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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1905)
':?. iu i: iioi u, Journal Fres Trips to thr H -jv- waiian Islands Bring Out Tremendous Vote. MISS RUTH LEE LEADS IN THE FIRST DI3TRICT Over Fifty Thousand '. Baljota Cut Since Thursday and the Entirt State - I Preparing to Vote, for Favorite ".Young WomenT; .')'.,".';. ;'.;.; ' Th fact" that 6S.SS0' votes have been received, in Th Journal'. Hawaiian trip contest since Thursday morning, is a "striking 'illustration of the great inter est taken in the race,'' The coupon de partment baa been literally snowed un der. , 1 - . ,' - . ' j The. contest la growing.. steadily and with the nomlnatlon-of new candidates, and the old ones working hard In their districts, the vets Is swelling to large proportions. from the tremendous vote Hiss' Dale Harmon of Rose ' burg, Oregon. $ ;.V cast in the past few dara aome Idea may be gained of what the contest will be when It la la full swing. -" In the city during the coming week . some very active' forcea are going to work In behalf of Miss Ruth Lee. - An intimation of what la to' come is gained from the printed . minutes of the last meeting of the Federated) Trades eoun- ' ciL A' p6rUorior tTioee irninutesTeads aa followa: ' . . . . "A communication was read from the friends of Miss. RUth tree, a young lady -who has been a very active member of the Telephone Operators' union, stating . lkt nh m - AAt m. frr . trln tn Honolulu In the contest- now "ooing con ducted i by The Oregon Journal. A mo- "waa IMC daci of Mlsa Lee and that she. be rsc- p Am mended as deserving of support by V'i union men." .. 1 '' ' 'Wsa &ee X rovelas. r " In addition to-this action' by the Fed- erated Trades council, the following no- tloa wsa left at The Journal ty the friends of Miss Lee, showing how actively they - are going to. urge her campaigns . , .. "To all whom It may concern: -Miss Ruth Lee was the UsderMn the telephone strike and' la friend of or ganised labor, and .whereas The Oregon Journal has a voting contest, the condi tions of which are that those receiving the highest number of votes are to be sent . to Honolulu at the expense 1 of ; ' The Journal,' . . '; " . ' " Now. therefore, we hereby indorse f her candidacy and - ' moat respectfully -.' urge that all friends of organised labor :;' use every possible endeavor to secure votes for Miss Lee to the end that aha ', may be (sleeted aa one of the canuatee Jt. t be sent to Honolulu by The Journal i . aa hereinbefore stated. fy . We. the undersigned, hereby recom mend Miss Lea as a worthy and de- serving person of good character, and :-.her leetion would be greatly appreel ' ated by us. We hope: that all frinnds of ( -organised labor will make a special ef '$ fort to ' secure -votes for Tier. Chart A' ' Farrea 3S East Sixth street; - W. F. ' i'f I.lpman. Llpmnn, Wolfs Co.j Charles ."V H Hewston.t P. VF. D. Truck t, , v' Fourth atreet; W. H. Fltagemld. secre- MACHINERY ELECTRICITY LI,!!. TRANSPORTATION The three aaost Ustraetlvs and attrsefdvs aeparhmeata ef BZXZBTT at the LEWIS AND CLARK PAIR. ; Are all groape. U eas flag keJMlaf at the BAIT SKa ef the groaads. ? WB ARB THERB WITH THE QOOD8" ? WILLAMETTE IRON KWEXXXXtXIXXSSSTSi TO FABK VDSDTOKS! DO NOT PAIL TO SEE ASTOM'S GREAT REGATTA AtqUST 29th, :' ' . - .? Round trip 'tickets via the Astoria ft Columbia River Railroad only 93.00. Sold on August 28, 29 and 30. Good for return until 8ep-s , tember 1.A beautiful tflp along the banks of the Columbia River. " - ' For information Smm "77'' ' r"-)''xf;.' : G. A. Stewart r 1248 Alder Street, or PhoneMa.rt"90 try r i Trifri couscll; IxX Zr kins, Itl tourth street." . The v standing of the various candi dates, which la published today, ahowa that Mlsa Minnie 6. Phillips, deputy clerk- of the circuit court, still leads in the first district, with IT.SOft -votee to her credit. Miss Lura Baty retains her hold on second position, while Mlsa ?ould and Misa Kurth follow closely, he voting In the flsst district la very heavy, and the contest la Just getttng Into full swing. ... Klaa rroebstel &ea4a ieoomd. Miss Molly Prosbstel of La drsnde heads the list la the second district, with 1,861 volys. ' Miss Fletcher 'Is a close second. Miss Emily. Crossen of The Dalles leacls In the third district. ' The situa tion inHhe fourthdlatrjot remains un changed, but : during the coming week the campaign there will be waged vigor ously; aa a ballot box will be located tn that district, so that the candidates and their friends can do the voting in their home towns. ' Miss Williams Is the leader In ,the fifth district, with 1.46 votes. In the sixth district Mlsa Veatch atlll leads, with 1,11 votea, but her friends will hsvs to look sharp to retain thla honor, for two new candldatsa from Salem promise to enliven to an unusual degree the race in: tnis section, inese can didates re Misa Darby and Misa She! ley, both of Salem, and they enter the race with euostantial eupport. .. Are Formidable Ouposisata. . , ' Miss Darby la oito of the most populsr Voung women of Salem. . and haa a host of frlenda who are evidently going to rally to her support. .When she was nominated YOO votes accompanied her nomination, . which ahowa how earnest her friends are. Mlaa Shelley was noml nstsd with 119 votes to her creuu, so both promlve to be vary strong- candi dates, . ; .'--. . '. , - Mtsa. Courtmanche ' of ' MoHlnhllla retains her - hold on nrat place In the seventh dlstrltt. ..-.; - In the eighth district the. campaign M being wagsd vigorously. Miss Dale Harmon of Jtosaburg leads, with I.T40 votea. Miss Edna Parsley la In second plsce with 1.441 votes. The standing of each candidate Is published In tonight's Journal. . The coupon Is also published every evening nnd the friends of each candidate are nrged to-vote the coupon or better still get one of the special given with each paid subscription, for ' these special coupons carry a larger number of votes. ; - - . - CALIFORNIArWItt HAVE r ' GREAT DAY AT FAIR Thirty members. of the California lean Mature, appointed hy tnat near te in apect and report... upon the Lewis and Clark exposition, will 'arrive on Sep tember and will be entertained at the California building by the state com miss! oners. , - California day, September t. promises to be the banner day-of the exposition. aa thousanda of Calif ornlana will gather at the a tats building and take part In an Impressive program. - To accommo date the crowds large reviewing atands will be built lust outside the structure on -which the puMie wlU be served with I native California fruits and wines. At all other expositions California day was -marked for the splendid enthusiasm ojC the people of the state, for the Im pressive" ceremonies and for the famed hospitality . Hie. commissioners. Cal ifornia day 'at the Lewie and Clark ex position,.. it Is -expected, will, outshine H slate islmllirrifln on ers jrucher .and Wiggins are making great preparations in anticipation. LATTER-DAY SAINTS -TO HOLD CONFERENCE Two apostles of the Mormon church will deliver addresses at aU the sessions of the quarterly . conference . of., the northgest . division, of the Latter-Day Stilnts, the first session of which will be opened In hall 400, Allsky building. Third and Morrison streets. ( at 10 o'clock tomorrow, and which will con tinue two.idaya. .. The visiting spostles are John Henry Smith and Charles W. Penrose of Salt Lake City, who are con aldered among the best speakers of the Mormon church In toe northwest. Kl- der Nephl Pratt, president of the North west Etates mlaalon. will preside, and about 40 elders from the stations in Oregon. .Washington and Idaho,' and some rrom Montana and British Colum bia will be. present. The tneetinga will be open to the publics On Monday the elders will hold - a business : session which will not be msde public. sdoosa Bate Bast. ." " On August' ST and l, and ' Sep. tember T. a. . 10. 11. 10 and 17. the Canadian Paolflo will aell round-trio tickets to, eastern points at very low rates, j- ( For full partlculsrs call on or address F. R Johnson, F. 4k P. A- Canadian Pa- clno Ry4 14 1 Third' street, Portland. Or. & STEEL WORKS 30th and 3 1st Si ( Every I!:"::t:!J in Pert SS:i!i'Kn:wIbw, to Rc:ist it Ths back achea because the kidneys are blockaded. ' ' . Help the kidneys with their orkV 1 The back will ache no more. - ' Lota of proof that Doan'a Kidney Pills do thla. - - It'a the best proof, for It cornea from Portland. r ' Mra D. E. Bawln of S East Tenth street, sayar "Doan's Kidney PUla were brought 4o my notice from reading about there In the paper from my home, Leominster, Id ass. Every now and then I read of some one whom I knew per sonally being cured of kidney trouble by, the use of Doan'a Kidney Pills. I would not have paid so much attention to It had I not known them to be, good, reliable people, who would not make such, a statement unless It were abso lutely baa,- Last all. when' I found1 my kidneys were not performing their functions properly I procured a box. They benefited me very much.- To say I have a high opinion of Doan'a Kidney Pills expresses my feeling toward them very mildly." ; - - ' For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co Buffalo, N. T sole agents for the United States. , . Remember the nsme DOAN'S and take no other. COLFAX SAL00:.S IVIII FIGHT TO ETi;i LICENSES . ' ' ''; Antagonist ' Leaves Town for Fear of Murderous Attacks"; y , .Threatened, o I-'' ;, (Special Dispatch to The JeeraaL) " Colfax, -Waah., Aug. It. -OVT. Street, the young bookkeeper who started a crusade agatnat Colfax aaloona and nar rowly escaped being murdered by- un known thug who waylaid him sV night, haa given up the fight and gone to Port- hand. Mr: Street' parents live In Port land, and when they learned of the at tempt on their son's life, they Insisted upon hla returning home.- It la thought now that the Incident is closed, and that no further prosecutions . of the saloons will be mads. The city council held a special meet ing last night to consider the charges made by Street against the fsloons, and hla demand that the licenses be revoked. Street wsa not present, but Rev. George H. Nnrnuni e local minister, pressed the charges and took Mr. 8treet'a place aa prosecuting witness. In face of the fact that the saloon menjiad paid fines of I0 and costs, each. It waa agreed, by the council that their Meenaea would not be revoked, but that hereafter. If they violated any section of the ordinance controlling aaloona, their licenses would be taken from them and money they had paid on licenses would be forfeited. Rev. Mr, Newman expresses satisiaction with this arrangement. ; j. IS; REDO OBSTACLES jy Boyi;;G 10 Abner Weed Makes Large Pur , , chase to Hurry Forward ; ' Klamath Irrigation. : (Special DlssaUb ts Tka JooraaLt . Klamath Falla, Or Aug. J. Abner Weed, the promoter and former owner of . the Weed railroad, now known aa the California 4t Northeastern, which Is being rapidly puabed toward thla city, Is- here and helping remove oberaoles In the way of the Irrigation project by buying large traote of land, some of which was not signed up by the former owners The Bush-Preultt tract, con tawing 4,100 acres, haa been purchased by him for S60.000. alao the Melhaae tract ox 4,700 acres on wooa river, in eluding stock and implements, for ISO, 000.' Ha also haa an option on Mrs. Miller's tract of t.100 acrea for 117.000, and the McCornack tract of 1,246 acrea for 10.000. Major C E. Worden alone baa aold more than 130,6ns worth of real estate slnoe May 1. The Water Users' ss sociatlon la confident that the required percentage of excess holdings will be slaned over by September l, when the government can advertise for bids for Irrigation work. - . ' . CANADIAN NATIONAL . .1 ; - EXHIBITION OPENED ' (Jesrsel Bpedal gervlea.) Toronto, Ont., Aug. II. The Canadian national eshlbltlon waa opened today with elaborate ceremonies by Prsmlet Whitney, of the Dominion government General -Vori Roberts had been Invited to jresids at thai)penlngf -eei eimnileS. but ss his visit to this country was abandoned for official reasons, a chsnge In the original program became neces sary. Besides Mr. Whitney many other high officials of ths provincial govern' msnt were present at tne opening. Tn exhibition will close on September IS. FORECASTER BEALS HAS - NO RAIN IN STOCK 4 - . d Rirennen say ths Willamette and tha Columbia are falling ao T . ... rapidly inaisuiey ear niTiga- . tlon on . theae strssms will be 4 made difficult If rain do not 4 set la soon. But District Weath er- Forecaster m. a. ueais says he haa ao rain handy. . In look ing over hla reports for ths past jNve years, Mr. Beala thla morn ing found that tha rainy seasons - d did not begin here' until next 4 . month, and that then only a few a showers rsil. rouowea oy aays 01 sunshine until October. Tha 4 rainy season, statea sir. Heaia, 4 . beglnawlth a light ahowsr or 4 two. followed by a dry spell; then 4 mora showers with ths dry spells d lessened until In October, when 4 i .t starts In real earnest. . The rouowtng are tne osies or the beginning of the rainy aea aona In the past -five years: 4 September . It0: September 11. l.tlj Septemher it. if ax; Sep' e ttnbr C. 1002: September II, 4 104. These are the datee of tha . 4 4 first showers of the winter. . :i 4 1 C0;:Sl FOiDlS Four Cteamers Leave Tonight . Heavily Ladsn for Oregon ; and California Ports.' TWENTY TONS OF PEER FOR SAN FRANCISCO Many People Whoalled Too . Late for Berths Are Disappointed, ss the t Vessels Have All the Passengers They Can Possibly Carry. ,; Four largs steamers will sail from Portland tonight for Coos Bsy and Cali fornia - points loaded to "the . hatches with cargo. Each haa already been forced to turn away numerous passengers who waltedl until too lata to call for tickets.-' The steamers are the Alliance, Roanoke,. Aurella and F. A, Kllburn. When ' the Alliance aalla from the Coueh atreet dock at, o'clock aha will bars tf passengers on board, meat of whom ars bound for Coos Bay, c ties. In the cargo will be a lasgevJUireshing machine for a Eureka, California, hard ware dealer. This Is the third thresh ing machine to be taken to Kureka this season by the Alliance. The steamer will also carry 120. tona of flour, 100 tona of . general merchandise and 0 tons of grain. This . cargo is about equally divided between Coos Bay points and Eureka. , ... , ' The Roanoke will take 20 tona of PerUandV brewed bees to Ban Franolsco The fact that this cargo Is aboard, as was announced In yesterday' Journal, may account for the large -passenger list, I2S people having already engaged berths. The veesel wlU also take 1.000 tona of grain for Ban Pedro, 460,000 shingles for flan FranclscA, 10 tons of excelsior for San Pedro and a lsrge consignment of feed for Eureka. A large shipment of shingles will be taken aboard at Astoria for Saa Pedro. The F. A. Kllburn will have 400 tona of wheat and much way freight for Coos bay,' Eureka and San Francis oo. The Aurella, which belongs to the same line aa the Kllburn, will aall from the . dock at the Eastern as Western Lumber company's mill with 100 tona ef wheat and a deckload of lumber for San Francisco. . ' , PROTECTION FROM FIRE. Arahlteot BalUa, SuggssU That More Water Pipes Be Xl4 ea Bast Ida, Fred A. Ballln, local ' marine archi tect, states that tha recent Are on tha east side proves to all what waa here tofore known by many, that the portion of the city lying along the eastern shore of the -Willamette rtveria In very grave dangee from destruction by fire. Mr. Ballln advances a plan whereby the fire department would receive much more aid from tha flreboat George It. wll llama than It geta now. Th business section of tha east side lying between the Inman-Poulsen mills and Alblna depends en a 14-tnch main of water," aays Mr. Ballln.. "The con. nectlng mains are email and the pres sure is very low. Now. my. plan Is to have 10-Inch laterals connecting' with the Water atreet main laid tp every other street, - Including- - Eaat Washing ton, aa far aa Twelfth atreet, at least. These should be constructed to stand a much heavier pressure than the present ones and shouldbe fixed with flexible connections.- Iff this Is done the flreboat can be connected to the malna and-glve a pressure several times greater than la given at present. Had this been done before the recent Are the loss of prop erty would hava been email compared to what It waa." . . RUMORS ON THE DOCKS. One Says Tslephoae Will 0o aa Caeoade . ,; . ' J Baa STex. Wodmeedajr. - ' ' The latest story regarding tha Tele phone Is that aha la to be placed on the Portlaod-Casoede Locks run next Wednesday, and make dally round trips through the early falL ., . , Another story" Is that a steamer will soon ba operating between thla city and Gray's Harbor, Washington. Several weeka ago tha steamer Toledo 'was on thla run, but after soma trouble aha was tied up In this city. John Lund Straus of Aberdeen la in tha city making inquiries regarding a steamer for this run. It ts thought tha Toledo may be transformed Into an oil-burner and again BARGAINS FOR WOMEN WOMEN'S Fine Kid Blucher Oxfords, patent tips medium weight soles, military heels, sixes 2tf to 8 widths A to EE. Good value at the regular price $2.50 but we make a special of thorn at .... . (se.oo Tans v taws fa.ea $3.00 Tasrs I SS.M TAJTS 1.TS S 02E?QEB $1.75 ' y ..... . FU L L AO 233-85 HOUUICOII C7 mm Wc want you to sce our venti banks IN THIS A CITY. Thfcy supply pure, fresh air! Your employes WAJNT IT! I x ; ; TE3E W., make Oray'a Harbor; aa a coal-burnesf- It la said she la not a success, as aha cannot keep up steam la a heavy sea. If tha Toledo cannot be secured, another steamer will be engaged. - Still another of the stories la tbAt the Cv R, 4V N. Co.wlll keep the Steamer T. J. Potter running to II waco until the close of the Lewis snd Clark sxpoeltlon, October 16. -. ,, ' , , WANT SEATTLE STEAMER. Bfforta Ar Made aa Xavs Spokaaa Stop J Sara Ba Boats to Baa rraaoleoo. The local agents of the Pacific Coast Steamship company ars" planning to hava one of their steamers stop at Portland next . week on her way to Ban Fran cisco from Seattle. The steamer wanted la tha Spokane, one of the finest vessels on the coaatwlae trade. '- . - ' If auch arrangements are made the steamer wilt be here August II or Sep tember 1. It Is reported that (00 tons of freight haa been offered the Spokane at Seattle for Portland merchants, and there would be no trouble to get much more than -that amount here for San Francisco, to aay nothing of tha people who desire to go ..south by pea. tia steamera plying regularly between Port land and the Golden Gate are unable to handle 'all the first-class v passenger traffic offered here. XLONG THE WATERFRONT. The Stranger Is taking, tha place of the Republic on the Linnton run. The Republic la In drydock having her pro peller and shaft repaired. The four-maated schooner ' John A. Campbell was Hated .yesterday as com ing to Portland for a cargo of lumber. She wlU sail for thla city from Ban Pedset Ths Is,; the .local lumber trade. - A raoa la expected soon between . the Charles R. Spsnoer and the Telegraph. It Is said that Captain ' Spencer will challenge Captain Scott for a race, and much Interest in ,the ' coming event la being taken both in this city and Beat tie, where the .Telegraph ia called "the fastsst stsrnwbeeler In the world. : The Regulator Is having a new smoke stack Installed-at the Willamette Iron works. Her run to The Dalles la being taken by the Undine." V The steamer R. Miller arrived early this morning from Astoria with 76 mem bers of the Norwegian, Singing society of Astoria on board, rr . . The Numantla's-cargo was all dis charged laat night and the liner will be tied np at the Alaska dock for two weeka awaiting thla aeason'a grain, of which aha will take a large amount -to Japan. .:..'- The United States dipper dredge No. I waa ordered to the Cowllts river thla morning, where sh.e will clean out bars snd shoala during the next two months. The dredge baa been lying at the gov ernment moorings opposlts St. Johns. Word waa received thla afternoon that the British steamer Imaum had aalled from Shanghai for thla port. The steamer is chartered by Balfour, Guth rie tt Co. , to load grain and flour fof Japan. , I V : MARINE NOTES, s ; Astoria. Aug. XC-Condttlon of the bar ttla m. smooth: light eaat wind; clear weather. No shipping moving. San Francisco. Aug. SS. Arrived, schooner Mabel Gale, from. Portland. ' --t i i i ., - . PRESIDENT TAKES TRIP UNDERNEATH THE WAVES (Jesrssl Special aarrlaa.1' Oyster Bay, Aug. -President and Mrs. Roosevelt and a party of friends watched tha maneuvers of the aubma- rtne - torpedo-boat Plunger from 7 the yacht Sylph this morning." The vessel was put through her pace for the bene fit of the spectators. ' '. Lata yesterday afternoon the presi dent spsnt three hours on board the Plunger, during which time the litUe submarine craft waa put through all tha feata of which she is cspsble, to the delight of the executive. A heavy thunder storm waa in progress on the surface at the time the trip was mads to tne noxtom eg the sea. REUTIVES TO SETTLE -.SHORTAGE FOR GREFFOZ (Special Dispatch to Tie Jearsal.) Corvallla, Or- Aug. 1. An adjourned meeting of the council! will be held to night, when It la expected a settlement will be made by the relatives of ex Police Judge Ore (Tom, who waa ahort la hla accounts tl.el. Ths shortage cams from the sewer assessments, which were paid to Greffos and which were not transmitted by him to the treasurer. Ho, for Astoria. . Swift stesmer Telegraph leaves Alder atreet dock 7:S0 a. m. daily except Fri day. . Returning leaves Astoria I p. m., arriving Portland p. m. Sundays leavsa roruana a a. m., Aaioria p. m. Arriving Portland p. av a Saaeea sTpnmgs, The Southern Paolfle eompaay. has placed on sale at its Portland offices round trip ticket to Shssta Sortnsa at a ma fif lie flMuttfuL liiuakH-atM pamphlets descriptive of this re e- MlErRj" C. c ; film T)Oisj ANfefetable Pre parationfor As similating foeFoodandBetfuta ting tteStojnacis andBowelsof Promotes DigesHonheerfur ness andRestContalns neither Gtaium,MorpIune norMioexaL 1OTS ARC OTIC. . : . ; Way. ss tim ttti Arjcrfed Remedy rorCons6r- non.Sour Stomach.Diarrtwca Wnrma f nmn ilcinna rmrtcfy rurss and Lpss OF SLEEP. , "Tac Simile Signahire of NEWYDHK. fxhCt eoBv.or wmabbol u SS saaai ' as. 1 70,000 Records in Stczi: : COLUMBIA PHONOGRVkPII CO. I 165.371 WasbJnstota SOrewt. City Steam Dyeing and C!ec0 Ua!($ .v...- , i-: HERMAN EliKBJrVoprietor...-'-- ' ',. '..,-.' '; Dry ; Cleaning and Dyeing of Every Description v, MOURN INO CLOTHES DTED ON SHORT NOTICE. ' Main Works. East Third and East A'h Sts. Ficnt tt lU bbavox omoiii ' ' I BlTfh Mtreet. . Phnn. Main 1T1t 411V4 Morrison St. Phone Main 17. I PORTLAND V1RE Phon Mala aooo . -.. it DzOivr tivrxT f ' x ACJT Is tt ri.y ft tt e wt. V i i ' i r't s- - t i i 1 r i r - r onnr tot Infcata rri Cll v Th3 Ycu l.:v3 ; Always C:::!:i Bearo tho Signature of In Ok 1S1 .Ath 7,W MM forOraf- Thirtif "Vnnpo I III! IJf I UUI XJ uouoim urana rrtmm , v St Louis, 1904 ; ti aaw'" aa w av ar . .. wmw wf- w v b eg $1.00 Per VccIi : 4 Colujla BaQe Port-'aoKt, Oew j I l JDrk CalUd For evsaf I '.' tlomrmd FREE. mm 1a,. BATiK OfFICE R'JLL'j I , ECU rZ."..i Barbed Wirev Wire and tawg Fendss, Poultry Netting; a fi IRO'J !CZS: vaajj FLANCZS3 STtl: - r " "'' 'i securM from any goutaern . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ageat. ....... .. . , . . J