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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
; t i ' ' " i, ' .' ' " ' '' - - i i ' i . -r- . i ... , - i " ' " ' -;"' ' 1 1' 4 -' ::. V4'; V,"- -.':'--rii, .', ."; -; I v- v ? v ,. - : V V- Y .w, -I- -f .' '.:i:..f -t .--vi.f' ; :,; VV- w ,V.f. .( v;rt ; , ....vr C,v, , v i;rr: , -,- t-( --i ;...,f---AiUS ti Tomorrow, Thuredahight; to Iwri ilElks.have no aultsi nornccd. they extol their virtues on the tablets of love and ); memory, but they, are coming to sperid'a night of revelry, pure and simple. And they are coming to the right spot More real; enjoyment at The Oaks ' more picturcsqi scerier similar resort in America, ind 10 cents admi :- -.'-L TUESDAY, AUGUST THE v22d,vCOME THE FORESTERS OF AMERICA And on SEPTEMBER THE 1 1th! THE "HOO-HOOS" But Never Forget IXT t i wo r wccKS commencing , monaay evening, August 28th, Pain's stupend ous, thrilling spectacle, "THE lAST DAYS OF POMPEII,M and gorgeous ; $2000 Nightly Display of PAIN'S TMAN t yORKS-r 5 acres of scenery- 400 A : :";.7Vk;. y-;.v Vy';v''-;' f' !". ' ;'V-; :-r -r v " perfohners 100 artists Monster; ; airiphitheatrcVto ; st :10,000 rpeople. ELECTRIC DRILLS' ; HEAVY CUTTING yanager of thr Standard Finds Them Good for Hard Coun- ;'V--, try Formation. ; Vf f 1 . , . -. ' POWER USED IS NOMINAL y AS ?OM PARED WTH AIR :? '-" '....,-! ':. vV- -k- ' . Plans for , Cooctntrator That Will ;"'i;'.8 Cobalt, Copper and Oold Havt 4 Been Formulated, and Development '. . . J' Proceeds' Rapidly. f-- '.v' .A ' v. ' ,'v' 'U f -i ' - Manaser H. H. Nicholson.' of : the Standard mlna, Grant county ta t1it , Ing the fair. The aleotiie drill plant at , tha property, la worklna to hia ntlr ' ' . aattaf action and rapid proa-rasa la being "-rnadarin two maln-drtftarOw 4k Jowar ' ' Standard lerel the main drift la In mora ' - than 1.000 feet, and air. NtchoUon aays -ha-ehewlna ta hatna-atandad-on-th ; ; -croae vein to the Standard aytm at tha aame apacd. . K c aollns ana-lna la uad ' to aenarate the alactrlo currant for the ' drllla. but latar It ts tha hop of tha i manaaamant to fenerata It with water I'.'V power, i.. ; v ",..-:.' :Y - "Plana hare bean computed for the .."'concentrating plant for tha Standard, but the ordar haa not 'rat been placed." eaid the tnanegar.-f-The plant-delgned . ' I believe will make a high aaring of ' tha varied commercial minerala of the , , propartr witu little toaa in tna uuinga. our cooait . product naa a apaoiiic gravity- that will rendar it a com paratively aaay table product." .Mr. Nicholson haa a new , typa ' of ciactrlo drill at the Standard, which ha .haa been eatng for many.weaka and eaya that tha rcaulta attalnad have baan re markabl eatlafaotory. The repair bill .la ' low, the average . requirement " for operation doea not exceed three horae. power and godd time la made In even 'a. hard formation. The main. Standard drift la run in the dlortte. aa the man ager dora not care to work In the ore, owing to. limited dump room. In tola 'country rock the electno drill haa; atood up to heavy requirement In a manner aurorlalng to ell Who have observed It. The- weight of this drill la but ISO ' pounda. ao that It la aa eaally handled aa , the average air drill, there la no air pipe, . , the bar and drill ere all the minera have . . . to move at ahootlng time, and at the Standard the . drill la put at croeacut , work from the drift while the muok la being cleared from the face end vice versa.1 . - -. . The teat given the drill at the Stand '; erd le highly encouraging to operators. -. aa the abundance j)f water power of thla . . aeglen makes It possible" to build an electrlo plant almoat anywhere In the . eouatry-et a. trifle of the eoat for a team plant and eompresaor. , ,' . . , WORKING ON THE TRAM. 't . -V .'. ' " ' TV : :.; &eeeXMaa Borne Worta o Ketp Oeaaptoee ' . Aerial Way ee tke Oau. H. B. miking departed leat evening ' ' " for Ketchikan, where he haa a contract 'on te aerial .tn" blr built by the l ...r Lining -:y f oonaaet Us surface t tram ' with the : whart Mr. Wolklng la an experienced trambullder. having worked on several or tna largeat contracts of thla part of tha country, and will remain with the Omar -people until the work la finished. - Ketchikan le a groat district for tram ways. ' The rugged shoreline, where deepwater navigation Is poaslble to the brink, renders roadbulldlng impractical In many placca, but gives Ideal eondl tlona for an aerial tram. . The .Copper mount - smelter, owned by the Alaaka Copper eompany, hea both a surface and aa aerial tram, the Omar la building like transportation equipment and the Nib lack uses aa aerial. .. ' j- i DEFINING MINERAL I i'; " -,:.-ir aeveraiaaat " aa - Two - Bpeolal Agents i-..,usy 1 the floeas d'Alemea. . ' , -The mlneowners Of Oregon who have been haraased. by looatlona under the timber end stone act are following 'the work of the government In the Coeur d'Alene dlatrlct with great Intereat. To determine It a large tracf there " la mineral, an agent from the general land office and another representative of the geological eurvey have, been Instructed to make a careful survey. - The land la In the area which the Northern 'Pacific believes came to It as a grant, but pros- .sectors have been locating 4be-tract as mineral ajid conteattng the railway com pany's title. The trouble prompted the federal administration to make a report. Aa a rula such queationa are determined In the land offices on adverse proceed ings, In which Instances the rulings of the department of the Interior have been ratheaaliarah against the miner, y Mining men hope that the two apeclal agenta will report In . a manner Indicating a broader Interpretation of the lews giving greater latitude to.giea eeeklng to de velop mineral lands. ,, iv.v.." ; . ' MAY GRIND PAINT-HERE. ' Ooaepeay Ooaaldarlag Breottoa of Veeea J'l mrt ataohlneiy, la Vox1m4.- President P. M. Wevent of the Ore gon Sienna Pllnt eompany. la deliberating over a proposition to erect Ma grinding machinery and mixers Id this city. If conditions are favorkble - for thla . elan of operating Mr.' Weyant would have the mining plant at the Bimmona property, near Walker station, and dry the product there, after which the crude product would be handled here. ' v , If. thla la not done tt will be neces sary to ahip the linseed oil for mixing 10 w sixer ana-tnen amp the rinlahed product back. - The menagement will de cide at aa early data upon what course will be adopted. FIRE BURNS SHEEP V IN DOUGLAS COUNTY .... ' . 1 1 ' i j.-. ' CSpeelal Plspateh te Tke 'fcanaL) - 1 ' Roaeburg, Or., (Aug. !. The- enelnea of the Southern Paclflo company, lately are jupposed to have atarted several flrea -In ' Douglas' county. The moat damage Inflicted Was north of this city. wnere a numoer or sneep were burned to death and fences destroyed, The sheep that burned belonged to Qeorgc Kohl hsgen, a cattleman of thla city. Alto gether probably 1.009 acres have been burned over., very little of which was timbered, . - .... ( , . . i , ' i m . ' Bednoed Bates o Sbaata Springs. ', The Southern Paclflo eompany hea ptaoed on sale at Its Portland offices round trip tickets to Shasta Springs at a rate of fto. Beautiful, Illustrated pamphleta descriptive of this reaort eaa' be secured from any . Southern Paeine aaeoC v - -,-,-4 w- a ; 7,500 WIVES LEFT Mors Women Are Dsserted ' In i Chicago Than in Any Othsr i J.Z'i ' City In tris Worldv WHISKEY IS CHIEF CAUSE OF MAN'S BASE BETRAYALS Gambling Is'Alao to Blame, Partial- larly Horse-Race Betting Incom petency of Store and Factory Girls to Keep Houee a Factor. , ' . Mearaal aeelsl Servtee.1 . Chlctgo, Aug. if. More wlvea are de serted In Chicago In proportion to Its fpoplitation than any other- city In the world. Nearly 7.000 husbands abandon their wlvea - every year In Chicago agalnat 7.700 In New Tertt. These state ments are based on - official , record, baaed on the records of charity organ-isatlonsr-polloe-department and. the dU vorce court. .. '. "About 1.SO0 different deaerted wives come to this offlce during the year," aald County - Agent John W. Belmont. "and I eatimato that the number who aak aid la not more than SO per cent of the number deaerted. That makes T.S00 In all Chicago a gainst New Tork'a 7,70 a far greater percentage. ;.. I think drink ts the chief cause of an tha attendant evils; with gambling a close second, and horserace gambling la the worst form. - Tha pitiful incompe tency or many girls Trom stores and faotorlea to keep house la also a factor, bad cooking and Ill-kept houses sending the men to the saloons Xor-luncbee and the women to tha streets. v MARION HOPGROWERS WILL HOLD MEETING X Seelsl Dwaateb to Tk learaaL ': ' "Wood burn. Or Aug. II. A ! meeting of the hopgrowera of North Marlon will be held la this city next Saturday after noon for the purpose of, arranging for the present hop season.' As the legisla ture has aeen nt to make a box or hops to pounds. It Is'consldered advisable and fair that an yards oe picked by weight The object of thla meeting will there fore be principally to formulate plans so that all can proceed on a uniform system. ;- - -.---t It Is also las purpose to organise snd J inns' the bop Industry tnv this section nto a better stste than it has formerly been. Our growers look forward to thla meeting with -eonsldereble - enthuslaarn end earneetneaa. - - , ,,..- r,.. SIGNS OF PROGRESS IN . YAMHILL COUNTY, SEAT . ' t (sseeial Dlspatek to Tke JearaaL) - McMlnnvllle, Or., Aug. 1. Today the poatof fleer of Chase, located about alx milea from tbla place, was abolished, end aervlos on the new rural route. No. e. from thla city, began. Chase la one of the old postoffloes of pioneer days, but bow gives way to the Sew order, of things, v Another old1 poatof flee, Bel' levue, waa recently abolished, and the mall aupplled ; from ,, the' McMlnnvllle postofflce. . :- x, i f . ? Mail service on the second route out of Sheridan commenced yesterday. Tarn hill county has now II routes, aa fol lowe: McMlnnvllle I. Newberg I. North Tamhtll I, Amity 1, Sheridan t, Dayton I, Carlton 1. '.. ': -. ' r- The contractors have Just completed remodeling the upper story of the Tain.' hill county courthouse. .' McM Inn vine's new brick j hotel. ' the El barton; Is rapidly aearlng completion. Thla maaee three good elxed hotels, for the city, two of . them of brick. The remodeling of the First National bank building is nearly completed, while the rebulldlng-of "the large brick building recently purchased by the Oregon Fire Belief association le In progress. Work will ahortly be begun on the brick build ing to bo erected by Senator George 8. Wright '.. , ' v..,'., ssaaBsssBaeBasfBBassaxaaBaB - GOLDIE H OST FIGHT FOB HER IJIUIOaS ' Former Chorus Girt Left Fortune , by Wealthy Husband, But ' - Must Win It by .Law. (Jearnal Speelsl Berrlce. , York, - Aug. II. Ooldle - Mohr will have to fight for her aha re of the fortune or Alan w. wood, tna ruia- burg millionaire, '. who married . her agalnat the, wishes of his -family and died Sunday in Roosevelt hospital.'; She la a former chorus girl. Her huaband's fortune Is estimated at from 111,109,000 to 111.000.000. . - . If ts-thr-wldow-s gainst ths whore family" aald Henry W Catlln. attorney for Wood today- Catlln was Wood's eonf ldantlal man and it Is known he drew up the will. , i He Intimated today that Wood be queathed mostpf hie estate .to the Although the , Wood family knew of his Ulnesa,. only, hla a on. Clark ,Wood, was at his bedside when be died. Since her marriage to Wood, Ooldie Mohr has lod a very quiet life with her hus band to an apartment house bare. Be fore ' her marriage ahe waa a typical chorua girl with a pretty, face which she once boasted was her fortune. .-. DAYLIGHT DOWN COLUMBIA On T. J. Potter," Queen of River . , Boats Don't Miss It. 1 t-T. J. Potter" sails for Astoria and North- Beach aa follows: - Aug. II. liL ti.; 'Au. 17, l a. m. Aug. II.' I a. m.i Aug. II. 10:40 a, m. Don't fall to see ths lower Columbia from decks of this magnificent boat Partlculara and O. B. IV N. eummer book by aaklng C W. Stinger, elty ticket agent Third and Washington atreeta, gpeolal Sxaurstoa Bates. , " Varv low 10-dar tickets eaat offered by O. B. at N. August SI. tt, September II 1 1 tha ft I a, M. aalla ft A -ria,. mw. oial axcuraion ticketa to eastern polnte; I r lttl a ra nt H W. Btlneer. lr tlnbx a sent O. R. A N Co.; Third and Wasn- -J- . ..11! ! II I i wiofariea Steak k AUea Lewie Beat rayna. ETHAfi ALLEN Anniversary of Battle of Ben t rtington Celebrated by the J People, of Vermont 1 OF TEETH MONUMENT UNVEILED TO i HERO OF TICONDEROCA Vice-President Fairbanks, Secretary Hitchcock, Governors Bell of Ver mont and McLane of .New Hamp ahira Deliver Addresses, ; , . Oearaal I pedal ervlee.) BurllngtonrHiVt. Aug. II. Today le Bennington Battle day and the city le in full holiday attire, Thouaanda of vis itors began to arrive here early In the day to attend the celebration' add Wit. neas , the ' dedication of tha memorial M i W. S 111m '! ivwvr .mini cb nunvr ui aiii'ii au.'s the hero of Tlconderoga, on, Indian rock lnJSthan . Allen park The. celebration la held under the auspices of the Sons of the Revolution, acting conjointly with the - olty authorities and several patrlotlo organisations. Tha celebration began ahortly. aftet noon with a military procession under the.-commend or Colonel J. Q. Eatey. First Vermont Notional Guard. Among tha military commands that took place in the parade were the entire regiment of the Fifteenth cavalry and ita band. commanded by Colonel William M. Wal lace; the Twenty-third and Twenty-aev enth batteries field artillery, commanded by Major B. Ex Oale; the entire First regiment Vermont National Guard, and a Urge detachment of the Fifth, infantry from the Plattaburgh - barracks. New York.- The parade moved from City Hall park to Ethan ' Allen park, where tnouaanda or people were already aaeetn- Died when the bead or the procession ar. nvea. s , (.-. ; - The ' dedication eeremonlea followed. William J. Van Patten, who had given the land which now forma the - Ethan Allen park, delivered a brief addreaa. Then V. A. Woodbury., chairman of the building committee, presented, the, tower ana ansa nary Konerts or the Daugh ters of the Revolution presented seve ral nags, president Dr. H. D. Hoi ton of the Society of the American Revolu tion delivered the addreaa of acceptance. Then the flag waa raised on the tower and while .the audience) aanr The Star- spangled Banner" tberartlllery fired a salutes ' The Bav. Galua Glenn Atkins deliv ered the dedjoatlon prayer and Mra. Julia -C B, Dorr recited a poem written for the occasion. Thin Robert D. Bene. jl '- ' . ''' .- i . k '" I If you knew tbe facts about Schflli ngf s Pest, you woulda't bother with anything1 else ia those six lines at aX .- NO PAIN NO PAIN 1NICE TEBTM We ace the discoverers and erlglnat. ere of the only callable and acienuae system of Painless Dentistry. We ex. traot crown, nil and eleaa or treat teeth absolutely without pala and auaraatee all work for fifteen yeara. . Our work Is the beet our prioee-Ahe Jowejt eon si stent with f rst-claaa work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our pUtes are undo teetable from the natural teeth , and are guarantees to fit , rnxiNos ...r..ioi T5e rs ai.oo GOLD CROWN8....... SS.OO BRIDGE WORK . ......... .SS.OO FULL. SET NATURAL TEETH. B.OO aa bmstassa axes - a evasaas Boston Painless; Dentists HOTTRS I aay. s:ae S Opp, aaS aroelMfSae. l:ll a. ta. to p. m XMIMW g KB. VtaaS os. Suiv- diet read a biographical and historical sketch of, Ethan Allen and hla time. The principal oration -wae delivered by Vice PraaldenO'Charlea W. Falrbaaka. Secre tary Ethan Allen-Hitchcock, represent ing the president. Governor Charles J. Bell. D. J. Foster, President-General D. J. Hancock and Governor John McLane of New Hampshire also delivered brief addresses. The ground upon which the Indian rock, bearing the memorial tower ie lo cated at one time waa part of the farm owned by Ethan Allen. He died on hla farm and a few yeara ago the- Daughters of the Revolution had a- bronae tablet placed on the rock near Which Ethan AlPen'e bouse stood at the. time of hie death. ' r HOPGROWERS TO PAY PICKERS BY WEIGHT (Special Dispatch te Tke JearaaL Sherwood. Or... Aug. II Ths hop- growers of Sherwood and - vicinity held meeting on August II. at which waa represented about 10 growers, and after due consideration of . the best method to pick hops, the. conclusion waa duly reached that the only fair way for both grower7 and picker wag 1 to pick by weight and It was unanimously axreed to pay 10 eenta per 100 pounds, and to do sway with the old system of measuring ay tna dox.-, tpMdmtH 'I 'IISITOBS te the Lewis. I I and ; Clark ' exposition I yi I have a rare ' op porta- -I I nity to :vlait Mount , Hood, because of the very low 111 thirty-day round trip rata , from Portland made by the O. R. A N. Includea rail and ( atage fare, lunch at Mount ITood hotel (Hood River), two . .nights' lodging and five meal a I at Clqud Cap Inn. and return- ing lnnch at Mt Hood HotaL . ' - Cloud Cap Inn. unique and pto . turaaqua, 1.100 feet above sea, ' level, aflords splendid eooonv- modationa. ;8ummlt ot moun-- ' tain eaally aoceselble from thIJ i ; point Partlculara and O. B. N. 'B-umraer book by aafclng at ' , Third . and ; WaatUngtsa atreeta, Portland. S. XAMXULLM. Mood BJve. measuring! m ' Sues foe Btvovoe. v ' (Special Dlspatck Is The leeraaLk Boaaburg, Or.. Aug. II. Clara Boran of this city has filed ault for divorce against her hueband. W. H. Boron, of timber fraud fame, on the grounda of assertion.. Mores, is at present located at Oakland, Oregon. Included In the trouble la a suit of eouitv for tha dw viaion ox property. , , , Sidlttosad Oelagatas - Beaaed. '1 i 4SperUl Ptoeateb te Ibe Mmll Salem, Aug. II. R. K Cats and Simon Wolf of Portland were todav annotated additional delegates to the Trane-Mlsele. ippl con areas by Oovemor Chamberlain. The following additional delegates te the THE Canadian D:?.; of ;Comm2rce ' Capital (3,700,000 , . , Resorvs $3,500,000 , . Portland Branch, ill Washington,, X A. ymjD, Manager. . . AvalUble ra all parts of toe world US branches In Canada and the United States. Including: . San Francisco, Seattle, Victoria, Vao- eouver. Nana Ira o, New Weetmlna ter, Dawson (Takon. 4 fv Drafts tssusd 00 Transfers of atoaey ta or from aay part of Canada by letter or ' telegram, . , .."."""..- Businsst Trcnsrr: National Irrigation conrei appointed: John II. Le -'Is. . lav. C C. Hutehlneon. C K. Eugene Cohen, all of Portia I'alf the Ills that r i' frora Indlceeilon. 1 tare stren- (hens as. kuil Lo,seeuua k. V ....: - i ' - -a: u I'J.