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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
..e ....... .I--;' . ; v ' f ' ..." X . ' 1 . "' rr nn TV T7T la :: . ammo. CiilllLivHlHMI UMSd I - t i - - I ifl.llllll I I I I I "V I II II II II II I I W II II I I I I - I I I I I lvl lt2 Croivntag Ccinnisrcid Eyeni .oi PcrQcna's History ; 3-15 rHAKKLIN sr . TCI. aul , T'tr " ' JERMS HET CASH "''.No-cbima The largest and most comprehensive stock of High Grade Goods ever offered at legiti- ,: .mate saennce -vr(: TT7 f fvf- -J rrtf"Pr1 QnVl tttftci"1f HTin Ul llllpUl LCU CU1U. U-UlllWOU. lllClLl , LOT No; 1 Gjnsisting of 242 Suits in" ' dark and medium colors, sold by Hollands -at $7.50.-On sale ,fy-rj:. LOT vNo. ; 2--Comprising 439 Suits, '; in choice fall materials and styles,, sold by . Hollands at $10, $11, $12. : , A A Sold at, choice ............. . . . Ttv V , LOT ' No. 3 Substantially over 1,000" Fine Suits,' all styles and coldrs, some full ; silk and satin lined, sold by Hoi- C7 JIA lands at $15, $16.50, $18, at..i..3l ZtU LOT No. 4 Extra quality,1; 163 fall styles, custom-made, imported materials, serge, Italian, brilliant or full silk lining, sold by Holland Bros, at $22 to (A QA $25, choice...... ............. .3ilU . LOT No. 6 Consisting of fully 1,046' Suits,- including Prince Albert, full, dress, . Tuxedo, - Chesterfield double-, and single breasted sacks, Hollands , choicest suits, sold at $27.50 to $30. ft .. IA , Now sold at., 1 : ADVANCE SCIPIIENT (Oikrcoai SttceEt LOT No. 6--ApproximateIy 350 " Over ; toats of different weights, colors and mate rials, sold by Hollands at $6 and ffQ A A $7.50, choice. ... . ............ .. Jtwlr LOT No.: 7In voice . statement -386 Overcoats and Ulsters, assorted weights, colors and styles, sold by Hollands at $10, -$11, $12. Sold singly or Ci OA in Jots at, choice f .4jU s LOT No.r"ft Extraordinary lot of fine Cravenettes, fall and tspring Overcoats, , Ulsters and winter weight, all styles and colors, .Hollands $15, $16.50, $18 IA garments, at. ,A. ........ . . . . I HrU , LOT No. O Over 1,000 garments, fall nd winter style, Cravenettes, Surtouts, ; etc., custom-made, in select 'imported ma teriils, Hollands 'choicest $20, dA A A $22, $23 overcoats, At. JuU LOT No. 10-Foferunners and advance . shipment of our BOO extra, quality import- ed; materials, highest quality materials workmanship, . Hollands ele- f f 1 4 A Ct fall and winter styles-. .. '.) 1 ltV Z07O CAST HAO.SO- STRT' ( .P03..00&h7hG?0 a5 PAYABLE IN MEW tVK Off CHICAGO EXCHANGE pr deductions lbwed except by special agreement. j Mil dill- west oi vnicago, g ,. , . -...i - , . : , .... . . r.?. . w , ... ADVANCE SOPKENT St I 4:1 LOT No,. llFour cases Cotton Wor steds, Jeans, etc, Hollands' $1.50 PA. and $2 Workingmen's Pants, at..., 0"C - LOT . No. . 12Thirty-one - bundles as- - sorted Worsteds, Cassimef e"X and Jeans, ;, 7 Hollands '$2.25 and $2.50 Pants, ot at.:.... .... ....i;... . . .. .iOSC LOT No. 13100 dozen extra quality Wool Cassimeres, Worsteds, .Tweeds, Cheviots and Silk Mixtures and Cordu roys, Hollands' $3 to $4 t Qfi Pants... . , 1 Ul LOT Noi 14-Over 2)oCpahV tailor-1-r" made mercerized and silk mixed worsteds, : cassimeres and corduroy Hoi- OA lands' $4.50 and $5 Pants;."...".". 5 1 tO tl -V -r.rt' v.-.r,i.-;....,r,T':-- : LOTNo. 15 Eight cases, 1,286 pairs, custom-made imported materials, pure Vool, cassimere, worsteds, melton,1 tweeds, etc., Hollands $5.50 o aa CO 00 to $7.50 Pants, at..... 4cUiJ) 30 fells LOT No. 16 Over 300 odd Vests of all kinds, worth from AAp 7Q CI OA $1 to $6at. ....:U lUt, M.0iJ LOT No. 17 About 200 odd Coats of all styles, mixed lot odds from' Hollands' $7.50 to $10 suits. Going . C 1 I A LOT 18-Odd Cpats, 306 from odd Hol lands $15 to $30 brokenuits, n w A: all "colors, sizes MdltyTesT.Trr. . 30TV Stem at.... f.tgj 'Ci. wi joi : ' . ' 1 consisting .. Thi sale - - - i - " ,K M4i ' , . . ;. . . . , .. .r . AfHart ' ' 1 -' -0ut of lCllO JllV Wll v ;i i It. J. J LOT No. 1 19 Over 200 odd from Hoi- ? lands' $10 to $15 splendid suits, C AA " all colors and sizes at.. r. $L0) LOT No. 20245 highest quality Coats: 'and Vdsts from . Hollands' "finest $20 to . $30, divided into two Q AA CC QO lots. Now sold at. , . 4))wU) 9ulU "LOT No. 21 Consisting of over. 1,000 unfinished Coats, Pants, vests and Over coats. . Some partly made and others only cut. and trimmed ready fori the - tailors' : . .hand will be sold in lump loj to the trade. Diversified lota, fall weights, mostly all wool or union garments, wholesale rack sixes, running from 8 to J4 years. ;,' LOT No. 22 One lot, 18 - bundles, jun- ' ior sizes, all colors, Hollands' regu- PA lar $1.50 and $2 suits, at.... ...... .tjjlj ' LOT No.' 2326 bundles, junior sizes, all woof, select quality, $2.50 to f ; QA , $3.50 sizes, at... . .. :. .. . , . . . . . .. ..QtlC v LOT No. 24-21 baleVreguIaf "sizesVto 14, all styles and cokrsrHol-- , 1 TA lands' up to $5 suits. ...........41t XOT: No.55 227. suit5,.high class wool,l i superior make and styles, Hoi- OA lands' up to $6 suits..... ....... 90t Young TvlCIl'S , . LOT No. 26 1 lot of dark and medium colors, summer . and early .fall qualities, Hollands $6 arid $7 suits, V'."'. (TO C at.v.,;........-..;.;.; ...y.b5: LOT No. 27--Over 300 specially good : qualities, fall styles, mostly : . frl AC dark colors; at . . . . . ; . . M.Od Hollands' $9, $10, $11, $12 suitsr'. H - LOT No. 28-Choice of aU Hollartds' "early fallaBd winter, 'styles .in clayr cheviots, silk mixtures, black,- Cf AT , blues, etc., at..'.. ......DUu LOT No. .20--Odd. garmehtsT for boys v and children, at 20 per cent of value. fife mot atth mm n sSuifls mm 'a .. ,rr"" , vT"T"t . , . T 'nTnfiTnTTTrjm Ml) w ivy iMJii ililll. . , i 1 jwm . ,-.f . '. ..... i-v 1" ..' , . .-.. . OF DOLLArJD DEOHIEnS ON SALE (Q)M;lef Mm Sale al First and Salmon Streets in the Din Iron i;: and Stone easiness DIocIl .. : SPECIAL. It now on at the corner of First and Salmqn a am annrAtial . Rn 1 1 nhiA as n hllH a lav fnTTAtii n or thsir flrrilal w raurvA town paeons should order early before sizes v whether they can belled in part, In $10,000 stock of medium weight ' and ' heavy kinds, cotton, mercerized, merino : and wool garments. Direct from the mills -in original packages, Holland Bros, entire v .- fall obligations and store stock. , . -." j LOT No. 30--One mixed idt balbriggan ::4 various, colors, odds," etc., values - OQ A ' tip , toJ$l, . at.. i ..... ; Xvv LOT No. 31-500 dozen straight $1 val- ; ues in balbriggan,' merino or mer- AQa' cerized, splendid styles. . . ,u . .-. . . ,T w v LOT No. 32-500 dozen imported unions, ' mercerized, balbriggan, merino and com-, mercial, 100 per. cent; wool. Hoi- ; '7Qa , lands' up to $2 value, at r..Vj..,...I uL I All underwear bought in dozen vlots . or , other "merchandise bills amounting, to ,nore than $20 will be delivered free to a.ny point within." city limits. 2 per cent dis-- ;count on all bills 6f over $100; 1 per cent ; on $75 J' no other terms No goods sent pr "sold on approval.1 All deals must be spot ' cash. - . . . , , . - . $3,800 worth of ; cotton,-wool ormerino'.; - LOT No.' 33 50 dozen boys' and misses'; , . black, Hollands'- 15c qual . ,,? ,: r; ities. v-r ,.................'.......". .Uv 1 LOT No 34200 dozen men's cotton, superior quality,, 12c , quality, .; ' 1 Ap ' go 3 Pair for. . .'. 1 . . ...... 1 Ut t LOT No. 35-200 dozen or more fancy cotton, full, regular or knit seams, Ap Hollands'-20c qualities, at. . .....L LOT No. 36 r600, dozen super select cot-; ,' ton or ' merino,1 double heel and -toe, as re sorted colors, Hollands';, 25c if) to 35c. . . ... .... m. . . v ..... 1 Lnj LOT No. 37436 dozen British Killgame and American hosiery . mills, balbriggan, lisle, merino, cashmere and all . 1Q ; wool up to 60c grades, at; . . . ; , , . , X . , r. Its Greet Ilctdl Sde b Kow ! i ' i S r 't RIOTICEi Streets, Portland Oregon. . No. goods, will Tl dm faAfftiifai -r Mail AvMar mi4 La - Tu n oTtlt t a TT -.riar ttk T t tVi tTrjR 3 are sold or lots closedr'out.? Ord& aiuitrspe'eify .'it case we cannot All ijr,ordei;.-y:.-jr. ; The entire wholesale stock, consisting. of ' . "s. over 2,000 'doaen.. ' , . ,J LOT No. 3$ 200.dozen, good web Ap -and stel trappings,, atar..,.,',.QLJ4 LOT No. 3500 dozen Imported , web, iine gilt trappings, Hollands'np itf Owf to 35c grades... ..... LOT No. '40 1,000 dozen' lisle, worsted; , glonana, imported web,; select .' trappings,- 50c and 65c values, will -be sold 99 A at.,;...; LOT : No. 41 300 'extra' quahtFrench' goods, mostly silk web, kid or cari- 90a Sou ends, values up to $l,at. . '.:L3j Suspenders sold in less than 10 dozen lots will be delivered onjy'at the Vuyers' ex- ' 'oense. ' ' -s ate 500 dozen, divided Into two great lots, . ' fall styles only. ' - . LOT No. 42 Over 1,000 soft and stiff , hats, black, tan and brown only, 4 OA IIollands$2.50 grades. . i -Ou t ; LOT No. 43TheTbalance of the" f me" stock soft and stiff, black,' brown and styl- "Jsh'colors, Hollandslfall orders jfr A A of up to $4 hats. ..c.".: . . , . i;0jl Sfincss 3,246 pairs in transit. Goods passed Oma- . ha Wednesday, August 9. Will go on .' sacrifice immediately upon arrival. T T TJ Ait , 1 T1i' In uritl cnnti.t rt v. : eral .-hundred ... pairs standard quality $3 v snoes ana win dc soiq ; j jjij LOT.No. 45 Consists of over 2,500 pairs patent leather, winter russets, etc., in calf, vici, 'cordovan, caribou, light and heavy - stockHollands' fall up -to $5 tfO OQ values, at;,. . . '' 0vil '.. Ca end Will Ccllnuc 15 Days, V TT' . - SM2EWS .1 1 :- . ; i: