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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1905)
t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' WEDNESDAY EVENING; JUNE 14. V 190J. K mi I 4- -Cntsr4 at th HUotflet af Portlaad. Or., - for traaaporutlva Urougb Un Bail u . claee matter. t . i'oatags Is single eopl! For B. 10 at IS; J fat PPr. 1 eti IttoH PS eU S3 IA ii na ft ... . , e a , w editorial Eaobm Vt. ..Htlm S WUfW VIUCw. a)... t rOBZIOV ADYIBTISIKI SkrKZSXVliTITB. - Vreeland-Bengtmla Special A4vsrtlalng llW. , f. v ISO Kuiia auaat, w Korkt Tribune Build- i ; ' JUBICmTI0 BATXt. '." . ' ' ' Inai k Oatrler. . , , Th 20? JenrasLwIrb Sunday, 1 aar..-IT . a .The Dally Journal, with Sunday, ssoatbe. J.T "The Dlly Journal. mcntba. ...... ....... ? Th Dslly Journal, with Sunday, xeoutba.'J-W Tb Dclly Journal, S ssonths. ........ rl . Tb Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 sxoatb.. M Tht rtallr- up ' Mb awilaaaat, sUiaSa Include .4 , Tb Kali par wsek,,. delivered, tuoaey xcsptsd I.. . Tama kg Kail. v -V- Tha Pali y Journal, with Sunday. 1 yr...T,t0 ,.Tb bally Journal, 1 raar :.. 00 Tha ball ImniL a mmhi.. ITS ..' Tta Dally Journal, with Bandar, mouths.. ISO . inv issuy jovqii, a aooninn. ... . a. , Tha Dslly Journal, with Sunday, t saeutb.,'. .85 - Tha Dall Journal. I month -60 - Tha Sunday Jouraal. 1 year .......... I 00 -Tba Sunday Journal. moatha L00 Tha Bml-Wkly Jaurael. ' Tha Ssnl-Wssfclr Joawaat, S 4.-4S - - ecb laaua. Illustrated- . full rnsrkat ra. ' port. 1 year... ....H BO R'HUtUneaa jbotlld be made bl drafta, posts! . notes, express seders and small amount ax , aecaptaoia la 1 and S-caat pnstaf stamps, '., - . Tit JOUBaUL. f. O. Bo in, Portland. Or. ' WKZBC TXX roVBBAI. BUT BE rOVXS. . " To Joarnal raa b found on aal at tha following plat) BOIHB. IDAHO H. Brller tt Oo.. W,. B. Me- irit", ; ' XHICAGO-.Potfifflen Kawa eompanj 17 Daax . bora atrM. r DENVER. C0I Kandrich Booh A Stationary rotnpanT, Bit Sr-r.ntnth atraatr J. Black. niiuantn ana tmrtla atrcata. -KANSAS riTY Va Not New eompany. .VIIMBirAPOtU at. J, Un h, nft In Thlrrf arrr NEW TOKK rtTV--nrantaiut'a TTnbnr armara. CM AHA Millard Hotal Naw atand; hi Mir a th stationary company. laOS Farnum trat. r 0ALP LAKE LIIY Krnjon Hotal Naw atand Sim Rma a W. aunna mm annlh. . 'ST. LOUIS Philip Roadar; 6I Locual ctiact; E. T. Jatt. Mat iUwa atra.t BAN PRANCISCX W. B. Ardlnc. Palao Hotal Newa atand, and long hlarkat atraau OolaV amlth Bro.. 380 flutter atraat. and Saint . Praarta hotel: roatac Drear. Terry bulld- in; n. wnaatiay. nasTeahl aaw atand. or nrr Mirart and Krarnay atraati. . SEATTLE Rattilar -Orand Kawa itandt W.'Ia nnanxa, uotai Baattia Nw atand. ' SPOKANE,- WASH Joha W. Orahaat Co. -TACOMA. WASH. Cntral Kawa cowpanjr; Hotal Taeoma Nawa atand. ' - -VICTORIA, B, C. Victoria Book Btatieaary j L1L-1 WIATHEB BtfOBT. -J"-:.V.'. " Fair weather baa prevailed In th Rorky .tnountla. and th Paelflc roaat atatea dnrlng the lart 24 hour, with but llttl rhahge . lu terjeperatTife. - - . ,.- The Indkatlona are for continued fair weather In tbla dUtrtra Thuraday, with alight change la temuerature, inclining to warmer. - MAB1IA0X UCtlTSWJk, .- Thoma. S. Torn, S! Mart Banarle, V. fin U milt. r Unri U T-awhead.- SO. Walter B. Mitchell. Mi Winifred Church. 22. i Hollla E Alcer. SO: Harriett Clrde (lumm. 24. C. B. Thompana, 22; Benlta A.' Jackeoa, St, jaooD Brui, n; tteaat KoDiaoatpL - Weddlnj Card. W. 0. Smith Co.. Wath- ngwa viug., cur. w uariu a rr aaaiaujioa) , M ' VeVGELnK Jun 1 to Mr. and Mr. PhlUp . r.ieareiri, aw, ineiaioii ttv a aatifa Ter. - CONtAOIOUS BIBXABXB. BF.T.T June IS. M. Belt. .Twelfth and Moat' ffomery atreeta;. meaalea. . -. . . -BITTKB Jmr IX. Mia Hitter, 189 North Ponr- renta ateei; measia. KRI.8P- June H. - Verann Kruae, 08 - Eaat Twenty niota arreet ; maaai. DEATH. BOPE BROOK June II. Ella Bcaebraok. ged 37 yeara, BAI Clinton atreet; raoae,. paeudo ... . aenaaaua. . oariaa a( uraanam. uregoo. BIVZB VIEW CZXETXBT. . - ... m SI nil rrare 110. raralle Wa ara SI.OUO. Th only eemtery la Portland which perpetually maintain a ad caraa far lot. Pot iiih iniormaiioa apply ra w. K. Mackenaia, W rcter block, city. W. U. Ladd, prealdtat. Crematorium -Oregon City ear 11a. Bear Sell wood; modern, aclentlflc. complete. Cbrge auanaawi, ronnrra, J, tailor 9 . m. :r .. bnuHiwi aaaoaauoa, -r I'oftlaiia. Oregon. The Edward liolaaa t'nderttklng rompeay, funeral directore and em balm era. 230 Third rnoBf dvi. t : . Flnley Son. faheral director a ad . ' raw jaini ana Aiaoieon arreeta. vihsi a cvuaty coroner, aeiepboaa Mala B, . Pnneral wreath and eat flower a apecUlty at Roee City Oreenhonae. TwtntT-aecnnd mnA ""'till MuTflaoB, opS.CTnilery. ' JM.XU. ZSTATX TBABSFBXB. Parlftr Realty A Inreatment company to L. M. Andrew, lot 17-22, Inclualr. Work 7. Mlewart I'ai. e00 r. i. rtngn ana wire to A. w. rham bera. weat H of lota T and , block II. i.dratber' ddltloa M. W. Uaaton to H. Hecker. lot 2. S. 8. the UaatoB tract -1,100 wBinnbav! iimr,, iaq wire, to vr. T Mulr. trnte. TS.1S acre In aw. tlona MA and SO, townablp 1 noth. reogo 1 eaat , J. H- .Petereon and wife to Wella, Farao at (-. lot I, 2. block ... clt.r.. 100,00)1 A. noire et at., unatee. to earn, earn .J B. W. rimere and wlf to I. J. Tawner, T.ti4'i, aectloa 10, townahlp 1 aouth. rang S eaat TOO a. m. warraoia ana aatoann to b. f, Htrlngera etral.. lot 1. block S. Mt. labor Tllla -. 878 . v. tray, r..-To i i uriir riBTinga at " Trust Co., parcel laud IBS feat aouth nf north llu of 1. Tcrwllllger' V. L. O. 1. J. Daley and win to J. W. Apple. gate,. lot S. 'block 1, anbdlrleloa Rlrer- rlew addition W..V. Staru and wife to E. Hall, lot 87 Mock H. Surnralde addition ' 830 -.W. K. Plttlnger and wlte . to 8. II. Reach and wlte. lots 12. 1J. block 51. Sellwood 6T8 V. M. Orr and wife to If. V. Woolery, .lot 81. 32. Sa. block 71. L'ntTralty - ; l'srlrT.....'V.: 1.500 C. Conk and wife to o. B. Raymond, ' lot IS. block T. Snnnrlde ..' 4T r. R. Blochbergcr to II. F. Hoecker. fractional lot 4- block J2. Sunoralda. . addition ,3 1,000 YT. II. Guilders and Wire to M. J. V. CannelL lot 13 and north U lot 11, block 1. Alblna Helghta ., ,800 W. H. Hurra, and wife to S. J. Bite- " T -rK. nndlilded Vt of block t. jj- Burrage tract . 1 L. M. Andrew md bnahand to J. Mtrueder, aouth tfc of lota 21, 22, block " T, Stewart I'ark,..... , . . . 100 B. and H. Daniel to W. E. and Jt. if. " HtaTena. lot , 15, block 10, Orchard 11. mea . 800 L. M. Andrews and bnahand to E. M. -i Scot I. north H of iota 21. 22. block ' 7e w start Park 100 The Title Onarante Truat company , . tn C. nerroe. and wlfav Jot JiWblorh 1. North Irrlngtoa.TT. ....i - 150 0. M. Heltkeaipee and wlf to F.- K. " Dlcklneon. ht t, block IS, Hawthorn rr Flrat addition' . ..... ...... ' X .B. Mobr and bnahand to t. E. Allen. V" lota II, 12. block 1, Bernhardt Park ' M. ft. rl'irh to VTt. Mr Tel. lot and -. north i of lot 5j block 11. Sapnjali)e ,1,T00 11 i ' tret- roar tnaaraaca aad ahatMcts to real saint Tram th Title Oaaraate A Treat o. paay. Chamber ef Cwmmarc bnlldlng. . . v .": ' BTflLDmtt BEBM1TB. - HARMO Jnoe IS. . .. Ramon, repair to derailing. IMA Feet Morrle-a efreet: enat. ten. W BO Jane IS. E Ward A Co.. doll dwlcer. - I Mirth btws Ceurh aad Baraald uets; ,ot, 130. , , -J J TODAY'S MARKETS CTD imCDDlCC-iDfeH OlAAHULAAILd Ml SELLING HIGHER Receipts Smaller and Demand Is Greater- Some Are Quoted. : at, Eight Cents.- OLD POTATOES FIRM ' , NEWS MORE PLENTIFUt Some - Small Concessions In - Prices Made in Poultry in Or der to Clean Up.'; . ; , ' Front Street June 14. Tha principal feature! ai in roriiana wholeaaia mtarker today, are: Cora and oat are higher.' .. Loebrrle coming (eater. - -Old potato firm; new mora plentlfuLJ, - (alMornln ataamer brlnga feat legatable. . " Strawberri ara Tery high. - . , r' antaloupea cum, aura freely: i Middle rlrr catch large aalmon. Hope Mil at lower figure. . - Ptialtry won't o to Dlere. " -- -- ---' - p-gf- r indifferent; fere !IlTalr. , . " , rmttlm bark la not ao firm. -Cabbage, market la flatted. . Waal atrong at tdp raluea. . BtrawlMrrl Ar Muoh Higher. ' " Too- cool rllmattr condition cane itrawber- rlea to ilpcu very elowly and the reeult (a that frlr r again higher today. -Supplle along root atraat today war eo-abort that dealer bad to flglit In order, to. aarur "a uifflclent amount for their regular trade. Tbla led th market to Jump apwarda and aoma aaloo were mad 'today high a Sc per one-pound box. Rax-rlpr from Bood; Hirer contlno to atraggle Inta market end eery top ralue ara being re felled, lxnil fuualiuuieut aia a'eelaa Mee- and anlees tha prospect grow better wlthla th aext few daya many a hooaowtf will be eem- pwled-to forego tha itanal canning aparatloua. yuallty la also on the wan. - XeganhatTio Ar Coming Freely. Today tn receipt of loganberries were rather llberf 1 from nearby point and the demand wa fair. 'Th aeaaon will b In full iwlng within the aext few day and price, will touch the bottom. A few- raapberrlea are being htppd lu. but th amount 1 fally up to the demand at preaent ralue.--., ..... Cv Old FeUtaeirirmi Hew Mr Plaatlful. ' Old pothtoe ar ouoted firm with -th ra eelpta allghtly better. . Sereral car of Oreleys csm In 'till morning and found a good demand at tba lowest a Inures. It la generally expected that tbla k will end th ehipmeaU of out side potatoea Into this market. A number of cars ara rrlllng Irfthla direction) from Mlnne- aotaand tIoradn' and they ar expected. In within tfevi aext few daya. Reporta from local growing center say that 'the crop - la doing well and that th earlr: report of damage by frost were eery much exaggerated. It la- ceav eraiiy nene-na. uuaeeer.v that th. nipped by th frost will how .rery amall sixes. A car cf aw California potatoea cam la thl atom In g Th Cim!i grei rolr mard r brduihi only a amall amoon of protjuca. vntioui ara more pnmttrui and prTces are expected to drop teadlly wlthla th next few daya. 1'aa.che ar In good ennply -with price "un- ehenged.-r - - Receipt of apricot hay now about reached tbelr bright and price are expected to remain mor stnlonary. Quality good. Florid tomatuea ara moTin off well with II n tat rallng prlr for Jata arriaart and 2 50 and 2.15 tor aider good. Quality lav proreo. Th arrlrala of local eahbiga ar much hear. lr and th .jnarket la giutted with prices notch down.' .- . Hope toll at Lower Price. Sales ef hope are tlll being reported. J. I. Metsler report a purchase at 18c and 30c, but reruae to oirulg th nm of grower or aanv her of bale bought. OLhar purcha ara re ported at same figure, but grower refuse to In tbelr same to be mentioned. It I alleged by eorjie of tha purchaeera that these are "pool hots, bat tbla cannot he eon firmed. Report from th fields say that proapecta ara atlll mixed, but a general Improvement I noted tn the outlook all along lb Ho of tb Willamette ralley. . .- Peultry Wea't O U Pise. At present the pool try market I rather dull, but according to th moat reliable' dealer along the street there Is no danger -er the market going to piece. Receipt ara (till heary and eoar.e alight conceaaleoa la the prlca ara reported by dealera. General eelue, howerer, ara prae tk-allr uncbanaed. ' Th egg market remain Indifferent. Re ceipt era now ynat about equal to the demand. with dealera aelllng at unchanged Taloe. Chittlm Barb la Ho S Firm. On account of the large aoppllea of chrtthn bark tn tha hand of manufacturer th market here for old stock 1 not o firm nd price on all grade bar dropped to Ac a pound. Dealer ear tiat manufacturer hare no Immediate Bee the bark, ao therefor will not pay the former differential between .tha old. aad new bark .Today wholesale rrrtottttons, rerlaed, are II Willi I. , - Oral, nr and rd. - WHEAT Nnmlaall eluk a a asst. SdOSSei hlneetem. aoe91c: valley. 87c. BARLEY Feed, $23.00; rolled. 823.80; brew In.. CORK VI bole, a.-B iaj; cracked, 20. 50 '327.00 per too. kik l.09 per cwx. OATS No. 1 whit, $30.00; gry, . ri.OUR Eatern Oregoa patent. 84 SO A; VTraignta.; exporta.; valley. 84-10; graham, Ui. $4.00; :0a, )4.49; rye. 60.; ha lea, $2. To. Hitman r r a rtrau. aiw-w dct Ton: mia. dllnxe. $25.00; sborU, country. $22.00; city. gi.tiu: coop, i.w. BAT Timothy. - Wltlamett valley,' fancy, fix. 00 1 ordinary. $12.00; eretern Oregoa, il.oo; mixed, xiz.oo; . ciovar, $11.00; grata, 1I..00; cheat. $11.00. Butter, Egg gad altry, -BUTTER FAT Sweet 30ei aonr. ISe. BUTTER City ereemery. oeeh 21V,e: aeennd graoa. Al ttvwt - ootaioa raacy, ZUtlalwC: ordinary, 17Stj20c; ator. ISe... KUUS No. 1 rreah Oregon, candled, 18 U a lac ; nncandled. lc. CREE8B Near Fall cream, twin ttUaatxe. Toung America, ItQlSc; eastern, ' l$Vtalc: California. !8V,l4c; Cheddar. 14c. POL'LTRT Chlrkene. mixed. 1.1U14 IK, bene.- 18U,v1c per lb; roneters. old. 14c lb; young, iiciwik per to; omiicr. lHfrtzie b; fryer. lM(Jic per in; aitcka. per geeev. . puvc pee id; laraeya. 7ejiae lb: dressed. 20tl21Va: aje lb:1- Snuha $2.o0$.00 pee dna. . Hop, wsol aad Klda. TfOPS Contract, lftofi. IMlir! larva S0ay.22c for rholc; lBT21o for prune aud mediums. . WOOL 10OS din. Ta lire artaeaak' tn aii.. KaM,c " ao 028 eaatsrn Oregoa, IPM 7Sr. mohair nominal, soejxic. SMEEraKINS Shear! rur. IfteTine- ahoet al tO&Mie: medium wool. SOUIVlti . Jau i 60c$l each. T' ' ' TALLOW Prim, per Tb, ifflStrTWo. i and greaae J'dlH- t iiiTTist tiAitri All grade. 4c Tb. HIDRS fr bidea. No. 1 IS -H SaxlOMkO oer lb: drr kin. No. I - a e is Ih. ta; Iter rah ha-l nnttae a tK-iaejta.i . salted hldee, ateera, aonnd. SO In or over. SVtfj Hc; 60 to 00 II. S"Hc: nnder SO lb Tad row, SfiSHc; ataga and bulla, aonnd. BTe; kip, IS to SO tha, Sc; aonnd. 10 to 14 Tba. a SHc; calf, aound. under JO In. SH81lr; greea (uuaalted), 1 per lb I -a: rull. le per lb less: boraehldea. salted, -rack. $l.SSfll.7S: dry each, 8I.00OI.AO; colt hide, each. ,2946)11 goal skins, eommoa, each, to A 16c 1 Aaarora. with wool oa. aacb. 2St$l.oo. rrhita aad TagwtoklM. - - - . ' POTATOES Beat Oregon. 8I.40M1 no? ... lots, Mlnneaot. $1.8611.46: Coloraraa. at m aaa.u. craud., ll.Ti uaw Callforat. !.&) .78; garnets, SI.SB. -- .lallforaia. $I.40I.T-1- Ta.aa Bermndaa. IX SO: garlic, fifiline n.. ik v FRESH Phi lTS-pp lea. .itrs t.y. $1 60; faary. Sloe) par box: a- California. $1.78: cheap grade. $1 40 par hox; oraiar' navel. $2.7601 IS aer ho: tr.!.-...!. $.1.00rS.SO: Medlteersneaa aweeta. tibial 00 box: banana. 4i6a Tb: teniona $2.60 hot; fancy, $.1.00 box; time. Meslesa. Soe per 100; pineapples. $4.006. On; cranba. rte. eaaiera. au.vo par pni; strawberries. Willamette valley. Tc; Hone Blvar. a. per box;-eberrle. Calif oral, $1.00 per box; WEDNESDAY THE WHEAT MARKET ii r-- July. Sept. Chicago ...-,.. .ttA t .i4, Liverpool (a 0d ItlKa Mllwaukea .... .8 ' .tt9. Bt. Loula. ...... .7,A Kanaaa city 71 S .74 B. .5B ' . , B It Mlnneapolla .v. 1.07 Duluth ...... .. 1.10 B San. Frttoclsco.- ..... . ' December per cental. . Oregon, ftttlOc per lb; aprlcota,78QSSe; pcacbea, 1.(M:' pluat. ft. 23 aer crate: oaarbe. tl.Ui; pluaaa. Al.ftUl hlaeaiheerlaa, 2.06i raas- oerriea. gi.iia par erata of Ml boxes! eanta lnupm. Ss.0v per crate; currants, Sc pect lb; luganberrlea, SI. 60 per crate of 24 boxes. - VE0ETAKLES Turnips, new, Sl.tS .pet aark; carroU, l.0l.ab per aack; beeta, $1.60 per sack; Oregon radlabea. S5o per do; eabbaga, -Oregon. 160 par ewtl California.' fl.OOi green peppers, -to lb; Chill pep. pare, IBtJlTe lb; celery. per crate: to- aiatoe, Florida, 100; -' California. r paranlpa.' . $1.0(411. 25; string beans, Sc; cauliflower. Callforula, $1.7601.00 erst. I rhubarb, IQlVi per lb; horeeradlih. T(tSc per lb; ap routs. " i aMlcbokee, -tt6oe par doa; hatboua lettuce. aoTSc; : bead Mttae. 10c per, doa; greea oalona. 10 per doa; aa. paragus. 26tf 30e do buncbe; Walla Walla. T6t Soo -pee box; apinach, -to - pa lb; , green cora, noec per doa; a,. Oregon; Sc; Cllfr al, to per lb; cuoumnera, T6fHAe per do. dried: rRcrrs Appier-iportl, Te per lb; apricot, 40iae per lb; aacka. V4 per lb leas; peaches, SiglSc pre lb; per, per lb; prune, Italia. SH3H Per lb; French, SHQHe per lb; figs. CallfornU black, SCteH per lb; California white. per lb: plume, pitted. 1 per lb; date, golden. e par lb;, tarda. $1.60 per lS-lb box. . v Orooeria. Mut. Ete, " SDOAB Sack baala Cub. $. 10, powdered. fS-M; fruit granulated, $5.88; dry granulated. t&. M; -beet granulated. $3.T: extra C. So. 86; -golden V $5. A; bbls, 10c; H tjbla, tcr box, too sdrsncs on aack baala, leas 2Se per ewt for cash. IS daya; maple, litdlBe par lb. - HONEY ltHUloc. - , -t)r-KErPckaga brnd ; f l$.T8i SALT Flo Bsle. 2. 8C.4S. Be. 10. 1.80; tihle, flilry. fttau tll.tiO; lofla. 11(1.711; , lm:. ported Urerpool. Bo, - $17. ut): 10a. aia.oui 224. $19.00; eitrs fine. bbls. 2. 6s, 10s, ef.oufao.ou; i 60s, Ode bulk, 820 lbs, St.OOQft.OO; aack. 8 ALT Coarse Half rroand. 100. nee ton. $7.00; 60. per ton, $7.00; Liverpool, lump rock, $18.60 per ton; BOlb rock. $7.00; 100. $S.7S. " (A bora prices apply to aate of less thaa car lota. Car lota at special prlca - eubjsct to fluctuation. 1 - - - - GRAIN BAGS Calcutta; SB. 7808-00 per 100. niv. iv imi"ria i eapan, . so( t, ac; rto. a. tt; New Orleans head, etie; AJax, 44e; Cre ole, 6e.' BEANS Small white. 84Q4Ke; large arblta. iHc; plnh. 8 He; bayou, 4c; . Llmas. 8?c; Mexican red, --T" ' ' NUTS Peannt. Ttfc; Jumbo. 0H per Tb; raw, SQlOe per tb; routed. ; coeoanut. So B 90c per doa; walauta, 14in par lb: pin nut. 10Q12H par lb; hickory nata, lOe per Ih; rbeatouta, eastern, 16i8;i8c per. Ib: Br sill note, 16e per lb; filbert 19Jlec per lb; fancy pecans, 14818 per lb; almond. 18(818 Pr lb. Paint,. Coal Oil. Eta. ROPE Purs Manila.. 14c: elandsrd, 12tfe alsssl. lisle brand . ehul 4e. ' Pearl or Astral Caaea. SOUe oer gal; water white, iroa bbls. 16c pet gal; wrejden,- JSe-per gH headlight,- 170-deg, csa. 22;4e per gsL - - GASOLINE B9-4eg, eaag, S2e per gal; Iraa bbl, roc per. gal; etove. cage. 24 e per gal; - BENZINBV oo-deg. e bbl. 18 He ner aal. . cases, 26 per rail Iroa TL"ttPETlNEsT-.. Ia ctae SOe ; per gtV. wooden bbl, ,89c per gal; Iron bbl. 83c per -WHITef XtiArC-Toit Mr, -H7ert oflb lota, T4C per lb; leas lots. Sc per Tb. WIRB NAIU Present baae A $2.70. ' ', LJ.N8EED .OIL Pure raw. la bbls. 63c per gsi; cases, o-ic per gai; genuine aetti ooiiea, cases, 70c per gal; bbls. She par gal; ground ease, car rota. ,oq par too; lesa ttta Iota, $30.00 per toa. r ' Menu. Fish and Prsvisloaa. FBESB ' MEATS Front atret Beef, steers. ovw per lot pors. diocs, per jn; pa ccera, I te per to; ouii. ium per lb; cow. 48oc Pr lb; mutton. Sxj7Uc par lb; lamb with pclta, SHtrne per lb; real, extra. V4i7c: ordinary, to!4e per lh; poor. a r n Q oer - tu,. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland1 pack '(Ideal) ham. 10 to 14 lb. e per rb; 14 to is lbs. UVo per lb: 78 to SO Iha. Sc per lb; breaksat bacon. . 13 HQ Sc per Tb: . ,? ,v mv j.w urr n,t roiiaae. picnic, ae per in; reguisr snort - clear, aa amoked, 8tc per Ib per lb: amoked. 10 lie per lb: clear backs, unsmoked. SUo per Ih: smoked. 10(4 e per lb; Union butta, 10 To It rba, unsmnked, Sc per lb; emoksd, So per lb; clear bslll.a. a. amoked. 11c shoulder. SUc 10; amoaea, laa psr -lb; local LAitis Ret tie leer. 10. 104 per Ib; 6. 10Sc per lb; ftO-lb Una. lottc per Ih; Bieam rnurYis, aua. vat per 10; oa, 99 peg ID, litne. uac J w lP O"". okc per in. CANNKD SALMON Oolnmble river l ib tatla $1.85; 2-lh tails, $2.60; fsnry. Mb fiata. $2.00; H-lb fancy flata. $1.23: fsaey 1-lb vsh, i2.TS; AUsfca Ulla. Pluk. SStfuOci red, $1.60, nominal aw, tail, stf.uu. FISH Hock cod. 7c oer lh: flounder, fe pet lb: halibut, 4,c per lh; crabs. 1. ai.nti nee nm atrinea oaea. ixac oer in: rairian. to ewe Ib; sa linen, chlnook. SmtOc Ih; steelhead, Sc id; Diuenscs. rc; oemng, oc per id; soles rjc pet Ibr-abrlmpa, 10c per lb; perch. 6 per lb; abad. 8c per lb: roe ahad. Sc per lb; abad roe, S0e per Hi; TTark cod, 7c per Ib; sliver smelt. 6c Per - Ut; tonaters. jac'r rreaa mackerel. a Ih; crawfish. 26e per doat flounder. S j lb: .turgeou. 7o oer lb. ..0T8TERR Shoalwatar bay, per' fat, $2.25: per ssck. $.1.76. CLAMS Hard shell, per box. 2.0C rssor cuisb, tx.uv psr uox. VEAL CALVES ARE INTENSELY WEAK Entire Livestock Market Is Duller Today Receipts Liberal. , , rortlsnd Tnloa Stockyards. June 14. Live. atocs receipt: lloaa. Cattle. Sheen Today yjs, . 2nx 1.746 Week ago PI no 2.877 Previous week 1,62 l,f Montbsgo. Holiday. ' Tberr waa weaknna thowa In all tha mark-eta today. Veal calve are eepectally dull. During IB uay- 4,1 neaa pnitej. otriciai prices for livestock: Hogs Best esstem, Oreaoa. SA 7614.00: blockcra end China tat.. S6.uOaf5.2S: stockers ana iceaers. r.iajex.ig. Cattle Rest eaatern Oregoa ateera. $.B0a 8.76; light aad medium steers, $.1.26 all. So: old and light cows.- $l,7ftt(2.00; stockers and Ie4Mrfc ti.tu, nulls,, ai.ota, . ... - - Sheep Best fsncr sheeo. I.looeian: awea? $2.76MH.ou; airrlng lambs, 44 Sc. (a I tee Oootl vral. ISO to 200 pounds 6c; rough and heavy, SS4f4tf. "'1 ' -'.. IASTIBB HOPS, tO WEB. Chicago, Jun 14. ljvrstork receipts: Hoc. (at tie. Sheen. Chicago 3H.uii0.2o.0isi 1.1. ihm) Kanaaa City 1S,( T. 7.0IS) Omaha it.. 11, oat g.otio 1,200 Hog opaued Sc lower. Receipts a rear ara warn ao.usi. . iTicjixeo. aa. lixw.i.xf,; g,ou $.V2.'t(A.32Vt; rottght. $Ja5-WWi light, $A.lB u oi battle ine tower,. , -Bbeep Utesdy. - - - WAXL' ITBEET dOSSJf tt ' ' - ML 1 , . Kew York. Jon 14: The Wall Street Journal ys: ' AmrrloiD la lndon firm, t to th point above parity. peace negottatiiHia pro. greasing satlafactiuily. ' Hoslllltlea In Man rhurla will eontlnne until . eommeaeement of peace eon fere ncea fatra seaaloa of atate legla latnre expei-ted soon, when leglelatlo to amend Kctltable charter la looked for. Winter wheal harvest has begun aa far Birth a central Kaa sea and aouthcrn Illinois, Vleld ao far gener allv dlMiinolntlii( Regular quarterly dividend wilt tae-dV, lared by dlrertr of W eaters Veto t'Hlar. - All roads with eicaptloa rrf -Bsltlmnrs Ohio and lty preferred freely offered In Ih rrowu. L,i,ion na atrong un points on Art-hls, n. Merrartlle Trnat btinga suit against Wahaeh tn set-are protn'tlon f drbentnre "B'' holder. Twenty -fear ruadaifur the first week of Juno show a averag grtaaa Increaae of $ tA per cent. Tte bank halt to the ubtreasnry aloe Krldav $I10.0ibi. coal traffic ef rosds. Including Baltimore A Ohio, Norfolk virstern and Cheaapaahe at Ohio, passed all record for four months ended April ..- Tuelve Industrial declined .M ner cent: SO acUve -tangoed de- Inclined .7$ per .crs'L .. REACTIONARY TONE ... .. SHOWN FROM START Chicago Wheat. Market Opens Unchanged From . Previous Day but Loses Later. JULY AND SEPTEMBER : -EACH FIVE EIGHTHS OFF News of CrbwingCrops"ts-yery Conflicting Northwestern' States Are petting Rain WEDNESDAY S WHEAT MARKET. Opu - . cloe Loss ' Today. , Today;.-? Tuea. -Today. Jnl.. v-.$ .wit, $ .htlU A $ .HH'i .oT September;.., .SUV .NilC-..- .2'A, .O0S larcember..... .S2fr .h24 ''h.. -001 tFurnlahcd by 6vrherk, Starr Si Cook Co.V -Chicago, Juh 14. Ixxaa at Brran ear: Th market ahowed a reactionary tendency -from tha start, and though It dragged all through Mtedai fha ri.ctn .t i.V...;.hint hn one cunaltkra tha stubborn strength for seversl day, the little- balancing of today 1 not at all unusual. Th weather la almost perfect In th winter whest country nd harvesting la prcgreeilug rapidly and moving farther uorth each day. Kew regarding th growings crop la. or course, conflicting. Csah iusrkts, psr tlctilsrhr In th southwest, seemed to work In harmony with na, tb decline ther being very limited. The weather Is the all Imporunt factor. - Tb northwest la-, getting rain, whlsh thini far ha not Injured the planta, but a con ttnnance of tbla would result In irijury. Bad weather -conditions. If they were to continue, would result dtsstrously to the Vlntr wheat. Cora Tone Sagging. In corn, notwithstanding the report rlreulstcd that 17 loads' were taken at New York for cHl ywiwmy, tun iuU'h rraulfd, Hie matket after eorue. . early strength du alt'sxether to i ur a i . 1 1' 1 ui, un 1 f it-, muwt w i . . . un a saaalntf ' ta-ndencvN Hnutttitna In tha ihiM of bullish crop news, lsrgrly shipments or good buying, I needed to mslntala th present range of price. In Oats the llqtiMstlon of tb July continued and It drsgged Keptember alcng with It. Trad ft--tremely ejutet-and altogether locsL - ---Proviaiona ara remarkably flulet with no newa of lotereat.' - . . . Today a official -market: - WHEAT. ' ' Open. . .80T4 .82 'J . .82' "High. Low.- - Clnee." July... Sept. ., Dec. ... avi: - COB RN. ftld July .62 H Old Sect. .61 Sx Old Uec .46 -r 62 ,814 .4BS .48 OATS, , June..... July..,.. - .8014 V-.MV-8ept....rTi.20 .20t 1.,.,,. -. ' -at"h - " HEKK rOKlv, Jury.. 12.60 J2.82 12. 47 Seot.irrrr 1 2 rev- 1 2. 1 . Oct 12. SB IZ.KT .' ail. W LARD. Jnlr..... 7 20 T.17 7 22 B Rept.:;.T-' T 4-T T.BT T.47 7.46 Oct.. 7.1W T.4S SHORT BIBS. July.T-7.87 , 7 40 . T.S5- Sept....; 7.62 , 7 Tf " 7.00 T 40 " 7 07 Oct.....I,B'J T-TU1 IOC- 7.70 SAM FBAMC1SC0 tWHEATLOSSES. Sea Francisco, June 14. Mora favorable crop renorta from local fields cauaed a severe decline ieeaTem "being a'cetVs 'lower. . Today' of field dorenoan sesaloni . . WHEAT. . Open. High. Low. Close. December $1 ad $1.84t4 fl.86 . ' . . BARLEY, December . . . .MS .8H MM I BBIMAJ.T-, SHIPMIirrr AJTB Cll A AF CIS. Chicfo, Jun 14. Primary receipt: Today. Tearago bush. bush. Wheat ...1 , Cora BhlpmenU: Wheat Corn Clearance: Wtea and corn, ,ooo bu. .100,000 265.01 si S24.UIMI .104,000 24O.O00 44i.Ksi flour, 37,000 bu; CHICAO0 OBAIV OAS LOTS, "Chicago, Jun 14,-Orala car lotar Care, tirade. Eat. Whedt T. 8 0 8 Cor) .. r,...Z U4 oSia 4-.-. SI - 22 77 Wheat tare today: -Minneapolis IS. Pulmh 10. Year ago: Minneapolis SS, Duluth 31, Chi cago 84. CH1CA00 CASK WHEAT. Chicago, June 14.-rCsk Wheat'. Rid. Ak. Xnrt refl.TTvr; No. S red tttl. 3 hard...-. No. S hsrd No. 1 northern. Mo. 2 northern.. No. S spring... r.-vrrrr.$1.0O? S.-rr-i R2 -5 1.00 1-08 SO .-1.11 1 22 ........ 1 0SN ........ 100 1.03 UYXBF00L; OS AIR MABKET. 7.IvTTionl Jirne H.ftewer- Whe Jntyr- ej loud. o; t nigner; wpumtw. na 7s higher: Iereaiber. o TV.O. H nigner. Corn iair. s "t". "a" aignar, oriiirmurn 7d, d higher, ; COTTON FUTURES ARE FOUR TO SEVEN UP (furnished by Over bee. Starr A Cooke Co.) New Yrrk, June 14. itio cotton marsei wss more bnltiab -today; futurea cloalng 4 to 7 point higher. looey omeiai corion maraei; . Onen. Illah. lxiw. Cloa. Janusrr ...1 Se3 "t w-d S7IIH72 rebrusry .......... mi in -r.7i imn Kerch ...'"BM0 TT arts SHOHrlNSI April SH4 nx . r"t wown Mar ST4 Wl 74. riwajsno luu - - 8.1S . S3S 8rUVlS3T July '.'.... SW S4.t ' S2S HuanW August ............. n-'ri 'r r.u e 1 1 TT mi, September 8:i Sf.A - s:-. HfiHr.2 October MM SHO S42 S3WSB W.ivemhee Af4 . hf4 eo am December Snd STo Sf,2 LJlXlrosl - Cottoa Slgaer. -Liverpool. June 14. Cottoa futurea closed 10 to 11 point higher. KEW T0B? COErEE MABEET. Kew York. Jun 14!l-Coff future closed 10 point nigner. - Today einctai emrea msrsrt - Bid. Ask. I Bid.. Ask.. .8d 0 .80 S . S eni S 70 .. 8 SB S TO . 8 To S 76 . a 75 a m Inn ......80 06 ISIPecemner July r.e.10 in January August .... S.SO r.briiary September . S : s.: March . ftct,aer .... o a' nn'flprti r,- N'vemhcr"8.or-e.a3'MT-WTvvvTv- 886 Tidal aale. tw.iaai esgs. rrlga Oaffe Mark!. v.w York. Jun 14. Havre coffee declined li' to i. Hamburg declined tv ltto-rectpt;7 T0O0 bags; market ted.r; nanroa, ,eo bags) maraeT tjjicA. niiJ nncnangeu. , 'I'afew Tork Caah Cffee.' ' Xew York, ine 14. Cesb coffee No. T Rio, 7c! Ko. 4 Santos, SV.e.V, .' Jfw Tork Sugsr Markst. Nw York. Jun 14 Refined. Vigsr un- changed t $.1.76 net les 1 per cent ,fr cafh. CAPTURED HOSPITAL - - ' SHIP IS RELEASED C - tJoaraal Bpeclal Service. ) Nagasaki. June 14 The Rnaatan hn. pltal. ship Kowtroms.'' captured during riatti in ine rica 01 japan, na neen re leased todsy snd anllerl ff,r Blisnglml; Ths hospital ship Orel, raptured at the same time, wil be taken before the na val prle court t Baatbc. - , , . .H2V4 .82 .82V 62HA SHi' 4Mi A 0H ' .Sn4 .J", . 1 "A 12.86 , "Strawberry Receipts" Too. Small and Prices Rise Poultry Dull but Prices Are Same- Market' for Old Potatoes Good Prices Same BEAR OPERATORS -NOT IN EVIDENCE Leave Stock Market Alone Dur ing Today's Session and the -.General List Is Higher.' " ; SOME FAIR-SIZED RISES . . - MADE BY THE RAILS Canadians .Pacific' andr Reading Each CloseDay With Profit of , ' One and Five Eighths. " ADVANCER. Amalgamated . H Atchlsi IV Sugar 1 Smelter ' 44 Smelter, pfd 1.,,' ' V Manhattan. ....... H Mexican Central .. H Missouri Psciflo ... S N. Y. Central Ontario Western IS Pennsylvania .....e 4 Csg 4V Fouad.... JslPi Brook It a ......... U R eadlug Hsltlmore- ....... lWiRao. Stel ...... Colo. Kuel ...... , I Hep. steel, pfd - St. I'sul ' ik. Southern Ry ... C. .N. W. i Union 1'aclrlc Chesapeake . Csnadlaa . a Wisconsin Cenlrsl.. 1 111 WlsCHMln ten.. P. 1' Krl TV j mm 1 nern r sci no Bris. Sd pfd ... Orest Western Louisville ... r! . hlstMiV- i'fd'".MlU'. " ft .. Its I Western C'alon LOSSJCS. Vexes Sj PaclSe . iMstropolltaa'- ICrla, lat. pfd (rnrahihed by Orarbeck. Starr- A-Cooke c.) Wall Sneet. New York. June J4. Ttidaya tesalon of the -stock market waa undisturbed by bear operations and th remit t that a large portion of the list rinsed higher. - Tady official stock market: ' n DESCBIPTIO.t. 1 s -1 Anacund Mining Co. 104 70 H 814 'a 5' 104 7S'. io5" Auial. Copper CO TS'A la Atcnwon. cum S2I 1024 84S 7 14 1 llV'i do preferred r.. Am. Car round., com. 'it' is' do preferred . Am. Sugar, comw... Ara. Hmeit., com.,,. do preferred ....... Ba-ltlmorr A Ohio, com do preferred .' 1S4 H2U 11S, lll. 1I8!11S 11N 11 i 11HA iu lOSh "iai, 'ih' 175 103 , , ' 414 lf 417 84 Brooklyn Rs- Transit. si is tsnaoian I'acinc. com. Chi. aV Alton, com..... I hi. A ut. West., com thl.. Mil. A Stranl.., ChL sV North., com... thl. Terminal Ry...... C'heaapeake A Ohio...... Colo. JCuel A Iron, com, Cohe South.', com.-.,.. do 2d preferred...... do 1st preferred.'..';. 180 I IH, 'ii 174 18 161 88 Inta 174i IPS 1744 1P2 oii 424 io" 424 lt 42 M, ssta 67 ixuaware MuHwhi v. R. ).. com...... do- preferred. .: Erie, om......,.,K 214 2 SS4. f 8H 8N4 L4"L 404! 43A do- 2d prefer! cd.-Tvn 00 Thk sh 7HN, eel do 1st preferred..... 1 11 1 note .Central.. -tamlavllle A Nashville Metre, St. Ry.w..... Manhattan ltr. ..... 1 7 1V 149 IrHI, 14' lrxt MOW, I2V 14tt 122'S 112814 121 in Mexican -rentrat Kn77i Sflii 20 IW, OS 2S UNI. VI,. K, A T.. com do preferred.... New York Central Northern Fnctne., 414 e-t 1l 2HU 3 I.IISj 141 Ml t. lHS llMHIlNStjIlKSVi Norfolk sy Bof sty-t st.14 ' do Dfeferred. . . N. Y.. Ont. A Weat.... Tenneylvanla By P. O., U A C. Co Tressed Stel Cr. com.. do preferred. Paelfle Mail Steam. Co.. Reading, com '. . . do 2d preferred , . do 1st preferred. Rep. Iron A Steel, com. dcr preferred. .v. TV. . . . Bock Island, com...... do preferred ......... Southern Hy., com do preferred Southern 1'arlOc do preferred.. .1 St. l. a s. r . ad pfd.. St. L. A S. W., com... do preferred soit 'si I'tiotif Ktai lS4tjl2&Vhll4Hlli4s 101 87 PIH as IW . ' KXU v& 31 H mi A2!4 HUH 4!4 22 60 8.1 -77 6AH 12.1U XN 4 27 81 H 'il s6 88 1 P4. 'iili 78S 27 7 81 1 S2 'ei 'iiii '. 84 Soi, 83 Tex A I'sclfle........ us Teoneaae Coal A Iron.. T.. Bt. Lv A W., com. j Unloo Pacific, com . , , do preferred.......... V. B. leather, com.,.,. V. H. Rubber, com do preferred . C. 8. Steel ta., com.,. do preferred - 1122 ri2s 122 8SH 27, S4W, 88 2KU ,271 -S4W 4l- Wheel. A L, B.r iw ao iMreierveej.-z-T-i-.i-i do lat preferred Wlaconaln Central, com. do preferred. ....... ., Wester . I nlocj Tele.aa WalMiah. corn do preferred . .T. . ; . .7. 221 sa S si 21 M 1V 22 4W 21 4S' It . is 4 P4V, w " l" 39 t'bicaco A Alton. oraferreeV e'llM.n r a per ceur. Total sale for day, 2A8.4O0 shares. . -Call money, 2 per cent. BOBTOsT OOrPEK STOCKS, ' Bretos.- Jour t,- Ofttcls Bid -IBM. Old Domhilpn.-.S -It T.t OMnl '. Ol Oil Adventure Allouea ... I a 2Vk Arcadia ... Atlantic Blngbam .... Calumet Centennial ... Copper Range. Imly West .v- Elm liranby t.reen ...... Mass Mtrhlgaa Mohawk ...-r. l.oo 12 so 2H.60 610. (SI IT. SO a 2.1 - 12.78. 2.tst SS2V, S1.S7V T 78 Parrot 21.60 l.tsi 14.25 725 10S0O 7.7.4 24.00 2. 7.1 I'hoenlx Shannon Tamarack , Trinity t ntfod Copper. C. S. Mlnlna.. Ctsh 44 H7 Wlnon n.mi 12.20 4W.26 Wolverln .. 108.60 T0X0PAB ItUflKO STOCKS. . San rranrlsda, Jnn IS. Ofdclsl close, Ing arssion: Bid. 1 Wont Bid. .1 .S -. .12 . .id ., .16 . .2S ' . .71 . .17 ' . .24 . . .08 Mopten , . . , , Midway ..... McNamar .. Helmont North Star .. Rescue Gold Mt ..... Jim Butler . . Nevada Ton. Rttea .. Red Top Ooldfleld i,lM Sandstorm , . . !n Stsr .... Cash Boy .... f'4.6. I Adaaie Ti. ., 1.4T: Mohawk .... :40 Kills ....... lIT'Kndll .60 Columbia Mt .oT llnmho .12 (Jnmbo Exten .76 ITttitck .Butt .1214 Silver Tick . on .87 ,4.oo ' .47 . .41 .12 Oolrleu Anchor , .72 Rsy-'O'Brlea OS ophlr To' 84 o. Bull Frog:. . : .31 .: lHamondOeld -. J. N vhr-, Home , .04 . SAV FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. San rrsnclsc. Jan 14. Local atock ckw. morning elca; f morning seaaloa Bid. 41 S7- sCi"ict 67 ........ rffMtJ ........ IS , 1S14 Ask, sis Contr Cent -Wafer. Spring Valley -Water,. S. e'.-Raa.A Electrl l.lant I'Mgrler ' Hawaiian 'Kugar Ilonokra Sugar .' , Hutchinson Sugar Iinoin Sogsr ffsi ::::: il 0i"-j 7s . 101 -jtnik 86 lilt" 78 H 108 Alsrks rat kers u.... Oceanic Steamehtp CallfornU milt fanners'. lallfiarnl Wilis ............ I'S'lflc States Telepbane. .. . . X0MITOCK MIMUiO STOCKS. tea Francisco. Jun 1A Offtclsl elose. mora. Ing seasloau . Bin- 7 Did. Bullion .t .11 ISavsg i .42 Belcher ......... .1.1 Polos! ..I8- lew, el.-Va. .!. ll'nloo Ceo .& liuhlr .r. S SiVi' Yellow Jacket .11 .45 t ale noma Meitcan . Andes ... , neneauer . . . . . 1 "0 lllale A Hale A Norcroa 1.16 ..21 ! Scorpion ....... .12 ... Starling; Bat. ', New York. Jnn I Hi-rllng rate: n. mand: 4I 1JL4 eaj data. KV. Market tdy and firm.. . , rOtTLABD BAJtAV STATMEBt. dearie. ...i. PTl no Balaaaa ........a..M...... IW.etAU IN A We treat aucceaafullr air private ' thus snrl ttiumlu dla al asaai ser. a I an blood, .stomach, heart,. liver, 'kidney and throat troubles. We. cure SYPHILIS 'without mencury) to stsy cured ' for ever. In 10 to 68 day. We ra in o-ve BTKICTURE, without opratloo.or pa-in, -j- lav 11 days. - - -- ' ..' - W atop dralna, the rult-of self-- - abuse, immediately. W can reetore the . aexual vigor of any man under 40 by .y -- meana or --local tresiineni peculiar to ouraelre& -. .- : , We Cure Gonorrhoea . ; ' r : in aVeek , The dootora of tbla Institute are all regular sraduatea. have hod many year experience, nave been known tvrtland for IS year, nave a reputation 10 maintain, ana win unaertsne no c unleaa Certain cur can be effected. . We suarantue) a cure In every -ce undertake or charge no fee. Consul . tlon free.' Lettir cufldentlal. Inatrui tlv BOOK FOR MEN mailed free . plain wrapper. Ws cure the worst cases Of pltes In ,tlon. Cure guaranleed. if you canrot cau at omce, write Office hours.,! to snd T to I Sundays and- holiday, 4 te If. , DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Office in -Vert Woy Hotel. 81 H READING VvairCortland ' At WAYS CONSULT " TH B BEST. -Othera coma and go. but Vaa Cortlsnd remain. : ----- PROP.- VAN CORTLAND. . 308 4 Washington t eorusx of Fifth. - "THF MOMENT Yfr ENTER BIS PARLOR tlK WILL TKLL YOU YOI'R I'lLI, NAME. AO!. OCCl'PATIOS. YOI'R MOTJIKICS MAIDEN NAM K,- AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU' WILL MARRY and what you called for. Without asking a question; will tell the nsms Lof your sweetheart ar ythlng yoa wnt te know. lis sends you sway muca, wiser auu happier .. thaa when you called. KCr Por..YAB cobtlabd. --'' aa- Waaua In Portland. 60c The Olive, SMV, Wsshlagtoa -st.i oar, Tlfth ana wsajimgton ats. . j TaRc Is what the wise do. who practice economy by buying the -best- food r products Vat Portland's Greatest, Groceryr-T.he- best-food products are sold hfre at the same price you pay for inferior grocer ies at some stores. I'eople find they can pet'better va riety; better,- fresher -goods-hcrc' fof-less-money than anywhere else, that's ' why we're always bosy..,. Your money back if. you don't1 think so. Four deliveries, jdaihw north and south of Washington -street F, Dresser & Co. T6ftlanl's" Greatest Grocery, -7th and Washingtoa Sts. East 15th and Broadway. Seaside, Oregon. MONEY SAVED MONEY-EARNED (inii 16 and 17 Cents Beet Cresmery .... .4Se snd 50 3S snd 40) ......20e V.ggn, per dog......'. Strictly Freeh Ranch Egg. 1 doa . 450 Picnic nam. " Prr ib. it; i.v.i. .vtOt Cottage Item, per lb... ....11 Best 8ugr-Cured llm, per lb....l4t? La Grande Creamery 264 Yamhill St. STANDARD OIL WINS VICTORY IN KENTUCKY tiiaarasl Special Service.) Frankfort, Jun 14. The nppelfate court today atllatslnej the Judgment of the lower courts holdtns that one con viction under an Indictment egetaet the Btandard Oil company for failure to take out S peddler's license la a bar to autiae quent 1ullctments during the license jresf.'"Ths decision -In a big vtrtury-for the Standard,' Ms l.ioo Indictments ave been returned In verloua count!. PPOYANT Advantage of the Situation OVERBECK, QTARR COOKE CC, Afm4r Chicago Board of Trad. BAnt, WWOTTBIOWB, COTTOST. BTOCXB AsTB stCTTB, 101 Third trewt. MoKay Building. Portland. Or. VI BO A BTXMCT1.T OOaAaC JZZ T COBtlBBon Market by FrlvaM Wtrw Oulc P-ew. 1 '- ' -T " llitOsW k- sj B:l a. I is US i.Slr..l iJI t 4 In tatlonF;-;-! , i Jiv" OS 1 la . -. two or three Uetment without orjr-. - j , for queatloo blsnk.; Home, treatment sue Third Btfot; -Corner Pin. Phrtlan Or. . ij n P OOatOSatMOSA, OIVITBT, sTTKIUt, jtTSatocxi,a, abioocxx.ji, lvoBa or BIAaTXOOD, BaraTJaCATlSnC, XOZK2CA, ABTHJAA, and BXXaf . IBtVV8JBB. t. V . want every man afflicted with th , ourspeciarsystt'rrrTJTrrrsstmenti'Ws tn- vtte In particular sll who have treated elsewhere without succeas. all whoa, rageja have been' abandoned hy famlly phynlclana a nd""aS-caTIed '-BPXOIAVl,-IBTB," air whone trouble "liav been BKgrsvaisil sii'l litsds wtirsi' tiy ins use ' of BZX.TB, TBIIB SA1CPI.ZB, TBIAls TKZATUXBTTB and ao-callcrl BFZCir- ICS. We will explain to'you.why such treatment has failed to cure you, and wilt demonstrate to your -entire satla faction that ' we- can: cure -you safely, quickly 'and permanently. r Our counsel -will eont nothing, and w will do by you as we would wish you to do by us M nur cadea were reyered. Write tot our home treeilment If you "cannot eslLT " " The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Booms sad 7 Wlaehesrter Xrraee, Sd .Md Bnrnalde Streets, rortlaad. Or. - Xatabllahed 1B7S. C O EE WO The Qraat Chinese Doctor, Is called treat b- . caua. his wonderful euiea are ao welt--known throughout- the United Slateev And heoauae so many . people are thankful to him for aawlna . 'their llwes from - OPERATIONS a He treate any sna I WXTVii!yr all d I seta sea with) I saVowlUfl -powerXul C h J ,, I JjJSPSM htrba. roots, bud. sk barka and vegetabies Aaiai 7aa6.lxsifcs that ar. entirely un- Jtnown to medlcaJ science In thla ecme- try, and through the use of thaae narm , Jeaa remedies, Thla famous doctor kpows the action of over 600 different remeaieo that ha haa aucceaafully uaed In different diseases. He guarantee to cure catarrh. asthma, mnr Yraubiea,-T7ieumsttBm. nerw- vousnees. stomach, liver, kidney, re ntal trouble and sll private d I . Hundred of testimonial. . Chare;) moderate OH and ee him. - - COVSTJXiTATXOX arBKB. Patients out of the city wftte for blank snd circular. Inclose stamp. Ad dreas ... THE C. OEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 161 Alder street. Portland. Or. Stair way of 151 H Alder atreet leads to of' floe. Mention this paper. C0FFEE,Ta DAinnopovDEn, Rj:on;r.GEXTRins lwluhrrhr. FlrajfliYor; Omrtsl SiTwjrh.fitt50ftkkW CL05SET & DEYERS PORTLAND, ORX00H. There has been and will be no chans In t(i. prices Of Mineral Water! Sods Water, Siphons, 9rups. 1 etc.; . ths same prices will be maintained all reporta to the contrary not Withstanding. . " . " STAR B0TTLI!.GW0RKS rhoae Kaia 5304. M rivst , PEriHYnOYAtTPILLS II rf--sT 4HgleJ alaify sasil.e. y-sA,X aarg. Ali.r.raH.Ma. tass, r Vi4 CHI?HJ.TEK'! KMtiLJxet FjA.. I . ara . la ..nt. aaaaa X la ltr. sa aaeaaa. aaaaa. vita k.aa riaaa. Talis ee sSkse, sVeAea. Baaaisisas BakaalioaVaws eee laasva. . ' Mmmm t al m UrasSIM. W weasa kr rseaWajIsea. Taaalaaselaas sa "Saaaaf fee l.Slea,alar. ' ea ten Mala. I T..Maiai. 4 I Urassieia. I alrajaasee I atasa t aw. SI I' Saiaaew. ritil, fA. POWBieTO, KorsrrsrB m otv. .-txCtabliahed 1. Wats at Aire mrocm bboxbbb. Boom 4, Orerand llo. Cat A MB Sat OT COsUfBBOm. T C .eaWfTr aa " ! V Si - V" sf r-