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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1905)
.1 : THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, -PdKTLAND, MONDAY EVENINQ,JUN5 89.1805 TOlN TOPICS towohts txtmaxit. B-lktoo ......... , ftlarquam ... -,.,.,.. Empire ..." . .,..! o 11" "rtnn"fin'a All-l" Lrrlc .., Star .as-...,.. . "t oil s erry .... VandeTllle .... Vaudeville .... VaudeTliU .... a. 'k tirand , iv. Baker .....V.... ...... i vD, T. Harrington died at XJood Banner. lUn hospital yesterday' moralnr after , brief Illness. Ha. Was a native of St -Johns, -Newfoundland, where - he was born November 22. ISIS. .In 1152 be ' went to San Franciaco, and during the troublous- tlmee. there he waa actively tdentlf.edi.wlth the vigilance committee. In 1S67 he came to Portland and lived here evefalnce. Mr. Harrington waa widower, his wife- having died three years ago. Four-children sOrvlvsi blm. Mra. T. J. O'Brien. Mra. Josephine Brlnkerhoff. Miss Frances C. Harrington and J. B. Harrington. The funeral will take place from the realdence of J. & Harrington. at" 4s East Davla street. ' ' at .9 o clock tomorrow morning. The Western Summer school for teachera . opened : today in Woodman's . hall, at Beat - Sixth and East Alder . streets with a. large attendance. The school wiU ba conducted by City Superintendent- iicbools Fre.nk - Rigler and County Superintendent of Schools F. Robinson oMhls City, assisted by D. A. Grout, principal of the Laidd school of this , city and J. S. Landers of The Dalles. Tutoring teachers for examine , tlons Is the chief work dona at the school, although many teachera who already bold certificates will attend the lectures on pedagogy and methoda of teaching. The attendance at the schools , wUl b about MO.. . The trial of the caae of B. D. Strauhal, jadmlniatrator of the estate of Otto Pannier, agatoat the O. H. A N. Co.,, thj Oregon Round Lumber company, anl the Portland Aalatlo Steamship com pany, was begun before Judge Cleland . this morning.', StrauJuU aeeka to recover 16.000. for the death of . Pannier, who .lost bis life by the overturning of a coal barge at the Ooeanlo dock on De cember, 28, 104. Each of the companies denies responsibility for the death, ot .Pannier.:!; , , - , , - 'X On "Wednesday evening the marriage of Harry J. Barnes and Miss Mabel A. Meyer will take . place. - The cere ' mony . will be performed tit S o'clock at St. Lawrence church v Mr. Barnea is connected with the firm of Fuller AY Co. of this .ctyr and Mlns Meyer Jias ben ; in charge of the tele phone ewltchbosrd at the firm -of Fll 1...... . . - .-. iviaviiuvi. iunvi - 1 1 j j -waa j make a tour pf the .. middle western states. , 'Cards have)' been received by frlenda In Portland announcing the marriage of . Miss Fay. Fuller and Frits V.I Briesen, I, in New ywk on Wednesday.' Miss Ful- ... irr aiir numinr via j nrra innnirona .-ex trust on several, uregon .ana wssn ington hewspapers. but of late haa lived -"In Washington, where she had a. very responsible position under the govern- ment, Mr. and Mra. Briesen will make their nome at Arrochar Park, Staten t Island, New Tork. While shaving yesterdarraiyTtfay-" nard, employed at the American Inn at " the exposition, dropped a rasor"whlch severed an artery , in his wrist ln-ijU-,ing4 tHe.-'feled , profusely' and - was re ' moved to the-emergency hospital on the grounds,.' It was feared for. a time-that - serious results would, follow. He. was afterwards removed to St 'Vincent's hospital,, where ha Is be recover- , V: k- :' 'Captain Jesse M. Baker, local dis- burslng quartermaster ., for the United States army, and Major T. C. Goodman, chief paymaster, have, moved their of fices from the Richardson to the Colunv bla building. TVaetrthgton and West Park streets. Th new quarters consist of in ino -rooms. -- "' . 'l 4 . . - - Delightful river excursions,' It miles for 2 cents. Down -the river and back, viewing, warehtpe, fatr ".'grounds,, dry dock.' the: beautiful river scenery.. New - steamer Gaseile leaves foot Stark street, 19 a. in., 2:IO-p. m., p. m, , . ' -. ' i i .- . Tourists, as Well as city people, ftnan-' - daily embarrassed, will find htt Port land Loan Office,' 74 Third street,' the safest and .most reliable place to trans- ... um iucii uuiwrfa, nakBB.ivMuuauii, ' The cese Wf C. A. Fraser, aa adminis trator of the estate of Jennie Hawlcy, agiinst Dr. Ftta Hill BchnaufTer, went 'to trial before Judge George this morn- ' Ing. Mrs. 4iawley waa a patient of Dr. ' Schnauffer laat October, and It la al- i leged that she lost her life through malpractice. The amount of damages asked, U 15,000...- rT" " i Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cemb and daugh- tern Eva, Mabel and Arllne. of Berkeley, California; .areT visiting the parenta of . mrv. ivumoi, avir, mna jura, aiacoo rxepp, a Forty-fifth .and Section Line. . A . fullyarloaa of Mermaid ' brand rf'cantaloupes due u Wednesday.'-. Express -f shipments dally. ' Second car Coachella watermelons due Tuesday. Pearaon-Page Co., Main ,476, .spte agents. ' A girl was born at an early hour this Mr. snd Mrs. James P. Rin-toul'- Tbe vfather is an attache of the . generaf pr4arboreau ,t the; fair and a local newspaper man..' ---t.- ; - ' Mrs. ' Jennie leaacs, wife of L ' R Isaacs of -the police lepartunent, died at 7:30 o'clock thla morning t her home, 29 Nprth Park street., She haa been sick for a year arid a harf, was 47 years old, and'' leaves ' two dauchters -and- Beautiful NEW GEM TES, IT IljTvONDBRFTJu THAT Bl'CH " a beautiful gem ehOuld be found so ifaar us, and one must see It to . appreciate ' its wonderful qualities. ' " "-SPARkLi8 LIKE A DIAMOND arid has a beautlf til lavender tint, resembling . ,mewhat a pale amethyst, but hun ldred . tiroes -tnore brilliant. We make them up lntT8TICK PIN8, BROOCHK8, . v , tic,,a I Wfil . . t. .1 . A-UJ aw iivi m J.WLII- r t'T.ii" v wiirn "-lbeauty and. quality are lken Into con-(deratlotir'- :- ... 2 , 5 , ' lee the BeatatlftU S0 Kunilte Neck lace, we have made up at . . i .. OS. . . 90 XorrtsoH Bttest, KURZITE Jaeger Br son. - She was the daughter of M. Werthelroer. She haa elx brothers Fred. Jules.. Slgmund, Edward, and Joaeph Werthelmer. and a sister, MrsV IX Brunswick, who Jives at Co lanirAis, Indiana. The funeral will take place from the house Weauesaay A reception will be given tonight In the Parish house of All Saints' Mission to John Schoenl and Mrs. flchoenl, who are leaving Portland. All members and friends Invited. Reliable plar. to bcrow money on diamonds and jewelry. Collateral Lean Bank. 269 Washington st Established 16 years. Lowest rates of Interest. ., We are still selling our 12.90 eye glasses for II- Consultation free, and every pair guaranteed, Metsger aV Ca, 111 Sixth ptreet .. '. - i V Any watohee 1 cleaned. $1.00: main spring, $1.00; all work, guaranteed one year. Metsger Co.. 1U Sixth, street Take launches tor warships at Mer rill's boathousea,.. north side Morrison street bridge. - - :,;-r.. The ' elegant launch. Princess May, for charter to evening partlesr'' Phone Main 1(51, , f.V ' ' Moffett Hot Springs. IT.50 day,, tl and (10 week; baths, 25c , Take Regula tor line. r -Ji- i . .- LaunchEva-4eavesJVest end "steel bridge warships . e.very 10 minutes.. s Try alneal without meat at tbe Vege tarian eafe, 10( Sixth street ' . "Ansley printing 1(0 Oak.' . INTERESTING EVENTS AT - GREAT EXPOSITION r - aMSSSSSBBBBBBBaBSBSBBBB Among the events of Intereet at the exposition tonight will be the concert by Innes' band In- the Auditorium a. repe tition of the "EaralTal" program at ( o'clock, and the ieat of the Baums at the aame nour. - - The order of the day for tomorrow, W. C. T. U., OkUhoma Walla Walla. Pomeroy 'and Ooldendale .day, followe: 10 a. m. W. C T. U.'exerclaes In Ore gon building, Administration band in at tendance. ' - ' ': 2:10 p. m. 3rand concert Innes7pa.nL bandstand. Gray boulevard. : J:0 p. m. Oklahoma day. exercises In Auditorium, Administration nana. . .n n m.Uanr,lAUI KAlimB. ' aensll' tlonal high-wire act, foot of Lke'vUJ4 terrace. 2:10 p. m.tTnlted States life-saving aervlce exhibition on lake; yacnt racea on - Willamette river, ; opposite fair grounds; handball champloniHIp, M. A. A. C. clubhouse. . :10 - 'p, m. Government buildings close. .."...-.." . " . ' . p. m Exhiblt-butldlngs close. .. '7:10 j. m. . .Grand concert, Innes band, bandstand. Gray boulevard, ( p. m. W. C. T. U, conference. Audi torium. ' -' j ( p. in. Marveloua Baums,. f cee. . -.- - ( p. m. Grand electrical illumination. ' 9' p. m. Reception to the press at New York building. ' Manager Bowers and the "Amer t ' ican Inn. That Portlai!djrJllk--rrrrTOT Visitors - and provide them f with hotel accommodations - Is evident from -tle interest that Manager Bowers of the Hotel -Portland haa ;taken.ln the. suo cesa of the American lnn-t the Lewis and Clark exposition. While; Manager Bowers is, a. very busy: man looking after the cbmforts of the guests at the Portland, he nevertheleea has a great Interest ln the traveling public- and it was. this Interest that induced him and fa causlhg him to tak; such 'ap,actl-ve Interest In the American Inn. , He will give all hi1spare time to promoting the Ion and endeavoring to bring it-1" the high standard that the Hotel Portland Lpow enjoyr. . The -inside management'of the American inn will remain as It .Is but Colonel Bowers' advtee "will" be a great help In providing for visitors to Portland.' Arrangements hs,vebeen made so that persons who cannot be' .accommodated, at the" Hotel Portland .will, go te the American Inn, ind it waa to' provide such aruests' with, com forts, that led Manager Bowers to take the. interest he is taking In, the Inn. Under; his advice and guiding counsel here Is little doubt-but that the. Amer ican Inn. will continue tq occupy fore most place and tt' Is" sure to exceed In comforts and facilities similar hotels which- have .marked, other expositions.' Progressive Portland people are pleased to learn of the Interest Manager Bow ers is exercising In the "Inn and the traveling public, among which he has' a large anil extensive acquatntance,nn-e equally pleesed, - for they know that with htm doing .all he can, they are assured of comforts When they visit Portland.. - r--. . "V,. - u LOHENGRIN. DELIGHTS . MUSIC LOVERS AT FAIR An enthusiastic audience- '"filled the Auditorium at-thev exposition grounds last night to llrtten to the' rendition- of scenes from "Lohengrin." the last work of Wagaer, whlchhe called opera. It was also a delighted audience which left the Auditorium at , the . close of the concert. ,.-, . ' ' ' The rendition was by Innes' band, and as never before the bandmaster proved the quality or his Instruments. The ef fects were excellent, especially in the wedding scene snd In the "Vorsplel," which preceded It. But strong as the Instrumental progr jmj it . did not create more applause than did the rendi tion of "Elsa's Dream.," the aria for soprano, by Emma. Partridge, and the big baritone solo by Paul Wesalnger. Both artists were highly prslaed. Tonight ' Mr. Inne..wlll , repeat. Ms tnagnlflcent Taralfal'' recital, . and Wednesday evening he will . give his farewell concert, for which event arr rangemeats re being made for special features. ; r? ROOSEVELT LEAVES F0R : HARVARD COMMENCEMENT f- - .- - r'-fonrna1 Special Bervlet.) ' . Wahlngtn,. C, June '2. For the second"-, time , within a week . President Roosevelt-lenves.Wa'shlngton tonight on it flying trip to New England. .This will go from there direct to Oyster Bay Tor the summer, . ' ' ; WHEREJTO DINE. s 'Z Try the 18c business -rften's; lunch served at the "Prlrrui Buffet" from 11 a. m. to i p. mv dally tfxerpt Sunday)). It will surely plesse you. J't The. Empire, the" place to go for line meat Neat and' clean. ' 191 Third, .- Tkree lalra of Twins. ' Berlin, June -The kaiser has Just ordered a' medal sent to a Brandenburg woman -who has,- had. twins three times. She herlf Js-a tw.ln. and ker mother gave birth to four ot twins. , I lm. Klat A.IA-otlvA Mini 1- I Ma..chuturwf.r tj ii r ( i v j aim mi imm -T u M nil). 1 1 (" , , . i . ... . , in ..-a-..i.,ii jory to a point where the department o lAGEfiFEHDE!' IS SUDUROAN DANE Army 6f Fakers, Salesmen, Ped V tHers and- TWevea Worry '.;?' 'r- ; East Side. - NEITHER DOCS, SIGNS NOR - LOCKS ARE OF AVAIL New "Schemes Being Worked and Impude'nt .Callers AtV : - v front Busy Women." . Tha .eaat-slde efflee ot The Joeroat Is is tba .rot. ( Mrs. r. W. UcKlnn.y. 800 Kaa tlarrlaoa itract. : Talesbajie Eaat m. : The east side has a peddler and agent eDldemlo and soma Ions suffering house holders! wmr. nave found dogs, warning signs and locked doors no protectlba are willing ta-'pay a. bonus to the maa who will Invent-an antl-peddler remedy that will work. 'There a Iwaya were r-eddlers i the. suburbs and the book agent, tht Insurance solicitor, themedlr olne man and the fellow wltlj n.ouwy hams, and side meat are fixtures, but fair year haa brought to light many ped dlers of new sorts and the faker and suspicious-looking fellow are much in evidenced. Apparently the special' agents. commission men, i traveling aalesmen sma.ll dealers, notion people And all the rest' of the tribe have deserted the .east and come to visit the fair and "make a living at the aame time. Not only the humble Italian - with . spotted bananas, the oriental-' with garden truck, the va grant musician and the dealer in shoe strings, are with theT east-side people In Increasing numbers, but men who have dress goods, men with ointments and salves, those who offer, souvenirs, others with' pictures, still others with stereoscopic views, some more wtth fine tess and sneesy spices, a few others wit a medical herbs and eplay-footeat roots, and welt, .there is no end to the" pro cession and it arrows daily, r Hundreds of houses have pttt-'up signs to the effect that all sorts of agents - nd peddlera are barred, but this does not avail; dogs,, either succumb to the oily wiles of the) suave agent, or mys teriously die sfter sampling the braseq Intruder, and burly agents with thun derous voices slide a toe in the open door and won't 'go away until the man of the nouse appears. Along with the agents who are merely nuisances are some who are rascals, and considerable petty thieving haa harassed the more remote districts. The premises are inspected by a dapper young -man on-some plausible pretext and the next night either- the ben roost receives call, or the rose bushes are dug up, or the doormat disappears, or the lawn or naments are hauled of f or something else that Is not nslleddoWn takes wings to Itself. - ' - Some relief Is wanted, but east: side Ingenuity confesses Its Inability to de vise a; working JchemevJMdmeanwhlle. are. being worn down to as fine a "point as the frayed patience of the women who are forced to desert their duties and answer' sit sgent's knock more -than a dostn times a day. Working for depot. i Bast Kde Business Mea Will Settle m- . Question This Waokv ., This week a committee of east side business men will discover" whether the Jouthernr Paolfio company will grant ah east aide depot for freight and pas senger business. The :omroltteej will.: report at a massmeetlng" Saturday aft I rnoon and further action 'Will then be taken. Should the company gracefully. give- in the workof the committee wJJJ be finished, but If It Is necessary to devise some means of securing the de pot by other than kind Words the busl- nmmm men mrm mlnr todvlM fthafcffl. fni rthe east side depot is needed badly. . "At present east side people have to add an' additional- dollar to their travel ing expenses In order to pet their trunks to the west alde'statlon, and much de lay as well as useless expense Is, ex perienced because the ' traffic must-all start-f rein .the union station. The com-, pany has AepOtjrrounds at the crossing of East Morrison- street and the-ere tlon of a email ticket office and walt- ing room and the hiring of an agent is all t he-expense that would, be required. ;. . f:-Bnlldv Sig -Book Bias. ' -. To supply the Increasing- demand for crushed rock . trrBtreet improvement work the . Oregon Water Power com pany, has built extensive bins snd bunk ers fot-the material In lta yards near Hawthorne avenue and Water street, on the waterfront.. The rock Is 'crushed at the , mill of the company-at Estacada and will be dumped In a sertes of ele-' vated bins. -a, high trestle (00 feet long having been , constructed for the rock trains to, reach the bins, the delivery wagons receiving their loads, from be neath the" -elevated bunkers. - JfUgh School for X,ats. . Lents school will be Increased! by the addition of six rooms this yesgr. part of which will be used .to relieve the crowded condition of the present rooms and part of which will be used to accommodate-High school classes. Lent plans to be Independent of the Portland schools and a complete.. High school oours-e will be established there by the end of next year.. The ninth" grade was Instituted in the school- this yepx and proved a success, many studenUSom ing from other districts to attend these" classes . , , DEVELOPING WHEAT; ,". ' --F0R:DESERrREGI0NS IJenraal Bperlal aarvlee.) . Denver. June 2. Eight years ago Robert Gauss; editorial writer and grandson t of. the- great' German mathe matician. Carl Gauss, conceived the Idea of applying jhe Darwinian theory to tha selection of grarna In the beflof that thereby he could develop wheat that would survive droughts in the srld agriculture has become Interested In the work end It Is probable that Gauss will be assisted to complete' It in some such wsy aa the Carnegie Institute Is siding Burbank of California. M. A.. Carleton of the agricultural department, wluttxis here looking inrrr Gauss' methods, says: Is doing a greater work of this "kind " thaw any "other - private- exjpert that I know. In some respects It is ad vanced wirkeven on '-that of the' gov ernment. 1 -believe the time la near when all the seml-arld regions will be under cultivation." :n . ' .. . Milwaukie Country CJub.; attle rates Take Eaatern and Seattle ras Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. - , .... .- ' ' -, lW .- " '- TflREC-frHLE RAPIDS - PROVE NAVIGABLE Government i Engineers "Make a Discovery. That Is Important .to. Shipping Interests. . - STEAMER GLENOLA HAS NO TROUBLE ON' TRIP Major Langfitt Will -Report That Extension of Portage Road J la Unnecessary. ' ; That the stretch of water lying be tween The Dalles and Big Eddy known as Three Mils, rapids Is navlgabte has Lbeen demonstrated by Major W. C, Lang- (ltu who took the ' steamer Glenola through there yesterday and Is bringing her ... to Portland, today. . She- went through the rapids with ease, and was taken back tThe-Jalle"wthUt. mit: I hap.. 4, ; .;' .- " "''-'-: Since the portage toad was built a number oi the local steamboat men aald that It should have been extended to. The Dalles from the"! Eddy.-asjthey they, thought the rsplds were unnavKt gable. To ascertain the truth of the rnatter the government engineers char tered the steamer Ulefiola from the Ore gon Round Lumber company with which to make an experiment .' The United States engineers IrlU take-ths stand that there Is no nfslty.-f orany farther extension of the portage road. ''J ' Were""it extended to Thev'Dalles,' as has been. Requested, 'lt would also" be necessary to build the government canal to that point, which would ..Involve the-l expenditure of many more thousands of dollars. A large amount Of money haa beep spent already by the government in clearing- the channel of Three Mile rapids of all obstructions to navigation. The steamboat men of 'Portland asked for the extension of the portage road because they -were opposed to sending their vessels any further up the stream than- The Dalles, and wanted the city front, which they receive the major por- rtion of.thelr bualness to be the terminus. Borne . of them, declare- that they will not go thrQugh the rapfds to the portage rosd If it la.' possible to secure enough freight at The Dalles to make almoat full cargoea. FOR LIGHTS-TRAFFIC. ' Oaaqlln Soow Bra' .wlngN; wire Inches to CruUeTthe Z.ewiten. , La Center Transortationfopmpany la having a gasoline scow bulrt at the Supple yards for operation on the Lewis river In connection -with- the -steamer Leona. It will be a stern-wheeler, and capable of carrying 20 tons of freight on a draft of five Inches, which means that It will draw less than any other com mercial vessel now operating. In. Jocal 1 waters- tThe craft will be completed In about a-month and will be placed in aervlce from the forks of the. Lewis -river to La Center, -carrying the freight and pas. sengers taken tq the former pofnt from Portland OA the Leona. , As -she will be less than 16 register she wUl not be under a-overnment- Testrlctlons and may carry alt of the passengers who can qrowdaboerdj-Theivessel will be oo reef, long, x iaei across ine mmm, wiu a holH'fejsrvleep. I n't be loVrKW.atei'' season It is Impoe- Slble-TbiVs-lager steamers to ascend the Lewis rlver'-furthetv than the forks. and It waa -for th rturpnn of talclna- care; of the traffic on Iheupper end of astta line that it was decrdsd to build the I efcow, The low water season begins Iiuru .ll.r iiiiuuj. VI uav. WINDJAMMERS. EN.ROUTE. British Teasels Thistle aad llnmore on Way lrom Bay City to ortlaJd. This morning the British bark Thistle sailed from San Franciaco for Port land' with a portion c-f a cargo whloh aha recently brought from Hamburg consigned to Meyer. Wilson at Uo. She reached the. &r City about a month ago where a part of the freight e discharged. The vessel is expected to arrive ' in about a couple of weeks. The British ship Pinmore is due from (he California metropolis, having aalled On, June 7. It has been so long since a windjammer has come Into port that 'the shipping" interests are looking' for ward to the arrival of these ..craft with more than ordinary interest. The Pin more is carrying a small Europeancar go, consigned- to 'Meyer, Wilson A Ca She Is under charter to J. J. Moore aV Co.. to transport lumber to Australia. but the Thistle is on the disengaged list. until ner arrival inere.wiu no Idle grain tonnage In port. .be FLOUR NOFIN DEMAND. Oriental Twiner Arabia May Save te 2eave or With Hold lartly Impty. At noorr the stesmshlp Arabia moved from Montgomery No. 2 to the Alaska dock,. where the work of discharging her cargo will be completed tomorrow after noon. She will then move over to the Alblna dock to take freight for the out ward trip. It is probable, that she will to out with less than a full cargo, as there Is but little demand for flour this month' on the other side oftthe Peciflc. Reservations for space have been made by eastern firms and the Indications are that ahe Will carry the ususl amount of machinery, tobacco and cotton. Advlcea were received today stating that the oriental liner Numantla arrived at Yokohama on SaturdaJrpm Portland! naving completed inn pannage irom me mouth of the Columbia In 19 days. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. - - - .'. . . "Until If has been decided what route to place her on the steamer Toledo will lie. at the foot of Jefferson street, where she wss moved yesterday from the Oak street doca. J. 8. Boyle, locsl represents Iv of, a fuel, oil company, returned thtjf-enarnlng from Tacoma and reports' thak.'.practl callv all thg steamboats thereAre be- fflng supplied with, oil-burners. While hs was in tne luget sound ruy tne smelter people 'made a test of 'their: plant to ascertain which Is. the more economical fuel sfflrjiwood or oil aud decided In f avoe of the latter. . With a small cargo of general f re! Eht rthe eteameY fteapa'tch- arrived yesterday from Pan Feoro oy way or Ban Fran cisco. She Is now st the Ihmart-Pouleen mill receiving lumber for the.return trlft: The .captain reports that he encountered strong .head, winds from Cape BlaQco to tne moutn or tne Columbia. i Laden with all We freight and taa- sengers she could carry the steamer Co lumbia sailed laat night for San Fran cisco. Almost another, cargo of-fretght had to be left. - v- . ? I Steamer Attsw cleared for Ban Fran'. Cisco this morning In ballasi; . she ar- rived from the south yesterday with It, 169 barrels of fuel oil.) I Schooner Endeavor arrived this morn ing from the south and will load lumber for. a. California port. . j . .La Eonfafne will complete her lumber cargo for the United Kingdom- on Wed nesday. . Lightship No. 71 Is bound' for the Co lumbia rivet; from San Francisco possi bly to relieve" the one now at the sta tion In order that aha maybe repaired IvlARINE NOTES. lstorla, , Or., June 29. CondItlontf the bar at 1 a m. Smooth? wind south east; weather cloudy. Arrived down at S and aalled at a. m. Steamer Colum bia, for San Francisco.; - ;.t ' San Francisco, June 29. Sailed at 11:20 a. m. Steamer St, Paul, for Port land. Sailed at 11 a., m. Lightship No. It. for Columbia river... Sailed British bark Thistle, for Portlatrs, A Astoria, ur., June -Arrived down at 9:10 a. m. German ship Chrlstel. Arrived at 9:30 a. m. and left up at noon Schooner Endeavor, from 8asf Pedro. Arrived at T and left up at 7:9 a. m. Steamer Despatch, from Ban Francisco. Sailed at 9 a. m. Steamers Alliance,' for Coos Bay, and South Bay, for San Kran clsco. Arrived at I p. ra.--Schooner Borealls, from. San. Pedro. Arrived at 1 p. m, Schooner F, E. Sander, from San', Pedro..' Arrived down at :20 and sailed at 5:00 p. -n. United States ships Chicago, . Boston and c Perry- for Port Angoles. yi"r- : -.- ' ' ' San Francisco, June 29. Arrived at noon Steamer Redondo, from Portland. Sailed at J. last night Steamer Aurella, for Portland -Sailed at 1 p. m. Steamer Whittler and barge Banta. for Portland. Htlo. June ,' 28. 1 Salted Schooner Transit, for Portland.' HISTORIC STONE IN PILGRIM MONUMENT tJooraal Special g.rrlca.1 - Boston, ; Mass.. ..June 21. There has lust "arrived on the Cunarder Sylvanla a fragment of historic stone about two- feet long by ten Inches wide and thick for the Cape Cod Pilgrim Memorial' as sociation at Provlncetown. The stone Is from the old, church at' Austerfleld. Nottinghamshire,"' England, where. Will jam Bradford wss baptised and where many of the earry pilgrims once 'wor shipped. The stone will be Incorporated In the Pilgrim monument to overlook Provlncetown. harbor. " Tothe '"monu ment will also be added later anu-mer of ancient pavement bricks--fi'om the old wharf at Delahaven, Holland, whence the Mayflower sailed for America. Stones will also be procured from the villages of Scrooby and Plymouth and Southamp ton, England, the last two ports visited by the Mayflower -before sailing for an unknown land. ,-i . TREMENDOUS INCREASES IN THE COST t?F LIVING (Joaraal Special aervlee.) J- - i - Washington. June 29. Prices of fuel, clothing, and practically all food prod ucts, are constantly Increasing, accord ing to the bulletin lasued by the bureau of labor covering a period from 1190 to 1 .- In the early '90s prices weVc very high, but the last four years they have been eteadlly. increasing, until now they are relatively higher than til 1192, just before the memorable financial and com merclal depression. ; , . - ' . The average increase in 1904' of whole sale prices of farm, products' -over- the average of - thef yeers -1890 -and 1199 waa 29.9" per cent . Of 92 artlclea Included under-tbe bead of food ahown In the 1904 prJces all but 14 articles are higher than' tp.. average prices from. 1192 to 1199. . ' Big Zake Vessel XAoaeaed. '(JeeriUl Special Servaee.) -West Superior, Wis.,. June 11. The hew steamer Oeorge W. Perkins, one of the rour monsters ordered Dy tHeTltU burg' Steamship, company, wss. success fully launched at the West Superior yards today: The launching was wit nessed by a large crowd of spectators. , - T L,... ' II Hotel Hamflton, San Francisco's near est hotel. ' Steam, heat and telephone In eatfn- room. Centrally located. Rates, 11 and upwards.' 1!8 Ellis street. - Several Sherman county people are coming overland to the fair. Got any i Relations? If you're not sure, youll find 5 out before the; fair', over. $ As aSouyenir "of .the visit present eacn one ot your re- lations with on,e ofrour PORTLAND Souvenir Books S The book , is collection of X artistic photographs of Port- t land and Columbia River Scenery, handsomely bound, j 5' Price 50c i THE X. JrKrGILLCO.i Booksellers and 7 'Stationers, THIRD AND-ALDER " SAVE. A' LITTLE FOR THE FOURTH Oettlng your Suit of Clothea , HSf . rants, 8hlrt. or I noeraeear,- yoin wn Set a perfect fit of .flret-olass quality At OMJT PBLLaB'9, and ntHl save-a little u " - . ' : . . - ; ; -Creat Things at Little Prftes t te money for the FoutU). - We sen goode 10 per cent cheeper 1n price; comparison with high-rant stores' prices. Complete stock of Phoee nl Oxfords for laillee, men. mlssea and boys, from (Ac to tl saved on every .pair. Ton will need the little chsngft.for the Fourth. Be sure tti find our etoreauannne corner First and yamhlll, another corner Third and Davis. -- " - "-, . - -; ' : - r; -' - - .... v WA-'M Wanted, Cook, Short Help Wanted Column. 185-Acre Farm For Sale - umn. s,V; Wanted.' Good Teams, to Log See Help "Wanted ,,. ;ii,lale .Column. ,:::. t.. ll;iy...i;;AU.,.- :. J,L ?.ik. , Lost or Stolen, , Dark Roan , Marer-See Lost ' and ' , Found Column" ' ; -v c-:.. "Wanted, Good. Lady - Cook See ; Female Help : v Wanted Column. '.' ' '. '", - '; ; . ' -7 '- ''''"' Lost, Lizard Stickpin See-Lost and Found Column. 7 General jIefchandise Business For Sal(-See Busi-T : 'ness Chances .Column.' ''''':- '''::'.;''.' '-I'r J , - , t .' :.'' , " ' ' - .'." a ' T ' ' ':' And many more good things to be hafjy reading The Journal's Want Columns -'AMT SXKXaTTS. " Free Lectures' on Practical - Demonstrations Of the various sees fee culinary parpoaea - ef the Chocolate . Cocoa . Uamitaetpi-td 'by . Walter Baker" & Coe, 4.PMITED ' , . DORCHESTER, MASS. (Establlahed 1T80.) . Miss Elizabeth K. Burr (Domestic Science Dept. Boa ton I. W. C. a.). Hallr ans OOXBKTT ST. v Oo. Fetxaoyev'St, South Portlaad. . Dally for One Week. Oommaaolag- Tuesday, June 27 At l.m e'rWrk In the afteraeoa, sad 9 e'rlock Id tbe eTealng.. - C , Brftirpl-e ef maa ff'irr't p p - i i. Cakes. Pnridlus. alerlncuee. rndsa, onftlee Ire Cream, Bavarian Craama. tte., will b eerred atr each leerure, and she will be pleased to (naWer all lnqslriae re- Kardlnf the aame. A different menu will protiaiwd and served at each lectors. Kempte cakes of tbe Walter Baker Pre mium No. 1 Chocolate, the Vanlla gweet Choenlote and Uttle sample cans of the Breakfast Coras, stao a book of "Cbotre Chocolate Reelpea" will be presented to all penona attending these-teotsretu... end all who are rntereated In scientific eooking should not fall to attend, ss they are - ran TO ALL. THE Canadian Bank of Commerce ..' Capital $8,700,000 ,K , ReMfvi $3,300,000 Portland Branch," 144 'Washington. E. A. WTLD, Manager. letters of Credit: , Available In all parts of the world HI branches In Canada and the United States. Including: San' Francisco. Seattle,. Victoria. Van couver, Nanalmo, NaWL Westmins ter. DawsonTukon). ,; Drafts Isaued on . " any Branch .T- - . . u v - Transfers of money to or from any part of Canada by tetter cr telegram. ' A General Banking . -Business Transacted Best Musicians t. Use and' Endorse, the ".".'J TL BerPianos - . Z' . We Sell Them ' : Steinway A. B. OUU,' S1T1T. 1 naBiog.i" - iTiia - C mcmuowxy. -, nun oo. : And Oth?. Standard Makes. . - Dundbre Piano Co. Stelaway Sealers. ' S3 WAfrjrTO Cooking ' -'.". aXD ; -. - seiW TEE) ' Order Work-r-See Female ' ' See For Sale Farms Cot- AanraWataori ,c7Vlarquam Grand 'P't o w- T. Pnl, Res. Mgr. X IlCaXrC Phons Main SS " (Morrlaoa St., bet. th sad Tth.) .-- TONIGHT At S:0 o'clock sad Krerx Sli'kt This Weak, - THE FAaTOl'SGfcRMA!f C0MCDIA5S. - to PEOPLK IX THE COMPAXT BS.- ' , Comic Opera and Tasaerllls rbliiee.' : '- 40 BitACTirtT. CBOuVS OIKLcC4o. " PopaiarPrlcesizShVScr ; ,50c and 75c - -' Bests Are Kew ea Sale. - 7 - - Belasco Theatre - ZSu. (rormerljr OolambU Theatre) 4tb and Waaa. iw.ironT.HD ALL THR WEEK, r.n BAT! KDAT AXD SrMlA Jlith w eek Belaacs stock Company, tne 1 lever I are, a- 1- The N V I - . Prlees gnlnt. IV to TV: matinee. Me to SOe. EXT WE IK "THE COgatTEST." - -Aathors1 trirht eeats now on sals at the Polly tardea Candy tttor. . i- WHB STAR .fc ' at'CBEA A1TD POOLE. AJD MRS. JOHH T. CHTCTt - Aa.a.ahM avnu HaiS. ' D JtATMOMD. THE ABO SCOPE, ' Ceaerat admtaaloa'and dally matitMse. emta rroot aram 00. loir ic floor. 20 casts. Bos seats, ornta. Big Hit.. Q R A IN D j THZ SBEAT TAtTrif. THE LA TAILS. JOE XOlJLAX. ' THE OOTtLOBB. ttAXZUT TB10. ' v. ID CHBHSIE. - . " H. SHOVE, t l"'f-'- - - - - THE SBAJfDiaoOPX. " , 1 .. ' --.?"Vi.!i1l!i"'2!'- i "stlaees e-rery BAKER THE ATR F l Third n hill Hihi?. " tt-.Plct" Ballad, eiaV" wllA1, f"h Eccentric Ceme-- 8kcmA.S.A,n M"H-' C. IQe TO ABT SEAT IXCZPT BOXES, Another hlrlwln of latifhter. All thla .FiNNEGAN:SJltLEY ADaOSglOir IO OBsTTS OJTIiT LYRIC THEATRE .Seating k xnooa. Birrs. J'thu HotSB or si'txicsieg." . WXEX STABTIBO MOXDAT, aTtTHS M. The.Uroat Foar-Aet MaiodrasMtle ITarciaa. "Fogg's Ferry" ADHISSIOH TO ABT SEAT ., LEWIS Jtkb CLARIS OBSERVA. ;-TOil Y AMD CAFE - fOBTLABD HEIOHTBa' t Paetlaad Haishsj ear Bad m erf nawthotisr- Tarraea, one hWk from est Its. Ne climbing. Eleetrte . elerakse. . Bee hoantiful affeet of eowarfal SMrhlllit from top of tower. . Toe eas oat a dalsty Uor while atewlag the - saeaa SMsaaiMritilj seomrf Is Amertea. Ones a. m. to p. m. A4sa Moa 10 easts.. ocCriANcccroAcr Opposite Main Entrance Fair- Crt nnn Buraa rm rrr - BLAZIft T.T-X WffiM :.,tm th Utuitl Cendx-$arlfnM, : NEKVES ...i - -