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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1905)
1- THE OREGON -DAILY TOURNAIJ,-PORTLAND."4 WEDNESDAY : EVENING, "JUNE ' U? 1905. - 'i ' .N ..f -pa ncrrir: 7 An Opportunity for All to F-REE With cash "Want Ads" The Journal will give ticket! for admittance ' to The Park, or to The ChuTes, The Bumps, The Maze or The Laughing Gallery. i'jC- - JOURNAL "WANT AD. Are Business THE RATE -IS 7i 5c .per line .. 25 vp erline Seven Insertions - One ticket is good with every 10-cent cash "Want Ad," - but 15c it the minimum'cHarge. If you have a two or three line "Ad" you are entitled toJone"ticket . If you "have a five-lineAd" you are entitled to two tickets,. six lines three tickets, and so on. . - . -. . -, : . Go- and take-your- whoie-f amily--and - have good time free of cosV other than for the advertisement. .The. tickets uith Tnnmal "Want -Ads? are worth 10 - cents "and entitle you to admissionto any ofrtheanrusements. Pur" your "Want Ads" in The Journal, SUNDAY or DAILY, and take a trip to "The Oaks." ...'.'; .r r i .'; Einum rOB SALE REAL- 1ST ATE. a. uo. - - i NEW HOl'SE ON. QUA RTER - BLOCK. SOUTHEAST CORNER HANCOCK AND EAST TWENTY -SlXTHr 9 ROOMS, BATH AND HAI.L, - MODERN rLAN. tPTO-DATE-TLLMBISa ' 8IDEWAJ.K8 IL4ID AND LAWN SEEDED, ". ;r? xii-'ncADr roR cciTANCT; r: " ' ' " TERMS, ONE TENTH IH)WN BALANCE MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS W1TII INTEREST AT t HER CENT. . ATPLT TO M. T77LmiBAiTDr joijLmMBJUi-ovcevauacKr 800 HANCOCK ST, FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. -.-Mm eaatern Oregon la I iU;l tn show a.ime of onr bargains In wheat and etortrTtinrhps: better art In Una and an with rciueml,er. you have not Been Oregon until you m 1Mb eluea of tbc mountains: we want a chance to tell you about any part of tb country ton mat be tutereatcd inv ... Drop In - "4 bare-a chat with ue. NORTHWEST LAND CO.. -211 Allaky Bid., corner Third and Morrison. flood RTYS 00-rnom corner brick, flue loca tion, -.rear leaae. rent leaa than f .'1 tr room. W, ran aafrly aay thla la the beat bny In , I'm tlamL -Ajc. I.tJTInirla, ll cil blk. Main 46M: y IVIIT par rnit to any onTwnr-n I1.1M will tiur nl'-r wur. modern 5-room rot tut;- on car ... llnr; kit 7tfO fevt; 23 dofn, balaaoa 16 por month: aam aa rotf , $lf)0 down, 1 r prr m.iih r-r f luiiaa. mm IPI. u..l uulia (iniabrd.. and 3 lfita. mt tlnO r-aihi Mf". H-ott rar line: ,50. OJtEOON AHfKM'IATED KXCUANUB, ' 2WI V H'aahlQton at KEW R-room Diodfrn mtta. hath, toilet, haao mtit. ate.. Kaat Twontylirhth at., kit iwvt 100; Mil on your own term or trade -aqutty f fop unlfnprord property. fl.MOO. - " 1 . 018 Commercial blk. Main 4004. BROOM modern eottaft. 1124 Eaat Salmon. . 1.!i0; terma eaiy. f rooma.- new. ready to ownpr. on Monta I1U carllna, 11.2110; lid per month. modern bouaa wltb 93x115 feat, S2,. 6rm: ifti)eh. 128 month. 13 room: $25 down, $ld month. Bl HDEN. I'hont Union 4016. - FOR SALR Eleirant antmrban bomcdnatatln( of S arrea hlahly Improved cronnd. 0-room konaa and. other bulldlnaa: aleo llroom cot tna. abundanra of -fruit and beer lea; 20 nilnntea' rlda to rity. Addreaa or -rail on O. II. Behwardtmano, cart of Star Boi,Co. Pbona Main t. "OR HALF A modern corner brick block. S . atory and baeement. 4 aturarooma, 40 rooma -furnlahrd; will aell all or aeparata at bad -- rock prtcea; alao 1 modern room realdeoce, rteaa to KuaaeU at. on Wllllama aaa.i food tnroma property. Inquira of W. O, Bock, Tba I'allliif bldf. MI'KT be ild reiardlraa of Taloe: new bona - f rooma, plaatered . and painted, cloae to carllne, In Stewart'a addition: .terma. Iplendld bflBM In Hlahland Park atldltloa to Woodlawn, on eaay-terma; look IhM Bp. - H. W. MILLER. Ktttt Hlth at. CHEAP to quick bnyer. a nlca home on Monta . Tllla rar Una, rkoaa In. lota, tin aoll, (rood bouae, barn, abeda, rhlckenhonaa, flue wall, windmill, ate, plenty of frnlt all klnda; J" ' eecrlflce account party folng 'aouth.. Inquira t 870 Aider at., dear at ore. . SIM will .bur n nlca new cottare. Wood (Iher plaater, full lot, on Kaat Thirty-ninth at., itood ear aarrtiVr terma It ralred; thla ta t ..bargain. . HENKI.E A BAKER. 217 Ablngton bid. FOR SALE 10 terra choice land. It ml tea from - Portland, aultabla for borne; eaally Int. proad. handy to R- R. atatlon. boatlandlaf nad ood roada: rood aolL Tor partlralara r addreaa A. la,- l"olkanbr(. - Bowraok, Of. FlTFI near modern team In Holladay - Park addition) also 14 ehotre lit; atreata Im "TT'prorrd, menf walka. " aewar, or will build - hoitae , to anlt cnatomera : on aaay ; terma. -W. O. Beck. 0T Tba railing bldf.!-' CAftH.tor your real'aarata-oa bnalneaa no mat ter where kwated. -If yon dealr.,a oulek aale aend Ra deacrlptlon and prlra. North waatern Bnalneaa Aaeoey, 812 0. Bank of t'nmmere Hldg., Mlnneapnlla. Minn. IHII'flR dad berea. 1 aera In garden, on electric line, adjoining atatlon; Juat the lace lor rhlekene. and amall a tore; nrtea l.otel. on ery ay terma. Addreaa M 49, car Journal. - ... fOR SAt.F-Tronm booaa. B lota. (rult. gar den, rhleken-boiiac and yard, cuaap; catk of .,jiatillnientai Uraon btlfbUy . Cr P. Warnar. :acss:zrxxzssssz: Visit Bringera! One Inaerti g FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. -1 '1 1 11 'iji - 'i '1 1 1 1 - fOR RALE Near 4-ronm houee. not quite com pleted: . larae tot. nlentr 01-trait. tv - lea than actual coat of building; 9 block aouth-of Stewart Ma:, ML Scott carllne. W N. Ford. WHT not buy a home when I hare ao many - Ana eiit I. vee anit honaea of all deacrlntlona . which can be bought on'eaay terma I Inquire N. rJprague, 122V Urand are., room 1. FOR' 8ALR CHEAP 1 acrra of good garden lana wiin n large nam ana goou wen on 11. 4 blecke went front Mann ata., Woodatock car line, l air at tba place. Kelly are. $16,000 WILL buy a aplendld Income property good bullilliif ntfr annual rent nor, $2,280. Ad. - dreaa N 66, cara Journal. . $(."- $100 DOWN. $10 per month. I.i. v. 1 a OAA e-u.. -if k.anient .ruin eLnae 7 In. Phono Eaat. 3836V- Addreaa-41L. Eaat e4trty-rourta at ... . FOR RALat- S-room cottage, modern, lot fence. ' fruit treea. S tiloeka from car; cm ah or terma. - F. J. Hyder- Meutarllla. I'bona Main 6M8. HtlMKstEAD cooit!hmentJJn-rjyi(he Jand WItb bouae In Klickitat county,' Waahlug- tnn. Huom V, naablogtoa Hide- H ACHB and bouae. 1 blocka from achool and R mluutva' walk from car, 6c fare, $326. WUey Allen Co., ienta, or. FOR BALK or etchaure. 1IH acrea Improred, 1H mllea trom Montarilla car Una. loaulre Owner, 414 Belmont. FOR SALE tlmall bouae and lot one block .from atatlon. lot AniloO; price $3tM). Ad dreaa M 60, earn Journal. PORTLAND Helgbta. new cottage errtctly mod ern, run lot. new; ail ooareuienci-a. Ail. dreaa L 49, Journal. - FOR HALE Bl.DflO; a nice lota and T-room modern borne ' on aaat aide. . Sea owner at 7o E. Clinton at. Il.ftoo noi'SB and lot. Sunnralde: muat aell any terma; no areata. I'bona owner after 4 p. m. Eaat 333a. - FOR SALE Furolahed cottage. r-emlor--ner. l,Hklna oceau Tnilnlra Irflfl Gat Tatlrrr: Thour-fiaet 22.15. $l,SO New il-room cottage and t Inrgo lota on cor. urana are. ana Bnarer ac see owner. W Sharer at. in -GRAND - AVE.- K. Bargain;- full lot. S-rooni modern bouaa, fruit, Bowera, ciccllrat peign Dornooq. UOMERTKAD rellnnnlahment. Booth Hood Rlrer -u r. n nm m Itlrrr, Or. 1 HAVE 4 gilt-edged Inreatmenta In real eatata i want to aellAddreaa 90S Frout at-Pbona rnmi .ona. FOR SALE 2 bouaea and lota. 1 cow. tea ma harneaa and wagona. 879 Deknm are.. Wood- lawn. Or. FOR SALE 8 room bouaa on car-Una with . acre fruit treaa, ata. . J squire 201 Eaat Blltn at, . ! SEVEN ROOM -hnae In South Portland, rent :. now $26i price $2,000. Inquira 674 Front B. A ROOMS, plaatered. painted, prlek baaemrnt, $n0; Wnodlann. Fbona Scott 6O00. FOR SALE Cheap, alghtly Iota, Lower-Alblna. can owner, pnona Main vitt. FOB BALE MISCELLAMEOtTB. FOR SALE CHEAP Son-gallon new. gnlranlard water-tank; a wrltlng-deak with hnokdeak comimund. Innnlra 3 blocka north from the nuunTatue-Mount Tenor carllne, on urtletn at.. No. 69, the aecond bouaa north from tha Baaa Line road. 1 ICR CREAM, fruit Icea, mad quickly without Ice. trifling coat; keepa milk, butter, ate, . aweet la bot weather; full dlrectlone. luc I'hIIUpa Specially Co., , Bc 284. Portland. BILLIARD AND POOL Ublea for rant or for aale on eaay paymenta. TUB BRUNSWICK-BALK IB POLLEN DEB. CO, v j oira au, .roriiana. W K print roar name on SO calling carda. proper else -and style.t 26c. 290 bualneaa carda, $1. " Brow a A Schmala, t29 Flrat, Portland. Or. B1CYCLR. blgh grade, for aala cheap; almoat new. haa new departure enaeter brake and all equipment rirat-claae. Telephone. Kaat 37M4 18-FOOT gaa launch, iu," horaepower, com pletely equipped, la good aotidltloa; price euu. w. . vieaaeoa, aia ntara at, .ijAtlNCH for. aale, length 86 feet; 10 H. P. en ' glne. btrge earrrloa eapaqlfy: prlca Tery cneap. jiaurrna ft- on, cara Journal. - IF yon are going camping or tlmber-crulalng ari RiceiniiK-oea. peiima ai icaa man cx Amea A Ilarrla, 27 Flrat at. NEAP.LY ew Remington typewriter machine for aala, price '. Addreaa N 64, Journal HEW konaehoet. Boating, for Bale, I2i90 A1 drrag Jacob D. Snyder, general deMrary city. FOB BAXIC-Feeeb mllrli niwl wllb or .wltbowt calf. 1004 Mllwankle, BeMwood ear Una. TELEPHONE bracketa and nlna. Pioneer Wood " U"' V'' ' B"ntn- I'nona Eaat 2I0B. COrNTERS, abelerng. old doora and aaah for aaie, cneap. inquira ra four in at. FOR RALR 14-foot row boat. Inquira A. T. - w amnan, eoata oi can racury, - -- TOR SALE Freak Jeraey. eowa. J., H.. Held, aaiiweiiair. ... I FOB BINT atTaTMER BEBOBTS. I-ROOH fornlahed bouae at Geaxbart,. Oregon. ..J, L. Will. iUS Matgly at. , ' ,. BUBIBEBB CHAKCIB. ; SaaratefVaga. ;. terma It dealrad.- Aak.fur liTlUAttvaw 1 Lomiaarcuu ei . 11 IWM flIVKN AWAl. We offer onr geueral nierthandlaa bnalneaa for aaie, arttn tna aoora aiacount on mrrcnao dlaa and property. We bare a well eeltcted clean a lock that wllLlnrolrw about $10,000) aleo 4 lota and bulldloga. that we offer at a bargain. - Ineaetlgete; - one of the beat op portunltle In Oregon. . Wa mean bualneaa. Inaulre Journal or write na. ' - ' J. W. aud M. A. ROBINSON, Aabwood. Oregon. SPLENDID atand In flnrat location In Htr; cheap rent, large proata; capital requirea, about $600. i . - . Bakery, complete, aplendld trade, good ant flt; muet aell 1 , Saloon dVilug SAO per day bnahkeee. nicely located, low rent; wtireell half of whole. H. W. MILLER. 109H ' Slatb. at. -" PARTNER wanted wltb $1,600 capital In a manufacturing hnalneee, wltn H -interent -the right partyr big-money can be made, tilt 246 i . Murrtaon at., room 12. FREB LANDS IN OREOON. FERTILE aoll. pure water, delightful climate; 14 na or Biraira. appiee ana cioeer. r or run Information addreaa the Columbia Boothera Irrigation Co., 63 Worcester block. Portland. A LADY or gentlemen who baa amall eovisnt ei money co iDfMt bb a partner ,10 aiiena to office bullosas netting from S0OO to 11.600 and upward per month. Call 23 H North Sixth at. Phono Mala 2020. ' THB NATIONAL FINANCING .CO., BOS Mar. auam bide.. Portland. Or., handle bond. I stocks. mlurs f Inancee IneUimata enterprlaesv. lunuun hi uTHinnn, ana mwh euaae. CIOAR and fruit atand, $41X1. cheap rent.-2 Hvtng rooma; uyater and chop bouae doing a good btiatneea, rent 820, 1 year'a leaae.- Both ere bargains. TL C. Arnold. 87 V, Hlith at. THE beet location In Oregon for a good hotel man with rtom an.uoo to, in tna een 'terof jhe frgoTcrnmont Irrlfcatlon wnrka. . AdV FOR SAI.K One of the beat located aathona In "Portia ndTThanre get a -bargain;- proprietor compelled to go- eaat to look after other bual neaa. Addreaa N 44, 'care Journal. - FOR SALE A flret-claaa reataorani, everything Hi-W will cell -r hall of eoet to go eaat "on "awunrTordeatn In'Tamlly. Inquire 271 Fifth at. TO LET Conceaalon for barber -abop and hatha; aieo rcataurant. ..tall .upon Teliowarona Camping Co.. end Mouu.t Tabor and Sunuyaida carllne.: . -. - FOR. SALE East aide butcher shop, folly equipped; eatabllahed trade, good location, long leaae,' cheap tfat. 270, cigar etore. FOR SALE Blarkamtth and woodwork rmalneaa. with atoek ahd toola. Apply blackemlth ""shop Poritland Lumber Co.. foot of Lincoln at. tl.ROCERY atock and Jlrturea. diilng; $20 per flay; win -aeu cheap or eacn-ange lor amau farm: ownera only,. Addreaa M 80. Journal $900 BnTS fine cigar, tee cream and confec tionery atore; receipts vaa per montn: cneap rent; good lease. Addreaa N fid, care Journal. COMPETENT -mechanic baa $100 Jn $.100' to Tdai iraTan.. working lotereat trr-ateady propoat tlonr good city referencea. Box Vf. Bellwood. WOl'LD Inreat $3,000 to 000 In some reliable fVf fyfllla eatt pala't iPOlai P dreaa N 49, care Journal. A PARTNERS, warned ' In- a well ajBtaMlBjiea commlaalon bualneaa, or will sell. Apply 126 Front at., city. ; . ' ' FOR SALE Wondrard: eatabllahed trade, long reeae; H.- Br ewltcb In yard. Call 263 Eaat Eighth at. . .-.i-s.- . ' ' - BEST BAKOAIN at 2X9 Alder, near Fifth. ' Henry A.. Towneend and W. J. Maawell. FOR CALE ReaUnrant, all new, good location, cheap, Addreaa L 40, Journal. - LAND SCRIP FOB BALE, LAND scrip 'for aale . for timbered' nr agri cultural land, aorreyed or uneurveyed; lowest prlcea. H. M. Hamilton, Portland hotel, - Portland. Or. TO IXCHAWGE, SEVERAL choice realdeoce lota In Alnawortb :ere.. cheap: will take lumber, cattle or per- aonal nrnnerty for them. Call upon H, W. Miller, loevi. Slith at. 11 ACHES- aplendld land, nicely Imnroeed,. In crit, at end of carllne, to eichanre for 1m prorrd residence and caeb. II. W. Miller, .. 109i Sixth at . JL--- HOVSU and lot la good valley town for any thing In building material. - Boa H, Bellwood. ATTORNEYS. ait 0RRiN TAW A COLLECTION CO. 4IT Fen- ton black Collect lona made throughout the " T"nlted Htatea: bankruptcr matters a apeclalty: bad tenants ejected; rents collected and gen eral law bualneaa; notary public. ' "ART EMPORIUM. PROF. RICHARD UAX METER Portrait aad landscape artlet; Inatrncttoa in ell painnng. water color, etc.. and daewlnai art aalli miefisa'-wTfB Btudlo; p let urea for aale ana framing to order. 84S Alder at. Phone 1684 A66ATESB.- THK J. H. Flak Aaaaylng office Oreenlee A Crawford, analytical cbemlata and metal- lurglata. 204 Waahlngton at. ABCRTTTCTt.- J. P. HOFFMAN, architect and superintendent 181V, Flrat at.. Pca-tland. Or. BLANK BOOK KAHTJTACTTBERSi HOWE. DAVI8 A KILHAM., 100-111 Becond at, Bauk book manufacture ra; egenta for Jones Improved Looee-Leef ledgers; see tba near Eareka leaf, tbc beet on tbe market. - BATHS MASSAGED TUB BNOWDEN BATHROOMS 2S7H Alder b-t. 4th and 6th; lady attendanta: tub and vapor batha, maaaage, electricity. Main owno. SCOTCH tady. aiormerly rnr-Tblrd'' at.,- givea ' balbs and maaaage treatment at 20314 Third at., corner Taylor, room 1: no eigne. , LADY, expert maaaenaev cabinet, steam batha and magnetic treatment, lent num. room e. BAND nrSTBUaflBTB. CHAS. B. YORK CO. repairers and platers, removed to 87 First, S blocks north. BICYCLE DEALERS. .-a COLI'MBIA. TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. SPORTINQ OOOH8, EXPERT RRPAIRINO. r. p. keenan: tos third bt. COAX AND WOOD. Uil'RCHLltY. B HOB. have .removed, from foot LaVla at. to 429 Kearney at., near lltb; la now the largest woody ard In the city, carry lug all klnda of wood aud coaL Main H1. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO., cor. Front and Hoyt ata., dealers In domeetle aad ate. coal, blackamlth coal, cbareoal Pbooe Mala 1018. aad soke. ALBINA FUEL CO. IWlere la eordwaed. efatl and greaa and dry alabwood. R. B. and Ab blna are., t blocka eaat ef ferry. Baat 674. BUPRRT FUEL CO. Tbe beat dty wood la towa. Don't forget to phone Kaat 1468.. SM Eaat tlgbtb it cor, Madlaetu STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO.. dealers la cost - cord wood and dry Blab wood. I'bona. Baat 424 OREGON FUEL CO t all klnda of eoal aad wood. 844 Mnrrleon. Pbone Mela 06. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at, wood aad eoal. Pbooe Main 460. " ., ookmmioir. mebchabtb. E VERDI NO A FARRELL, arodoce' aad commie atoa asercbaata. 140 Front IU. 1' art la ad. Or. Phone Mala I7B, DAVENPORT BROS fjeeeral cemleiaalol aier . cbanta; frulu and produce; ronalgamaata sa . llclted; prompt rtturas. 130 rtoat at, . CEMENT COBTBACTOIS. CEMENT WORK VP TO . BATB. .art lb man. aibowgreaee and atralght basiiieaa. K. (a. Laadatrom, BUB Commercial blk. - - - .,- CRAB. H. CAKTER CO;, cement eontractora. Kaat Twentieth at Fboae Kaat 1B16. iteed. OIOABB ArD TOBACCO. B8RERO-0UN8T CIOAB CO. liuulbutora ef riNB CIQARS. - Portland. CABFET-CZXASTXO. UAVB your walla cleaned; we clean papered - a ad painted walla; satlefactlon guaranteed; prtcea reaaonabla; referencea. Bed 2932. CARPETS cleaned on the floor; we raise no . duet. Phone Clay 831, Tree demonstration J. HUNTER Steam carpet, and mattreaav cleaner. 660 Jefferson. I bene Math 114. - CLAilTOTANT AND FALMIST. MADAMR ' JOHNSTON Clalrroyant.- . palmlat, ' card reader; I aire facta, .reliable and lm - portaat 00 all affaire of real Hfe. Beading toe. . Seventh at., near Oak. CLKAilllia AJIO STUJfw.' FO RTLA fi le-eVTBA U "CLE Airnerj ""3TBINJ Work,' practical hatter la connection; featber ' boaa and plumea cleaned and curled by an eg. part. Bit Fourth. I'bona Clay 704. 1LOTHE8 cleaned and pressed $1' per aeoath. Unique Tallorlnt -Co., S47 Waahlngtoa at. B. W. TURNER, profeaalonal dyer and cleaaar. 606 Jefferaoo at Pbone Main B61S. . CHIROPODISTS AND BC ALF SPECIALISTS. MADAMES KTNE AND RHEPPARD Scalp apeclallata, manlcnrlng, expert ehlropodlete, antlaeptlc foot bath fM burning feet. Boon) " ). 865 MOTTtBOH at. " -eABPEMTEHB-ANTy-mrlXBEBB.- l. J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, earneatere and bolldera; repairing and lobbing; atore and office Bitoree bollLBbu 2U CvlumtiU. Main B2BT. WKi.bulId your new or ft your old home Torf reasonable. Call the shop. 120 Sixteenth at., north. r New Weatern hotel. CATZB. ERICKSON'B RESTAURANT Mercbent'a caacb 11 a. m. to 12 n. m. ; under new management. O. B. Evana. prop. . : Bccond aad Burnalde. THR OFFICE JS6 Waabtngtoa at. Pbone Mala T7I, Bamaei VUfnaan 7B0CKEBT AND OLA8IWARK. WHOLEBALR crockery and glaaaware. Pre el, Hegele A Co.. 00 to 106 Firth, cor. Stark at OABRIAOE AND HACK COMPANIES. THIC UNITED CA RRTAOR CO. Carrlagea, tally-ho rte-a and carry-alla, 16S Elevruth at., cor. bbirrtaon. Pbone Main 222. I DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN, dentlat. 824 Maronam; Sixth and Morrison. Pbone Main ''""-j DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB.C.B.BROWN.D.V.S..D.C.M. Doc. borae boa. pltal.8H7 Burnalde. Phonea! Maln4Qd:Eaat 28M. DKZ8SMAKIN0. BHtBTWAIBTB. wool or ws allk. made for si.zd; anircwaiB auiia, e w- w at'bQBeJaaXMjl. ,-, ; KEISTER'S Ladlea Tailoring college; patterns cut to meaaura. Allaky ball 400. 208 Morrlsoa. MRS. MeKlRBEN; ' artlatle dreaa aad cloak making. - 661 Morrtaoa at, . DPRanMAKIvn trtctlv to data; la teat assigns, ecu t-iay ax. ELECTRICAL WORKS. J0RraWEanKLECTR1CANtBRfNa LOmpanr, VJW aiara St., rwuaaa. v, m. everything In tba electrical line. Pbone Main lfteS. PACIFIO El-ctrle" Co. Engineers, eontractora. repairers, electric wiring, enppllee. 94 Fret, roTi-Stark. - Male . - B.. H. Tate, mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OFEOON Furniture Manufacturing . Company Mannfacturera of furniture . fur tbe trade. Portland, Or. FUBNITCRB msnnfsctnrlng and special orders. -L. Buveaaky'a furniture factory, 870 Front at. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm -air fnrnaree aava fneL J. C. Bayer. Furnace Co., 266 Second. Main 48L FOREST SBBSehlwaBS- RESERVE BCBIT. FrJRirsrT Tir-rrRT?: - RrTTP TOR" BALE A n , proved, anreetrlcted, ready for Immediate nse; lowest prices. B. F. A F. B. Rllay. aud Chamber of Commerce. rSEX OpVXKNMENT LANDS. JUST opened to acttlcment; fine, level, valley lands; no atone or timber; water and sotl flrat claaa. -Come In .and let na locate yoh Room 80 Labbe bldg.. Second and Waahlngton. OROCEBB. WADHAMS CO., whalessle grocers, maae---facturw-a and 00 mm la I Ion aMreheMer-Feertb and Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, commtaaloa andpcidnee mee. cbanta. Front and Davla ata.. Portland. Or. -XOTKIOW TUB PKI.LEVLE 60 newly furnlahed rooma, en suite or single. 2134 Fourth, cur. Batmon. Terms reasonable. Main 1046. 08 111 III N HOTEL (Irani! ave. and Enat A.h at.. Ankeny car IHnlng-rMim connection; bouaa recently renovated; $1 to $2 per day. THK LINDELL HOTEL Market, bet. Third and Fourth, Portland; entirely new;i Kuropeab and Amerleen plan;Wwto f 2 perdajr, Hotel Pendleton, rendletoa. W. A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portland. American plaa; $3. $3 per day. HOTEL Bt. George. Pendleton: leading hotel. BRLVBDERRi Ljrnpean plan:4tb end AMer ata. ABDWAR B. Portland Hardware Co. enUclta opportunity te quote prlcea. 188 let. cor. Alder. Maid 1884. HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND CAMP EAN0E8. HOTELi RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Crlbben A Selton A Co Seventeenth and k Upshur ets... lergest stork hotel, restauraat. esmp ran res. gaaoune etovee sua veariasre tore la the city. r Him AN HAJB ROUS. I. J. BORO, manufacturer of bnm.a bate roils. eta. 4t B. Ninth. Pbooe Eaat 221L HAIBANT)iTiCALP SPECM HAIR and icalp peeUU.t. - North -Bcrcn-teenth at. ' C 1 - .- - 1 ' ' 1 ax LOCKSMITH. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Einert locksmith and bicycle repairing.- - 25 rltarkj - lay ppone, Clay 822; nlgbt pbone, Main 8.V6. KEY fitting, eaat-lron braalng and general re pairing. J. II Richardson, Sisl Voarth at Phone Hood 17r. ...... . . INSURANCE, LAMBERT, WH1TMER A CO. Fire loavraaca aad real eatata, aucceeeora to Arthur Wlkaoa A Co. I offices, west side, 1OT-1IMI Sherlock bldg.. Main 1008; eaat elda dept. 404 Kaal Alder ICItleene' bankl Beat 491. ISAAC U WH1TB. Bra Inatrrance, BOO Deknm bid .. .1 JAS. Mrl. WOOD, employers' liability aad la dlvldnal aec1dnt enrety bnada ad .all kinds 1. Phone 47. 802 McKay bldg. .. . B. F. RARTKI COMPANY Firs lusaranre, - 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Phone Clay B24. monitTo LOAN. j I, TUB STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried eiupluya, wage-earner, aaa (rat en bit nuta. wltiuHit aaortgage " Month. Vi Month. Week. $50.60 Repay tarna BISKS or $.5 ee $8 86 $23 Oo -Repay to na $ l t er fa 86 or II. an - . . aiw aaca.ay vuuj. F1VB oer cent moneyr we build row a .or roan you money on your property; asontniy paymenta; Investigate: apeo Saturday even lags, iioema 18-lf Labbe blag., 221 W Waah. MONEY advanced aalarted people, teamatera. .etc., wlihhut aecnrlty: eaay paymenta: larg. eat bualneaa In 49 pHncliwl cltlea. Tolmau, 223 Ablngton blilg. Phone Main 6467. . WONrT Td LOIN ear real, nereonat and cot- lateral aecnrlty; apeeiai attention 10 cnaiiei amirtgagesl notes bought. C. ' W. . Pallet 8o4-6 Fentnn bldg., 84 Slith at . " HIGHLY reapectahla place where ladlee aad Jents can borrow money on oiemoode ana we! tv. Collateral Iyan Bank, Z09 Wash. Ingtoa at.- Pbooe Black TT. - - - tB LOANS and nosrard ea all kinds ef rity rates bldg. to salaried people on their note Kwsal no publicity, no delay. SIS Ablngtoa I'bone Hed 1771. CHATTEL loans la- amonnta ranging, froax. W8 to $3,000; roomlng-houaea a aiieciaity. m Era Loea Truet Co.. tna Ablngton bldg. tniva w.a.aat .ate on rornlfnro. nlao any aaeunty notea purcoasao... awsaaarw jmmm Blag. MONET TO LOAN la large ee small amoanta oh good security; icwes; rates, tunaia v beck. BOT Falling bldg. MONEY to lofin In an ma to anlt at 6 and a per cent. w. i. lemens, si a dib ea.. Chamber of Commarsa. -LOANS an tarsi tare. Pi other eeeurltles. loweat rates. B. w, blrtg. . Mala jglOO j King, room 46. Waaa. TUB CRESCENT , LOAN COMPANYf-Salary loans, rrom three to all monua; waamai i7 Ort-gonlan. . . a. unvev "-n r naar rUrbanaa eoantT Unas. B. r. and T. B. Riley, aue vasmoer o' poptt ivn wear. ririTl LOANS, a AN tier rent, wm, ovnnoim. tub iiuhuj aua- MONEY TO LOAN-B per cent-NorthraA King, 210-211 . commercial block. MUSICAL. SELF-PL A Y1N0 PIANOB Cod 11a a aelf-play- mualclanaT alao'ceci'llan. pisnop'layera. ' Wills Music Hones, 330 Alder at. SECOND-HAND mnslcal Inatrnmenta of all - kinds at loweat prices, rash or Installmeats. Fisher Music Co.. 190 Third at. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WERBER. banlo, mando lln, gtrltar Instruction. Main 1088. 178 W.Park. LESSONS BOc Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin. - 241V, Flrat, cor. Main. Mra.. Martin. NORTH WKSTERN MUSIC CO.. moved to Cosy aervatorv hall. 4M Twelfth, cor. College. MAONETIO HZALTNO. MS. I H- HART treata all dlaeaaea. stomach . trouble., nervotianeaa and functional weakneaa; ronattltallon free. 2SOH Park. cor. Jeffrraon. NOTARY PUB LIO. PAPERS carefully prepared and executed; - charges, reasonable; calls answered to any part 'of the city. Joseph L. Melrath. 2sBV . Morrison at., -room 12V. Phone Red 2M7I. PREPARATION of . deeds- and mortgagee a apeclalty) prlcea reduced. B. A. Frame, BIS, tbe Marquam, OVZRAIXB. BOBS OF THE ROAD OVFUAXTJ! ana mecban lea' elothlngi anion made. - Neuatadter . Broav mannfacturera. Portlands P LATINO. EASTERN PLATING CO., S2 Flrat Gold, allver, copper, nickel and braee plating. Jewelry work apeclalty. .. " THE OREOON PLATtNO WORKS. CBl Waah- lnffron aL Pbtna-Jg71tulpllahlng, plating ano lacqaerlcg. - - . PHOTOORAPHIC MOUNTS. B. L. WOODWORTH. Mr,. l"4 Fourth at. The latest styles of Mount Board. PIANO TUNIBO. tlKOROR ANDERSON Expertpla no tuner and repairing. Inquire Fisher Musle Co. Bed 962. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A BADEUACHEB, sanitary plumbers. 84 Fourth St. Both phones. FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers. 231 Second bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon Pbone Main BuOk PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co. I wlpdow-glaaa and Jlaaltg. 136 Flrat aL Fbona IB.' i ; 7.fXr:..i RASMUSSEN A CO. Jobbers, palnta. oil. glaae. aaab and doors. Second and Taylor. "PUBLIO ACCOUNTANT. B. H. B. MULDER, expert acco-rTtant, room 441 . Sherlock bldg.; hooka opened, adjueted and , audited; hooka kept for amall .concerns: mode. rate cbaxgra; orat-claaa referencea. Main 2V03. Bt'KHONO A CO. Front and Stark ata., print. J 4o. lithographing. Man boeka aad-otaoa aupptlea; work none oa time; mosi ceaDptste prlutlng office In tbe weat. Main 104, ANDERSON A DI'NIWAY COMPANY, printing. - Ittborrephlng, blank booka. . l'boae Mala 17. " 2r Alder at. ROPE. I'Ortri-AMt ronoAOR co. Cortr rovrtMau od Northrop sti., Portland. Or ROOFIN TIN HOOFING, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. - J. Loatll. 212 Jefferaoo at. RUBBER -STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder at., pbone Main 710; rubber ata m pa, aeala, atenclla. b t gage, trade checks; send -for Catalogae. STREET PAYING. WARRBN-Constructlon Co. Street Peving, aide walk and erveewalke. 71 Oregtmlan bldg. THE Trln'dad Aaphalt Paving Co. at PorUanA Office 066 Worcester blk. I SOUVENIRS, " , THE MORGAN CO. - 104 to 113 8e-ond st, 8d noof. Msnufsctnrers snd jobbers of Lewis anq Clark sonvrnlrsr- boo tin ; and afreet stands fitted oat complete. BK0WCA8ES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description: bsak, bar and store Bt tares made Is order. Tbe Lotke -Manufacturing Co., Portland. ITOBAOK AND TRANSFER. SAFES, pleaoa and furniture moved. 1 irked ready for shipping ssd sblpuedl , sll work guaranteed; large, 8-etory. brick, . Bre-proot ' warehouse foe atorage. Of flee lis Flrat at, 0. M. Olaen, I'bone Mala 647. L-,anj Oak, o'tiaZ. pbona SOU; pianos and furniture n V IC-V .Mil. ,11 - - ai... moveo ana- pocaen ir antpping; romanaiiuni Are-proof. Wick wareboaee. Froot aad Clay ata. STORAON eneea to let tn ear new bet Mine. 874 Water at. Slgler MlUtnc A Ccmmlaaloa Company. - BAFTS. FOB opening asckonta and safe bargalna ge to J. B. Davla. 6 Third St. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, hnaah aoaa. - f I per month. Lawrence Broa.' Towel lapplj Co., renrth ahd CeacB. Phone 429. , . TYFXWmiTIBS. XOBT TYFBWRITEB REAIHJOABTEBB T ja fourth Street. Wa tent repair, aell. exchange typewriters. All euppllee for all machine. Standard maeblnea $23 and ap te 1100. IO yon want a stenographer ottyplatL VVe have Hat of good applicants. ' Pbonetflcr-BnTf. BLICKENSnoRFER typewriters.- sTjrl1ee,-re. pairing. Ross A Rosa, 280 Btarx. wain lajiu. . TBANBFZB AND BATUNO. OREOON TRANSFER CO., 14 North Birth. Pbone Msln 89. Heavy ban ling una exorege. POST SPROIAL DELIVERY. No. BOOVi Waah lngton ar. i-Booa Mam ana. ' TIMBER. 3 1IOME8TKAO rellnqulahmenta on Slleta reaer- vatlon; S.OOO.Oiio feet guaranteed, lo mllea from meet, aome Improveinenta; cannat enter a timber clalina, -but can. prove np in S years ee commute tn 14 month. ; price reaaon able; worth $4.(0 when pro red np. For particulate eali 2nd AHaky kldg.f WE bare tor aala Santa Fa. San Pranclaoo : Mountain ttweet - reeerve-r-' this will - enter -timber land; aleo le fkml acrlp, which, will - enter unaurvrved land, Maguiula A Boa. 137 Falling bldg.- i. FOR BALE Two - bomeatead reHnejolabnaaM clalma, aaotind rtowtb: will sen .cteap. B. P. Nlelaon, Hotel Rhalopfabea. FOR HOMESTEADS, timber rlalma and aorta apply to BOS Commercial block. noinfs. J. A. WE8CO, rlolln-maker and repairer; work 1 oleaa. Is Riiaaell bldg. 4th and Morrison. . WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-1M Second at., box. Yamhill aad Taylor. Portland. (..-. FINANCIAL. HTI.1NO TRl'8 0 M P A N T Of OREOON. ri 1 ill) nr. Tbe Oldest Truet Company In -.- HKKOtRiT.9 tvrit ueuerai nansing pnaiueae luwiucin. Rifln.i Tlenoa; ta RSCetvefl. T Tim certificates laaued. also eertlflcatea of nae&hla noon 10 dava" call. 80 data' call or 00 dara rail with bitereat at 8A(, 8v4 and 4 per cent per annum, reapeeuveir. t.aii tend for book of Illustration. 1 KEJiJ I. cntii.-v, ,., ,., president hTL. PITTOCK.. Vlca-Preeldent B.I.EE PAOET '. . .Secretary 4JJ(l-OOLIaAuu,,,..m! Aaalatant secretary ntSei XT rinar national bank. - OF FOmTLANU. OHEUUSi air sated Depueltory snd Financial Agent of President... A. L. MILLS Caaliler W. NEWKIRK Aaalatant CaaBlerTTrmrrr..-W.-C. "ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caahler ...... B. F. STEVENS Letters, of -Credit laaued Available la Earape , and tba Eaatera Statea. Sight Eicbange and Telegraphic Tranefera sold on New York. Boaton. Chicago, Bt, Leula, LBt. J'anl. Omaha, Ban Franclaco and .. the principal potnta in rne rortnweai. Bight, and time bills drawn In anme to stilt on uonnou. - raria.... xieriie, eeensrorr-on-xne-Maln. Hone Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen, CbrlatUnla. Stockholm. , St. . Petrraburg, bUje- euw. Enrich. Ilonoinlv. - Oollsetlons Made an Favoraffle Terma. u NITED BTATES NATIONAL BANK. or PORTLAND. OREGON. kOBTHWEST COB. THIRD AND OAK ITS. Transacts a General Baaktres- alualnaaa, nn a ETa laeiirn Available In" All Cltlea of tbe United Statea and Europe, Hong Retuj aad Manila. COLLECTIONS MADB ON FAVORABLE TERMS Preal.leut.........,.......v.J. 0. AINSWOKTH Vlce-l'realdant...:... W. B. ATEB Caahler R. W. BCHMEE R Aaalatant Caahler ....A. M. WRIOIIT ADD A TILTON, BANKERS, (EaUbllahed In 1W,T - Trsmkcti 1 OJneW Banhrng Builnaai.' Collectlona made at all nolnta oa favorable terma. Lettera of -credit laaued available la Europe and all polo la In the United -Statea. Sight Eiebanca and Telegraphic Tranefere sola on new lore, nasninstoa. i.mreau, ou IxMila. Denver. Omaha. Kan Francisco -and Montana and British Columbia. - - H!ijhtn aold on . London. Parla. Bertln. Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. t 'CURITT SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. 00 Atorrteott at., r'ertlane, Ur Transacts a Ganaral Banking B uinsaa. 8AVIN08 DEPARTMENT.. latereat Allowed on Time snd Savlnra Deposits. Acts ae--Trustee for Eetatee. - Drafts and Lettera of Credit Available la AO Parte ef the World. C. F. ADAMS. Preeldeat L. A. LEWIS Flrat Vlcc-Prealilent A. L. Mlt.I.S '. Second Vice-President R. 0. Jl'IUTZ ., Secrstsry (iEO.'T: RfSSEXI,. ....... . Aaiietant Secretary M' ENCHANTS' NATTONAT. BANK. PORTLAND. OREOON. 1. iFRANK WATSON..,..... ....... .President R. L. DURIIA-U... Vice-President R. W. HOYT .....Caahler GEOROB W. HOYT........ ...Aaalatant Caahler Trsnaaots a General Banking Bualneaa. Drafta and Letters of Credit leaned Available to All i-arts or the woua. Collectlona a Specialty. M ORRIS BROS. A CHRIBTEN8EN, 1331, Flrat Btreet, Portlaad. Or. Otter- Wtt-MrrTtIvcmenfaB Municipal aid Kaliroaa oonua. nrum or vata. MOUTaAOE UOAN8 Oa Portland Real Eftate at Lowest- Rataa. Titles Insured. Abstrecta Furnlahed., TITLB JJUARANTEI A TRUST CO. - Roam 4. Chamber ef Cemmerse. - RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT TIMZ TABLES. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Spencer Line Fast Steamer - Chas. R. Spencer bally round trip to The Dalles from WaahliiKtort street dock Bt 1 7 a. m., except Friday and Sun day. " T" Th Bwitxerland of America. Stoat MaaTilflcexrt-' cayy In tsa World, SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to tha four-million dollar Cascade Locks and Return Leaving foot of WaahlnKloa atrect at ,.a. m., arriving bom at r. p. m. : Roond Trip Tickets $1.00 . ...... Telephone Main 142.. -JI.:.W. BYXHCEBs, OcneraT Manager, .: Fortland. Orr COLUMBIA RIYER SCENERY J'ortlnnd Tanoado Lockn--The 1 in lies. Boca to perfection from deck of , REGULATOR LINE f STEAMERS ;v pdilu I.ookn. Thursday und rrl day oT thla week on the paltl tlal ateamer - Bailey Gatzert" Ieavlna: 7. about t p. m. mt, returning Baaday Trips R raatura. TAndlnN ahd whnrf foot nt Alder atrect. For full. Infor mation Phona Main lit.- RAILBOAD AND STEAMBOAT TIME TABLES. net OREGOH AND union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 aj-aeeaiah Pnllmaa ataBdaTd aad taarUt a lee a. Ine eara M.llv te OOMba, CblcSCO. BBWhaael to aria t . aleenlns care dally to Kanaaa CUM throeah Pullinaa toerlst sleenlaf ears peeaoe ally coi.docted) weekly CDicaxo. ReeUsUd chair ears (seats frss) to the East dally; .UNION DEPOT.. -- Leaf ea. Arrlvaaw - CHICAOO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. B IS i Dail.; 'B:tBp.l Dally. For th Kaat- Slav Baa. laaton. SPOKANB FLYRB. For Eaatern Waahlair. ton. Walla Walla. Lew latna, Coeor d'Aleae A-1S n. I B -00 a- an. Daily. - Dally. . .ana areat lior Norther points. . ATLANTIC ' BXPBBVtS. a m i. as. T:tS B. I Dally. sea. iae Kaal- via Hunt Dally. - . inrtoa. Coluwbla River DinaloaT" FOB ASTORIA and war S 00 p. a, nolnta, coanertlnc with Dally. Afmr. for Ilwaee aadles."8unday. Neeth-Beecb.- etr.'Bsa-lBsturdav. A beat B.oo n. m. as. Saaday. saki. A ah -at. dock. p. ra. Tsmhill River Route. -run uai Tua-Qeaaual 1 I wir aaa Tanhllt River a. so. t T.-ao p. aa. points, atmra. Ruth aad ' I Dally. "rlT' Aab-at. dock.' lax. Sunday. 'ex. flaaday. inarer nermlttloe k 1 . 4 - anaks River Route. FOR LKWISTON, lda .r " -. S!4 ay nolnta frsat Tuesday Rlnarla.- Waah.. amrs. Tbursdsy Sr.kane and Lew1etoa.'8undar I A boat pat Monday Wedneedae .' Saturday TICKET OFFICE. Third and Waahledtea, TaW. , nRief la, - . . :r jt A. L. CRAIO, tieaaral Paaaeiurer AssaU east SOUTH - ".-. Leavsa. T7NION DEPOT. Arrlv OVERLAND BE PRESS tralna. for Saleta'Boee- burf, Aahlaad, - Baera- 8:80 p. B. uento. Oaden. Baa Fraav T J8 a. ctace, Btocktoa. Loa An te lea. El Paso. New Or Uans and tbe Baat. . Moraine train eoe necta - at Woedbora ' ' ' dally ' except-'- Sunday S:S0 a. a. wltb train for ML :10p, I AnaeL Slleertee. Brownsville. B p r I a e- field.- Wendttna aad Natron. . - Euaeae Dasseaeer eon. d no p. pi. necta st Woodburn wttb 10:SS a m. ' Mt. A nre I Bad Bllrar ton local. Corvallla passen-sr, Bherldaa paaaenaer. TrSO i d-no i sDslly, - - - -' - FortXand-Oawegs aWburbaa Barrios aad Taaxbill - Drtiatea.- - - - J - Depot foot of Jefferson street. Leave Portland dally for Oewero T:S0 a. e. .. lJ W, 2:iR. .4:00, B:8.- B M. T:4J1. 10: It p. m. Dally (except Sunday). 0:30. SO, B IB. m.i dOW," 11;30-P,. m. Buodsy-oaly. 9:00 a. m: - : Retumlnc from oevre(, BrfTrs Port rand dally S'311 a. m.t 1:M. 8:f. 4:(ln. B'2R, T:S, :M. , 1110 p. m. Dally, (except Sandayl 14, t tfl. :S0. 10:10. ll:l a. m. Except Moaday. 11:13 p. ra. Sunda only. 10:00 n. to Iesves from same depot for Dallaa and totar. mediate points dally 0:00 p. aa.- Arrive Port la n1 10:10 a. m. - Tha Independence-Won mouth Motes' Line onera tea -dally te Monmouth -and Atrlle,- eoa. nectlnc wltb Southern Padlle eompany'a traeka at Dallaa and Independence. ' First -claaa fare from Portland to Seers xaeete and Sen-Francisco 20. berths Vt aeoond-Ceaaa fare 11".. eecond-claaa bertha 2 BO. Tickets to Eaatern point; and Europe, Bit Jans a. China, Honolula and Australia. City Ticket Oftlee corner Third and WaaW lisyr.a eteeete. Pboee Main Til ft W. ST1N0ER. vV. B. COMAW,. Oty Ticket Aeat- ea. Ffea. AjeaA. TIME-CARD OF TRAINS iortlandi DAILY. UNION DEPOT. fan pa at Yellowatona Park-Kan ass City. sr.'Lwiis Sie clsl f t'hehalls, Cen tialla. otrmpla. Tlrays jlatlsir.. South Bend. Ta eoma. Seattle, 8ptane, Lewlaton. Huttev Hill Incs, llenver, 'Omaha. Kaoeas City. St. Louie and aoutheaat. -North mast Limited.' electric llalited. for Ta conia. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Mlrfneapolla. Bt. Paul and (he Kaat. Pnaet SVrnnd Limited.' for Chehalla. Centralta. 8:30 a. m. 4:80 p. . 1:00 p. Rfc 7:00 a. 4: JO p. tn. 10 :M p. I Taenma . and Seattle only. Twin City Express, for Taenma. Seattle, Spo kane, Helena, Butte, Yellowstone park. Min 11:48 p, B. :Mp, neapolis. Bt. Panl and tbe Eaat. A. D. CHARLTON. Aaalatant General Paa-enger A feat. . 2ft3 Morrlaon St.. Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon.,., Astoria &-Columbia River Railroad Co. - adT W m lanL- aoufta IO J Vcift .Lea rea. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. S OOa aa. For Ma years, fta'laler. 11:10 a. an. Dally.' Clafe.nt, - Weelseex, Dally. , CUftoa, A a tor U, War rentoaw. rlavel. Hasx BBoed. Fort Stevese, ' Grarhart Park, Seaside, j'..." ! Astoria aad Beaahora, a n si sea - O. F. and r.lA Aatarta. Oa. . C A. tTIWARTi -tVaiineretaJ Aiaat, U AVaef atreet. Phoee' Male But. ' . Ttakat Office) 189 Ur Bl Whamt M eB. TrAricontlnntsBJ e- - Trait? Dally eV FAST TIME MLNNJiAI'OI.lB. CHICAGO KJ Alia 1-UiNTH HAa i. . DayllRht trip through the ' and iW-f mountain For fo'l i alara, ratea, folder atav, aU a x. Dtcrrr r"- r:"l c 1M TUz Btoaet. l V -A , i. . . , -1" - " "