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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
. jV.jay jou..::.4v i . . lai:d, cunday f morniko, , july to, nzt ummmi she win n; Expscts Success In Her Appeal VTrom Vancouver Church's D-. ,' ' cree of Expulsion. j BLAMES ARNOLD WHO WAS HER PROSECUTOR Tutor Says Majority Is With Hint .. Attorney Arnold Says Mrs. Hidden Persisted in Trying to Dominate All i OmrclT Affairs. :HA. -; ; t ' In the Methodist church of Van couver there ie strife. It la ev war of Tnany against a' few, but the few are generaled br a women there are no .'lares of capltulatloA. i Matty membere fear disruption 6f the church, ; many declare the strife must be carried to ea end, that disturbers and agitators must be excluded. - To mens here of the church and those who are entered -in the, lists, the Strife IS one of earnest, paramount, - absorbing lm pprtanca . ., , . ' , .There are various and endless ac counts of ths beginning of the wrangle. oma say It was precipitated by the in bltions of. Mrs.. M. J T. Hidden, who. believes In women's suffrage. - She le .ald-toMiave told a neighbor that one of the pastor's sonnons was not ortho dox. She also Is reported to have, said lis tied. These accusations and otbsrs .she admits. ' "V . r Othsrs assert that. Mra Hidden In- atited en being a dominant factor tn the deliberations of the congregation; that bar efforts to dlotate and take the lead ing part for many years , have Anally paused a .rebellion. - Mrs. lridfla Blaists Araold. " ' Mrs. Hidden InsisU that it la neither she aor the pastor. Rev. Thomas - XL Elliot, who is the cause of the struggle. She -Insists that It Is the result of a quarrel between herself and Attorney H. W, -Arnold, who conducted the proso--cution against her at the recent trial In which she waa found guilty and sen tenced to expulsion from the churchy Jlowever, ehe has glvsn notice, of ap peal. She ssys the quarrel began eight years ago and the -pastor, who . has figured prominently tip to this time, haa really very little to do with the trouble. ' ' ' . ' i ' . , The outbreak was precipitated by the rressntatlon to the pastor or a peti lon asking for ths expulsion of Mra Hidden, The petition recited that ehe was a jnlschlsf-maksr and that she waa the eauee of all the dlssenslone in ths church. - It Is said to have been signed I) j 10" memUefa 1 , u ' On Its receipt the pastor took a the . proper.atepa for a hearing of the eass . and the trial followed.. It was charged that Mrs. Hidden had aeeused the pastor of being more of a Unitarian than ,a Methodist and that shs had accused him of lying. Great wae the surprise of many when ehe entered a plea, of guilty and put It up to ths pastor to prpvs - ..that be wasn't a liar and that he wasn't .more ot a Unitarian than a Methodist. She admitted all the charges and defied him to prove that they were untrue. ; A ' . ury"o members of the church returned -a. .varaicr against ner. tier appeal jronj 7Ttta decision will probably be beard dur ' !lng August. The presiding elder of the dlstrtot will preside over the sessions. ,. What the Charges Ate. '-, The charges Against Mrs. Hidden are ,aa follows! , . . I : : rirst-That eha the said Mra M. I T. Hidden, is gunty of the offense Of lying and bearing false witness .. L In that, to the undersigned and to Others, on or about March , 1101, she faleely quoted Thomas K. Elliott, pastor of ths church, as saying: "I do not care whether yon - believe ' In the , atonement . T....a r-Vvla. n m nnt " . (, ?. ... I. In that, on June IT. 110!, she falsely made the earns statement In the pros- . snce of end to' ths undersigned and In : - ft-. Jill vve Mean siness y i'And stop at nothing y.' ; "that will improve our . ' ( facilities - for,- civinp; r ; 4 T r y. our patrons- good -; . ji rvic e , and good ' "vtiue."-. v ': ':'-' ;., ; See our Mid-Summer Shirt Specialties and' .'-"'V' v:- Neckwear HARRINGTON FALL DERBY NOW ON SALE. Rbbinsbn Hotel PerkinfEldg.;;; J ths presence of t -1 to e'Jiers. i . .0, , "I have heard Blm eay from h-4 pulpit. T do not care whether you believe In the atonement of Jesus Christ or ot" V 8tfond That the said, Mra M. I T. Hidden Is guilty of ths offense of defam ing the . pastor, the said Thomas JS. Elliott, committed a fotlows: ' r 1. In that, on or about March 0..1I05. tb the undersigned snd to others shs did falsely and wrongfully say that the said Thomas K. Elliott waa a Unitarian. -1. In that, on or about March I, 100S, to the undersigned snd to-others, shs did falsely and wrongfully eay that the eald pastor, Thomas BL KUlptt, twuted apd perverted the truth. ' . , S. In that, on June 37, hob. to tne undersigned and to others, shs did falsely and wjrongfuUy repeat the same statement ' set out in specirioauon a. Third That the said Mrs. M. U T. Hidden Is guilty of ths offsnss of in veighing and railing against ths pastor of this -ehuroh, . ths- said -Thomas si. Elliott, oommltted as follows: . I. In that, on June 2t, If Of, to the onderslgned and to-others, shs wrong fully and , slanderously said thaw re ferring td the prayer meetlnge of the eald pastor. Thomas XL Elliott: "His praysr meetings ere like ci rouses." ; , V The. Z4e Bteeei. v J v a In that on or about March B. If OS, shs wrongfully and slanderously stated to the undersigned and to. othsrs, tn reference to the eeld Pfstor, Thomas K. Elliott: - "He has lied from tbe pulpit and be knew he was lying." ( V ' i Is that, on different occasions and to different persons, soma . of whom are not members of this church; to the best of the knowledge and belief Of the understensd. shs falsely and slander ously did repeat the statement made lo Specification I next abova Fourth That eac& ana every enense set out and contained In the above and foregoing eharges snd specifications is falsely, wrongfully and slanderously oommltted In the city of Vancouver, county of Clarke, stats of Washington, and elsewhere, against ths peace and dimity of the First. Methodist Church of ths city of Vancouvar, and thamm-J bershlp thereof. In violation of the rules. regulations and. disoipuna.or toe aaia Methodist church, and contrary to ths teachings of thje Sortpturea, t , ; - XCr. Xdllott Olahag Sfajosity. Mr. Elliott is a comparaUvely recent arrival In Vancouver. He te a success ful pastor and la popular, with his par ishlonsrs. , He Is mild and peaceful In his demeanor. . y v "I prefer not to discuss ths unfor tunate affair further," he said yester day. . It has alresdy received so very much notoriety that It would not be come me to add anything else. I might say. however, that out of the lit met bers in our church aU but 11 or II have stood by me In this trouble. That should speak for Itself. My attorney. Mr. Arnold, will make any statement that to exoeeted of me." - - v - "The trouble Is simply tbs result of Mra Hldden's pereietent attempts to domlnats aU ths church affairs and hsr continual slandering ot ths pastor," said Mr. Arnold. "She Is what Is called a tartar' If yon know what that Is. She lUi'twn'a 3lsrurTTr5'rT!fsTCHae- osools became tired of her-and 'her trouble instincts. ' une is a woman suffrsgist and bellevee -in having her own way tn everything. She has - run for office here several times, and Has tried to thrust hsrself upon (he people la many ways.";1 . - Mra Hidden talks freely or her trou his and her coneequent expulsion. Bhe says that the actios- of the trial Jury la not final and that sbs Is confident He findings will be set aside when ths ease is heard on appeal v ."r - -. -- T have- a great many matters that I Intend to introduce,- she said, "that will show that this Is simply a case of persecution. - The trouble Is between Mr. Arnold and myself and dates back some seven or eight years ago. Bines then he has eeuesd me a great deal of trou ble and this recent trouble and expul sion are the results . of his efforts against ma" -''- l PORTLAND MAN MEETS DEATH IN LOGGING CAMP . Crushed between loge projecting from the rear cars of two trains, Charles O. Black, a logger.-sged 10 years, mat with death In a horrible form yesterday morn Ing. Hie leg was-crushed at the hip and he lived for tour hours before death came, f- . - i . . ' The "Victim of the accident was em- cloyed aa a logger la aemeet Kufals Cowllts county, Washington. His wife and family live In this city and ths body was brought here yesterday afternoon on the eteamer Hassalo. Tbs accident occurred between t and o'clock' In the morning. Black stood at ths snd of a train, from which pro jected some logs, and was signaling. It Is claimed, when without ths belslng rung, another tram, - from ths rear car of which logs also projected, wss backed Into him. His hip was caught between two logs and in this position. bs was held until his screams apprised his lei-low- workmen of what had happened, One tram wae then drawn ahead and he dronned to the around.- ' Dr. H. C Barkman was summoned and the Injured man wae taken aboard the steamer, He died about U: o'clock, sn routs here. The' steamer arrived at 4:11 o'clock and ths body was taksn to Cor oner Flnlsys undertaking rooms. . . t .m am liruvilAM IS I ULAnK AND fvClslUUIV T GIVEN DAY AT FAIR Joint exercises tn honor of William Clark and Kentucky day at the Lewis and Clark exposition wlU be held et the Auditorium August 1. The exercises will be held at .MO o'clock in the after noon. . ; '. ' , " Colonel I C Oarrlgus will make the opening address 'and will prealds In -his capacity as vice-president cor Ksntucay of ths Dixie society or Oreron. rresi dent Ooode will respond In behalf of the exposition. Miss Caroline Towles, a prominent teacher of Chlcsgo and ' a descendant of Captain Merrl wether Clerk, will speak on "Vacation Schools." Miss Ethel Bhea will elng "My Old Kentucky Home" and Mra Sylvia W. McGulre will give a recitation In negro dialect. An address will be delivered by Albert O. Clark, a descendant of Wil liam Clark.- A number of prominent Kentucklanl will also, speak. Musle will be furnished by the Administration band. Among the visitors on that day will be Mrs. Jennie BL McKaught jof Herrolslon, Oregon.' who Is also a de scendant of Captain Clark. - A feature of Interest will be the pres. snce of Amos m. ureen, a native of Ken tuoky. ft years old. He is now a real' dent of Montana and Is visiting In Fort- land... - ' , ;- (- . - sii;i:iE fg How the Games Are Arranged In lithe FlnaUUp of the- Pa- L, ciflo Coast League; Following 11 ths schedule for ths final half of the Paclfle Coast Baseball league's season:..-' , . .- Tortlaaa at XCosme. ' .'' With San Francisco August II. 1. 1?,' 11, 10.S0: September S. t. T, I. f, 101 October IT. It, 1. 20. II, . With Oakland August XI, 10, III September 1, s. I, 4. (Labor day); Oo tober 10, 11, It. II. 14. l.v With Loo Angeles August t, i, 19, 11, 11. It! August II. II, 14, It, If, 27. sattls at XCome. With Portland September II. IT. II, II, 10: October!. . ' 'With Taooma September s, I, T. I, , 10, 11. 10. 11. II. II. 14. . . With Ban granoisco August a, f, ie. ii, .. it. . - - With OakUnd-October a, i. i, s, 7. s. With Los Angeles August 1,1. I, 4, , I, II. 11. IT. II. II. 10. - . , With Portland October I, 4, I, I, T, I. With BeatUe September II. II. 14, II. II. IT. -'.- ' v ''... ,' - With Baa. Francisco August I," l, a, 4. I. I, II. II. 14. 16. II. IT, With Oakland September II.. IT, II, II. 10; October 1. . With Los Angeles August Zl, 10, II: September 1, I, I, 4 (lyabor-day); Octo ber 10, 11, 11, IU 14, .IS. ' At. Sam Francises. . --,''. Ban . PYanolsco va . Oakland August t, i, 4. 1, i. - ; Portland va Ban Francisco October 14. 26. II. 17. 11 (II. a. m. and p. in.): November 14, II., II, IT, II (II. a. m. and p,''m.).'' ' ' x . San Francisco va OaklanoWAugust II. 14. II. 21. 17. v... :.r - .. .-v Seattls va Ban Francisco "August ie. II; September 1. 2. I. 4 (Labor day) t October 11. 12. It. 14y II. v , . . Oakland va Ban Francisco October II. M. io.- 21. 22. Seattle va . Baa Francisco November T. I. t, II. 11. 12, 21. 21. to; December 1. I (I. a. m. and p. m.) Oakland va.-Sad Franclscp August I.t0r 11. 11. II, II. 17. II, It, 10. Tacoma vai Ban : Francisco October 11; November 1. 1. t, 4 (I, a. m. and r. ), 11, 22, ill. it, li (is, a. m. an-j Ms Angsies va nan rrancisco sep- Umber 4. T. 1. t. 10, Oekland - va Ban Francisco Septem ber it. 14. 16. 14. IT, Portland va Ban Francisco Septem ber 10, II, 21. 21. I4v H 1 Lee Angelee vs.. Baa Francisco sso- tember 17, IS. CI, 19; (October 1 4, I, I, 1. I. :v . v- J--, - " u- ,. .A. oaauaaa. ' Jestissd i vs niindAjis:u?tJL( m.).; August I (a m.); November I. II, 11 U2, a. m. and p. m.);. Novsm bar 21.. la, I December 1. I (I. m. and o. m.l. . Seattle va Oakland August It (p. m.), August IT (a. m.). August 21 (p. m.): September-1.-4 (Labor day. a. m.). San Francisco, va Oakland October II (d. m.). October II (a m.) Beatue va oaxiana octooer it p. ,.). October II (a m.). October 11: November 1, 2. I. 4 (I. a m. and p. m.)-. November 2L 2L. II. .24.. Zl 21. a m, and r. m.J. "Tacoma vs. Oakland August I (p. m.), August II (a m.). August IS (p. m). August 10 (a. m), October 24. 26, 21. 2T, 21, 21 (a m. and p. m.); Novem ber 14. 1SJ11. 17. It. II (am. and p. m.) Lop Angeles va Oakland September I (p. m.). September 10 (a m.). ' San Francisco, va Oakland Septem ber 12 (o. m.i. Beotember IT (a m.) Portland va Oakland September 11 (P. m.)r September 24 (e. m.). San Francisco va Oakland Septem ber 21 (p. m.). October 1 (a. m.), Octo ber I (p. m.), octooer a (a. m.j . ljoe) Sagelee at Some. 1 With Portland September II. II, 14. 16, II, IT; October tl. November 1, I, I, 4. I: November 21. 22. 22. 24,-28. II, With 8eattle October 14, 16, 24, IT. IS, 21: November 14, 16, II. 17. II. II, With Tacoma October 18, II, 10, 21, 22; November T, I, I, 10, 11. 11, 18, II, 10; December I. I. I, "With Ban Franelsoo September II, 10. 2L 22. 22. 24. ' 0LDFIELD AND KISER" f ,T0 RACE TOMORROW (Special Dispatch tLm4 Wire te Tke JesrnaO Toledo, O., July 21. Barney Oldfleld. with his famous Oreen Drsgon, and Earl Klser. with his winton Bullet No. U, will race hero tomorrow, two heats out of three, for 11.000, under the auspices of ths Toledo Touring Car association. Eight svsnts are scheduled and the meet will be a big ona George and Cherlea Soulee with their Pope Toledo racing car will partloipata Charles Boules will go after- the mile world's record for to horsepower cara. Oldfleld and Klssr will also attempt to lower the world'e record for a mile on a half-mile track. Her- Lbsrt Lyttle le also expected. . MOTHER SUES FOR HER SON'S RELEASE (Speelat Dispatch br teased Wire te the Jeomall fit. Loula July It. Mrs Rsgtns Beta FAT FOLKS CUT OUT THEWASTIt LEAI DY CUTTING YOUR FEED ; ; Here Are Some Cutters That Will Last n Lifetime and Make : V .-'r. .," Money For You . Every Day, . - f :, BOOT tlUTl'SBS Cut them up in' nice. ; of ths feed. It'e indispensabls 0 the Dairyman and . Poultryman.- ', - , ., - ty. ALrm 2sAjrx rown ovTTaw V Low priced, strong and easy, to opsrata - Elthsr one or two 11-lnch knivea- Feed .rolls that yield to accommodate amount 'of matter passing through thsm. oivos a good, clean out In five sixes 1-1 1, H. H.: and IH-lnch. ,Th knives and shear-plates are both adjustable, and In every 'way It's far superior to any aplral cutter mada . 'jV, CUT YOUR FEED AND IT'S ALL EATEN. DON'T CUT IT AND ABOUT HALF OP IT IS TRAMPLED UNDER FOOT AND WASTED. bkhts PATsirw um outtsb Has but ens bolt, making It simplest and saaieet to ad lust, and It's Impossible - for . ths knife lever to shift out of line wlth4 throat plates when this bolt is tightened. . circular amre makes It out easily. , It's f adjuatabls Lto any Isngth of out deeired. . , . v'5 -'vs i. - OREGON mother of Lawrence Capel, a jockey ap prentice who has been riding at-Delmar track. Instituted habeas corpus proceed ings in the ) Clayton court Saturday against Harry Mack, a racehorse owner. well known In local and ractno coast race clrclea; The suit was filed In 'an effort to ''secure her son's releass from the terms of the indenture binding htm In apprenticeship to Mack. " t Casel's mother asks that ths boy oe releaeed'of the contract on the alleged grounds that Mack has rauea to comply with said contract,: that he has not paid her money agreed upon for.ber son's services snd that Mack haa failed to properly- teach her son ths bustpess of s Jockey.- - She. Saks that Mack be re strained from taking her son to Cali fornia tracks to race this winter. FAVORITES' GOOD DAY AT BRIGHTON BEACH (Bpedal Dispatch br Lessed Wire te The Journal) Brighton Beach, July . Results ot today's races: - Five and a hall luriongs vino kj. Martin), I to 1, won; Larabla second; Flavlgny, third; tima 1:07 1-6. Steeplechase, short course DlcK Rob erts (Orantland), 6 to 1, won; Grandpa second; "Flying Mac tuna tniru; lima a-t , i . - -, .. .. - Six furlongs Q. C Bennett (Nlooli, 11 to 10, won;' Sin gleshot,, second; Quorum, third: tuna 1:11 l-t. 4 Ona and -ahalf mtlee flysonoy (Nlcol). 1 to I, won; Aglla second; Pasadena. 200 to 1. third; tlraa 2:21 1-6. Ono and one sixteenth -miles Jetsam nipriaiiltl). S tn 1. won; Haaddanoa, r second: King Cola third; time. 1:4 Six furlongs Robsdor (W. Knapp). I to 1, won; Don Royal, second Tea Creea third; tlma 1:14. - LONG SHOTS ENJOY , . SPORT AT LATONIA (Special Inspatek by Leased Wire te Tae Jearaal) Latonla, July 29-ReeulU of today's races; Six snd a half furlongs Robin Hood (a Walsh); 11 to I, won; Pelsgoa, sec ond; Pontotoc, third t tlma 1:20 4-5. " Seven furlongs Havlland (Radtke) 'T to 1, won: Blrchbroom, second) Sis Shooter, third; tlma 1:21 2-1. - - One and one -eighth -mllee Ahna Du four, 116 (Larson), II to 1. won; Corus cate, second; Ara, third; tlma i:eil-s, Ftvs scd a half furlongs-Zienapv 101 (Trsubel), 11 to 10, won; Orbicular, second Lata Duffy, third; time, 1:06. Five furlongs Malleable (B. Walsh), I to 1, won: Marvin Neal, second; Beg Mete, third; tlma 1-01 4-6. . Mile and a quarter Hot (Kosrner), I to 1, won; Axares, second; Jos Rosa third; tlma 1:01 l-i. SCHILLER BOWLERS ; f LEAD IN LEAGUE There have been some changes In ths standing of ths - Bummer Bowling leagus - during - ths ' past week. The Schlllere won their way to the top and the El sldelo- and Golden Weet teame also moved up. The standing of ths Bummer league to date follows I . Pl.v. Wnn Tjim Tin ata - Ml- m '1 UaV f S M ever r e- - w w- - w w- - m - - r J. m l a ' i II V : t Af ' . , J v ' . " . . , w a , : eV Schlllere statin ......... Golden Weet ...... Bakers . . . . . r . w Amerloan Eaglee. . Clneo 14 It 14 11 II 24 II IS . 14 11 T I I ' I 10 10 r .ess . .Ill .681 : .in !8 260 BENNINGTON TO BE.'"'.-, - v SENT TO MARE ISLAND ' (loaraal Bpedal Harvlet.) . .' , San Diego, July It. It has been de cided by the naval authorities that the Bennington shall be sent to Mare Island for rspaira Her boilers are to be taksn out The transport Lawton or Solace will be- sent hers to remove the con valescents to Mare', Island. -'No . nsw deaths are reported today;. , ' ' " 2T lba ' ISO Iba MBS. B. WILLI AVIS, IM Ruleott Bo., Baffala hew Xerk. tVest ta weight ...... ,ST pomads bowt ta seal .;.....s SkmtI ta waist ...le ivost ta hips ' Tkls plctare sivee fee ss Mm ef siy epseer. anes Before sa4 sftar sir ' reeDetloa bj Dr. Bnr4r. Uy Sealth Is ewtMt. I aenr ajored better knlth la asf nfe, wo s wrlakle to ke iwi, Whr earrr rear kardes fees wes NlUf Is t saBdT --ntn.-n i. t . , us. gasnrza stooatow, , SherHlsn, Or. Jiomt SO swmads. ' . UM. 9. . BBOWBT, l : . SaDae, Ot. XMrt SS peands. --Dr. Sure- seareatoas kls tnatiiMnt to M swfrrtlr karalaM Is every partleaUa rUe. se tsrrtec. ee stitlea trm test, sees, x wriekle or dlaeeei tarts. Dr. gsraor has Wl s siMeUHat Is the lf rmful traat mi ot etxeltr fnr tke east M years. aa4 kas the enqaaua eaitarwiMnt ef the SMdi-e! frs. SrnHy. A kaeklet tolllag aU .abeet It free. Write today.-- l, . .i - , ; a WVF. SNYDER, M. D. " SIS Kaseaass Blr. Stats and Meitisea - sseess) Pectlaad Oisges , , Many entriee are coming la for ths Lewis and Clark Individual tournament. Ths secretary received '. some entries from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There are 11 prises tn this '' tournament, which closes October II. ; SWEDISH SINGERS - - - FORM ORGANIZATION "During en Intermission of the exer cises at ths exposition grounds yester day ths Associated Swedish Singers of the Pacific eoaat organised themselves Into a society. ' The singers elected the following offloere: ? . - - President, El Hogberg. San Francisco; first vice-president, O, Appslgren, Port land: second vice-president, O. F. Frits hult, Seattls; secretary. L. Olaslow. Port land; treasurer, K. C , Gardellua, San Francisco; racerdlng eeoreUry, ft -la Holt, Portland; director. Professor FlhP- strom. Ban Francisco. . Ths society will meet every two years end the next meeting will -be held In Ban Franolsea .Its object Is to hold musioal festivals similar to those ef the Saengerbund, WILL BUILD ROAD : DESPITE HARRIMAN . W. J. Cook, after a visit with his family In Portland, has returned to El gin to resume the work of constructing a Uns ef railway between . Elgin and Joseph, . While here he conferred with the management' of the Narrlman lines with the object of encoring en agree ment by whlon the prepoeed line could be built Jointly and litigation with Its Out of ths Hih ILent District Out of the HLsh Priced Clique 366 East Morrison Street ,. - i; :- -W-v :,;,: Our move from the west to the east side, where rents sre low, is causing a gen eral exodus of shoppers to this side of the river. CALEP BROS. ARE BOUND TO MAKE EAST MORRISON STREET FAMOUS. Famous for having the most up-to-date furniture store in the northwest. A store with fine large, day lit show rooms where everything is modern even our prices and our methods of doing business. We buy for cash so we can take advantage of the market. We , are not tied to any wholesale dealers, but buy direct from the factories at factory prices, therefore, we are in a position to ssve you money. We buy for cash, but sell on .the" easy-payment plan or for cash, whichever you desire. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE POSTED on furniture prices to buy from us, for all our goods are marked in plain figures.. You pay just the same price that your neighbor does. We are showing in our windows this week a. line of the .. Finest Steel Coiickss made. They are strictly sanitary and make the best emergency bed on the mar ket. Come to our show rooms and let us show you how they can be made up to look attractive for your fron rooms. The only thing cheap about this line of .Couches if the .price, which is .. . : -. "''. We are receiving new goods daily and will soon have the most complete assortment shown. " i-- "' .' .. j . -,r , itJCALElUJROSa Furxiich Your Home Cash or Instdhncnts attendsnt delay avoided. It Is said. the Hsrrtman peopls declined to cooperate with him end declared they would pro ceed to build the Bret is mllee over the right of way now In litigation. , "I have been advised bvjny attorns.- that ths r- -tlon secured by the O. H. S N. i t ma In the matter of the ric t of ! 1 by both ef ue ee t C -v t !- trw"' 1 i f. -I v I t It f I il ' II t us In t- - ' t t'A r. t o ' s.ectrle Uns t: i lay 10 JoMkX t ... r power t f to run rni-y : -