaahU - Mvlslea. t - Depot foot of Jeffereea street. . Leave PortlsBd dally for Oswego T:80 a. Skt I3A0. tB. d.OO, frstO, :00. S:SS. TieB, 10.10 p. a. Dally (except Sunday). IJD, S:SO, BSS, 10:38 a. av d:0. U:S0 p. m. - Sunday ssly. 0:00 a. a. Rstaralag fror Oswego, arrive Portland dally s:au a. -n. , j:d. :uo . i-w, i-v, 11:10 P. a. Dally (exeat Sunday). 0:39. T:SS, S-.80. 10:10, 11:48 a. a. Except Monday. 13:hS p. m Sunday eolr. 100 a. a. .. aedute points dally 8:00 p.-a. Arv park. tand 10:10 a. a. . The iBdiMmndenee-Mmraoath Motor Lis operate dally te Monmouth and Air lis, eea-Beetle- with Boa them Pacts earn pa ay's track at Dellae aad Iadeneudeace. Plrat-claee fare from Portland t Sacra nun t and Ban rranclace 20, bertha $; sseaad-clas far SIB, aecond-eUes berths tl-SO. Tickets te Baatera pout and Bnroy; SB Jspan. Chins. Hrmornl snd AMtrala. - --- - City Ticket Office corner Third aad was- . tngtna streets. Phone Mai T1X -w,-C. W, STINOBB. - J..---.W. "" '. City Ticket Agent. Oea, Pass. AteaL TIME CARD OF TRAINS ' Portland. DAILY. UNION DBPOT. Depart. Taltowetona Park-Ksa- aaa Clty-St. ' Loula Boe--i.l c-a rhahana. Cea- ?. tralla, Olympls. Oreye S:Ma.a. s - " I , 4 Ms. a. ttarDor, Benin a- coma. Seattle. Spokane. Lewis ton. Butte. BUI lues. Danver. Omaka Kansas City. St. Leals aad aoutaoest. North Coast . Limited. eiectrle lighted, for Ta eoaaa. Seattle. StKikane. 1:00 p. Sh dJO p. a. TOa. a. Butta, MlBBeenolls, St Paul sad tbe East. Paget Sound Limited, roe toenails, ceatraila, Taroma aad SeetrJe 108 p. i oniy. Twin City E-roraes, for Taeeaa, SeetUo, 8pe-l san. neaine,- Butte. Yellowstone perk,- Min neapolis. St. Paul aad 11:43 p. a. 8:80 p. a. in. Kaav. - -.-A. -D. caABXTOM, detant Ceoersl Psaaenger Agent, 388 Morrtaoa st, cor. Thbrd. Portland, Oragoa. - Astoria & Columbia :: River Railroad Co. sotrrsa feal Leaves. .PWIOB jpgPOT. ArrlTas. ' , t v i . 1 ' . -" : IMha Per Maygera'ltalnler, 11 :Sf) a, a. Dally. - ClatsksnJs, Weatnort. Dally. MM P a. CUftoa, -AtorU- Wee- i reaton, rlevel. Bam- . Bwad, Pert Btevees, . - ' 0ihltt rk. Seaside, wii...; , Asterl and Bsasaera,' viinrii-asny..-- frk-r-.- T lv0 y bbb. a fli. Sk am IIDally. f .Astoria Xiprssa ,T ,, , Saturday only. - Kieept Saturday. ' J. C MAYO, :".'.' , 0. P. aad P. A., Aetorte. Or. , ft irSTEWAIlTiommerclal Agent. 38 Alder street, Pboa Mala Svd.. 7V , , T Tlokat BloS IBB Third Fhoa gCS e) TFanoontlnsntekl aaV Tratlnas Daily PAST TIME TO BPOKANPJ. ST. F AtTL,' WMJTlSm - MINNBAl'OMI. CIUCAr-O AMD A V . Ti-. -i Kew m XF. A M . .- - aiwasVIaf' mTJA A Uj BBrtJamTs A - TaVak1lK M Ikrnn art. baaa fm as-,. S , Umj aaia wssa hfBB '' V BP" j fiJ Rockr mounUain-i. Tor fall pr liemrBB rmxmm tuiveisi w ipbba wsi SBr ev w