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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1905)
?He' r OREON V DAILY JOURNAL! PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENINO. JUNE 3. 1SCJ. 1"r w v . J- f OREGON IS HOME OF. COOPERATIVE COLONY (Continued tlrely by eleewrfclty. all artificial light will be electric, and probably heat tor "ajomeatto purposes wll be obtained from th earns source. The cities will be lo-l .t.j and built tay the beat architects; v lanriaraoe aardeliera afitf Sfl rrttnry-ex- - .n. Tha code of moral lawa govern - log the federation and all who rue,!" on Ita property will be. It la said, easily within performance of every welc-lnten-tm.-A mail . ami -woman -and will-be rtgoroualy enforced with absolute Imper 'i.' -riallty. In a statement of the plan. Mr. Wallace said of lt cUlsenshlpi "We are prompted vj n,e "-Vk-.i which e-Overn the American Insti tute of Bocial Service, the National Clvlo Federation 'artid similar organisations. Those motives are the., preservation of the liberties of our people, the stlmulat .., of nairlotlsai.. the maintaining .of our free tnstltutlona, the strengthening of out government, theidevelopment, of our country, the Improvement of the hnjnaa of our Debbie. 'Our main effort la to so readjust .the relations of eapl- lal and, labor .aa. In destroy the antivgtin-. hmrnOw- existing, by Dnnging -.neaw forcea together in Christian coopera Producers' Share of XTodaoto, ' -We believe It Is practical and possi ble to. g-lve the irreat maas of producers a more equitable ahare of the world's products, to place the laborer In enviri onmenta that offer greater protection to morals and greater Inducements to live moral and progreaslve Uvea, encour aging him In Induatry and economy. Tha work of the federation 18 rather preventive than curative," In the federation no caplUl stock ex lata, nor 1s U possible. - The properties ara held m trust, and no member ha tha , alia-hteat rirht of Interference In the acquirement or development of the properties. The conatltutlon deflnes the trus( to be a corporate body to ac quire hold, deal with, develop and utll ti. all -trach -rrrjDertiea.real. personal and mixed) aa the trust shall select, he net proceed going In part to tne mem bera and the remainder to Improvements and extensions. The trust will be capi ta llaed at 1160,000, the stock to be dls- '-. i J. Frank Wt8o,n." trlbuted among those whom the- feder ation selects, and Involving neither sub--acrlptlon nor liability for moneys There - are IS directors. It to be Oregon men : and fire to be selected from the eastern contingent of the enterprise. ... . v'' Money Will Be Secure. 7 Forty per cent of the money realised from sale of the bond will be retained by the trust companies, and by them In vested In the class of securities corre ponding with those accepted by the state of New York for investment of life Insurance company funds. In this way the repayment-Jof the entire principal of the' loana will W guaranteed at matur ity, and S per cent Interest for the first ' five years. 81xty per cent of the bond proceeds 'will be taken for development " of the Oregon properties, . -.' 'Inasmuch as honesty and Industry do Dot tnsurej-awecess In -the absence of uui inauBjrw--4 Judgment and bi ifL Wallace, '.'t lseV so as to g- business experience, -said The federation Js organ toguarantee a fair division of the profits that is. Interest to, the ) bondholder, and all remaining prom to " -the laborer, leas the necessary charges f its share of the feminine world. The mothers will be '( interested in "our opening; of SUITS FOR BOYS Today , a special irr Roys' ; $3.60 Norfolk Suits, ?2.$5. t 7 Boys'. $i .Wash' Suits at G5 ' ( f . . .... .. Boys' .."60c- Straw - Hatr '-at We givtT FirecrjickeritFree .with purchaseof boys' wear hionCitffimmQ Gustuhn-Prop- SverrtaiBg for Men. aa Boys'. JM-1M Taird, Imi Mottlaou,'-'' .j from Part On.) and the proportion reservedrfor exten ston of . the properties. The (Hist has absolute : management of the business. and the advisory committee of the trust Is selected from the best men In active buatneaa. who nave demonstrated their ability and who can give to the workers the benefit of bualneaa Judgment and ex perience, and guarantee to. the bond holders that thelt investments will be secure and Intereet-bearing.- Distinctly Cooperative. - "The entlre"hterprlae is unique jit proposes t tngago In agricultural ,pufr suns, .- anciuuang - mu muivu . iirawm .Samuel Conncll manufacturing all sorts of- products that can be made here at a profit and en gaging In transportation enterprises necessary for development of Its. lands and Industries. It will buy and build railroads and boats fo"r those purposes, If necessary., It Js not communistic, : t socialistic,- buf distinctly cooperative. While the members will own- their own homes, subject to well-defined re strictions individually, yefc-tfeey have no Interest in the property by. stock. In asmuch as stocks are negotiable and subject to-execution,, and stockholders can ask courts to appoint receivers; ana aa insubordinate, Incorrigible and vicious Characters are o encouraged to haraca organisations wttn lawsuits ana oner other embarrassments andobetructlons. the organization Is perpetually forbidden by the 'eonMltutlorrO'lMna'sTWg'SIheTl than that held for lta Denent by tne trust, . v . - - . '. The onljr safe plan for this business la to ratae the. money neoessnry to s-tabllak!- and operate' It by lasting bonds protected collaterally by property of tne federation, putting It. permanently into safe .business hand and on prtn clplea, ao aa .-to . perpetually protect .t from all conceivable dangers, a fat as the wisdom of the organisers renders possible, and athen Invite those who de sire membership In It and who ara ac ceptable. t la gratifying fo be able to say that the plan so appeals Ah thr general public that a- over-abunOanc of members Is assured." . . ' - ITo Tobaeoo and Wo Xatoxloanta. The . conatltutlon provides, that the president shall serve during his natural life" or during the time he -remains- a member of the federation, and that the first president shall be H. B. Wallace. A spiritual department shall forever bo maintained, managedTby ordained minis ters, and ' shall receive in perpetuity one tenth of all earnings an products tt the' federation. The use of intoxi cants la prohibited, excepting a reason able amount may be kept on hand by federation drug? stores for medlcfnal pur poses. No tobacco shall be used oa federation,, property, nor on the publio streets, nor In parka, pleasure grounds, hotels or -public gatherings. On iht death of a president his successor shall be- elected by a majority vote, of the ordained, ministers who ire members of the-federatlon. and shall serve during -his. natural , llf e or capacity to .act. There will be a vice-president, who will act Ijt abaencc of the president, apd dur ing1' the Interval between his death and election of hla successor, -a : The lawa.-will bo intemreted hr iwr. Itnanent Ward of arbitration, composed or mree pereons, appoiniea oy ine ooaru of directors.- Any disputant who shall not be satisfied with toe award of this board may carry hla caae toan appeal I board of arbitration, to be composed of three persons, two selected by tthe dla putanta and a third chosen by these two. V . Methods of Deciding Disputes. If the appeal board confirms the de cision of the first hearing the caae it settled. "But if It finds a different con clusion the caae shall bo heard by a aupreme board .-of arbitration, to ha composed of the permanent tribunal oft aruurauon, me appeal Doara ana three mem be re of the federation selected in the same manner as the choosing of the appeal board.' The decision of the au preme tribunal shall be final. . Theby-laws provide that an applicant for membership in the federation must be II years old, mentally sound, and pass a physical - examination showing him to be capable of performing labor in at least one of the departments. He of the Holy Scriptures as given by In spiration ct Ooit and of Jesus' Christ as tbe Bavlor, and. the ethics of Jesus Christ as the, rute In life. Candidates muat further, BKreeVin wrHfnf to accept all conditions, financial and otherwise, governing the entrance into and con tinuation of membership In the organixa tlon. ; No wife mn acquire owjtrrahip uf a h6use or lot in federation property in additlen to that held by 'her husband. . Jfo Work oa Sabbath.' f"htldren niemrjTr-'harrT)eTIglble tb membership without payment of an entrance fee, on arriving at The age of Is years. Member umjr transfer their memberships .to any one eligible under the' rules, of the federation.- Mo busi ngs nor work shall be .carried on on the Lord's day excepting that of neces sity and mercy. No perstni, may Invest nor use his private capital In the prop erty of the federation, nor "carry on any business for private profit bn the said property, . Mo member snail be compelled to workTor the' federation, but shall work only when he or.. ahe shall dealre. But no member ahall receive any wages un less for wortfr -performed, excepting In rase of slckneeajar-Any member quit ting work must give notice In writing and secure a release from the superin tendent. No member perforaaieg aklUed aMaamammmmammmmmmma-Mm-.mmmmm.,.mm. - ; int.. T : '. . -"; j r , c ;, n, a- ' 7 ' ' f .'nV --" f..- - - ;i V,'-- Open Eren m tin h Salnrdayj B. M.' YOU CAN : 'sale of fine clothing at below all other stores. Since this century began there has been no time that spot cash spoke in so strong terms as during the great strike now on in 'Chicago. . City tlothing trade is ruined in that town for this seasonwholesale houserhave no hope of any further orders for this season, manufac turers having, on hand big stocks are forced to sdl-$and ' not gamble on future prospects, -The- Hubwith -itsxold xash"1oughrj)Ye"r $50,00(1 worth-ol their that enable it to give the. wage-earner a bargain sale such a storeof eJl stores to secure your summer outfit. 'I' 1 ' 50 Will secure your picK and choice of 1,000 single or dou-v ble breasted Suits, hand-tail-ored, in all-wool or worsted materials, black, blue, grays, alio dark mixtures. Plaids,' stripes, checks and over shots. These suits were made by the best wholesale tailors to retail at not less , than $12.50 to $15, and. .that it what yotr have to pay for the same goods bearing the ame-TnantlfacturersTlabels" in any store in"this city.: labor shall quit work -until dua riotlce haa been given and A substitute Se cured. ' M. resident , members who do not work as much aa nine months each year shall, losa their right and benefits as such members, and ahall ba placed In the category-of non-retldent mem bers. j ; -kf ambers Mit Kava Oholea of Work.. Jtl members shall work were.-lfi the Judgment or the managemem-t. jjiey can best serve the federation, but each member shall be employed In the de partment he ohooses so long' aa the management la able-o employ hint there with' profit to the federation. All work the-federatlon engages Ih ahall be deemed equally honorable knd Impor tant. The scale of wages in each depart ment shall be the cash, wage paid In the district for ' the special work. In question, but "o . deduction shall be made .lor the outlay on any 6 ft he social- advantages : Inuring to the mem ber. - ' The results ahall be summed up quar terly, and the net profits, after all fixed charges and expanses are paid, ahall be placed Jn the federation treasury to be used lri improvements and extensions of federation-property. 'Expelled members must leave tha property of the federa tion. . They can be restored by repent ing of the offense which caused expul sion and" signing an agreement to obey the laws. . ., ;.", . " SECRETARY HAY AGAIN ' IN CRITICAL CONDITION . ' (Journal Special gerrlae.) Newbury. N. H, June 2(. The condi tion of Secretary Hay Is much better this morning. Additional medical aid arrived early this morning from Boston. Hay Is suffering In vmuoh the" same manner as he aid before he took his trip abroad. , vr. cam. tne local pbysiciaet- in at- tendaTnce, aaid today: "Mr. Hay's trouble haa been, relieved. He will need at tention for a day or two. If no compli cations arise he will soon be as well as usual." .--' "lit. Scudder of Boston Teturned home this morning. Dr. Murphy will remain aa, a precaution against development of unexpected Symptoms. RILLS-ENTIRE-FAMILY-n: "... IN FIT OF INSANITY ' L (Journal Special Berrlee.) Grind Iake, Colo,, June 2. Mrs. Watt C. Qregg yesterday In a fit of temporary Innanlty shot and killed her four children and then Bitot herself, In flicting a Critical wound from which she Is believed to be dying. - Her bus band .heard the shots and returned to find 4he entire family weltering In blood from ihelr wounds.' Tire aweepa Utah- Terming Begioa. ' ,(Jaarsal Iparl.l ertra.) Ogden. Utah, Jlfine . Fire with a frontage of mori thaiu'a mile hnn tra versed five mllea of-terrlrorf deatmylng faTms, crops' and haystacks,--and Is sweeping north of Mere. The flames or iginated -from an unknown cause "and are still burning this afternoon. , - A rearfal Tata. -,-It Is a fearful fate to hare to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "I csn tnithfillly say,". writes Harry Colson, of u.n.rtn.Iu. fa. t h t far nilna. Bleed ing, Itching and Protcjuftlng Tiles. Buck len'a Arnica Salve Is the beat cure mad." Also beat for ruta, burns and Injuries, ijr at Red Cross pharmacy, Sixth and Oak attests. $7 A VTtn From ttie maw of the hlghprlced 'i clothiers.- This store is making a prices that you wilhknow at a glance are far This; will be the" best fine 1 " ."-, Fen; SALE HZn ; James M. Kan, Gen'l Manage: IRRIGATION COMMITTEE r VISITS YAKIMA VALLEY I ' North Yakima, Wash.. June 2. The congressional committee on Irrigation Is visiting the Yakima valley today the guests of Congressman Jones and Sen ator Ankeny. At a, mass meeflrig Jieldtln EUensburg Saturday night reeolutlons were passed asking the government ta absorb all the private Irrigation enterprises In the Yakima valley and .to construct Irriga tion works. WALLACE CONFERS , -WITH CANAL MEMBERS - . ' Jotr":il Bpeetal Service.) ' New York,' June Secretary Taft and Chief Engineer Wallace of the Pan ama canal. Chairman Shonta and Coun sel. Cromwell had an extended xonfer- ence ,, yesterday over Panama mutters. Wallace 'Is dissatisfied CMer the dredg ing contract already.let Hhiflt Is freely stated that ho wnf resign, :' SlXJWONTttS'-iXlEBATE- HAS BEEN CONCLUDED -Jenrnal Special Service.) i, r Paris, June It. The six. months' de bate over the bill separating church and atate has beerr- concluded. 'The only point leff for dlscuaslon Is the regula tion of public worship with penalties for the breaches of law..' Btnce-Jnnuary the chamber of deputies hns been consider ing the various points In the blllr - SVaaston Boundhonse Barns. "iBvr.htften. Wyo., June 26. The Ihlon Pacific lounilhoiisahere Wfft destroyed by fire -early this 'nkrnlng, the origin of iwhtch Is unknown. Five locomotives ' '0's- r- 1 .frU ' j c' '-""j-V" " "" . v. Y. tlieiri being blown HpriTdurflalns of Pennsylvania eam this of oir. " The loas is I modest' request the other day? were lost, one- of by an explosion Si fto.noo. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. - - ft Kind You Hare AFwaysTJought Bearg tha - -THIRD - AND BURNSIDE - STi. week of all. choicest products at prices will make The Hub the' . ' $BD.5 ----- - - -:. . . i . - For $18 and $20 Suits, and there are over 1,000 to er lect from. No . old-timers, but the" very newest arid most desirable spring and summer styles, imported ma terials", tailored, trimmed and 4 styled 'to" perfection. ' The new grays in oex 20 pat terns. Black, blue unfinish ed, worsteds and serges. Ex tra quality cheviots, Thibets, cassimeres, homespuns, etc. This lot of suits standa Jjead "and shoulders above any two stocks shown in this city from $18 to $20, but The Hub leads the .way in the clothing buslhesi"and "fW no clique or clan and gives quality goods as -low as y reliable " esUblishmenij -A from TFortland,-t alne,' .to Portland, Oregon. BoomlvBing! Bang! Get Ready for the Fourth S10.0OO worth of Bombs, anella, Oraek ere. Wheels and Booketa And every thing else that will make a nolae, now on sale at S9 WASB3sTOTOaT STBBBT, Imperial Hotel Bldg. We have prepared for a real nld-faanloned Fourth this year.,- We have, the largest stock of Fireworks ' ever shown on the Pacific coast It's a dandyl - See our new Im portations of Chlneae and ' Japanese curios and silk good, Splendid assort ment Juat received. Western Importing Co. 33t WASBIaTuVrOJr STBBBT. lM-iTo irprTK murt. ; - Chaa. B. Toung, President. GERMANS MEEV DEFEAT IN SOUTHWEST AFRICA awMBw .... ('om-sal Speelal Berries.) T Capetown, June 2. The rebel leader, fforengo, atiacked and defeated the German forces In Oil Kras mountains in German Southwest Africa. All the German ammunition and' supplies were carried off by the rebels. Tha losses ar reported heavy. ' SAYS SUNDAY HOLIDAY i COjWICTEO HIS CLIENT - -.4- . i ii i (Jeorsal Special Serriee.) Baker City, Or., June ti. Attorney Johns announces that he will take an appeal In tha Roy Miller case. .The Jury was-out 22 hours and on the first ballot stood seven for conviction and five for acquittal. The defense claims that but for the Intervention of Sunday tha jury would have disagreed. - . . Big Cleveland Bias. (oarnal Special Bornca. ( Cleveland, vO,. June 1 8.Flre broke outliri the wholesale district this morn, Ing a T)?l .destroyed Fairbanks. Morse Oo.'s IuTtiuIng and the Wlllard Storage company's-building. Ixs Is estimated at $180,000. y , ( Balf BUllios Zks U names. " , (Joaraah-gpeclal Sertlee.) i Nasuvllle, Tehn-.-yJuna 21. Fire In the business section yesterday damaged several department stores to I he extent of StiOlpoo. The principal loeera. were the FalHi e, the-Maolx and Crescent com panies. . - ' A I , I i . , . , .-r1; - A Modest Bequest Oraated. . From theJ'jrenceton "Alumni -Weekly. ' (Tllterliit' through the mall from the Mr. -Groves Cleveland, rsesineni or Princeton rrilvrrslty Dear lrs Will you please send me a catalogue of your school? Youra truly, v v He got the .catalogue, . , V f ' ;- Oeaexoaa, - ' .."' Xanalatedf.fTpm Meggendorfer Blatter. Jack Uncle 'jonn, o you Deneve in dreamsT "i ' ' - .' ' " , i rncls John-WhyT I diesmed 4sst, night that you lent me a hundred." ... '.'i.. . "Keep it, my bojokeep It." , ; ''''''' : . J ' ''.' 1 LEST VE FORGET! CC (f rAQl-i .Will be presented to the person sending t?j,vu ynon beft ,tory or description of not more than 50 words, by July 1, of this cartoon setting forth what it repre-r,, enti and .the. lesson it teaches. Address, Adv. Mgr4 The Hub. :" SHOES STo departmeBt la tkla big store kag 4oa ao mnok to bind the naoDle to u aa on Iko. Senartment, The leading brands will always bo fonad, the beet and -dt, latest striae la eadlea vartotr. This Wajra-Xarnara' aalo will give yoa a saving of from Si to Sl.M oa way brand of shoes yow seleot. Tbo entire shoe (took ta Included is tola sale. .45 TOM S3.M VAIUZS OAX, BOX C1LT, solid leather clear through. They, come In 10 styles of last and toe,slses B to II. $235 or Oxford. uxroro, -Oaif and extt $3.35 Calf and extra gualtty velours. : . -footwear made than The Hub sells, and when te announce a cut ' In' this department It Is the signal for a rua.hf shoo buyers-. . the Purchasing fbwer of SXOZS, BATS ABO rUBBTBBTVOS oi yoor T. Bi XBri. ABO BOYS' OVTFXTTBB. SPECIAL RATES BY THE DAY OR WEEK? Beaeked by tha ( Oregon Water rower It By. Cot Trolley Use. ' - - Write or Phone. . X,. B. if ABTIBBS, Manager. . Zstaoada, Oregon. HOTEL-DETROIT BXST BBAB T AXB OBOVBB. ; Cor, BTtb aad Tharmaa1. Streets. J. C. GRIFFIN, Proprietor. ,r Reached by all -car lines. Rates, tl per day. Rooms with bath, II and It per day. r : THE Kirs a Kew thmashnnt, tl Per daf. RiTini ll reedera - enaTenleneea; on dtrart car llu te 1pn sad ennoaltlnn; mlnittes' tralk fram pnatnfrlre (nil lualnae . renter. flrat-. elaaa ! artel 2ft cent, (oe ffterem) atra.t between fifth sad glxtk streeUk.. Cerreepoaa- aca aoiiciun. i-m i l , HOTEL Estacada fart AX.X. QVAUTTM OT.S3.80 XOSS Bltcher,-Bals.,1ConcTes or Uw CuK- in vici, coraivan. In vie I. cord Ivan, colt. rom oxoxoa or axt-batd ooodtbab wbicts. In patent vlct French Calf. Baby Burro $4.50, $6 and l extra Quality Prise Medal Shoes. There Is nd finer mm aa applied to clothes buying was never mora striking 1 , demon strated tbaa la tha aatraordlaary valnea wo offer at SIS In M ea'a and Toung Kea'a Spring Suits. Other stores wo aid ask yon SaO fo them aad if yoa were to go to a anatom tailor yoa oouldat get their eaual ta style, material, workmanship And fit tude S30. Cry. it look around then oome bar and see our groat assort meat of styles, fabrics and pat terns. Wo know that after yoa examine tha grarmeats and try -oa you also, yoa will be taorongalr. eoavtaoed that oar Smart Olo tak ing 4a the sort yoa want. - - MetTs Suits, $10 to $20 at prloe that make llfHt demands pooketbooa. . --j . . t. 883-389 BAST If OBB2SOB. ST, WEST HotelFairmoiint- TWBBTT-SZZTX ABT) TJFSBWB STS. " Opposite Mala Intranoe to Xewla aad" , Clark Bxpoaltloa. -r- Only ahaorutelyreproof iotel ad- -Joining grounds, equipped with electrlu telephonic and special telephonlo com munications for patrons, uniformed porters and bellboys at all hours at guejTs service. .. , t..l, r- 150 Elegant Rooms Open for Guests BATXS "1.00 ABAT ABB UP, j W. H.. "UATTIN, 'General Manager. , '. Df. B? E. ' WRIGHT n The SCIBVTiriO - DKaTTiaT that elieves all pain - dental . onotJ- tlona, , Stavw Wasuiagtoa St, tor. Seveatk. J. . ... i. J.