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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1905)
" tiis onscou daily :jcvr.::.u. tohtIaiid. t.'.Tur.DAV nvzrmio. au: :m m 11011.1s OF HIE Hull Ckirdt Thyr and Othirt Ac. - cutd of Land Frauds IriTiU ; lamook Indicted Yesterday. DAY'S DELAY WOULD 4'2i i A HAVr NVLLIFIED CASE Former District Attorney Hsll Said v ? to Havs Informed pre?louiTd: end Grand Jury That Statute of . Limitation! Barred Charges. . Wit o only Six hour more to elapse for th atatut ef Umltatlone te giv absolute immunity from ...proseon tlon. am lndlotmant rwa returned ytrday evening y th federal grand : Jury against a no m bar of wall-known resi dents of Tillamook i county. charting them with onplraoy to defraud too United Stat of public tanas, v.- . I - rliua calL Th bar Of the statute had all but run. At midnight the three year would end within which vth machinery of the law must be est In notion. But few hour- more and the crime charted nuM ao nnpunlshsd. ' - Realisms- the scant time within- whloh action oonld be taken, the grand Jury dropped alt ether matter and devoted x. Itself to th investigation of thla case, Claude Thayer, eon of a former gov ' ernor of the state and a .wealthy banker of Tillamook, la tho principal defendant. V With him .were Indicted O. O. Nolan, In. -tary public nd brother of th cashler-l , In Thayer' nK; Clara m. Hartley, a, k Tillamook saloonkeeper; Maurice I -each, ""Thomaa Coates, John Tuttle and Walter J. Smith, all now er formerly residents . ' of Tillamook, and Chart K.- Hay of " Portland. - . i -.-.:,. , ). , ', The main feature of the story of the .crime charged asalnst the defendanta j. hsv bees, mad familiar by many simi lar eases, where coneoiracle have been formed to eeoure title to Oregon' rlchH timber land through fraud. .. In, tbl . s . caae, however, om novel method war , employed, which ahow more tnan the uiaal cunning. The land involved Ilea' . in th rich Nehal.m valley and Include mm of. th moil valuable timber in th state.' - ,1; . . .. ;-.. .' '."V .-. '-. MalT WBflmlM let!. y-:: A- i . . - On .remarkable and algnlfloant ' clr cumatgne la that th ease waa brought to th attention of a federal grand jury ' In October 1903, when John Hail wa United State district attorney and Ed-1 , wis May waa bis assistant A -tease ' of evidence had been gathered by Spe cial Inspector A' R. Oreene, but th j grand Jury is aaM to have : been ln ' -formed by Mr. Hall that th atatut of limitation had run and in consequence no Indictment wa returned. ' . t Th story of : the alleged conspiracy . follow: '. . -- . .,. ,; Jn September, lltl, about 10 persons - were procured to make timber tiling ' In th NhJm valley - and Claud ;. Thayer 1 said to hav advanced th - , money for coats and expenses. Th en 4rymn. It la alleged. Immediately ax- . . eoilted, deeds In blank which war planed jiHjcnni-WHii in immwMUf-wm a Boon aa purchasers could be found I he 4ee ! h Wiled In and dill? :-j.erd.T. Th net profit of th saisa wsre to b divided. It U aald. betwgen t In order to ntak th.xpns of ' curing th olalm as light a possible, an ingenious xpedlent waa adopted. ae cording to th lndlctmjaL-HosoootrJ V had the filing been mad than contest '. were commenced, by parties to th eon- ' aplracy, and the contests wr main , talned until 'such Ume a a purchaser turned , up, and they were, than dis missed. ."By this means ths eonsplrators ,. escaped, th necessity of making Imme- - dlat payment for thir claims and .' f they wer enabled , to carry on opera tions on a larger seal with a trifling ' expenditure of money. . i. f. i Chart H. Hay and 6. 0. Nolan are " elleged to hav played th role of eon tUng claimant for many of th n trie, while John Tnttl and Clark ML . Hadlay are ssld to hav been Intrusted with th handling of -auoh money it ,;wa necessary to expend. Th filing ; wr made in th Oregon City land of-.- flee-, and . much of th business wa . . tranaactsd - through, th law of f lc of x-Oovrnor . Thayer-' In this city, Claade father, It doe not appear, '. hower that th elder Thayer wa ' aware ef - th fraudulent character of T th transaetlona and bla death occurred J. v.;;r, - v.;v wyv. ..- V..l-. y.---;' f.-'.- I . . v. .. I. .. . k . - f to:the :u4CWldacspedd of dainties.; ' ' ' ancj the housekee.mus look carefully : ;.;, 6 their food. ' ' 1 1 . ' :; v''.. ; . As good cake can be made only with " , rood eggs,' so also a j ;W .ci well as dainty must be raised with J" v;; J': a pare, and perfect baking powder. , J ; -,:Royd Baldng Powder is indispensable '-: ( ) m ths of: food. It ; imparts that peculiar light; j ; liess, sycctnei and flayorpoticcid in the :finest cake, b '. cjqA whait 13 rncre impoi icod vhoIc:c:-:j and agreeable toyouhg . ' i i .- , , . - ' .' -'-t 'J ' ' - ' - v.-J. rf Afc AHM rJrein Just at th time when th first Investi gation by a grand Jury occurred, in tnt fall- of 101. , ' ,-- - Trouble arose over th division of th spoils, and sore of Claud Thayer's associatss accused him of withholding oompanaatloa promised for their aarv Ices. - Walter J. Smith,' who had acted ss locator for thS'Oatrymen and as wit ness when they made their proofs, fin ally brought, ault acalnat . Thayer for 1 1.700, alleging that th money wa due him under hi agreement with Thayer. Rather than go to trlaJ, which might hav resulted In damaging revelation, th TUlamook banker compromised with Smith, psylng him 1500. - Trouble also arose with Mis -Kate E. Parker, a, Btcnograprier In th Port- rendered service h preparing lhe paiiMARCH INTO EXPOSITION par for th Umber entries and claimed ; .' lAflTM CITY VOl UNTEE that ahe was promised payment wninn wa arterwara withheld, railing to se cure her money, she assigned her olalra to. S. C Spencer, who Brought - ault against Thayer and other In March, 1100. in th olroult court of Multnomah county. ' -. . In October. ltOJ. when th federal grand Jury had begun to Inquire -into Thayer's operations, h mad a settle ment with Miss Parker and th vary next day )) left for Honolulu, wher eh wa over. Her sudden disappearanc deprived th grand Jury of valuabi witness, for she wa familiar with many Important facta In j the Jase. Miss Parksr wa on of th witnesses be fore th present grand Jury. Another Important wttpesa wss John F. Watts, who wa a "clerk In Thayer law oflloa In. 1900, and who I now practicing law in tnia city. . 'jr-. - Owing to th contests which wer filed by th conspirators In Order to lessen th amount of money which tbsy would hav to expend, th attention of ine - una aepertment wa . eauea to in en trie and an order for Inveatlgatlon waa finally mad. " Blnger Hermann waa then land commissioner, and h directed Special Agent Clark EL .Loom Is to ascertain th f sots. Loom la I th am speclil agent who waa detailed by HerrmaA to Investigate the notorious frauds of tho Puter-McKlnley ring In township 1X-T, ... and . who . became th accomplice of th .land thieve whom he had been .sent to expose. It 1 con sidered a significant clrcurasUnc that Hermann should hav also selected him to report on tha ODcrtUlons of Theyer and his assoclatea. . Loom Is, -.of course, discovered no fraul in th entries in which Thayer wa oonc-rnd. nd Special Ageht Strat ford wn Cnslly 'detailed .to mafc an- .thcr 'nvenMi.-utlon. H Isn.ired his Instructions and mad n report. Finally Sneelal IimtMAtap A ft nrun. Ha ts I led on th eas and evidence wssi brought to light which ha resulted 1 r.e indictment of th alleged consptra- tora. ; y . '.'..- -.- :. V,. . NATURAL GAS IS . FOUND NEAR LENTS Excitement has been caused, In th neighborhood of Johnson ureek, rail from Lents, by th discovery of natural gaa along th creek bank by farmer Brown, who owns a ranch In th vlcln- Ity ..-; .., digging a hole two feet deep, gas rises In such quantities that a llrhted match will set It on fire." said B. D. Hurrle, who has a tract of SI acres near Johnson creek. -"There Is gss in larg quantities In th neighborhood and th community is naturally somewhat ex cited about if- . , - "W bellev - the ) gas Indicates th existence of OIL and It la llkal-e. XhaA thorough nvistlgstlons will b ma da." WAimOTErrFgR THE ROYAL ARCANUM a. a-j. ' - : " JenrssI IpeeUl aervlee.V, Hagsrstown, - Md, Aog. II. Member of th Royal Arcanum who ar dissatis fied with th conduct of th affair of that order hav Inaugurated a movement to form th National Fraternal alliance. which will apply for a, reoetver of th parent body unless th new rates -are rescinded, so that - proper distribution of th order's Urge emergency funds may bs mad to th beneficiaries while litigation I la progress. .' Warning' n Mew mallread. . ' "v X' '(JowmI tptcUl Berries.) Lewi st on, Idaho, Aug.. t. Work Is now under wsy on th Lewleton end of th new Rlparla and Lewleton lln of th O. R. eV N. Co. Camp hav been established-on - th north bank of th Clearwater opposite th elty and work began on th grade today. Bag .. (Jeorssi Special Set I let. I-- Narragxnsett Pier. Aug. tl. Th Amerloaa Bar association, hss adopted resolution appsovlng President Roose velt's effort to end ; th war between Rufsla and Japan.' V;.r cake that is health- vi mmw ryn .- -, 'JETEBE Fffij; IT THE F Red'Shirted Exempts Come rront San Francisco to Greet v ' ''A Portland .Friends. 'WITH CITY VOLVNTEERS Fine Body of Old Flame-Eaters Re ceivea Much Attention, m Do Their k-Wives and Dgug hters Who Form , ths Ladies' AazUiarr- ' . e Ths admissions to tha Lewis and Clark, fair to 11:1 o'clock ' ) - today wer 1.144. Th toUl nunv 4 ber of admissions yesterday was ' 1.70. '' Bedecked with medals and decorated In th scarlet shlrta of the nr-ngnUrs of anothsr age full-chested man who oaused th small boy of ytrday to threw aomarsaulta of Joy aa th old handnumn - shook Itself to pleoea44 such men, member of th California Veteran Voluntter Firemen aesocia-tlon- marched - Into th poitlon srounds at 11 o'clock thla forenoon and became th magnet of th crowds. - - The- wer th cuests Of vniei ut Camnbell of the PorUand dspartmsnt He, with Chief Fran uowoii ana retmrv R Dunn van of th Exempt Fire men's association of this pity, mat th visitors at th gat and stndd to them th cnurtssles of th arounda. In side they formed in Hn behind ine ao-mlnl-ritlcm band and a parade of th mainland wa made, which attracted no Inconsiderable amount of attention.. Be hind tha "vt" wr their wiva ana other who cam to Portland on ; th firemen's special train,' while nxt t then) were th Are wagon of th ex position company. In front Chief Campball walked with President Stephen Bunner of th nan graijoisco nesocia- Uon. ' . - - ' Intermlnrled with th bill Of th fir ledrtle of Portland wr tl- id hlrta of th veterans of Ban Francisco, a thav a-rouned themselves on th tps of th CnMfornla building and wer pbo- toraphel. Th freedom of th expo sition wa tender d th gallant visitors. and all day long, through th tree and th shrubbery, th naah or red siurta waa tn. ? ' . . The Veteran Volunteer Firemen s as sociation of California, was organised in 1181 and haa Hi .members.. In ths ranks ar capitalists city and county Officials and many of .the prominent in. of .San -Francisco. Several. -.Ban Francisco fir captains ar among th piembera ' . - . -. "' Chief "Steve- Bunner, who I a po lio sergeant, la president! William H. Miller is first vice-president; Henry Rider,, seoond vice-president; Ous Bay- reutahr." third - vice prcsldcntr WUllam Fshrenkragi tre surer- Frank MCCor mack, trustee, and -at one tlm a citlsen n7Taer - gant-at-arma. i . With th veterans parade th Ladle' auxiliary, eomposedof too women. Mrs. Ous Bayreuther ! president of thla or ganisation, Mrs, Harry Logan Secretary and Mra. W. H. Miller treasurer. Adorned with miniature firemen' hel met as badge of honor 110 of these women followed their husbands - and brothar through th atreeta of th ex position. And following them cam th lira company at th fair arounda Th old 'doubldecked engine. Toung America No. of Sacramento, which In th olden day strained every bolt and brak to th cry of 'Break 'r down. wa damaged In transportation and was not used In th parade. For thla aam reason th flrmn . did not . parade through th downtown arret. ? LECTURE ON COLORADO AT THE EXPOSITION A treat la la stor for xpoltlon vis itor next Wednesday evening, when Mr. snd- Mrs. Gilbert MoClurg, th eminent lecturers, will deliver free their Illus trated lecture. "Psnoramlo Colorado," in th Auditorium. It la given by cour tesy of th Colorado commission. - Th McClurgs rank with th foremost pictorial lecturers, and this particular Iscturs la ssld t be on of their most beautiful. Th scenery of Colorado la thrown on a huge screen and la de rerlbed eloquently by th speakers, who tire equally. The McClurgs r on their third transcontinental tour, snd hav lectured before many dis tinguished audience this year. ' -. , REBELLION IN CRETE DUE TO TYRANT'S RULE --.Trrr Uesrsal SpeeUl Servlee.) ' Athens, Aug. ft. The Island of Crete hss been In rebeUipn for four months, snd the rebels, numbering several thou sand, ar well armed and provisioned snd oooupy fortified - plsces In ' th mountslns. They hav th moral sup- port trf -th entire -poputtlow-Th-j belllon la due to th tyrannuai rulo ef Prince ueorg of Greece, which Is de nounced a being mwr tyrannical than that ef th Turka. - r BRING ABOUT SEPARATION - OF NORWAY AND SWEDEN - (Jeeraal gpeeUl gsrvke.) Stockholm, Aug. !. Ths commission appointed to negotiate la regard to th dissolution Of ths union between Nor way and Sweden announced today that the first meeting win be neia at Carl- d August ii . '. ;,';--; Sells Se na Dfappsars. (Speelsl DUpetck U Tae Josrsstl lbany. Or., .Aug. 24.A warrant Is out .for tn arrest .of osorg Btrstt, a farrt hand. who on Thursday evening came to the city with th team of Ed Schol. hi mployer, bringing in a- load of vetch . seed. He wss to store th seed, but Instead sold It, put th team In a barn and disappeared-- Strati claimed to hav worked In a clrcua, and It I believed that h followed th Bar- hum Belief show out of th country, and Shriff Whit I trying to locste th man among th roustabout of th ahow In the towns -where ths latter top" south os her. " . . , , , ;, ' W1U JTe fransfar im-, . ' ' ' (fesrMl Spedal Serrles.) Washington, Aug. f -OeneTl Bstea, acting secreUry of wsr, denies ths report that headquarters of th northern division of th army will b transferred from St, Louis te Chicago. , , -. , II S.'.ltS Cf fflt STATE i: 'E5;:;tc;:i t;sTi.iCT Property on Fourth ; Street Ce vtween Taylor and Salmon ;. Goes for Large Sum. , . - Sale hav been mads by A. il Blrrell transfsrrlng three Important piece of property close t th downtown district A lot. by loo fest on th east lde of Fourth trt, between Taylor and Salmon, has been disposed ef by A. Oordon for npproxlmateey 120,000. Th nam of th purchaser 1 not announced. Th Swedish church property en llura sld. between Tenth and Eleventh streets, hs been sold- for 110.000.- The church people will continue to occupy It whll building a new church and par sonage at ths corner of Nineteenth and Irvln atreeta. . A lot 60 by 100 feet at tha aouthaaat corner of Couch and Seventeenth atreeta haa been aold by Reno a Pallia to Mrs. OuUlaum. A dwelling house la on th property and no chang will be made a i mis ume. . . . . . . BAIL FOR MISS HALE CANNOT BE ATTACHED Inquiry by a local' attornay, aald to b In th employ of residents of Los Angelee, wher Miss Frances llals Is tharged with embesilement. has ahown that vPr repranUng a valuation of 11,000, deposited as ball In th polio court with Clerk Hennessy ytrdy evening, cannot be attached. Two certified check war given a security for her apnea rano In court by Attorney Jam Oiason. Both ar in his favor, and given ny tne virai na tional bank. On I for f 1,800. under dat of June S. 1101) the othe,r. for 1200. was issued July II. As the fcertlflr oatsa wer Issued before August 1, ins dau on which Miss Hal la charged with th crlm of mbsslement. there la no question that thsy belong to th lawyer and therefore cannot be attached on a debt of Mia Hal, w - ' Attorney Oleason is said to haver ad- mltted, however, that he waa given for safekeeping the fso valu of th cer tificate of deposit bfor he . banded them to Clark Hennsy a ball.'. 4 . Ril-halrd, red-cbeeked and defiant In her demeanor,. Mira Hal walked out of th city prison last . evening - and up town with a woman frnd. Whll In p risen Mis Ifnle was furnished with flowers and table leilcaciea by a woman dreeses.1 In liwn attic Sh refused to glv Matron Blmmona tWa woman' name, aaylngt ; ; ' Oh, tell th pollc her nam la John- boh;- It la non of their business, any- bow- . : ,- Ud of seventeen; : , . R01JS STORE AT piiFUR (gpedal Dispatch te The lesjreal.t The Dallas, Orv Aug. 24. Johnston Bro.' stor at Pu fur-was robbed Thurs day night by Henry Clapper, a lad of 17, who Uvea at Boyd, several mllee nia tant. Ammunition, guna, rnsora, knivee and about $10 In cash war takn - Th boy gained antranc to .th ator by tho "back door, h having atoien the key about a, month ago. . Th lad .had been seen around th i being the robber. Sheriff Sexton and Marshal wood round footprints m tn road and traced the boy to Boyd' He confessed and will hav a preliminary hearing next Monday. ' -r --;-- . Marshal Wood leave tonight for. th Cascade lock and will bring back th man who robbed th Wind River Lumbar company's stor at that plac last night FONDNESS FOR FINERY - SENT . THEM TO PRISON (Speelal Dlspetch te Ths JoarssI."" Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. :. A fond ness for fin cloth brought Farcy Old' right and Jesse Ramage, young freight handler In th O. R. A N. freight offlc here. Into Judge Huffman's court yes terday on charges of stealing about 1110 worth of wearing apparel, shoe and notion, from freight car left standing in th Walla Walla yards. ,. Leon Smith, a car checker, implicated In the theft, scaped prosecution by confessing and implicating th other two men. Old- right and Ramage made no defense and wer fined $10 and costs each. The ar rests wer mad by Detective Fltsgar ald of tha O. R. N secret service at Portland. Th bulk of th plunder wss recovered and turned over to th rail road offloiala. Ramag la married. WASHINGTON SENATORS' . : : COMING TO PORTLAND v-.'.- - 1 ' - .- ' (Special Mapsteh te Tss JesraaL Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 24. Sena tor Ankeny and Senator Pile will meet In Portland, August It.' to. start on three weeks' trip that-will carry them into every county In southwestern and western Washington.. The trip will be for. th purpoa of discussing- necessary legislative matters with th people and will Include a conference with Major Oenere.l McKensle, chief engineer of the reclamation department nt Taooma, about September 10. Th itinerary , is an follows: Portland. August, 29; Vsn couverr-August 10; Cathlamst, 8eplrn: ber t and 2: Portland, September, tl Kaltfti a, -Wrnhwk,-flepteniber--4t-Toledo and Chehails, Beptmbr 4; Houth Band September - Ulympla, Beptember- - T ; Shelton and Tacotna, September 8, f and Oolnatbla lUver Beaoh And: Columbia-River park la th most delightful resort within rang of Port land. It la only 10 minute' rid front Seoond "and Washington streets to. thla entrancing spot, snd th beach I en of th most attrscttv j west of the Rocky mountalne. It is fresh water. slopes gently out toward th center of th river, a clean, beautiful aand, and most charm teur-to bath in. Flnebeth- lng laotmes ar oiiersowov Tirs run every 40 minutes. Qo ever there- with the crowd tomorrow, tt Is a fascinat ing ride. ' A fre band concert will be y4 , i. i . i ii i i.;,.;,. , Want Woman'a Snffrage. 4 ' rSneetal DleDSteh te Ths Jvarsstl Roseburg, Or Aug. 24. Tbe woman'a suffrage movement Is- being ag1tstd her by women who wtsh to vote. They ar circulating petition among th votere to bring th matter before them at th next election under the re fere n ' , . . - Bntartalns cnaaamaaa, . (Rpeelsl D1itr te The fearstl.) . . "Albsny, Or, Aug. 21. Miss . Anna FUnn last, evening tendered a reception t her classmate. Luther Rlklns. denutv olty attorney-of San Francisco. NearlyJ an memoers or tne rises wsre present and a pleasant time was glvsn tbs guest of honor. Hs is a son of County Trees' urr Elkfns of lhl tltf. :.: .1- . - L v , - ' Ml r.-. ( I. 1 . 7,-; on ( To Diamond CCcfd x Kcop THE TOURIST THE INVESTOR THE IIOr.pEHlER Will each bci charm islaxidsycTitabli lms of the Pacific ideal tourist lixsort IM Jwaxs summer - there ; "yet without oppressive heat, and;; sunstroke is : unknown. There areno huxric tiles; The Pbosuro fc Yoarc t6;TaIiThid ; Trip at CONDITIONS Honolnla Tonr CONT1D3T fXXIT-tsr yeeng -lsdy ever-IS years ef ss aiar be SMDlssted St ssy tits. e blank prarldt r To. Jonraal, with tke mdummnt f - iw wsU-ksow dtisw kef the alstrlet la which st. resMea, . SOOgP-vn Judges MreeaMe te the dlffenst easdldstes skill I be seleeetd t orftclslly ssnoaso. the wlssw la esok sis trtrt, one yoaog Isdy to be csxeea fresj saeb dUtriet.'.. r, --- r-. ..... THUD A. I etker eleetleas. eseh gle. trtet sSell vote separately. The veto la on essaot affect the otlwr. Matters pres erly eooemiliig th. glstrlet will k. Mtti4 by tb. wUbe. ef the msjoritr.- The wie ner shall Save tke right te bssm prexy U sabl te sttesd herself. . .' , ' -yOUKTm Voting will essHwec f1if day. Aasost . 10U6, ssd cleee Setaraay. -OwMBilMr SO, at S e'eloek s. St., , 1S. Coaposi Bast be voted wlrbln Mwt esn after Isssw. Ooasoss eat tmm tb. Dally ioorsal snait he sestly trial si. AH couaoM, whether slag 1e o special, mast baa th sants ef toe essdldate to be voted for. v ooCTOKg au sma as roxxewsi ' yiTTH Slnfl. eesposs, est freet tke Sally aper, ar. good for on. vote. Seherriptlea io tbrvBreiilng Joarnal and Snnday Wonring Journal, thre. amntha, ll.6v a apwUI coapoa of 1M votes (paid la sdvasea). Sobecrlptloa to Sreslna and Sued Mora ls Journal sis sjontbs, IS?5, speelsl eonnoa of ISO vote, (said ta adrasee). Silk- serlptlos to tba XTenlasV snd Saadsy Mors-. ing journal is aaontiia,, s speeiat coupon of TOO votes (paid la adraaee). - Sutmeripttos to the Bventns asd Sasday Morning oaraal. tferes sgontbs by saall, 41. SO. s spaetsl eonpn t 10 vote, (pal Is soanr). Sabacrlptloe to tke Sreslng snd Soaday Mora In JosraeJ by mail ats months, 43. TB. s special coapoa of ISO .votes (pal la aavasee). Rabeerlpties tot tb BenlBf snd Bandar Morning Josrsat ky stall 13 swathe, 4T.V e ssaelsl eoeno TOO votes (pal Is sdvaseef. Semi-Weekly JoornaL, S1.K0 s rear, speelal eoapea ef lug vote (paid la sdvasea). i. SIXTBt Ooapoae sbosld bs voted St fk ' keadquanera sesreat roq 0 suited te tfc eonpos department of Tke Journal, - or at any point aamod below. Votes will . be counted Mondays, Wednesdays and yrtdsrs and th -totale snnoaaeed to tke pablle tse follewlsg ' Any "eaedldat wtthdrawlsg freai tb ee' teat ranassnae haa seta, eesated for as- othorT.TAi, , . t , ' MAiUATIM AT TOma FXAOUt "ririt IMstriet Mnltaemak and Clactsais ennntle. VeUs place, Cwapos ftepsUseal. Jlf The Jootnai M ' -..-won Platrtet Vslon, UmaUll ' Isg w nows'fnniHKiao. , - -TBirg'imtrlot--WaseB. Skersiss, OIllUsv Marrow, Wheeler snd Crook eesstiM. . - fourth Instriet Saber,' Oraat, - Hsrsu sod Malkeur vouaties. , yiftk PUtrtot Columbia ' end ' Clatse eoontlae, Orasvn; KlleklUt. Oowllts, (Jlarka, rannc. wansiasasi sa nsaaiasis eesauee. Washington. Sistk StatrUt Uartos, Us 4 tss - srtnth Blstrlet Wsehlngto, Tllhinaek, glsti Burtrlot Usnrlaa. Ceos, Carry, Joaenurn., Jackson, KUoutk , ssd Lake esMea,' , . - - . ... . , Any information xegarding con ditiong of tbs Honolulu tour should b addressed to the manager of thr Contest Department of The Journal. . 7 ? , fi. .'' . '' ' ' . ' A 'A--:- sVaaVsssfaaasattaWaM Coupon Free Honolulu, nswsllsa Islsods ' I trots for . .. , ,...,.,, ,v.OT. ... ... 7 " ' " This eoupon rnust b voted pn ft hefer Spt I, WtiTA """ X THE TERRIT ; ,. - hdqtnaiEcaso; HERE IS THE WAY THEY STAND : Journatl's Honplulu Trip Miss Mlnnl S. Phillip, deputy olrk otroult court. .,,17,409 Miss I.ura Baty, 440 flan Rafael street. ...........,,...,14.T Idle Lucy Oould, telephone operator Orgon hotl.... .......11,774 Miss Gretohen Kurth, telephone operator Portland hotl ..11,474 Mia Sadl Wintormantle, City Dy Work . . . yfsgSwti4si, .n Ml Bess Sharon. IIS Bast Thirteenth trt..,,. 4,745 Ml Salll Madlgan. I4T Flanders street. S.4S1 Ml Edith. Barn, 144 Stark tret sais num L, bos nooa street . Miss Henrietta Winkleman. 447 East Couch street Miss Marlon Lahr, . Woodard, Clark Drug Co. Mis Oenevlev Holmes, 414 Hsrrison street ...... .j ............ .. Mies Klsa Qrlesel, 404 East Thirty-first trt Mis Laura Derbyshire 44 Water street Mis Margaret Smith, 144 Fourteenth street.. miss tj Corn Jolly, 76 rjrst street Kimm puu ii im vioun, ,it ATy scrawl las iJlvn Hurloert, St. John Miss Kelll Munnsr. 444 Rale) a-h . , i i i f v . . & Miss Burs Reddlrk, Oregon City Mis Loul Wslsenbarhar, Perkins cigar aUnd 1.414 Miss Irene Hlfglns, 441 Everett street .1,004 ; Miss Orsell Parker, 144 Orsnd avvnu , , .,.;..,..............-. 601 :,'& '.'frV'";-', DISTRICT, NO. 2.C' 'A-; i Mia Molly ProebstsC La Orande, Oregon 1.14 .Mies Ruby Whlttemore, Pendleton. Oregon ....................... 164 Miss Agna rietcher. Pendleton. Oregon . . i. 1,160 Miss Grace Hawks, Pendleton, Oregon .......... 1,414 Mis Effl Jean Frasler, Pendleton, Orgon 4 Ml Carrie Burton, Pendleton. Oregon . . SSI (.Voting place, Pendleton, Brock MeComae' drag ajore.) . ; :A-:: ' ' : DISTRICT NO.'t: , V - Ml Laotll Cr at. Th Dallea. Oreaon . . . . (Votlnar nlaca. Tha Dallea. Rvnril.r'i Arrlea l "Miss Stella Richardson, Hood River. ,-Ml Laura Cramsr. Hood Rlvr, tvuuns; piace, nomi mver, wngni svoro. 1 - . . . ", Mlaa Florence George, Arlington, Oregon . rTrrrV..j..,...,. 144 I voting piece, Arlington, Braham oonfeetlonery stor.) '"A .: V, ' i . : '.f DISTRICT NO. 4. '"l":x :' Miss Myrtl Bratton, Baker City, Oregon . . ...........-.,-..;... ' Ml Hattl Barton. Baker City, Oregon , ................. ' Mte Grtrud'Tlc. Baker City, Oregon ;.Mle Bthl Parkr, Baker City, Oregon .. ,- -Ar DISTRICT NO. S. i: :r..f' A -.Miss Amelia William, Keleo. Washington ,.. ....,.....i.-l.45f , i voting. piece, Keiso confectionery store.) .. Miss Katherlne Gore, Kalame. Waahington . 1,I0 ' (Voting place, Kaiams, Coffsy's stor.) , ' Miss Florno Heavren, Vsnoouver, Wsshlngton . 1,144 (Voting place, Vancouver, 411 Main Strt) ,.;,'-. Miag Esther Anderson, Astoria, Oregon . . ........'....;,,.. vi .. .. 1,104 JJ1STK1CT NO. 6. Mlss Llss1-VetchrCottsg Drove, TJregon . l.ifi Miss Mary Davidson, Selerfi., Oregon , 1,061 Mis L. Bell Darby, 8a)ra, Oregon . .......................... TOO 1 .? B.hJ,"St 8LalJm'. Off ' ;ibl-.HUUMUl....,M. - H . Mis Mlnnl Achenbaeh, Salem, Oregon , , ,10 i Miss Nettle Reddekoop, Salem, Oregon , . ................ .v.,.. ., I ' . (Voting place, slalom. Haas drug store. III But atri) . ' ., .' . ?! " I'uoy Moroom, Woodburn, Oregon . . .,..........,....,.....'114 Miss Myrtl Traak. Woodburn, Oregon 114 . ' (Voting plan, Woodburn, Beebe A Whitman tor.) , ; , M a Maggl Chamber. Albany, Oregon . . ... 4i1 Mia Laura Haokleman. Albany. Oregon ....,...,..,... 14' ; (Voting place, Albany, Dawson's drug tor.) 'r, : . 1 .1. .;. -; - - "A DISTRICT' NO. - 7. VJf-C V; - ; AAA, v 7 S . '-Miss Bertha Courtmnchr MeMlnnvlll, Oregon ,.,,.,,..'... i.. I, ttlr (Voting plaoe, MeMlnnvlll, Houser'S stor.) . .. ? t Ml Marl Ho.teUer. Hlllsboro, Oregon , . ...... ........... ,-,'s'tif ..sMlss Mlnnl Roy, Dalles, Oregon 424 (Voting place, Dallas, Tracy gtaat'a confectionery ator.) - Miss Rossis C. Holshelmer, Besverton, Oregon . i TtS ' Miss Myrtle Butler, Forest Grove, Or. son . .... t .......... lis- ... (y?..1" E,1"?' oreet Orov. La Curs s store.) , i-I-? : .? 7 Miss Lillian Webster, Philomath, Oregon ..... r. - 40 DISTRICT Ml Pal Harmon, Roeeburg. Oregon , ....'...".;. ....... J.744 Mies Edna Paralar; Roseburg, Oregon '. w 1,411 (Voting plac, Roseburg, Hamilton drug ator.) . MIS Louis T. Jones, Jacksonville, Oregon ..t. ,114 Hawaiian Trip .'30 ORT OF . a .;.?. ,': t 'i.v iv Hono!;!l:j : -.... V-v.-r. 1" !1w" L ", i ' ' -'" :. '' - . 'V' ' - , ' ' ? K iT'.-'- . DISTRICT - NO.: U ';,'Jt.ii,TwtsI Vtos - ......... ......... (..,., , 4.11 WIT 4,411 S.I15 l,70 .444 X.1T4 . ,. 1,444 1.U4 J.144 1,141 . ,,.. . . street . . 1,114 ... !. I,v0 Ores-on ........ ........ .....-. tlss". Oregon . ..... ... 1.364. . . a nt 191 74 7" NO. 8. X t. fVije- I a . WVkMH Wm .ww waa Mondays, Ve.cs teyt Frfiayf cs4 th3 ttzzCzz cf tha to tha p-llb tb j fc!- J