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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
' ' ' .,i -z - ' - . 1 - ' ' . - ' j , . - ii . ' . Tiir ton!;it an j Cituriiy; variable Kinds. ; - . ' . f pctla::d. "oiiriooN, FRiDAY evz:;i::o, auoust- 25; iso5.-1sixteen pages VOL. IV. 110. 113. 4 PRICE TWO CENTS .,.... : , .',,..11' . . t. Fii Oil SUCCESS Gravs Hitch Occurs In Nsotia tlons at Portsmouth That May ' Postpone Meeting Scbsd ;, ulsd for Tomorrow, j. COTH fJAT!C'S REFUSE A further concessions Preaidcnt Still .Continues His Vork to End War Despite Hia Rebuffs Japanese Envoys Visit Manchester Factories Csar Refuses to Either f Pay Tribute or to Cede Territory. . '' - Imrssl SnecUl SeTTiee.) Portsmouth, Aos. 1 6. A, bitch f V such gravity baa occurred in the peace : nrUatlon that the propossd meeting or Saturday may De poaiponeu. lamrm .' ars various views In rega o what haa V transpired, soms saying that It augurs that negotiations will continue, 'deeplte the apparent adamant poaltlon of both , nation. Othar high diplomata declare , that-fc psace settlement , is further off than evar. . ' '-'' ; . ; : Krostovits rannouncsd thla morning . that It haa not bean definitely decided to meet Saturday, "but," ha added, "unless ' Japan rscadae- from her poaltlon there '.' will be a meeting .Saturday; and that , t wily be the last me. ; There la alwaya "-- the poaaiblllty of mediation by tha pow ' era, or aome new move of the prssldsnt." Sato thlnka differently. Ha says that the meeting- will be held as ached uled, and that othera will follow. ... v .; "Japan, however," aaya Sato, "haa said bar laat word about Sakhalin." .' I . Ylaltins Feovsriss. ' -." j Envoys wars oonatantly In communl , cation with their governments laat night. Komuim and Sato, want to Man- cheater thla mornlns aa gusstsvof that nltv to visit tha factories. - Practically sll X K4mura'a auVta accompanied him. I - At the laat minute Taxaaim aeoraea not "to so. It Is believed that Important peaoe developments 'dftalned him. En " - route to tha station. Komura'a auto-:-' mobll broke own andthe train was ."held far blm. . - t Tha president has tjss twlcs rebuffed 'In his sfforts : to aacure .peaca, bis proposltlDns to tha csar for a ompro- mlaa as offered -by Japan belns refused. It la stated that tha -rejection cfiueea oj tfiu tMviiic m . :von the northern part of Sakhalin equal to tha eatlmated oat of tha 'war. Had j Japan left tha. amount open for future ;' adjuetment tha pro position weald hare . proved more palatable to Russia, t . ;. Maatpals STow 9 Ays 8ay..-. v' Plenipotentiaries no looser control on '"' either . side. Ths negotiations have ! passed to their principals la Russia and ' Japan. . -.. - " ' Count Lamsdorffs . statement has rauaed conaternatlon here, but Is par- - It tally, discredited by statements ' BMyle ' by WItte. Lamadorff said that Russia 1 under no circumstances would pay s tribute either direct or indirect or msks ' any ceealon of territory whatever. ' ' Writera from St. Paterabura; - alate that Emperor Nicholas la Inflexible In hia determination to' continue tha war ' rather than yield to ' Japanese demands ."and that he la confident that, success ' awaits General Linlevltcb's army at theU zronu nimiumnicMi sor me iroot axe reported ae steadily arrtrtnf and mors troops have been ordered to.Linlevltch's command. ':-". . .'..:. ', "1 , ; HAVE TO SWALLOW IT. - v SUnaks Says jAssis Zs'lKakJar a ktia. .. take a ya'a Ooasnlta Booeevelt. .;.. " loans! Special genlue-V Oyster Bay, Aug. it. Kaneko visited ' the president this morning. Asked whst the outlook for peace was he replied: ' Like ths, weather,"- glancing . at 'the ' 'Whst d you think of -LamsdorfTs ; statement that Russia won't pay tribute r or-eedeland f', -' 1 think he is making a mistake, but It seems to be of flctal and' I guess we ' , will bsvs to swallow It." , ''"' " T Ths conference with t the president hour. - m Kaneko -returned from Sagamore hill rln great good humor When aaked If ---there 'would be peaca or war he asld: "A deadlock, I ahouU say." He aald " smphatlcaily: "Japan will make no 1 more concession The war haa cost' her IsOMOO.eao to data. A few papers say -she has, offered to make peace for t00. SOO, 000. . Is ' not that -a great . enough - conceealonr" We will make peace . if Russia1 wants it, but cannot give. .up '. everything. What we want la peace ' . wttn Justice for Japan and, honor 'for Russia." - He said that hs did not bring any 'communication from the Toklo govern ment, and sarcastically told, the newa- - paper men that they had power to make ; peace orar. ..-.. - - J RUSSIA MAKES DENIAL ' . -y- . ' ... , yststo Office States That taaaaaorff BU sTot Sbks SUtssssnt AMMbstssC ' - ; ' : (learsal Special Service., W St. Petersburg. Au. 21. In regard " to the ststement published in America attaining to Count Lamsdorff s reported . aaylng that Russia won't pay indent nlty and will not cede territory, . the fn-wlgg office today denies emphatically that ' Lamsdora received the corre "i.ondent and says that no such state- - tnent was -Issued. . Nevertheless .ths recognised press, agent of the forelgs office reiterates 'ths -ststement tbst Russia will not pay sn Indemnity. . . '" .... " 11 ---v'.'-' Zjondon Xs BopefsJ. , Uearssl aseelsl service.) ' lndnn. Au. IS. The diplomats Of t"l e! f " 't T'"" s-irea, , MfaT George W. Malar, Who Win REGATTA STAFF IS COMPLETED HY r J ADF.WAL DROl'Jil Portland,, Salem and Ths Dalles pointees--Mors Than Five Hundred Boats Will Be In Uns In ths .Fireworks Parade ii '- ."J". -.V' T '.; - ' BseeitI Disnates e tte learsal) Astoria. Or, Aus. it- Admiral Brown of tha eleventh annual reatta has com. pletad his staff by .the appointment, of members representing: ths cities or rorc land, . Balem, Ths naUes, aod atorla. Amonsf v the sppolntses are Admiral BraiUi (retired) and staff, .who serves durlns; the ninth regatta, at which Urns Admlrai- Brown was chairman- f the committee. The staff for this .year's regatta Is sa -follows Admiral Charles V. Brown.,,, i ' ( Rear-admirals Captain Richardson, Captain Gregory and Captain Byrne, U. s. u H. department. - - . Commodore and chief of staff John C MoCus. v.," '. s '. " Commanders Dr. Frank Taughan, j. H. Seymour, T. T. iAurln. Malcolm Bar ger, Charles H. Abercrombls. Dr. Baylls H. Earla. W. E. Schlmpff, F. U Keutt ner. W. R. Hume, Frank I Parker. W. U Robb, John FoX,-GvH. Callander, Lieutenant A. J. Cooper, Astoria; A ML WUllama, U E. Crows, Paul J. Sulli van. Oeorge CS. Blakeley, The Dalles; J..F. Hughes, 8, W. Thompson. Dr. Thomas Smith, Ray D. Oilbert. Oeorge B. Waters, Salem; B. H. Trumbull, C W. Ransom, J. A. Waddell, W. A' Storey, J. H. Burghard, Oeorge Hoyt, Ted Sweek, Admiral Smith 4 retired).. Port land. ... ' v '.'..'.. . .'V s . Ths commutes Is making special sf forts to insure ths success of the great marina procession, and It ' Is expected that more than too boats will be In line. Ths parade will move In columns, each towed by s large steamer. Fireworks will be provided for-each of the boats, and sa the procession pssses to and fr before ths grandstand ths pyrotechnic display will be mads . ; . Chairman Gorman of tha Indian ex ercises committee announces that more than tot Indians : will be here for ths regatta.. and the war and ghost dances to be given will eclipse snythtng of ths sort ever before attempted In ,tbs west Ths slsventh annual regatta, will be held August I. 10 and tt.. . . - In view of the historical interest aroused through, the ..holding of the Lewis and Clark exposition, this year's committee determined to make -one of the principal features! of the; regatta coramemortla of the noble , efforts -of Sacajawea. to aaslat the hardy explorers who hewed the . trail, for civilisations in the , western, country. ; It has been the custom to elect s queen to reign during regatta week, .but thla year s young lady impersonating Princess Sacajawea will rule. ' Mrs. Oeorge. W. Malar, a natlve- mlttee for tha post of .honor, and pretty T:r: " . ' " V-. - j ceremonies have been arranged. -A M. Smith, city, attorneys will represent Cap tain . Clark, while QeorgoT Noland will represent Captain Lewis. The cere monies will take place on the wster and will mark tha opening of the carnival. Ths local order of Red Men has taken an active Interest in this year's enter tainment, snd the Indian exercises, which will be quite extensive. Tiave been given over to ths order's charge.. Hon. M. Oorman, formerly a resident sf Cath lamet, haa been placed at the. bead Of the Indian committee, and: be has arranged1 to hare real Americans here for the r gitta. The Indians will ssslst the Jted Men. . . -'- .- - It was originally planned to hold the Indian exercises at Van Duaen field, but ths committee has altered its plans and decided -to bold the exercises on the water. ' There will be a great war dance, participated In by all of the. visit Ins; Indians, snd also a ghost daAce. - . Ths sailing events will, be more ex tensive this yesr than ever before Ths Columbia river fishermen, with some thing like t,00 boats at their command, had lost interest In the event until this year. . The secretary of ths Fishermen's union, HU M., Lomtsen was made chair man of the flshboet races committee, snd be has aroused ths old-tlms feeling of snthuslssm among ths msn who live upon ths water; Entries for ths sailing races hats besa numerous aoU prompt, Play Sacajawea at the Astoria Regatta, Represented In the List of Ap-J' and there will bo mors than 100 con testants. ' Many of ths fishsrmsn are nowqalns; motor hosts and spsolsl races hvs been arraasecl lor this elaas of la. Addition, to ths fishing- hosts and local yachts, there will be entries la ths sailing erente front Portland, pray harbor and other nssroy points. Hand some cash prises are of fared. The raw ing events , will. o hs slighted but representatives . of all the- dubs . will be hers to ooapate. It Is quits probable that Ed Oloss of Portland and Alex Paps of San Francisco, who hare met several times, will .contest for ths coast cham pionship. "-. , " ,1 . . Another feature of ths ' resatU that wlll .provs of latereat will be marina tuga-of-war. Two classes sf boats will bo enured In ths tugs-of -war sailing boats and stsam vessels. ' Ths spectacle of steamers, engaged In strife of this sort will be unique, and the feature will. It is believed" by Chairman Wise, be one of ths most pleasing of ths regatta. - , ., r , . v ; The most elaborate event will be the marine parade, which will . be partici pated la by all of the river. eraft of thla city and the lower Columbia. The parade will take place at night, snd a magnlfloent pyrotechnic display will be mads durteg its progress. The parade will move la divisions,, passing to sad fro before the grandstand.- . 7 i Thbrs will be s firemen's touraanteif during tha week, the competing teams representing Victoria, B C Vanoouvsr, Washington, . Oregon City. , Ths Dalles snd Astorls. , Ths committee has awarded a street fair concession" to one of the best amuse ment companies on the road.' so that there will never be a moment when en tertainment will lag. - Ths very best of musks obtalnabls haa been secured, and even In the most trivial details ths car nival will be carefully arranged. - - Charles V. Brown, . chairman . of tha ninth regatta commutes and one of As toria's most prominent young men, has bees' named' as admiral of ths regatta. Admiral Brown' has - appointed ' State Land Agent Oswald West vlce-sdtntral. and "has placed Admiral Smith of the ninth regatta, and the members of his stsff tm this year's staff. - Additions, will-be made-ta. the staff by ths ap pointment of residents of Portland,' Sa lem. Ths Dalles and 'Astoria. John C. McCus haa been named chief of stsff, whlls Captain Richardson of ths light house, tender Columbine, Captain Oreg- ory of the tender Heather, and Captain mo sV Wat a exam I tea hssM tftesssn ea tpointed - rear-aamiraja. - -i v Dr. Bay lis H. Farle, quarantine offi cer.' haa been named as commander-in-chief of the marine parade; while James H. O'Connell .haa. been, appointed grand marshslof ths land parade. ' ' : - Ths social features of ths eleventh re gatta will be quits as pleaaant sa those of ' former, carnivals, and ths regatta ball will be mors Interesting than any other, svsr held. y GENERAL' RILLS BEAR - ' v k, WITH HUNTING KNIFE .:r.y - ... ,,, 1 v (Yesrast Special Scrrlce.) " - Glen wood Springs, Aug. St. Reports from.(irt Du Chesne, Uintah - reserva tion, ae to the effect that General Frank X. Baldwin, former commander of the district of Colorado, is a bear slayer of such note as to rival Roose velt. General Baldwin, his aids. Lieu tenants' Bayers and Chamberlain, and Judgs ' Psrkcr. of - Trinidad snd - Ooy Turnsr of Oklahoma City wars hunting and fishing 40 miles from ths fort a few' days ago, when Judge Psrker routed s big grlssly bear. The Judas fired twlcs, wounding ths bear enough to Infuriate but not dtssbl it. Bruls made a charge on ths- Judge snd ths lsttsr fled, dropping- his rifle. Oeneral Baldwjn seeing this drew bis hunting knife and succeeded In killing the boss after, a. brief but hard strums, r ,' City of Portland Sails ths Upper f Air and Circles - Gracefully , AboutthcFovysrs on Gov- :; : i . srnment Quildlng. ' , REMARKABLE FEAT OF .w , BALDWIN'S CREATJON Moes ; Between and : Around the - Spires, Flies Across the River To i ward j Vancouver and Returning Cornea to Earth Within a Few Feet of Point Where Start Ws Mads, ' In making the -most suooessful and sensational flight - In ths history of aerial navigation tha airship City of Portland, manned by Linooln Bsachsy. today proved the truth of the adase that "the thlrd . time la the charm." Twice before has this combination of mechanical genius and skill demon trstsd tha ractloabUlty of aerial navi gation, but when tha ascent wss mads at the exposition grounas mis muruius no one thought It was to be left to" the City of Portland to make the greatest showing of ths sort on record.,; j jt, SansoS Irsjoont. : " Santos Dumont, In his dlrigtbls bal loon, encircled the Eiffel tower of Paris and ft was proclaimed as ths greatest fsat of all. Today- ths city or-rorx-land left ths aeronautic concourse at the exposition' grounds, cut straight toward tha government buildings, and described the figure t around Its two tall towers, then st s hslght of 1.000 feet skimmed over to the Columbia river and returned to ths sxact spot from where it itirted. This performance puts all past at temnta of asoial fllsht In the shade and gives , to Captain. .Baldwin ths honor of constructing ths first absolutely prac tical dirigible balloon. . Olseles Abont Two ewi "Tha CltT tPortland left ths ssro- nautiosooneourss promptly at 11 "o'clock and Beeehey headed straight towara us Government- building snd for a time tt seemed to the spectators that us tied lost control or the machine ana nai it would' hit- the- .tower.. Just . as ' tha thnurht anneared to become rsallsa- tion Bsechsy was ssen to suddenly thrsw ths rudder-sverran4bis perfect con trol , of ths airship was noted in the trraceful sweep mads around ths tower. Crossing over. tn; -center of ths build ing Beeehey then swung. around ins othsr tower, making ths figurs I as easily and perfectly as an expert skater would. - -.'.. With s shoot ths airship was-ssnt Up ward until a ,hel-ht of 1.000 feet waa registered. Beachsy than headed toward the Columbia liver, and before lone was lost In. -the hass. 1 , Spectators believed that ths airship must have dropped, but a few minutes later It again appeared, headed toward ths exposition and at ths Sams altitude. Whan over ths fair grounds Beaehey again ' showed ths perfect control he had over ths machine, tor he landed on ths - sxact spot from which i ha had started, amid the thunder of cheers of exposition visitors. - This flight of ths City of Portland has set s mark In aerial navigation which will probably stand for years to corns. SIXTEEH LIVES ARE LOST CI T Elghtssn Houses Swept . Away ' and Towns, of Berwlnd and V, Tabasco Wrecked. - ; , . ' (Jeoraal oeeUl Ssmsa.t J"," -'', - Denver,-Colo.Aug. U. - Sixteen lives were lost snd II houses swept sway by a' cloudburst In Delaqua . canyon laat night..'' '. iS-i- : '.(-..-,. '! - Ths towns of -Berwlnd and Tabasco wars wrecked last night, by ths flood which swept through' ths canyon. Tha railroads and tramways of ths Colorado Iron and Fuel company, for a distance of It miles, were completely washed out. t,r -. :'5.-v, --. .... ''.? s. . From all regions ars coming reports of dlstastrous affects of the storm, which enveloped Trinidad and adjacent territory and caused a property loss of hundreds of - thousands of dollars. . All communication with ths region was de stroyed and telegraph wires ars pros trated. '- ..-t1 ... i . .. ....... Ths TrlnldanV coroner has been notl fled- thst five bodies hsvs been recov ered from ths flood. " AH ths lost ars foreigners. Joseph Vsltrl, . wife and children, are known to . havs been drowned. Wire communication will be restored by night. . ; , , - i, , . JIMMY rlYDE SELLS HIS . . PALATIAL PRIVATE CAR . , . . , . - !- Moerssl Special Bervlca.1 , - Babylon, I L, Aogi-Is- The luxuri ous private ear Bay Shore, owned by Jamas Hasen Hyde, has been purchased by Edwin Hswlsy, ths railroad ma gnats, who will uss ths car In traveling over ths various roads In which hs Is Inter ested. Ths ear is said to bs ths finest In ths United States and was built under Hyde's d Inactions a few years ago at a cost of upward of 160,000. The fur nishings are exquisite. . Ths ear contains an observation-room, smoking-room, dining-room, kitchen snd a number of staterooms, .It Is at pres ent st Long Island City. Hyd haa used It but a few -times slnoe his unpleasant sotertetx la the JCquiUble Jits, ' , j SMS; 8200,000 Slxty-Dolla Alonth Clsrlc Skips From Paris With Forturrs and4 Another Man's Wlfs . :. CHARTERS STEAM .YACHT " AND TRAVELS IN STYLE Jean Calls and Companion Arrested In Bahla. Brasil Patient Employe Worked lor Years on Small Salary Supporting Famfly-. ( Josrasl -SpecUl Strvles.) ' Paris. Aug. JsParls Is enjoying a sensation such as hss not been bad sines ths Humbert esse. Jean Oallay, a bank olsrk, who disappeared August L has bssn arrested at Bahta, BraslU whither hs west in the company of Mma. Sohet In a chartered yacht, after he. had em bssslsd 1.000,000 francs. - -r: UnUl tbe end of July Oallay was s punctual.: employs of ths great Paris bank, Comptolr d'ICscompts, earning a monthly Salary of ISO, out of which hs maintained . a wife and two children. Ho wss smploysd In ths transfer depart ment, and by a series of clerical manip ulations succssded In appropriating large sums. .-. . . ' ' August 1 Osllsy started or his annual fortnight's holiday, and.aa bs did. not return on the appointed day, an exam ination of- the books revealed the defal cation." Ths Comptolr d'Escompts offi cials called on ths, polios. 'Detectives found that Oallay .'had chartered . the steam yacht Catarina and embarked for Havre. . . v.' . ' ' . Aboard the -Catarina' QaUaysnJoysd ths compsnlonship of" Mma Sohet, sllsaJ Mma ds Msrslll, an actress, wno ten her husband a few years ago, because domestic life palled upon herv: Ths oou pls wss traveling In stats under as sumed names. , . . : ,'! . ' y- i'. ir , " ' FopulaStem sf Wases. . (SpeH.l Ckpeteb to The JesraaL) ' JTood River, Or, Augv 8j According to the sssessors census Just completed Wstco county has a population of II, I9i. Hood - River -valley and city Is given a population- of 4,170. Within ths corporate limits there ars 1,191 people, the balance being outside ths city, Ths Dalles city hss a population of ,lls. Dufur 428. Cascades 45l, Blgelow pre cinct 1.141. Tygh Valley lit. Shanlko city, lis. . . r ' ' .-! ;t,", ROBKIIT BASJI t t T , &c Sunday Jdurnaro Ctbry vScrico , ' , . ' . " . " " 1 1 " ' ' . . ' ' ' , He Won't Bo Happy UntiHs Gets Them All. SOCDTERSGAPTURE RIUER STEALIER Vsssst iFrorrf New, Orleans Is ; Seized ., by United States . PASSENGERS AND CREW : PLACED IN QUARANTINE Refugees Left, Fever Stricken City Whhoct Having Certificates From f Health Boards and WiU Bs Held -- Until Danger Is' Passed. . . '.. aesraal Bpeetst asrvksj. - ;..': BC Lou la. Mo., Aug. . Ths stesmer Eva Alma from New Orleans was seised this mornlna by United States soldiers sf Jefferson barracks as she waa pass ing. Tha steamer Is reported to be carrying yellow fever refugees from the south. The psssengsrs and crew were detained and placed In quarantine 11 miles below ths city. .i .-, 'V" Ths vessel left Nsw Orleans the first ef ths week' and ae far as known no eases of yellow .fever havs been re ported aboard her. Owing to ths recent discovery of yellow fever among refu gees ss . fsr north as . Michigan ' and isolated cases in Indiana and Kentucky, ths authorities sro determined to take no chances on ths spread of ths fever In St. Louis, where weather conditions would possibly be favorabla to an epi demic .' '- ;-"-'- v "'V v " The capture of ths steamer wss msds on Xelegrapbte -' orders .-, received from Ssrgeon-Osnsrsl- White of .the matins hospital service, who wired thst many of tha passengers had ' surreptitiously left Nsw Orleans without having been examined by ths health offlolals snd had no certificates to . show their right to leave the community.' It to probable that the rW an pas sengers will bs held for st least flvs days In ths Improvised quarantine sta tion, when If no eases occur thsy will , bs released and allowed to prooeed en their Journey, aa tbs danger., will havs 1 bssn passed by this time. . . - ;. . ' Zndlcted Broker BurrasAars. . ,'f' OearaaL Special Servlse,.' . ' Nsw York, Aug. 15. Moses Haas, ac cused of Irregularities In connection with tbs cotton scandal In tha depart, ment of agriculture, . surrendered this afternoon; i '.' ;.,' .. . HAVB5 you svsr read "Tekla," or. "A Woman Intervenes" or -The Mstabls I Many," or "In a Steamer Chair." or tn the Midst, oT Alarmsr If you havs' read any of these you know what to expect wheo' Ths Joursal tells you that It will publish a story, by Robert Barr In -the Sunday magaslns issue ef September S. Ones a week for half a year The Journal will publish tales by ths best authors their names are snough. Jack London. L JEangwlll. l?orra Robertson, a Ksnry, n.-.ry Wallace Fnlillps, Kdwln Le Ferre, i" Whtts.' Anthony Hops, Frank It rpsarman, Mary Stewart C" T r i ' of them. "Ton c 't t' 1 t) a s -ssssful magaalne a.""' t these names -.1 i , t of ths specU "r ' get these w.'1 Z ; C f j ""i C t and tns r- ' 1 C , ; ,,j l ... j , r.iAJQRVJAS DRur::: UilHI . lll.iLu . - . sSwssssswaBBBwssjBssssasBS i ; - , . ,"l" .. . - . a i - . ' Negrssa Sa4 ,Ta-2art Wis A.'. ' ways a Perfsct Gentleman ; When FilLn Kentucky. ' FAMILY SLEPT ON FLOOR DURING HEATED WEATKin Officer's Character Suffers at Hands of Old Colored anirny. Who TeHa Detalla . of FamOy Lite la Manila and Elsewhere. : (Jesreal SsseW-SsfvlsK) - Wooster, Aug. IB.W Aunf Lytle.tna Segra servant in ths Tasgart family, waa on ths stand again this morning. She said that ths major waa 4roni many times "at "'Fort' Thomas, Fort Leavenworth' and-Maails, but was "al ways a perfect gentleman when full la Ksntucky." "One night In Manila It was so hot that Major Taggart told us to sleep on ths floor of ths dlnlnsroom. because that was ths coolest place la tha nous. Augastlna. the- Filipino - nurse, si t there. Every day or two I would a them slipping around on tiptoes, looL.' r ths door, i saw ths major ' summon Augustlna from hsr bed on tha trass port sn routs to Manila by poking; hsr In ths slds with a cane." On cross-examination Mrs. ytl said that she- had not actually sewn T r but haw a cane that looked like h,s - d supposes that. Taggart must be at t other end. .'. ,.- ' REFUSE SODAWATtf. TO ;BLOoir:aTo:j rzenozs L i'Jl tlearaal Sseolal Ssrrlsa.1, .ii . . Btoomlngtsn. nL. Ana. It. PmnHa. tors of ios cream and soda water ss- tabllshmsnts la this city have formed aa - agreement to keen ne arose - rmm ths resorts. - Whits patrons obpected to drinking soda from ths snme glass's Ss nes-roes and places that aocomn. -dated negroea were boycotted. Now : the reaorts when visited by du ' patrons havs directed clerks to not: t tbs visitors tht ths cost of a glass soda watsr and plats of Ire crease, is tt in advanos. Ths scheme was found to work . sucosssfully snd ths peg roes - witndrsw without making s seen