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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1905)
- ' - A. r v"- ". ' THE OREGOft DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY. EVENING. JUNE lj-. 1905. IV,. . 19- a SOCIETY SWINDLED SCRAPING UP COLD r BY A BOGUS LORD "FROM THE SURFACE 5s Is the Time Willoughby Middleton Disap pan WithHundred and Fifty Thousand Cash. ' , Belmont Property, Eastern Ore gon," Continues Its Remark--able Cold Production." 7T ASKED HELEN GOULD TO . WHILE OWNERS DEFINE ORE THEY MAKE MONEY : PRESIDE AT RECEPTION NoblemanProves toB tx-Con- Will-Soon Start Small Mill for vict, Ex-Salvationist and ,; ;w Ex-Footman. 7 ""Lower Grade Rock . ' . ; and Sink.., . - r Th of ttseear to Be Happy am apd ' Briglht r' -; " (Journal Special- Senrlee.) "'.Jfew'Ybrk. June 14. Letters found Jn ' fhe desk of Wlllourhby Mlddleton. who -1 mllngr-lth omethlns like $150,000 a a result of hi creoked 6peraUona '. as head of the New York Realty cor porstion,-indicate that the man. who poeed a an English lord. Included Mini Helen OOUd In his long- list of victims, ' Mlddleton acquired an option' on the Garth estate at Whtte Plains, which la surrounded1 ly: tautlful and eitenalve park..: It wa -ther that be proposed tn gits an elatnrrett fr'T-1; Queen Victoria's birthday.- lnoonor of his A-lelt to this country of his slater, "Lady Flora. Hamilton." . ' ' . At this fete, he saM. Mies Gould was to receive for him, - Coples.jofjktters to M1M UoU16Tndrolhers were -round. Mlddleton Is found Ho be an ex-convlct, ex-member of the Salvation Army and 'ev-footman- of an English family.'- He -was regarded as one of .the best real estate salesmen In New Tprk. He served even, vears In the-.", penitentiary at K in rs ton; Ontario, for bigamy. - He is' the son of a, servant In the -family -of, an KnitlUbJioblemn,aJul be- .came a footman In another nobis House hold. While In this service he became . familiar with the title of theaHs: Zrry, anil is 1 1 I III trTrtM- that of Lord Inneskillen and Lord Mlddleton. surface yet, and It Is said that the area over which It Je possible t secure rich specimen rock broadens, four days run. has been brought la. and lt baa $1,000 native cold, some In the crumpled, flakes peculiar to thts strike and some In wire sold. When the little sump mill haa been put In com mission It is the purpose of the owners to handle "a lower grade rock there, while shipping the rh h - stuff -direct. In the meantime arrangements are also being -made- to erect a,-small sinking plant, -that a, shaft may be put down near the mill and drifts, extended to ex- SUPREME COUNCIL IS - SEVERELY CENSURED Subordinate Lodges of the Royal , ' Arcanum Refuse to Accept v ".,' Increased Rates. ;' v (Joornal Special Berrtee.1 New Tork. June 14. Explanations of - representatives of the' supreme council. Royal Arcanum, to members of the orderlo excuse he necessity of radical , changea In the assessment rates, have i led to increasing embarrassment snd disagreement. With the - exception of ; two. everrcotmrll In this city thst has met In the list two weeks voted unani mously- against - the supreme -council, and It le predicted 4ha.t every council between now and July will reject -the action of the supremo officers. The New Tork council, the largest In the state, met In the Masonic tempi and decided almost unanimously to 'oppose the objectionable plan.- A score of members of prominence in the order todav.expressed the conviction there wbTrtaeOVrTesTgngtrons .soon as the new table of rates goes Into effect in October.. The membership of the order Is more than $00,000, FAIRBANKS A SPEAKER AT IOWA GRADUATION (Journal Special SerTlee.) . xowa City, Is., June 14. -Commence snent day at ' the ' state- university - of Iowa today was made notable by the . presence of Vlee-Preeldent Charles w. - Fairbanks, who delivered the-address to the graduates. The exercises were held in the university armory, which wss filled to overflowing with the students, their families and friends. Mr. Fair banks took as the subject of his ad dress, A Chapter In American History." FtIIdwlnrthoaddreBs came the con, f erring 'of degrees by President Mac: - ! ofvth-ynlversiry.-rr, ' ' . Iiit took Oanasd Oooda. Allen aV Lewis Best 'Brand. Big stock just received, in J nickel and oxidized copper. ' They are new and artistic, and the price is from - 75c to $8.00 1 Thev belono 5n pverv horn and office.' "Special Hat Rack and Umbrella' Stand . : rombinedr--- THE i THIRD AND ALDERS J. K. GILL CO. - . Booksellersand i ' Stationers. Great Thinfc it Utile Prices (Speelal Dlpatrk .te Tbe JoaraaM Tipton. Or.,. June '14.--Arrangemntt are about completed for resuming opera tions with the three-stamp mill of Oil key ft- Kershaw 'on the Setmont prop erty," the scene of the recent rtctrstrlke. The owners of 'this marvelous property continue to bring in rich cleanups from short runs with hand appliances. Thli la being done while the owners prove their ' ground more extensively.-. . Tbey are stripping the surface to .determine the magnitude of. the rich ore body and are Plri " h m.lrlne- remarkable die. coverles in this respect. Al) the gold that Is brought in is from the very It Is Impractical to attain any depth by short -adits. tt- - - Since the first strike, was made it Is believed thst Otlkey ft Kershaw have cleaned up $10,000 to $12,000. The fu ture of the -property Is brighter now than at any time since the gold was discovered and is attracting more real attention from mining men. ' "" PLENTY OF PLATINUM BUT METAL IS ELUSIVE Since discussion commenced regarding the saving of platinum asveral commu nlcationa have been received - regarding the experiences of old-time miners in. the districts where platinum is known to occur. W. J. Wlraer, manager of the Deep Oravel mine. , near Waldo, Josephine county, has- contributed the most- valuable paper on thia subject yet furnished, snd from his statements It would appear-that platlnumrnrabound 1 in rar greater Quantity than would seem from what may be detected . in ordinary methods of panning. Mr. Winter gives inatancea wherein he himself has been' deceived as to the presence of platinum when be was pan nlng especially for- It and knew It to exist In the samples handled; This ' . experienced operator believes that there Is no riffle that will be en tirely . effective ' In saving the rare metal, and In fact, thinks it cannot be saved in running water. -When the mln 1ns men who have . been endeavorlne to handle platinum come forward and give their experiences to the govern ment officials regarding the mining of platinum the experimenters " will be in position to proceed with their ,jnrk' in a farjndrs satlsfgetorrimahnetandJtJB to be hoped that all who have tried to save platinum or have especial oppor tunity for-, observing fts peculiarities will be ready to respond voluntarily., BEAUTIFUL EXHIBIT IS NEARLY COMPLETE H. T. Hendryx. the Bumpter mine- operator, reached the. city yesterday afternoon on business. He will sid In completing the beautiful exhibit being installed In the Ojegon section of the Mining building at the fair. This will be the most striking exhibit at the fair. It lias s peristyle supporting a highly ornamental dome, on which will be an ore exhibit of great beauty. Within the' peristyle Will "be an elegant gilt cabinet in which some of the richest ores from -the Taber Fraction, Gem and. other upper district properties will be displayed. A larger exhibit of milling ore will be made at the base and to ad vantage suwut tin UiauUim alTucIIar Mr. Hendryx has Just organised the Taber Fraction Mines company, which is Tdhandle7 The property which Tie has de veloped... The purpose of this compsny is to develop the Fraction exhaustively and arrange to mill its lower grade ores. while shipping the higher grade stuff. wwwwwiwlHi June 24- Tteff AliOitit Holiday. -. Busy Around Oreeobaok. A. Virtue, nephew of the late J. W. Virtue, pioneer mining man of eastern and western Oregonr ts in the eity with his wife, taking's vacation from his work at the Greenback.. 'Operations in northern Josephine sre about ss usual this year, he says. The pole line of the Condor Water Power company has reached the - Oreenbach and within -a abort time this concern will be deliver ing electric energy to All consumers of the district. - Work Is constant-at the Oree'nback and the Oranlte Hill mines, and - the . Martha, near the former. Placer work In the Grave creek district has been somewhat limited thla aeaaon owing to the shortage of water, and but little more will be done before all work of this1 -class muat cease. Mr. Virtue says that many miners from the southern-Oregon- district- will come up later to see the fslr. NOW that' summer is here, and J theXairjj . your -spirits naturally'' rise. " ; Now's" the .time to dori your most 7 fetching' frock and take the "children - out for a daily .walk. L If you're tied iowrrwitrrapcoal or wood stove you.: can neither be happy nor appreciate : the company of your family. With ' one. of our Gas Rartges installed in your home, life will take on a new phase. . . V" ---- - itMlii m ; : 11) I. '' --I- 'j'Ki n'iA-iiuLiA m mi ? L. vW'vc.vrf'-'-v't.v-'- - I I; THE GAS RANGE fills a long- felt want. Getting a dinner is ' .- a question of a few minutes hot hours, as""befof e ' ."tKeTpGaa . Range came. Turn the valve -touch -the match and presto rif-you don't "watch -close your coffee has boiled a' ' overTIIKowaiting, "thelieatV always on hand. You'll join. the ranks of: -thoseho-sayf-donrtriowow--: I ever got along without it," as soon - as one of our ranges walks into your home and life. . ' III! - - ; '.'r ' ORDER NOW WHILE WE'RE NOT RUSHED-LATER ON YOU MAY HAVE" TO WAIT TO YOUR ORDER FILLED. "PATIENCE SAVED IS PATIENCE EARNED."- YOU'LL FIND IT SO ; - The purchase price of a GAS RANGE now includes installingthat is, for the purchase price we will set it up ready for use, which includes a ruri of 40 feet of-pipe. .On a cash sale or: if you"pay for h w you a discount, of 10 'per cent c Where a fuel stub is . already in the idtchen and na pipe is necessary, ' a discount of 20 per "cent ia made. . 7" FIFTH- AND YAMHILL. STREETS -Captain, Allen Case of Baker City, formerly- managerof the CJorrroxopU mines, under the early Searles regime, has been retained as consulting engineer for the Gelser-Hendryx Investment comDanv of Sumnter. ""A. J. Trimble, owner of theHnnul'uTiTl property, near Sumpter, Is In Seattle at tending to business connected with the big Siberian . company in 'which' he Is Interested. ..... E. B. McDsnle! of Baker City, who Is here to- attend the Masonic gstherlng. slates that tha 'quarts dlacovery near Blue canyon, Auburn . dlatrlct, from which two prospectors took a great pan of free gold, la In a dlatrlct that has been paaaed over continuously for the paat. half century. ; It seems that the country never becomes so old but new discoveries are possible. - Or tor th fair. - H. W. Miller of ths Yellow Jewel company, 10IH Sixth street. , has re ceived -s considerable consignment of or for exhibition at the fair, th speci mens having been -chosen by Manager Armitage with the purpose of Illustrat ing the sort of rock that Is being hsd In early work. Rom of It Is rich and th kntlr collection is. sure to attract gen eral attention. ' 1 Story of a most Remarkable Cure madeby MOT The Greatest of all Modern Remedies for COUGHS. COLDS andXONSUMPTION. iome is in Sidney, Ohio. I have been nearer death with consumption -than-any-otherliving-person''-mhe-world,and"I:wMt-you to read this, .so you can .tell others. I took a severe cold and neglected it I grew. worse all the time, and at the end ot two years I hadrun into consumption. , I coughed i Ifciilbly, lost Jflesly could Rot sleeps and: becames6nar"eadfully weak that I had to take to bedIn theJollog. Sng-eighteen mthrgraduallyreached- the - No .less than seven physicians treated rnTaria all gave me up saying I was incurable I was absolutely. helpless.!' The whole family wore . themselves out caring for me. One day motherland sister came to my bedside 'and said i had but a day. or two more to live. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they sobbed the hews. The doctors had declared . I . was in the last . stage,, and no human 'Being could save - me. . I was wilHng : to die, but before goingto lthe cruel grave, I wanted to go out and see my dearly beloved town of Sidney once more. They told me such a thing was impossible -that I would surely die before I got back. ' But I insisted, and -to gratify' my dying wislCa carriage was fitted upwith abed of" . pillows, and to this I . was carried and slowly driven , around Court IJouse Square I J got- home more 'dead - than alive. J Through the mercy' of " ProvidencersoonV" brought a trial rbottle.oL medicine:saM to be a consumption cure. No one imagined for an instant it. was - worth trying. -But as a drowning person grasps at a straw," so I tried this medicine. I was better after tak ing two -doses. Mother got more 'of the medicine andJookJit, improving all the ri I am as well-as-any reader -of -this-papefandTthlnedldne that cured me was Acker's English Remedy for Consump-- tion. I declare before God and. man that every word here printed is true." t . ' ! . - :" .. l !!' (Signed) ! "BERTHA SHERK.-. : This remarkable testimonial, on filejn the office trl Messrs. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N 'Y.,' proprietors of Dr. Acker'a -w.twiBtv.v. u6iioii twutuji, u tuuuicujuiuj trciu, M.wcu a u prominent uruggisis oi oianeyr unio. .. ACKERS ENGLISH REMEDY will stop a cough' at any time and cure the worst cold in twelve hours We have such conGdcncc In this great ; Remedy that we sell every bottle under a most positive guarantee; that your money will" be refunded If you are, not entirely satisfied 5C, 50c., and $1.00 per bottle. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY S. a SKIDMORE DRUG COMPANY. DELEGATES APPOINTED - TO PORTLAND MEETING j . - 1 (ipeetil IMaptlrh to Tbt Jnarel.) Ealem, Or., June , 14.- Governor Chamherlartr-yesterilar ' appointed, the followlnc delegates to the national con ference of charities and corrections, to be hed st Portland July 15 to 2S: Mrs. Uu HAtrlt, Halem; Re E. P. Murphy. Portland; Ulster" Rita of Ht. Vincents, hospital, Portland; er.- W. 8. Gilbert, PortlerNli" Mrs. Millie Trum bull. Portland; fr. Stephen 8. Wise. Portland; W. E. Welten Portlsnd; 8. P. Bach, Lebanon; H. . J. Klrkpatrlck, Iebenon; . John Behtley, Pendleton; R. Ht Moore,- Gold Hill: T. O. Burkhart, Portlsnd; Jaoob Majer,. for Hand; Rev, P. tt. Tounf. Portland; Rev. E. J. Mur phr, Portland; B. A. Mlllaap, Lebanon; 8amuei Connell, Portland; B. F. Irvine, Oorvallie; E. W. Bt. .Pierre, Palem; D. A. Nmlth, Albany; C. W. James, 8alem; T.wJ.-Conpannon. Portland; Jsmea rrsl ney, Portland; W. W. Hardcf, Portland; -lUlarn Reldt, Portland; J. M. Nervl.. Portland. - No one would ever be bothered with constipation If every one knew how. naturally and quickly Burdork Blood Hitters regulates the stomach and bowels. . - I