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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
rii'iftnt Tn-lnnin2 Gam Goes ,U .to.locaSa After an Exciting Pitchers' Ctrultv.'. A' ' 5 1. CCHLAFLY'S bAES RUNNING CONTRIBUTES LONE TALLY Jmpir Davis Become , Officious ; J Again and His Pranks Ars Not ?lAppreciated-.WQliamB and Oarvin Jt in Rars form. ;'! jrf t ,-4 - ..,,...:U ; ?c Portland ;J, . Sen Francisco 0; 10 : tuning. ....... , . .. :.r . , ., i Batteries Garvin and MoLsan; Wfll- lama and bum.:-, ; - Portland momd Into' flrat noaltion in .the pennant rsc yeeterday by virtu of in aeieat administered to Ban Irw . clsco and Seattle's downfall at tha hand of Loa Angeles. This la .tha firat Uma sine Portland- Joined tha. Coaat league that tha repreaentativ team of thla dlty can from the rear and ancc coded in forcing . Haalf Into flrat place through ood ball playing, and tha f eat U greatly" . appreciated by th local race. ,- Yesterday's - contest consisted of -10 annings of first-class "baseball, dotted liar and ther with th supreme )mpu- , penes or "iaur- uavts, who seems to think that hi ohlaf atock In. trad la Ttto pick a row with aonj playar, with th - Sol view of fining and ordering him out I tna gam. Base bell 1 baaaball and ; umpiring la umpirlnc. Good baaaball xw.Dnot be had throughth agency of joor officiating, and no umpire, aver ' 4asted who persisted in going after cer tain play era with th intent of getting Taqusrs." Portland la at preaeat heading ana league, a position that haa bean (earned by hard' and faithful work, and . not from any favora received from any oniciaj. Tie tru Portland won ye terday'e game after a. gallant, struggle, but every cloa deolalon was rendered ; In favor of the Beala. Bran with thla handicap the superiority of th locals was apparent. . , : V ... Bcgardiag "Btta."''. -.'On. Sunday Davis called Flood hvhen that clover Second baseman was . nut Bchlafly objected, Waa fined and , sent - to th bench; . yAterday Davla ' called two strike oyf Bchlafly that , nearly nix in nan pupie. , r or oojecung, ueyts talked back t Hc&ially and en- -jdeavored to bring on a row, knowing i Jhat he could out hint out of th rant. Larry waa sensible--enough not to reply at any length, because he felt ' that "he : waa weeded Inline game .The .incident psased off, but th crowd showed It die- approval by hissing Davla. Boh laxly dla- . piayea-now vewaDie ne wae by praoti call y winning th gam In the tenth Inning, on hla saf hit, his ateal of seo ond.and hla daring bassrunning when he scored on Hoffman's drlv to Ooh ' jjauer. '.. .. . ' i Davis can officiate Ilk a Bane person it he so-dealreS, but when be ahows hi eraonal - diallk for particular pla vera and attempts to bestow It upon ttroae tntjt dturlng th gam, with or without Iny people -wh re Mgltctinpj ; ymptomsof kidney trouble, iopinp; it will, wear away," are :". (drifting toward Bright' Discaie. . which Is kidney trouble 4a one of It wortt forms. ' c '':-- ' (ktops - irregularitie,' strengthen the urinary organ and Huilds-' up 4he worn-out tissues of the kid- -ney so 'they will perform 'their functions' properly Healthy kid- - iey (train - out j the f- impurities from the blood a It paste through them. Diseased kidney do not, and the poisonous waste natter is carried by the circulation o every part of the body, causing Hiixiness: 'backache terra a c E iroubieluggIsb7Jiver, Irregular MTT IK -r-r1eart action; etc.Vi r ,.- .If you hafejiny sign of Kidney - or Bladder trouble commence tak . Ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE ." ' it once, as it will cure a slight dis - V.rder in a few day and present v; -a fatal malady. Itis pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. ' j ' How to find Out. '' , ' " . You can eastlv detaralna If your k!d .' ,'neys arc out of order by setting aaide : Jot 24 hoars a bottle of the urine passed : upon arialng;. If apon examination it ; ; 1s clondy or milky or baa a brick-dust . sediment or small particle float about it; yotrr Hdneys are diseased, and . . FOLEY'S KIDNEY CORB should be , taken at once. : i, ' -; Q. B. arltaas Testifies fte ;,v . ; f '-" ... rear tears. . " ; rai.BwHfOsrMCetw.Ey,rRe 1 , "AboofoiiTyearagoIwrtyoaat8gha , . 'I bad been entirely earsd ot a eevere kldaf roahle br taking laea thaa two bettie of Poler'i . Kldaey Cure. I entirely stopped the brlek- Sue sediment and pam aoa arnpioaieoiaKinei leeeee dtrappeareo. t am ear n t i aere hA k nttnra of an of thoe TaP' lorna daring th toot years that have elapsed. nd I am evldeatlv eared to stay eared. eoS 'heartily raeonmead Foley's Kldnef Cure M aof ae sugeri ag from kldoey er Maooer w rr f .-tr,Tw Clses BOe mm4 100. v t:u 4:3 r.::r":i::i3 it " ?m tv! nr-v7twi . M . . V - I i t - . - ? 4 f V t ale, luls r yot, i i. 4 lotu. 1 tana, desires a i P- preolates fair ( ay and win not counts- nano t-kirv any. unralr advantage. though 1 rt.nd ahould to' ayery game of the season, lbs, Portland fana ar knowt to be th most Impartial in th circuit and wijll alwaya nthusiatle about th horn team' winning, ars never discouraged should ' reverses some, if they com throogh th medium of 'square" deal. - As a word to th wise la generally sufficient, it is to be hoped that Davis wU take- tha hint and dis pense Kith his nonsense. If he has any hopes of continuing on ths league's staff or umpires. - -- . Am fiiissHsaT Oeatei JWUUams wag in th bog for th Baals and he certainly pitched a clever gam. He allowed but two- af bits, on b Householder- In th - fifth and one by Bchafly in the ninth. Th official score givs- Hoffman a hit in th ninth Inning, but It was no more of a hit than She made when h struck out earlier In the gam. Hoffman's drlv was- a fielders' choice snd not a baa hit. Williams haa a peculiar dslrvsry, throwing - th ball with-a Jerk, but be has perfect -control of It and puts plenty of ateam behind It Oarvln did the speeding for Portland and Vlrgl was st hla best H aUowd five safs hits, three of which wer not of th' staple variety, i 8ha laid doom Dunttnat marly rouea rsui, irwin nit on over the third "bag and Qochnauer -drove on that hit Garvin's glov allowed th shortstop to reach flrat. - At no time did Garvin allow the visitors to gather more thaa ons hit in sn Inning. , Ths play that won yeaterdaya gam was almost similar .to that whlcH de cided Bundav-a 11-innlng contest. Not a run was in sight until - the last : half of the tenth and Garvin -was as rormid- abl as Gibraltar. Mitchell, the flrat maa pp. went out on a -fly. . Bohlafly drov1 out g, saf hit and Kddle House holder couldn't connect safsly. Bchlafly was nervous at first, and on a pitched ball made a dash for second, making: it by "an eyelash." McLean's big form, loomed up at th plat and Park Wll son gave th high sign and Law ran o walked on four balls. . Ths orowd laughed and incidentally- admired -Wllson'a stratsgy. - Hoffman, tha boy wonasr, wss nsxt In line to face th white-nairea college pitcher, and at ones the crowd broke into fcheere, reoaUlng Haffman'a great-bit la 'Sunday's gam. -Hoffman waited patMntly until he got on to ni liking - and drovo it to ooennauer, Bchlafly started home from second Ilk a Shot. Oochnauar fielded. It quickly to Wheeler to force McLean at second, but eat ; was too great , for he dropped the balL' By me Bchlafly was making a mil towards home, beating th and winning rh game. ' It waa an agreeable victory 'and svsrybody waa happy. The official score sj. 1.:. ifUKTLAWU. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. AtS, SS. ..." 4 0 O. S ft Van Buren, ct ...... 4 ; 0 Fleming,., if. 4 Mitchell, lb. ........ 4S S Bchlafly. lb. ........ 4 1 Householder, rf. . . . . . S O McLean, a. t . ;. s. s .-a est Hoffman. Sb. . .1. ..,.' 9 Oarvln,jkjj.j.. ,..... .o so It Totals, .' .......... SS1 t . , mam ntiNnum -. .,-m -A3.R. H.0. A." B. Waldron, cf. ........ 4 0 1 S Wheeler, lb. ........ 4 1 Hlldebrand. If. ft 1 I I , li 1 e-1 . s is r Irwin, so. . ....m. s Nealon, lb...., .4. Bpencer, rf. S Qochnauer, sa. S Shea, e. ............. 4 WlUlame, p. I . Totala . y -..j'..J...y: T4'M 14 s . "Two out when ran was scored. ' V ' i SCORB .BT INNINGS. Ban Francisco ,.tMM III 0 Portland . ....... O v . s 1 1 Hits. ..,.... e e i e e sj-si Struck 'out Br Garvin. 4: bv Wll llama. 1. -Baa on balls OS Garvin. 1; off Williams, t. Left on baaen Port, land. S; Ban Francisco, 4. Saorlflce hits Oochnauar. WlUlame. Hit by pitched ball Hoffman. Stolen bases Bchlafly, Householdsr. Passed ball Shea. ' Time of-game one hour ana . it minutes, Umpire Davla. t ".;.,- . ) PACIFIC. COAST LEAGUE, CU7B. k- PortUad ............ leettl Terama ............. ,6M .SNS Oakland ....... ...... Baa rraneiae ...... lie Angelas ssst.:.-.:;.,;.;.. T I tel . ; ' Aad Oakland wins. - (Jesrsal ssecial Bervica.1 ' San Francisco, Aug.' 14. Oakland de feated Taootna yeaterday by, making two' runs In th ninth Inning. Graham was vary stiectlvs. Score; ' '. "x , n. h. . Oakland ..;. .ssssossi I I s l Tacoma. . ...... .4 i 1 C " -Batteriee Graham and Byrneir; Fits geraid aaa uranam. . empire McDon aid. . i '.. . . i ' tsattle Takes a Prop. " -" r " - (Jesraal BpedU emcs.l .- ' Seattle, Wash- Aug. 1. The Slwsshes took a slide Into second plscs ysstsrday by losing to Los Angeles, to I. Hall's and Frary's errors were costly. Toslsc pitched a careful game. - The score: ' ...' . jj jj Beattl . . ......leoSfiS t f 1 I 10 .1 Loe -Angeles ! S 4 Battne Bhlelds and Blankenahtp; osier, snd Eigsr. Umpire Perrln. AMERICAN LEAGUE'. Philadelphia . . ...... t8 n . tt , .to Cleveland.. j , m, $f 41J1.B7I Chicago . . .... ...... It 40 . .BT4 Nsw fork 4 , 44 .KI7 Boston . . ........... 49 45 .621 Detroit . 41 ' . 61 f .47t Washington.. , ,,...., 48 ' .' 64 " .42 BL Louie ....i..... 18 - 44 .144 "''- V At Mew York. ' '" v- New York 4 it I Detroit . . .."....i.. .4 11 i Bsttaries Orthv Hogg and Kiel now; fftlllan and Warnsr. , ... , , ;f ! At 'indlaaalp'l ' . n. m. w. St Louts . ................ ...4 1 Philadelphia . . t 1 1 Batteries Howsll and Susdsn! Wad. dell and Schreckv ' - Washington.. ............... .0 t Cleveland . 7 17 1 Batteries Town send, Jscobsen and Klttredge; Heee and Clsrke. STRAY SPORTING NOTES. At a nesting ' held at Belllnsham. Washington.' ysstsrday- by th North western Besebsll league, comprising Belllngham, Bpokanay Everett and Van. eouver, B. C. It waa decided to continue th season to Its cloa. as originally rlsnusd. fcri - T- Ths Travelers' Protective association snd th United. Commercial Travelers will plsy a tanta of baaebaU neat 4tur in ticuen i Wheeler and thla JA :. la-talnut . Lrftrow II U I ( t 4 U t I ...urt huaii. a r.'sry :tr tag charge ef the f- fUr' ' " "s.s '.,, , " 'Pa yesterday at Pougbkeepsl. Isw Tor, pi evented th grand Circuit rsoss. rack dsy'a program aa a eonsequenc will bs ssrsd over one day, making th meeting end on Saturday Instead of Fri day, -' ' v '4 - la the css tournament yesterday at Brsm Germany, six games war, a, elded Janawekl over Eardalden. Berger over Msrshall, Meroosyovee Bohlechter, Leonhardt ovsr Bernstsln ' and Burn over John.' . . 1 .... ' . v, - .' 1 . At yas tsrday's meeting of th v Na tional baaaball commission it wss de cided to remov Howsrd Griffith sf Jer sey City from the arbitration board, - C PORTING GOSSIP. It looks as If extra Inning games srs to, be the order of the day at Reorea tion park. In th last 14 Innings played th visitors hav not sooted a - run against Portland. M. : . . . . ...... . ...... . t. , .... . . As proof that th fana appreciate good baaaball the attendance these daya will heartily attest ; TssUrday'a crowd was large end entbualaatlo. - , ' Bass, blta-should, be given players when they maks them. ' How a flsldsrs cholcs can be credited aa a bit la more than mortala can understand. Of source Wheeler waa given an error..- r: , V-:- f ' : ' U Kid Mohler and .Park Wilson arc missed by th Seats, but withal Harris' men arc playing splendid bail. ,j - -.',.; r,'-.: ,'"'.' ' . . ' . .V ', ; Danny Shaa ' received th nrlad hand whan he- came to the bat, and courte ously responded by striking out Danny always courtsous. ' Spencer also got a hand whan h appeared. ' Spencer Is fast on the base a, but . will find It difficult to reach flrat during his-stay la Portland.- , . Ats's flsldlng . 'was flrst-claaa, that clsvea shortstop accepting eight chance without. an, error. Oochnauar also had eight hard chanoea without a mlscus. Larry SchUfly' s work yestsrdsy wss brilliant At the bat. In the field and on the bases Larry delivered tha goods. Peculiar, 'too,- that Wheeler at second had the same number of putouts and assists aa Bchlafly, but one error marred bis record.--. . . Vv Hoffman, played a real tidy game around the third- ouahion, cutting off soma sharp drlvea and fielding sevsral bunte In creditable fashion, ; l Portland deesrves the first position In the pennant race,, aa tha - aaoent was earned by th hardest kind of playing. t-' - f--v- to pitch for the locals today, while Hltt or Whalan will twirl "for San ; rrsjicisoor'T-'" 7 Hank OTJay accounts for the ' light batting In tha Amsrloan 'league, aa com pared with th National, by the fact that the pitchers ars allowed so much liberty that thsy have th battera and baserunners fro sett out. . . , . ... President F. Do Haa a Koblson.of ths St Louis clab la the flrat magnate to declare himself against what hs -xialls tnoa Miotic spring soamern - trips.- Nsxt year the Cardinals will report la St Louis on March I and take all their work at Lsagus park." x ' ' V a. .. " 1 I Billy Lush. In. spiu of the fact that the Cleveland Napoleon need his serv. lcee badly, baa jumped to the Platts- burg j(N. T.) Independent team. . . ;. '. : . , .- .' ft WUHKeeler one, more leads th American league In batting.' - In II gamea Keeler baa beea at bat III times and -made lie kits. a,proenUge of .82. President Taylor of th Boston Amer icans last wssk offered to purchas John Gansel s release from the Highlander and pay htm 1400 a month to, finish the season with the uouina team, oansei turned down the offer, saying be would stick to hie Grand Rapids .earn, even If ae never jiiayea oaii again, ; .- . e e Umpire Hassstt who waa recently mobbed by th Buffalo playsrs, allege that after h was knocked down by on' of the Bisons,. Manager Btailings said: "Now put the boota to him." . , . ; . s s ;- - - In all Frank Donahue, now with Cleve land, has won at least 11 games from Aube WsddelL something no other t wirier sen boast of. whll Waddell haa still to win 'hla first gam from Dona hue. .. ' ; ;l ' '' ' . '' . .' Who- was that who ' murmured that Rub Waddell was craiyT Ha himself admlta that be'e peculiar, The reasos that he Is so, he says, la because peo ple that ar attract far more attention than thoss who lead the peaceful life. bene th Rube Is peculiar because h wants to be noticed. Whll he waa In New York recently b saw a sign- dis played. "Ten Cents a Load Paid for Cinders." l 'Tls G. Edward s intention to purchase soft coal In .train lota, burn It and sell th ashes at 10 cents per cartload. ,The Rube haa. certainly got great bualnsss noodle. Rub might hav mad a great record yesterday but fo the rain. ...... : ' . ' Day's - 'IJeerael Special Sen lee. Saratoga,- N. T., Aug. 14. Results of races: -.(...-.... Seven ftirlongaD'Arkle won." Loch In var second, . Clgarllghter third; .time. 1:18 4-4. . . .-i' -',. ,.',; , Onemile Mad. Mullah 1 won.-. Byway second, Belllndian third; time, 1:48 4-S. Five and on half furlongs Sir Hues- ton won, Bridgettsn second, Stne On third; time, 1:08 -. The Merchants' and Cltlsens' handi cap, on mil and three sixteenths Out coms won. Proper second, Dolly Spanker third; time, a :oi s-a. . -. f .. .... One mil and en furlong Green Crest won, Yorkshire Lad aecond. Lord Badg third; Mm. 14. - Five snd on half . furlongs Elolsa won, Blvouao , second,- lalsgai third; tlm. 1:10. . - V NATIONAL LEAGUE. . Won. Lost , 8 - .', 44 ,', - 44 10 II 71 . . 71, PC. .711 .125 .170 .12 .121 .874 .827 .111 New Terk T4 Pittsburg II - Chicago . 1. ........... II Philadelphia . . ...... II . Cincinnati , . . 4......4I St Louis . ......... v 41- Boston ... J t Brooklyn ''A mtteVarg. . a h. a L Ptttshtarg . . .......rr.........l I I Philadelphia. .8 4 8 Batteries Css and Gibson: Nichols and Abbott ', umpire vuay ' l::i..H:!t :.Sl Annual Intarn&t'snai Missionary j Cohfitonco Opn Tonljtit lr( Czn Francjaco; ; NOTED DIV.:I3 TAKE part .-in d:ccussions Meeting .Open With the- CanUU pt -The ten Virgin," in Which From inent Soloists and a ' Chora V Thres Hundred; PartJcat. ;".7 . tJoaraal Sveeui aerncs.1 , -' t : Baa Francisco, Aug. 14. At Alhambra theatr thla evening th annual Inter national 'Missionary-' convention ot the Christian churches will b Informally opened by a cantata, 'Tha Tsa Virgins." All of the prominent soloist of this City will tak part and the chorus will be formed of 100 "voices. Tomorrow th convention will be opened pr' th .ses sion of ths Christian Women's Board ef Missions... . . r " : ' ' - - - Thw boUls are rapidly UUng with member Of th Christian church from ail th states and from foreign lAndg attracted by the noted divines .who ar to participate in. th convention, ' , Th organisations which- will eonven and their officers ar: . Th Christian Woman's Board of Missions, president Mrs. N. K. Atkinson, Indlaaapolla.. In diana! aeoretary, Mrs Helen C Moses of th same city; Foreign Christian Mis sionary society, president Av. McLean; correa ponding aacretary. F. t Rains; American Christian Missionary society, president, B. L. Powell, LoulsvUl. Ken tucky; ' secretary, Benjamin ' ' Lyons Smith, Cincinnati. Ohio; Amsrlcan, Board ot Charities; Board ; of Negro Evan gellaatlon, secretary, C. C. Smith; Board of Christian Expansion, president p. O. smart; corrsaponding sscratary, a. w, Muckley; Board of Mlnlatertal Relief, preeldent, A. L. Orcutt Indiaaapolls; secretary, A B." Phllputt, Indianapolis; National Benevolent sssoclstion, presi dent H. M. Meier; aeoretary.. George L. Snldley; National Chrlstlaa Endeavor union, corresponding secretary, R. H. Waggener, Kansss City. On Saturday night th big rally of th convention will ae held In Woodward's pavilion, when ths Christian Endeavor will conduct a huge meeting. The pa vilion where th rally will be held haa a varied experience.' It haa Dn th scsne ot many piis fights, but m rostrum will supplant th prlas -ring. . , Among the prominent clergymen who arc In the city to attend, th oonveattei4 arc th Rev. Charles Relgh Boovtll ol th Metropolitan Church of Christ, Chi cago, Dr. Scovllls is the moat auoosas full of sll th svanfellsts of hla denomi nation and holds th record for making converts. At a revival recently . eon. ducted at Parts,- nuaois. thls-vlgoroui and sloqusnt m lnlstar . co n verted it pet oent of the entire population. There ar 7,100 soul la Paris and' OT the 741 oonfessed religion during the SI days' Dr. Scovllls waa in. that city. . Tha conventions, ar to be la seeeloa until August 84.' r ' " . COLFAX SALOON MEN GET UIQRl (Special Dispatch Tss loerBel.t Colfax, Wssn.. Aug.' II. Efforts - to snroroe tha Sunday dosing law against th saloons of Colfax hav resulted la four saloon men belng arrested - and rnned 110 and' cost esoh. ' Th costs In each case wsrs f i ll and both fines and costs wsrs paid. Ths saloon men had revenge in a short time, however, and axe exulting over th quick -method of getting even with the man who Informed against them. The complaint wsr Bled against them by R. T. Strsst bookkeeper for th ColTsx Implement company, and a mam- bar of th Toung Men Christian Asso ciation. Testerday Street Meant frightened lest soma of these should do him bodily vtolsncs and purchased a re volver. Within IS minutes a warrant waa sworn out by X T. Brown, a local attornsy, charging Street with carrying concealed weapons. Street was arrested and ths loaded revolver waa found In hla pocket He waa tsksn before Justice Doollttl. where he pleaded guilty and was fined IS and- ooata, amounting to 18.11. being Just th asm amount paid by each of the saloon man. . He paid tha On and costs. . KEYSTONE DEMOCRATS NOMINATING JUSTICE " ' ' (Jeoraal SpeeUl Berries.) 1 ' Harrisburg, Pa, Aug. 14. The Demo cratic state convention met here In-adjourned session In the Lyosum theatre at noon, for th purpose of nominating a candidate for the supreme court Chairman J. K. P. Hall called the con vention to order and explained th ob ject of th meeting. After the usual committees bad been appointed th con vention took a racesa. Ther Is a strong ssntlmsnt in favor of Indorsing John Stewart, th Rspubll can nominee for the aupretn court, to follow the fusion with the Independent Republicans of the state in favor of William . H. Berry, on ths Dsmoorstlc ticket for stats trsssursr. An sffort was mads to Induce the Democratic state central committee . to indorse Stewart but Chairman Hall ruled out the proposi tion. - Aa thsre is no other candidate of Importance In th field, the candidacy of Stewart will probably be indorsed by th convention. r-; -'r . - , RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS IN NATIONAL CONVENTION ...... :. " - .- , X? (JoaraaT asocial Service.) Deadwood. S. D. Aug. 14 Th Na tional Aasoelstion ef Railroad Commis sioners opened -It seventeenth annual convention here today. President Ira B. Mills of Minnesota delivered hla annual address snd, - Secretary Edward ' A. Moesly cf Wsshingten, D. C. submitted his report. Msny Important matters ar to b considered by th convsntlon this veer. Th eonvenUon will ramsla In sssslon bar to th and of th week and wilt then go to Portland, Oregon, where the-work cf the convention will be eon eluded. ' '; n - 1 Teacher Set OarUflaatos. .' (Speetal DMpateS te The Jesraal. r . McMifinvUIe, Or., Aug. 14. As a re- sult ef th county teachers examination held her laat week forty -on received certificates; Six took th sxaialiiaUort for ststs diploma. . Th sxamlnlng board consisted cf Prof. L. R. Alderman, county superintendent Professor Lin den and A B. Aldermen. ' Itching hemorrhoids wsre J he nlaa-us' of" mjr life. Was almost Willi. Doan' Ointment cured m quicaiv ana perma nently, after doctore had ailed." , c. F. Coraell Valley street. SangerUea, N. X. DrvtliiKARDS i'Lllh IM ONE DAY Am Lady Oaa It geexey at Soaaa. Oosss Sfothiag to Vry. An ' odorless and tasteless remedy when put In the drunkard's coffee of food will destroy sll desire for drink. This remedy Is so simple that any-on can uee It and th drunkard need never know why a quit drinking- Intoxicating liquors. '. , j. .. ,1 Many hav beea cured in one day with a tree trial alone. Hill th otrroom or a vnvna span A Trial Vaekags ef the Oreat Raises .iCars ' WealsHsvs Beved Bim Ires . ... This Awfel las. 'Lola Pendleton, Rocky Mountain, Va, cured her drunken father with the free Eickage of Golden Specino which Dr. alnea sent to her. She writes! "I hope God will bless you for It" Mrs. Agnes Carroll, Dae! ska 1, V 'WUU. HIUII says: "Ths trial ckago so turned my husband against liquor that he nates My happl- the sight or smell of It now. nsss is so great' - Mrs. Msttie Balklns, Tanceburg, Ky.. says:.' "My husband took two doses ot your ' medicine about five month ago and ha not taken a drink or had anv desir for liquor sine, than. Our horn la so auTsrent now." Mary L. Harla, Lewiston. ' N. C wrltss: "Ths sampla you sent me haa cured my huaband of the drink habit May God bless you, tor you hav blessed me with a happy home." Mrs. Msbl Zlnk, B. F. D. No. 4. Sa lem, Oregon, says: "My husband has not touched liquor since I gave him the sample package- of your Golden Spe cific. . . . ,-' , -- It la a physical Impossibility for any ons to drink Intoxicating liquors and talcs this medicine. f anrv one desires to trv this marvel- oue remedyr-Dr. -JrW-Hainaa, 48 1 S Glsnn building, Cincinnati, Ohio, will f ladly send a free trial package, that hey may see how easily it may be need and how pesitlv Its street is. , . . INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR GREGORIAN CHANT (Jearaal Bpsdal aerric.) Strasburg, Aug. ll-Ths International Consress for Gregorian Chant was opsnsd here this morning with a Urge attendance, including a number of promt nent members from the .United States Ilka the BsvJarBenTln, J. of Bnfiln; I the Rv. R. Fuhr, O. B. -T:; ef - Los Angel; the Rev. H. Tappert of Coving. ton: the Rev. N. M. Wagner ef Brooklyn and the Rev. J.-B, Toang, 8. J., ef New York The congress was called to order by Dr. ' P. . Wagner, professor ef Gregorian chant at th University ef Freiburg, Switserland. He aota In th nam of th pontifical commission for the preparation of th Vatican edition of th Gregorian enant. ,in is opsuing add rasa he atated that Pop Ptua X In sisted -upon a reform according (0 lb rsgulatlons of his note on. church music given out laat year. . Several Interesting technical, esaava wars I reed. In .. tha afternoon there were practice perform anoas of Gregorian chant In tha semi nary adjolnng the cathedral. The con gress will be in- aeealon until Saturday and ther wm be two grand enurch con certo at tha cathedral, at which old and modern treatments of Gregorian chants for votes And orgsn will be presented. Tbe program of the first concert will include only muslo by composers of tbe sixteenth, seventeenth snd eighteenth centuries, th second only such by com nosers of . toe nineteenth and twentieth osnturies, rr-r-r I AT THE THEATRES. , , Fun at the Marquanw i The Oermsa eameeiaas. K.Ik aad Pin, then- seelieat eaapaay ef 40 seople. sieeearlng twe sisaieal eoaiedy ssrleeipna. "Tbe BklDdt- ests" sad "The Kinaersartra.' will be the attraetioa at the atarqaafa Oraad OMatre ' to algbt at 1:80 o'clock aad every strkt this a vita a ssenai snee waiaiea aararsay Tbe ' Maieseai Oraad theatre hi leeated aa Bforrlaea atraet betweea Sink and Seventh eta. resales srleas-srevaH, na-n edles were written te swks theatre-soers htagb. aad are rued with raa. ssteby aweis aa kv lfcBwett Next Week. KcBwea. wss w1U slay aa . sn- gagesMBt ef eae vk at the Maraoaav (Irani tkeatre segianlBg seat Meosay, Ansast 11, has the sesor faealtr af toaMdlateb' seHkis m leech with hi sadleae. He btsineMa worg generally Mt 4 aie jmrt oc twe- la paus ing, watch ss.siplalss. Then he salais live staking . tbra appear aa tuu uke ephits ef the ate, aadtaes te abow be qalck and sklUfol the fenm.n band Biay heoome, he with kle left baSd ftl fr billiard sella, whirb he swkea spsea aad aieapeear at wtlL la hypnotism hs has aebhrred a world-wide fesstatloa. and ealy by eeeui( bki work eea eae set sa fetes ef It. Popalar piieee of ad si leal aa. The sdvaae aal wul epea tomorrow t 10 s'ckMk. . ' ; "Andry Draw Crowds. ' Asdrar,' rhs sieat bwatlral sredactlea by s stock eaapaay ever wltaeaoed ta Portlaas, I srawlag svaiesces to ths Beleeea that tea the aadttoruns to its eepactty. Tha was the eae Monday aisbt. acabi but algbt aad will be ae toalgbt. It is tbe cleverest . serawBiaac at s - ' Real Vaudeville at Baker. The pstreas at 'the Beker are enjoying a rare treat la the vaaosvllle liaa, a every act la a potable eae. Tbe BMaaiteawBt be triva te preaeat aa eaeeptbiaally Se4 bill this week. aa tbla Ja'tbe flaal wek ec vaaaevui at tae Baker, aad aa the pablle baa elwaye iwllel ea tbe Bekv te aire tbe beet, aad tke 'siaaace- Kwat elrs te auks the teat the best. -Ths Love That! Win.' Te Xrrlc at anTleree snnesh to sold the enwds that satker mere slshUy fe The Urre Tbet Wloe. s resiaau si reviving Its tint pmeatatlna me; et aflealeelpol nver. Last aisat seoeie etaaeieg eat m the etrwt welting . far the snwad perrarsMsrs an aaaeree wer laraed away. .. : - - - - - - . i - ' ! !. T?','?b"i. J5.'" " AJwa A lwW .Best. Vraad. . . . . ' .;"-' ' OW KZJSCXXIsrS ABBXTXCH 1 r I avB- -.avB.e I ekw . bV J wkeV BlV'-rf V M-ii Vw'tTii- nrWYOS"kC. rT. eaarsi maeaw fCOHOUCTKP Of SOUND SU4IHIH OWIHC toe oray crojs EXE:inr,'G w mi a:z - : Oomlar Jtars. jass as t lad d th STatton's SUtiopolls. . 1 . Six Sublime, Surpassing, Siiperb, . Sensational Surpfhtc REPRODUCTION OP THB OOROEOUS DBL.MI DURDAr' V ' : - ! 'ust as ths Orand Ceremonial Pageant was Produced la .India. , , THE DIP OF DEATK A Lady. Looping: the Gap In an AUTOAIOBiLb i A yaanlaatiag. VenrfnL srattlag, rngaelo waisa atonai may lamps xt r The Highest Priced yast think ef Hi A young- lady reoatvtBg saeu in aat aiwawuw, . .. . , ar ;' - k ne-e w w a L-f ino FLYINd THROUGH SPACE ON A BICYCLL '.Kc, IM M cf Grfc . JMcltlejieifs. 2 tocl (ci Smallest Horss In the. World, Jumping Horses, Leaping Ponies, OymnasM' Feats, Acrobatlo Acta, 100 Thrilling Acta, 100 Expert Performers, the Wei... Giant. Troup of Midgste, Scandinavian Vocal lata. Musicians and Danosra. GrauddandWCostliShM TWO AJUaUTi DAIX.T, at aa4 S p. BL BOOBS) OPSW A OtTB BAUXX: islss1om to th WaoU Show, witk a Beat, M eta, CsildJva ahdar 10 Teasa. ... BAU Mo. ...... . v. Kawved and Private Boa Seats extra, aecordms; to locatttfhf All rcsarvef aaat tickets -ars numbered and hevs coupons attached. . . - -. JPITATw MI IIS USTB II1TI for sale at the AUUTB Si (CT-. ilT-AM A nm mOO. cornsr OUth and Mursismi street, and sa tha at hours of opening. All eeate hav footrssta. All ticket sold at regular price Oewsre 01 paruea coargmg mm . Owlnar ta ths Stucendous Sis of ths SCABBi but a High-Class and Very Expenalv Free ahow Will Be (eivea sa k asrv wivuu one nour vior mm aoor Will exhibit in Salem, Aug. 88; Albany, 84; Eugene, 15; afedford, 81. . (Joeraal Speetal. Imi. ,. -Guthrie, O. Tv Aug II. Several ban. dred members cf th Epworth ' leagn of Oklahoma and Indian Territory as sembled here this Moraine ta the big meeting tent st Island park to open their J -mt-r-m t yJr r ' I 1 .v . J 1 ii is. '-Z.f.).:'-: ' '':'"'..'':,: "V' ; ' "fi;".v.,.. aAnnounces the aival of 5 i ; I in Domestic and IxmoHedl f; ':yJkil T -if ! -IXmi AST9 ;ctt 7 t tgpC"T, lSa-- VtOOO woNDtJU i. asiasi.l iiaeislfse Frolte wttk Tate. Tim AbeolaV th with Immunity. :-( Attraction Ever Known flOO cask every clock tpk foraStosMts , .. -. ... n. y-v w a . wa. 1 V Ui I AIN II Show WO svsne eiaina wot, v are open. annual gathering with th usual dev. tloaal services. Th meeting wUl 00 tinu until August Sa, and many exe lent speakers and other entertainer wa. J add Interest and spice to the mettle- 1 of th assembly. ' Captain Richmond V Hobson, late of the United State nav- , will be on of th principal attraetlo , 5 - -V of exclusive decir ajBL , s