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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, T JUNE It. 1905. - - SPORTING GOSSIP -EYERY- Notes of Interest in the Realms Wherer Sportsmen 7Are-- Active. '.' . T ' PORTLAND'S CHANCES ;-- . FOR THE PENNANT Should the Dope Hold Out Mc . 1 1 ' Credie's Club Will Carry Off Honors. , Tha Portland club manages to keep -found tha .600 mark,The boys are rearUlnmUyln- fagt-artlda " and earn every victory. An even break .i.k a. vV.nrlaro tltl week will mean ' . k..h. with a oercentage of ! .BOO. ' Then, figuring that Portland can take 24 out of tha remaining 88. game .i.w a..ti nA Tuom It will have a percentage of .S. Four of thaaa aarlee ' win 'ba played at homa, giving Portland an-advantage. JTecoma haa flva mora gamea with Seattle thla week on tha UtterV grounds, and ,tha Tigers should 4ake three out of tha remaining five. After thla wkjiawlljhava six -wuki 'to nlar. three of which will D wltbrortland two wlUr Ban Franoiaoo and one with Oakland. As Tacdma, will be eway-from home nair or. ins him and . running up agalnat theaa atrong "team, the beat that tha Tigers should do under-theae conditions 'would be to break even.- If this la done Tscoma's "Trjercentags will oo ;o5f and aa run.- land's will be .688. It la .aay to gueaa where the Honors for tha flrat half of tha season will fall. Waddelr-of-Phlladeiphla loat hla flrat ram -of tha season yeaterday to u irfllL victories is a good -one. - Yeaterday ha allowed but' four hlu. but Buffered shutout 1 to 0. . - : - . j Ely- Cates,-sine th warm weather wet In haa been doing goodwork.- Hie narformanca yeaterday agalnat . ' the frlajty Seal a wag commendable. .- . - - - - A report of a game of ball played-at Rock Springs, between Oreerf River and -Rook Sorlnas. aa Dubllahed. Btatea that Pitcher Shandow-of tha latter aggress tlon ahut out Green-River without a hit or a. run", and also that not one man reached first baae, and out Of a total of 2t batsmen who faced him. 20 Buffered -strikeouts. For the sake of inquisitive- nesa we would like to know how 29 men faced tha pitcher if not one man ever reached first base. In thla city JT bats men are -about a sufficient-number-to face a pltaber, providing that Bona reach Ilrat baae.-. , ' '- ' J a h. football' rules thla vear. save the -lncrats4ig -of th- penalty . for aide . Uni NATURc - coaching from S TO JO- yards; This t -: good chaTnge and on that-tha. officials should aee Is properly nrorcaa. - Notn Jriar Is so unsportsmanlike on the grid Iron aa to have a coach or trainer waif along the aide lines giving lnstruc- long in, aiuo unn iitiui iihuuc- rttweitlhiBrtSr-on tha Paolflo oaat is Jimmy Lanlgan. ooach of Stanford's . . eleven. Multnomah men who played against the Cardinals during tha paat two years know full well what n Bancs Lannlgan waa on tha field. nul Tha proTeaalonai golf togrnameht be gan on Waverly links today an for tha remainder of the - week thaiOcal en thualaatB will have an opportunity of wltneaaing soma clever work. 1 . e Ruaa Hall is using every means 'In his power to strengthen tha . Seattle . olub, and If he landa aome of the talent be la after the Blwaah brigade will be a factor In the final bsjf. Cllf -Blanken . ship of Cincinnati. Inflelder Nuran of .'Washington and Flrat-Baseman Howard woai ai F' LU LLstf.WUl UILtd 4aI UlaWllaVstfl . I - ' ' I rinrinna I . .. . , - Slim7 and Stout Suits FOR LONG AND SHORT MEN To make a long story short, we have 'too many suits for men of irreguIaFbufld, and now place .sale about " lOOSuitsat v'WortlTfrom 'l' Call : Now, Before- OS-OT Tklixf St. iBetnaen Stork Oak 'TFCHTIJiNDB PVlin CLOTHI of Pittsburg ara among tha playera Rusty la endeavoring to corral. a a Win French is -working out every day and says that h will be In fine ahape to Join tbe team next wean -i ns , rup lured miiarle in hla shoulder haa been reaucea ana uii iisAjiiciiLs i a ' aver. - Ha la anxious tor get tntne game and do his ahare In. winning tha pennant or at leaat giving tbe Tiger a fins chaaa for ma nag, Qua 'Klonf. tha former umpire. ha'aJ Joined McCloskey'a - Varicuver team in the International league, . where he la alatad ta play third baae for Honeat John's bunch. - '-r.. ; ,.-- . . ' m , - r SOME BRISK RACING . ON) SEATTLE TRACK tjanrnm gpetat gantea.) Beattla, . Wash.,' June 14. ..eaulta of racea - " ; '- . Five And. a half furlonga 8Christo- pher won. Billy Taylor aecond, Addle D, third; time. 1:08. Flva and a half furlonga Snark won. Tuck-Back aecond, - The . Pride , third; ttme,-J:0T.-r - - i - Four and a half furlonga Interlude won, Cora Ooets second, Happy Chappy third; time. 0:65. ' ,. Six and a half f dHonga-Ocyroha won. Tocolaw aecond. Corn - Blossom third; time, l:l. ... -.- .- ; Seven furlonga-'-'Mountebank won. Blue Ridge . second. Dundreary third; time. l:!7tt. ' .. .. .. - ' Mile Mai Lowery won', Budd - Wada second, War Timea third; Urn. 1:4IV4. A Oraveeenl. New - York,- June 1 4. Oravesend raca I rciuiti! ' i 1 . . About six furlongs King Pepper won,- Caniion Ball second. Old England third; time. 1:111-1, Mile and 70 yarda Broadcloth won. Woodaaw. aecond. Sinister third; time; 1:47 1-8. .. , : ' Flva ' furlonga -Confederaia won, Beaufort aecond, - Lancastrian third; time. I:0S. - The Brooklyn handicap, mile and 'a furlong Oo Between won. Dolly Spanker aecond,-Buttling thirds time. 1:64 4-5. Mile and a . alxteenth Bronse Wing won,- Iamalan-second. Confessor third; time. 1:S1 -i. . . - . 1 F 1VI lUHKIIga- whlmsleal ' Tree second. Sufficiency 1:01. third; time, 'Among the Tennis Players, f , - The-tnnie tournament at tha Mult nomah club, which waa inaugurated last week, haa narrowed down to 10 comprtu tors, -who will compete this week for the J-. Wesley Ladd cup.. ' Tha reaulta of the week'a matchea are aa follows: . - . , Prince (owe 1S.4) beat Sterling (rec Wlckeraham (owe SO) .beat Bellinger (owe 80), -10, 7-5, -!.' - Rudy (owe 16.4) beat Seabury (owe 16.1), 6-3; -l. . Zan (owe 16.1) beat Weldler (rec 16), -l. 0-4. McAlpln owe - 16.4) - beat - FarreB (acratch), 1-6, 8-6, default) West pwe.J.f) beat Frohman (rec. 15.1)6-2. 7-6, 6-3. 1 Harrlgan ' (owe 1.4) beat Nunn (scratch). 6-1, 6-0. ' flnm l(iw 40 beat Harrlgari (owe 8.6), 6-0, 7-6. .- - ' . . " Kay Sa ,otrook, (Kperlal Dlapatrh to The Jnarnai. Sookahe. Waah. Jone. 14. Edward Rothrortt, sporting editor of thChron lele. Is being heartily supported for prea- Ident of the Pacific NatlonaJeaguai n tin- -.rpii -lZ i resigned last Fridayr. RothaocX'g randldacr la favored by Manager Gimll of the Ogden team, Charley Rellly of the Salt Lake team' and by Clyde Wil liams, president of the Spokane, club. jroTxera iTUiATTrB. - All notices of amateur base ball games,- challengea and ath letic events- must be sent to this of Oca before o'clock a. m. on tha day for publication. Ama teur managera . should pay at tentlon to thla rule, aa the keep ing of It will lnaure a proper report ot their doing. Tha Journal. on $1Q to $l7;50 They're All Gone tee, A ELY CATES PITCHES PORTLAND TO VICTORY McCwdiVs-Teain-Taxkes-Pret-tily Played Match From the Seals. . :? . (Janraat IpecUl gervlce.) San Francisco, June 14. In tha flrat Catea' waa Invincible and held Irwin and hi. sirrinni aafeiv throughout, winning by one tally. In tha ninth Inning the tinm taatn mnt huav and annexed two mm hut when mattera became real dangerous Catea got stingy and denied any mora hits. Tha . Portland team played aplrlted ball and tha crowd Jhor ouahiv aDDraclatad their work. - The eora; ' . PORTLAND. t - A B. K. t. fu. tu. Ats, SS. . V J. . . Van Buren, if. ...... Houaeholder, - of.- Schlafly, ib.? McCredie, - rf. ....... McLean, e. .......... Mitchell, lb. ........ Runkla, - lb. Cataa,- p.- ......... 0 1 J t 0 1 1 0 i-9 o-o 1 Total i . 7 1 21 10, I 8 AN FRANCISCO. AB. R.ZL PO. A. B. r p-rvenr, .ri. waldron. cf.. ........ Whaeler. Zb. ........ HUdebrand, sa.. ...... Irwin, 3b. .......... Nealoa,-lb. ......... Wilson, c Shea. If. ............ 0- 0 0 1 1 0 i i. 10 6 1 16 I 160 1 10 0 3 0 0 1 I vviiiiama, p. ........ ITOtalg t SCORB BT INNINGS. 1 3 4 5 4 7 8 t Portland I 0 1 0 0 1 -0 0 Hits, . ........1 Oil 11600- 01 0 7 San- Francisco ....0- 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 1 110 16 Hits . . j,. 0 0 0 0 1 SUMMARY. Stolen baaaa Schlafly. ' -MltdhelL Three-basa hit Householder. Flrat but An error Portland. 3: Ban Fran claoo, l. First baa on called balls Oft Cat -a. 8; off Williams. 2. Left on baaea Portland, ; San Franclaco. 6. Struck out By Catea, t: by Williams, 8. . IKu ble plays Waldron to w heeler; -Ats. to Schlafly to Mitchell. Time of gam' One- hoar and 26 minutes. Umjilri PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. CLUBS. Tarome Haa Franpiaee.. Ixia Anseles.... 101 111' .8T .A22 .51H .MHJ .4H5 ,3U6 4 10 4 7 8 ft ft 7 I'urtland Oakland Seattle . I I I I -I I- Lu.t .r....--. fC8;a-ii30S4;37!ll -"- - : "' i Banna ntohaa Oraal BalL - (Joaroal Bpaclal grfce.) Loa Angelea. June 14. The Commut ers couldn't do anything with "Spider" Baum yeaterday and consequently sur- fercd a snut-out Tha AngeTstouenea up Iberg for five runs In the sixth, sev-. enth-and ighUt-4nnlngs. aktore; - R H C Los Angeles ...0 6 0 0 0 1 1,2 -r6 . ' 6 Oakland . 0 00 00 0000 0 -6 3 Hatterlea Baum and Spies; Iberg and MjyrneSr-iJmnire-rr-priiy, -"Tlfers Shut On. (Joarnal epiai nar; - Seattle. Wash., June 14. Roach waa the whole show against the Tlgeri yes terday and registered a shut-out. Flts gerald also pitched a brilliant game. Score: ' " " tx. 11. & Soattl . , ..-OOOOOlOOg Tacoma . .0 0 0 90 0 00 0 0-1-2 Batteries Roach and Frary;' FlUger ald and Qraham. Umpire Perrlne. - NATIONAL LEAGUE., New Tork . Philadelphia PHtaburg Chicago . , Cincinnati Pt. IxiuJa Rrooklyn iiosion - At Obioag o, - R. H. E. Chicago . .- K i Batteries nrown aim 1,1 i " rn and Bowerman. - Umpires tiaus wlna -and Emsll. ; : - rz- At Cincinnati. -R. H.E. . - 1 MhilnrlMlnhla. . . . iiaitrlpa Walker and Rchlel; Soarks md Kka XUnpire-J ohna tone, - At St. Z.onla. . ... . R. 11. E. 9tr Ixula . . w ..... 1 7 . 2 Brooklyn 2 nt.ri Taylor. Grady and Zear- foss;" Mitchell and Hitter. Umpire Klem. At jnttaburg. R. H.B. Plttahurar 6 7 1 Boston . . Batteriea rnuippi ana i-ens; vtiuis, Wllhelm and Need ham. Umpire O Day. - AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' Won. . Lost. P.C. .63 .678 .678 ,t23 .47 .418 .405 Clevelsnd , . ........ 28 18 Chlfago . . ........... 2 i'hliaueipnia-. ....... ; i retrolt . . 2 Waahlngton . . ....... 27 mew lorn ..... 17 25 SU Louis 17 " 2.8. At Pbiladalphla. - " ' . - R. H. E Detroit . ...1 4. 0 Philadelphia . . . i 0 4 o Batteriea Donovan and' Drill: Wad- dell afid Bchreck. .-- - - - At Boston. a - - , .,- - . R. 1LE. Cleveland 11 1 0 Boston . . , 2 4 Batteries' Moora and Bemls: Dineen and r arreu, ,, , .. . At. Waahlnfton, R. H.E. Washington .0 4 Chicago . . 11 0 Batteries' Patten Townsend and Kit trerga pwen and Sullivan. PACIFIC NATIONAL LEAGUE. ' At Spokaaa. - ... '. ' R H K sookana . , .....0 110001 08 lo' 1 Boise . 0 0 001 1 3 04 ( ,8 Batteriea Gllpatrlrk and Stanley; McKarland and Hanaon, Umpire Mao- Raa. , ' - TT . St. Fanl Oaf sat Hewberg. r St. Psul defeats Newberg yeaterday by tha scoraof t to 1. Score by Innings: SI.' Paul. ........ ..0 1 1 0 0 8 0 0 08 Newberg ...:....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 Won. Lost PC. 37 . 14 .73T . it 11 :::::::i:::il'r-rlr-:os2 tr.v. is i aeUevaa Wins a loaf Oaaaa. The Bellevue team defeated Hlrsoh's favorites In a l-inlng game at Blle vue Sunday by tha score of 1 to 0. Bat tsries H. Btults and Morris for Belle vue and Owens aid. Bennett for Mlrsch. '.; -''' THE "WANT PAGES Of The Journai Today will tell you how toob tain free admission to THE OAKS The CbuUa, the Bumps, the Maze, the Lauhln2 Qsllery. EXTRACTED. FILLED OR CROWNED . ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN -Br our- new discovery abnlled to tha gums, we do Rental work without tha Buffering usually experienced while bav ins: dental work done. Tbe very b dental work at the-loweat DOaelble coat consistent ' with nrat-chna work la tha secret of - our aucceaa. Examination free. Our price are the lowest, our work - tna oast ana guaranteea. tor ten years. , TEtTH OirrnAicj Other dentists com. and go, but tha Boston Dentists remain .the aama . re liable, up-to-date dentlsta, --r Boston Painless Dentists 101 H X orris oa Bt Opp. Mslat TxnM and Old rosiornoa, . HOURS 8:80 a. m. to 6 p. m. Bun- day, 8:80 a. m to UrlO p.;-. HUNT CLUB RIDERS IN HARD TRAINING Z There "Ut : mora activity ;v theae daya among . the members of ."the Portland Hunt clQb than was ever displayed In the navy department during the Spanish- American war; The reason ror mis un usual commotion la that the annual field day' exercise will be held on Saturday next at Irvlngton racetrack.- AH or ine events have been - filled, and as tha-i trophies are worth riding ror.. and aa tha competition growa keener, the Inter- eat, in tha coming racea. naturally In creases. e flrsir event, the paiier rliase. there will be a long string of starters, all of whom know every trick, of riding and the chase-should be most interest tnr.--Most-of tha gentlemen-wno nave entered the 100-pound event are now in fine form for the dash. It requires con alderabla- 4ralnlng for a 100-pnunder to e- Into .condition, but when that ata4e of af flciency Is Tones" Wtet-the-4aata. that -a -heavy jockey can perform are worthy of notice. - : icrs. Stbu Is Ohamploa. . ' (Journal pecUl SerTica.). Short - Hllls. N .- J.r- J una 1 4. Mr 4-Chartea- P. -Stout of tha Richmond Coun trv -olub. 8tatan Island.-won the worn en'g golf championship of th Mutropol- Itan Golf association yesterday, ene ne gotiated tha course In 86. ' Koowt Tabors Defeat ATblnaa. Tha Mount Tabor Junlora defeated the Alblna- team In a well played game latett- Sunday by tha score of 10 to Ratteriea Mount Tabor. ( Merrltt and Waltera; Alblna, Toung and Bundborj. Cheap Rates East. '" Verr low round trip rates to eastern polnta-wlll ba placed In affect by the Canadian-racinc railway, icaeta win be on sale Juna14.18.-10; anrl1T. ami a-ood for stopover privileges both goln and returning. For full nartlculara call on or addresa F. R. -Johnson, F. 4k P. Cansdlair- Paeino-Tallwajr. 141 Third street, Portland. Oregon. HaBISJLUSBAND T0- - SUPPORT FAMILY Mrs. Anna F. Harris Brings Suit Under Law Eassed by . - Last Legislature. ' (Special Dlapatrh to The JonrnaL) Albany, June 14. Mrs. Anna F. Hsf rls of Sodavllle yesterday (lied a suit In tha circuit court against Newton rc. Harris for auport for herself and Ave children by a former marriage. They wera married July , 104. and May of this year . Mrs. Harris aaya her hua band left " home and j-efused to support his family, haa driven away tha milch cows, has destroyed the garden, and or dered tha grocera to refuae hla wife credit, ao that she and the children ara compelled to live onthe bounty of neighbors. She aaka 160 a month and for $100 attorney'feea. W. Lair Thomp eon. chief clerk during the last legis lature Is the' attorney. The suit Is un der a new law passed, by the laaft legis lature. - - - - 1 .. - The Albany Driving assoclstlon last evening arranged for a race, meet to be held on tha mile - track at , the fair grounds near this city July 7. -I Tha city council last evening consid ered a new franchise for the- Independ ent telephone company. Recently a franchise waa granted to lha representa tives of a number of farmers' lines to enter thl city. 'They hava Tniirr soma of their lines to the city Jlmlts and now they ask a change .in the franchise ao as to permit ita sale without per mission of the council. The bill will be submitted trt tha city attorney. All o verr-thl s Coast, Schalling's-BcstU jaewy one's moutri: " '.e4tn ' I i They go far to make liring comfortable. , . . . " .. ' ... year ginar'H plsiytais.- ' v., - : Dffl r wrrrl BETTER ROADS IS OBJECT Of MEETING Great Convention of the National - Association Will Be Held-- This Month. . -J: DDOMIMPNT MFM COMING av a w aaa e w - -w -w - - - - . FROM ALL THE STATES Program to Be Followed in the Four Days'; Session at ' the Exposition. - ' ; ' ; ' A.'d"vanc copies of tha program of tha fifth annual convention, .ot.Jlha Natlonsl OoodV-Roads association were -sent out vaaterdav by Uecretary R. W. Richard son to governors of states, mayora of cltlea and - presidents of commercial hndiaa alf over tha United States. Tha convention Is to be held In tha Audi tdrlum of tha Lewis and Clark exposi tion. June 21-24 Inclusive. . The opening dsy's exorcises wui in clude addreaaes of welcoriia by Attorneyi General A. M. Crawford,, repreaentlng Governor Chamberlain, for tha state of nron: Mavor George H. Wllllama for tha - olty -of - Portland,- ,l'reeiaent Holmes of the Manufacturers' aaaocla tlon. President O. W. Allen of tha Port land board of trade, WJ 13. Wheelwright, proaldent of tha Portland ohamber ot Dresldent Portland Conimerclal club, an responses py resiaeai' w. -xx. on and Vlce-Prealdent A. 8. Mann , of the association. - Secretary R. W. . Richard son will deliver his .annual report and commlttaea s f or tha convention will be appointed'. J Baooad Day's Masting, Features of the second day'a .meeting til b- speeches by Martin Uodge,-di rector nubile road lnquirlea, .Inlted Htatea department of agriculture, oo What the Government la Doing ror Roads"; H.-Beottr-prealdentT'Oregon hnnd Bnarts ...nni.tinn.'- lin-'Wiihlla Hnkdi of Orca-on": J. B. Melkle, secre tary Seattle chamber of commerce and Washington Good Roads association; N Ellery, commissioner public - highways of California; - William - Jasper Kerr, prealdant Utsh - Agricultural college; Jamea Wlthycombe, Oregon Agricultural college; Jamea W-Abbott. Rocky moun tain coast .division united states gooa roads department. Committees on reso lutions and nominations : wilt .pa ap pointed. ' " On Tlrursday there win-oe loareuM by DeWitt .W. Smith, preeident llllnole highway commission ;-Judge Lionel R. WebBter,Multnomah county ; J. V. Lea, ecTetary Portland boflrl -of : trade; George W. Cooley, president Minneaota .Good Roads -association; F. C. Young. University 01 uregou; x.. 'x editor Good lBoada : Magaaine, ew York: Charlea C. Canflala.. cieveiana. Ohio; H. B; Thlelaon. secretary Oregon nond Roads association. " r"'- 1 ' ' , -ogTm for Trlday Friday's z: program " will "incrud speeches by Colonel . T. P-.-Bixey. Jee Tur'cr National Good Jloada association; J. W. Bailey, president National Dairy men's aasoplation; Theodore '-A.Randall, secretary Katlonal Brick Manufacturera' asoUtlonr- Judge-Thomas- R.- Ryan, I Clackamaa county; William . uraaourn. engineer National Good. Roada assocU-Ti..nitTrr.'nr-Bnir''Itr-MiievaJJfornls: J. H. Albrt,ommiaaion Lesrto and Clark expoaltion; Wellington E. Loucka. organiser National Good Roada aaaocla tlon: R. D. Chaptn, Michigan; -Judge J. B. Ma gars, Oregon. Committees on resolutions and nomlnatlona wlir report Friday and aloction of offlcara will be held On Baturdav there will be mora speeches the object-lesson rosd will be shown in front of the Transportation and Machinery building, and the auto mobllea that have competed In the transcontinental race- will be exhibited. Brief addresses will be heard from Governor Pardee or 'California, Jeffer son Myers of the Oregon atate commla alon. Senator Reed Smoot of I'tah. Tom Richardaon and H. W. Ooode. - -Good Koada Spaolal Coming. A special train from Chicago to Port land, knowa aa the "good roads special." will arrive in Portland next-.8aturday evening-It carries a delegation of of flcera o the" National Good Roads asso ciation. Including W. H. Moore, A. 8. Mann.Plor.ldai Colonel T. P. Hlxey, Mis souri Wellington. E. Louck.-i?6 It Bradbum, Texaa, and Martin lodge, di rector of roads of the United Ststes de psrtment of agriculture. Tha train la being brought -over the rnlon Pacinc system snd Is making l.iiia Ul iJiiMiu." pululs whera fuiiventlons beWi wlth- -Hre object of arousing Interest of the public In the good roada cause and calling at tentl"n 'ho Portland convention of tha association. -The - train- will- make atopa at Walla Walla, Moscow, .Colfax and Hood River. - Traaaoontlnsatal AatomobUa ataoa. James W. Abbott will arrive tonight. Ha haa been directing , the transconti nental automobile race' between the ma chines Old Steady and,' Old Scout from New, York to Portland, which is expected to end In thla city the laat of (hi week. Tho following bulletin haa been received by A. L Craig of the O. It ft . N. from the agent of the Oregon Short Lino at DlamondvlUe, under data of June 10: "Old Steady arrived . hera today at 4 p, m. It waa delayed by a eloudburst west of Granger. Mr. Megargel la O. K but Mr. Starckfteld 1 sick, and at prea ent In hotel here under care of physU rlari. Will advise If ha Is able to pro ceed, as soon aa doctor reporte." Old, Scout, the rival, automobile, which" left Blackfoot, Idaho, laat Satur day for Boise; la more than Zoo miles ahead of Old Steadyt and making good progress through the Sawtooth - moun tains. It la expected to leave the rail road Una at the Snake river and come through central Oregon, Via Burps, and Frlneville. "... BABY BURGLARS CAUGHT .; CrACKlNG OPEN A SAFE ' (Rperlal DlapatrC to Tb. JoarnaL) Seattle, June 14. Four baby burglars must face the stern court for Juvenifes and take their medicine. ' Early yeater day morning Chief Delaney and two detectives discovered tha thieves who robbed a hardware store at Green I-ake a week ago-and made off with aeveral guns and a quantity of ammunition, i.ouls Schmlts, aged 11 years, and Rich ard Daly, aged 14, pleaded guilty. .They wera found at their homea laJ-he neigh borhood of the store, and some of tha jOAdr recovered. ; i " Clarence 1 Tamer, agea 12 yeara, ana Abner Masters.' sged 14 years, were caught shortly before midnight Monday, trying to blow a safa in a real eatate offlca near the H)ll brlhyarda. Thay had a can of powder. Cramer carried a long dirk, with which he attempted to attack the officer arreetlng him. A' blesalng alike to young and old; Dr. Fowler'a Kxtrart of -Wild Strawberry; nature's speclltii for dysentery, diarrhoea and summer complaint ., . 'a V 1 ' , 50c - A-WEC( and Your Old Mattress WILL SECURE YOUR CHOICE FROM OUR - BIG LINE OF NEW MATTRESSES.. .TO . INTRODUCE THEM SvE "WILL .TAKE ANY OLD MATTRESS YOU ARE NOW USlNQ AS FIRST PAYMENT OF $1.00.-BALANCE 50c PER WEEK. . ; rt FELTED. COTTON V PURE SNOW DRIFT COTTON SILK FLOSS AND MANY OTHERS. " - ; INTRODUCTION PRICES ALL OUR CUSTOMERS KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. . .: Formerly New J 184-6 FIRST; STREET. . OS There's Notliing queer or mysterious about dyspepsia. It ahestiirar' result of a defective digestion. Its remedy is, simply to restore, the stomach to its natural condition. It ia ; for this single and special (LIQUID) is " prepared. It digestsandassistSthe - defective 1 stomach to digest food, just as the stomach in proper condition would do, without help. - - - Are you willing to be helped and cured? Then go to . any druggist and get a bottle of " . Chase's Dyspepsia Cure Take It according to directions for three days, and if - - it; doesn't benefit you go to the" druggist and get your money back without question -or argument. -1 ' 50c. and $L00 Per Dottle TW CHASE MFC. CO., NEWBURGH, N. Y, We aV arewa ssd brides werk wltkeat sal a. Our 18 r.ara' aipOTlcace ta slat, warfe as- sble . te tit roar Dr. W. A. Vh aw a j a vwvasr suiig) wssiw ""v A. Wla. has toond a I way s wta, abeotatalr wlUMMit Pl- Dr.. a Is aa ax part at fold fllllag aad id srtilsa work. - titraetlag Craa estraet twta. T. P. Wla. mwl ana brftlaa wka slates at hrMsvs WISE BROS., Dentists Tenia h.nlta,. aw Ora eraalass till S OS. T. V. ,WUk- . . is ia. PcrsidnUorvoEsscr.: IITOkCg MAVHOOD-Ru rsi4 ttHwaaadi at easM ot KerTuwa IVMUtr, Issoaiuls sa4 Atr phy. They ttie brala, atraafUiM tbe rlrealstloB, Bake 4Yetloa srfM( sad taiart siamtlp visor U tit. whnl. bring, all eralas tad losses atopoMl sraastlr. 81.00 pmt hoi; NX'S gn.raptia to cur. ar rrfnaa amn?, 80 OO. Mall.4 rr t'. PmrUtn M4. Civ, Arrh s., Pim4lr-.. Fa. gold In oat by ! -, rartlssd Hot.l l aa. .ilJi. V '.. .. r ort SO AWEtrN I III, i I, v SANITAR.Y SNOW DRIFT i MATTRE3SE3 f (OUARANTEip"! SOMETHING NEW York. Furniture Co . - purpose that 3 wostk coafartably. sre, Hi lr4 sad Wash tw. a. si. Maaaays tfm Or. Mala Suae, IN . - r . : - .. . P-L IT. el. Will. wHHsflsWsl 1 f 2.77-1