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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
V THE - OEEGOM-DAILY ; JOURHAI.-PORTLANDSTHURSDAY EVENING. . JUNE 15. 1905.- TOWN TOPICS lOmOHT i ABTJBEMEMTS. m.1 '...."Are Be Mason" "A aVerst tar' Vsude.lll ..Vtt-Tlll Bakes ....VaudovlU Tn Misses Tebbotts. to turn ami ' cleaaantly known Jn connection with 8t Helen HaJL the. girls' tchool; of this elty, have assumed control of the (Iris' ,. school. "Boxwood".: of JLyann,..Connectl- .- cut, and thia lnbiltutlon forma the east- ern nd or et. -Margaret rtan. - m . Misses Tebbette. achoal at San Mateo, .California. The two schools are con- ducted on Identical llnes.arie studies snd " charge! being the aame In each, ao that , student of either may attend the other r without Interruption of tudle or In convenience of. any kind. - It la believed that by thla arrangement eaatern-atu-""'dent will take -Advantage, of an oppor tunity to "epend year or o In Call' . fornla and weatern girl a year In the east, -with benefit and-enjoyment to each, L.aa auch change tit environment usually reaulte. The Misses Tefcbetts will alt'-- nately ill Iv U.Ktll i Hi"' between thft rut ind the west. as. the extgence ,01 .either, aenqoi may aemana. - At the regular session last evening f7it .ramp Tfeung, Upanlah-Amerlcan War Veterans, two candidates were made to wear . allegiance, ' to ' the principles of ' veteran socialism. The first 'wii the P'lin .... r.niplr -, titer rrd II ' . last sergeant-major of the Second Ore , jron volunteers.' J. W. Marshall, and the other was Jams Cunningham, formerly of .the Twenty-second Infantry,' of the . . regulars, Since.: the veteran iriaugu , rated work with their side degree, in which aspirants for honors are made to pweirate m 1'hIHppine' jungle, there Imvs-f been many lively sessions. ; ' . . ' Bronaugh aV Bronaugh tor the WasH- - lngton . Life '. Insurance company -have .Jfiled a motion i th.-elFeult-eurt asking that Blair T. BcplTI-"compelled to state def initely-how--he-aved:-the-Toltcyhtrld-.ers, ot the company from loss, and in what. manner his services - prevented V .serious losses to the corporation. The motion t also to strike- from Sqott's - complaint certain paragraphs In which rza set foi in- that his service gere WUfin -the 1 53.600- for which, he -tieV'-i - ' . .- Richard Ehlinger has reported t the police that his brother, Ji. M. Ehllnger. - has been . missing from his home,, the .. California Third . And Davis '-' streets, since last' Friday.,- The' man Is . demented and It Is thought he may - have started to walk to Ban Francisco. I where he formerly resided. Wnen last seep he w-ere- s. -dark -cutaway coot; "black shoes, soft white shirt. and black derby hat. He is 46 years old, .6 feet 6 Inches tall and. heavily built. ' - -W. A.- Cot, gencraj agent of the Norths western at Portland, ha received 'ad- vices from Chicago headquarters of his Company that It. has arranged jfdtvH special trains carrying- delegations, to the various- conventions to be held here In the exposition period.- - The company has Issued attractive, folders, giving itin eraries of parties and "programs'"-' of conventions." If "has also ""published a convenient booklet vchedule Of.tfc ia-ctfle- Coaae- baseball '-ekgne. "tr-- t-r - Kext. Bunday will be observed s-h II- dren's day at. Centenary JW EL. church. -An -Interesting firnKranv-will ba nrrea oy tne young jpsvuie 1 ivtv-m. m-. 'yhlch will be followedTiy the baptism " ftt chfldren and-the-reception nf mem bers..' All children of the church -and Sunday school will-meet at. 10:18 e'dtuck rp JofornL procession. Sailing trips on the river.' . 25C 25o ZiO . . New excursion steamer Gaselier--Morning sail leaves :o o'clock. v Afternoon sail leaves J:80 o'olock. Evening sail leaves 7;30 o'clock. ittfl rlvar scenery, war- shlps, fair grounds, St. Johns, drydock, the Columbia river. v :- Leaves foot of Stark street The reliable Mermaid Brand Coach - ella Cantaloupe ere-arriving by., ex ... press dally. No - green . goods, in this - "Track, -J'Flner than silk and sweeter. than honey." Purchasers -should - look- -for this label and take no other. For sale Nby all flrst-class grocers and market men. Pearson-Page Co., Main 475. sole --agents.. . . ft-"Targe double-deck excursion , "bsrge Klickitat and steamer Glenola .' may now be chartered for all-da-y-hrod . moonlight trips. Capacity, day, 00 per sona; night, J64 persona. w Good daneing floor and electric lights. For rates and """dates apply Oregon Round Lumber com pany, 181 Burnslde street. Phone Main 1U7. " 1 Catholic Foresters' - excursion-,- - June ;1S. .Washington .grove, Boat -nd - barge leaves foot of Alder street at - R:S0 a. m. and Albina dock at 9 a. m. Everest orchestra. Adults, Tie; 'chil dren, 35c Tickets for sale at M. J. -Mailer's grocery store, -Thlrd-and Ash streets. Haces! ftaees! Races 1 -- Portland Hunt dub ' Annual field day, Irvlngton racetrack, Haturday. June 17, 1:10 p. ra. Tickets on sale at - - - - - ; Feidenhelmer's d and TVashlngton. John T. Colomnawas sentenced tods to life Imprisonment in the penitentiary, Xor the murdef of Edna Hoffman.""Cole-' man pleaded--guilty last Monday; and will be a free man In It. years, if he - arnsrth credits provided In the- stat. Utes. - - Steamship Roanoke. It. 400 tons, sails for San .Francisco 'and Los Angeles calling at Rurekx tn route, Saturday, "June 17, I p. m.. from ''olumbia dock No. 1. Ticket office t51 Washington street. H. Young, agent, " Th"Rose Clty TWgree nf Honor dis trict convention will convene tomorrow morning it 1:10 o'clock In the Login 'tainiiinininiiniiiif .Washable. 1 Slimmer; 1 A LARGK AND-VARIED-ASSORTMENT OF VERT PRETT3T. GOODS. - - ' . 8 50c E i ! Htwett, Cradley Q Co. S It BASZSDAIRXU. T g jf 348 Watklngton Strwt H IT A AKD THIATM.-fl LSXSXSXXXS ;ssxxxxx. fmndlns- tl "Grand avenue," wTien.TIele-' Kates trorn i Clatsop, Clackamas, Colnnv hla and-Multnomah counties, will gather. The rrsnd u;hlf f of honor Js ' (Jarah A. Sastabend of Australia.-andthe secre tary Is Mrs. Julia Flory. There Wtl be aa all 4ay- aeaaloo and an open- sneetlng trr-rber-evenlTig:;" 1 '."" - An elegant fan free with every bottle of Hernl's Wlteh Haacl Cream, the popu lar toilet, tikin and- -rmnprexton lotion. Sold only by Albert Be ml, the drufglat, Becon,d and. Washington streets. . - Dan Rosenf eld- was convicted yeetetv day In "the clroult court f psaslpg a faliie check on J. A. Kellogg, whereby he secured l0. The men wera ac quainted in" Tennessee. - ' : - Maple Bros., electrician at Pendle. ton. have filed In the "federal court" a petition In. bankruptcy, stating that they have $500 assets to pay 13.475 of liabilities. -- , Drv-Ray Palmer hea closed' mealing or two weeica at Everett. Washington Great 'congregation, attended the ser rices, and 100 people professed com version.-; -. ...,.- - . . . Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Coomha and daugti. fers, Mabel. Ailetn and Bra. of Berke ley, California, arrived on the steamer "TCoIumTira Jo vTslt the LewTa and Clark fair, . '-. . ' : .:;- Reliable place 'to bc.-row money' on diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 265. Washington .at. Eatabllshed 15 years. Lowest rates bf Interest , M.. E. Le -has sued John H. Shannon end . wife to compel execution of a con tract for the purchase of a boarding house, or the return of the furniture. " Steamship' Allianc. sails from Couch street dock- for Coo Bay and Eureka LFrlday evening. June 1. at s. if. P. BaTtngaTTTierrkf enmHatfTSSIT Warships will be here' Jlomorrow. Boats from the foot of Stark street, will ran to hem every five minutes. "' Best service,IoWesf7Tst.,rT. .4 L. Goldfoot has asked for a divorce from . Nathon Goldfoot, - alleging firuel treatment They were married In Dub lin, Ireland, In 1191 -J Wn f r-' .till ..lllnp SI.SS mwm glasses-for $1, Consurtatton free. and every pair guaranteed. - Metzger tc. Co., Ill Sixth street - Read the market' page' of The Journal Friday to get your bargains in groceries and provisions It wil save youmany 'dimes; .' - -' '' ': . SwamI Tregunatita, - the - Hindu lec turer, will speak- at Unity halL 14JH Morrison streerr tonight onTThe Ven dahta.' - ,H For Rent Storerooms, " three " floor. 90 and 2 Front street, -15.000 square feejt space. - "Apply to Pacific Paper, Ca - " . .f . . .. -r : " . Morfett.. Hot Springs, f l.0 day:' (I and 1 10 week; baths, 25a vTak Regula tor line. , - j ' ,'. " Dr.' Rlrkenoafk, eye, ear.- Allsky bldg. Ansler Printing Co., 6 Oak. i,4-WHERE.T0 DINE.: TheTEImplreV the. place to go for fin meals. ' Nea,t and clean. 1D2 Third. MRS. DOLPH'S RECEPTION LARGELY ATTENDED lhey-Fortland 4rlllta - o affaire, was that, of laat . night when Mra. Cyme A. Dolph entertained a num ber of prominent society people of New York." San - Francisco and Portland "at her home. 163 West Park street. The affair ri In the nature of a reception In honor of Mrs. Eleanor Martin of San Francisco and Mr. snd Mrs. Pratt Brown of New York city. There were - too guests present, In- eluding many of the prominent society people of Portland. President Goode snd other fair officials attended. Among the guests from other cities were: Mr. and - Mrs- Pratt - Brown of r New York, Mrs. Eleanor Martin of San Francisco, Mr.' and Mrs, Edward Hopkins of Ban Francisco. Mrs. , Ashe of Ban Francisco nd Mrs. Pardee, wife of the governor of California. , ILLINOIS EXHIBIT READY FOR PLACING W. E.-Zuppann. "secretary o"f ' the Illi nois State commission to the Lewis and Clark exposition, has arrived In Portland III simaln at the Illinois liiilhllim during the fair. - The state exhibit' has arrived and is ready for Installation. It Will not be Installed. However, until thearrtvat of MVs. Jessie Palmer "Web ber of the Illinois Historical society, who will be m charge. She will be accom panied by Miss Mary E. Berkey, who was In charge of the Illinois exhibit at the St. Louis fair. ' '- "The governor will likely be prevented from attending . the dedication of our building because of the Chicago strike," said Mr, Zuppann today. "The first commissioners who will be here are Fred H. Hahn and R. R. Tiffany. "The fair will have great crowds from Illinois. During the short time In which I have been in Portland I have had many requests . for Information concerning It from' the east." - . ; - Commencement i Exercises of -' Gillespie School. The commencement exercises of the dllleapte School of Expression will be held in Anion hall tomorrow evening. The program Is very Interesting, and the graduate will surely acquit them selves admirably. The program I a follows: .. . Invocation . . - ....Kev. Clarence-True Wilson, D. D. Intermesso 'Cavallerla- Rustic na" Mascagnl " "Palaclos Mandolin Orchestra. Student's address "la Elocution Worth While r'-erlglnal -rTrrrvMlss-Bhtve Scotch --dialect "John and Tibbie Davison' Dispute" ......... -Lelghton Miss Shivr. . ' Vocal Solo . Wllleby (b) "The Cork "hall C row". .Burnham .,''.' Mrs. Hamilton.:' ''Miss Eva Benson, accompanist. . Classical Reading "Rhyme of the Duchess May". .. , Mrs. Browning Mis Shlve. ; " - Presentation of diploma. . Mra, Gillespie Fantasia from "Rlgolelto" , ; ." Verdi Palaclos' Mandolin Orchestra. Dramatto monoiogu "The Oreen- Eyed Monster". ,. , .. , .,'... Russell - ftfias Shlve. 7 areek Dance and. Pantomime "Maid of the Morning Mlsf , . . .Keller (Daphne, maid of morning mist: when discovered by Apollo, the sun god, who falls in love with her and tries to catch. her. dissolves in mlaU4 . Miss rThlres, Miss Shelley, Mrs. Morgan, Miss Walton; Mrs. Mabel Hamil- - ton, accompanist. , . Fahf"11 '"Spanish Caprice". .Brenner . Palactos' Mandolin Orchestra. 1- EPISCOPAL IN ANNUAL MEETING 1 Jtlahop B. Wl tl TheTttRev.; B.- Vtataroms7TWllgTcTOrcblseVenTrig, ana"tl petttron for many year has been the bishop of the diocese of Oregon, feel that Jjl.s duties are resting too heaviryim him In his old age, and has petitioned '. the Episcopal convention to appoint a co adjtttor at the annual meeting.. " The matter has been discussed In ati Informal way. and on all side regret .is expressed that the bishop,- who ha been so prominently -connected, with Eptaco palianisra In .Oregon- since ploheer days, must lay aside some of his. duties. .The matter will be brought up for formal discussion at the- opening session of ..the. annual convention at Trinity SOffOFTIIEPLUfJS ON POLITICAL TREE Apporhfrhents.:ThatAre : In .the Gift of the Mayor-Electf rt:-;"" Harry Lane. . z - NOT PREPARELTTO NAME- - rUOl I IWIXO Many Prominent Citizens Ready to Serve the Municipality at a Moment's Notice Mayor-elect Harry Lane will have the appointment of these city ' officials: Chief of police, salary t2O0 a month; Charles H. Hunt. Incumbent., --- T City -engineer, salary 1200 a 'month; Charles AVaner,. Incumbent. l"l. Building Inspector, salary 1150 a month: Howard Whiting, Incumbent, - appointed by the mayor under ordinance. .Jm.jLlSSSfi Willi IIU BMI. , Superintendent of garbage crematory, $110 salary; Robert Robinson. Jr., Incum bent, appointed by. thejnayorjinder or dinance. One civil service commissioner, to suc ceed A. - A. Courtency. "" r " ' A plumbing Inspector, .salary $125; TlHllliai T!. Ifllll! IllUiiiiilienl. The member of the health, park and water boards are appointed by the mayor, under the charter - provisions, but the t..,.1 .. ..,w.f.p,Kar V-pir. this" year ex cepting that of one member of'the health board. This board consists of three, and appoint the clt jhyslr!s.n at a sal ary of J12S a.month, and-ar health-erfl-cer at ITS a month. Dr. J. C. Zan Is city physician, and Dr. H. R. Blersdorf health officer. - . . The water board Is. composed of fouf members, .two of whom go out next year. The present membership Is Dr. C. H. Raffety'PfrS. E. Josephl, W, M. Ladd and L. A. Lewi. : Frank T. Dodge is superintendent, salary $250 a month, D. D. Clarke Is engineer, salary $200. These are named by the board. The park board has four members, Dr. T. LT Ellof. 1 li Hs wklns, oirLewIs and J. D. Meyer. H. Lowlt Is superin tendent," salary $100 a monthr p, L.Wlllis,. A. A-.Courtelhey and J. M. Blaln compose the civil service com mission, and O- L. McPherson is secre tary st a salary of $100, appointed by the commission. - - Dr. . Mae M."- Card well. Dr. .William Jones and; Dr. James F. Bell comprise the health board. Of all these board the mayor is ex officio chairman, and It is most persons that lie has a vote the same as -any other member. Member of all boards may b removed by tne mayor ny ni ni- Consumers! , . , Altention! We have unequaled facilities -for supplying HAY and FEED In larg quantities. By-ell-lng direct and eliminating the -" retailer's profit, w are sbl to save you money st all time. watch our advertisement for full prlcea on hay and Jeed. Pacific Grain Co. Tbirteratk aad Kry aH. , Telephoae Mala 8307. ; CHURCH : . fey ' sUr MoiflAT will "be granted, though the appointment will not be made at once. . The diocesan-meeting of the woman's auxiliary was held this morning at the Church of too Good Shepherd, "Upper Albina, . Bishop Keaton -of Olynipia ad ministered holy communloiv-and was as- slated by Rev. Dr.. Dawson ot the enter taining church. - Nineteen branche pf the society, were represented at the meeting and every diocese In the state sent representatives. Bishop. -Keat'on and Mrs.. L. J. Sellwood. secretary, and visiting clergymen addressed the after noon meeting. ..,.. j... v. . . lng with' the auditor a written statement gtvfhg his reasons -therefor. ' Any plan formed by the common coun cil to Invade the . prerogatives . of the jnayor by taking from him the appoint ments provlded. byJth charter-will, not jtand In the courts, or course, a tn charter la explicit and absolutely limits surh appointment to the executive of th. "Ihsve made no appointment yet, said Drr-Lane- today, ,"nor-halljI make any jintll I am In Ahe mayor' chalr: IMTERESTING WORK : OFrMASONS-TONIGHT - No action wa taken' In the. Masonta grand lodge early today on the building proposition. The committee' to wnicn the matter was referred' Is expected to report soma time this afternoon, after which It la probable that th lodge will taka immediate action. Routlnebuaineas ooeupled the mom-l Tng session. It is Improbable that all business can" be' finished-before tomor row noon. - ' "-" . There is great interest In the enter tainment at the Scottish Rite cathedral this, evening. to, which all -Master Masons are Invited. The rules for ad mission are strict. No examinations will be possible.. Those desiring to enter must pass the grand lodge tiler, and strangers will have to-be identified; The d6ors will, close at 745 o'clock, after which none will be admitted. Election of grand lodge offlcer . took llBeytCTday afternoon and the new roster is ii follows: 'Dr. W. H. Flan- sgan, Granta Pass, grand master;-lir W. T. Williamson. Portland, deputy grand-master; "'Lot L.-Pearce, Balcm, senior grand warden; Ed Kiddle, La Grande. Junior grand warden; W. A. Cleland, Portland, grand treasurer; James ;F. Robinson, Kugene. reelected I grand secretary; .Judge J. B. Cleland I and J.-'M. Hodson of Portland and M. 8. Woodcock of Corvalll were . reelected trustees. t . PICTURE LOST ON WAY FROM ST. LOUIS For several day the- police have been searching . for a picture painted by Frederick Remington entitled "On the Trial." the value of which is $260. It may have been stolen from the exhibit of the A, J.. Tower company of Boston, Massachusetts, on the Lewie ind Clark fair grounds, csrrled away by thieves at St. Louts, where the exhibit of the coropany was dismantled, or taken off a car en route to Portland. A reward of $60 has been offered for Information that will lead to Its recovery.-, Th painting 1 about four by fly feet. In-dimension and was packed so securely that two men were required to ha mile it. It was shipped In a car from St. Louis to Ames aV Harris, JI First streets and ' represent a cowboy, seated on his broncho,' looking -after a band of cattle. ' 'r ' A peculiar circumstance is that th car was billed out of St.- Louis aa con; talnlng-1 peckgerrnT'yf "ST pack ages were checked Into the Manufactur ers' building on the fair ground. TRAIL-STIRRED BY- ORIENTAL WEDDING Jhe oriental wedding on the Trail Tasfnlfnr drewtntff rtiBttwwtr of -Cairo a largerthrong than attended that classic qusrter of the houtchle-koutchi oh the opening day. Apparently Corena, th dancing girl, and Menrl Krllnger. a cornetlst with Innes' band, were wedded In the true custom of Assyria. iThere was a procession of the-b filial party oil th back of camels preceded by weird, screeching instruments whoa music wn mercifully drowned by Innee' band with Mendelssohn' wedding march. - Corena -and Henri appeared onT th stage butsule-of th jirlental'- theatre, hand In hand, and a dosen attendants, Inoludlng Princess Rogn. the bridesmaid, threw rice and old shoe at them. . " Then a mat) with a Santa Claus beard came forward, rubbed the head of th contracting - paxtle-"tgther." chanted from a pink-covered book, swung n In reuse lamp and pronounced' Henri and Corena man and wife. The wedding was all th press agent could bay hoped tor- - i .' ASSESSMENTS IH TRUE CASH VALUES Assessor Slgler Says He Desires to Equalize Business in ' ; ; Multnomah County. IMPROVEMENTS WILL , -v NOT PAY ALL THE TAXES Taxes Will Not Be Greater This Year Than They .Were ' . Last. . : . . County Assessor J5. D. Slgrer declare that he Is making assessments for 1105 on the true cash value of property, and that in doing so he is" complying .with the tatO3L.Iwll. jllnra the announce- ment - was made of the Incfease'some property holder have thought that the valuation of property In this county would be thrbe time larger than it wii last ' yearJ,.but...the. assessor JSas assured them . that they need not. be alarmed a the -taxes will be po greater than for 1904. - .'..... ' Assessor Slgler says bis plan of. as sessing will diminish the share ot taxes paid by Improvements and Increase that psjd by unimproved city lots and cheap buildings In the. business center and by personal property, such as merchan- preaaes, boats, streetcar lines, railroads, telephone- and telegraph lines, money notea, stocks, honds, machinery. Imple ments, .vehicles and livestock. -'. Although the property, valuation will be three times larger than that of laat year, the assessor says - that a more equitable apportionment of taxes among the several classes of property Is de sired In order that small householder and farmer may have lighter tax bur den than heretofore, and tha persona onulng laud aajoining improved prop- erty may pay a larger share. II ex pact to aaaeas tip to the real varus, re- gardlea of the class of property. Multnomah' share of state taxes will not be increased by the high assess ment, because th county share. Is fixed, at $4. per cent of .the whole tax, until 1910, after which the apportion ment between1ha counties wlJLbe made according to the expenditure of the counties-for the five preceding years. The high assessment will not increase th tax levy, if the officer of the city and county government us judgment, for Assessor Slgler says that an in crease In the assessed valuation should be followed by a corresponding decrease m th levy. HOMER DAVENPORT V IS GENIUS OF OREGON A rare-treafrt rift store f orrthosewho attend the Homer Davenport illustrated lecture on 'The Power or the Cartoon' at th Marquam Grand-theatre Saturday evening. .Clitic east, west, "north and south have joined In praising the work of th ."Oenlua of Oregon.'-: as li 1 been eptly described -by n eastefii writer. - Seat were placed on sale this morning at, th - Marquam - theatre box offlc. - BALL Official Railroad WATCH We are the sole agents for this watch. - It has been in dorsed by 37 of the leading railroads of the United ; States. They are planned to meet. the.- needs of the business man they furnish correct time. " We have plenty of testi monials from railroad men - as.tQj.heiriJaccuratcness Th IOWA 9 Z Ut, Z ao3 MORRIStfN STREET Golf Suits at Half-Price Men' Fancy Wonted and Blue Berg Suit, double-breasted, worth 111.00 and, cut-down to 10.eo and J12.50. Outing Pants. $4.00 and 16.00 grade, for $2.00 and $2.60. Men' and Boys' Hats at on half price of their value. Complete line of Shoe for Ladles. Men. Misses and Bora In Vtci Kid, Tan i or Patent Leather at price that will sur prise you. Investigating our quality and prlcea means money saving to you. JOHN DELCAR p-WE RUN TWO STORES. Cor. rirrl and Tamhlll and' Oox. Third and Davis. , EMPIRE SPECIAL rrri inoar," nEonnrwe TtncsBAT."" 7V SO. 7-' " MATIKEE ilTUEDAT. " y IvIfFiske Y - a a .the Y" Manhattan Company ' Presenting C. M., 8. MrUllis'l iDrina. LEAH HLE5CHNA Prleea: , fl.M, . T ssd . "ei 5e on al. ' ' . - ' uioniiiM . T. Pasais. m Mar. TKaATRC m sila Ht IVnrrlain .1.. net. Slh and Tlh.) OS Week Hralnnln Xart.r. June 10, IftnS, SneHitl-t'rfn' lMne" Stnr1 j V-Jnit '-lMOl s JEWINU ( OMEIlUX , mm besmaid - la Hl txtrt rnm-l Siireesi . "THE rlltAKClt." , POFl'tAR f miTl-rimwi. 1V prpet rlrele IWe. Hkonr. flrt enira. div; lt g'rnws. f. allee.i, J.V. Bolt! aud logei, $S.. KtaU r soar MlUaf...--(j-.-i ArNVrightl - - Here Are a Few of the Opportunities to Be Found The Journal's. Vant Columns 'Wanted to Buy,: Shetland Pony-r-See Miscellaneous" Want Columhr. - ----;.i' - , -J Solicitors Wanted See Male HeTp Colurnn v LCirandFruit 3tajidFpr Sale See Business , . Chances Column. . -Girl Wanted See Female Help Column. - r:SaloortFfrrSaleSetr:BTisinesshanctSohnnrn -pressers -Wanted SeeMale Help Column.- ttytt? .Wanted to Bur, Farm Wagon See Miscellaneous "" Want Column. '. i-...: ' Laundry Help of All Kinds Wanted See Female .Help Column, . - '.' ". General Merchandise StoreFor Sale See Business ChancesXolumn. , . Pharmacist Wanted See Male IIfJpColumn. ; Position as Writer and designer of Advertisements ""Scc Situational Wented-Maley . T 8 ss s iimmnniiiniuiiniaiuiuiniHiianiuzznu . -kinn$jujiTav- ' . The World-Famous ...--i2L Cartoonist ---.-- Draws Characteristic Sketch of StNATOR SPOONtR f OF WISCONSIN y MrL Davenport Win Give One of His Celebrated Humorous - --, '. : ' TalkS --"--- it At the MARQUAM GRAND SATURDAY -EVENING kAT-&15-JUNE-171905 : v Seats Now on Sale ' ' : ADMISSION 25cAND 50c Free Lectures on Practical i Demonstrations Of "the" Variooi'mei" wnruanary purpoese - tt the We Cooking KhocoIateocoMEMpiRe Mannfactnred tj Walter Baker & Co., LIMITED , PORCHEBTBB, Ml Ha,- Eatabltaba 170.) Will be give by Miss Elizabeth K. Burr (DoaQeitk Sciese Dept. Boa tea T. W. C. A.) AT ' - Burkhard'sHall Barnalfle street.- BAST" PORTI.ANO, dally ". for oae ,treek. commoecln Thursday, June 15 At t:30 e'rloek te the artersoe (ad S . ro'rlork is the evealag. - Eaniples of Mlna Burr'i preparation Mrk aa - rakea, Pudrtlngw, Mertngoes, Podse. Konfflea. lee ('renal, Bivarlas 4'reasia. etc., will t aerved at eaek leetnre. and ah will he pleaae4 to answer all Inquiries r saniliif the aatne. A different sue will be prepared and sred at eark leeture. . ttaniple eakea of the Walter Baker fre silr.aa No. I Chorolat. the Vanlls gweet Choenlate and little sample can of the Brfakfaar-rvieoa. also a book of "Choleo rhnrolate Reelnea" will ee -preaented'to all persona attfniflns tbeaa lectures, aad all who are Interested. In aeientitle eaokla sbeald set fall te attead. aa the are racx TO ALL. STAR THEATRE .. XTBA iriCTAL ATTKACTIOKs. -Tba De Hatha. Whirlwind Paaeer; BusmII sad O'Katl, Sketch Artists; Brh Ball, Ueraus t'nmeillsn: Claude raoUy. Noeeltr Aerohsl; Kadaate Leyd, Operatle Hoirano; Barry Waltaa, Iniprrsnnator:Klohard Burtsn, The Knsusk BsH om; Th taraaoas. Kbowlns Japaasa War iletnre. Adailssloa le; rsserved front raw tile. I'aparalleled Keeoed Treasesdona BUI I LYRIC THEATRE "TBI BOTTsI Of WCCX!," Tta saa aider. : Keating 71ms. Jagr. " 'eek rommeneln Inns 11. Th great English drasia la fnw. seta. "The London Outcasts" ,'TOIXOW TBX CBOWl)," - -L t A(lmlsoa Ke. Opposite Main Entrstv Fair Oroiinda. xmxa BAJrca xrxxt mrj. - - ; - ' L .. I 3 Aatva: Belasco Theatre FBOWX MAUL 111. (Poraierly ColoaaMs Tsestee) - rsrtet- sad . . Washington. - . r- TOXIOHT ALT. WKEK. DAI I RUA X AAU HI A 11 A T . ': Third Week Eelaaee Stoek Cnnpasy. . THB riXXIEST I'OhtKDT WBITTEN. . A holly good show." Oresnnlaa. rmpany mad tnod aa gold." Journal. . "A aereamlnsly funny rarre." Tele(Yam. THsJ.810 IAIOH1XO. m CTESS. . . -' PTlee ETnlu. 13. to TSe; Saatlse. IS to SOc ' BZZT WEEK. "WHEW XNIOHTHOOO was is; nowii." TBtATtr. , 12th and- Msniaea. All plays of mnalcal merlrV'" Usflne ' every V oay as x:jn. ETrning at s:iS; ADMIBglOB 111 CtXT. At.WAT . Empire Stork Ompany la the Orest Tart. im tvarar-unna, r'A IECBXT TOE." All tat weak. " wfTtf A ffm ATVsl k A.shdh . MATCRLESB ItrMMEB BILL. f Star Tri is "OUB CBCI-E." aiOABO T10 ACBOBAT8. A TEE KELLT'B. COMEDT SKETCH. ' BERT WHITE, M0NOL0OIST. IV BZXBEBT CHELBET A CO., rLAYITT. ILOBIliA SAHrQID. OOBMETIIT. PI JOE BONNEK7 NEW BOHO. ,.' OBAXDISCOPE. XSISOB FILMa. General admission. lOe. Feentns. Bandav, nonoars r rooc aeais,- lower noor. we., matinee, lOe. Dally BAKER THEATRE 2$ OOon ATTKACnriKii ON'IT. KEATIMJ A FLOOD. Manager. . , ExyoemoB rotrx. - 5 OABDHEX aad BEEVES. BOSS LTBBIE BAIT..- i. W. BVXT0B. THE LAXOBf ..BXOTHTXS. XI AW WTLSOB. BABY COISOW. BIOOXAPK. BAKEB-B OXCBESTXA.. Perfnemasee, I SO. T: asd p. an ASMIBUOB 16 CXBTS- TO ABT BEAT. EE THE GIRL IN BLUE At 860 Upshur St. LEWIS JfMD CLJMK OBSERVE TORrJtAD CJtFB. rOBTLAWO XXIOBTS. ' Take Portland Helsakt ear aad (l eft at flawthriM Tarrses, oa hloek frosa eat lis, tin eumbin. Eleetrt sW.aWe. keautiml sffert ot aowefral MrekHsdl frncs op t tower. Tn ess est a dainty tun. h while Tlowlng th saoat msanlflrsnt Mf is AmrrU. Ops S . sv ts . a, Uak alos lu rants. .- BLAXIBB BBOsV CONCBBT BtTbT KIOBT 4-s BUBHB1DB. WstOLBBOXCB, XTTBJi ABT Ol A.D.G. 9. A XTTX ... ... I V,, 42 Morrison C -DAVENPORT i-:: . .. A - 1 - I: Y' 1 4, . :fM. V