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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1905)
TIIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND. MONDAY . EVENING JUNE 28.: 1805. Portland end North western Agents f bi Standard ; Patterns 1 TZmCJfrrmt S9 ff iw9Vih sh" The Price-Cutter at- WorJc in 5 Underwear'.; Section Special Bargains for - -' . f. N Tuesday - Women's $1.25 Vests nd TighjtsMc Fine Jersey ribbed1 - silk and lisle vests, long sleeves' with ankle aridkhee ' length .ijehts to'match; regular value $1.25.' ; Special, each '. . . . .... .. . . . , . ..... ... . ,89 Women's 25c White Cotton Pants 18c White cotton pants, three tjuarterlength, with tight lace trimmed knee j regular value 25c. riSpecial pair ;...... ,i.l8t .Women's 75c Summer Vests 59c Fine white mercerized - lisle mesh summer yestssleeveless ; regular value .r 75c. Special, each .............. ...,j..59 Women's 20 Sleeveless Vests 15c White Swiss ribbed. i'j sieeyeljss "vests; with neat crochet and silk tape - trimming; regular value 20c. Special, each. . . . . . 15 Somethiiisr i -Hosiery - Best Valiies of the Season YOU DON'T GET THIS KIND OF i n! A CHANCE VERY OFTEN. ikr ...... r. ..' vy omen's $1.25 Hose 7c Fine black lisle hose, with lace and silk erri- , - broidery boots, extra. size; regular, V value $1.25." Special, paitT.Y,i79 Women's 90c Hose; 59cA-B,lack bril liant lace hose, extra size, splendid . assortment; regular value-DOd Special, pair v.. V. ..59 Children's Tan Hose Just received, a .'new line-of children's1 tan hose .Values at, pair 25f, 30 and 35 The Official Guide Is the best pilot you "can have if you want to see the fair, The information is reliableand complete. It tells you what to see and how, to see it, and locates everything at a glance. ...A man'ohce said that he . ' Saved $1.000 Byt.finding out the best route to talte before' he started on a long journey... The Guide, will save you hours of "time by telling you the best. route, to ,.take in seeing, -the Big Fpositioir.AJfciend bought "ajSuide .. : - : : ) For an Idaho Man . - - . He declared that after' reading jl,-heewas as familiar with the fair as the frian that built it, - 4 . "X And It Only Cost Him 5 Cents- X - "The Guidp sells everywhere for 25 cents, but he traded at our store and with a $1 purchase we gave hirrt a ticket for:20 cents" on the purchase pf a Guide when'pfesentedi at the Guide" Headquarters in the Oriental buildings We do the same for all of our customers, s ' " Portland's Largest an$J Foremost Store FIFTH, SIXTH, WASHINGTON STS. -f- "Hf'tyirtnaCsive-t 1 u -7 - no. Annual Pre-Fourth of July Sale of Millinery Here's a chance such as seldom comes in rthe way of Portland wodten. The choicest selections of our renowned, Millinery Salons placed on the bargain block and offered for HAIyF, to close. All regular-prices marked in plain figures, select the one you want and take it for HALF. The stock this season is' far larger than ever before; thcrcfprc yorcrxippe are strictly up to the minute and include the 'popular "Maxwne Elliott" shapes, Polo Turbans, Jaunty Sailors, Fancy 'Dress Shapes. Remember, your unrestrict ed choice of all at only HALF PRICED Come early, as this s'ale will surely draw large?crowds . arid first choosing is always best. . . More of the Great Sale of Women's mill 0ut-of-Tovvn Fc!!i Send for, Our Large -Illustrated Catalog Result of Pupils' Exposition Cbntest t ... . Standing of First Twenty at 10 A. Al. Today - LILLIAN EWINGi High school . . -V.-. . . '. . . . . . 29.838 FRED STEVENS. Atkinson school,....;;..... 28991 METTA SEIDLER, Failing scohol. . ;. 25 987 WELLINGTON GILBERT. Ladd chool.. sa..w JTOSTER McLYNN. Stevens school. . . . . . .' 19.365 WILLIE STEPP, Atkinson school. ..... . . . . . 19.183 LILLIAN BROWN. Thompson schooU. FT.... 17.483 ROBERT ELLISON, Holladay school. .. ..... . , 18,368 RUTH MURPHY, Atkinson school. . .. ........ r 15.480 IDA DINGLE. Hawthorn school. . . . ........ 15,247 ADRIAN SMITH, SoutlTPortland school. . . 14.297 GEORGE DENHOLM, Hawthorne school.. 13.798 LYNN COO VERT, Portland academy. 13,750 MYRTLE HARMON. North Central school....' 13.785 BEATRICE McLEAN, Ladd school. .... 12,549 BEATRICE MURPHY, St. Mary's academy. .. . 12,089 MARY BROWN, Clinton Kelly school......... 11 621 TRENTON JOHNSTON. Hawthorne school... 11.403 GLADYS CROCKETT, Atkinson school. . . 10,427 LEO $OIRE, Higjh school. ... . i ....... .... . 9,722 First twenty, . i. . .5 r.-; . . . . .V. r . . .833,288 Scattering . . , . . .195,096 ::.v:. .. -r-, - -. Silk Shirtwaist Suit in the House, for 3 Days, at a Fourth Off Regular Prices OUR BUYER'S PETERMINED . EFFORT TO CLEAN UP SUMMER STOCKS BEFORE GOING TO MARKET. Our Miss Bernard, chiefgss of i he-grot 8ionf pf fea .1 Summery "Tub Fabrics" and ::c;::D6meics;li?:: ' .':....,.'..,.' . ' 'lew'7l-- ''.- tloor the Iareest suit and wrap stores in-all the wrttrm etatoe Wofnf ryircrr. leaves a week from today loathe New York .market to select fall garments for Portland s best dressers, patrons of this bigSiyle-Stdre." V are-bOund-to-ef feet an absolute clean-up of all ends of lots aricLsjnall suit groupsxemaining in the stocks before her departure. The slaughter is broad in scope, embracing Women's Tailored Street Suits at Of About 200 Suits in ill, stopovers from the best ,of.the season's models, thkt have -SoJdj-egularlyjtCirom $15. to $15AlLthe very newest.- latest styles of America's leading tailors; in all wanted colors and materials. Made. in exquisite workmanship,-both plain tailored in severe lines or with modish trimmines. ; ALL A FOURTH OFF USUALtRRICES FOR TWO DAYS MORE. White Lawn Summer Suits One-Fourth Off PrMtjr, ialnty creation! wanted br evry woman or wer th torn- . 1111-JU17 ana Auguai aay. in vary . lateat. amarteit fancla. charmlndy fetching atyles; valuea rom 96.SO o Kl.e.BO at......TTTrrr...r..v7i;7;.... ..OMM rOVBTS OTW ' ... Xvm tat Walking Iklrtg M Osa reurtk O, - ' w Handaome Etamlnea in bluea; -tanaA graya and datnty-rwhlta. In both dreae and walkln lenatha. apeclally nmd for rrnt wear; valuea fropi flO.OO o S28.BO Oira JODKI en iso to S4jk Mw "Matua" at ow rovJQa Off. 1 Cfrarmlnly Pretty Houae Oarmenta In fancy alTka and albatroaa. beautifully trimmed In lacea, rlbbona. etc; bluea. plnka. creena and white; Ions. and ahort lenfthe. Soma very beautiful -Peratan effecta Included. Very awell for home wear. On YOVBTX OTT, 200 $12.50JHk Petticoats $7.85- ,A" vrarndaaaortment M beautlea ln.a aplendld range oficolorlnc f otrlch taffeta. 4-lnch acoordlon-plaited atylee with plahi yokea; 1 othera plain with accordlon-plaltetl flounce; jeda. light bluea. plnka. greena, browna and IMacltf; very beat 11. &0 -alue. ...... .f 7.85 SS.0O, t-0 ud S6 M Waiatg S3.7S. Pretty White Lawna, attractively1' trimmed In lacea. embroideries and tucklnga; all In neweat atyles and moat approved modela; with Blahop aleevea and every favorite fancy of faahlon the greatest, ahlrtwalat bargain of all the aeaaon; regular 16.00. $ 00 . AnoLiS.tO valuta. Special at. .f 3, 79 v miOIU Miaa Bernard will be pleaaed to execute any com mlaalpn lntruated to her to perform during her- atay of two montha In New Tofk. Let your want be made known to her thla week At tha atore. , i , Never Be or on Shoe Prices ' WB5 CARRY ONLT THE MOST RELIABLE SORTS AlsD IN THE VERT KEWEST 8TI LEB. rerhapa Wo Better Shoe Thla Weak Tha VasaJ. bat Better Prlcea xm aargau uuu Are oaapM Along the "Talr-Way" - , - Waert Mnwum -Tlrrt rioer. '"" Vl' It'a the aama thing either Way you look at it: you can car luat what : you nave own paying in omer enoa atorea, and get better shoea, or pay leaa and get aame gradea. Every pair of ehoea that o to-make up our great atocka waa ao bought that we might aell them at much leaa than apeclalty ahoe atorea aak, and atlll they are the Identical gradea. or better than moat ehoer atoreg . eaqry.'. The makera aeek our bualneaa that they may greatlf enlarge their own, and thua reduce the coat of manufacture. Our rnirchaeea eaual or excel-thoaa of any two other, atorea 4n Portland; one reason why we get and give better prlcea. Ifa an advantage7 "Big Stores" enjoyy Some better-than-usual-prlees thla week,. -. ' , r--- Kaei'B S3.BO Half Shoea Men's Tan Russia Calf Half Shoes. Blucher and Oxford pattern. oak le ind Goody eirgewedTTguTar vMufJ JJ OBpeeiaT. f 2.SS" Men's Ounv-Melal Calf Lace Shoe's tha new dull flnlah atrvk Blucher 'cut, jiew wti lastr guaranteed, both stock and work- manahtp; regular value l.00cj Special,-pair. , .4.o6 , , - . .. ' Maa'a a.not'Boya Oaavas aThoea, t- M ' Men.'s and Boys' Light Tan Canvaa Lace sTioea, calf trimmed, solid througnout , Men's slses special at. pair.... , t, . .. ......... .9S Youtha' alses, 11 to 1 special at, pair. ...... ..T. ,...90f "r ' Boya. Shoea. " - : . -J ; v We trill place, on sale for one week only a line of Boys' Well- Wearing Vlcl Kid Shoes,' made by .the Lehigh .Valley Note maaers or ooyr snoej, ----- t -Boya'.alaea. t to 6; regutar value I J. 71. Special, pair. .'. . . .C2.00 Youtha' alsea, 11H to I; regular value 11.85. Special, pair. . LIUI4 Wan'e elaea. to It; regular value 12.00. Special. palr..$1.5o Tfiat Curtain Only FlvB Morepays ' ofthe Puplls; Voting Contest Sale Fourth Floor - - - , i . Every woman loe. beautiful curtains, and we now '..ofteK a chancetojratlfyJhe.longlngyou'Te hadal astonishingly low prices. AXmrUX. ABABIAV ABB CXX71TT XJLOB. , Months' ago a prominent Importer oOe(bd ua hundreda of pairs" of aplendld curtains at a loss.V as h' wisgnlng aload and wanted to close hie stork. We thought of this sale, and closed , the deal. A-great variety you share the good fortune.- , Theae handsome, curtains- are of all hand-made lace,' mounted on beat Krehch hel-Hkbour ?8 Tlt!TpTent-styes te-seleet from-ilert'I. tha way they . go: . ' ' - j ' '' Our tlOO value; spfrla) at. the paTr. . . . ; nir"no Value: special At. the tialr-. .-; Our 17.80 rslue; apecla) UlUie pair. . . vu. . j. vv v.iur, in.t-iHi mi, irue pair,. rf-. Our 110.00 value; apeclal at. Vif pair: . Our m oo-lvalue; special at. the pair-........,. ."rTTv . ..r. Our tll.tO value; apeclal at; -the pair. ... v ........ . ... . Our $14 00 value; apeclal. at. the pair. . . ..i: .. . .a k..,. . . . Our tit. 00 value; Special at. the pair. . ......... . ..... . Our tit. to value; special at. the pair., i-, ...... 1 S Our $17 10 value; special at. the" pair. I lit. 35 OUr tl t.00 value; special at. the patr...... ........ .1 112.2S Our 120.00 value; specialist, (tie pair. .". ................ 1 1 1 2.95 Our tit. 60 Value; special at. the pair... ......... .1 114.45 Our t7.60 value; special at, the pair.- .j ..... .f 17.50 1 t 1 3.35 3.85 4. 50 5.75 6. SO 7.25 8.15 9.10 9.TO 0.65 Tptal 3 it 1 ...528,384 CONTINUED SELLING OF THE DAINTY There's a ' Host of Delightful Sugges tions and Unmatch able Bargains in the Sale This Wcekr : - ' The counters border-in pthe" svenues of pretty wagh fabrics -and .summery stuffs for. gowns and.frpcksfcfr.., warm-weather wear are loaded down with such an array as no other .Portland store could possibly make, all marked at prices other houses would deem impossible to 'make and obtain even a very slight brokerage for han dling the goodsVebuy in enormous quantities, sup-' plying both our wholesale and our retail-departments. This means price concessions to us ancfV money-saving to oar army of customers. Most of the showings are ab- ; solutely exclusiye'"vfith. this house, for we control many lines forthe;iiorthwestTof the world's best producers, The linen department can be "depended upon-to give the largest assortments and the greatest values in Portland. Nearly every civilized country on the globe is under tribute to this peerless Section; for nearly every civilized country is noted for producing some kind of linens. It's pur business to know where, in each country, the best linens arirmade and we know, our business.. Because we can and do offer, the world's bestrip3dtrcts in each f1a nf . lineij at, the , mostvoraMeprices our linen business has Jt'e'conie. tne fengcst byfar iln'the entire northwe'stJr Below ire scattfd-intens of a fewjpeci men values We have prepared this "week on sale-tt; morrovi .morning, and until lots are closed. A matchless j buying opportunity for those prudent.'WQmen who seek ' to make their dollars go farthest in shopping. - f ' . . -' WASH O6OSS, UBZIT ABB BOVBSTXOS. i ; , ' " FIRST FLOOR SHOFg, " ,T , ' BOo Bootok. riaU Bepbyr. SSa. , Scotch Plaid' Zephyr," patterna In all the different clana, adapted Tor suspender suits.; regular value toe. . special, yarar. . . .354 i ' - Mc sad aoe anik Xollanme Jjo. Imported novelties In 8111 Kollennea. Embroidered 4Mulla. Dotted Batlate and Printed Moussennes; regular values boo ana toe. - ripe- clal, jrar(d , ,,;.........T..i...Ui..(i..33 .J t two and Oe Canvaa ZU amine, Uo. ' . - Canvaa Ellumlne. a aheer1wlry cloth, In flake and plaid -effects, rich combinations; regular values 35o anoTIOc. ' Bpectal at. . yard . . . . . i .iM Taaey Tone, 18o yard. ''. Fancy embroidered and prltud. Voilo, In dainty patterns,' suitable for the warm weathec, Special at, yard ... ...15 i . Uaem. Sulttagm, Mo Tard. .. - Belfast Lrnen Suitings. Iir all the wanted colore, for outing suits. Special at, yard ........... .r-. ............ .-aOf -. ' ' iJli Wklto iModa. TftttrQorwtir--rrryreHfh'' rt'iveUy Rtuffa. sHk.eiiibr-ildert-battstK- aonea mousaeimea, sua fr.nnain tura m vwririy ok vievjwvavea;' st special reduced prlcea.' - . tl.K u.lii. CZnw.lAi Vit . . . t. . . iO tteguiar ii.uv vniue. epwrnii, pru ......,... 4. .... .we7 Regular tOc value. Special, yard. ..... v . .......... . 75 Regular ?So value, ppeclal, rard . ... .W..-e. ... .65 Regular , 60c value. Special, yard .... .... ........ ..44 Regular " 40c value,.- Special,, yard. i.. .. , , ..n.t. Regular 30c value. Special, yard. ti ..... ,Jto0 1 L , Z.lnea BnJtlnf a, '" . - rure Linen" Sultlnga. In natural color, very popular- thlo aeaann. op.ini xrum, .ic . w-.-.......... vv White IVlaea SultUura. - For the popular Linen tja and 6ut- M widths. ' Special. fronV Jra - x ..... v. .... M.fa.w "vr CrocherBedspreadf,isijgle.slsv summer welhjif;jtaiilarrejue lr Iara-a OtOAket Bedspread, es v-weight -Swlter'-Bedsprvad,Mlotible stserfree; from starrh rrt dressings Special at, each tiJL-'j " 1.B ' 'gj.00 KiimWh Bedspread, SSt. Genuine Marseille Bedapread. elegant qualify, beautiful' earner de sign; regulaf value llutUSpeciai. en v '" -Bleper Clotau! '"' Hemmed medicated sanitary Diaper Cloth, at cloainiput prteea. - Site Itxlt; regular value II.Jj. special, eacltl...i.. ; ; r e 9 4 Slse J4: regular value 1150. Special, each Blse Uih regular value -Special, each.,.. . i '. ,., , . .$i.X 1 4oe aad 350 Caatrag Cloth. ISO. ' ' !, yards white ellh-flnlahed Canvas Cloth, in jac-ard.fl'in-. mercerisea tnuiis ana imm ana ooii-a rwm.. merceriaeui u" ato; regular values JOc and Itc. Special, yard... '2 . v.