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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
Tlin r OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE '' 15,' '1905. . . . .... ,.ni . i . . , --- - Visit the" Free CaWe-Baking School on Third Floor Le ons 10 to 12 and -I-to 4 Free-' Embroidery . Lessons given by expert teachers in needle work-r Art" Shop An nex Second -Floor. , -fashion 4 zXcnteiLoL; Western ; Style World. Watcfiea Cleaned for) 75cT All work guaranteed for one y.e a 'r, Mainsprings. 75c- Jewelry Repair Department' Largest stock of unique Ex position and Portland Sou venir in the; city, at prices youH, like - to payr - Remarkable yalues iii tom 111th Grand "Friday Economy Sale" M new and styles fresh as the morning. Pluck to your hearfs content, get the purse's fill while prices droop thus I0W7 bent by the force of Spccicil Friday Prices 1 Pcrt -Mm fTT - -. n rrfi i- flTl '' TO THE GRADUATE You've finished with High school for instance; have devoted yeara to acquiring ' good education; your, parents may have ! strained every, nerve to keep the home going and you at" school. J Now you Tface the i worldhd it looks cold and heartless ; every one seems wrapped in selfish concerns; you look' for a situation, rtry place : after place, and ' in every-day parlance "get turned down."- You see the" pinch pf it all nd from trying to get a I placf that promises promotion, ynn falter nH air rr1y tn fair any kind of a jot,." Don't, v REMEMBER THAT A PORT LAND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATEISVORTH SOME THING. When looking for or writing in reply to ad . vertisements, mention this great qualification. . You've no busi ness experience,'to; brwirerand the pay must be small to start with) but,' engaged on a 'high school basis you arein an at-. '. mosphere - conducive to development and. quicker promotion. Just as In the German army, the several years service exacted nt an unwhnnUA rfrtUlt it ghnrtfneH in the case nf a man grad uated from the, gymnasia to a year or two. The latter seems - to. learn more quickly . because . of i previous mental training. --; Friends and -"backers" don't amount to J'a hill "-beans' nowa - days the healthy young man or woman has success wrapped : up in the individual. . Not all can become millionaires,' but . every one" with youth, health of mind and body can succeed., The" man or woman who challenges this statement-Is a mis-"; - antxirope.. Don't get lour;. don't get discouraged. You're wel- --come to this advice from thisbig store you'll thahk us for it some time. It's"bread we cast' on- the waters, Result of Pupils' Exposition Contest ; STANDING OF .FIRST TWENTY. AT; rizitr. 1QA.iMTQDAY? Li'llias Ewingi TfigKv school .v.V. .' 2u,HS Metta $eidler. Failing school.,; t 19,331 Fred Stevens, Atkinson scbobj,..., 18,331 Willie Stepp, Atkinson school ; . . .12,834 Wellington Gilbert Ladd school. 12,203 Myrtle ''Harmon, North Central 1 school ... 7.'. ...... 11,743 Lillian Brown, Thompson .school. 11,893 Ida Dingle, Hawthorne school ri ., 10,382 Lynn Coovert, Portland academy 9,042 Robert Ellison, Hoiladay school. 8,833 Beatrice-McLeans Ladd. school.. 8,798 Adrian -Smith, - South Portland school ......,.....,...'... 8,698 Trenton Johnston, ' . Hawthorne school ...v;.V;7;T;vwTr;vvv-8,627 Ruth Murphy, Atkinson school. . 7 7,895 Ruth Murphy, St. Mary's academy T.593 Leo Boire, High school. 7,491. Dorothy Allen, Ladd school.....'. 7,230 FaMmariTTigh school. .: .t 7.185 Ilattie-Hoben,' High-school. CiTtal arottoTbid Floor. I ' Suitable prfitnta for th Juh bride In rich cut (last. - . : Water Bottles; reirular value J$i.h6, '- Spectal. ' each . S54.95 Water Tumblen; regTiUr "value 121.00 do. Spe- -elal, doa. ......... r. , r.-u . .f 15.95 Water Tumblers; regular .value 114. 00 doc Special doa.- ij. m m-- . v.. m v . . 9a3.50 Tlna-er BowU: regular Talus tM 00 doi. Spolal, doav 7.. ; .... r; :. ;. ; . .....V... . aie.oo Decantera result r value $7.S0 each. Special, each . ..j... imi .m $5.ftff Whtakey 'Tumblera; regular value $12.00 doa. Kpe elajj ;doa.'ifvr-inrTTi;. . . . .;. .,. . ..-. . . . . .v.9.95 Wine Glasses; rfgular value i-24. 00 dos. Special. do. . .'. ...'..:.fl9.00 poon JClItereUlrvalue-1 a.I5jiai:lU2 Spectsl . each 3. 15 Olives, fancy shapes; rg-ular value t8.76 each. Epenlal, each .93.15 1-inch Plates; regular-value $4.0T each. li' Special, each . f 3.25 Over 1. 200 articles to select from, every article reduced Visit our Crystal and Art Rooms... '.090- Gladys CrDckettrAkinsonrach9pl 7,038.- . First twenty . . :. .212,879 Scattering 131,591 Total ... I . ; ...... V. ...344470 Exquisite French Lingerie at K-Reduction ysciAX rom . rmi bat oirz.T xm xn virssBmraxjsT . sa- : . iok - ASmx zoovo ixoom. - This lima the manu facturer blundered, and our patrons reap the fruits of- hlS'-earelesa-nesa. - A famous French maker . of lingerie shipped us duplicate or ders of beautiful Under muslins.- We notified him by letter and he immediately cabled "us a price on the lot that de I J .J m.m ttAAn . Il O V v to hand yoaa bargains. .' W- He preferred to pay us f i A -7 the costs o - freight ty- back to sunny France ,p : rather than we ehould .return the goods to him week old and his season over. Resulta. third reduction on prices. You become partners In this fortunate transaction tomorrow 'tis indeed "an ill wind that wafts no on good." Full line of laun dered and unlundered Gown, Prawers, ,Chemlse, Corset Covers and Petticoat are embraced. All beautifully embroidered by hand In every delight ful design, from the modest, dainty polka dotted pattern to th most elaborate fancies. Regular prlee rang from I3.2S to 7.. - - , -y r All at One-Third Off on W ja- two Big Economy -Winner" from the Domestic Section Firsts Floor Linen Table Tops fori58d--80Qta-. ble tops of heavy cream linen, 4ox45 inches in size; a pCTtecT bonanza for restaiiranfand boarding- house keepers. Special for Friday "Econ omy Sale, only, r-" each Bleached .1 Sheets, for 36f -Good quality bleached sheets, large size. SpecialEconomy Saje Price, each 3m OUTI AH9 OLUM Of IATIIOI or ' - Friday' Economy" -Specials in Cut Glass In the Women's Furnish ing Shops TIBST TI.OOK. A perfect a of beauty and a host of rare, ripe values -Just 'ready: to- drop into-the outstretched hands of eager Friday Shoppers. A perfect won derland, of Laces and Ribbons, da-tnty Handker chiefs and Summer -Gloves,' all at wonderfully modest price.: Special for Tomorrow. f 400 nion i'oi ss. ":r Beautlfufajl ellk Ribbons. In plain satin taffeta, . fancy Dresdens, plaids, stripes and dotted ef- - - fects, IH to i inches in width: splendid for neck bows, girdles, etc; values to 40c. Special Econ- amy Bale the rnri , ,,, , i 35 0TB WOITDMITTJI. - VAttJlg , XM J.TWIS1X i-trtz aiiramcrariFv'" Ladles' alt pure linen Handkerchiefs, of very fin f - Kheer linen, fnltialed, with 4-lnch hems, laun dered ready for use; always sell for Jf for ROo. Special Economy Sale Price, t for , 75 J : .ish xATS2tEBCxrsra ros so; Ladles' pur linen Handkerchiefs, of the famous . Richardson manufacture, with and H Inch hem; our 12 ',4c value. Special Economy Sale Price, each . .... m, ............ ...... v .... r . 84 Or the dosen .96 400 TO SOo 'TAUaTCZXmrSB IACZS TOB SSo. New and dainty Valenciennes Laces, both edges and Insertions; our 40c, SOo snd 60c values. Special Economy Sal Price, th dosen ........ .T.25 so Am rs z.isxa olovbs tob 4e. ; Ladles' two clasp Del Gloves, with Paris point . stitching on backs; seasonable and stylish; our 5o and 76o values. Special Economy Sal JPrlce, ..-r the pair y.. . trt-n- nf".-s .v.48 -Another- Popular Sale of Braids and flat Frames TBXDAY ZB TBI "BUQ-J" HXLUaTBBT SAX.01TS. L Aanex geooad Floor. ,' ---- -W yield to popular clamor and hall put forth on r-- Friday another lot of handsome Braids whloh ; we bad planned to hold for a later date . Now I need tlme,hwver, and pursuant to usual cus tom we l. offer these goods while they'll do you th tnost good. ZOO piece of pretty Braid with which- horn milliners may fashion dainty, trim and stylish hats. All fresh and" new Just n. - All - tsolors ", Included Whites. : tan. blaoks, browns, eta. All 10 and. 12 yard pieces. Chooe Friday, only at, tbe piece , v.... 294) r.'wima a rBAatsa ss.' . As a companion sal 'w shall offer for th day all th latest. Shapes, embracing polo , turbans, "Maxin Elliott " French Sailor. ta Special - at a choice for ......... "...260 A Monster Two-pay ftalc of v Women's New Suits : ; and Jackets - Grand Salons of Dress Second Floor. Largest, and Leading .Suit and Wrap House in the. West- r-r' . " '. : j : em States. " Handsome $25 Street Suits for TrrrV An Incompar able Bargain Let This Suit Sale PeEyes for You to See This Store . as It Is An Unmatchable Giver of .Ur ' paralleled-Bargains t" -And -nomatter-- what-the price""you" elect to pay, no. 1 matter how small the. price ' we choose to make; the styles' are "sure to bethe-ewest, most exclusive and distinct ive to be found 'n the city. The Suits Materials" in- elude etamines inT black, royal, navy, brown, and tans in Eton styles, prettily trim " med iri iltaffeta- arid 1 braids .and .'taffeta; lined, 'fi- Jackets: with-r Bishop sleeves and - fancy cuffs. . Made eqllarlcss . L SkifisJare plaited fronts arid - -i t r it - V- DacK ana nave lancy giraie attached-. -Others -in the lot -are .in ; hlouset styles, lined ri: with satin and have Hishop sleeves. Materials in these embrace serges," cheviots and .Venetians iojilues,: blicks: and brown rzki rt s arc 3rg3Dredari(tha vgf oo tr plaits Values in; all to $25.00. " As- an Jinprecndented offering :7IweTshallnerutlnaTree choice for"rwcd Oft -days only Friday and Saturday,' at,. .r.4""0 Reduced--Rddfcally For Two" Days Only Friday and Saturday." T Handsome Coverts and Black Broadcloths, very fashionable -3---:.-, J , -iTvV V- :-- .Rv and4ndispensable-Xorset-fittingr "ratinandtaffeta-linedrinp plains . s severe tailored lines or fancifully trimmed effects of velvet," braids and buttons. Single or double- breasted stylesjvith: Bishop. sfeevesreither with collar or cof larless. Extra special L for three ; days only----a sale Jthat fits the season usual - ----;.;.;": ;: $15.00 values for. ;910.85 $17.50 values for 1 ,$13.60 l-T $1 8.50 values for. .$14.25. $20.00 values for... $14.95 $22.50 values for . . .$16.85 $4.50 Pedestrian Skirts, $2.49 .Trim and trig Walking Skirts, of a neat melton, splen- " drd 'for "wear 6ri summer tramps or for. shopping, in .'. the store, factory or office. Gray and brown mixtures. Cut in seven-gored flare, full, round lengths that sweep 7i the instep. - Seams are double-stitched Best regular $4.50 values. Special for remainder oi flj Af week only, at. ......... ............. ...PiV" EXTRA SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY Shirtwaist and Jacket Suit Your Absolute Choice of Any arid Every Silk Shirtwaist and Jacket Suit iri the House at ONE FOURTH OFF Description would be futile so great aft the assortments and so varied. Suffice to say 'tis. the greatest sale of "newZand:corrcct:models : in SUk Shirtwaist Jand.JackeC Suits ever held in Portland." Every late style in these smart models that Fashion smiles on, every color she favors. Over 500 Suits in the offering but "few among J them are replicas One need not be afraid, in buying here," of meeting the-mate, to her suit, at every turn. i?Tis not.ourway.,of buying we leave tha,t,custom to. careless stores. Our stocks are immense our varieties stupcqdoy's almost bewildering. "For two days only Friday and Saturday we will sell Suits as abbvepvalues 1 . ranging up from . . ". -r $8.50 to $875.00 AT ONE-FOURTH OFF Small Wards Friday Price lets oov BOOsTOKT VOTSI 'Or sTOTIOVa ' AJTD OTalXB Tmznziro sracaaamz.. v ' l2Z' ir moc 'rr':'. ff,.';Z.. T ' "MVT 40 BAOX OOlCBSt o"asoI. . Extra qualttr, "fin shell Back Combs, heavy teeth. , smooth finish; our 40o value. Special Koonomy Sal Price, each ......... s. ............. .25 ! BAITTsTCI COTTOJT, 9 TOOZi So. Whit Bastlna- Cotton, to yards to spool; No. 40 and SO. .Special Economr Bale Price, S epoola for Llghtwelt;ht Summer Dress Shields,' white both Me; all else, extra quality, Special Economy Sal Frit, th pair 10 1 STATIONERY 7 jrom is wbitiwo tabutb. .. rin Writing; Tablets, ruled, not and . large else; big Value at 13c. Special Economy Bala Price. --each".;T. mi; ,-... . ..V.-t. .i:.. . ; r.v;T 10O TOB SSo WBITIBO FAm. -.. V. tOO boxes of fine Writing Paper. In white, ruled, - square flap envelopes; our 25c value.--Special " Econdrriy Kale 1'rlce. the box -LOt WBiraro imiT iiro facxit-ot bi Txi.orcs eo. Wrlttnf Tableft bt smooth paper," ruled, arid packet. of whit envelopes". Special Economy Sale ; Prlcf ,' : , itiid. it ... i , ..a i . . '.5 yZZ:t7'S'':''72l BX..ABB 0.' ""'"''' " " Fancy veal)oped ede crep Shelf Paper In .all colors. Special Economy Ssl Price, the , . ' e -lCC . . . i ijj. ...t.t m-M. m- . . . m-.m m-m -.4 .7 . " DRUG SUNDRIES - . . So OB. 10o toixit boap. ; Extra rholce Toilet ' Boap; highly perfumed with . violet, carnation, lilac, heliotrope, clematis or sandalwood; pur 10c value. - Special -Economy Sal Price, the cake ..................... Q4 - 100 POB TOIXIT WATBB WOBTI IS. - Florida Water, "In 4-ounce alse bottle.; our So value. Special at, th bottle ...10 t v BSC TOB OOZ.D OBBAK WOBTB. So. A. pure white Cold Cream and flkln Food which pre .erves the complexion , and removes" sunburn; ' our 85 value. Special t, the Jar... 2S. ' loo FOB IBe WXISK BBOOMS. Whisk-Broom, double stitched, good quality; our 16o value. Special Economy -Bale-Price, i ---each .; : 7', . . . ;-;t.'TvX.. 10 FBCDAT "BOOHOMT'SFSCZAiB" IB TBB Women's Knit-Underwear and Hosiery Sections First Floor. y WOSCBBH 3Se TESTS 10. White cotton 'Vests, long slevear high neckcslxe 7, t and I; regular value I5c. Special,-' each . ......................19 WOHBBB SOO- TZSTS lie, White Swiss ribbed Vests, sleeveless, V-shaped neck; regular value 20c. Special, each.. ..12 KTSSXS' 850 TJBTOB VXTS IM. Misses' whit lisle "Merode" krilt Union Suits, . sleeveless, knee length; regular value tie. Special, suit . 59 VOUCI Tt BOSB 4e ; Black, fine - gauge, lisle- Hoee, with r embroidery boots; regular value 76c. Special. pair ...49 WOICBB'S B Bo KOtl IS. Black cotton Hose, medium weight. ' double sole; regular value 26c. Special, pair ....... ...18 BfTSSBS SSO BOSB 1T6T Misses' fine black Hose, finished foot, double sole; regular value 25c. Special, pair ...... ...17 Remarkable Values in Silks SFXCIAZ. FOB rBIBAT-OBXT, uuui ami-FtfftsaiT' Regular COc values; corded Jap Wash Silks, In neat -cherks-and strlpes.jcolorai-arwhltet plnhe. - mala, light - blues, pongee color, lilac, tur- - quolse, grays and blue. . Special for Friday only, per yard . .-32 ! 4-Inch. Satin Foulards, tlyi best made; styles are lr neat dots, checks and checked and" dotted com bination: all wanted colors In the assortment; .'sold everywhere at 11.25 and $1.00 per yard. Special for Friday only, per yard ..69 These for wpeelal Friday In "The Baberdash.rle" -ar " " " Ann.x First Floor. --- OUB SOO TTBDXBWXAB FOB 850. A broken line of Men's Summer Vnderwear, Shirts and Drawers, a pur whit mesh; splendid gar- ment and one of our best at 60c. Special Econ--oniySale Prlccthe garment 35 KZB'S FUBB XJBXV HABDKXBCBTBFS. With and M Inch hem; our regular price 1 t for 60c. Special Economy Sal Prtce, I for. 25 XXB'8 75 OOLF BBXBTS FOB 4So. Men' white Golf Shirts, with fancy whit figure fronts; a swell summer shirt; our 75c value. : Special Economy Sal Price, each. ....... ..45 - MZBI-SO BOSB FOB 100.--' "J Men's seamless Hoee, In - black and tan: good wearers snd regular 20o value. " Special Econ omy Sal Price, th pair lO West Aaaex First Floor For Friday Oaly. WOHirt'IM ABD SS BBPOOBBB lte. A lot of Brooches in a great variety of designs; r regular values 25c and 35a, Special, eaoh..l9 V-rwomriiw . avoxua isxv ! -J A lot of Belt Buckles, gilt and oxidised; a large - assortment of style to choose from; regular value 5cr Special, ch ......19 -'' , .woifiB't? ase'Ajrs as max rm n. A lotof turquoise and pearl htJ top Hat Pin; - regulsr value 2tc and Sic Special, each. ..11 OTSTXBTB StFOOBB. A lot of sterling stiver Souvenir Coffee S poena, - with th different Lewi and Clark Fair Build Ing. Mmwit Hood, eto in th bowls-- Our regular I5o valu. Special, each. .....22 Our regular 60 valu. Special, each .30 ' Our regular 76o valu. 'Special, each...... 59 Bring Your Feet Here to be Shod - Btyl. Comfort and Econarnjr form an Irresistible barrier over whloh no customer escape who'-; ' r '..brtnsy. thlr .arUndlnK, .wf t.;-; ' pclal Frldy--oa dhe -TTair-War West Avm-d Tlrst Floor. For $IJBS You May Buy Women's Half Shoe ; Worth 3.50 to $S.00, 'il We have taken from our 'stockroom another large ' lot of Women's Low Shoes: the lot; includes discontinued lines of high grade shoes, made by th. IHn.r. r T .lrrt Rrlmhfr A Co.. and Dut- tenhofer Sons: In all lUndvot leaUers heavy :and light weight; former prices on these shoes -wer $3 50. 4.0i and -16.00-Speelal Ectmomr Sale Price, the pair ,r. ....... .r. .... ,f 1.85 TAB ABO BUCK SBOZS) MZSS. . FOB CXXX.D AJTD Lace Shoes in black jbongola kid. with patent tip; '-L . lso-t8n- rk)ngola. Lce Shoes, medium shade, ;wUhtlps of same: excellent hiesPr Iced for --. Friday Economy .Sal. follow: '' . ' , . Mlones' Shoes, .slses ' 11 H to 4; our rogular 12.0 ' value.'. Special at .....................91.30 Children's Shoes,, I'i to 11; our 11.50 value. Special -, mm . , .mu ; . -$1.00 'Children's v8hoes,""slses I to 8; -r $1,JS value. Special at ,. . . . ....i. . ...95 ." wtk. bob -"'j't;- .-- "Little Gents" "Scrappers.?-In -tart calf- Just th shoes to stand the. hard Knock and wear which the typical boy give hi footw-. Price, the pair ; .... .'. . . . . . . . . trrirlnrm'-'ll.SO Barefoot Sandals for Beachwear at Little Price. Stirring Attractions on 4th Floor v - TTIOCBB 7 COTBBS FOB BBS ABB COVCBXS ABB XAWB OABCXS AT BBHABXABIfB ,y-t ""77'"' . BBPPCTIyBB. " 'Z: Three Xlrratora ap - B naalag -aAlr.-f--; S5S for Z-ae Bed -rpread worta S10.M Beautl , - ful Lace Bed Spreads, trimmed with ruffles, tn white or . Arablan;'jaut $10,60 veae. -u Spctat Economy ale Price, each ,t,4.:.i 4I5.T5 Coueh Cover worth S10.BO for 96.00 -Handsom Couch-Covere, in - atriKlng - Indian effect a pleasmg -adrtttlon to your -cotch fumtshlngs; : our 110.50 value. Special Economy Sal Price. ach , ,,..... .-96.00 IIZTTZZT"" -- oboqttxt i v -- - $3.50 Croquet Bets for ta.TS One. of the best made professional Croquet Sets, hardwood balls and mallet; our regular $3.5.0 value. Special Econ- -'- ' omy Sale Price, the set- V... 92.75 4.00 Croquet Sets fo $3.15 Croquet Sets, same a .above, but wtth eight balls and mallets: our $4.00" value; Special atrth set A. . . , . . 93.25 A SWaBFIBO TBXBB OFF BXSUOTZOB OB Children? Wash Dresses h. Baby tn.; ' Friday l Shops Wert Annes . eooad noor, Our entire stock of Children' Colored Wash Dresses, comprising plain and. fancy materials .Jn Russian, Peter Thompson, Sailors, Buster Brown, French and Mother Hub bard styles; a ge from 1 to 14 - years; regular prices from JOc to $12.60. Spe cial Friday at .....I-S off. k Friday Specials in Dress Goods Salons . sovtx Ainrxx FIBST FKOOB. "." 62-inch Imported English Mohair Sicilian, very dur . . able, with rich silk finish; Just the thing for Fair; and very day Shirtwaist-- Suits; sold In other stores at $1.00 per yard; our regular S5o .. quality. Special for Friday only,, per yard. 59 Color are gray, browns, navy and black. Jt-lnch All Purej Wool Vofl Etamines,-wHh- rich, - lustrous finish, lit cream, tans mode, greens, r browns, navy and black; our regular too values. Special for Friday only, per yard. ,SS Bndments andjOddments of Colored Pres Ooods. Great Cloan up Sale of odd piece, alt flvia e- Bon' goods; for. a quick clean up they-go st exactly . .. ,.. .' Bait Frio. Regular value ..$1.00 $1.76 $1.60 IMS $1 0 60 Special Bt, yard.. $1.00 S7H BLACK SBtll OOODS. Our regular $1.31 grade of ormnre. serge, prun ella, brllltantlne,' Sicilians, Henriettas and Mel . rose. Special for Friday only? per yard.... 87 X)ur- regular $1.6 ; grades of "Novelty Panama. serge, prunella.-' Melreae, Henrietta, brilliant- ta, and Sicilian. .z. Special fo Friday, only, per yard ..91.19 Special Friday in Art Shop TBlfcuB XBtXOSBXD CTCSXIOaT TOFS, FT. Aaa Sssoad Flo. A new featur In I-lthogTaph Cuxhlon Top; ntend , of being plain, th design are ti er.en - housed ; a an Introduction w will ll therrl day enly at, earn ., I , f