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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1905)
4-. - - I ',---4 ' THE OREGON r. DAILY 7 JOURNAL?: P0RT1JINIV;.WEDNESDAY -EVENlNG.-JUNE-14rrl90tTZ!r r - -.. . -it - MASONS MAY HAVE --BIC-TEMPLE-S00N Grnd "Master " Cray Recom - mended Structure in Mis An ,. riual Report. MATTER REFERRED TO BUILDING COMMITTEE Grand Uodge Opens Annual Con- ''-j- - vention With an Unusually -Large Attendance.:, , -Grand - MaaterJThomaa' QnrToT ' the ' h..n. Mxuinic rrand lodge rexfom- 1 tnd4' thin- morning ln nl uual rvlJUnrw W. C-Waahburn and Dr. C. I i port that Maaon erect a ouiiatng in inn v city for lodge purposes. Thla report r-lltW referred to atmttaina-twnmtMo before final action on it is tanen ry m t-u nA 1 rvl wm. Aa business' block the 'present Ma potvlrf tempi at Third and "Alder streets 'can be made to yield a miirh higher revenue than can be derived from, 1 1 aa - lodge roorn : . '. ' Orand -lodge business opened on time thhi morning with the grand lodge of- artaiteV1 C -".'.vi ..-'sew.;..-, -!,...'.,'.?fni Mrtv Inex laV-RyaiV-Worthy : Grand ' . - Matron O. E. S. . S lclala of the 65th connjlonlaUieirI.rJl"Pn ' woman's analliary at Gowd r hatrs. Tlieie ' Was- aa eiceptlonally boajtjt attendance of delateapniblue lodges, and the auditorium of the temple ' " was filled the doors, Z Between , J50 '.'".. and 400 delegatea "are here, while there I Is a large throng of visiting blue lodge . - men nd pest-genKl officials. . epeTrlTig ceTemorfles. iamhig ommlt- tees and reading ot the grand master's report consumed the morning hours, and i routine business was taken up In the "r affernocTiF; .. The grand lodge will be in session - three doys, but nothing: Is imparted aa - to whether special business other than ' .the building project will t taken up. Election of officers and installation will : be deferred until toward the close of the aesalon., TomprEewrevenln g 'the ent I re . grand' lodge and all master Masons de T airing to do so wlir attend the produc . tton of 'The Widow's Son" at the Scot tish Rite cathedral. Other -especial functions will be arranged for the en tertainment of visitors. - Eastern Btar Praised. .' ' . The grand chapter of Oregon, Order " ef Eastern Stnr, finished its annual ses sion late last evening, with exemplifies tlon of degree work by the Oregon City " . team. Pioneer chapter No. in. for a rand "Worthy Matron -eonkllnH; of the national - - -- organisation. She urged the Oregon . ivomen to bring a team- next year to "Milwaukee to take part In a national i contest - " ""'"' The trandnodge aesslon-terminated bapplly. In addition to the degree work put on, there were social features hat brought out a strong attendance, filling "Woodmen of the World hall, -at' East .....' Sixth . and East Alder-afreets, to the ante-room. There was" little routine business, save election of officers and Installations. The floral work In the lug was ti Riiie cilj iliupiei TP -centlyprganlaeL The officers elected are: Worthy ,i grand matron, Mrs. Inex M. Ryan, Ore gon City; worthy grand patron, George ; -jM. Hyland. ?ortIand: associate' grand matron. Mrs.. Bay U Sherwln. Ashland; associate grand patron, :C C. Parker, . Albany; grand secretary Mrs. Mary Scott Myers. The 'Dalles: grand treas urer. Mrs. Clara T Lyle. LaGrande; NOW IS THE TIME FOR HYOMEI, ' Far .' Easier to Cure CaUrrh Now : ' Than at Any Other Season. Now i the time to une Hyotnef, when the early Bummer Jay$ make it i fv.asy to ' cure catarrhal troubles. The Hyomei treatment, breathed for j a few-minutes three or four times a day in May or Jnne will do good twice I as quickly as it -did in January, and nearlr everyone - knows that used faithfully- then, it completely rids the system of catarrh. , --Hyomei is a purely vegetable prep. ration, wnose active curative prop erties are given off when it is breathed "by the 'aid' of the pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit. It destroys all o-erm life in the air oassaees. ouri- fies the blood by supplying additional ozone, and its healing, volatile, anti- feptk fragrance reache every corner of the respiratory tract as no med icine taken through the stomach can poibly do. The complete Hyomei outfit costs lut one dollar, and consists of a nrat inhaler that can be: carried in the rurse or vest-pocket and will last a ifetime. a medicine droDner. and a iottle CCJIvomc.iEtra.botilei.of jJtyomei can ba procured, if desired. jfor fifty cen. At this season of the year when itatarrhal troubles can be so quickly land readily cured, the merits of the Hyomei treatment should be carefully ;invetigaled by everyone and I com rlete outfit should be in every home. liYVoodard, Clarke & Co.- give their rersonal guarantee withevery Hy rmei outfit they sell tayefund the 1'oney if it does not give satisfaction. . Thert is no mk whatever to the pur thaser of Jfyomei. ', ' v - ... grand rnndurtr. Mr JHerenc Neee- bur-.,Marhfleld; associate grand con ductresa. Mra, Jennie K. Keamea. : :,' Xaar-Xlgh seasons. "Thirtv-ona Maioni awoke from giorloua Brtain late lust ev.rntncto find themselves entering won the proealo walk, of TlfTagaTn wTlKTRettblTameTrnrt- f high Masonry on them. - They-were adorned as members of the lid degree and tendered a royal reception.--The rs ceptlon followed the final work of the Oregon consistory and will on remem bered by the assembled throng aa one of the biggest event of Scott Ufa Jtite Masonry In thle elate. The "June. 1805" cUrea Includes men from all part of the state. Their class organisation. ' perfected jreateraay, in which Colonel Robert A. Miller waa chosen ' president, Kdwnrd Newbegln secretary and Ur. J. R. Weatherbe ra tor. preceded the photographing of the entire list.' The members are: Isaac Faer. Baker jClty: R, .C Olson, .Dr. 'H. W. Cor,' Kdwnrd Newbegln, Colonel Rob- erf A. Miller Dr. J. R. Weatherbee, Thom(t "A. PurdT,: Dr.-Edwara Bande' be rtf. Captain Qearre H.; Duntar. H. -1, Haeslnav-J-A. rahlgren;-A.-B.t Frame, II. C. Campbell. G. Tuttle, F. H. Powers and Or. A. W. Chance of Portland; H. U Williams, Junction City; Dr. F. M. Pay. Eua-ene; J. I." Jones, Cottage Grove; Dr. F; Mr Wilktne. Corvalllei Drr A.-Ot Prill, Sqlo: E E. Porter, Grass Valley: W:,E. Coke, Klamath Agency; F. D. Wheeler. Cottage- Grove; '.C. F. Walah, Seaside; J. Pv-Jterd, Jacksonville; i. W. .Brown, Klgln.NW. M. Slueher, Pendleton, and w, H. Powell ot Bt. Helens. - BISHOP MORRIS TO HAVE COADJUTOR Several . Candidates for " High TTHonor Which1 Will Be Con- "J: ferred Next Frjday.;:: ; HBiidlooee- jof Oregon will, on next Friday, elect a bishop co adjutor toiwork with -Bialiop .Morris. DtMQrrlspnpfTrinity church.. Port land. Rev. W. 8.. Short of Astoria ghd DrNasli of Cambridge,- Massachusetts, he most alked nx tor the .nnnor, Dr. Short is a low churchman, while Lpr Mnrri.nn and Dr. Nash are broad churchmen. . . The appointment for nomination will be made by the clergy, .but the vote for election resta with the lany alone. Every parish in the state will be rep resented by lay member and many of the clergy, will also be present -The following Is the program of services for t ha. weak June IS Tuesday evening, graduating of nurses at Good Samaritan hospital; address by Rev. George TaylorGrlfflth of Baker-City. June 14 Wednesday morning and aft ernoon, quiet day -for clergy -at-- St. Stephen's chapel; holy communion at I a. m. . ... - June 14 W'ednesday evening, com- jnencement services at " 8b Helen's hail; address by Bishop Keaton. . June 15 Thursday morning and aft Shepherd- rburch; address by Bishop Keaton.- , - . JQ'nafB-Tliursday avnlng. wnenlng services of convention, Bishop Morris' annual andress. ' " -.' 7TT: ""' ' ' r -t June 18 Friday, . 10:30 a. . m.," holy communlpn,f ollowe(l .by.- business coo- ventlon.' " "..."' .. . - June- 17 Saturday, , business ofcpn.- vsnthm." r ' ' ' ' Juno li ' Trinity Sunday, morning aerylcea In all thejfjmrphes. June 18 Afternoon, rally bfBunday schools at S o'clock at Trinity chattel and St. David's church; offering for child's cot No. S in Good Samaritan hos pital; addresses by visiting clergy; June IS Sunday evening, So'clock, union missionary services at Trinity ehapel and 8U,Mark'a ohurchr St. Davld'a church- and -Church -of . the Good Shep herd; offerings divided equally between diocesan missions and general missions. BENTON COUNTY TO " t PARADE TOMORROW Corvallis Cadets and Business Men Will Have Fair for -;. v ' the Day. There will be about S.S00 men ln the line of march of the parade- which will be given by the Benton county visitors to the fair. The bodies participating; in the parade will be organised as fol lows: First Lieutenant D. P. Quintan, Fifth United States cavalry, grand mar shal j&jtt-ii4r&n-r-ertmpT ard: aide, Flrat lieutenant 8. 1 Da-H mon. r. . Flrat divisioncolonel H. C-Rarby, marshal; chief of staff. F. B. Davis, ca ptaln and adjutant O. A. C. cadets; aides. O. A., Weber, captain and quar termaster O. A. C. cadets; H. C; Oeta. engineer officer O. A. C. cadets; regi ment O. A. C. cadets. Second division Lieutenant-Colonel T. A. Garrow, p. A. C. cadets, marshal; chief of staff. Captain M. W. Bsrtmess; aide. First Lieutenant C V. Hawley; company By O. A. C. cadets, escort; county and city officials in carriage; clt liens. 1 ' The epeclal train will leave Corvallis at a. m. The train will reach Fourth street ststlon. Portland, about :S0 a m. The eolumn will -start promptly aj -10 a. m from. Yamhill street station and march north on Fourth "to Washington, west on Wash ington to Fourteenth, north -on Four teenth to Everett, west- on Everett td Twentieth, north on Twentieth to Over ton, west on Overton to Twenty-fourth, north on.Twenty-fourth to 8avler, west on Bavier to Twenty-eighth street en trance. - " . FIND BEST BARGAINS ; IN ftOftTLAND REALTY The business property at the south west corner of Park and Morrison streets, occupied by a meat market, -has been sold to Straus' Ilexter for $50,000. The ground fronts 60. feet on Morrison ihd 100 feet on Park afreet. " The prop erty will be continued ' In Its present condition and use for some time. The purchasers recently disposed, of property on Front street and went "to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and other cities, but finally; invested here. School Teacher' Rates. On June 14. II, 1." J7 -the Great Northern -railway will 'aell excursion tickets to St. Psul. Minneapolis. JDuluth, Milwaukee, Chicago. St Louts, Omaha, Kansas City, Winnipeg, etc., at rate of one first-class fare plua 110 for round trip. Tickets allow- stopovers going and returning, good for three months. For full Information call on or ad dress H. Dickson, C P. T. A.- Great Northern Ry, , No. 1!3 Thlrd street, Pdrtland, Oregon. ". . Dies by aVseassla'a Kaad. " - .IJosrsal Special BMVlee.) Athens, Greece, Jane 14.- Theodore P. Delyacnis, the premier, who waa subbed m Many people who' are neglecting symptoms ,ot kidney troutile, hoping "it will wear away,' are drifting towards Bright Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. tons irregularities." streTiPthens . I 9 ' a a .T ' the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the" kid neys so they will perform their functions prupeily, H ealthy kid neys strain ' out . the impurities from the blood as it ' p a s s e s through them. Diseased kidneys do - not, and the- poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation tawerjrpartxif the bodjrfcausing dizziness, backache, stomacn trouble,, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any tgns of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S- KIDNE Y CUR E at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in, a feW days and prevent a fataLjnalady. It is- pfeasant to. take and benefits, the whole system.1 ! How to Find (Jut., v You can easily tleferrnln If yoor kid neys are out of order by setting aside for 24 honra a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it Is cloudy or milky or -has a brick-dost sediment or small particles float about In It, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should ba taken at once. , .,, ., : ... ; . O. B. BHrftana Testifies Attei . Pear Tear. 0. 1, srstst ef CirHik Ctster, N. Y, atrttes: - "About tour vesrs sso I wrote tou stating that t bad been entirely eared of a severe kidney trouble or taking leas than two bottlesot Foley' Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the .brlck dutt sediment and fialn and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to ssy that I bare never had a return of any ot those symp toms during the lour years that have elaiwed, and t am evidently cured Xo stay cared, and bearttly reeoinmend Foley's Kidney Cure to ant s suffering from kidney or biaouer trouoio." Twa Sizes, BOo and 100. SOUHHD RECOKSfENDED BY Isum TMvlS) Drar Oosnpaay aad Weedara Clarke m Oo. GETTIN' WISDOM Is the natural result of satisfying your wants from this stock. Wis dom, in that you buy a quality elsewhere will settle for -r- and have a variety to choose- rrom that'll satisfy eveiy point. In- your desires. AVERY & CO. S3 TKTJU9 ITXEIT. FOR $10,000 We can sell you a property tfiat will pay 6 per cent net - on $25,000. The Hcaly Investment Company 210-214 Abington Building, -1Q6J4 THIRD ST. A Cottage in For small payment down and tltt per month. Choice lots 1 100, is down and It a month. Electrio cars, -tc fare. . . AOXeTT OBT TII OmOUaTD. GEO. W. BROWN 03 T AXLIsTO auo. rnoaa KaJaaiae. yesterday by a professional gambler named- Eheraksls, died within three hours of th time ha wss attacked. Ills assassin la hinder arrest. .The reuse of the crime wsa the recent closing ot gambling houses, , . ,j mm mm EVELYN ZS journals Branch Offices AOTIKTIBZallVTa will e TtolfM -ar eeaour - axis -face rates at the -tollowlns pUrmt aaa wat to The Joarul Is time for publics tlos la tae Hit Ueuel -MOaTK. Ba, .s.toe, arastl.t. Sll sad Tsse- Bn streets. Nb RIU Pharmacy, S0 Ollaaa straet. - eoraer lt. r A. W all,., pbarsueiet. ISth aa lfaf BbiU etraets. - . ft. B. i-Jack. eonrtetloBery.' e00 Was. logtoa street, eorser lth. sotrxs. - . Jes- a Ce.. raraggist.' Fraat " pa oiDor sireeu. : Cott.l Dru Compaoy, First sad Oraat ttreeta - . "' rasi irss. Tattle's Pharmacy. SOS Mississippi (t. no, enrner Jihaeer. street. . tHlrholt a aTbompaoa. I2S Kuaeill stresa ' oror Albloa STtsoe. IiBeke Drue Compasy. - earasr Bsw. thoroe and Oraod tmvr. J , JTA. Dick. tobcis, 234 Crosbreasr end steel bridge). B. F. fulton. epofeetloaery.' ST4 Bast - Barasld. wm J'nlos aetsse. lasram Basa, tobaeeealsts. . 11 0fasd . areas. . WBTSISX, J.,. Worth,.' plurnuiclst,- sag Belateat -. treet.. . , BkOOKLTTf. Brooklra "Pharmacy, eorsec Powell aad . Mllwaukla streets. .. NE W ENGL AND CAPITALISTS AlwaM keen Ihelr mosey arhaee It .will aeaw anoao interaat, however smalL Here la fORTLAi(D..hweTer, "IHI OLDEST TRUST COMrAVT IK ; . ouooar," . . Resources Over $1,000,000 'uee Interest-bearing certificates of deposit thet-eer mn-S- -tn - 4 er -ceirt--tnrMiat. -ni ra ne arawn at any time oy gtrlns a certain number of daya" nutlce.. Full .particulars are couiaiuen iq our dook or -r xrxtnmaTxears."1 . Which we shall be glad to send yoa. PORTIAND TRUST COMPAfiY OF OREGON Jhone Main aM . We-Thtrd atreer." PEKJ. I. rOHKN." ". . . . . . . rrealdent VIce-ITealilent II. L. PITTIK'K... B.- LRK PAUKT... ....Pecrerarf 1. (K (lOLTRA.... .Aaalatant 8ecretary LOST AMD rOTTXB. LOST A sold locket with InacrlntlMuoa. hack --3V- Billy - fivtat Alorti'xxnewber between .corner Weet I'afk and Alder at. and Lyric theatre, fir ln Lyrictheatre, pranraably the latter. . Unliable reward return of same to Jamea U. Morton. Lyric. theatre. -. . FOUND a place to hare hair rrno- vatea and returned same day. Phone Mais 474. PortUnd Curled Hair Factory.. . - FOUND A. lady's gold' watch.- Owner -ran hare same hr gtring oacrlpt Inn and paying charges at 629 Et Harrlaon st. LOKT leiry-handleil nmhreua. Baturday even- ins. KewartJ IX rrturnea to room 4, Xtl Vt Morrison St.. fOI'M Lady's ring, near the. 0. A. R. camp around. Mia. v. i. Btout. J8JS Andlcott at., Penlnauls. LOST Lady's sold-watch. Finder return to lZHVi rirat at. ano-reeelre suitable reward. sTOl NOTICB of Stockholders' Meeting The aa- nJ meeting of the atnckboldprs it th tii aw lrenA StPel Company .will be heidlwjjjgi r the"offIre of the company.' room 339 8br. lock building. Portland, Oreson, June SO, IPOS, at 11 o'clock a. bl.. for the purpoae of . electlna s board of director for th enaulns year, and the transaction of snch other bualoeas aa may legally come befort 4he oieetlngi " A. S -PATTt'MA SecryUry. Portland, Or.. May 23. 1906. NOTICE la hereby siren to . the public that a. t. lirirfr. rormcrly or the oreson CTTatal Used Photo A Picture Co. of Portland. Oregon, composed of Driver, Amoth A- Alln, baa sold hla entire Interest to Amoth A Allan and that the aaid Dtirer la not authorised to make any contracts for the aM Arm er to represent them ln any way whatever. AMOTH A ALLEN. DISBOLUTION NOTirK The law Arm of Pines L.e A Tlfft has bn dissolved by mutual consent. r ornces are w. cnamner or commerce. Tvlep bona Mala 653. . - MARTIN L. PIPBSj, ' BITVATIOn-B WATe5 rZMALE. CHICAOO dressmaker wants work by the day; beet or rererrmes; wagea IIW per day. Ad drees 4S5 Yamhill at., Portland. Or. POSITION as managing housekeeper or; take charge of roumlng-honee by refined lady. Addreaa N SO, rare Journal. . SNAPS OFFERED BY The Dunn- Lawrence Co.' IB-acre Improved place, ftft rods' station. 10 miles out 91,800. -room house. 2 lots, How at, Woodlawn 11,000. I lots, 42x140 each on E. th at. 1380 for the bunch. -- -$ lots, sightly corner. Peninsular 4178. App1rl49 First St. Oregon Cooperative Home Association "Will build you a house, psy off your mortgage or start, you In ' business and- rive you a long rierm of yeara ln which to repay" your loan. Only 4 Per Cent, interest Charged a - The only -wy -fdW' the amsll wageearner to become Jidepand ent. . Call, at 1 Boom S7, ISSVi Tonrtk a-, cor ' aer atorrisoa, for full particu lars. - $850 Will buy 1 acres, I miles east- of Montavtlla; all cleared and fenced, on good road. . J. L. WELLS CO. Oraad Ayenaa. ' .' - , UKur wAaTriy-.nn t, MA AG ERR wanted tar ear floes ta all large -cities iatuughout Onsvti sit rent. Ubersl salary and commission; eaea a-poait and raf creates required. Addrea 'Mauager," Ji - Oram Bids., Mas Fraaciaee. -- WANTED A good " allopatble phyalclaa and aiireeoa .phjslclaa. Inquire at dm (store. Oleneoe. Or. tOt'N'O mas of neir"appcarance. honest and Industrious, ran secure good position; must be a sued talker. S01 Ankeny at. fWA ar-maa for mllkrancS-ear Portland : atate wagra and eiperln. aaareee sou North Ibirenteenlk . at., Portland. WANTED rirsr-class sign writers; must be abopmeo; atrady work, $4 a day. Foster 'A Klrlarr, , Fifth and Ererett. MAN to work foe ertpple. who goes, -Wheel - ekele -selling small articles; "SI.SO per day. F. fairer, 411 Falling st. . - WANTI Sollcllor for- clothes .cleaning and prswiug; g-xid wage, tut- Hate Tailors, . t .aU-muid ab DITECTIVEm Men to learai we guarastee work to our pupils. B aul. 18S Morrlaoa sL WANTKI flood enapmaker; atate eiperlenee 1 and jM.laryeivectLAdrea U.W, Journal. l'nt KO man to do Janitor .work; student prs- . icrree. Adareas a (, ears journal. WANTED; Youny . mas to lsara - the - barber - trade. Apply at 61 Third at. INTEiy-A. good pteeser for. Jailor shop... Bea kiiuur. ieauing rsurjlor. BXLP WAVrUk rXMAIX LAMES' DEPARTMENT. Hotel, restaurant, office, etore, bakery, laundry sad laiuny patronage eolinted. HANriEN'6 EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. ' tithi Waabuigtoa at., room T. cor. Beventb at. .4- t-noue slain mo. GIRLS wanting employment each ss general nouaewors. waitreaaea, cnamDermaiaa, coobb. call on Scandinavian Employment Co., ZI0 ournsiue at. , rnone asain 01100. TYPE WRITER with machine. Appljr -Camp Yelkwstone. end Munut Tabor and canine, apply weoueaoay . morning. . WANTED---IminenUvtly, OKperleoced referenced cook, rirat-riasa -ranniy; wages o. xuy, amnjii. t none atatn oaio WANTED Immediately. : flrat-claaa second girl, private rami it: wages p. mi l amain. t'noue Malu 64U. AI.I. klhda of experienced laimdry help; high est wares jpMurs.M J-aunari tu llth shot vuimby eta. GIRL for general- nooeewoek. Apply between l and a evenings ur snd 10 mornings, 630 OOK--witiTedTmueT Bare "soma- knowledge of annrt-oriir . work. Apply The Irving. 070 irring at. f ' GIRIJI and women, good wagee.' Joba for errr- . ooay. Alpine Co.. ins Flrat at. Mala 1W1T. WANTED Olrl .to de housework from t a. m. tin a B- m.; pay !. I all eni. aearney. WANTED Experienced lrooera. Apply Btar liSuiHir? to., i nion are. sua tsst Anseny. WANTED Experienced - ladles' elohes4r0aers. st racine unndry. rirat and Arthur sta. ALL klnda laundry help; highest wagea paid. (irana Laundry, seventeenth and liuimby. WANTED Good talkreas to work In bushellng Mrs. - Ben Hvlllng, leading clothier. WANTEI Girl cashier. Favorite Boating Co. f iot Mortiaooet. Tel. Mais 04i3. . , WANTED rl tn.aaslst la second work snd rare of child. . 188 23d st. . GIRL wanted: steady factory work. . 49 North rTont at., -cor, parts.- . "WAITED aIALS AD TEMALI HIL. MEN and women to learn barber trade ln i weess; aairaresaing, manicuring; graduates earn flS to f2S weekly. Seattle Barbrr Cot lege, 121 Washington at.v Brsttla.. r-- .WANTSD At oace. ' hrlgbt. energetic pre- wiiwui. aiao or womajl, a . rmra uiaer, le take up. an attract! propoattlos. Inquire T83 Chamber of Oommeree. B a. as. $2.60 per day guaranteed. Addreaa Oeneaai Agent. Monarck Book Co., general delvery. WANTED Chrlatlaa -bo ma for old Udr I who most nave good care; rererencea, Artrtrasa CALLING and buatnees-carda BOe 100, II zg i.wi. .nzn waanington. Automatic Card Press. SmJATIONS WANTED MALK. WASTED Position by man ST years old; 4 years' experience in Dana and T In general ofSce; bank work preferred; good references. K 64, care Journal. OOOI mas cook wants work sober and In- dustrloua: reetaurant. hotel or boarding house. . Address Harer the Cook. P. O. Box 101T. - EXPERIENCED elderly gardener wants posi tion lu private place, city or country; sober, all-around mas. Address N 67, car. journal. COMPETENT boy of 'IS would like position as office-boy or, errand-boy or to - deliver for store. Address K 69, care Journal. WORK wanted by good steady man; have- bed some experience ln carpenter-work. . ll'H I'nkin are,, aorth. city. lOI'NO man would like tn learn plnmhlng aa apprentice. . Addreaa N 46. care JournsL EntPLOTsTCItT AQEXCXa. PACirC ' COA8T EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Kemovrd to 121, North Second st. Phone Red -Mb : ' , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OmCE. - roa men. - M N.- Becoad St. Phone Main 1S3S. AMERICAN Employment snd Real Rut ate Agen cy AIL klnda of Jielp furnished -free of charge,-! .14 Burnaide at. Black 8.161. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eontrae. tore; help free to employers. . Hi Morrlaoa. HELP wanted and supplied, male or 'female. - R. O. DRAKE). 306 Washlngtos at. CUy 440. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Help fnr nlahed free. 133 First at Phone Mala 1017. 185 MORRISON Columbia Rtver Emp. 'ageneyi akllled labor rornlabcd. Phone Mala S36S. WAHTID TO XXVT. BOOMS la all parts of the elty. fnraUhed. Apply 220 Ooodnough bldg. " EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU. - Under direction -of the Lewis snd Clark rail Corporation. . Phone Main 6168. Wl have calls every day for vacant boesea and furnished houses; list your property with us: we will do the rest. Uobss A Taggarl, ' 107 Sixth ot. GIVE us your annm to rent; we are hav ing many rills for furnished snd unfurnished rooma to rent. J: U Wells Oo., 04 Urand ave. WAHTED AOMTa. AOENTB WANTED To sell ear superlne -lgb grade nnraery stock new and complete out fit furntabed free; eaah weekly; writs to- - day- tor eholee-of territory. -.Capital -City Nursery- Cavr Salem, Oregon- - WANTED Specialty as learn sn to sell on com mission to dealer, an entirely new article of great merit and a splendid seller. Call on or addreaa Oeo. O. Miller, 84S Sfitb St.. Portland. Or. AGENT wanted to take orders for the Mound ' City. Dlebwaaher; new thing; -also sn auto- matlo washer; snap for a rustler. George W. fslmar, 1U64 Macadam at., Portland. Or. WAVTED MIBCTLLAVEOVg. WANTED Mor spraying' and whitewashing! the only gaeollne compressed air spraying outfit on the esast. M. U. Morgan Co.. li alllwaukle at. Phone East 2111. I WANTED Medium-else, goose-neck wagon; alao team of horse weighing shunt 8.200 the. Cell 106 North Eleventh St. WANTED To boy a good second-ban-fares waron. Call or sddrees - worth St. Webb,' l Klls- SnOBT ORDER Prlntlag House T. 1. Rrder. Second sad Waahlogloa Slav a. Mala' 8886.. BOOMS to paper, 8S sad "P. psper InClsded; . palat th.m lor 1 sp. Boa M, city,. fob atax iraMUHU) booms. ' .. riiintNa fusi nil Xlegaai auunjr furnished ruoma are dealrahl. )-away fros rltr noise: all eolslda ruoma. plenty of (tt-ah air, building fireproof; car, t uwr iw an pwintai ao rates -muring rair; rates l day; frte ubone, bath sjid gaa. all vr ijuuim n. fanner. ZJUfe KUessil at. s-esaa sisss esuu. ' ' 1 NEWLT fnrnhAed rooms la moat centra) nart w. iu. t oioca . rrom roriiaua noii and a blot-kt from city poetofacs and rants searby; rooms en suite or slugli d reataa- It or sIiis-Im tram Kl Pr. day and up; special rstra to parties. lee sua iw aerauta at., eat. Taylor. uonlilioi'ou sttui : - Opposite poatorsce, Ftftb and iamblU sta, N lrlr fUTIllshlHl Mnma al-.m has a bath and tvlapoeae; ears direct to dp!t and fslr grounds, paaa door: fake elerator to third fuiirlh an, ar.k. - THK KINO. fs Jeffsrana at K.. Ihmnlk out, St par day. ao'hlgner; saving all modern . ronrenloncee: on dire, t car 41n to depot and - einoaltlon; I .minutes' walk from postofflce nu UU.IUW. iirsi-ciasa meals served. xo rente eaco. , . COMMERCIAL HOTEL New "hnlldln e.err thing new and modern througaout, beautifully furnlehrd; rooms light and aunny; plenty of fresh air; location very maeealent fcie either bulnea or fair; prtcaa rsaaunable.- 4U8 Wash- ugtoa ac - - - 1 - . . THE GARLAND 21 Waablugtos hot. nineteenth and Twos J - tletb; sew, modern, sit outside reomi trie Hants, pnone, tree oaths: noe. Tftc. day; rate by week) restaurant in basement. Ft'RNISHED rooms, walking : dlatance' from ouainrsa.aisirict; care oirert to ralr grounds; . Jeffurson street ear from depot to reaidence; trsnalent or permanent; reasonable. 263 Fourteeuth. Mala 868a.' - ,-. THE.HAMANN, 138. N. IStb one Hoyt Newly .furnished rooms, $1 60 rip; convenient location. 18 mluUte1 walk to fair grouada; Morrison ear at union aepot sireci to no use. rnone 8410. THE HEILER Hawthorne and 'Grand svea.) fireproof, elegantly furntabed rooma, bath, phone, 6-mlnute cars pa both' avenues;- rates reasonsoie wses or mon to; transient rooma. tfOK pleasant rooms go to tha. Kilter Jake Sell 1 wood car to B20 I'matllla. at. ; all outalde rooms; ncwiy rurnisnea: -fi oay; double bed; waa aiicnrn, oain. a. e. iMcaum, prop. STRANGERS call et our office.' get Hat of . furnished and unfurnished rooms on eaat side, by day, week or month. J. L. Wells Co., 84 urand are. . KELLOGG HOl'SE. 184 Sherman: tak. S car aouthr clan-lo)lglng1-2ft;meala. 2.V; fnr. nlahed aousekeeplug rooms with both and launary. - THn? GABLE furnished rooma, light, slry. sea . eonahle, with breekfaat; 3 car line. East Twenty-seventh and Taggart eta. Eaat 8SOS. 2UE Al.nfBg-Oss Ise nle1y furslshs I pati).. rnone Mais isoi. w Alder, Bear Blatb. ri RMSHF.D rooms, private family, by week or month, with bath. -Phone Eaat 1270. Reaaoaabl. 67 Eaat Twenty-elghtb, north. MARQUAM BOt'BE. UR 6th Rooma -ea sale or single; aouaeseeping rooma; gaa atovea, cam. electric ugsts; tranaieou soiieiuo. NEW furnished rooms, everrthtnst flrat-claaa electric Hunts, gas and batb; near hotel; per- niDtot auo Traoaieuu OAS- rourtn Bt. 8 NICELY furntabed rooms for rent. 844 Siitb. between' Jackaon and Lincoln ats.t - bath ano pnone; near rirtn at. rariine. KEAT famished rooms, eeseosshle prices, for rent by day, week or 'month. Mra Jans; 323 --vtater, cor. day.. - - "f- ., ri'RMSHED rooms foe rent. Eaat Mth snd Powell sta., over store; prlvats family. Take e.p 388 ELEVENTH ST. Large noma, beautiful gronnda: beds 80e np; tenting apace. . Those Yinnue: h eat 761. we THE GLADSTONE 81 3H Savler St. oenlehed rooms; under new managementi prloas rea sonable. , - AT M N..1Tth at., on very desirable room, fur- rt-tied; suitable for two; 14 per week;. DO raise. . - THE TKMPLKTON. anev, 1st Furnished rooma. en sultj, -single; no'jaekeepljig; bath; tran nil ABBOTT 228 H Waahlngton; newly for- nisnea rooms en suite or aingie; transients. LARGE front room, for 3 or 3; housekeeping rooms; reesnnaDie iur transients. ad at. 4 PI'RN.ISIIED ROOMS. Brat floor, rrsaonahl rcnt,4IH gaat.Teata St. . rnone East jrwp. PLEASANT, comfortable fnrnlsbed rooms, batb, gaa, todtto iriic ids very quiets eD lamhlu. Bl'FFALO- HOUSE W6 Sslraon; transients by -oar. weea -or montnt rate otic, 7rc, il day. DESIRABLE front rooma. 8 blocks Hotel Port land, reasonable. 878 Taylor, cor. Weet Park 873 N. EIGHTEENTH Front rooma. reason able ratea; pnone ana oain; Breakfast ir desired. 827 N. EIGIfTERNTH Front moms, reasonable - rate; pnone- eon nam; rjrcaktaatir desired. NICE, large, sewly furnished rooma. wltrt.bath. oo cant per nay. vn n. seventeenth st. rOR RENT Neatly furnished front room, near ear line, ao per moots, xvt Tillamook St. FI'RNIRHEIr room for two, 80c each, or 78c ror one; ores a fast roc. nil Miller ave. NEATLY fumlik.d rooms, reaannabls rates; 128 Grand are., sekr Eaat Morrlaoa. THE ALDER 4KB Alder; furnished mom, bath, gaa, convenient, qniet.i mam 33ft.. NEWLY furnished: ratea 13.60 to 83.80 per week. 641H South First St. . CALL at 04 Grand are. for Information about furnished rooma on east aide. THE CASTLE 873 Washington at.; furnished rooma. rnone Main two. THE LEWIS. JM 10TH ST. Booms by day, wees or montn. mam era. ' . r NEATLY furnished rooms, by th day, week or transient. KiVi aixtn at. FOR BENT Fnrnlsbed room. 141 Shaver St. Phone rnlon 84S1. . FOB BEET H0UBEKEIPIEO BOOMS. FURNISHEP honaekeeplng suites for fair vis itors or permanent tenants; reasonable;- rueb electric light, laundry; large pleaaant roonw; brick bonding:, one block from L car. 84ft Russell St., Alblns. CAMP GROUNDS on Portland Helehta. with or witaont Board; plenty ot anade.iiiull- Hun- water, tine view, strictly . private.. . tail or Address - SkyUod, ' Portland Heights. Main 6VV3. t . NICE clean be (la In tent. 50c each, with conk. Ing accommodations; Re fare to einoaltlon. Lewis A Clark Camping Grounda, Mount Ta bor Heights. Pbooe Scott 8784. - - CAMP rAIRTIBW. Camping apace fnr rent. 3 to 81 mo.; mag nificent view of city and fair grounda. Call or addreaa Camp Falrrlew. Torland Height. LARGE new elegantly rnrnlabod honaekeeplng rooma. suitable for large partlee; gas rang., running wster. Th Lownsdale, 608ft Alder. 883 11TH ST. 8 Fnrnlsbed housekeeping rooma, downstair; mutable ror amait family; reason able; deslrobl. location. THB LINDA Y1STA. nicely fnrnlahed heneekeoa. ing ana single room reasonable. ztTft rirta. FOR BENT 6 fnrnlahed- hnuaekeepiog-rooois eio per monia. o wl nvoimn mi. BOOMS ABB BOARD. XES, we esn accommodate a few more table- boarder; home cooking and everything first -elaee.-- Aater bouse. Bar. nth sad Msdlsoa. I'bon Mala 62a i: THB 1RVIN0 Elegant nceommodatlom, no exormtant enarges; Y aining-room la eon. nectlon; price rlgh. Cor. lth snd Irving. THE LIN DELL New family hotel. Market, bet. Third and Fonrth; steam heat, eleclrle light, anraelalh' hath- aaresdtnalv tow ..Im BOOM snd board suitable for 3 gentlemen. 884. eor. East pine and East Eighth, BOOM and beard at Clay and Water sta., Be. e. mm. esu. I TOB BIBT r AEM8. e. rOR BENT 8 sers of land, all ts esltlr IS snltlva Una snai tloa, Eaat Forty-tblra snd s.auos W, jmcs. mrj tbs sanies. WABTXD riBABOI At. WtANTED T borrow $100 for earn-'gond 'collateral aeenntyi per teal, address, m 81, cr JonrnaU ',. . - ' Wl 1IIT--10B1U ' ' BY the- let nn-Lawrence to., - nicely furnished 6-enm (otttgs, Eaat Forty-fifth near Wash- inglnu. g 10. Neat and modern 4 room vacant sottage, 61 Kaat Twenty-aecend at., 1 18. ' Beautiful and new 6-rooai collage, Wood. laws. 814 pee month. Apply lwft Flrat at. HOI'SKS Furnished snd unfurnlsbed eon me . to rent at lowyatea for tb tlwes; also good : " boinea f,w sale very reaeonabie. I'hou Ksef 6TO ae Srati . Home Laod Co.. Lul . . veralty Prk: -. - -- KADDERLY TtANsrER-COMMI8SION CO. i'tanoa and furallure moved promrtly by ss perlencad meu. no Third at. Mala 1688. . FOR RENT 41 ' modern 7-roora bouaes on Raa . Tblrty-fourth at. rent 820;. W. O. Been. room 807 Toe Failing bidg.. 3 ROOM bouae, partly furnished, rear of 847 Water at., 34 80 tier month,' Key tad In formation st 78 Second st. --v - FOR BENT Large, hasdaosr hone snd gesuslls on top of Ml. Tabor. - Apply Hyssua, Journal office. ' .s ; - -.. , , - 1128 ROOMS large basement. Key O'Nell't grocery. Hood and Grant- Phone Mala 4828. NICELY located 6-roeaa keuae low rent, farak . turn for aala. . Inaulra 748 L'nlea m. t-ROOM cottage for . rent; Nelaos) St. So children. 833. f-ROOM hone. 310 per month.- 847 . Water st. HOPSXS FOB BEET TUEBn TUBE FOB BALE. THE PORTLAND" AUCTION ROOMS a 11a yeni:; .w r-w as rouf reeiuesce or 111 : First at. Foe beet results pbeus , UaW 86U. 8-BOOM cottage for rent, all or part of furol ture for sale: rent tld. ISO North ciauut t. A1J bsby walker." - A MODERN 8-mom. hones foe rent: desirable location; furniture - for eel,- 848 Mont, gomery at FOR SA rnnmlng-bonae, IS room; rent reasonable. ,821 Third st. . . Fl. RMTCRE-of 4-room house for sale, none 'rMt- eo monrniy. t. care journL '."TOB BENT TLATS. ' . ' . J T FOB RENT 3- new modern B room .fists roe !i?!1;T?n,'lu,nn fterr"n6cblldra- desired." 628 Mill at. ; . . . - MODERt-flatr-eoiTiertlxmi and Benton. " In." qnlr 424 Larrabe St. Pbooe tnlos 8584 FOR 8 ATT VASlra DO Von WAST A FARM? 40 acre! good bdlldtnra. Is good condition, close tn Eugene, sidewalk, to town. l.e.l: 6 scree co.ered with timber, timber, will pay for, the place, - nice rreek running through land, cloee t J Mllwsuklr. price 33Sn. , Grund-Helrsth Co., 246H Morrison St.. room 13. . - . . J 30 ACRES 30 miles from Portland: 4 sere of . nearer aam in cultivation, balance of land can be cleared reedy for the plow for 36 tn . 38 per acre, all very fine soli,'- 4-room r bonse. good well . and Bne road. 4' miles to . store, schonlhonke and church: Abit proper te -ta well worth 31.300 lo BI.Rrtft. -I will sell It foe 370O -on very easw terms. Addrea K 61. care Journal. . . $800148 ACRES 100 rich bottom land, easily ; rtearea.. sn county . road, m milea from Portland, orchard, gneg- outrange: a bargals. z.ii acres conrmnio rrver, l nine to tc K. : -Issel. hsl, ewlllng, noma fine timber, run- nlng "water, plenty eatrsssai aala ;i,80 pas , sere. OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE. - . 3S8H Waahlngton-et S4H ACRES. 34 In cultivation, H acre good - .(mt mnA mO - a . - - t 1 . I . .- good road, searby -all kind of fruit, 3 barns, : - gnod 8-room house, good-water and wlnd . mill. B mile southeast from elty -limits of Portland: will make term.- Addrea 'H.-- - Lonjrcoy, Mllwaukle, Or. owner. 330 ACRES anlmnro snie. izii acrea nne timner. ne lance good paature, water for all purpoaea. ditches eon atructed,-S-room bouae, 2tt miles from R. R. station. a0. eaah. H, H.-Corey Bke City. Or. 4S0-ACRB Sherman county wheat farm; a a good one; might take some good -pro party -part pay. . .- HENKLR eV- BAKER, ' ' 31T Abington .bldg. ; FREE LAND IN OREGON nnder tbk ."Carey . irrigation act. ueea oirect rrom atate. , Writs today. Booklet and map free. B. 8. Cook A Co., 381 Alder St., Portland. Or. MALHEUR COUNTY Improved and unimproved . . lands, seres ge property, tows lota residence, buslnes,'locatlosa, etc. Don Cork Boyd, th real sstst man. Ontario, Or. HOMESTEADERS W locate Ton on wheat or irrigation lanoa; real estate ror sale, tan or Writ Vas Cleave A Scbolb Echo, Umatilla Co. RICH farm and fruit land. Waahlngton coanty. ( i.regon. et rire tor psrticqiara to ueorge Am MiH-esn. Hlllshoro. Oreaon. ' BEACTIFUL home. 3d seres: sicellent fruits r1 irna rocaiion; grsaeu prneoi. naurese owner 816 Chamber-ef Commerce. BKST BARGAIN st 3S Alder, near Fifth. jtjenry a. nownaena snd w. I. Mavwen. riBBOBAL. '' 1 J ! r. "HIinaWIAI UcilllU'l. llfll'S use. (,,.' tains deacrlntlona and oartlculara riuwii. Ing nereral hundred realdeota of Oregon end Waahlngton a ha wish to marrr: mmur . wealthy; all age. Interstate Introducing noclety, suite 24, Ruaell bldg., 168ft Fourth. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Boberta' Nerve uionuie. une month's trestmeat, 33: 8 montbe, $.1; eent securely sealer by maH. Agtatsy Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. MANICURING by new rotary process, hand mae "... -..-I.T WIU. 1HCV, Mraip si.H.irj free demonstration. Vlbrstorlnm. rooms 28-24 Lewis bldg., cor. Park and Morrlaoa at. BOOKS! Here they are: "Decameron." "Hep. tameroa," "A Hot Tamale." "Fanny Hill," "Twenty Tear s Faker." "Forbidden Fruit." 80 each; Data free. A. Schmale. 22S Flrat at. A IIANDKOME, affectionate, respect able, honor. name nmincsa man ot sn wianes tc meet a latlv with om mean matrimonially Inclined: - send photo for mine. Addreee N 48, Journal. LOST power restored br the great Dr. lorena s nerve 'tonic Taniem; zoe per not, t boxes' for $1.38. Writ or call at ETse.ll harmaey, 327 Morrison, set. 1st sd 3d. PR. MOOREFIELD'S SANATORIUM Portahl II dsiraae skillfully .treated: eonaultatio free. Phone Main 8228. 80S Fifth. BINO CHOONG, Importer of Chines root medl-- clnea; aclia cnineae tes tnai la certain cur. for all dkt.ase. . 181 Seeond bet. Yamhill and Taylor. MRS. LILLIAN R. CRAM ehlropodtot. mani curing and shampooing, rarhir x ADingtoa . bldg., Portland, Oregon. Telephone Clay 1783. CORNS extracted for working girls, from 6 to l p. m. , I f re. . ... .u foot apeclailet, Tth snd Stark; bring n-. MRS. - WALLER Pisno; graduate Columbia Conservatory; leona ouc. in .ran Mar tents at. Mela 4780. CO-OPKHATION Prospect for" i big thin ng fof," H 60. unmarried laaie wnu mw uieans, cr Journal. MISS MAKI. aclentlfie maaaetiae gradilst.4of Finland; ladies only. o Aoingtos. tid. 83&. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregnnlan bldg., gent s.l day; ladles ail nignt. main BALM OF FTOS foe ell fei dlsessss, Alder St. rnone mam voaa. . OCCULT "d New Thought book, ion' Book ' Store. t aioer sc. . - - FOB SALE H0E8E3 ABO CABBIAOBS. ONE very desirable saddle hnree, age 8 years. weight i.taai tna; color: eanpieei vron-gray. Brown's stsble, iStk'and Alder ts. i OOINO awsy: will sell cheap, a good express wagon, . 8 horse snd single barnee. Call Hotel Bhelnpfals before 3 p. nu i.. TOI NO aaddle-bnete, very gentle, weight l.onn It-. , price si2n. inquire Brows s at s Die, Flfteestk and Alder. ! . FOR SALE Fine vnang diivlnj horse and new raigrv at e narne; oargam. inqturs st aw Hamllloa bldg.