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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
- -" ...... - , .. . . . . . . ' , .' 7 1 r - . . . ;v'-x---;,-'---v, .A. J 0 V i r : ' .' : '. : , .-: V i , .. , , ... '-...,1-,- - - --r , r- . :.: - " ' . - : :.' v; : " . .-'t.' '. - - ..- X Which, for its attractiveness and exc 1Y00D RIVER ZINC MILL IS : In Commission Since June First ! . and 'Civet Entire Sat - r , isfaction. TWO GREAT DUMPS ARE . BEINCL CONCENTRATED Development Will Be Hastened While Ore on Surface Is . r Handled. . . . v . Einc June U thai Wood Rlrer ZliK! company ha barn runnlnc Ita.naw eon c'ntrat)m plant on t)ia War Dan,ca prop. rty."near Bailer. Idaho. , - Enslneer Mc "tWfflTtUtwl niIamdrn'Tnt'lhat Mana ger WIlllajTia fn formed him that all waa " ajolna; smoothly And that alnce the con centrator Nun work the only , effort Waf bwn Id adjuat the table and cruah era. Gradually tha plant has been fforknd up to higher capacity,, an4 It ia felt that It will go materially above 100 tona of crude ore dally when everything Is properly adjusted and bearing have been worn nmsflth. v When handling thla quantity of ore the concentrate ton " nage win be quite heavy, aa commercial lino ore run high In metal, fiamplea of ore sent from the War , Dunce dump and workings show, remark able sine valuea. One great chunk that ' has qveather stains. Indicating Ita long exposure on the waste dompt will run 64 to 60 per cent cine, as It seems to have no garurue matter whatever. . Lead speo imfn.hve mlsq been sent to the horn office, showing almost solid metal. In all th samples brought here la to be - seen" the heavy lnc percentage sought by the, present management. - - There are two great-waste dumps at. - the War rxinoe whtcTT accumulated while . the former owners mined for silver and lead. All : the work... practically, . waa . on the vein, so that the waste is alnc Iferous ores and lower, grade lead and silver . which, with trwr crude appll- - ances: knd conditions prevailing several years aye: raanef--eommeeeial,.'. The flrat milling of Manager-Williams will be these dumps. - end hen, there Is a great tonnage. While this work la In MIGlofOH StQKSlCHE.L (EL CO. a Tblrd. Street, . . SlstrlbaUrs . . i I . HavanaCicars , J r liiai. ii: , the BOTH AFTERNOON AND beauty and attractiveness, is hay walks. New cars w TATroidway of-popularamu arid complete ROLLER SKATING RINK; Ha" real Japariese genuine GeishaTgif lsrA-5ncent:fare on the reliable O.W.-PrCa RyrCompany s electric cars. . ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS, 10 cts. CHILDREN, 5 cts. progreaa development wiTTbe vlgd"ruaty prosecuted, giving greater depth on the old ore bodlea and opening virgin ground beyond the bounds of former defined shoots. '.. ... The most gratifying result "-of recent development waa finding a fine ore body In lower tunnel. Thla work has proved the shoot to have a length of more than TOO -feet, and from m-o 100 feet greater depth will be had by driving on thla last level established. On the Nay Aug group, about a mile from the War Dance, and which IS also controlled by the Wood River ' company;-, development la rushed with the same dispatch. Here the damp con. tains valuable alno, and tha workings are In tooi grade of the same ore. LOCAL CHEMIST HAS- . A NEW GOLD SOLVENT C. H. Saake, principal of the Portland Watch school, has worked out what he has termed a hydro-oxygen process for """""f mtl valni from ores, par- ticularly gold. lle has been making chemical testa for some time, and says that the results recently achieved have been of a ost gratifying nature. The chemical ejemente usedare notnamed, a this la the aecrel of the process which -the-lnTtitor-gnarde his Trop crty. ' "With the hydro-oxygen process gold Is brought to the surface of the solution as gold .leaf." aald Mr. Saake thla morn, ing, "while the other metals dissolved, such as copper, are precipitated. The solution doe not attack magnetic iron, hence It will be possible to use this process for eliminating the precious metals before attempting to save them for Iron, manufactures, , The time re quired for hydro-oxygen to dissolve gold la remarkably short not to exceed few mlnutea. This would give the plant using this process great capacity, and I defy any one to assay the tailing and get any considerable value there from. JThe great advantage ktita process has in respect to time and other con vmiMM. tins liAAn acknowledged .. by chemists who have witnessed my work. I can drlr the solution w.niout serious Inconvenience, which is of anothercon.-. irast to the usual gold solvent. By evaporation -oC-the- solution, or aha Jise of a galvanic battery, the gold la concen trated in the form of I fine gold leaf, while other dissolved metals remain at the bottom.' I believe that ores may be treated by this process for less thsn (0 Cents a ton. . I admit that teata so far made have been on a small scale, but bell eye no difficulty will be experienced In working it on a large scale." -Mr. Snake is endeavoring .to have his process worked at the fair In connection with the government experiment. haa a'mlnlng property on the Bantlam, In Marlon county, which he haa been work ing for several year. ' . . Tew Shaftiaf JUceJved. (Special DUpatAtB Tbe Journal ) 7 Cottars Grove. Ori,- June 11. The new -abaft ordered -te - replace the -one broken In tha engine at the . Vesuvius mine hss arrived at tha camp. .As soon as- tnis Is put In place the sawmill will be-slirted and after at few daya' run the energy will, be devoted -to the 10- stamp .mill. 4U-J r Bevelop ; om Ooose Oreek. (gpeHal Dlapatrk ts The JmrnsL) . Psker Cltv. Or.. Juna 15. The Okla homa Mining company haa been organ ited to handle the property being de veloped n Oooee creek, near the Banger district. Tjie property wss partly de veloped by O. CCo,. who organised Ue company, ajid, ,wkQ ms Jnre U m oregon. daily- - journal' Portland thvrsday Immense vela of low grade ore' Indicated by surface work. - - - CRYSTAL MILL BEGAN P - W0RK THE PAST WEEK (Special Dlspetrh te The Journal.) Cottage drove, 'Or., June 16. William Wechter of the Golden Rule company haa returned from Bohemia, where he took a party on an investigating toutv The people who were with him state that they are well pleased. with their hold Ings.- Mc Wechter stated that at the Crystal Consolidated property the manager had commenced milling' ore. ' The battery works well, "but' the management ..has had a little trouble with the concentra tors. Everything will be , in smooth running order In a few days. . Old ' Prospector K turns. - - (Spectst Dtipatctr to :Ttel'onrnl.r Cottage Grove. Or.. June It. Ben " Ifs all right to commune S with nature this time of the year, but you can get more points right here in our store .about things-you .need-to know things that will help you along in the world, than, you cart ever find out in the woods or anywhere else. Special forTomofrow .-Latest-styles and fabrics In glen's Summer Suits, $18 and $20 values $14 . - Youths' Suits,1 of the $12.50 -kind if 0.45 , Boys" Suits, regular" $5.00 . graucs p.oa JxibnCiiOTHinG Everything for Men and Boys. 186 and 168 THIRD ST. . -Near Morrison. NIGHT. A resort, unsurpassed. Superb natural scenery. :: town." - g rearson, an old prospector of Bohemia, has -returned from-"wlnter'g hard prospecting In southern Oregon and wUl go to Bohemia,, where he has several mining claims. - He will do considerable work, this summer on his property.- TO BUrbB-HUGE DAM . ACROSS THE MISSOURI (Special Dlapatck te The Joornal) - Helena, Mont, June If. Former Sena tor T. C. Power has returned from New Tork and brings -positive assurances of the building of a, second great dam across the Missouri river near here for the development of electrical' power, which will be, transmitted to Helena and Butte, but which will be utilised principally, in Butte mines, mills and smelters. Senator Power was Informed by Governor Hauaer, who is at the head if the company owning the present dam, that the details as well as the necessary capital have been arranged - and work will begin at once. The dam will be fcnda II,,. th present nnfl and .will cort In tha. vicinity of 1 1.000, 000. and will develop 10,000 horsepower or more. The dlstsnce to Helena is If miles snd0 miles oyeY the mountains to Butte, The loss is only two per cent In reaching ths latter city. Syracuse, New York, capitalists are entertaining a proposition of building still another 4am across the, river about 0 miles from Helena, the company having just been Incorporated in Jersey City, LEAVE FOR THE ARCTIC TO CURE CONSUMPTION - (Joorpal. gprelal Serrlct.l Halifax, N. 8.. June If. In order to make a practical test of the theory ad vanced by prominent Arctic explorers and others that a sojourn in the Arctle regions will cure ...consumption, the steamer Havana leavesthls port today for a health cruise along the coast of Greenland. The steamer is In charge of physicians and others selected by number of prominent Washlngtontana who Are backing the : project, and it carries as passengers a number of tu. berculosls patienta. . .... The plan la to visit certain sterile and dustlesa areas which lie under per petual summer sunshine within the Arc- tlo circle, for the. cure of early jcaaes of the disease. It Is contended that the continuous day of the Arctlo summer, with it healthful and bracing features. far surpasses any conditions Iq any other part .of. the world for the cure of pulraunary diseases. " '. The Havana will cruise -.along- the shore of Baffin's Land and central Greenland, anchoring Irr various sheltered fiords for the diversion and benefit of the patienta. The. return la scheduled for the latter part of September.;:.'':: OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY " OF SL0CUM DISASTER (Jearsal Sperlal BTir. I - New Tork, June If. Tears Were ahed In . an asemblage of -several thousand people when sarvlvors of the Oanerat Slocum steamboat dlsnater. relatives of victims and their friends gathered today In Lutheran cemetery. Middle Village, L. tu to observe the first anniversary of the great disaster and to witness tha unveiling of a monument in memory of the unidentified dead. These were many present whose : sols comfort wss the belleKhattmrtr loved Nines are amnn ibt unldantlfiel dead that jrest 4a the evening,? juns , iecj. which from a standpoint of 0) EXTRACTED. FILLED OR CROWNED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN'" By our new discovery applied to the gums, we do dental work without the suffering usually experienced while hav ing dental work done. The very best dental work at the loweat possible cost consistent ' with first-class work is the secret of - our success. Examination free. Our prlcea are the lowest, our work the best and guaranteed for ten years. PIA7U Other- dentist eome and go. but the Boston Dentists remain the same re liable, up-to-date dentists. Boston Painless Dentists 91 H Sforrlsoa St, Opp. Kaiet rrank and Old oatontoe. HOURS I:t0 a. m. to f p. m. Sun day, f:to a. m. to 1I;I0 p. m. v, "" Irtot where reared. . the monument " hag been The .monument Is of granite, with a large bronae plate, on which Is a picture in baa relief of the burning of the steamer. " On the right r aids 1 a statue representing ...Memory and on the left side one depleting Grief, while at-the top of the monument are twff figures feprsnentlng-respectivel - Faith' and Hope. All of the figures sre-llfe slse, end the entire monument is 20 feet high and eight and one half feet broad at the base. The monument cost 110.000 and wss erected by publlo subscription. t Tortare of a Freaeker. r Tha tnrv of tha torture of Rev. O. IX Moore, pastor of the Baptist church of Harnersvllle. N. Y. will interest you. He ssys: "I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, resulting from the grip. I had to aieep anting up in bed. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took nr. King's New Die. covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. whlch:.entlrely cured my cough. nd saved me rrom consumption.' a rsnd cure for diseased condition of hroat and Lungs. At Red Cross Phar macy fttxfh and Oak' streets. Price f Oe and4X-00,.guajaateed. ffilal botUe free. ' v n m M . - 1 ' w -. i TEETH rtT ITMOUT - naHaaMaMaaaaHMamaaaSO ! I I1HHIM II IPI I I I I ; Cool and to the East 0' il 0. - - -t - is A - r-- Three-Route '. Central or Scenic, by . way of Colorado, thence tc; Chicago, Kansas City or St. Louis via Rock Island System. . . Southern, .by way of Los Angeles and El Paso, thence to Chicago, Kansas' City or St. Louis via Rock Island System. t- Northern, by -way of Minneapolis and St. Paul, thence to Chicago via Rock Island System. -v.. -:- :- , . . ' - " - Notice the three eastern gateways.. Direct connection in Union Stations st all three, for all important pointaln Eastern and Southern States. ' :' ' . ' r . . pull information, with folder "Across tha Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car," gent oa request. - rsixssxzuzsxxKzzr3rzaK: Merits Restaurant (tomnxvt .wnma Urcst and Handsomest Moderate Price Restaurant In the City. -' lata 410S. Take Blerator la tha Allaky BuUdlag. - Cor. Third and Morrison Sis. X.OTTIS mi, rreprteeot. w - . - - c . , - -. C - jf 1 1 f,-' A alav ....... , , ---' -.-a. h.: Mcdonald. .--T General A rent, Rock Island 8ystem, . ... 140 Third 8ueet,Poftlafid, Ore.' -OPEN FOR BUSINESS OAmBiir.) 5r . I.: