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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
1 fin: fcrcc.i daily ' jounnAiJf ' r cmLAi:g- phiday eveniho.v si:?Ti::.:rrr iv isa" 0 ssnioAJ Ara rrrirrrii rrrs txtti BAUBOAO ATS ITEAX20AT Cri tITtl. aiTxseia axs rrriratst rra xas f. 7 . i Z-S $ -f et CVfutrWna Co., atreet P", etd. ,M lwiilli Tit OregesB .. ! lt Paring Ok. ef Hrtiul Of- a Worcester fcla.T I I ITT ; ZZIZ-U-. 4t - ii' --. -. " umtmni a SIGNS, window lettering, sloth beanere, sumbIosI electric eigne aad elgua of all ' quirkljr., fct.r B I. lee. Fif th ' ,'Mlt " lutwp r .AO. PICK, efSce M Ptret at., betweea Stark and tlaa (w peosw tee; plaaea aad taralrara jno4 aad packed for stripping! eomunadtoaa brick wawaouaa, Front aad Clay at. - SOON TllKtrtt CO.. ' 1M Marts ' Sixth, Pboo Mala eft. Heavy hauling aad storage. "0T SPECIAL, DKLIVERT No. S00. Wash dagtoa at. . Phone Mala Ms. - SAT KB, tW;!rwi aafaat ftra aad borglar- v .wurcX'-d prim work) lockouts 1l..t "...l ft. Davie, ad Third et nxTvmxa. Front Street, turee of the P Ue.Ba IkM The Latka are: - 'Portland. ougar market a e.-r- ' la poultry ttranPLT i Bath aurkat ax' f0.. Tow at Supply Potatoaa ara dull-itxtae as. . ' Peaches rather ' j " " r TnaiH markc " " . ' ' , ' WhM -f illSTl . WIBCO. atoUadnakar aad Mjlrrv wars euaa. IS tuwa eM(A ta aaa aimiaiii WdxuAna. - a.N WALLrlPIA CO.. 184-1M bat. Taaibin aad Trlo. Partlaad. mruroui. . ' vdTldD XBUST COMPdlfT OF OEIOOTf. , - jTba OMnit Trmt rompaay In- Orrfoa. ., . '.. ; BEaOCBCK8 OVKB $1,000,000. vTI 't Pnwtl bn!n boalaaaa ' r)teoctd.' Barlatf -f poalta recalrad. Tlma errtlDeataa tMoad, ; 'to d Pr cBt;-apedl cartlilaataa (not aadat fBflO), 84 to 4 'per mnt on ihnrt nil. "- ' Call for book af "ILLCBTBATIONS." , .V . Paoaa Main aSd. 408 Third It. ' - KNJ. I. rOHKM. ,.... Praatdart L. PlTTOrK...., ..Tiea-Pntdut . Bv'UCI PAOET. Sat.r f. O. QpLTBa.. ........... AMiUnt Baeratary riD BTATM WdTfOVdl BAVX . of roTi Aim OBIOO. -J ' THWMX COB. TKIB9 AMD OAS BTB. Jlabla la AU CltUa af tha TJnltad lUtaa . .'ttla aoarca brtarana AINIWORTa -ytnr bat ATI rui7a -waa - aaa r W. BOB II a "i.h" aal. . W. BCHMBBI ':, tW a It t'i..Ju 1L. WBIOB aruoa waa a aort or W- A. BOLX : ha PI nana at Tacar . SoHIb f Krw Vort of tM aitrkrt a y OBXMBV ' '1 ta boy V -w, and FlaaacUl Afast ad a r- ; Caltad Btotav - '.. fa! !? A. Ijlliuj at Cashlar..... ,..W. O. ALFOBD VAaatatant Oaahlar.... A.B. F. BTBFBNl ' ' jra af Crrdlt Uauad Arallabl la Bajraaa ' and tha Kaatara iutaa. ,.' Kacbaara aad TataarapaM Traaafara ! t aw York, Bpatos. Cnteafo. St. LaaU, T-tuu Oman a. aaa m aaalaea . Jpal aelpta la tba Martbwaat, i03 tu.nn euia arawa r1boaqrn,7 parte, narna. rraaa rort-iaaa-' aln. . Hcdaiiaaat. - YekoaaaM. Copasbaeae. ' rtattaalafBtorlkolau St Fetatsearg, Aioa- 'tab. Bnrleb.. Boaaalav . . -1 Oollaatlaea sitae ea FaaeraMe uat,hrtvto babtxzbs. j -r., . V ' ' (Bataallabad ra lae, . : , 'Traaaaats a Oaaaral Baabtag Beataaaa. CoUacttoaa BMda at all aotau ea favorable 'ansa. . Lattara af eredlt laaead available la Weroae aad aU aolnta la taa ITnitad SUbie. Sl(bt Biebanae aad TWraal aaaafart . 44 as Nw lork. Waablatoa. Cblease, St, aia, Dnar. ' Oataba, Baa fteaaleee eai J-a ana gnqn vmaainia. - v utt BATnros a tbwst oobtpabt. ' a - 4 ied Mm ilna St.. Fartlaad. Or. V . " . Mota a S)aaaral Baaktaf Beataaaa, ' , . " SATUrOS DBPABTKXBT. v v fCdllowd ea TtoM and SaTtase Dasnalla. . Aata aa Traataa to Katataa. . v . J aad Xttra of Credit AraUable ta All - V,. Parta af the' World. J- ..: .7.. ADAMS.., ....i...fTaatteet V. LEWIS....... Pint Flce-Praaldant U MILI B. .......... ,Booa TM-rTaiai .'A JUB1T.... i j.ij. Baeratary f. T. BCBSM.fc..........Aaaiatabt Baaratary (VBCSAVTS- If ATTOHAI. BAIOf, - fmK WATSOM... Prarldant " X. prRnAM...,.i........TIee.pTMlAet W. HOTI .. ...Caablaf - ',ROB W. HOYT..,.......AaalfaM.Caabler ts aad Lettare of Oradtt laaaad AaaUabal b All Parts at tba World, ;- Callaatlaae a Saaatalty-"-- (! tBIS BBOS. CKBTSTkVSesT, , 4.1 Ua Tint U, BerUaad, 0a,' Vnalolsal aad . Ballroad Boa da. . Write at CeU, 'ORTQAQB L4OA.IN8 a ertlaad Baal Batata at teweet Bates, ' tWaa laaarad. Abatreeta Faraiahed TITLB OUABABTEB TBUBT 00. ' 1 'Set Waahiaa-taa St.. Car. BaoaaA EMARKABLE INCREASE IN iu BANK CLEARINGS Sa oajc. nimxi ax9 bavlxs. . ' '" - rmmm - -- aad farnltere aeoved, packed -- teaedy lor snipping aad ehlpoedi an work Coaraateedl large, fcetory, WkcH, re-sreof .. intent As stores. 6M US Sim si - C M. Olsea. Pbonsltala lei7 , A deeorlptleej rula 4a ta crdes, transactions Will Be Forty J;;l!.F Millions Greater This -:r?ti Vear'Than' Last. ;. a.", nimated. on the Jasls of "the wes. ,t.monthe -business by local " "si?b rear, that there will be a " )30e. ae of nearly I4S.000.S00 In tha SocWflAik hearings- In ' 1901 over the . taixi The record of tha last eight 'Tm'T l,eh 'noludes tha dullest of ' UU-V'bhows an increase of $2I,68. . I0l yytt the same ' months of - last J-: ' tual caah transactions, at SHi e' ns of tha methods by which - aawat- e- r cltlas attempt . to. swell SI?" ' .f Clearings. " -(aaalh-- Portland banks this K . in tiint 10, have shown an In .' tf -more than S,PSr eent ovef E--r-vr-isuirme ' roTATo; AliS will render an equally 1 1 . J. of Portland' aommerclal .owtrt.' A vart of the iiicreaaed clearj tngs Is attrlbutwl to ths exposition, but t the I bulk is said trf be due to the lm . merlaa Crawth In all departments Of commerce, manufacture and agriculture in Portland and Multnomah - county. year, months before the . fair opened, a similar-increase w recorded er the year ltoi. Tna growtn naa n steady, and attended by the sub- (anttal Improvement and expansion i , ortland In every ,wsy. ' I- The Impetut -wol given two or tnree are ago by the beginning of a aye natle cam pa Ira for Immigration ana i Investment of -eaatern money, ana results have piled tip month after 1 nth. There has not been any etTort t'wwiin; nor 1B0 sllghteat, tendency to tie values. The city is not oniy ter In . every rsy. it Is ssld, but I n a souuadar basis thaat ever before. Pie f ya:!!f:8E Oil . t:aTii sixth Russell A Elyth Buy Half Block for Themselves and Un- ; . S known Associates;" 'i'i r PAIO SEVENTY-FIVE v II r ; v THOUSAND FOR TRACT Lars Building Enterprise .Is Ex x pectdd bi Purchasers Own Entire " Block in a Deslrsbfe Business Sec tlonof' tbe City.- ,' Ruaaall It Birth hard bought two and a fifth lots on Sixth, batwaan Plna and Ankenf atraata, for 176.000. Tba pur ahaaa was mada for tha company and assodataa. . :- . .. , Tha tract saourad'la tba weatarn por tlon , of tha block bounded ' by sixth, Plna, Ankeny and Fifth at recta.-; Kua aell A Blyth already owned tha butt nd of tha block . fronting . on " Fifth street, and tha deal Just mada fflvea them tha entire block, forming one ot the .moat desirable . building , sites ' in tha centre! portion of the city. This block la diagonally across from the Bnell. HelUhu to Woodard buUdlng, which' was used by the " postal depart' ment for a cerlod. and la f&ced on tha other side by the big . Marshall-Walls hardware store... ' , . .,-' ', '',. ' NO. definite statement has been, mads by- tha owners regarding Improvements, but a, rumor Is circulating that, a large structure - for wholesale business :: or offices will In all (Probability be reared In the . near future. . All owners' are prominent business men, who - hare abundant . capital for , whatever enter prises they undertake, and should they decide to erect business structure la keeping with the modern improvements being put up in the city, every assur cnce la had that tha block wlU beoonra tha site for one of the most substantial and attractive Portland buildings. . , . About two years ago Bernard Albers, tha recent owner, secured the property for I3S.008, and the sale at this time nets him a big' profit on tha tranaao tlon. ' '' '.- : - HALF BLOCK SOLD.-! -.. -. . ;- V) M. WaaasM Boys the Oaptaia WUUaaas Traot.foeAjrcdFrlee. . . .' ; Ooldamlth It Co. mada , an important sale yaaterday afternoon, tha conaldera tlon being ttS.000. They tranaferred to H. Wemma tba half block on Ankeny street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, Tha property was formerly known aa the Captain Williams tract A atable Is on the tract, but tha demand for realty there la taken to Insure a mora substan tial, building at 'an early date, . The Atarahaii-weiia building ooeupiea - the other half of tho block. .. V NEW PORTLAND HOMES. Arrangements to commenee work an the, following buildings were made-yesterday, and permits were Issued by the building Inspector! . -. -i B. Fulmar wilt erect' a dwelling ta Bunnyslde, en" East- Alder street, be tween Eaat Thlrty-stventh end East Thirty-eighth, to coat 1.0. F. Love will build a cottage In Upper Alblna, on Maryland afreet, between Blmpaon. , and-Jarrettstreeta,. ta eoal 1.100. , : ,4 - --' " ' Theodore Thiol will erect a dwelling On Hancock street,- at-the corner of Vanoouvar avenue, to cost 11,400. Charles Parker wUi build on KlUlags worth avenue, at a cost of $160. "Ernest Kroener will erect a dwelling 0B" KUUngsworth avenue, to cost 1460. " . Alexander -Gavin will erect a. handsome-home In Piedmont, on Williams avenue, . between' Pearl and' : Jarrett Streete, to cost $4,000. " . J.- W. Wurts,' two-story frame dwell ing, on Monroe street, between Williams and Rodney avenues, to cost 11,100. ' Ellen Evstrand. dwelling on Monroe atreetv between Mississippi and Alblna avenues, to coat $1,000. -A. J. Dunbar, dwelling tn Portsmouth addition, on Do Pano atreet, between Montleth and. Van Houten, to coat 1.000, ,-- : . -. . J. M. WaUaee, dwelling in Btinnyalda, on East Thlrty-aeventh street, at the corner of .Eaat Tamhlll, to cost $1,100. B. .Thomas, dwelling In West Pied mont, on Alblna avenue, near Jessuo, to cost IM00. r . . ---- REAL ESTATE NOTES. . ? ? ' :'- : ':-'...:: - - i . The Hlbernla Savings bank's purchase yesterday afternoon ot ft acres of real ty near tha Mount Tabor lower re net voir and contiguous to tha Mount Scott car Una for $11,000 Is regarded a good buy. XV C. : Kern ' disposed of this tract that It might be platted and aold as lots. : Churchill. Co. will aot as agent for the property. - -..- ;"- Dan J Malarkey has sold through Russell ft Blyth tha lot at the southeast corner of Sixth and Davis .streets fot $7,000. 8. Bromberger was the pur chaser. There Is an old structure there, which will be torn down, Three beautiful homea will be built on Willamette heigh ta, tha contract for tha work having beei let, - -Alexander Kerr will erect - a residence to cost $3,100 on Serpentine avenue, near Frank lin street, ' Russell . ft ' Blyth have. let contracts, for two realdences, one on Franklin' street.'-between Rugby snd Ser pentine s venues, snd another on the same street close to tha first,-each to cost $1,600. The .style of architecture foe all three adapted to . the alghtly location of Avniamette heights property. . ,. , , ? . .. 4 -Harvey.. W. Scott- and Margaret- K Soott, his wife, .''have conveyed to the Seourlty Savings; ft Trust company, lots lot 4, block tfVft. In Raleigh's land claim, for $21,100. .1 ' . . . ,. A permit has been Issued . to John Weiss . to repair MS store ' on Front atreet, . between Clay and Columbia streets, at a cost of $1,400. " jv Record-Brcaking Attendance. The smduHton of "Allra of" Olf Vlaeaanaa" at tba Jelaaea tbaatra thta weak ta attract ing tba largeat erowda In tba blatnry af tbat ptaybonae. II b I aopTl per form, nca as4 wilt prove Interaatlog ta iboes wbo love a pat rUtle tbrlll or go4, wholoaDBia eamedy. . - .r . 1 L.i"' ' ig-BurUsqiAShow-J4sxVVsok; tv Ma .h. uih. r - at tba B.kar will open Snnday aftarnoaa with fVmMB-ll'a hBMi. Itf.4lv MMnMnt. bmkMl far the satire weak wjlb tha lasaiar staHseas I I i i'l .il I UMl'Wl 'fj ' AT THE THEATRES, ' I Grand . . Il4w 6. uiu. Praa.' , I - krrvaoa a 4 b a a aad Tib, I ' TONIOlif AT M O'CLOCK. Brary ail-lit tMa week wttb s Bpeetal-Friee katlaee Satarday. EZRA KENDALL, la Sidney Boaasf aid's Castady-Drasw, "tex baBbstobbub. First PraseaUtka oa Asy Btese,. -PBICBV brattnaa, Wc SSa, BOe, Ta and ft Mat See, e, SOo. 70,. $1 aad Jt.60. . Beats Now Belling tb BoUra Watk. MJtRflUJtM.CRJtMD THEATRE Advaaae ' satav pyea xaaay tea - V Wlt-TON LACKAYE "TSB PTT Monday,' Sept 4; Tanadar, Bapt, t; Wedneaday, Sapt S. TtBT,' Tburaday. Bapt T Frlsay, Bapt, ,S; Saturday Matinee, Sapt B. - 1 PlUCta Lawar ilootv. aeaptlaat t IWI !t. DO; laat 1 rows, 91. Baleonyv tint S rowa, II j third 1 wre. 75cj laat rowa, 60a. Oal rr. 26e and See. Boxea and Voeaa. J10. ' Seats soar saUisg far the aattre weak. - . i Belasco Jhcatrt Ehm Jtb ssdrwasn. " BrUaco brtyar, Frova. ' Tonen At . n dit wxn,. ALICE OF IfttLtoe OLD FOTBTtEJIT" Wy'JC BKXAAOO SIOOX CO. . VINCENNES : A Oranatlaatloa of btanrlee Tbompaoa's KevaL Matinees aararoay ana suaaay. PRICES -ISe,'. SSa and SOe.1 Ntsht 28e. S6. SOe and Tne, VXXT WTlTT HABITTTS HOMmtOOB. BAKER THEATRE , .' OBBOOIf THEATBB Oa. UMSBBS. BO. U BAKBB, MAMA0E8, . ;'' X Tonight--Ul this .Week,. (Ne parfornunee Saturday. ntfbt aUUnaaa Sunday, Wtd.. Thsra. sad Sat ' "A MUSICAL BURLESQUE : : " . Tba Baoagntned -Ladar of Taaa All, -' SelFay FbstcrCb. BTBBfTHIMO BBTOND COslFABUON. BBAUTTPTTj OIKT.S. aOBQBOUB BCBMBBt AND BK24BATIONA1. MOVELT1ES. Prleea Nlrbta. SOe, tie,. SOe, T0C.; aurtlseev lOCf msHt, eVPC OaJOa - BTZX WXEK-l'TKB BBJOAHIXBB.M runinr THEATRB " aLIVlrlliL.. Uth aad Karrlaea Stsaets "THB MOST POFTLAB TBXfcTBX." COBDMneemeiit of tba rrolu Fan - . . Winter. . SOTTDAT . atATIJrXX. BEFTBatBBJl S. . A Snarlal anaaeament af Cbaa. A. TllWI New York company of playara, tba boat aielo aranutte. orranlaatloa la eneienea, praaanona only Air. Tarlor'a playa nnder bla own eor aonal dlroetloa, epaalng wltb tba big draatatle aaaaation. -. -- IjL'ESCAPED JFROM THE HAREM" Play,"" Ooaapaay, Beanery. Wardrobe- Tp-e-Data - .. .'and .Flrat-elaaa. Beat AttraetltfB of tba Kind aa ' Earth As ' poarisg at aTopalar meas., . tVSINOlS, SB, SO and DO easts. -MAT1NBB 10, 14 sad 8S caata. -. -,, . . - Bala at Beats Op. on Friday, IS a. nt T mXOBBATIOBT FABJK, 'X- PORTLAND vfc OAKLAND -i- ' i , SIPTEHBIB 1, S, S." -' ' OBAND8TAND, tOe. CHILDBElf, If. Box tickets ssd 'reeerved aaata oa aala at bos office. i. 1. T.H E O R AND- ;' ' r tatuic, - ' V-. . THZ BUCKEYE TBIO). ! t -Vl KABT, BESSIE A 00. , ! 1 ; ' THE DE FAYS, " - . f . BTB. FBEO FTBHITOsT. THE OBAXOISCOFB. -General admlaalon 10 caata; aaata 10 -aaata. Dally matinees, entire lower Soor 10 eenta; box aaata IS mats, gnadays ee tlnaoua 1:10 to 10 . . Sk. ' THE STAR ' t stimCAT, KXBISI. : ' . . , KELVIIXB AZEIXX. , ' ,1 YABICX A 1ALOHDA M , WALiia run. . B0T M'BKAJM. .' , , nM STABOSOOFaV - r General adnibteloa 10 eeaui raaerrad aeata In caata. Daily matlnaea. aattre anrar Soar la ceou: box aeata at caata. . gnadays eva tlnsoua 1:30 aa 10:eS p. a. LYRIC THEATRE ; WXEX OF HOBDAY. AJTOUBT BS. "A HOOSIER HEROINE It Celebrated conedy-draBia la four acta, with Indiana background. . ; . 1 Or ADMISSION f fir 1 UC Reserved Scato aoc -1 Vw Banday. Wedneaday, Tburaday aad Baturday. There will abw no a apectal -Batinae af Tae Brlgtdlera" Monday, which la Labor Day, at tha regular natlnee prices. , . . v Bis Bill at the Star. ' The Star la giving a floe enow aad eMng a splendid boalneaa. Tba feature la Mualcal Klelat In a combination of maele aad black art, Wbo la vary attractive. Walter Perry la: an entertaining mouologlat aad tarlcb aad talonda ara sraeeful daaeers. Tba ahow concludea wrtb aaaalag ylctarea oo -U Staee- aoopa.- Oa Sunday .and Monday ; me .eoauan boa order wUl prevail. ',''. At ths Lyric. A Hooeler, . Heroine," the rural : eosMdy drama produced at tba Irrlo tbla weak, eoa tlsuaa to attract large andleacea. It la a maaterplece ef Its kind, and la S atory of tha -country dbjtrlcta of Indiana. There Is s dally matinee at 1:80 especially foe woaaaa and children. A popular feature Is the la trodoetloa of Boring plctarea aad lllnetrated soBga betwaea the acta. Next Week at the Empire... " If the Cbarlea- A. Taylor company which opens the seaaoa at the Empire Sunday matinee la as good aa the reputation the papers give It. the patrons af tha Empire have a treat forth com lug. The opening play bare, "Escaped From the Harem,-- requires a rsrtosa er eeenery The 'teat two performances of tha big baf leaque ahoW which' baa attracted such Immense crowds at ths Baker this week wUl be gives tonights snd tomorrow after aeon. Ths Fay rattr coca pear gives a musical aad vasdo vtlle entsrtalnmaat that la bright and lively and Juat tha sort af amusement the people like. Grand's Ftae BUL ; Mart. Ions Tata tn eantlasea te Btyatlfy' erowda every afternoon and sight at the Grand by his wonderful performance of mlndreedlng. Tafam wilt he at tha Orand snttl Beit Sunday, wha tha performaare wlU be- continuous from I M until lO-.tO. - Besides Tataaa, there la a fine vaedofUle ef mirth, melody end aovelty. , .- Bparks Beatrcy Arala. JUlZ-fSpaclaUOlapetch. te Tba feeraal .rnndleton. Or., Bept. 1. -Fire started by a Iwpark from a threshing machine yesterday afternoon destroyed about IS scree ef atandlog grain oa the reaerva eed s .sles siepaae. sale ar aaaia speaan tbla morning. , . , . ':j":X. h. At . the Baker i' '. '' . .5 '1. assa.' -' ' vi"''11" !"" ' ' " ' '' j- i' ' ' ' ' '''-,'''' ' "l " ' ' .'- - '"- ''X'' ' ' ' 'v '' ' :X Makes the round trip trios. r-TY :f)t n Mm oci MitTOits Tbeaaaada ta Portland and all aver the aortbwaat aaa tsstUy to ear great sad aa aaaejplad aoocaaa. .r , , GONORRHCEA May be attended with tba gravest aoaipBee Hons Itaegleeted or Improperly treated. Wo have e epeetae troatnMat which cures euickl, safely aad palnlaeily. .. : SYPHILIS la another acquired dleaaea, the isvagae ef which when fully developed so pes aaa daaerisa. Whan ft abowaby akia aruptloas or by .sofaa la mouth or threat Its horrors are already begun. Wa aafaly and tbor anghly cure yea sad as aUaaral pebiess are employed.. '.. --''.. VARICOCELE : AND HYDROCELE . Wa treat and ears, ant by the old ssrglesl procedure, bat by s salnlraa method solely our ewa. ' We likewise will cere yoa and aave yoa tba auffertng aaaoetated wltb Varvoaa Dabulty, Laat auasood. Impatanay, SpernutevTheaa, Woetarnal Emiaaloaa, P re mits rs PoeHaa. Leas af Mimary, Baargy aad Ambitiaa la tba briefest time It aaa be done and wa laanra yoa a ears aad positive euro. OoosalUUoa and sxtmlaatJoa tree.-Write for armptoaa blask sad book if yoa eaaaot call. - OfSee Hours: a. at te S p. ati Baa days, 10 te IS. . ; 3T. LfOUIS . X'. Mmdleal mmd. SurgUal V. ,. ; -y DI5PEN3AlY Oar. Sd aad Yamhill gat. VerBead. Or. COEEWO The Great ChineseJoctor Formerly asi Aider Third, located at Has , Moved Ta the targe building ig at B. B. ef rtrat ssd Merrlans ate. ' ; tatranca ... C. Oaa Wa. tba Oraat Obmaaa Seete. la well known aad faaxma throes beet the 0. bees ass bla wonderful and marvelous cures have been heralded broadoaat throaghoat the length sad breadth ot tbla eeantry. Be treats aay aad all diseases wttb sowarfsl Chinees roots, herbe. bode, barks and vegetables that ara entirely aakaowa ta medical ecieuce Is this mnrry, sua tsrougs tbo nae at ineae aarmieea remedies be guaraataea to cure catarrh, aathma. hug trooblaa, rhauBtatlam. servouaasaa, stamaeb. liver, kidney, female trooblaa ssd aU private Tl"i''famoue dwtor eurea wltboat taa el4 ef the knife, wlthoat a sins poteens or drugs. Har. areas or teatuaoniaai on sw ai aw eiucee. OaU aad sea bias. Charges saadevats. . OOBSuXTATIOV FBKS Pa tl seta eat of too etty wrlu for blaaka and atrcular. Inekaae ec atams. Address Tha a Oaa We Chiasee Medmlae Oe 1st it. sar. Marl Is la. Fartlaad, Or. , fleeaa aaentieei uia paper. NO PAIN NO PAIN NICE TEETH ' We are the dlaooverera aVid-erlgtnat era ot tha only reliable and aclentlfle system of Painless Dsnttstry. - Wa ex tract, crown, nirnd clean er treat teeth abeolntely without pain and guarantee 11 work for fifteen yearn.. Our work Is the beat, our prloea the lowest eon ? latent -with flraV-claas work, KXAM NATION FRfcK. Our plataa are soda I actable from tha natural teeth aad are guaranteed to St ..... niIINOa B0 TS4 and OOLX) CROWNSli,..... BRIDOETWORK TXTLV BKT WATOTUI'TKKTH . Opem f t Bastaeaa aata S il.OO S.OO S.OO 8.00 o'eloek sweainga. ;. t . ; v;:; Boston Painless Dentists StlH lEorrlsoa Bt, Opp. Blaise gj TwmM . aad Fostofflee. . . HOURS 1:10 a. m. to 1 p. an. Baa day. S:1S a. as. to 11:1 SV aa . - - LEWIS MS a CLJmrOBSERVJt. - ' luRr AMD CJtFS- . POBTLAB9 KSiaRTa. . Take Portlead Belgbta ear aad get aft at Hawthorne, oaa block from ear Baa. Ma cUstblng. Electric elevator. Bee beautiful effect af powerful searchlight from top ef tower.' Toe eSs eat a dalaty luaeb wniw viewiag taa most saegnineant scaasrp ra aYBienea. vpea aa.BVBeaswas. ai atne 10 eenta. . ' 0 ' " ' V .id , - ' B aaaf I annnnTanTaTaTaTaH aaa" Jmmt0 aJaanbBBBBsaaay esnBnV JL ; JL' tlon. running "40 bushels to-the acre. A threabtng outfit and a large pile, of aacked wheat .were only saved by the greatest af fori ,.: -, ' '. , ' -' ' , ''',.' ' ' Vancouver Trancportation Co. FOR " daily, except Sunday, lea vingTaylor Street Dock ai" TVp Co!i!mbia,,. ::HX'X Tp CSCADB LOCKS AND ' RETURN ?x Regulator Line Steamer . : "teaves foot of AUdar gtaasl dally eaie a. auvr twss . sfc'-Ta--B. -;' vk"l C afV-M' Vkfevvrli rtiiam ft ItUlj uA FOR SAN FRANCISCO 7 PACIFIC COA8T 8. 8. COMPANY'S VOY V STEAMER- VALENCIA' WUl Call at Portland SEPTEMBER lndri905, Ldavinf for SAN , , . '. FRAKrriRCfi Sam Date at 8 p. m. Tickets and Reservation -:' r tv tonStreef-' - : - ' CHAITH, TOLEIMalAQgNf., - t C U A I R VO Y A IN T ' Brother William, The Qtuler Prophet IT IS JT'ST AS CHEAP TO SEB THB BEST. ASTBO DEAD-TRANCE CLAiBTOXAMX, -LOW FEB. I do hereby solamsly agree, aad guarantee to make so charge It I fall to calf yoa by name la fulL names of your friends, anemias or rivals, I promise to toll pee whether yoa huaband, wife or eweotheart hi true or false) teu yon now to gain - is. tava ei tne one yes most desire, even though anllee swsy bow to soceeed tn business, . specula tlon. laweelta; bow te marry tha ena of your choice: bow to now IV ansrr iw fa. . fw wn , .bow vm regale your youth, beaUh and .vitality. Be movea evil ' Ihgueaeea, . cures drink aablts, locates treasures. , -- SISH Washlagvea , Oor. ef Blxtn. O CPICC1V o ;CC7F2E,TE2W DAtn:;DFff.'fT)3Ji nr;cL:jE3irrjeOT itlwewhiifr. rirw,nivor,( : OC2T0D3YH2 , IKmTJaJOfCC100J.V If you write to a Journal advertiser say that yoa read his ad In The Journal. W treat suocessfuliy stl private ner vous snd chronio dlaoaeoe At meat alsa i blood, stomsch. heart. Jlver. kidney and throat troublea. Wa cure STPHILJB (without mercury) to auy cured fey ever. We remove STRICTURE!, with out operation or pain. In IS dayar - ttr m a , . . "aaiill nf BSlfa abuse, immediately. We oaa restore tha aeznal vigor of any man under by mean a at local treatment peesllar te aurselvea. . -i .H" ' 7" ; S. ' -We Cure Qonorrhoea in a Week The doctors -of this Institute) ere alt rerular araduataav have many IN -A - WE E yearn' experience, have been known UV Portland fop II year a, have a repuUtloa te mnintain, ana win unaenane no c Unleaa certaia aure can be effected. Wa sruarantaa a cure In every ease undertake or charge no fee. Consul ta tlon free. Letters confidential -Inatrao tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed free la .fjlaJn Wrannan. - - . We cure the worst eases of pllsa ta I uon. tjure guaranteecu aeaIfn0U fBro uU al omce writs for . Omee honTe; I ta and T ta lt Bund UR, W. NUKi ON UAV II) Ci Vw. , Offleee la Taa Mop Betel. II Vs TeVlf d etreait, Crp-e riae. rwUatva, C ra secured at "248 Washing---) - DAYS ON -t PUQET SOUND "Tba hfreltamaaaa ef the PaciSe." ( reesr somfD bbitisb oolusibia. Paya fas S days' round trip te TACOMA, SB- ATTIJs. . EVERETT. - BELLI NO HAM. AHA. COBTES. WASO.I vANCOUTEB, BBITISH vviAJasia, etc. Lea Tins PertlaaA September S. 10. S:S0 a. av. flrst-clase transportatloa. , meals ssd bertha Included. The palatial eeaas-golng tesmahlgs TJatA ni.a.a. yuan, t;ii ur r-Lianua Per tteketa aad fall taformatiea asetr else Daest Btasmahls Co.. SiO Waahlmtna. at, boots litre. aalUbanil Arts bujf.. Pair srounaas rwget souse sj Aiasss . sucaraioa I area a. Oeodaoagb bMg Stb ssd XamsUI sow. rwrtasaa. ur. .FAST AND POPTJLAB STBAMSHIPB ' ' Leave Seattle S a, si. '7aftaiaes," September T. IT. IT. v "Selshia,''. Bept.mber 11 tX. ,- . t- CAIXINO AT KETCRIEA. JUNEAU, DOUOLAS, RAINES, SEaOWAY. Oonaacto with W, P. 4k Y. routs fee Atlln. Dsweoa, Tsasaa, Kama, ate. - . FOB ALU eornTBARTEBN ALASKA . P0BT8. -,-g. B. "Baralloa,- September A B0. ; -. s' B. S. TMrige,." September 15, . V Call ar aeud for . "Trip to Weaderful Alaeka." - t'lndlsa t Basketry." "Totem Poles. ' "-'". V- u" - THE ALASKA kV B. 00. , .' -'Frank Woosmy Co., Agents. " - snl Oak St - PortUnd. Or. $1.00foii$1.00 Turkish Bath and good Bad f the sight, aU for I King's Baths sTaveBtB and Wastb Ittgtoa Bta. yvaaat acad levgeai aaVttsS as taa aity. Men. What b This? Something New? A bygleale electro vacuum apprl- eaee, - av soma - euro cor waaaaaaa, anas tarsi ebetruetona, local rbeuma tlaa, varicocele, locomotor ataxia aad aarvoua debility. Send stamp for free dearripttva book. . Dept i. Health . Appliance Co., ' Seattle, Wash., or call and see It at-100 Berth Sixth at... Portlasd, Or. -. , V" TV Uire treatmeata, wltbaul gaestlaat s4aak . Home treatiaeal aye aad rveJMsvs. IS ta It1 . 4 . 3 Trains to the East Hzily- ; Tbreugh Pallavas atandard aad htg-eare dally ta OsMba. Cbtoara. Spot tounai aieepiasoara Sally to B.aeaa I breach Pallmas teorlat aleeprng-ears (a ally eondnetMl) WMkla to rhUan. Br cbalrcara (aaata freel ta tha Bast dally. UMIOW DEPOT. Leaves. ' " Arrlvee. CHICAOO-POBTLABO SPECIAL. S:tS a. B. B. Sa Foa the East via Boat- Dally. Dally. - ' ingtoa. - ...-- - . " SPOKABB FI.VEB. , . Poe Eaatera Waablos too. Walla WaUa. Lew. 4:15 s. St IMtb. mtea, Ooeur d'Alenr Dally. Dally. and Oreet eferthara , - , Points. , . , ATLANTIC BXPBBSS. S:l! p. m. T:1a.a. Far the Eaat vto Beat- Dally. - Dally. Ingres. t ' ' .' Oelamhts Ki-rer Pretsiea. FOR ASTOBIA eS ara. S:O0 a. BL Pally. . -as. Soadas, Points, eoemeettae with About s.oo p. at as. Sandayv atmr. per ihraos and North Beach, atmr. Bae- Saturday. 10:10 p. aa. I asset, sues. Beach, aa follows: Asguat . 1 :SO p. a. August So, 1:30 p. m.; August . 8:18 p. to. September i. 10:00 s. m. - - - YamUU Brear Bouto. row rt.vMi. I Oty ssd Tamh'tll rtVer) ee.av T:S0 p. at )allr. E. ennra. HIltB aaa Datly. es. Sunday. - aoca ex. Csaday. twatee permitting., . Basks Btvar Beuta. FOB LBWISTON, Ida.. enu waypoiBts from Klparte, Waah.. atmra. Spokane and Lewlaton. TICKET OFFI0B. Third and Waahlagtoak Tsh poone aiaia Tlx. I'V w,NOEftCTty Tlcbet Agaaf. . A. IV CBAIO, Oeaeral Paaseagar Ageat, EAST SOUTH . OBioa OTBBLABD BXPBESS. Treens, for Salem, Rose burg. Ashland,- Sacra mento, 0-den. Sea Pres ets co. 8 toe a too. Lea An- 1:41 Kv TJitB. siea, si rase, new urn sana aaa tne siai Morulas train sects . at Woodbers tally aiceas Bnnsey 1:10 a. I witn trais m ' bi. : P. St, . AnaeL Sllvertea Brownsville, titlll a i a, waaauag Batroa. v Kugeno pesasagst eoai oo s. m. necta at woouDuru wit 10:H Mt ansu aad SUvar- ton local. .: cervallla peasaager. Sberldaa pamsager. Forest Prove paasengi TtSOa. 4 :50 a. -n:xo a. m. 111:50 p. ta. H10: p, y0u A " lOloo? "J 'iaJ- j i PBPOT L-Arriraa. i ii lIDaifr except Banday. vv v f'"' '' ' - , lWtlaaaOawego nwbarbaa Bervtoe aaal TssaaSl . ZMvtelea. . ' , - ' ' Depot foot of Jeftorsaa atoeet , teave Portland dally for Oewesw f :S0 a. SM . um ana, a.ou, aw, e:ou, s:aa, r.-e . p. m. Dally (except Sunday), S:SO. S:ad, A. , ! . 10:2S a. as.; 4:00, II JH p.-at Suaday eau.. P.UU BVs afBe - BeturnlDg front Oswego, aulas Piutlaad ''' S:lff a. at" 1:55. IS."1. S:B. T- S :SO, 10:10. 11:40 a. at Except Btoaday, 13 J v T cmm Mm, Amttty me nsjtoa and latesw ' thedlare potnts- dally S'at -Aertver Pare. ' land 10:10 a. am. ' A. '".' "' The IndeoeBdases.liuumsalb Motor Lhao Boettag with Bonthara PacISs tosspasy'Mrseea - Ftrst-elaea fare from Portlead as Bacraaaaesa aad Saa Fraactece 130, bertha tgj ssaaal-sassa fare $15, second -class berths. 1160. fapsn. Chins. Honolulu snd Australia. City Ticket Office corner Third aad ,wasb tngtna streets. Phoae Mais TIA ; a w. BTINOEB, W. a OOatA". City Ticket a gent. . etea, rasa, etawaa. TIME CARD or TRAINS PbaTtldi DAILY. CHtOK DEsfOTa, Depart, 1 Arrive. ymt1aaaavaiShsaAB aPf-W . ttl aV- Shaaas iMtwJit. fMlasl Sna-I rial for Cbee.Ua, Cen- tralia, wiytnpia. wr Harbor. R. nth Bead. Ta tUartle. Bnohena. JO a. at 4:SSp. SA, LewUtoa. Butte. Blll-i tnxa, Denver, Omaha, Kansas city. at. Mis Mortb Oeaae Uaalted. electric Ushtcd. foe Ts-I :00 a. at ...'.; v. 4 AO p. av t.oe a. at coma7 Seattle, nutta, Ulnnse polls, St Paul aad the Eaat PuaMt s. rjM.Ma for Cbehalla. Oeotralis' Taeoma . aad - Seetife, only. . "-' f ' sso . at mmnw, ueieaa. Butte. Yellewatona Park win. 11:41 1, m. aeapnlm. St Paul aadj mw aaaaTTL, - 2.- A. D. CUA ELTON, . Aastataat Oeneral Psseeag.r Agsss. . . aM Morriaea St.. aor. Third. - -" Portia ad,. Orewoa. Astoria & Columbia ; Rivenflqilroad Coe- ONION DEPOT. I Arrivaa, S:0a.av - Pee Margurav Betake, Crstakanla. West port. l-oa. Dally. Pally. -IAS B St Clifton. Astorlv- Wsr- reatoa, Ural. Hsnv saoBd. Fort g tee os. AstatU aad dsashera, I Jtortae.flllj f !fm a 'ar Me. IltMtttjr. Astoria Bx Saturday only. IIExaept Saturday. - i. e. m V9, i fj, F. and P. A.. Aaw C A STEWABT, Commarclsl At. 1 atreet raoae maia a Ttekst OSUe 11 V- 1 I eenm TrtenA cn r aw I ' PAGT ' TO kvovav r-. aliwrl.' Daylte-ht te' and fto. e i yUr v x eVwed ciC V