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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
:tiis. oiuicon daily journal, Portland. Thursday evening. juneTsT issi , The PcpH3r Expctlc.i Yet i : ing Contest " " ' IMPORTANT NOTICE! TO OABVXDATZS ABB TOOI 1 --Wa want la k It cleat to-tl our xrlende who an ' evincing eucn sntnuslaatio Interest In ths era nil edu cational feature now In progress at the Store the voting eontaat which decide ' selection Of , 10 pupils who will receive each a book or SO rBBS ADMXSjSIOBS to the- UWn AJT9 CIXK IXrOimoi-just how ac curately end carefully the count la being conducted, with what watchful neaa the votes are guarded U under lock and key from, the moment de posited, until final count ts mads end reeult entered upon the ledger, . and A KENT -THE . PUBLICATION '. OF THE VOTE. As Stated above, the re sult printed below Is up to 10 a, nv. tbls morning 4. e., OUR COUNT up to that time NOT the WHOLE NUM BER Of VOTES DEPOSITED, for IT 18 - IMPOSSIBLE -TO. EVER - IN CLUDE THE VOTES DEPOSITED WITHIN ! TO 4 HOURS OF PUB LICATION. For Instance, the result below Is really tha votes deposited up to WEDNESDAY AT t P. M. All Totes are twice counted and count vanned. It took the printers ft day to set this store announcement. All ad vertising matter from' this Store IS PREPARED TWO DAYS AHBAU. except in rare Instances, when occa sion calls for holding back copy. -So we ask our. young --friends not to as pect to see votes deposited yesterday published today for tboae votes are under tally by our counters as this matter goes to, press. Br'sraciAXi mbqvb or mou Of our patrons , we will on MONDAT NEXT publish the names of tha as ACTUAL LEADERS up to, Friday tomorrow at t p. m. Names will be published - In our regular announce ment In Journal, Oregonlan and Tele gram. ; Watch for 'em MONDAY. BELOW WB PUBLISH THE COUNT AT 1 A. M. TODAY. BUT THB AC TUAL1 VQTB UD to .WEDNESDAX AXIP.M. .-- - raOXAb BOTB No votes will be received In the office: all MUST PA88 THROUGH" TftB BOXaJ and regular channels to the counters. '. , ugm.T or rrrrnjr imtmoir - comtxst TAJrsrjro or ruts TffUTT II U a, V. V09ATI - lUliai bring, High tekeol ls.HO lUtta geldUi, Telltag kMl U,T7f Trmi Mma, Atklnaoa gaheol lO.tol Willie Btlpy, Atkiaeea SSt. ........ IS.Ms Lilllaa lim. Tkoneeea Sohol.... weUinrtea OllWt, Laaa School S.ltS Lrn Coowrt, Portlaad Aeedwy O.Me kvtk atnrpky, at. Marr'a Aotaany.... AMI Aarlaa gmitk, teeth tfortlaae Sofceel.. Traetoa Joaaeea. Hawiaorae aeaeeu.. jWthr AlluTMi SokMl Tl Smith. WUllaaie Ames Sokaai.. t.O t.eet l.47f Kvrtla Haiaea. Vertk Oeatnl lakool. -1.9 Tntn kULru. BMraaa Sohnnj ........ , . Maud Thaw, zkaapcaa soaooi.. ...... e.eev Ida Dtwle, Hawthorne tohaal.... 4.111 OladriOreekctt, Atklaaoa tobo!....,. 4.TM lee ww. JUgS KH..n .......a. VtVVT henry leUmaa. Hjsa nehoel. ....... SSS auta atarpay, u a. eat - Xfni SO.'. ii,iw..u. Tewi a a W9 -; trr.iii There's Manyo Bar gain in Petticoats Been grvsn by this house, but seldom a better . sne than embraced In this offering Of tomorrow.-a feature of the grand INTERNATIONAL SALES bow in progress - -v ,,. ANNEX SECOND FLOORr JCaa nt sunburst stylae Pettloats of nne mercerised sateen, ii-inen ac cord Ion- floueoe- with a-lnch - ruffle at bottom. . color' "red, brown, sray ami black, rerular price $5.00: special at, eacb $3.23 Ladles' Whit Cambria Pettlooats (extra full), ll-lnch lawn flaring flounce. I . clusters of flns tucks sack and lawn underruffle, regular price ft.00; specUl at, each.. 1.29 AL6M9 ' Rare Bargain Finds in the Small Wares Aisles . ; first rvoon: nbtaXi rmroAT nAvmmu or na -uiTEmxATiovAx. wuai" Card Shir BnMoaa Be White pearl - Shirt Buttons,- t r 4- hoJeev all elMe. 1 dosen on card: special at, eard.S? aper 10s Fias a Best English solid brass Ptns. all sites! regular Yalua 10c: special, papar ...... j.... ...5s Drees Shields 10s Plain whits naln- sook covered Dress Shields, all Slses. -light weight for summer ear spe cial at, pair .-lOf Wire Coat Hangers; special at v each ' ll1 SSo Shoe Vollsher aad Faata toe Combination felt Shoe Polisher, with Jar black Shoe Paste; regular value tSc; special, set 0 Box too Toilet Soap lta r"ancy per- fumed high, grsda milled Toilet Soap, 8. cakes In box; regular valua He; special, box -.,..-.....'. Bom ISO Toothpicks So Flat, smooth, finished Toothpicks, flnei quality; regular value 10o; speelal, box. ,.64 TBa Clothes' Bruahee 4Se Fine Clothes' Brushes, assorted stylss, ex tra quality; regular value 7&o; pe dal, each , ....464 lOo rape Bapklas Be for 100 Ameri can plain paper Napkins, colored bor ders; regular value 10c; special, fo loo. . ..... ... .......... 5 So Writing- rapes llo Box Writing Paper.-containing- - quire of paper In assorted tints, white, pink, gray and blue; regular value- J6e; peclal i 124 SSa Wrlttag rapes-'BOo Fine parch ment Writing Paper In 1 lb.. packets. cootslntng 110 - sheets of. paper, white and gray; regular valua etc; " pet is V pack 3 0 Sole Selling Agents for the world-famous "Royal Wor cester" Corsets and Bonnet et Cie's Silks in Portland. Immense and Superior Stocks of Summer Merchandise at Prices of Greatest Possible Popularityrthe lienote of Tomorrovv's FRIDAY BARGAINS GRAND rRIDAY "ECONOMY SALE" 1 A RecordSmashing Two-Day Sale of Outing and Shirtwaist Suits a Starts Here Tomorrow" ,'.!:: -.. In Portlaad's Largest and Foremost Apparel Store' -- . r.; r -2nd Floor Salons ... - - - CH an d so m e M oh air jhiirtwa3t Siflflts 'All -Ia latest modes and smartest 1905 fancies for summer .wf. resisting mohairs, popular and serv- ; ieeable fabrics' in blacks, browns and navies-la1n--nd' fetching fancy- mixtures and stylish " checks. , Etamines"-"and veilings also em braced in the .materials.. The waists ire with Bhhw,3leesirktf tHartC; plaited. Plain styles and trimmed jn iancy-braidsf regulaF-valuesr f rom $12.50 to - $25. Special for Friday: .d&?-!r:.Half-Pricc Summer Suits of White $6:50 Values for $3.78 Dainty,. prettjTmodelsof-FanCy Piquer an Lawnsrln charfrp inar shirtwaist and fancy styles, with trimmings of lace arid in- sertionsyery latest- sleeve-effects,-skirts-fancv-plaited anT ruffled; regular $6.60 values, iriday and saturaay :riP2 '70 only, , L ........ .. . ... $0 i O ' .' ' ........ i " -' . ' Special for Friday and Saturday Oijly. Ladies $5White LawnWaists Handsome White Lawn AVaists, beautifully trimmed, irtem- t J - J C mm. mimm.mA m A I . t A (m.m.4m .U mmm uroiacry anu iucks. ..ouiuc nc iiiiimmcu hu iuvku .iuii., uui. all over, trimmed in pretty embroideries, narrow and wide ef fects; regular $5 values. Special Friday and Sat- AO urday Jon. ....... 4. V. .... "JY House Wrappers in the Sale ! Women's $2 Percale House Wrappers, Prettiest Summer Dri3ss Goods Drasti- v 'cally Reduced for Friday Selling a ammaiatr rsArvma or .rmm "nrrBBBATiOBAZi saibs." ' ' All the wearing time's ahead. , We'ta mad iiwreeordi Hr aemnrXotton: Drees Pabries this season---took larger quantities than aver to do It. hence our ability to make better prices quantity buying does It. And, tha Silk Eollannes are beautiful Wash Oooda Alalea First Floor. . Z... oe etrxs soirmn sta. .. Silk Eollennea, a strong sheer fabric, lustrous finish, suitable for -suranrer and svenlng dresses, la pink, cardinal, brown, na)', '.cadet, champagne, ivory and black, regular value tOc; speclsl, yard 88f IPOTLAND GRDATE3T A1ND FOREMOGT OTORE -HOth Grand THE BEST FRIDAY BARGAIN SALE WE'VE EVER HAD. Nothing but new things areoffcrod---thick: generous slices from warm Waves, not bread redding scraps. The reason for, ,it? Larger business,' the greatest Spring arid early Summer business ever known in the .store's 'bistory--and bargains have piled up wonderfully. Scan the detail carefully and with, a pencil put a cross on" the items that appeal td you. ..Then fetch this page along and shop systematically, : saving -time . and. strength; '. ;.; .Sl' ,' " Dust PrettyPercale materials, "In grays, rJai black and white, blue and white, red and white, etc. Fetching floral and con ventional' designs, narrow and w,ide collars, Bishop sleeves, flounce styles and " prettily trimmed -in-4rmdsi-nrir:tm-- broidenes ; .values to $2. : Jr ri dy and Saturday ' ; QO-. only, for.,.. ...... .....yOL l;DI:-:J;":(Il;WAL SALES) morn cimil &aov fe ot lead, axpoaltlom and Orefoa SovveaUrs. The laageat atook asA gveeek vartety la km alty, at Wts prioea. Oalaaa, aad aaolaalva aoveltteje aot skewa als- Visit the. Free Cake-Baking "School on Third Floor ; , Lessons 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 Daily. friday Economy Sale!" ZBTBBVATIOBAX BAXSS) Splt3ndid Household tlargains To Ska rrlday Boonomy Bisat i yoartk Tlo Take Bleratoj S . -. MmSMS Oeaaaaatlf. -rr SS.00 JmkXJM OtTBTAZB 9UvL . Plain 'Cream-Colored Scrim Ruffled Curtains. flnlshed with - Battenberg dge-and -tnaertton yards long, regular value I special, - - pair .... ... . . . ...... .(1.38 Sa.00 COTCV OOVBBB SIM. Heavy Tapestry Coucn Covers, ori ental dl(n, fringed all erouna. regular valua 11.00; special, v - . aach v.. ....... v .... . . . ; , 91.35 ; sso.00 aooABTS sis.50.. Children's Oocarts .1 with adjustable. back, footrest, automobile gear, pat ent antl-frictlon wheel fasteners, up holstered sides, complete with cush ion anffTWitrTetlatrvatu-t.r special,: each ........ . ... 9 1 5.5Q AJI XBTBBJrATIOBAl, SAXS QT ' SOXBTIXAATarCI PtCIALS: roB boobomtt sax.b txxbs t-lnch'gol. , neat cutting1. regular valua. fS.00; special, eaoh...,B3.45 Sugar and Creams, square shape, regu lar value n.OO; special, pair.. 93.45 ' , WBXBXiWXHS OU'l'lUfO. . Water Bottles, square shapes, regular 'value 8.6e: special,-eacn...-.pp Tumblers to match, reguUr vslus $21.00 doa; speclsl, dos....$15.00 Decanters with handles, regulsr value 110.80; special, each -97.40 Wine Olaaaes, regular . value til. 00 doa; special, doa. ....... .915.00 Claret Olaases, regular value 114.00 -doa--apedal, doa .... . r .9 1 T.OO Beueer Champagnes, regular - value -ItlLOL.doa; special, dog 934.00 Ooblets. regular valua . $10.00 dos.; special, doa 934.00 All our lines of Cut Glass at spe elal prices. Over 1.100 articles to se lect from. Everything for table, use ful and ornamental. . j . rmt?-VrjrTBBATTOWAXi saxxi 1-bxdat BOOKOirr sraoiAxa . IB Women's Knit Underwear and C Hosiery5hop Womea's tl.00 Vaioa Batta "White cotton Merode Union Suits, msde of fine soft cotton, extra eUk trimmed, half open., front, long -sleeves., kneaUangtlU-regu'sryalua $1.00: special, each 69 Womea's ate Vesta aad Tifkta Mo White Merode knit Merino Veets and Tights, light summer weight, sects - with long sleevee, .tlahte ankle length: regular vslue Ite;- special, each . .;..63l OaUdraa'i SSa Stosa lSo Children's .fine black Maco cotton Hoea, fins ribbed, finished foot; regular valua ISc; special, pair ..............18 Oknarea'a SOa Vaderwaiata lae-. Children's white "knit Underwalsta. eumaer weight, strongly made; regu lar value 20e; ipeclal, eacb.....iaT S Tarts Shelf rape Sa Fancy lace -edge Shelf Paper, all colors,. I yards in piece; special at. ......... ....Zl Free Embroidery Lessons Given by Expert Teachers -, in Needlework Art Shop Annex Second Floor. INTERNATIONAL SALE SPtCUL ANOTHER PIECE QT ; By Special Wire (frame sale) ' From JBljou: Millinery Salons. y ;., ' Annex Second Floor. r., . , t Stylish Wire Hat Framesy 25c Hundreds of ladies who .do .their own millinery conjuring and creating atThome ." or Jh'ave it this-news with, ddightThe.excitemtotiiurMiUineryJSales Have created this seas6nlHeHKugmeritelJy " tomorrow's bar- gain flyers. 11 Another Lot of values to $2.50 at 49c But 200 pieces in the lot, yet a big variety of colorings. To help along the sale of braids we have" secured a lot of 50crWireLFramesitfeirc 25c "Aplendidariety'ofirifiealest, most wanted shapes includ ing turbans, polos. "Maxine ElHojg.etc ; regular 50c Cv values. Special Friday at. . . . . . . ..XtjL TB3 JBTBXBATTOBAXi S AXB'BLBBAT. STBCTXAX.- BAB4AIBB XW Tl 1 1 . ON THB :;."-- V -"Fair Way, A Grand 2-Day Bargain Event Friday, and Saturday Great specials In Summer Tans a two-days' sale EVERT . PAIR OF TAN LACK AND BUTTON SHOES REDUCED. An actual, bonaflde reduc tion and a marked saving to you. Our stock of these shoes' Is tea greet; we must strike A Balance. A generous choosing of full lines snd styles In this sals. Tou ars sure ef being suited and fitted. We have each Una In all nd.wldths. All-new goods maee this seaeoir. Note the prlcee and" reductions . - Women's Champagne Lace (Bering Shoe Co.). regular valua lt.00; .special. pair . .' -93.50 omen'slghrBhaasusstsTLeather (Plngree A Co.). regularjau $4.00;. I I i I I I 1 l I IL,. , '.., Women's Dark Shade Russia Leathef special, pair .77". 92.95 Women's Medium Shade Russia Leather(Duttenhofr: A t Sons).: regular " value $4.00; special, pair 93.16 Women' Chocolate Vlcl Kid Button (Bering Shoe Co.), regular.valus $4.00; ..speclsl. pelr V'' 93.00 Women's ChooolaU Vlcl Kid Lace (Bering Shoe' Co.). "regular valua $4.00; special, pair' .93.00 Women's -Vlcl.Kid lciHjirvey gtXa.L-rgularalua$.oOigpeclaL pslr 777; . .T. v 92.35 . SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL SALE Bargains in Colored , Dress Goods - FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . , - SOUTH 'Extra special prices on our regular $ grade Silk and -W00U French Crepe - de Paris and Caiitas, in ths f ollowlng.ahadeaixl Creams pink.-light blue, ? nils green,7navy, roysl." Reseda, grays, champagne, bronse, myrt'e. Ameri can Beauty, cadet, Parsifal, caster-and black; speclsl for Friday and Sat- -. urday only,, ths yard ,.,..,.... .n. ................ '. . ... . 91.29 Also our regular $1.3S grades of Novelty Panamas, Novelty Mohair Pansma - Voiles, Neat Suitings tn ths wanted Twisted Weaves, English Covsrt Cloths and Panama Shepherd Checks, every new wanted color In the as sortment; special for Friday and-Saturday only, the yard. .82a Swell Black Silk and Wool Dress Goods the newest weaves and most wanted Chiffon Voile and Crepe da Psrls In Regular $1.10 quality; special Reaulir $1.00 quality; special, Regulsr $1.10 qnai.ty; apeclal TBTBBJrATIOBAX. SAX.BS" BOOBOBTT SrBOXAXB XB Jewelry and FIRST FLOOft-rWEST ' BOTS' WATOX A 10$ Boys' Nickel Watches' with chains,, at, each ..j-..............,.... ....... ....... ' WOimt gS.00 XAB1 BACM A llnw of pretty new style Leather Hand Baga In black, brown, tan. green snd blue, with complete Inelds fittings, nicely' lined and with dursblo . ta metal and gilt frames. Ana quality lesther bsndles, regular value $1.1.; special, each , . ..--....93.29 - ' WOBtBBTS SSa 'GBTfR XAATatBB) JllAt 'dOa, A lot of Crush Leather Belts In black, brown .snd tan, with gUt buckles, rcu- 'ler value lie; special, each..... ..'...494 . WOnrBBB SITS fcBATSngB BBX.TB SlJa. A lot of high grade Leather Belts In our regulsr $l-"l value; special. FRIDAY BARGAINS GRAND FRIDAY 'ECONOMY SALE" Good News Home IVlilliiierst MM done by 8mallmillinerswill 1iail Straw Braids SHOE AISLE . .... B3.SV (Plngree Gloria), regular value fabrics made euh aa Poplin de Chene, srai 1 St ill fnaiigg ig iiurviif wwircar il only, yard .......... ...... , -91.98 1. only, yard i ........ J2.48 iX Oflljr, JTaVrd tarare a - eaaa 0 leleOS plain and novelty weaves- Leather Goods ANNEX. OBtAXV Sta. ' well mads, keep good time; special 89a black, browa and tan. perfectly f ttlrr sch . Sale Extrcordlr.cry dfllandsomely Em- 7 broideredShirt waist Patterns ab mroaTxa, bobobb o a AOBxrxcBB : WXM . . BBTima wen To.trs. . A leading New Jor Importer grew very opumkatio over tfte spring ana Summer buelhees whew ha-; ereat abroad to make his salecttona laet year, overestimated his outlet, and the stream of trade leading eut front bis salearooms became cleaved with too many goods, i" Our chief buyer at the New York end Is a verltabls "Sher lock Holmes" in ferreting out- ouch cases and found this. When a man s In trouble it'a eaey making terms and our buyer found thlnge hie way. An offer a quick acceptance and thousands of dollars' worth of ele. gant. beautifully . embroidered. Btiirt waist., patterns changed . owners. "Preeto, change!" and they're gone again' to TOU at- sensational sale prices for FRIDAT and SATURDAY. A star featura of the end-of-week sale. Read. ,. . . EMBROIDERED' SHIRTWAIST PAT TERNS IN COLORS. ' SEE ' . FIFTH STREET ; WINDOW. St-00 Sairewala, rattens Mads Of cotton -Etamlne olotha; i regular value $1.00; special, each.... 91.85 Msde of India' llnon; regular value $1.00; special, each 91.35 91.TS. Bhlrtwalst ratteraa Stos In - plain embroidered Chambray: regu- lr value $L.?5; apeclal. each.9i.OS In white lawn; -regular value 1178; special, each 91.05 SaJO blrtwalst rattens 9M El ganr molred or watered effecto; also bopaacklngs In. white, heavily. em . aroidereo; regular value 14.50: spe elal. each ......j,;;..., 93.98 a.15 Bhlrtwalst raretras S1JO In .very fine embroidered .Swlas, plain tr with -stripe; Tegular valua $1.21; ' special, each ...... ... .91.00 SS.M Shirtwaist rattearas $UI I oeautirui emDroldered Morlne cloths; regulsr value $2.60; special, ach .. ............ ;91.K9 In -cotton Ottoman . cloth; regular vaiue.3.z; special, each... .91.59 TO XBTZBBATXOBAXi SAXB TMU. BAT AT "BOTAI. WOBOBVTBB" ' OOTriTiB Ajrnz gjo. obb rxooa. $2.00pBust"Stip porters $1.39 PrJ Ladies' Satin Ribbon Bust 'Supporters with - Valenciennes lace insertion shoulder-straps and bow -trimmed colors light blue. - pink and white. Iespeclally adapted for a-full figure, sisea is-tf. at Royal -woiceater1 Corset counter, regular $1.00; , speelal at ... .., v91.89 BBATIOBAXi SAXB SrBOIAX. In the Art Shop tANNEX BECQND-JIm. I2c Only for 35c Doilies 2 Fine White Linen 1 1-Inch 'Doilies, square or round, soelloped edge' em- . broldered. soms with hemstitching, all stamped In floral ar eonventtonal design, regular price Ho; apeclal at, pair ............. .........XX4 The Great Sale of Handsome Novelty Silks ' oosrrarvM fbidat. ovrs abbbx raurr rXooa. "Vovatty Bntt 0QkS Thousands' of yards of our regular $1.1$ valuea for Friday and Saturday only at MP the Yard Every yerd ef the soots ars all new "110$ weaves and "colors, and aj-ei- r""mitchable In any othsr stors In -Amsrlca at Iss than $1.15 per yard, butour price fortwojmora4lays .only at, ths yard. 784 Hats for the Tots Bedaeed tor Friday Balliaf Special. tor aa MXasnatlOBa Sale" la Baby-to-Klae skope eeoad moor. : i-, Children's kfull and . Chiffon Hats, 'shirred oa ruffled crown, lacf.and wide rlbbontlrimmed, soms with dainty hematlteMng, regular prlcee $1.00 to $.I0; spteclal at.... -92.29 ,.. . t .... . TBIOX.OOT or nUBAT BOOB- , OaTT SFBOIAXS IB FIRST-FLOORr-WEST . ANNEX MBBTB BABOAXBS IB TBTB H" TBBBATIOBAXi laUl ' Men's SL0O Oolf airta Saa Men s Golf Shirts I all tha very newest effects, with plain snd plaited fronts; our best $1.00 value; epet4, each. .......... ....... . .-Cm$ Man's Me Oadarwaaa S3e A sme'l lot of Men's open raeeh l'nderw.r la ecru; regular vs'ae i0c sp-" ', to close out. garment ........... Or suit . ..C I-ta-S SOa Sea 10a Men's s i Sos la black and tan, good r we'-ht; best 100 value. I. '. ( rlr Shop f -1